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Leodavinci2.Pdf Activities Did you know?... Leonardo da Vinci was left handed He dissected over 30 people and many animals He painted some of the most famous paintings in the world He was a vegetarian He was from the town of Vinci in Italy, da Vinci means ‘of Vinci’ He was an artist, scientist, inventor, composer and more! He designed a robot He was fascinated by birds and flight He bought caged birds to set them free Leonardo Da Vinci made lots of discoveries many years before things were ‘invented’ Follow in Leonardo da Vinci’s footsteps and design your own fantastic flying machine. What parts will you use for your invention? Why do you think that Which Leonardo da Vinci Dundee was chosen as drawing is your favorite? the only Scottish place to see this exhibition? Which of the ten drawings If Leonardo da Vinci were do you think would have alive today, what do you been hardest to create? think he would he invent? discuss Create a mural for a grand royal banquet hall Leonardo da Vinci often wrote in mirror image. Hold a mirror against the line to see the whole picture. Can you think of A more symmetrical shapes to draw? C H M Q Which of these letters are symmetrical? - - - Can you draw Leonardo’s horse using only the shapes below? Mona Lisa Renaissance Sfumato Leonardo’s Dream Machines Aerial Screw Florence, Italy The Louvre Leonardo’s Robot The Last Supper Viola Organista Vitruvian Man research Bird’s Eye View! Create a map of your classroom Can you design a theatre set and some fancy costumed actors? Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci loved geometry? His sketchbooks were full of diagrams & drawings of geometric shapes. He even invented his own compasses to help him create perfect shapes. Use these templates to make your own 3D shapes. What 2D shapes can you see? Try filling these objects with sand; which one holds the most? This is the one with the biggest volume. What is the name of this object? How many faces can you count?.
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