Terminology Charts Used in Euratom's Nuclear Documentation System
<% 3* m EUR SOO e (SECOND EDITION, PART TWO) EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY EURATOM EURATOMTHESAURUS PART II TERMINOLOGY CHARTS USED IN EURATOM'S NUCLEAR DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM : M m 'φ -&i-}*0 t ,tn,t.f I» : i&i M Dissemination of Information m Center for Information and Documentation CID Ufi«2r «WA m . Pili * Ali UIA'" pp?. »♦"■'Ι' " l»lt m: mk m- piu** m'ti *ΓΛ PIA This document was prepared under the sponsorship of the iilli of the European Communities. :|ÍBÍ|Í|ÍBKÍÍ,:''!:?; to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information con jji?J|ijjj|j : IJ;Pipili. tained in this document, or that the use of any information, apparatus, * H" ^ ''¡ti method, or process disclosed in this document may not infringe ¡J^flrøl^j'wiPHii'w'ii" kJ privately „„ed ri8ht,; or #|^1|1Α «tifi Assume any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting _ j·^ : from the use of any information, apparatus, method or process inJiiSijiHj M ¡ m disclosed in this document. ΜΙ<\\',Λ?;> mr Mf«í ţmwm . ,. .{¡¿» ÎAÎ.Ï .»rf U t~U ui'. tOJ. at the price of FF 30, FB 300,— DM 24,— Lit. 3740 Fl. 21,60 $ 6 — m When ordering, please quote the EUR number and the title, ίίη^ί.« Γ which are indicated on the cover of each report. ÍÍRAHÜÍ fm Printed by Guyot Brussels, December w II EUR SOO e (SECOND EDITION, PART TWO) EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY - EURATOM EURATOM-THESAURUS PART II TERMINOLOGY CHARTS USED IN EURATOM'S NUCLEAR DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM 1967 PARtEriEflT EUROPErn Dissemination of Information « 031897 C-yvvi, Center for Information and
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