CHAPTER 2 Aging, Health, and the Environment: An Ecological Model

Marlon Maus and William A. Satariano


Research into the epidemiology of aging is an increasingly complex discipline in the face of a growing older population and the exponential growth of information in the field. To study, measure, describe, and test the multiple factors and hypotheses that make up the study of aging in the 21st century requires a conceptual framework that takes into account these numerous components. The ecological model is exceptionally well suited to consider the various determinants of health at multiple levels. In the framework used in this text, the model is essentially integrated into a life course perspective, as it is now generally accepted that factors occurring early in life have an important effect on how people age. The concept of “place,” which suggests that where people age, including the built environment, is an essential contextual element that must also be incorporated when exploring the field of aging.


ecological model epidemiology of aging aging research life course perspective resilience

Image: Hands © Shutterstock, Inc./Dewald Kirsten; Buildings © Shutterstock, Inc./Bariskina


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and longevity by considering the determinants ▸▸ Introduction: Why Use of health at various levels from the individual an Ecological Model and the interpersonal to the community and policy levels over the life course. The original and a Life Course IOM model is adapted here to illustrate the determinants and ecological nature of health Perspective in the across the life course and includes elements such as biological factors, personal relation- Epidemiology of Aging? ships, community contexts, and wider societal factors, as well as traditional demographics Epidemiology has been defined as the study such as place, gender, race, ethnicity, and and analysis of the patterns, causes, and effects socioeconomic status (Committee on Assur- of health and disease conditions in defined ing the Health of the Public in the 21st Cen- populations. It is one of the main pillars of , as it helps design the studies tury, 2002). In addition, we incorporate more and interventions that support evidence-based recent work that has been done to enhance our practices and that shape the policy decisions understanding of “life course” and “place”— that are ultimately responsible for how con- two key components of the ecological model. temporary health care is typically provided. We advocate that an ecological framework life course perspective When epidemiology targets the fast-growing with a is the ideal aging population, it must address various top- lens that can treat the interaction between fac- ics that are related to health, functioning, and tors at different levels with equal importance longevity. Some of the leading areas of research to the factors within a single level (Violence include the effects of age and aging on survival Prevention ­Alliance, 2016). and mortality and the causes of death; physical Many appeals have been made to move functioning, disability, and activities of every- modern epidemiology from the study of prox- day life; cognitive functioning; depression and imate, individual-level risks to the social‒­ other psychosocial disorders; falls and injuries; ecological perspective that would allow frailty and geriatric syndromes; and, of course, greater insights into the complex social and disease and comorbidities. environmental systems that are the context for Ample evidence shows that no single health and disease; thinking about population factor can explain why some people—and, health; and using life course models of dis- indeed, some populations—are able to do well ease risk acquisition (McMichael, 1999). This as they age, whereas others do not (Violence approach is particularly important in view of Prevention Alliance, 2016). Rather, it is the how the growing world population and eco- interactions among the many factors, at many nomic activity are affecting the environment levels and over the life course, that determine and its relationship with the health of an aging the health outcomes we are considering. population. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has The ecological approach is contextual in defined the ecological model as “a model of nature and requires an awareness of the mul- health that emphasizes the linkages and rela- tifaceted nature of the conditions and moti- tionships among multiple factors (or determi- vations for the expression of behavior across nants) affecting health” (Gebbie, Rosenstock, environmental conditions (Kelly, 2006). The & Hernandez, 2003, p. 1). In the first edition ecological approach both to research and of this text, the ecological model was used as practice has been described as having four a conceptual framework that focuses on the constituent facets: (1) It takes into account age-associated patterns of health, functioning, the interrelationships of persons and settings,

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(2) It is based on ecological knowledge, (3) It mentioned in this text’s title becomes indis- uses a collaborative style, and (4) It is based on pensable. The study and research of health in social processes (Kelly, 2006). the 21st century must take place in a vastly The ecological model provides a sense more interconnected world. In such a world of “the big picture” by enabling epidemiolog- of networks, mathematical models show that ical research in aging to combine knowledge even though most nodes are not neighbors of from a wide range of scientific disciplines, one another, most nodes can be reached from including the biologic, behavioral, social, and every other node by a small number of hops environmental health sciences. Whereas the or steps (Telesford, Joyce, Hayasaka, Burdette, ecological model focuses on a static picture of & Laurienti, 2011). These nodes, representing an individual or a population, the addition of individuals, their peer groups, families, com- a life course perspective provides a temporal munities, schools, and workplaces, are embed- progression that connects the various elements ded in the broad economic, cultural, social, of an ecological model to the health outcomes and physical environmental conditions at the at the various stages of life. As an example, local, national, and global levels, and are now studies show that in utero exposure to the intimately interconnected by technology, such 1918 flu pandemic had long-lasting negative as social media or ubiquitous transportation. health consequences much later in life, includ- Moreover, all of these interactions are taking ing a higher probability of developing coro- place in the context of potentially cataclysmic nary heart disease, diabetes, kidney disorders, events that know no geographic borders, such or generally poor health (Garthwaite, 2008). as climate change and massive population Other evidence shows that a cohort with fetal migrations resulting from political, economic, exposure to a pandemic performs significantly and environmental events. worse in terms of educational attainment and has a lower chance of marriage than its con- temporaries without such exposure (Neelsen & Stratmann, 2012). This concept is explored ▸▸ The Ecological Model in greater detail in the chapter on early-life In this section, we present an ecological model predictors of late-life health. with a life course perspective that serves as It is not just the events very early in life the framework for the other chapters in this that manifest themselves as changes in health text, and is intended to be used as a guide for late in life. In fact, events occurring at every what is being done and an agenda for what stage in life affect subsequent stages of life. The should be done in the field of the epidemiol- cumulative progression that occurs over the ogy of aging. By looking at key topic areas in life course can include both events with nega- this field as outcomes rather than as distinct tive effects and events with positive effects. In areas of research, we suggest that the following addition, these events can, and do, take place areas are intimately interrelated: survival and at every level of the ecological model through- mortality; physical functioning and activities out the life course. Community and societal of everyday life; crashes; cognitive function- events, such as an economic recession or a ing; depression; falls and injuries; and disease war, may have as powerful effects on health and comorbidities. In addition, we attempt to outcomes later in life as those occurring at the integrate the conclusions from these discus- individual biological level. sions into a blueprint for future directions that Finally, for a universal and comprehen- may help researchers, students, and practi- sive understanding of the epidemiology tioners plan for potential activities and allocate of aging, the “global perspective” approach resources.

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An Overview that shape patterns of health and of disease as well as our responses to them over the entire As the fraction of older adults in the world life cycle (Fielding, Teutsch, & Breslow, 2010). population continues to increase, the need to Some of the determinants of health in the fulfill the World Health Organization’s (WHO, ecological model are listed in TABLE 2-1. For 1946) definition of health—“a state of complete communities to be healthy, meaning that they physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or ­infirmity”— have the capacity to allow each individual to be takes on a new level of urgency. The medical healthy, they must address all of these factors. model that has dominated the U.S. healthcare The idea of a social ecological perspective system since the 19th century and for much has its origins in the writings of Kurt Lewin, of the 20th century is an untenable approach starting in the 1930s. Lewin (1935) sought to to preventing disease, improving health, and understand how individuals and their social maintaining a state of well-being in older environments mutually affect each other adults. No longer is it sufficient to look at across the lifespan. While originating in the only disease and injury and their outcomes; field of social , the ecological per- instead, it is necessary to recognize the impor- spective has actually been used in various tance of the social and physical environments disciplines for more than a century (Green,

TABLE 2-1 Examples of Determinants of Health Within an Ecological Model

Biological Factors Living and Working Conditions

Genetic characteristics Employment/living wage Lipid levels Income Educational attainment Healthy homes Walkable communities Transportation systems

Individual Behaviors Broad Social, Economic, Cultural, Health, and Environmental Conditions and Policies at the Global, National, State, and Local Levels

Physical activity Climate change Diet Medical care system Tobacco use Air pollution Discrimination and stigma Social, Family, and Community War, terrorism, natural disaster Networks Agricultural policy

Social support/social capital Intact families Schools

Reproduced from: Fielding JE, Steven Teutsch MD M, Breslow L. A framework for public health in the United States. Public Health Reviews. 2010; 32:174., Table 1.

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Richard, & Potvin, 1996). Barker (1968; writ- community, and policy levels (McLeroy, ing in the field of “ecological psychology”), Bibeau, Steckler, & Glanz, 1988). Bronfenbrenner, and others began to extend In the 1980s, the approach led to the the ecological perspective to account for the development of variations of the ecological complexity of individuals developing within model that have been widely used in health embedded systems. Bronfenbrenner (1979), promotion, health psychology, epidemiology, in particular, specified micro-, meso-, exo-, and maternal and child health. Today, these and macro-subsystems as constituting the set- variations continue to expand and replace tings and life space within which an individual limited behavioral change models as means develops. These levels correspond to the con- to investigate the relationship between global centric circle levels depicted in FIGURE 2-1. In environmental change and human health this model, each of the subsystems influences (Stokols, 1992). For example, there is cur- the individual and the other subsystems and rently a considerable enthusiasm for using an helps us understand behavior in the context ecological approach in public health and epi- of the interplay between the individual and demiology. The ecological model has become the environment. McLeroy further defined an integral component of public health these concentric circles as a comprehensive training and competencies, such as those social ecological model for health promo- developed by the Association of Schools and tion that depicts interrelated systems at the Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) and by intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, the Council on Linkages Between Academia

Action Model to Achieve Healthy People 2020 Overarching Goals

Determinants of Health

economic, cul ial, tura oc l, S he d nd working a a a co lth ro ing n , B iv di a L c tio n and omm n d ly un s i ity e Interventions am n Outcomes f n v , ual b e i l id eh t r iv w o ia d av c n i o m o I Innate o r e • Behavioral outcomes r k S • Policies individual n t a • Specific risk factors,

traits: age, sex l

• Programs c

race and o diseases, and conditions

• Information n

biological d




i • Injuries


factors o

e n

v s

e • Well-being and health-



Across life course





c related Quality of Life

p o



d l



n • Health equity

i a

















n l o o i r b a a n l


Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation & Dissemination FIGURE 2-1 Action model to achieve the Healthy People 2020 overarching goals Reproduced from: CDC. Healthy People 2020. Secretary’s advisory committee on health promotion and disease prevention objectives for 2020. In: Services USDoHaH, editor. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 2010.

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and Public Health Practice (Public Health the epidemiology of aging. For the practitioner, Foundation [PHF]). use of the ecological models makes it more The ecological model also serves as the likely that interventions will be more effective basis for various position documents by lead- by addressing determinants at all levels. ing national and international organizations, A practical example of the application including Healthy People 2010, which out- of the ecological model is in tobacco control, lines the U.S. public health agenda for the first where multilevel interventions, including part of the 21st century (U.S. Department of environmental and policy components, have Health and Human Services, 2000); the IOM been effective in creating long-term, popula- (2001) reports on health behaviors; and the tion-wide improvements in health behavior model proposed for the National Institutes and health outcomes (Healthy People 2020, of Health (NIH) population disparities cen- 2010). The ecological model suggests that ters (Warnecke­ et al., 2008). Its usefulness and the need for supportive social and physical applicability to various populations and settings environments, together with motivation and make the ecological framework ideal for use instruction, is necessary to produce wide- in the international public health arena, such spread and long-lasting change. as WHO’s (2004) Global Strategy on Diet and In this text, topics are considered as health Physical Activity and Health, WHO’s (2003b) outcomes of an aging population. For each Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, topic, we must keep in mind the ecological the Bangkok Charter on Health Promotion in a model where the determinants of health act at Globalized World (2006), and the Ottawa Char- multiple levels, and recognize that the deter- ter on Health Promotion (WHO, 1996). minants and ecological nature of health act Finally, the ecological model is able to take across the life course. This model also serves to into account various determinants of health in a connect possible interventions in public health broader context, making it especially relevant in with their health outcomes by identifying mul- view of the need to address social inequalities in tiple points of possible intervention—from the health such as socioeconomic, cultural, racial, and microbiologic to the environmental levels—to ethnic factors, as well as the built environment postpone the risks of disease, disability, and and access to health care (Krieger, 2001; Marmot, death, and to enhance the chances for health, Friel, Bell, Houweling, & Taylor, 2008; Marmot & mobility, and longevity. Wilkinson, 2005; Wilkinson & Marmot, 2003). Historically, the visual metaphor for the ecological model is based on Bronfenbren- ner’s theory of development and seeks to cap- What Is It? ture the multilevel, integrated quality of this An ecological model is predicated on the idea model (McLaren & Hawe, 2005). This depic- that health and health behaviors are determined tion consists of a series of concentric circles, by influences at multiple levels, including per- each of which represents a level of influence sonal (i.e., biological, psychological), behavioral, on behavior exerted by the overall physical organizational/institutional, environmental (i.e., environment, which in turn contains societies social and physical), and policy levels. It assumes and populations (the epidemiological terrain), that the dynamic interrelationships among these public policy, community, organizations, inter- health determinants throughout the life course personal processes, single individuals, intra- result in patterns of health and well-be­ ing for personal factors, and individual physiological individuals, families, and ­communities ­(Smedley systems, tissues, and cells, and finally (in biol- & Syme, 2001). ogy) molecules. There is an explicit assump- This model is useful to the researcher, for tion of interactions and reciprocal influences whom it provides a framework for the study of among the various levels.

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In the original version of the model, there adolescence, and adult life to changes in health was no overt consideration of the effect of and disease risk later in life (Kuh, ­Richards, a life course perspective. Indeed, it was not ­Cooper, Hardy, & Ben-Shlomo, 2013). Such a until relatively recently that the importance multidisciplinary framework helps us under- of devoting explicit attention to human devel- stand the importance of time and timing in asso- opment across the life course became evident, ciations between exposures and outcomes at the as researchers realized that exposures in early individual and population levels (Lynch & Davey life can be linked to outcomes in later life Smith, 2005). This approach aims to consider (Healthy People 2020, 2010). The perinatal and the way that time and timing of various factors, adult periods can be connected by studying such as physical growth, reproduction, infection, how ­early-life factors, together with later-life­ social mobility, and behavioral transitions, influ- ­factors, contribute to health outcomes (Lynch ence health and disease in older adults, and how & Davey Smith, 2005). The implication is that these temporal processes are interconnected and the different factors that operate within the manifested in population-level disease trends nested genetic, biological, behavioral, social, (Lynch & Davey Smith, 2005). and economic contexts change as a person Historically, as research experience with a develops (Healthy People 2020, 2010). life course approach increased, particularly in the epidemiology of chronic diseases, various mod- els were proposed. These models distinguished ▸▸ between critical or sensitive period models (with The Life Course or without later-life modifiers) and risk accumu- Perspective lation models, attempting to identify both the timing and the type of exposures and to deter- One of the essential features of the ecological mine when in the life course these exposures “get model used in this text is that it integrates a life under the skin” and leave biological imprints that course perspective in its application to the epi- later may manifest as adult chronic conditions demiology of aging. This approach is consistent (Kuh & Ben-Shlomo, 2016). with the current trends in public health prac- Essentially, these models represent the tice and research, as noted by the Healthy People mechanisms by which exposures are believed 2020 (2010) report. One of the overarching goals to influence the development of health and in this report is the application of an ecologi- disease over the life course (Healthy People cal model that promotes “healthy development 2020, 2010). In the critical periods model, and healthy behaviors at every stage of life.” the biological or behavioral systems are “pro- The rationale underlying this application stems grammed” during periods of high sensitivity. It from the fact that the various determinants of is hypothesized that specific exposures (such as health and the context in which they interact, low birth weight) during times of rapid growth including genetic, biological, behavioral, social, and development affect the risk of disease later and economic factors, change as a person devel- in life by adjusting the structure or function of ops. Thus, a life course perspective is critical as organs, tissues, and body systems (Kuh & Ben- we look to improve the health and quality of life Shlomo, 2016). Later risk factors may or may of older adults and aging populations. not modify these biological imprints. The risk accumulation model proposes that the exposures and their effects accumu- An Overview late over the life course, like weathering of A life course perspective examines the biological the landscape over time. Such a model sug- and behavioral pathways that link physical and gests that adverse exposures at any stage in life social exposures during gestation, ­childhood, cause biological system damage, which then

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manifests as chronic disease later in life. An divide the life course into discrete blocks (e.g., alternative explanation is that a sequence of infancy, childhood) to facilitate monitoring. these exposures (“chain of risk”) accumulates, Thus, the life stages approach is cross sectional, but it is the final event that causes damage to and it offers a way to break up the life course health (Kuh & Ben-Shlomo, 2016). into easily measured stages (Healthy People A third important mechanism influencing 2020, 2010). In contrast, the developmental these models is the concept that there is a path- stages approach is longitudinal, and offers a way way process whereby factors in the social and to examine the impact of early life experiences physical environment reinforce other influ- and exposures on health status later in life. ences (Healthy People 2020, 2010). An important development in the epide- miology of aging is the idea that there is much to be learned by studying the whole spectrum What Is It? of health and aging, from those individuals The Healthy People 2020 (2010) report states who are aging well and have the best health that an important aim of studying social and (i.e., the highest-functioning individuals) to physical environmental factors is to increase those who have the worst health or are expe- health equity. To do so, it is necessary to rec- riencing accelerated aging (Kuh et al., 2013). ognize the substantial, often cumulative effects This notion introduces two concepts based on of socioeconomic status and related factors on the fact that any research or studies performed health, functioning, and well-being from birth on older populations are done on the survi- throughout the life course. These effects occur vors who have lived long enough to get old: (1) across all ecological levels (individual, social Individuals may have an intrinsic functional and physical environmental, societal). or structural reserve, and (2) There may be a There are two distinct approaches to study- compensatory reserve based on the resilience ing human development over the life course: of the individual. the “life stages” approach and “developmental FIGURE 2-2 illustrates the notion of a func- stages” approach. These approaches are comple- tional or structural reserve by showing the mentary and overlapping. Life stages are used to functional trajectories of body functions and

Functional/structural Adult risk factors 50 reserve



20 A Level below which Level of function Level B

life risk factors life limitations may occur ly 10 C Ear D 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Years of life FIGURE 2-2 Functional trajectories of body functions and structures over the life course Reproduced from: Kuh D, Richards M, Cooper R, Hardy R, Ben-Shlomo Y. Life course epidemiology, ageing research and maturing cohort studies: A dynamic combination for understanding healthy ageing. In: Kuh D, Cooper, R., Hardy, R., Richards, M., & Ben-Shlomo, Y., editor. A life course approach to healthy ageing: Life course approach to adult health series. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2013. p. 3-15.

9781284069389_CH02_Pass03.indd 30 18/01/17 8:34 PM The Importance of Place 31

structures over the life course. Line A denotes factors in encouraging or preventing outdoor the rapid growth and development during the mobility such as functional status, self-efficacy, prenatal, prepubertal, and pubertal periods, and outcome expectations (Kerr, Rosenberg, & which reaches a peak or plateau at maturity. Frank, 2012). Until relatively recently, research Line B shows how exposures and epigenetic focusing on enabling older adults to age in place mechanisms in early life, particularly during did not consider the importance of “place,” espe- a critical developmental window, may leave cially the built environment. imprints and have an effect on the structure or This was not always the case. The public function of body systems. However, they may health profession originated in tandem with the not have any appreciable effects on the rate of city and land use planning profession; indeed, decline. Line C, in contrast, shows the acceler- for much of the late 19th and early 20th centu- ated aging processes leading to a more rapid ries, they were almost united and were closely functional decline. Finally, line D shows how allied with the social welfare movement. The various adverse exposures across the lifespan seven founders of the American Public Health may affect the reserve and accelerate func- Association in 1872 included an architect and tional decline (Kuh et al., 2013). a housing specialist (Jackson, Dannenberg, & An important question in the epidemi- Frumkin, 2013). Gains in life expectancy were ology of aging is why some people age better to a great extent due to improvements in the than others. One concept that complements a built environment, including better and health- life course perspective and ecological model ier housing, street design, and access to clean is the idea of resilience. We must consider water, food, and air. With the advent of clinical the following questions when pondering the medicine, the focus for much of public health effects of resilience: shifted to interventions targeting indi­ vidual diseases—both infectious and (later in the cen- ■■ To what extent is resilience determined tury) chronic. For the planning pr­ ofession, the by the ecological level—that is, by com- focus shifted to community design practices munity, individual, and biological that were based on facilitating automobile travel characteristics? (Kerr et al., 2012). This urban design strategy ■■ How can resilience be developed, main- tained, and enhanced to reduce health prioritized developing communities with lower and social inequalities and achieve healthy residential densities and disconnected street networks with the pur­ pose of preventing cars aging across the life course? from traveling through neighborhoods. As a ■■ Can resilience be defined and measured so it informs research, policy, and practice? consequence, residential areas lost access to areas of employment, retail, and entertainment, ■■ How do life course experiences influence health and resilience? making walking to these venues difficult for res- idents, especially older adults. Nearly a century later, as the effects of these earlier decisions have become manifest, ▸▸ The Importance of the idea that neighborhoods affect health has Place become widely accepted among researchers and policy makers (Yen, Michael, & Perdue, While the ecological model stresses the impor- 2009). Community design that was supposed tance of considering all levels affecting an indi- to promote public health, safety, and welfare vidual, and a life course perspective tells us that has resulted in declining levels of physical these levels must be taken into account at all stages activity and active transportation at a time in life, most studies looking at healthy aging have when chronic diseases such as obesity and traditionally focused on the role of individual cardiovascular disease (CVD) are on the rise.

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linking specific neighborhood exposure to PEARL 2-1 Transdisciplinary Approach health outcomes in older adults, new methods to Collaboration that define and measure “activity spaces” that are relevant to older adults, and integration A transdisciplinary approach to research and of direct measurements of these spaces into health interventions has become a requirement research (Yen et al., 2009). for obtaining funding from many governmental Why is this important in the study of epi- and grant funding organizations. These demiology of aging, and specifically to the area organizations realize that complex problems of healthy aging? A landmark WHO (2015) require an approach that encourages close report, World Report on Ageing and Health, collaboration between people in professions assembled nearly 200 experts to outline a public who do not necessarily share common health framework for action on healthy aging academic homes (departments), language, concepts, and methods (Sallis et al., 2006). that is built around the concept of functional The partners must strive to understand and ability. In the report, this framework is defined solve complex problems in the life-world, and as “the health-related attributes that enable view the complexities of the whole project, people to be and to do what they have reason rather than one part of it. By transcending their to value.” This ability is, in turn, determined by own disciplines to inform one another’s work, both the intrinsic capacities of individuals and capture complexity, and create new intellectual the influence of the environments they inhabit spaces, the members of such transdisciplinary (Beard, Officer, & Cassels, 2016). Living longer teams can potentially stimulate innovation in a cannot be the ultimate goal of public health broad range of disciplines (Roux, 2007; Sallis et if the extra longevity does not result in added al., 2006; Wiesmann et al., 2008). years that are lived in good health and an aging population that becomes a growing human resource that can contribute to society in many With this realization has come a growing col- ways, such as through a longer working life and laboration between the planning professions the generative social capital of older adults, the and public health professionals. This requires “third demographic dividend” (Fried, 2016). increased integration of public policy, architec- This combination would contribute to stronger tural, and environmental leadership to create and wealthier societies, which in turn would age-friendly urban environments and social benefit the young and increase society’s ability institutions and roles for older adults that pro- to provide the humane supports needed at the mote health through continued engagement end of life (Fried, 2016). Diminishing limita- (Fried, 2016). In addition, advocacy may be an tions in capacity for older adults to age in place effective strategy to encourage cities’ adoption while achieving their best possible health out- of innovations that affect the mobility and qual- comes makes both societal and economic sense ity of life of older adults by emphasizing poten- by diminishing demands for health care and tial financial benefits to the city, and focusing social care and increasing the contributions that on cities whose aging residents are particularly older adults can make. vulnerable to disease and disability (Lehning, When authors of other chapters in this 2012; Scharlach & Lehning, 2013). text consider outcomes such as falls or mobil- The research examining the connec- ity limitations and barriers, the notion of place tion between the neighborhood environment is implicit in the entire narrative. As an exam- and older adults’ health and functioning is ple, it has been shown that when older adults still very limited. A comprehensive litera- have poor lower-body function, those who ture review suggested the need for additional have less proximity to goods and services and hypothesis-driven research based on models report more barriers to walking experience

9781284069389_CH02_Pass03.indd 32 18/01/17 8:34 PM Resilience Later in Life 33

more mobility disability compared to other research in resilience and public health looked older adults (Satariano et al., 2014). at protective factors in the area of develop- In conclusion, the built environment influ- mental psychology ­(Garmezy, 1973; Werner, ences the mobility of older adults, especially 1989; Werner, Bierman, & French, 1971). As their physical activity. Addressing only intrap- the concept was applied to other populations, ersonal ecological factors such as self-­efficacy or it became important to define resilience as a social support without considering built envi- process that can be learned and developed, ronment factors such as walkability and access rather than an individual trait. to recreation and services is much less likely to An ecological model and a life course result in a physically active, mobile, and cogni- process are suggested by the fact that the resil- tively healthy older population (Carlson, Sallis, ience response process unfolds over time and & Conway, 2012; Yen et al., 2009). It is hypoth- is embedded within the context. Indeed, it has esized that built environment factors such as been explicitly proposed that resilience should land-use patterns, esthetics, the accessibility be placed in an ecological model that applies to and connectivity of urban design, housing qual- individuals and their communities in later life ity and population density, pedestrian-friendly (Aldwin & Igarashi, 2012). The study of resil- environments, and parks are all variables that ience has been influenced by Bronfenbrenner’s may greatly affect the physical activity and pat- (1979) ecological model, which considers devel- terns of mobility among older people (WHO, opment “a person’s evolving conception of the 2015). As yet, this area has not been studied ecological environment, and his relation to it, as with the significant attention it deserves. well as the person’s growing capacity to discover, sustain, or alter its properties” (p. 9). Resilience results from the ability of indi- ▸▸ Resilience Later in Life viduals facing stress or adversity to effectively use coping mechanisms in a process that pro- The concept of resilience is largely based on motes well-being. This method of adaptation the general systems theories elaborated by may be particularly important in the face von Bertalanffy (1968) and others. It was later of the accumulation of risk factors over the developed and applied independently in the course of a lifetime—that is, within the risk fields of and psychology as a way of accumulation model, in which the cumula- looking at systems of many kinds at many tive risk factors result in chronic disease. With interacting levels, both living and nonliving, roots in the Latin verb resilire (“to rebound”), such as microorganisms, economies, chil- the concept of resilience has been adopted dren or families, a forest, or the global ­climate by social scientists to understand how some (Garmezy, 1971; Holling, 1973; ­Masten, 2014). people escape the harmful effects of severe Resilience is defined broadly as the capacity adversity, cope well, bounce back, or even of a dynamic to respond to a per- thrive (Masten, 2014). The study of resilience turbation or disturbance by resisting damage focuses on one particular subset of processes and recovering quickly. In ecology, examples associated with human development: those include the ecosystem’s stability and capability that enhance the experience of well-being of tolerating disturbances and restoring itself among individuals who face significant adver- after fires, floods, deforestation, or fracking, sity (Ungar, Ghazinour, & Richter, 2013). for example. In psychology, particularly child Thus the importance of the idea of resilience development, the concept has deep roots in in the study of healthy aging that is explored the aftermath of World War II, an event that in other chapters of this text. exposed children and youth to severe trau- Resilience later in life has been equated matic experiences (Masten, 2014). Early by Hochhalter, Smith, and Ory (2011) with

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successful or optimal aging that “leaves one In the first part (top circle) of Figure 2-3, ideally positioned to reach his or her goals.” we consider some of the more traditional com- Adaptation occurs throughout the lifespan and ponents of epidemiology, while paying special has been described as active aging, defined by attention to aging individuals and populations. WHO as “the process of optimizing opportu- These components include demographics such nities for health, participation, and security in as age, gender, race and ethnicity, and socioeco- order to enhance quality of life as people age” nomic status (SES). We then look at some of (Mutangadura, 2004, p. 12). While the concept the social determinants of health such as social of successful aging, as originally adopted by capital; the built environment (BE), physical Rowe and Kahn (1997), helped focus on the environment, and living arrangements; social idea that some people were better than others networks; and social support, which constitute at progressing through the aging process, there a broader level of the ecological model. In the has been some criticism that this perspective second part (middle ­circle) of Figure 2-3, we may stigmatize people with chronic disease as focus on more specific health behaviors known being “unsuccessful” in aging. to exert major health effects on individuals and As we discuss in the next section, the epi- populations, such as tobacco exposure, alcohol demiology of aging, health, functioning, and consumption, physical activity (PA), diet and longevity should be based on a perspective nutrition, and cognitive activity. Over the life that considers the influences at multiple levels course, the outcomes that are displayed in the and that reflects the significant and dynamic second circle also may affect the variables listed interrelationships of those different levels of in the first circle. The third circle represents health determinants. This must be embedded vital status (alive or dead). in a life course perspective because the out- comes in later life can be linked to exposures in earlier life of individuals and populations. Epidemiology of Aging Research In 1984, the WHO report The Uses of Epidemi- ology in the Study of the Elderly pointed out the ▸▸ Epidemiology of Aging existence of major gaps in knowledge about the state of health of elderly populations, even In this section, we examine in greater detail in the richest countries, and noted that these some components of the various levels of the gaps were due in part to the problems of con- ecological model. Some of the most powerful ceptualization and definition of health and to determinants of health, which include genetic, the difficulties of measuring it. Given that the behavioral, social, and environmental factors, purpose of health and social services directed are closely interconnected. FIGURE 2-3 depicts toward this population is to improve the health the range of variables from the ecological and promote the well-being of the elderly, model as being divided into three sections WHO suggested that health and well-being (circles). It is important to stress that these should be operationally defined, with the fac- variables are interrelated; in other words, tors that affect these outcomes being ascer- each variable affects and, in turn, is affected tained and measured. by each other variable. The model does not, This conclusion was the direct result of however, imply specific, hypothesized causal the surprising lack of epidemiological research relationships or causal links across indepen- focusing on aging until the early 1980s (Davies, dent, intermediary, and dependent variables. 1985). Although it was clear that the complex It is intended to serve as a graphic representa- and intertwined causes and consequences of tion that can help guide our consideration of aging of populations demand an interdisciplin- research in the epidemiology of aging. ary approach, including input from the field of

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Socioeconomic Living status arrangements, Built and physical social networks, environment social support

Age, gender, race, and ethnicity

Self-efficiency, social control, and Social capital terms of coherence Biological fitness

Disease and comorbidities

Falls, injuries, Physical and auto functioning crashes

Depression Cognitive functioning

Vital status (alive, dead, cause of death)

FIGURE 2-3 The range of variables from the ecological model Reproduced from: Satariano W. Epidemiology of aging: An ecological approach: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2006.

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epidemiology, most of the advances in aging other measures such as mortality and preva- research were made in separate scientific dis- lence of diseases or impairments. ciplines, such as cellular aging, of For many chronic diseases and functional aging, demography, and physiological, psycho- impairments, their incidence, mortality, and logical, or economic areas; only few attempts prevalence increase with age, and they often at integrated or holistic approaches were made vary by sex even within the same age groups. (Brenner & Arndt, 2004; Davies, 1985). Given this reality, it is important that measures It is through the application of epidemio- be reported by age and sex (Brenner & Arndt, logical methods to research related to aging indi- 2004). It is critical to avoid possible biases from viduals and populations that understanding of changes in the age structure of populations over the need for, and some proposals of, appropriate time or from the various populations being com- definitions for this evolving field emerged. Epide- pared. To accomplish this goal, age-standardized miology must play a major role in elucidating the measures of incidence, mortality, and prevalence determinants of health necessary for the elderly may be used that assume a common fixed age to remain healthy and independent so that they structure of some “standard population,” such can continue to play an active role in society. as the world population, or some regional or Measures of health are difficult to obtain at any national population. age; however, they become especially compli- While descriptive epidemiology can be cated with advancing age. It has been proposed used to generate hypotheses, testing those that the maintenance or restoration of autonomy hypotheses requires the application of analytic and independence are the ultimate measurable epidemiology. Analytical epidemiology is used goals in this population. Thus, autonomy can to identify the quality and the amount of influ- be used as a reasonable proxy for health, albeit ence that determinants have on the occurrence attended by further difficulties in attempting to of disease or functional impairment. The usual define the concept operationally. way to gain this knowledge is by group com- As defined by the Centers for Disease parisons using either case-control studies or Control and Prevention (CDC), epidemiology cohort (longitudinal) studies. is the study of the distribution and determi- Cohort studies are of particular impor- nants of health-related states or events in spec- tance in the area of the epidemiology of aging ified populations, and the application of this because they allow for the assessment of etio- study to the control of health problems (Dicker, logic factors of multiple health outcomes that Coronado, Koo, & Parrish, 2006). Who is are encountered very frequently in the settings affected and which specific factors put individ- of comorbidity and multimorbidity common uals at risk are key questions that researchers in older adults. It is also suggested that the must address. Studies are usually distinguished quality of data on risk factors or protective fac- as consisting either of descriptive epidemiol- tors is often superior in cohort studies, since ogy or analytical epidemiology. Descriptive this information is collected prospectively, epidemiology is concerned with the observa- rather than retrospectively as in case-control tional study of the occurrence of disease and studies (Brenner & Arndt, 2004). In addition, other health-related characteristics in human the cohort approach is more effective in sug- populations. It deals with general descriptions gesting causal effects by providing stronger concerning the relationship of disease to basic evidence regarding the temporal relationship characteristics such as age, gender, race, occu- between the occurrence of presumed risk and/ pation, social class, and geographic location or preventive factors and the health outcome. (Porta, 2008). In the case of older adults, the Observational studies are prone to the bias incidence of functional impairments is a par- associated with confounding, which occurs ticularly important measure, in addition to when all or part of the apparent association

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between the exposure and the outcome is actu- States, studies show that the gap in lifespan ally accounted for by other variables that affect between the rich and the poor has increased the outcome and are not themselves affected by significantly in recent years. For poor Ameri- exposure (Porta, 2008). For example, various cans, where they live in the United States plays lifestyle factors, such as dietary habits, physical a key role in determining how long they live, activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption, while higher income is associated with greater which are clearly related to a variety of health longevity (Chetty et al., 2016). The differences outcomes at old age, are often interrelated with in life expectancy have remarkably increased each other (Brenner & Arndt, 2004). To address across income groups over time. Even so, the this possible bias, the other factors, as well as association between life expectancy and income additional relevant factors such as age or gen- varies substantially across areas; differences in der, are carefully measured and controlled for longevity across income groups have decreased in the analysis. Control for confounding is typi- in some areas and increased in others. We now cally done by means of analytic methods such as realize that life expectancy is correlated not only multivariate analysis or other statistical models. with health behaviors, as was traditionally the focus of public health interventions, but also with local area characteristics. The importance Health Behaviors of place—of re­ sidential areas and the built envi- As we have previously argued, an integrated eco- ronment in general—is an essential charac- logical life course model of aging considers that teristic of the ecological model and life course social and biological factors across life affect the perspective because “place” clearly possesses probability of healthy aging. The demographic both physical and social attributes that can transition to greater life expectancy and the affect the health of individuals. resultant older population is the result of many To investigate multiple different health factors including better childhood nutrition, outcomes, including chronic disease, morbidity education, improvements in the environment, and mortality, mental health, infant health, and advances in medical science, public health, and birth outcomes, analytical techniques such as lifestyle and behavior change. Health behav- multilevel analysis are employed to study neigh- iors, such as physical activity, dietary practices borhoods and the individuals who live in them and nutrition, tobacco exposure, and alcohol (Pickett & Pearl, 2001). In accordance with the consumption, are especially associated with framework used in this text, this approach seeks health, functioning, and longevity across the to reconcile two divergent epidemiological par- life course (Emmons, 2000). Such modifiable adigms—individual risk factor epidemiology health behaviors could potentially be linked and an ecological approach (Roux, 2007). to as many as two thirds of all cancer deaths In the past, most studies looked at the asso- (Colditz et al., 2000). ciation of place and specific diseases such as Health behaviors play a central role in cancer, hypertension, or cardiovascular disease the life course model, acting in both the risk (Cubbin & Winkleby, 2005; Roux et al., 2001). accumulation model and the “chain of risk” More recently, other indicators have emerged, model that links exposures to impaired func- especially in the area of healthy aging, focusing tion. In short, the way we live (in terms of diet, on physical and cognitive capability (Murray & physical activity, and area characteristics) has a Stafford, 2014). One important aspect of study- direct effect on the likelihood of healthy aging, ing the built environment is the measures used and life course influences determine the way to describe it. These can be subjective, based we live (Kuh et al., 2013). on the perception of the environment by either While very significant differences in life the inhabitants or outside observers, or it can expectancy are apparent across the United be objective, as when research relies on census

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data or observational measures of the actual buildings and streets and land-use records. An PEARL 2-2 Tobacco Control and example of a self-reported function in older Behavior Modification adults and their environment is an Alameda County study that looked at older adults experi- Smoking is an important modifiable risk encing severe difficulty with physical tasks (e.g., behavior that affects all other health climbing stairs or lifting 10 pounds) (Balfour & outcomes in an older population. Although Kaplan, 2002). As with all self-reported data, older people are less likely to smoke than there is a risk of bias in studies that collect such younger people, in 2010 fewer than 10% data because the subjects may consistently over- of older people smoked, compared to or under-estimate the objective measures of the almost 20% of younger people. Older adults who smoke face an elevated risk of health environment. One exception has been research problems compared with those who do not of crime rates, where perceptions of safety and smoke (West, Cole, Goodkind, & He, 2014) actual reported crime statistics have had a sig- because older people typically have a longer nificant correlation with disability (“going-out- history of tobacco use, are heavier smokers, side-the-home disability”) (Beard et al., 2009). are already suffering from smoking-related Most studies looking at the association health conditions upon entering older between cognitive functioning of older adults ages, and have other comorbidities (Burns, and the environment have primarily exam- 2000). Smoking remains a strong risk factor ined the socioeconomic characteristics of the for premature mortality at older age, and environment (Murray & Stafford, 2014). Very smoking cessation is beneficial at any age few studies have looked at cross-sectional (Gellert, Schöttker, & Brenner, 2012). Studies show that residents living in links between census-derived data and differ- resource-poor areas, such as those characterized ent tests of cognitive functioning. These links by substandard housing conditions, differential may include differences in cognition between access to health services, and lack of social individuals of high and low educational attain- organization, have a higher prevalence of ment as related to individual and environ- smoking independent of individual social class mental conditions. Showing that cognition and educational level (Shohaimi et al., 2000). The varies across urban neighborhoods suggests ecological model has become a key feature in that social context is an important factor in the planning of interventions for tobacco control determining cognitive function among older (Sallis et al., 2006). adults (Wight et al., 2006). The association between the residen- tial area inhabited in childhood or early so that the community-based effects would adulthood and healthy aging in later life is a take place throughout the life course. Fur- major component of a life course approach thermore, there is a need to understand how and one that affects how communities are human-made environments affect us phys- designed. Various international reports ically, and how these structural factors can have stressed the importance of healthy and help promote healthy active aging in popula- active aging and its relationship to exter- tions with increased longevity. nal factors including the built environment Probably one of the most import- (WHO, 2002, 2003a). The effects of human- ant modifiable health behaviors affecting made and natural environments (and the healthy aging over the life course is physical interactions between the two) on the devel- activity—or more correctly, as WHO (2016) opment of chronic diseases are increasingly has indicated, physical inactivity. WHO being recognized. Ideally, we would design attributes approximately 3.2 million deaths communities specifically for active aging, each year to insufficient physical activity,

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with many developed and developing coun- function and attention/executive function tries having populations in which as much (Barnes, Yaffe, Satariano, & Tager, 2002). as 50% of the adults are insufficiently active. Maintaining cognitive ability as a way to In terms of both human and economic costs, promote healthy aging may depend on a com- the public health burden of inactivity is very bination of various approaches. An increas- significant, as mortality and chronic condi- ing body of evidence suggests that physical tions tend to negatively impact quality of life exercise has beneficial effects on cognition by as well as life expectancy for inactive indi- enhancing neuroplasticity, thereby prevent- viduals. Unfortunately, the growing levels ing cognitive decline and pathological aging of both inactivity and obesity pose (inde- ­(Bamidis et al., 2014; Williams & Kemper, pendent) major health problems in Western 2010). Combining physical activity with cogni- ­society (Colditz, 1999). tive training might result in a mutual enhance- To understand how older adults are ment of both interventions and increased involved in physical activity, it must be realized maintenance of cognitive ability due to the that certain trends are associated with aging. increased cardiovascular fitness level. The Physical activity levels decline by age in adult- underlying mechanism might be the enhance- hood and, in general, men are more active than ment of an individual’s capacity to respond women across all age groups (Ekelund, 2014). to new demands with behavioral adaptations Most of these observations appear generalizable (Hötting & Röder, 2013). across cultures and ethnic groups, regardless of A very exciting area of research is the use whether physical activity has been assessed by of technology to encourage physical activity in self-report or objective measurement. combination with cognitive training. Various In a comprehensive review of the available reports suggest that simultaneous physical and time-trend data from the United States, the cognitive exercise induce more beneficial cog- following trends were observed with greater nitive effects than purely cognitive and physi- age, according to the type of physical activity: cal interventions provided separately (Bamidis et al., 2014; Konstantinidis et al., 2012). An ■■ Relatively stable or slightly increasing adaptation of so-called exergame training, ­levels of leisure-time physical activity which combines cognitive and physical activ- ■■ Declining work-related activity ities in a game format, might be an effec- ■■ Declining transportation activity tive way to promote physical and cognitive ■■ Declining activity in the home improvements among older adults (Maillot, ■■ Increasing sedentary activity Perrot, & Hartley, 2012). Using mobile tech- Collectively, these trends result in an nology to promote walking outdoors in a safe overall trend of declining total physical activity environment (such as parks or safe streets) and (Brownson, Boehmer, & Luke, 2005). Causes combining it with a cognitive intensive activity of these trends may include changes in the (such as a word game) in a group setting that built environment, such as urbanization, and also stimulates social interaction is another an increasing proportion of the overall popu- approach to increasing the physical activity of lation being sedentary. older adults ­(Satariano & Maus, 2016). Mak- Cognitive ability in older adults reflects the ing physical activity accessible, fun, and safe interplay of various factors, including the base- by taking advantage of the rapidly advancing line physical fitness from which adults progress mobile technology may turn out to be one of and the level of activity they perform during the great success stories of the technological the life course. Better fitness at baseline is asso- revolution of the 21st century. ciated with better cognitive function in healthy WHO (2003a) has recognized that older adults, particularly on measures of global chronic disease must be seen in the context

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of the life course in the same way that both has particularly useful applications in studies under- and over-nutrition, in addition to of aging populations, given that 23% of the other factors mentioned previously, play a total global burden of disease is attributable role in the development of chronic disease. to disorders in people aged 60 years and The global epidemic of increasing obesity, older, especially in the high-income regions diabetes, and other chronic noncommuni- (Prince et al., 2015). Nevertheless, it has cable diseases, for example, is affecting all also been reported that per-capita disability-­ economies—developing and transitional adjusted life-years (DALYs) are 40% higher economies, less affluent segments within in low-­income and middle-income regions these regions, and developed countries. At (Waddington, 2012). the same time, an increasing number of com- munities and households have coincident Health, Functioning, and Longevity: under- and over-nutrition. Although genetic Healthy Aging. The remaining components predisposition and fetal life programming do of the ecological model include measures of play roles in these phenomena, the most read- health, functioning, and longevity. With the ily apparent association with the obesity/dia- exception of longevity and vital status, each betes/chronic disease ­epidemic is a lifetime of the measures of health and functioning of exposures and influences (Da­ rnton-Hill, serve both as outcomes and predictors. Other Nishida, & James, 2004). A life course chapters of this text examine specific health approach to research into dietary habits, par- outcomes, including mortality and causes ticularly if focused on the period of life when of death. food ­preferences are formed and in which families have constrained access to nutrition- ally adequate diets, has clear implications for ▸▸ Conclusion and Future designing nutrition interventions and educa- tional programs (Wethington, 2005). Directions In conclusion, two of the most signif- icant risk factors for poor health outcomes The ecological model assumes that patterns in older adults in terms of the life course are of health and well-being in human popula- diet and physical activity. Their relationship tions are associated with a dynamic interplay to the human-driven changes in the physical of biologic, behavioral, social, and physical environment and the aging of the world’s pop- environmental factors—an interaction that ulation require that the modifiable social and unfolds over the life course of individuals, environmental factors be addressed in both families, and communities. Using this model the study of the epidemiology of aging and the enables us to represent a very complex set planning of public health interventions. of factors and problems. We have come to realize that complex problems require an interdisciplinary approach and even a trans- Measures disciplinary approach. This kind of multi- Global Burden of Disease. The global bur- faceted approach, rather than just relying den of disease (GBD) is an important mea- on increased innovation in the methods sure used in international epidemiology, as it used within a single type of study, will be allows us to compare diseases, injuries, and essential if we are to continue to advance risk factors, and to understand in a given our understanding of, and find solutions to, place, time, and age‒sex group which factors these problems. Given the high prevalence might make the most important contribu- of multimorbidity during old age, a clinical tions to health loss (Murray et al., 2012). GBD approach that considers a single diagnosis

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the solid scientific base necessary both to PEARL 2-3 Epigenetics address the burden of disease in older pop- ulations and to promote healthy aging. We An exciting field that is developing due to hope that this model will serve as the map the advances in genomics is “epigenetic that guides researchers, practitioners, and epidemiology.” The term epigenetics is students in reviewing and evaluating the con- described in a landmark article by Conrad cepts, methods, and research in the epidemi- Waddington (2012), in which he postulated ology of aging. that “between genotype and phenotype, and connecting them to each other, there lies a whole complex of developmental processes,” the so-called epigenotype. This field offers References the promise of “prediction, prevention, and Aldwin, C., & Igarashi, H. (2012). An ecological model of treatment of a wide spectrum of common resilience in late life. Annual Review of Gerontology complex diseases” (Relton & Davey Smith, and Geriatrics, 32, 115‒130. Balfour, J. L., & Kaplan, G. A. (2002). Neighborhood 2012). environment and loss of physical function in older Since epidemiology is concerned with adults: Evidence from the Alameda County Study. group-level analysis, it can provide the American Journal of Epidemiology, 155, 507–515. much-needed methodology to identify the Bamidis, P. D., Vivas, A. B., Styliadis, C., Frantzidis, C., major determinants of epigenetic variation Klados M., Schlee. W.,… Papageorgiou, S. G. (2014). and their suggested contributions to health A review of physical and cognitive interventions in and disease. To accomplish this, it has been aging. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 44, suggested that traditional epidemiology 206–220. methods—such as population-based studies, The Bangkok charter for health promotion in a globalized twin studies, family-based studies, cross- world. (2006). An Official Journal of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (Vol. 21, sectional studies, and especially longitudinal p. 10). Bangkok. Contract No.: S1. cohort studies—will be applied to this new Barker, R. G. (1968). Ecological psychology: Concepts interdisciplinary field (Ng et al., 2012; Relton & and methods for studying the environment of human Davey Smith, 2012). behavior. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Barnes, D., Yaffe, K., Satariano, W., & Tager, I. (2002). A longitudinal study of aerobic fitness and cognitive function in healthy older adults. Neurobiology of in the epidemiology of aging would be too Aging, 23, S450. restrictive and would most likely fail to pro- Beard, J. R., Blaney, S., Cerda, M., Frye, V., Lovasi, G. S., duce the desired studies and applications. Ompad, D.,… Vlahov, D. (2009). Neighborhood Health outcomes cannot be simply consid- characteristics and disability in older adults. Journals ered separately, but rather development of of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64B, 252–257. new methods is required to adequately deal Beard, J. R., Officer, A. M., & Cassels, A. K. (2016). The with multiple, complexly interrelated health world report on ageing and health. Gerontologist, 56, outcomes (Brenner & Arndt, 2004). S163–S166. Other suggestions for future directions in Brenner, H., & Arndt, V. (2004). Epidemiology in aging the epidemiology of aging include increased research. Experimental Gerontology, 39, 679–686. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human develop- use of birth cohorts and other cohort studies ment: Experiments by design and nature. Cambridge, under a life course perspective, the emergence MA: Harvard University Press. of the field of epigenetic epidemiology, and the Brownson, R. C., Boehmer, T. K., & Luke, D. A. (2005). design of studies specifically for older pop- Declining rates of physical activity in the United ulations rather than extrapolating based on States: What are the contributors? Annual Review of Public Health, 26, 421–443. younger populations. Burns, D. M. (2000). Cigarette smoking among the elderly: Finally, by using the principles of epide- Disease consequences and the benefits of cessation. miological aging research, we can help create American Journal of Health Promotion, 14, 357–361.

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