“Dividing up the [Chinese] Melon, Guafen 瓜分”: the Fate of A
Transcultural Studies 2017.1 9 “Dividing up the [Chinese] Melon, guafen ”: The Fate of 瓜分 a Transcultural Metaphor in the Formation of National Myth Rudolf G. Wagner, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Introduction The Mainland China master narrative of modern Chinese history, established by Fan Wenlan’s Zhongguo jindai shi (Modern 中國近代史 history of China) in 19471 and recycled to this day in schoolbooks, museums, TV shows, textbooks, and scholarly writings has it that during the late Qing the Powers (Great Britain, Russia, France, Japan, Germany, United States) had the intention to cut up China “like a watermelon” as they had just done with Africa, and that this was prevented by Chinese resistance motivated by an awakening patriotism and nationalism.2 This master narrative claims that the intention of the Powers, especially the United States, to cut up China is alive to this day, although the strategies might have changed. Given the increased prowess of the People’s Republic of China, backdoor techniques such as spreading ideas of democracy and rule of law or promoting “multi-coloured revolutions” have replaced outright military means. The presumable slices follow a north/south or 1 Fan Wenlan , Zhongguo jindai shi (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1951), 358. For present-day 范文澜references, see for example,中國近代史 Guo Chunmei , “Qingmo weihu guojia yitong de sichao,” [The current of preserving郭春梅 the territorial integrity of the nation during清末维护國家一统的思潮 the late Qing], Zhongguo lishi bowuguan guankan 2 (2002): 39–51, esp. 41. It should be mentioned that better informed opinions, especially with regard to England, are also heard, although in marginal outlets.
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