From Northern Bass Strait, Southern Australia
31 August 1989 Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 50(1): 1-242 (1989) ISSN 0814-1827 DEMOSPONGIAE (PORIFERA) FROM NORTHERN BASS STRAIT, SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA By Felix Wiedenmayer Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Museum of Victoria, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia Present address: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Agustinergasse 2, 4001 Basel, Switzerland Abstract Wiedenmayer, F., 1989. Demospongiae from northern Bass Strait, southern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 50(1): 1-242. Eighty-four species (in 47 genera) in the Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, are described and illustrated. Of these, 21 species are described as new: Ancorina repens, A. suina, Stelletta arenitecta, Rhabdastrella cordata, R. intermedia, Tetilla praecipua, Latrunculia hallmanni, Pseudaxinella decipiens, Reniochalina sectilis, Rhaphoxya felina, Clathria wilsoni, Echinoclathria egena, Psammoclema bitextum, P. fissuratum, P. goniodes, P. radiatum, P. stipitatum, P. van- soesti, Callyspongia persculpta, C. toxifera, and Thorecta glomerosus. Eighteen records are new for the Maugean province, and three (Phorbas tenacior, Darwinella gardineri, and Gel- liodes incrustans) are new for the Australian fauna. The following revisions depart from those adopted in Wiedenmayer et al. (in press). The family Desmacididae is divided into Desmacidi- nae and Stylotellinae, and the genera Stylotella ( = Batzella), Phoriospongia ( = Chondropsis), and Psammoclema ( = Psammopemma, Sarcocornea) are assigned to the latter. Dactylia, Chalinopsilla and Arenosclera are synonymised with Callyspongia. Thorectandra is synonymised with Thorecta. Dendrilla cactos (Selenka) is a senior synonym of D. rosea Lendenfeld. The composition of this collection is even, with respect to the known demosponge fauna of Victoria and Tasmania. Its zoogeographic affinity is essentially Indo-West Pacific and relictic Tethyan, its provincial endemism high, and its overlap with the Antarctic/Subantarctic fauna almost nil.
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