Baylor Admits 'Goof' with SAT Retakes
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WRITER AND REPORTER AND THE WINNER IS ... OKLAHOMA STATE PROVIDE TWO VIEWS ON KWBU BRINGS HOME LONESTAR EMMY ROLLS OVER BEARS ‘w’ movie FOR DOCUMENTARY 34-6 PAGE 4 PAGE 3 PAGE 5 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2008 Baylor admits ‘goof’ with SAT retakes By Ashley Corinne Killough earned 50 or more points high- because the renewal of merit- However, Fogleman said Robert Morse, director of two scores on file for each stu- Staff Writer er than their original score. based scholarships is contin- Baylor has not decided whether data research for the U.S. News dent--one original score and Fogleman added she was gent upon other future factors, it will offer the residual SAT & World Report, said he was one new score that can’t be After being denounced by unaware if Baylor originally such as a student’s cumulative again. unsure at this point if the resid- transferred?” Morse said, add- college admissions circles had plans to make the program GPA,” Fogleman said. Of the 861 students who ual scores can be factored into ing that this could complicate nationwide for financially entic- a recurring practice, but said Baylor officials have con- accepted the offer, 469 retested its overall college rankings. the decision. ing enrolled freshmen to retake with certainty the university tended the aim was to distrib- at a national testing site, while “Since this has never come Garland senior Bryan Fon- the SAT, Baylor officials said has decided not to do it again. ute available merit scholarship 392 took the residual SAT at up before and not part of the ville, student body president, Thursday they made a mistake. “We have heard and under- aid. When asked why there was Baylor. The two tests are both definition of what can and can- said Student Government was “Did we goof? Yeah we stand the criticism of the action excess money available and if scored by the College Board, not be counted, it would need “terribly disappointed” in learn- goofed,” said Lori Fogleman, we took, and we won’t again pro- this was the first year Baylor which oversees SAT testing, more research,” Morse said. ing of the university’s decision. director of media relations. “In vide cash incentives to retest,” had leftover funds, Fogleman but the residual score is only Morse said it depends on After first hearing about the hindsight we really regret hav- Fogleman said. repeated, “there was merit accepted at Baylor and is non- whether or not the College issue in late September when ing provided the cash incentive According to reports, the scholarship aid available.” transferable to other schools. Board deems the scores equal to a member of Student Govern- for retaking the SAT this sum- cost of the program amounted Admitted students can still Fogleman said that from the national testing day scores. ment brought up a complaint, mer.” to $862,000 for this year and retake the SAT on national test- Baylor’s understanding it’s per- If they say no, Morse said, then Fonville said they held infor- Incoming freshmen who was funded by the financial aid ing days beyond the February missible to include the residual the scores might not be consid- mal meetings with Dr. Georgia accepted the offer received $300 office. 15 admissions deadline next scores when submitting univer- ered. Green, chair of Faculty Senate, in bookstore credit, along with “The total for each year after year for a chance to enhance sity profile reports to college “If they say yes, then the a $1,000 scholarship if they that can’t be determined now their academic portfolio. ranking organizations. question is: does Baylor have Please see SAT, page 6 Voters Violent crime flock rate soars By Jade Ortego liams, who was charged with the Staff Writer murder of in death of his girl- friend, a mother of three, when to Rates of violent crime, aggra- his friend found her decompos- vated assault and rape in Waco ing body. increased in the last year and On Oct. 13, Jeremy Lowrey remain higher than the national was charged with capital mur- average. der and attempted capital mur- polls According to statistics der. He was held in lieu of a $7.5 released by the F.B.I., Waco’s million bail. violent crime rate is 678 per Poverty may parallel crime 100,000 persons, about 150 rates. While crime in Waco is percent higher than the nation- twice as high in some cases, early al rate of 466.9. Waco’s rate of Wacoans have half as much aggravated assault is 463.4, also money. By Ashley Corinne Killough 150 percent higher than the The Waco average per capita Staff Writer national rate of 283.8. And the income is $14,584, less than half rate of rape is more than twice the national average of $38,611. Monday marked the begin- as high in Waco, 71.5, than the In Waco, 26.3 percent of the ning of early voting in Texas, a national average, 30. population lives below the pov- period when registered voters Numbers have increased erty line, a rate twice as high as can conveniently cast ballots at from 2006, with Waco’s violent the national average of 12.5 per- polling sites in their counties crime rate at 555.3, rape rate at cent. until Oct. 31. 52.8 and aggravated assault at According to the United Preparing for a massive 371.8. States Deptartment of Health turnout with record numbers, Waco’s murder rate of 3.9 and Human Services, people are election officials are setting up has gone down since 2006, and considered to live in poverty if additional polling sites and add- remains lower than the national they make less than $10,400 a ing more workers statewide, rate of 5.6. year, plus $3,600 for each addi- as reported by the Associated Monday, a man was tried for tional person in their house- Press. setting his mother, aunt and hold. Until Oct. 31, voters in another woman on fire after hav- “Poverty has something to do McLennan County can vote at ing an argument. with crime of both violent and any one of the five designated Friday, Joseph Joiner of Waco property crimes,” said Dr. Sung early voting locations. On Nov. was arrested and charged with Joon Jang, associate professor of 4, however, they must vote at aggravated assault for allegedly sociology at Baylor. their assigned precincts, which stabbing his sister in the head Jang said he believes that can be found on voter registra- with a set of keys. poverty creates foundational tion cards. Last week, Waco conducted problems that cause crime to be Waco’s main early voting site three felony trials, including two a part of society. is located at McLennan County murder trials and one aggravat- “It’s not simply because you Elections Administration Office ed robbery. are poor that you commit crime,” Records Building at 214 North One of the murder cases he said. “Parents of poor families Fourth St., Suite 300. The loca- involved Robert Allen Byrd, a tend to practice undesirable par- tions for the other three Waco Alex Song/Lariat Staff member of the Aryan Circle, a enting, not simply because they stations and the Robinson sta- violent white supremacist gang are ‘bad’ parents, but also they tion can be found at the elec- that operates in and out of the cannot afford staying at home,” tions office Web site: www. Got the world on a string Texas prison system. He was he said. co.mclennan.tx.ux/elections/ charged with kidnapping and This causes a generation of index.html. Sugarland senior Johann Acuna plays the violin in preparation for a concert Monday in the Armstrong Brown- stabbing to death a woman unsupervised children, and Monday through Friday, ing Library. A Women’s Choir and Men’s Choir concert will be held tonight at the Jones Concert Hall in the who was also affiliated with the reduces social control at the the hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 Glennis McCrary Music Building. The event is free of charge and open to the public. gang. p.m., Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 The other was for Eric Wil- Please see CRIME, page 6 p.m., and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Next week’s hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters should bring their Study to explore Christian, environment links voter registration cards. Other accepted forms of identification By Sommer Ingram and see what organized Chris- a graduate student looking to include driver’s licenses, birth Staff Writer tianity is actually doing: how do research on the relationship certificates, passports or employ- they are engaging and articulat- between the environment and ment identification cards. Keeping with the ever-grow- ing in their environments.” theology, he said. For those registered in Texas ing trend of environmental After “exhausting all possi- “One reason I came to Baylor counties other than McLennan awareness, Dr. Paul Martens, bilities” of finding these orga- was to do some type of work County, voters must submit a professor of religion, is launch- nizations by phone and inter- with the doctrinal creation and request for an absentee ballot. ing a study about how Chris- net, Martens compiled a fairly environmental ethics,” said Information on application spe- tians are connecting with the rigorous survey to send out to Brandon Frick, doctoral stu- cifics can be found by contacting environment.