524 Page 400 Cont (259) State of New Hampshire, Rockingham
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524 Page 400 cont (259) State of New Hampshire, Rockingham: Chichester March 11, 1795 At a legal Annual meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Chichester met according to notification Date of warrant July 20, 1795 1. Deacon Abraham chosen moderator of said meeting Page 401 2. The votes were brought in for a Governor as follows: John Gilman – 63 3. The Votes were brought in for a Councillor for the County of Rockingham as follows James Sheaf – 56 4. The votes were brought in for a Senator for the fourth District as follows: Michael McClary– 61 5. The votes were brought in for a recorder of Deeds for the County of Rockingham as fol- lows: James Gray – 57 6. The votes were brought in for a County Treasurer as follows: Oliver Peabody– 48 7. Voted to Except the Selectmens accounts 8. Capt Edmund Leavitt, Joshua Lane, Mr Moses Seavey Chosen Selectmen for the Ensuing year 9. The Constables Office Venued and struck off to William Hook who is to pay 10 shillings and 6 pencce for the priviledge of his office and William Edmunds is Accepted by the Town as bondsman for him 10. Voted the Collectors office Vendued and struck of to Joseph Dow who is to Receive 5 pounds 13 shillings for his Service And Lieut John Hilyard is Accepted by the Town for a Dondsman for him Page 402 11. Lt Joshua Lane and Mr Josiah Drake Chosen Tythingmen for the Curant year 12. Lieut John Hilyard,Dea Abraham True, Ens Benjamin Jackson Chosen for a Committee of Audit 13. Deacon Abraham True, Mr Josiah Drake, Lieut John Hilyard, Mr John Morrill Chosen Assessors for the year Currant 14. (260) William Edmunds, David Miller, Lieut Malachi Haines, John Marden, Dea Abra- ham True, Joseph Mason Jr, Ens Benjamin Jackson, Joseph Sanborn Chosen Surveyors of highways for the Ensuing year 15. Lieut John Hilyard and Jonathan Leavitt Esq Chosen fence viewers 16. James Prescutt and Nathaniel Purvear Chosen hogreaves for the Ensuing year 17. Voted John Hilyard, Mr John Morrill, Capt John Langmaid Chosen Surveyors of Lumber 18. Mr Hilyard Shaw Chosen a Sealer of Measures 19. Joseph Moulton Chosen a Culler of Staves 20. Voted to raise the sum of 40 pounds for the Support of Schooling the Ensuing year Page 403 524 21. Voted to raise the sum of 70 pounds to repair highways for the Ensuing year 22. Voted that the Selectmen Shall lay out a road from the road that leads from William Seaveys to Nathaniel Morrills across the fourth division Lotts Down to Epsom Line and to Exchange half the range way between the first and fourth Division for the land for the road 23. Voted that Benjamin Mason Jr Shall be exempted from pain his pole Tax here for the fu- ture his producing A receipt yearly to Show that he has paid at Pittsfield 24. Voted to reconsider a former vault that was passed in the year 1793 to pay one dollar per hundred for hay that was not paid to Rev. Josiah Carpenter and voted that those that are Delinquent Shall pay what it Cost at Mr. Carpenters barn 25. Voted to make abatement to Jabez Green School Tax for 1794 26. (261) Voted that those persons living on the first range in the first division and first Range in the fourth division shall have the priviledge of laying out their School Money by themselves Page 404 27. Voted that the road that goes from Josiah Drakes to Pembrook shall be relinquished from where it is now and go on the former reserve from whence it was taken 28. Voted to Impower the Selectmen as a Committee to Exchange reserve ways for highways and to sell reserve ways that it is not wanting to the person adjoining them 29. Voted to impower the Selectmen as a committee to choose a Man to Settle with Jonathan Leavitt Esq concerning the land he has Cleared and Improved in the town Joseph Dow, Town Clerk State of New Hampshire, Rockingham: This is to Notify and warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Town of Chichester Qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to meet at the meeting house in Chichester on Monday the 14th day of December at 1 of the Clock P.M. When met to act as follows Viz 1. To choose a Moderator to Govern Sd meeting 2. To See what the Town will do Concerning Mr John Worths Maintenance as it appears he is Destitute and needs help 3. To pass any other vote or vote sfor propper when at said meeting Dated at Chichester November 28, 1795 Edmund Leavitt Joshua Lane Selectmen for Chichester Moses Seavey Page 405 (262) State of New Hampshire, Rockingham: Chichester December 14, 1795 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Chichester met agreeably to Notification Date of warrant November 28, 1795 1. Deacon Abraham True Chosen Moderator of Sd meeting 524 2. Voted to choose a Committee consisting of three men to Provide for Mr John Worth 3. Voted that the Selectmen be the Sd committee 4. Said Meeting stands adjourned untill the first Thursday in January next it to o’clock P.M. Joseph Dow, town clerk Chichester January 7, 1796 Then met according to adjournment 1. Voted for the Selectmen to provide for Mr. Worth untill our next Annual meeting Joseph Dow, Town Clerk Chichester April 11, 1795 We the Subscribers a Committee appointed to lay out a road from Louden road so called to Bear hill road we proceed And make return as follows Viz Beginning at Louden road Run: 1st south 34° DW on the line between John Maxfield and Simeon Lane 35 rods Page 406 2nd South 20° DW 58 Rods 3rd Due south 14 Rods 4th South 45° DW 118 Rods 5th Due West 60 Rods 6th South 70° DW 60 Rods 7th South 42° DW 20 Rods 8th South 60° DW 50 Rods 9th South 34° DW 268 Rods to Bear Hill Road said Road to 2 Rods wide Joshua Lane Selectmen for Chichester Moses Seavey Joseph Dow, Town Clerk (263) Chichester February 18, 1796 Agreeably to advertisement and legal notice their will be sold this day at publik auction at the dwelling house of Jonathan Kenny Inholder in Said Chichester (so much of the Several nonresi- dent proprietors or owners lands in Said Town who is delinquent in paying the Taxes assessed on said lands for the year 1795 together with the incidental charges) as will pay the same upon the following conditions: 1. The highest bidder for the lease quantity of land struck off each delinquent lott to be deemed the purchaser Page 407 2. The purchaser to pay the Collector the purchase sum immediately upon his purchase oth- erwise upon refusal to forfeit his bid and pay down $.50 524 3. Every purchaser paying as aforesaid shall be entitled to receive from the Collector so sell- ing a Deed legally executed of the land so Sold within one year from the Date of Sale at the house of the Collector 4. All disputed bids to be decided by a majority of the Bidders present 5. The lands sold are to be in common quantity and quallity and subject to the right of re- demption according to law Joseph Dow, collector Joseph Dow, Town Clerk (264) The following are the lotts exposed to sale Agreeably to the within Viz Proprietors Names Div No R Acre Tax&Charge Purchaser Acres Owner unknown 4 69 11 8 131cts Joshua Towle 8 Peter Weare Jr 1 32 1 26 127 cts Thomas Hook 26 paid William Pepperell 1 34 1 5 66.25 cts Samuel Gile 5 paid Page 408 Stephen Sanborn 4 75 12 3 128 cts Dyer Hook 3 gave up his bid and paid the forfeiture Unknown 1 17 4 1 126 cts Dyer Hook 1 gave up his bid and paid the forfeiture Stephen Sanborn 4 75 12 9 128 cts Jonathan Lock 9 paid Unknown 1 17 4 5 126 cts Simeon Morgan 5 paid John Hilyard, Vendue Master Jonathan Dow, Town Clerk (265) State of New Hampshire, Rockingham: This is to Notify and warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Town of Chichester who are Qualified by Law to vote in Town affairs to meet at the meeting house in wednesday the 9th day of March next at 10 o’clock A.M. and when met to act as follows Viz 1. To Choose a Moderator to Govern said meeting 2. To Vote by Ballot for a Governor 3. for a Councillor 4. for a Senator 5. for a County Treasurer 6. for a recorder of Deeds 7. To choose a Town Clerk, Selectmen, Collector, Constable, Tythingmrn and all other Town officers as the Law Directs Page 409 524 8. To see how much Money the Town will vote to Raise for Schooling the year Ensuing 9. To see how much money the Town will vote to Raise to Support the highways the year Ensuing 10. To see what the town will do concerning John Werths maintenance and proceed accord- ingly 11. To see what the Town will do Concerning the School houses in this Town and proceed accordingly 12. To see if the Town will vote to petition to the General Court for the priviledge of sending a Representative from this Town 13. To act on any other matter which may be thought proper when met Dated at Cichester February 16, 1796 Edmund Leavitt Moses Seavey Selectmen for Cichester Joshua Lane PS to see if the Town will Vote to Vendue the timber for a pound (as the law requires one to be built) and proceed accordingly Edmund Leavitt Moses Seavey Selectmen for Cichester Joshua Lane Page 410 (266) State of New Hampshire, Rockingham: Chichester March 9, 1796 At a legal annual meet- ing of the Inhabitants of the Town of Chichester met agreeably to Notification Date of warrant February 16, 1796 1.