No. 60 clefsSummer 2011 Chemistry is everywhere No. 60 - Summer 2011 clefs Chemistry is everywhere No. 60 Summer 2011 clefs Chemistry is everywhere Chemistry 2 Foreword, by Valérie Cabuil is everywhere I. NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Clefs CEA No. 60 – SUMMER 2011 4 Introduction, by Stéphane Sarrade Main cover picture Dyed polymers for photovoltaic cells. 6 Advances in the separation For many years, CEA has been applying chemistry of actinides, all aspects of chemistry, in all its forms. Chemistry is at the very heart of all its by Pascal Baron major programs, whether low-carbon 10 The chemical specificities energies (nuclear energy and new energy technologies), biomedical and of actinides, environmental technologies or the by Philippe Moisy information technologies. 11 Uranium chemistry: significant P. Avavian/CEA – C. Dupont/CEA advances, Inset by Marinella Mazzanti top: Placing corrosion samples in a high-temperature furnace. 12 Chemistry and chemical P. Stroppa/CEA engineering, the COEX process, by Stéphane Grandjean bottom: Gas sensors incorporating “packaged” NEMS. P. Avavian/CEA 13 Supercritical fluids in chemical Pictogram on inside pages processes, © Fotolia by Audrey Hertz and Frédéric Charton Review published by CEA Communication Division 14 The chemistry of corrosion, Bâtiment Siège by Damien Féron, Christophe Gallé 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France) and Stéphane Gin Phone: + 33 (0)1 64 50 10 00 Fax (editor’s office): + 33 (0)1 64 50 17 22 14 17 Focus A Advances in modeling Executive publisher Xavier Clément in chemistry, by Philippe Guilbaud, Editor in chief Jean-Pierre Dognon, Didier Mathieu, 21 Understanding the chemical Marie-José Loverini (until 30/06/2011) Christophe Morell, André Grand mechanisms of radiolysis and Pascale Maldivi by Gérard Baldacchino Deputy editor Martine Trocellier
[email protected] Scientific committee Bernard Bonin, Gilles Damamme, Céline Gaiffier, Étienne Klein, II.