
arXiv:1706.10039v1 [hep-th] 30 Jun 2017 frnraial unu edtere,lk E or QED like theories, field quantum There- analysis renormalizable group [4]. of distances the short in inconsistencies at fore important being omit- or fields interactions irrelevant ted be of not because should problem this hard however, a or- cutoffs, large leading ob- very the be at might of structed equations solution group the renormalization theory. Wilson EFT effective der of the framework in are the large account which In into a freedom taken by of explicitly divided degrees not energy those the characterising of scale are non- powers sense) by traditional (i.e. suppressed the dimensions in mass interactions cou- negative renormalizable with of interactions the constants of pling quantities contribu- physical the with energies in consistent low tions at interactions symmetries, contains local underlying Lagrangian of the effective the- number the field infinite While effective an an [4]. to (EFT) approximation ory order leading a therefore is renormalized It the unless cutoff. vanishes. cutoff the coupling the of remove bare value to the finite in impossible singularity a a for as coupling itself manifests problem this non-interacting, the a persists avoid be i.e. to pole to has this then QED inconsistency If calculations apparent non-perturbative transfer. a in has momentum also propagator large con- photon at logarithmic the leading pole that the found Resumming they see tributions review [3]). in a Ref. (for propagator 2] e.g. photon [1, (QED) the electrodynamics of quantum behaviour studying asymptotic collaborators and the Landau by papers from inates E salaigodrapoiaino nETfor EFT an of approximation order leading a as QED the in absent framework. be EFT might corresponding scalars, self-interacting of theory h tnadmdl namdr on fve,is view, of point modern a in model, standard The orig- theories field quantum in triviality of concept The nti etrw drs h osqecso treating of consequences the address we letter this In trivial hoy ncluain pligafiiecutoff finite a applying calculations In theory. , 2 ASnmes 37.k,1.0G,14.70.Bh 11.10.Gh, , 03.70.+k numbers: PACS theory. field effective corresponding h adupl srmvd hrfr,w ocueta h c the that conclude be we to Therefore, needs removed. QED includin is consistency, and pole theory sho Landau field We effective the coupling. an running of the strong approximation for the order pole of Landau One the of analytical. existence and numerical both evidences, nttt o dacdSmlto,Isiu f¨ur Kernphys Institut Simulation, Advanced for Institute unu lcrdnmc scniee ob rva theor trivial a be to considered is electrodynamics Quantum 1 emot nttt an,Uiest fMiz -59 Ma D-55099 Mainz, of University Mainz, Institute Helmholtz o hoeia hsc,Uiesta on -31 Bonn, D-53115 Universit¨at Bonn, , Theoretical for 4 rvaiyo unu lcrdnmc revisited electrodynamics quantum of Triviality emot ntttfu taln n enhskadBethe and Kernphysik und f¨ur Strahlen- Institut Helmholtz .Djukanovic, D. oshnsetu ¨lc,D545Juih Germany J¨ulich, D-52425 J¨ulich, Forschungszentrum 3 bls tt nvriy 16Tiii Georgia Tbilisi, 0186 University, State Tbilisi trivial 1 samr reato h edn re prxmto othe to approximation order leading the of artefact mere a is Dtd 1My 2017) May, 31 (Dated: .Gegelia, J. φ 4 ,3 2, ffcieLgaga fteeeto adtepositron) the (and electron invariant the gauge field of locally U(1) Lagrangian general Weeffective most term. the Pauli with well-known start the operator, five i.e. interaction, dimension order next-to-leading the of contributions h rbe of problem the where rmgei charge, tromagnetic e elsgetn httePuitr ssprse ya by suppressed is 4 term than Pauli larger very the scale experiment that diagrams the suggesting with loop agrees well from value calculated only its contributions stan- and in gets particular, electron QED In the are be- of dard data. line moment is the magnetic second this anomalous of the the view accuracy in current of terms the point of beyond data modern contributions experimental the the the From cause describes (1) by well. Eq. given very of Lagrangian line QED re- We first standard are the term. the Pauli self-energy that the here photon con- of mark the the those that to in assume compared terms We suppressed these higher. of and tributions six order of ators and 1 R ecridotalcluain nLna ag,hwvr th however, gauge, Landau independent. in gauge calculations are all results out carried We h cl-eedn eomlzdrnigcoupling running renormalized scale-dependent The n l-.Meißner Ulf-G. and ( q L 2 ψ kadJuihCne o arnPhysics, Hadron for J¨ulich Center and ik a edfie ytefloigrelation following the by defined be can ) ho m neatn ihteeetoantcfield electromagnetic the with interacting h ett-edn re corrections, order next-to-leading the g D niain o rvaiyo E sthe is QED of triviality for indications htb raigQDa h leading the as QED treating by that w otisa nnt ubro em ihoper- with terms of number infinite an contains ste(ae lcrnmass, electron (bare) the is L µν netr,ta o esn fself- of reasons for that onjecture, + = .Ti sbsdo ubrof number a on based is This y. ( q ) − iκ 2 e triviality 1 4 2 ψ ¯ F = ( × γ µν F − µ n,Germany inz, 10 µν Germany γ F ,2 4, q 1 ν 7 µν Center 2 = ota n eaayethe analyse we end that To . − e [4]. GeV  + ∂ g γ µ µν ν ψ ¯ A γ ( ν − µ iD/ − ) F ψ q ∂ − µ q ν q 2 A µν m e ν µ  ste(ae elec- (bare) the is ) + , ψ D e L R 2 µ ho ( q = 2 , ) 1 ∂ , µ A − µ ieA (2) (1) µ e 2

In renormalizable theories only logarithmic divergences contribute to the renormalization of coupling constants and therefore there is a direct correspondence between the Gell-Mann-Low [5] and the Wilsonian renormaliza- tion group approaches [6]. As a result, the presence of the Landau pole in the expression of the running renor- malized coupling authomatically leads to the pole in the bare coupling as a function of the cutoff parameter. How- ever, in an EFT with non-renormalizable interactions the FIG. 1. Two-loop diagrams contributing in the photon self- direct link between the two equa- energy. The solid and wiggly lines correspond to the electron tions is lost and therefore the Wilsonian renormalization and photon propagators, respectively. group approach requires additional study of the cutoff dependence. We investigate the cutoff dependence of the bare electromagnetic coupling in our model by apply- ing the higher derivative [7, 8] which pre- serves the local U(1) gauge invariance. Notice that di- mensional regularization is not suitable here as it discards the power-law divergences. In addition to the fields in conventional QED, we introduce scalar (i.e. commuting) fields ξ¯ and ξ which regulate the one-loop counter term diagrams contributing to the photon self-energy at FIG. 2. One loop counter term diagrams contributing in the two-loop order. The effective Lagrangian generating one photon self-energy at two-loop order. The solid and wiggly and two-loop diagrams, contributing to our calculation of lines correspond to the electron and photon propagators, re- the photon self-energy up to two-loop e2κ2 order, which spectively. The crosses denote the counter terms of the one- are all finite for finite Λ, is given by: loop order. Diagrams with ghost propagators are not shown. 2 2 1 µν ∂ = F 1+ Fµν LHDR −4  Λ2  3 µν 1 D2 where D (q) is the dressed propagator of the bare pho- + ψ¯ (iD/ m) 1+ ψ + h.c. ton field. Calculating the dressed propagator at one-loop 2 −  Λ2  2 2 order we obtain for q m : 1 D2 3 − ≫ + ξ¯(iD/ m) 1+ ξ + h.c. 2 −  Λ2  2 2 2 er iκ eR(q )= 2 2 2 2 . (3) µ ν ν µ er +2κ q −q 2 + ψ¯(γ γ γ γ )ψ Fµν + ho. (5) 1 2 ln 2 + cR q − 12π m 2 − L The bare electromagnetic coupling as a function of the Here, e is the renormalized coupling at q2 = m2 for r cutoff satisfies a renormalization group equation which c = 0, where c is a renormalized coupling− constant R R up to the level of accuracy of our calculation has the of the higher-order Lagrangian . It is suppressed by Lho form: two orders of some large scale. For κ = cR = 0 the running coupling has the well-known pole singularity at dα(Λ) = A α2(Λ)+κ2α2(Λ)Λ2(2A +A +2A ln Λ/m), (the Landau pole) d ln Λ 1 2 3 3 (6) 2 q2 = m2 exp 12π2/e2 . (4) where α(Λ) = e /(4π), the coefficient A1 is given by one- L − r   loop diagrams and A2 and A3 are extracted from two- While this pole appears at extremely high energies, re- loop calculations. Notice that there are no power-law ducing its practical importance to nil, it is still a problem divergences at one-loop order and all terms suppressed if present in the full theory [3]. For reasonable values of by powers of m/Λ have been dropped in our calculations κ 1/ q2 the Landau pole is absent remedying the as they are negligible for large values of Λ. ≫ − L inconsistencyp at the level of an EFT. The solution to Eq. (6) is given by

α α(Λ) = 0 , (7) 1 α ln Λ (A + A κ2Λ2)+ α ln Λ0 (A + A κ2Λ2) α A κ2(Λ2 Λ2) − 0 m 1 3 0 m 1 3 0 − 0 2 − 0 3 where α0 = α(Λ0) is the bare coupling at some fixed and A2 terms and the negative sign of A3 guarantees that cutoff m< Λ0 < Λ. α(Λ) has no pole. For Λ Λ we have ≫ 0 α To conclude, we have shown that the problem of triv- α(Λ) = 0 . (8) Λ 2 2 2 2 iality in QED can be attributed to QED being a lead- 1 α0 ln (A1 + A3κ Λ ) α0A2κ Λ − m − ing order approximation of an effective field theory. We For κ = 0 and positive A1 the expression in Eq. (8) has have shown that already at next-to-leading order, i.e. a pole at adding the Pauli term to QED, the Landau pole disap- pears thereby obviating the need for QED to be a trivial 1 ΛP = m exp . (9) theory. hA1α0 i This pole, if remaining in the non-perturbative full ex- This work was supported in part by DFG and pressions of the bare coupling, prevents the Λ limit NSFC through funds provided to the Sino-German CRC → ∞ 110 “Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in unless α0 0, thus leaving us with a non-interacting theory. In≡ renormalizable theories where only logarith- QCD” (NSFC Grant No. 11621131001, DFG Grant mic divergences contribute in the renormalization of cou- No. TRR110), by the Georgian Shota Rustaveli Na- pling constants, there is a close correspondence between tional Science Foundation (grant FR/417/6-100/14) and the Gell-Mann-Low and the Wilsonian renormalization by the CAS President’s International Fellowship Initia- group approaches manifesting itself in a direct relation tive (PIFI) (Grant No. 2017VMA0025). of Eqs. (4) and (8) valid for standard QED. Using FeynCalc [9, 10] and Form [11] and applying the method of dimensional counting of Ref. [12] we have calculated the logarithmically divergent contributions to [1] L. D. Landau, A. A. Abrikosov and J. M. Khalatnikov, the photon self-energy generated by one-loop diagrams, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 95(1954) 773; 95(1954)1177; 96 and the quadratic divergences generated by the two-loop (1954) 261. diagrams, shown in Fig. 1,2 and by the corresponding [2] L. D. Landau, in: Niels Bohr and the Development of counter term diagrams, shown in Fig. 2. Our results Physics, ed. W. Pauli (Pergamon, London, 1955); and read:3 works cited in there. [3] D. J. E. Callaway, Phys. Rept. 167, 241 (1988). 2 7 [4] S. Weinberg, “The Quantum Theory Of Fields. Vol. 1,2.” A1 = 0.212, A3 = 3 0.0056, Cambridge, UK: Univ. Pr. (1995). 3π ≃ −40 π ≃− 95 5491889 2194315 8593 ln 3 [5] M. Gell-Mann and F. E. Low, Phys. Rev. , 1300 (1954). [6] K. G. Wilson and J. B. Kogut, Phys. Rept. 12, 75 (1974). A2 = 3 + −201600 π − 104976 π 5832√3 π2 [7] L. D. Faddeev and A. A. Slavnov, Front. Phys. 50, 1 1508572 ψ(1) 1 303413 ψ(1) 1 (1980) [Front. Phys. , 1 (1991)]. + 3 − 6 [8] D. Djukanovic, M. R. Schindler, J. Gegelia and  3  17496 π S. Scherer, Phys. Rev. D 72, 045002 (2005). 8593i i i [9] R. Mertig, M. Bohm and A. Denner, Comput. Phys. + 2 Li2 2 Li2 972√3 π3  −√3 − √3 Commun. 64, 345 (1991). 1 i 1 i [10] V. Shtabovenko, R. Mertig and F. Orellana, Comput. Li2 + Li2 + 0.0040 , Phys. Commun. 207, 432 (2016). − 2 − 2√3 2 2√3 ≃ [11] J. A. M. Vermaseren, math-ph/0010025. [12] J. Gegelia, G. S. Japaridze and K. S. Turashvili, Theor. (1) where Li2 and ψ are the dilogarithm and trigamma Math. Phys. 101, 1313 (1994) [Teor. Mat. Fiz. 101, 225 functions, respectively. For the above values of A1, A2 (1994)]. and A , and for natural values of κ 1/Λ , in the de- [13] T. Huber and D. Maitre, Comput. Phys. Commun. 178, 3 ≫ P nominator of Eq. (8) the A3 term is larger than the A1 755 (2008).

2 Notice here that due to the higher derivative regularization there 3 We have used HypExp2 [13] to expand the hypergeometric func- are interaction vertices not present in standard QED. tions in a Laurent series in ǫ.