Title: Proposals to strength knife legislation IA No: HO0292 Impact Assessment (IA) RPC Reference No: Date: 14 Oct 2017 Lead department or agency: Home Office Stage: Consultation Other departments or agencies: Source of intervention: Domestic Type of measure: Primary legislation Contact for enquiries:
[email protected] Summary: Intervention and Options RPC Opinion: Awaiting Scrutiny Cost of Preferred (or more likely) Option Total Net Business Net Net cost to business per One-In, Business Impact Target Present Value Present Value year (EANDCB in 2014 prices) Three-Out Status -£7.66 million N/K N/K N/K No BIT Targer What is the problem under consideration? Why is government intervention necessary? Knife crime recorded by the police has been increasing since late 2014 and it is now above the level of knife crime in 2010. The increases were initially due to improvements in police recording of crime, but recent figures are thought to reflect real increases in some parts of the country. The Government has been taking action, legislating where necessary (e.g. banning zombie knives), working with retailers to enforce sales restrictions, and preventing knife crime through working with voluntary sector groups. However, as part of this wide range approach, we also want to strengthen primary legislation to respond to concerns and to provide the police with more powers. What are the policy objectives and the intended effects? The legislative proposals will support public safety and give police the powers they need to tackle knife crime. We are concerned about young people carrying knives and we know that young people are currently able to use online retailers to obtain knives without being subject to the age ID checks which would be applied in store; we want to tackle this issue.