PRIMROS SOCIETY FOUNDED 1941 Primroses WINTER 2OO8 VOL. 66 NO. OFFICERS Primroses President's Message Editor Lee Nelson. President Jane Guild Primroses 8 Peer Sircci 30KO Michelson Road LEE NELSON Binghamlom. NY 13901 Sooke BC VOS 1NO Canada The Quarterly of the (607) 648-5995
[email protected] fax 648-8397 l diim-iiil Committee Hello Everyone, American Primrose Society
[email protected] Maedythc Martin
[email protected] Judith Sellers Michael Plumb Winter has finally arrived here in New York. We saw Volume 66 No Winter 2008 Judith Sellers, Vice President Alan Lawrence our first snow last week -just a light covering so far, Susan Ciray 2297 County Highway 18 but I'm sure there is much more to follow. The way The purpose of this Society is to bring the people South New Berlin, NY 13843-3158 Editorial Deadlines Winter issue - October 15 time flies, it won't be long before primrose season interested in Primula together in an organization to Spring issue - January 15 is upon us. I'm already thinking spring. That sounds increase the general knowledge of and interest in the Michael Plumb, Secretary Summer issue - April 15 Autumn issue - July 15 like the eternal optimist I know, but I'm known as a collecting, growing, breeding, showing and using in 9341 Kingsley Crescent Richmond, BC V7A4V6 •'.'American Primrose Society 2007 positive thinker. the landscape and garden of the genus Primula in all its (604)241-0498 Primroses (ISSN 0162-6671) is forms and to serve as a clearing house for collecting and
[email protected] published by the American Primrose.