Kevock Garden Plants
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AAAAA Alpines fascinate us. There is so much variety, and the flowers are so exquisite and delicate that we never tire of them. Although spring and early summer are the best times there are things that will flower all through the year. AIH-9 ACAENA inermis 'Purpurea' 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Mat of unusual amethyst foliage, ruby red in full sun. A62-1 Acaena magellanica subsp. georgiaeaustralis 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. One of the very few flowering plants from South Georgia. Rusty brown burrs. AM7-1 Acaena microphylla 'Kupferteppich' 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. A low-growing mat of fine bronze leaves with small yellow flowers and red AOB-1 Acaena ovalifolia 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. Trailing alpine with small flowers followed by burrs of seedheads. US5-9 Acaena saccaticupula SDR7288 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Mat of blue-grey foliage and red/bronze flowers and burrs on short stems. A24-2 ACANTHUS spinosus AGM 2 litre pot £9.00 Herbaceous. Dark green spiny-edged leaves; white flowers with purple bracts. AYY-1 ACHILLEA clavennae SDR5452 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. Large flat white flower heads above toothed greyish green leaves. AWF-2 Achillea 'Walter Funcke' 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Orange-red flowers over silver-green foliage. AGM-9 ACIPHYLLA gracilis 9 cm pot £5.00 Alpine. Small plant with pinnate leaves and slender stems with creamy flowers. A5G-9 Aciphylla subflabellata 9 cm pot £5.00 Alpine. Spiky, divided, grey-green leaves and a tall spike of yellow flowers. LAE-5B ACIS autumnalis AGM 5 bulbs £5.00 Bulb. Autumn snowflake. Small, white, hanging bells. UNB-2 ACONITUM x cammarum 'Bicolor' AGM 2 litre pot £9.00 Herbaceous. Dense clusters of rich blue-and-white monkshood flowers. ANP-2 Aconitum napellus 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Monkshood with spikes of deep blue hooded flowers. A63-2 Aconitum piepunense 2 litre pot £10.00 Herbaceous. Rare tall perennial with loose spires of light blue hooded flowers. USX-2 ACTAEA simplex 'Brunette' AGM 2 litre pot £10.00 Herbaceous. Tall bottlebrush heads of pinkish white flowers above dark divided leaves. US3-2 Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike' 2 litre pot £10.00 Herbaceous. Dramatic perennial with spikes of ponk flowers, pale then darkening. ARM-9 AETHIONEMA armenum 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Shrublet with grey-green leaves and heads of pale pink flowers. A88-9 Aethionema saxatile 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Dwarf shrub with grey-green leaves and heads of pink flowers. UAC-2 AGAPANTHUS 'Albus' 2 litre pot £10.00 Herbaceous. Clump-forming perennial with umbels of bell-shaped white flowers. ABT-1 Agapanthus 'Blue Triumphator' 1 litre pot £7.00 Herbaceous. Spheres of starry clear blue flowers above clumps of strappy leaves. AL3-1 Agapanthus 'Lilliput' 1 litre pot £7.00 Herbaceous. Compact clump of slender leaves with small umbels of dark blue flowers. A7M-2 Agapanthus 'Peter Pan American' 2 litre pot £10.00 Herbaceous. Dwarf agapanthus with blue flowers. 5AB-2 Agapanthus 'Polar Ice' 2 litre pot £10.00 Herbaceous. Spheres of pure white starry flowers held above clumps of strap-like leaves. U4S-2 Agapanthus 'Silver Moon' 2 litre pot £12.00 Herbaceous. Large heads of blue flowers and leaves with strong white strips on each side. UPU-1 Agapanthus 'Underway' 1 litre pot £7.00 Herbaceous. Attractive, deciduous, clump-forming plant with soft pale blue flowers. ARF-1 AJUGA reptans 1 litre pot £5.00 Alpine. Low mats of bronze foliage with spikes of blue flowers. ARG-2 Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' AGM 2 litre pot £7.00 Herbaceous. Dark red-green leaves and spires of blue flowers; excellent ground cover. A3V-9 Ajuga reptans 'Valfredda' 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Tiny mounds of narrow, chocolate-coloured leaves; spikes of dark blue flowers. UBU-2 ALCEA 'Black Knight' 2 litre pot £9.00 Herbaceous. A hollyhock with flowers that are such a dark maroon that they are almost black. AML-2 ALCHEMILLA mollis AGM 2 litre pot £6.00 Herbaceous. Silvery leaves and masses of tiny yellow-green flowers. AYZ-3B ALLIUM carinatum SDR5448 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Pretty sugar-pink flowers in an 'exploding' array. A2D-1B Allium cristophii AGM 1 bulb £5.00 Bulb. Huge spherical heads of pink flowers on short stems. AE6-5B Allium cyatophorum var. farreri 5 bulbs £5.00 Bulb. Compact species for the rock garden; nodding clusters of deep purple flowers. AMP-1B Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' AGM 1 bulb £5.00 Bulb. Onion with dramatic heads of purple flowers. AKK-1B Allium karataviense AGM 1 bulb £5.00 Bulb. Broad, short, silver-grey leaves and spheres of pink flowers. ALY-5B Allium moly 5 bulbs £3.00 Bulb. Bright golden yellow flowers above lance-shaped grey-green leaves. ALS-5B Allium sphaerocephalon 5 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Dense umbels of deep crimson-purple flowers. UVH-3B Allium vineale 'Hair' 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Amazing globes of red-purple flowers with a green punk hairstyle. U3Z-3 ALNUS sieboldiana 3 litre pot £10.00 Tree. An attractive alder from Honshu in Japan, making a large shrub. AZ8-9 ANDROMEDA polifolia 'Grandiflora' 9 cm pot £4.00 Shrub. Large clusters of pale pink flowers growing from glaucous green foliage. AHL-7 ANDROSACE carnea subsp. rosea AGM 7 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Umbels of open cup-shaped, pink flowers with yellow eyes. A23-7 Androsace cylindrica 7 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Lovely white flowers with a greeny yellow eye. AM2-9 Androsace mathildae 9 cm pot £5.00 Alpine. Neat rosettes with many single white flowers with yellow centres. AT6-9 Androsace sarmentosa 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Lax rosettes of hairy leaves, flowers pink with yellow eyes. AXN-9 Androsace sarmentosa CC5557 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Loose rosettes of soft, hairy leaves and short-stemmed clusters of pink flowers. ASO-9 Androsace selago SDR1953 9 cm pot £6.00 Alpine. Domes of hairy rosettes, with more or less sessile flowers. AT8-9 Androsace sempervivoides AGM 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Low mat of rosettes with pale pink flowers. A2G-9 Androsace sempervivoides 'Susan Joan' 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Fine Androsace studiosorum type with bright pink flowers. A67-1 Androsace spinulifera SDR4808 F 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. Hairy rosettes and clusters of deep pink flowers. A8V-1 Androsace strigillosa 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. Loose heads of white flowers with gorgeous dusky pink under the petals. A2S-9 Androsace studiosorum AGM 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Low mat of rosettes with bright pink flowers with a yellow eye. ABD-1 ANEMONE baldensis 1 litre pot £6.00 Alpine. Large, white flowers over tufts of dissected, dark green leaves. ABM-2 Anemone barbulata 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Clusters of numerous blue-backed, pure white flowers. ABG-5B Anemone blanda blue-flowered 5 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Woodland ground cover; range of blues, including pale blue. ABH-5B Anemone blanda 'White Splendour' AGM 5 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Woodland ground cover; large white flowers. APX-9 Anemone caroliniana 9 cm pot £4.00 Herbaceous. Glossy, deeply divided leaves and creamy white cupped flowers. UCE-3B Anemone coronaria De Caen Group 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Mixed reds, purples, blues and white, for the garden or cutting. A3P-3B Anemone coronaria 'Die Braut' 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Semi-double pure white flowers, good for cutting or in the garden. ADX-9 Anemone demissa F 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Beautiful large white (occasionally purple) flowers. ADO-9 Anemone drummondii 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Divided leaves and creamy white flowers. AHP-2 Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' AGM 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Pure white flower above deeply cut leaves. AH9-2 Anemone x hybrida 'Queen Charlotte' AGM 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Herbaceous perennial with many large, semi-double pink flowers. UHS-2 Anemone x hybrida 'September Charm' AGM 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Many heads of pink cup shaped flowers. UHW-2 Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind' 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Semi -double white flowers with yellow centres on tall stems. AXL-3B Anemone x lesseri 3 bulbs £4.00 Alpine. Anemone with deeply divided leaves and bright red flowers. ALJ-2 Anemone leveillei 2 litre pot £8.00 Herbaceous. Waxy, white flowers flushed lilac on the back. ALP-3B Anemone x lipsiensis 'Pallida' AGM 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Pale yellow hybrid between white A. nemorosa and yellow A. ranunculoides. AUU-9 Anemone multifida Annabella Series 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Upright stems with several deep rose pink flowers above multiply divided leaves. AMG-9 Anemone multifida var. globosa 9 cm pot £4.00 Alpine. Hairy, multiply divided leaves and cup-shaped rich pink-red flowers. AMR-2 Anemone multifida 'Rubra' 2 litre pot £4.00 Alpine. A less common form, with crimson red flowers. ANQ-3B Anemone nemorosa AGM 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. The wood anemone, with starry, pink-flushed white flowers. UNP-3B Anemone nemorosa 'Bracteata Pleniflora' 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. White flowers tipped with green, with a ruff of green bracts. ANR-3B Anemone nemorosa 'Robinsoniana' AGM 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Wood anemone form with pale sky blue flowers. AN6-3B Anemone nemorosa 'Vestal' AGM 3 bulbs £4.00 Bulb. Beautiful wood anemone with double white flowers. APT-9 Anemone parviflora 9 cm pot £4.00 Herbaceous. Short erect stems with large, solitary white flowers; from sub-arctic regions.