11 Myths About Bees You've Probably Heard

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11 Myths About Bees You've Probably Heard FIND MORE ARTICLES AT NOBLE.ORG A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FROM MARCH 2017 | VOLUME 35 | ISSUE 03 THE SAMUEL ROBERTS NOBLE FOUNDATION AG NEWS&VIEWS RESEARCH CENTER 11 Myths About Bees You’ve Probably Heard by Will Chaney, senior research associate | jwchaney@noble.org aising bees can be an beekeeping. While bees are one of the most benefi- extremely rewarding cial agricultural insects, the following myths make agricultural enterprise. bees one of the most feared and misunderstood Interest in beekeep- DID YOU insects. Don’t let myths stop you from learning Ring has increased drastically about bees. throughout much of the United KNOW? States. Several factors have A bee colony consists of MYTH #1: ALL BEES STING. contributed to this increase 20,000 to 60,000 honey Not all bees can sting. For example, male bees such as the desire to produce bees and one queen. cannot sting. The stinger, or sting, is a modified backyard honey, provide pol- Worker honey bees are egg-laying device. Therefore, only females have linator sources and gain an female; they live for about them. However, despite having a stinger, the extra source of income. six weeks and do all the females of many bee species actually cannot sting. When I have initial conversations with potential work. The queen bee can Bees tend to sting to defend their nest, so most beekeepers, many of the questions I’m asked are live up to five years; her role bees won’t sting unless they are provoked or feel grounded in myths that have existed for gener- is to fill the hive with eggs. threatened. ations. Unfortunately, these myths have stopped many individuals from becoming involved in continued on next page 2 | AG NEWS&VIEWS EVENTS FIGURE 1: BODY PARTS OF A DRONE BEE Learn More FOREWING by Joining the New Bee HAMULI Association OCELLI The Texoma Beekeep- ers Association (TOBA) COMPOUND held its first meeting in HINDWING EYE February. If you would ANTENNAE like to find out more information about the association or its meeting times, please contact a member of the Noble Foundation Center for Pecan and Specialty Agriculture by calling the Ag Helpline SPIRACLE at 580-224-6500. Beekeeping MANDIBLES in Oklahoma PROBOCIS MYTH #2: HONEY BEES CAN STING THEIR VICTIM MYTH #7: ADULT BEES LIVE A LONG TIME. REPEATEDLY. Solitary bees live only a few weeks, just long enough Honey bee workers can sting other insects repeatedly. to mate, build nests and produce offspring. Honey However, barbs in their stingers get caught in the skin and bumble bee workers and males live about six of the animals they sting, especially mammals with thick weeks. The workers spend half their time working on skin such as humans. Removing the stinger is fatal to the hive and the other half foraging for pollen and the bee, so it dies afterward. nectar. The queens live longer. Bumble bee queens live up to one year, and honey bee queens can live up MYTH #3: WASPS ARE BEES. to four years. Although wasps belong to the same order of insects, The Center for Pecan they are not bees. Bees are vegetarians, collecting MYTH #8: BEES WON’T STING AT NIGHT. and Specialty Agricul- pollen and nectar for their young. Wasps are carnivores. A long-believed myth about bees is that they do not ture will present an Some species can be very aggressive, especially if you sting at night, which in fact is incorrect. Bees will sting informational workshop disturb their nests. Bees are usually nonaggressive. The at any time for protection. on beekeeping in exception is Africanized bees, a species not commonly Oklahoma. Topics to found in the United States. MYTH #9: MOST BEES LIVE IN HIVES. be discussed include Only social bees live in hives. Ten percent of bee the rules and regula- MYTH #4: YOU CAN AVOID BEE STINGS BY species are social, and only a small percentage of tions for beekeeping SPRAYING THE NEST WITH WATER. them build hives. Most bees are solitary, living in in Oklahoma as well Do not try this. Water will not affect a bee nest. Likely, individual nests tunneled in the soil or tree trunks. as the 2016 Oklahoma you’ll just irritate the bees inside and increase your Pollinator Protection chance of getting stung. MYTH #10: IF YOU RID YOUR LAWN OF DANDELI- Plan. There will also be ONS AND FLOWERS, IT KEEPS BEES AWAY. a discussion of facts MYTH #5: ALL BEES PRODUCE HONEY. Though bees are pollinators, they will build nests and myths regarding Less than 5 percent of bee species make honey. miles away from flowers and other plants they polli- Africanized Honey Bees Only honey bees and stingless bees produce enough nate. Whether or not you have flowers in your yard in Oklahoma and honey honey to make it worth harvesting. Bumble bee makes no difference if a bee scout spots a good place bee swarms. Time and hives may have a small amount, about one to two to create nest. weather permitting, teaspoons. Bumble bees are annual, not perennial. there will be a short tour They don’t need to produce a lot of honey to survive MYTH #11: SEALING UP THE HOLE IN A WALL of the Noble Learning the winter. WHERE BEES ARE NESTING WILL KILL THE Center Apiary. BEES INSIDE. MYTH #6: BEES ARE HARD WORKERS. If you seal up the entrance to a bee nest, you risk anger- March 25, 2017 Honey bee, bumble bee and stingless worker bees ing them. They may burrow into unwanted places such 9 a.m.-noon (females) work very hard. However, many males don’t as the interior of your house. Bees have been known to Noble Foundation do any work in the nest. Females of the solitary bee tunnel through wood and drywall. Your best bet to is to Kruse Auditorium species may only work for a couple weeks. contact your local bee professionals. No registration fee.
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