Congressional Record—House H2361
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April 28, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H2361 began. The follow-on OAS technical Whereas the main opposition party, the Mr. Speaker, I again want to con- mission continues to nurture these im- People's National Congress (PNC) has al- gratulate all the peoples and the na- portant civil society groups in the leged that the elections were not free and tions of the hemisphere who have held most isolated and violent parts of Nica- fair; and free and fair elections over the past few Whereas although international observers ragua. such as the Organization of American States months, and commend the gentleman Additionally, I want to take the op- (OAS), the Commonwealth, and the Inter- from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) my good portunity to urge the Government of national Foundation of Electoral Systems friend, for introducing this resolution, Nicaragua to move to name a profes- (IFES) have unanimously agreed, based on and I urge its adoption by the House. sional, credible individual to serve as their observations on election day, that the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of that country's human rights ombuds- polling process was free and fair, it has been my time. man. This is important, since the alleged that violations occurred in the Mr. LUTHER. Mr. Speaker, I yield downsized successor to the OAS±CIAV counting process, necessitating an audit of myself such time as I may consume, the elections by the Caribbean Community and I rise in support of this resolution. has ceased providing independent (CARICOM): Now, therefore, be it human rights reporting. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Mr. Speaker, I support this resolu- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, House Con- Senate concurring), That the CongressÐ tion and I commend the gentleman current Resolution 222 commends the Organi- (1) congratulates the people of Guyana for from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) for intro- zation of American States for its role in suc- holding multiparty presidential elections by ducing it. After the elections in De- cessfully aiding the transition of Nicaragua proportional representation; cember, the situation in Guyana from Civil War to democracy. (2) supports the audit of the elections by looked grim. Many political actors the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), an Mr. Speaker, the OAS role in Nicaragua has threatened violence and threatened to organization deemed acceptable to all par- ignore the outcome of the elections. proven to be invaluable. The international sup- ties; port and verification commission has resettled (3) calls on all parties and opposition lead- The intervention of the Caribbean former combatants; distributed food and hu- ers to respect the outcome of the audit as Community averted what could have manitarian assistance; and investigated and the final decision and make a vow to peace been a very violent situation. documented human rights abuses. In addition, and stability in Guyana; and But, Mr. Speaker, democracy in Guy- the OAS±CIAV brokered negotiations between (4) calls on the newly elected president of ana has a long way to go and this reso- the Government of Nicaragua and the re- the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to re- lution recognizes that. All parties in spect the rule of law and human rights. armed groups; provided critically needed infra- Guyana must recognize the rule of law structure; and established local peace com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and human rights if democracy is going missions to provide an avenue for alternative ant to the rule, the gentleman from to overcome years of ethnic and ra- dispute resolution. California (Mr. GALLEGLY) and the gen- cially charged politics, and we are Clearly, Santiago Murray and Sergio tleman from Minnesota (Mr. LUTHER) right to call on them to do that. Caramagna are to be commended for their each will control 20 minutes. This resolution deserves our support, work as are all the members of the OAS± The Chair recognizes the gentleman and I urge my colleagues to join me in CIAV team and the follow-on OAS technical from California (Mr. GALLEGLY). voting ``yes'' on this important meas- cooperation mission. These dedicated profes- Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield ure. sionals have labored long and hard to ease myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the journey as Nicaragua consolidates its de- (Mr. GALLEGLY asked and was my time. mocracy. given permission to revise and extend Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield I want to thank and commend the chairman his remarks.) such time as he may consume to the for introducing the resolution and I urge my Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise gentleman from New York (Mr. GIL- colleagues to support the resolution. in support of H. Con. Res. 215. During MAN), the chairman of the Committee Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield the congressional recess from October on International Relations. back the balance of my time. of last year until February 1998, several (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nations in the Western Hemisphere, in- permission to revise and extend his re- question is on the motion offered by cluding Honduras, Columbia, Jamaica, marks.) the gentleman from California (Mr. Costa Rica and Chile, held important Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am GALLEGLY) that the House suspend the Presidential, congressional, or munici- pleased to rise in support of H. Con. rules and agree to the concurrent reso- pal elections. These elections rep- Res. 215. First, I would like to thank lution, H. Con. Res. 222. resented another important step in the the distinguished gentleman from Cali- The question was taken; and (two- consolidation of democracy in the fornia (Mr. GALLEGLY) chairman of the thirds having voted in favor thereof) Americas. All of these nations deserve Subcommittee on the Western Hemi- the rules were suspended and the con- our congratulations and support. sphere, and the gentleman from Min- current resolution was agreed to. One of those elections and subject to nesota (Mr. LUTHER) who is managing A motion to reconsider was laid on this bill was held on December 15 of the bill for the minority on this meas- the table. last year when the people of Guyana ure today. Mr. Speaker, I also would like to f went to the polls and elected their new President. H. Con. Res. 215 was intro- thank the gentleman from New Jersey CONGRATULATING THE PEOPLE duced by our colleague, the gentleman (Mr. PAYNE) and the gentleman from OF THE COOPERATIVE REPUBLIC from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) and con- Georgia (Mr. BISHOP) for submitting H. OF GUYANA FOR HOLDING gratulates the 88 percent of the voters Con. Res. 215. MULTIPARTY ELECTIONS of Guyana who participated in their On December 15, 1997, Guyana held Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I elections. elections that were judged by inter- move to suspend the rules and agree to By all accounts, these elections were national monitors to be free and fair the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. judged to be free and fair by a team of elections. However, opposition parties 215) congratulating the people of the international election observers. De- alleged some serious irregularities. Co-operative Republic of Guyana for spite the fact that some ballot count- This resolution points out that an holding multiparty elections, as ing problems did arise which neces- audit of the elections was requested of amended. sitated an international audit, the the Caribbean Community, CARICOM. The Clerk read as follows: overall election process was a great This resolution also lends support to success. CARICOM's efforts and urges the com- H. CON. RES. 215 peting political parties in Guyana to b Whereas the people of Guyana voted on De- 1530 respect the outcome of the CARICOM cember 15, 1997, to re-elect the ruling party, Interestingly enough, the new presi- audit. the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/ Civic); dent, Mrs. Janet Jagan, is a U.S.-born Mr. Speaker, I would like to endorse, Whereas the Guyanese people showed their native of Chicago who succeeds her particularly, the resolution's call on strong belief in the democratic process by husband, the former president who the elected President of Guyana to re- approximately an 88 percent voter turnout; passed away last year. spect the rule of law and human rights. H2362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 28, 1998 Accordingly, I support H. Con. Res. 215 position as well as majority, I think Mr. Speaker I applaud efforts of the authors and I thank the gentlemen for bringing that the country will move forward in of this resolution and the people of Guyana in it to our attention at this time. the right direction. I am hopeful that the struggle for greater democracy and urge Mr. LUTHER. Mr. Speaker, I yield it will happen. I wish the new Presi- my colleagues to vote yes on H. Con. Res. such time as he may consume to the dent success once there is the conclu- 215. gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. sion of the audit. Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I have PAYNE), the author of the resolution. Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, House Con- no further requests for time, and I Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I thank current Resolution 215 is a straightforward yield back the balance of my time. the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. resolution which commends the people of Mr. LUTHER. Mr. Speaker, I yield LUTHER) and the gentleman from Cali- Guyana for conducting what were, by all ac- back the balance of my time. fornia (Mr. GALLEGLY), and also the counts, free and fair elections. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. gentleman from New York (Chairman An assessment of the voting by the Inter- BARRETT of Nebraska).