EPA Region 5 Records Ctr. 269389 SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN NEAL'S LANDFILL SINKHOLE/CAVE ENTRY MONROE COUNTY, INDIANA Prepared for: Viacom, Inc. 11 Stanwix Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Prepared by: PSARA Technologies, Inc. 10925 Reed Hartman Highway Suite 220 Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 Approved by: Mike Hessling PSARA Project Manager ignature TJ^T Date/ Scott W. Walton PSARA Corporate Health & nature Date Safety Director November 5, 2004 PSARA PN: 30400.57 Steigerwald, Beth From: Sent: FridNovember 05, 2004 4:1; To: Steiger Subject: FW: fifiaTversion of NLF sinkhole/cave entry HAS v^ Attachments: HASP NLF sinkhole and cave entry - FINAL.pdf HASP NLF sinkhole and cave ent... Original Message From: Andy Smith [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 3:53 PM To: Jeffrey J. Lifka; John Bassett; Mike McCann; Russ Cepko; Dottie Alke Cc: Mike Hessling; Richard McCandless Subject: final version of NLF sinkhole/cave entry HASP All, Attached is the final version of the Neal's Landfill sinkhole and cave entry HASP in .pdf format. Feel free to distribute at will. John, could you please forward this to Chad Ross; I do not have his email address. Andy Smith Memorandum Neal's HASP TECHNOLOGIES, INC To: Dottie Alke, Tom Alcamo From: Scott W. Walton CC: Andy Smith, Mike Hessling Date: November 15,2004 HASP Distribution Enclosed is your copy of the Health and Safety Plan approved for use at the Neal's Landfill Cave and Sinkhole explorations. The master copy of this plan will be retained in Bloomington by Andy Smith. Thank you for your help on this.