Cipla Limited Registered Office: Cipla House, Peninsula Business Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013 Phone: (9122) 2482 6000, Fax: (9122) 2482 6893, Email:
[email protected], Website: Corporate Identity Number: L24239MH1935PLC002380 Annexure to the Board’s Report Particulars of employee remuneration for the financial year ended 31st March, 2019 As required under section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with rule 5(2) and (3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014. Employed throughout the year Name Designation Qualification Experience Age Date of Last employment Remuneration (in years) (in years) Employment (Rs.) Abhay Kumar Chief Talent Officer Master of Arts / 17 53 3/10/2016 Piramal Pharma 15,034,298.00 Srivastava Master of Personal Solutions Management Ademola Olukayode Head - Quality Doctorate / MPH / B. 17 48 20/6/2018 US FOOD AND DRUG 17,982,961.00 Daramola Compliance & Tech. ADMINISTRATION Sustainability (US FDA) Ajay Luharuka Head Finance - IPD,,MMS,CFA 23 46 11/7/1996 NIIT Limited 11,922,994.00 API, Specialty & Global Respi Aliakbar Rangwala Senior Business Head M. Sc. / B. Sc. 19 42 19/1/2009 NA 10,677,779.00 - Chronic & Emerging - India Business Alpana Vartak Head - Talent MBA (HR) / B. Sc. 15 41 8/1/2018 Coco - Cola 10,312,782.00 Acquisition Company Anil Kartha Site Head - Bsc, Bpharm 28 56 27/5/1991 Vysali 12,525,338.00 Patalganga - Pharmaceuticals Formulations Anindya Kumar Shee Head - Organization B. Tech. / MBA 18 48 14/1/2016 Reliance Industries 11,084,298.00 Development Ltd.