July to September, 1929, Inclusive : Index To
THREE SECTIONS—SECTION THREE (Issue of October 19 1929) Dv. r financial o2li1nerct31 flirontrie A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States JULY TO SEPTEMBER, 1929, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 129—PART 1 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Oopyrighted in 1929, according to Act of °on-rem, by WILLIAM B DANA OOMPANY, in office of Libtarian of Clongrea, Washington. D. C Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [VoL. 129-PART 1. II INDEX INDEX TO VOLUME 129 PART 1. JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30 1929. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page. - ctivities of Investment Trusts-Their Book Notices and Reviews (Concluded)- Cuba Banking Institutions Decree Provides for A Part in Stock Speculation-Need of Lord Reading. Book by C. J. C. Street_ - 19 Payment of Taxes by Banking Institu- Periodic Returns. (Communicated by Oil Industry of To-day, The. Booklet by tions to Central Government Only 1637 F. 0. March) 863 American Petroleum Institute 390 Guggenheim, Harry F.,Is Appointed Amer- Activities of Investment Trusts, The,-The Oil and Petroleum Year Book. Book by ican Ambassador to 1792 Report of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com- Walter Skinner 390 Czechoslovakia Coalition Government Re- merce, Communication from Frank G. Roman Empire, Social and Economic signs and President Masaryck Announces Mortimer 1348 History of the. Book by Professor New Elections for Oct. 27 1965 Advertising Congress, World, Opens in Berlin 1016 Rostovizeff 698 Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia, American Contribution to World Co-operation Booms and Banks 859 The Little Entente Countries Effect a Mili- -Reply to Article of Professor Francis British Labor Government, The Program of tary Accord 1175 Bowes Sayre 181 the 14 Broker's Loans, Expansion in_ _ _ _3, 326.
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