MATERIAL ZONES EVOLUTIONARY IDEAS Gaston Bachelard Imagination and Matter, 1942//022 Henri Bergson Creative Evolution, 1907//078 Walter De Maria On the Importance of Natural Vladimir Vernadsky The Biosphere, 1926//079 Disasters, 1960//024 Jacques Monod Chance and Necessity, 1970//081 Robert Smithson In Conversation with Dennis Wheeler, Gregory Bateson Steps to an Ecology of Mind, 1972//085 1969–70//025 Arne Naess The Three Great Movements, 1992//090 Hans Haacke Systems Aesthetics: Conversation with Félix Guattari The Three Ecologies, 1989//092 Jeanne Siegel, 1971//028 Peter Halley Nature and Culture, 1983//98 Suzaan Boettger Looking at, and Overlooking, Women Trevor Paglen Experimental Geography, 2008//104 Working in in the 1970s, 2008//031 Claire Bishop, Lynne Cooke, Tim Griffin, Pierre Huyghe, In Conversation with , Pamela M. Lee, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Andrea Zittel 1988//035 Remote Possibilities: Land Art’s Changing Terrain, Michael Auping A Nomad among Builders, 1987//036 2005//107 Jean-François Lyotard Scapeland, 1988//038 Helen & Newton Harrison On Ecocivility, 2009//113 David Harvey Between Space and Time, 1990//040 Tomás Saraceno In Conversation with Stefano Boeri and Flow (1983–91), 1995//042 Hans Ulrich Obrist, 2005//116 Steven Connor Topologies: Michel Serres and the Ingeborg Reichle Art in the Age of Technoscience, Shapes of Thought, 2002//044 2009//118 Emma Cocker Heather and Ivan Morison: Earthwalker, Oliver Grau The History of Telepresence: Automata, 2006//049 Illusion and Rejecting the Body, 2000//121 Jane Prophet On TechnoSphere, 1996//051 Donna Haraway A Cyborg Manifesto, 1985//124 Victoria Vesna Mind and Body Shifting: From Networks From Psycho-Body to Cyber-Systems: Images to Nanosystems, 2002//054 as Post-Human Entities, 1998//130 Jane Bennett Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology Tom McDonough No Ghost, 2004//133 of Things, 2010//057 Vilém Flusser Curie’s Children, 1988//061 COGNITION AND CONSCIENCE George Gessert A Brief History of Art Involving DNA, Roger Caillois The Natural Fantastic, 1971//142 1996//063 Thomas Nagel What is It Like to be a Bat?, 1974//144 Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau Interactive Jacques Derrida The Animal That Therefore I Am, Plant Growing (1993), 1999//067 1997//148 Eduardo Kac Art That Looks You in the Eye, 2007//068 Giorgio Agamben The Open: Man and Animal, Aziz + Cucher In Conversation with Thyrza Nichols 2002//151 Goodeve, 1999//070 Alan Sonfist In Conversation with Robert Rosenblum, Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr The Extended Body, 2006//074 1990//154 Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman In Conversation, Put the best object you know next to the 1991//157 Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Redwoods Andrew Ross In Conversation with Mark Dion, 1996//159 herman de vries the world we live in is a revelation, 1992//163 Bonnie Sherk Crossroads Community (The Farm), 1977//165 The 7,000 Oaks: Conversation with Richard Demarco, 1982//167 Robert Morris Notes on Art as/and Land Reclamation, 1979//170 Mel Chin In Conversation with Fareed Armaly and Ute Meta Bauer, 1997//174 Mary Mattingly In Conversation with Shane Danaher, 2010//177 Brandon Ballengée In Conversation with Tim Chamberlain, 2009//180 Jesse Ashlock Please Don’t Feed the Animals, 2006//185 Mark Sheerin Marcus Coates, 2010//189 Denise Markonish Rachel Berwick: Zugunruhe (2009), 2010//191 Carl Zimmer Justine Cooper: The Awe of Natural History big Collections, 2009//195 Henrik Håkansson Earth Sound Research Revival: Conversation with Jörg Heiser, 2009//198 things Nikolas Rose The Politics of Life Itself, 2007//202 Critical Art Ensemble Contestational Biology, 2002//204 Paul Tebbs Zhao Renhui: The Blind, 2009//209 Bruno Latour Will Non-Humans be Saved? always An Argument in Ecotheology, 2009//211 win.

Walter De Maria, ‘On the Importance of Natural Disasters’, 1960