United States Patent (19) 11, 3,977,878 Roteman (45) Aug
United States Patent (19) 11, 3,977,878 Roteman (45) Aug. 31, 1976 54 EPOXY RESEN PHOTORESIST WITH 3,522, 194 7/1970 Hada et al........................ 260/47 A ODOFORMAND BISMUTH TRPHENYL 3,708,296 1 / 1973 Schlesinger........................ 96/115 P 3,711,391 lf 1973 Feinberg............................ 96/115 P 75 Inventor: Jerome Roteman, Solon, Ohio 3,720,634 3/1973 Statton ........................... 260/47 EC 73) Assignee: American Can Company, 3,721,617 3/1973 Watt ................................. 260/2 EP Greenwich, Conn. Primary Examiner-Jack P. Brammer 22 Filed: Feb. 26, 1975 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert P. Auber; Ernestine (21) Appl. No.: 553,262 C. Bartlett; George P. Ziehmer Related U.S. Application Data 57 ABSTRACT 62 Division of Ser. No. 369,086, June 1 1, 1973, Pat. No. 3,895,954. Photopolymerizable compositions and processes for photopolymerizing such compositions are provided, 52 U.S. Cl................................ 96/86 P; 96/115 R; said process comprising admixing with said epoxides, 96/ 15 P; 204/159. 18; 204/159.23; photosensitive organohalogen compounds in combina 204/159.24; 96/85; 96/87 R tion with an organometallic compound and thereafter 51 Int. Cl.’....................... G03C 1/94; G03C 1/68 applying energy to the resulting mixture. The or 58 Field of Search............. 96/115 R, 1 15 P, 86 P, ganohalogens decompose to liberate an active catalyst 96/85, 87 R; 204/159.18, 159.23, 159.24; which then serves to initiate polymerization of the ep 260/2 EP, 2 EC, 47 A, 47 C; 427/43 oxide material. The organometallic compound func tions synergistically with the organohalogen to en 56) References Cited hance the film forming properties of the resulting pol UNITED STATES PATENTS ymer and or sensitivity of the polymerizable system.
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