Freedom of Association And Assembly Unions, NGOs and Political Freedom in Sub-Saharan Africa March 2001 ARTICLE 19 The Global Campaign for Free Expression ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was written by Dr. Bonaventure Rutinwa, a consultant to ARTICLE 19’s Africa Programme. It was edited by Njonjo Mue, Legal Adviser to the Africa Programme. Katherine Huxtable copy edited and designed the report. ARTICLE 19 is grateful to the European Commission for its financial support for the research and publication of this report. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the EC. Cover photograph by Jeremy Hartley, Panos Pictures. March 2001 ARTICLE 19 Lancaster House 33 Islington High Street London N1 9LH Tel: 020 7278 9292 Fax: 020 7713 1356 Email:
[email protected] Web: ©ARTICLE 19 ISBN 1 902598 35 0 ABBREVIATIONS ACHR American Convention on Human Rights AWC Association of Women’s Clubs CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Revolutionary Party) CIO Central Intelligence Organisation EHRR European Human Rights Reports FES Friedrich Ebert Stiftung GAPVOD Ghana Association of Private Voluntary Organisations in Development ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ICESCR International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights ILO International Labour Organisation LOMA Law and Order (Maintenance) Act, Cap 65 (Zimbabwe) MINAT Minister in Charge of Territorial Administration NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NOA Non-profit Organisations Act, 1997 (South Africa) OATUU Organisation of African Trade Unions OAU Organisation of African Unit PNDC Provisional National Defence Council RDPC Democratic Assembly of the Cameroonian People SDF Social Democratic Front UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights UNDP National Union for Democracy and Progress ZANU-PF Zimbabwe African National Union − Patriotic Front ZCTU Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1 1.