5/4/2021 - Eligible Members Can Apply For i-Sinar Beginning Mid-December - EPF

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Home Gallery Activities News Bernama - Eligible Members Can Apply For i-Sinar Beginning Mid- December - EPF

Thursday, Nov 26 2020

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e- , Nov 26 - Eligible members of the Employees Provident Participation Fund (EPF) will be able to apply for the i-Sinar facility starting mid- & Feedback December.

In a statement today, EPF said the rst payout will be made beginning a Statistics & month after their application is approved. Performance

"The EPF will be announcing the details of i-Sinar early next week, following the announcement by Minister of Finance Tengku Datuk Seri Links Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz during his Budget 2021 winding-up speech

today. Agency

"This will cover the eligibility criteria of members who suered signicant impact to their income which includes loss of employment or reduction Contact of pay," it said. Us

Earlier today, Tengku Zafrul announced the facility’s expanded coverage Ministry of and increase in maximum withdrawal amount to up to RM10,000 for Finance Malaysia those with RM90,000 and below in Account 1. As announced previously, No. 5 Persiaran Perdana Presint 2, wwwold.treasury.gov.my/index.php/en/gallery-activities/news/item/7442-bernama-eligible-members-can-apply-for-i-sinar-beginning-mid-december-epf.html 2/3 5/4/2021 Bernama - Eligible Members Can Apply For i-Sinar Beginning Mid-December - EPF

members can withdraw up to RM60,000 if their Account 1 savings Federal exceed RM90,000. Government Administrative -- BERNAMA Centre, 62592 WP PUTRAJAYA

03-8000 8000 03-88823893 / 03-88823894

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