A Novel LRR and Ig Domain-Containing Protein Could Function As an Immune Effector in Crassostrea Gigas T

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A Novel LRR and Ig Domain-Containing Protein Could Function As an Immune Effector in Crassostrea Gigas T Fish and Shellfish Immunology 88 (2019) 318–327 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Fish and Shellfish Immunology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fsi Full length article A novel LRR and Ig domain-containing protein could function as an immune effector in Crassostrea gigas T Xiudan Wanga, Xiaoli Zhaoa, Chunyu Yana, Zhihao Jiab,c, Zhao Lvb,d, Cuiping Maa, ∗ Mengqiang Wangb,e,f,g, a Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, College of Marine Science and Biological Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266042, China b CAS Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, 266071, China c Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, IN, 47907, USA d University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China e Research Platform for Marine Molecular Biotechnology, National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266237, China f Laboratory for Marine Biology and Biotechnology, National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266237, China g CAS Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, 266400, China ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: A variety of combinations of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and immunoglobulin-like (Ig) domains have been found Crassostrea gigas and discovered in invertebrates and vertebrates, but the functions remain largely unexplored. In the present Leucine-rich repeat domain study, a novel LRR and Ig domain-containing protein (LRRIG), CgLRRIG-3, was identified and characterized Immunoglobulin domain from oyster Crassostrea gigas. It contained two typical LRR motifs, a LRRNT motif and an Ig domain and PSI- LRRIG BALST and phylogeny analysis revealed that the sequence of CgLRRIG-3 was most related with leucine-rich Pattern recognition receptor repeat neuronal 1 proteins from vertebrate. Its mRNA transcripts were constitutively expressed in muscle, gill, Immune effector hepatopancreas, mantle, gonad and hemocytes with the highest level in hepatopancreas. The mRNA expression level of CgLRRIG-3 in hemocytes could respond to the stimulations of variety PAMPs including lipopoly- saccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan (PGN), glucan (GLU) and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C). The re- combinant proteins exhibited a wide PAMP binding repertoire to four typical PAMPs and could significantly induce the expression of CgTNF-1 and CgIL17-5 as well as increase phagocytosis in primary cultured oyster hemocytes. In hepatopancreas, CgLRRIG-3 was mainly distributed in the basolateral membrane of digestive tubule and the hemocoel sinusoid between the digestive tubules. And in hemocytes, the positive signal was mainly distributed in a special group of granulocytes. These results collectively indicated that CgLRRIG-3 could not only function as an immune effector. 1. Introduction which is 20–29 residues in length, containing a motif of LxxLxLxxN/CxL [3,7]. These repeats could form a characteristic horse-shoe structure, The innate immune system is the first line of defense against pa- providing molecular basis for binding to various PRRs [3]. For both thogens and it entails sensing various pathogen associated molecular vertebrates and invertebrates, LRR containing proteins have been re- patterns (PAMPs) via different pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), ported to mediate protein-protein or protein-ligand interaction and play which then initiate downstream signal pathways [1,2]. Various com- important roles in immune responses [8,9]. For example, Toll-like re- binations of protein domains constitute to the receptors of innate im- ceptors (TLRs) are characterized by extracellular LRR domain and in- munity including leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, immunoglobulin- tracellular Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain, and mediate the TLR sig- like (Ig) domain, caspase-recruitment domain, lectin domain and so on naling pathways in innate immune defense [10]. Cytoplasmic [3–6]. LRR domain and Ig domain have been found in a diverse set of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors (NLRs) fa- proteins, which could mediate ligand recognition and induce immune mily is also featured with C-terminal LRR domain and plays key roles in responses against pathogens [1,2]. PAMP recognition and downstream signal transduction [11]. In recent LRR domain usually contains 2–45 tandem LRR motifs, each of years, the immune functions of proteins containing merely LRR domain ∗ Corresponding author. CAS Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, 266071, China. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Wang). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2019.03.003 Received 26 October 2018; Received in revised form 26 February 2019; Accepted 1 March 2019 Available online 07 March 2019 1050-4648/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. X. Wang, et al. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 88 (2019) 318–327 (LRR-only proteins) have also been verified in a variety of invertebrates Table 1 such as scallop, amphioxus and so on [12–14]. Two LRR-only proteins Primers used in this work. from scallop Chlamys farreri (CfLRRop1 and CfLRRop3) could function Primers Sequence (5′-3′) as PRRs and were demonstrated to bind various PAMPs including LPS, PGN, GLU and poly I:C [12,13]. Ig domain containing proteins serve Oligo(dT)-adaptor GGCCACGCGTCGACTAGTACT17 extensive functions in direct recognition of ligands, cell adhesion, and CgLRRIG-3-F ATGCCACTGTTGTTTTACCTC fi CgLRRIG-3-R TTACACTGAACTTTGAGCTACTAT signal transduction [15,16]. In vertebrates, the diversi ed forms of Ig M13-47 CGCCAGGGTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC protein are the central structural features of adaptive immune responses RV-M GAGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGG [15]. In invertebrates, Ig superfamily (IgSF) could combine with a series CgLRRIG-3-qRT-F TGATGGAGACCACCCTCCCAA of domains and participate in various immune defenses. For example, CgLRRIG-3-qRT-R CAATGGGCCAGCGCATGGTT one or two N-terminal IgSF domains and a C terminal fibrinogen (FBG) CgEF-qRT-F AGTCACCAAGGCTGCACAGAAAG fi CgEF-qRT-R TCCGACGTATTTCTTTGCGATGT domain could form a diverse family of brinogen related proteins CgLRRIG-3-recombinant-F GATATCATGCCACTGTTGTTTTACCTCA (FREPs) involved in internal defense in snail [17]. In Crassostrea gigas, CgLRRIG-3-recombinant-R GAATTCCAAACTGAATATCTTGACGTCCAC one N-terminal V-set Ig domain, C2-set Ig domains and cytosolic im- CgTNF-1-qRT-F CTTCTCGTCTGCGGCTTCTTT munoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) composed sialic CgTNF-1-qRT-R CAGGGCTGCGGTCTTTCC CgIL17-5-qRT-F CGTCCTTGCCTTACTGACTAGA acid binding immunoglobulin-type lectin (siglec), which modulated the CgIL17-5-qRT-R TGTCGTTGTCCTCTACCATGAT immune responses such as cell apoptosis and phagocytosis [18]. A typical LRR and Ig domain containing-protein (LRRIG) consists an N-terminal LRR region, one or more central Ig domains, a transmem- USA), LPS (L2630, Sigma Aldrich, USA), GLU (G5011, Sigma Aldrich, brane region, and a C-terminal cytoplasmic tail [14]. In recent years, a USA), and poly I:C (P1530, Sigma Aldrich, USA) were used for immune series of LRRIGs have been identified and some of them were found to stimulation. The oysters in each group received an injection of 100 μL − be functioned. For example, the human leucine-rich repeats and im- PGN, LPS, GLU, poly I:C in PBS with concentration of 0.5 mg mL 1. munoglobulin-like domains (LRIG, named by Gene Nomenclature Oysters in the control group received an injection of 100 μL PBS. The Committee) gene family were illustrated to contain three members, hemolymphs from five individual oysters were collected at 3, 6, 9, 12, LRIG1, LRIG2, and LRIG3, and they were suggested to play important 24 and 48 h post injection and centrifuged at 800 g, 4 °C for 10 min to functions in many cell types and organs [19,20]. In invertebrates, ap- harvest the hemocytes. Muscle, gill, hepatopancreas, mantle, female proximate 20 LRRIG models could be found in the sea urchin genome gonad, male the gonad and hemocytes of five untreated oysters were and 240 LRRIG models in the amphioxus genome, demonstrating the collected to determine mRNA transcripts of CgLRRIG-3. prevalence of LRRIGs [14]. In Drosophila, some LRRIGs named kekkon were revealed to be regulated by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) [21,22]. However, compared to the large amount of LRRIG 2.2. RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis proteins in invertebrates, the functions of LRRIGs in invertebrates still ff remain largely unexplored. As both LRR and Ig motifs are competent The total RNA of di erent tissues was isolated using traditional fi immune recognition modules, the biological activities, cell distribution Trizol-chloroform method. The rst strand synthesis of cDNA was and immunological relevance of LRRIGs are worth investigating. performed with M-MLV reverse transcriptase using the DNase I The Pacific oyster C. gigas is one of the most important species (M6101, Promega, USA) treated RNA as template and oligo (dT)- worldwide and considerable attention has been paid on its immune adaptor as primer (Table 1). The reaction was carried out at 42 °C for system against complex environment in the estuaries and intertidal 1 h and terminated at 95 °C for 5 min. The obtained cDNA mixture was − zones [23]. In the course of long-term evolution, oysters have devel- diluted 40-fold and stored at 80 °C for subsequent quantitative real- oped diversified PRRs, including peptidoglycan recognition proteins time PCR (qRT-PCR). (PGRPs), TLRs, lectins, gram-negative binding proteins (GNBPs), fi- brinogen-related proteins (FREPs) and so on [24]. In our previous re- 2.3. cDNA cloning of CgLRRIG-3 search, two novel LRRIGs, CgLRRIG-1 and CgLRRIG-2, which are of the fi same origin, was identi ed in C. gigas [25]. Our results demonstrated The cDNA sequence of CgLRRIG-3 (JH816453.1) was obtained from that these two proteins could be regarded as a new type of PRR in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, http://www. oyster. However, compared to other oyster PRRs, more information are ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). One pair of primers, CgLRRIG-3-F and CgLRRIG-3- still needed to illustrate the exact roles of LRRIGs and deepen our un- R, were designed to clone the cDNA sequence.
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    Supplemental Information SI Methods Animal studies Heterozygote mice (B6;129.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sor tm20(CAG-Ctgf-GFP)Jsd) were crossed with female Foxd1Cre/+ heterozygote mice 1, and experimental mice were selected as Foxd1Cre/+; Rs26CIG/+. In some studies Coll-GFPTg or TCF/Lef:H2B-GFPTg mice or Foxd1Cre/+; Rs26tdTomatoR/+ mice were used as described 2; 3. Left kidneys were subjected to ureteral obstruction using a posterior surgical approach as described 2. In some experiments recombinant mouse DKK1 (0.5mg/kg) or an equal volume of vehicle was administered by daily IP injection. In the in vivo ASO experiment, either specific Lrp6 (TACCTCAATGCGATTT) or scrambled negative control ASO (AACACGTCTATACGC) (30mg/kg) (Exiqon, LNA gapmers) was administered by IP injection on d-1, d1, d4, and d7. In other experiments anti-CTGF domain-IV antibodies (5mg/kg) or control IgG were administered d-1, d1 and d6. All animal experiments were performed under approved IACUC protocols held at the University of Washington and Biogen. Recombinant protein and antibody generation and characterization Human CTGF domain I (sequence Met1 CPDEPAPRCPAGVSLVLDGCGCCRVCAKQLGELCTERDPCDPHKGLFC), domain I+II (sequence Met1CPDEPAPRCPAGVSLVLDGCGCCRVCAKQLGELCTERDPCDPHKGLFCCIFGGT VYRSGESFQSSCKYQCTCLDGAVGCMPLCSMDVRLPSPDCPFPRRVKLPGKCCEE) were cloned and expressed in 293 cells, and purified by Chelating SFF(Ni) Column, tested for single band by SEC and PAGE, and tested for absence of contamination. Domain-IV (sequence GKKCIRTPKISKPIKFELSGCTSMKTYRAKFCGVCTDGRCCTPHRTTTLPVEFKCPDGE VMKKNMMFIKTCACHYNCPGDNDIFESLYYRKMY) was purchased from Peprotech. Mouse or human DKK1 was generated from the coding sequence with some modifications and a tag. Secreted protein was harvested from 293 cells, and purified by nickel column, and tested for activity in a supertopflash (STF) assay 4. DKK1 showed EC50 of 0.69nM for WNT3a-induced WNT signaling in STF cells.
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