. f.. ,.... A project of the Pennsylvania Family Council "The common and statutory law of Pennsylvania shall be construed so as to extend to the unborn the equal protection of the laws and to further the public policy of this Commonwealth encouraging childbirth over abortion."


P E NNSYLVAN I A Family Council

Protect the family. Preserve the future~ 23 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17101 I (717) 545-0600

For general information: [email protected] For media or speaking requests, contact Dan Bartkowiak: [email protected]

Connect with us: f PAFamily TABLE OF CONTENTS

I. Report Summary 4

II. How many happen in Pennsylvania? 6

i. Abortion is down in PA - What does that mean? 7

ii. How many PA laws impact abortion? 8

iii. Where do abortions happen in Pennsylvania? 9

Ill. The largest abortion provider in Pennsylvania: . 10

i. Ten Realities of Planned Parenthood 11

IV. Conclusion 13

V. Notes 14

VI. Abortion: Quarterly Facilities Report 16 THE STATE OF ABORTION IN PENNSYLVANIA- PAGE 4


Abortion in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, more than any other state, has impacted the history of abortion in America. hosted the "Mother's Day Massacre" in 1972, when nine of 15 women were injured in testing a new, barbaric abortion procedure called the "super coil/' which lacerated the unborn with a bundle of razors. Pennsylvania brought the first state challenge to the extreme ruling of Roe v. Wade and paved the way for life-saving legislation across the country. And Pennsylvania was home to the Kermit Gosneii'House of Horrors' -the most horrific abortion facility yet to be exposed that It was Pennsylvania shocked the nation and shed light on the politically­ that brought the motivated decisions regarding lax clinic inspections. first state challenge Abortion in the United States peaked in 1990 and to the extreme ruling has gradually declined ever since. In Pennsylvania, of Roe v. Wade and abortion peaked a decade earlier (65,777 abortions were performed in 1980) and over the paved the way for last six years has steadily decreased-now down improvements across 17% since 2008. the country. This report makes available for the first time online the 2013 data from the '~bortion: Quarterly Facilities Report." This quarterly report is required to be filed with the Department of Health by every facility in which an induced abortion is performed within Pennsylvania. By showing these totals online we aim to bring more transparency to abortion in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania's laws-from the Abortion Control Act to abortion clinic regulations to the most recent "Chloe's Law''-have helped bring better safety measures, protections, and education to pregnant women and their families. These laws have improved the conditions surrounding abortion and have played a role in reducing the number of abortions in Pennsylvania.


Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania Even with decreasing abortion rates statewide, Planned Parenthood's abortion rate is at an all-time high. Planned Parenthood is Pennsylvania's largest and most lucrative chain of abortion businesses, with 33 locations that bring in some $35 million a year. It is the abortion industry's unquestioned market leader, selling more than half of Pennsylvania's 32,000 abortions in 2013.

Planned Parenthood operates under the guise of providing a wide range of women's health services but over 90% of pregnant clients-many seeking prenatal care-end up with abortions. They report Further, a significant no adoption referrals. Further, a significant portion portion of their work of their work is funded by taxpayers-funding which is now at the highest levels ever. is funded by taxpayers­ funding which is now Having pledged to spend an unprecedented $1 at the highest levels ever. million to impact Pennsylvania's 2014 elections, including electing Governor Tom Wolf, Planned Parenthood is now seeking to undermine pro-life, pro-women's health protections in our state, and is seeking even more taxpayer dollars to expand their empire.

For Planned Parenthood, abortion is business. For Pennsylvania women and their families, abortion is personal.



32,108-Total reported induced abortions in Pennsylvania for 2013. Each year the Department of Health reports on abortion statistics from the previous year. The latest numbers show that 32,108 abortions were performed in Pennsylvania in 2013-for the first time less than half of 1980's high point of 65,777.

Abortion down 170/a since 2008. Since 2008 there has been a steady decline in abortion in Pennsylvania:

38,807 37,284 36,778 36,280 32,108 34 536 ' 32,108 ABORTIONS IN PAIN 2013 NEARLY 1 IN 5 PREGNANCIES in Pennsylvania result in an abortion.*

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

40,136- Total reported abortions from Gosnell's 'House of Horrors.' In 1993, "the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics." This allowed abortionist to become a millionaire through his Women's Medical Society abortion Facility in Philadelphia. This Facility reported a total of 40,136 abortions From October 1988 to December 2009. On over 40,000 occasions a woman walked into his horriflc clinic for an abortion. Gosnell curren~y sits in jail serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

•source: Dept. of Health (2012)- Total Births= 140,873- Total Abortions= 33,166



The recent decrease in abortion in Pennsylvania can be attributed to several factors:

1. There are available alternatives to abortion. The Pennsylvania Alternative to Abortion Services Program works with social service agencies, pregnancy resource centers, maternity residences and adoption agencies to offer comprehensive, life-affirming alternatives to abortion. Also, there are 235 pregnancy resource centers across Pennsylvania-4th highest in the country.1

2. There have been signiRcant technological advancements. Ultrasound technology has been used since the 1970s, but over the last 10 years there have been significant improvements in medical imaging.2 This has led to a greater awareness of the development of a baby, and therefore of what an abortion involves. In Pennsylvania, there are 14 schools offering ultrasound degrees-4th highest in the country. And PA has the 5th highest employment rate of ultrasound technicians and diagnostic medical sonographers in the nation.

3. There's less of a stigma surrounding single parenting. The number of single parent families raising children in PA increased by 12% from 2000 to 2010.3 Less than half of U.S. children now live with their married parents and 26% of children are being raised by single parents.

4. Some abortion clinics have closed. The nHouse of Horrors» clinic was closed in 2010. And since 2011, there have been at least five abortion clinic shutdowns in Pennsylvania.

5. There's been a debate surrounding late-term abortions. The violent nature of abortion has been laid bare through medical imagery and public discourse, encouraging many to contemplate the humanity of the unborn.

6. More Pennsylvanians are pro-life. In 1996, Gallup polls showed 33% of Americans identified as pro-life with 56% as pro-choice. In 2013, the figures have shifted to 48% pro-life and 45% pro-choice:"



PA Abortion Control Act: On November 18, 1989, Governor Bob Casey signed into law Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Act. This monumental law was the first action by any state to put safety restrictions on abortion since Roe v. Wade. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Pianned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992, it upheld most of the law. The following provisions stand to this day:

1. Waiting Period - There must be a 24-hour waiting period between the flrst visit and the performing of an abortion. 2. Parental Consent- A minor must have consent from a parent or guardian before moving forward with an abortion. 3. Informed Consent - Speciflc information must be presented by an abortion clinic so the pregnant woman knows she can learn more about the unborn child and that medical assistance beneRts may be available to help with prenatal, childbirth and neonatal care. 4. Reporting- Clinics must report to the state on their abortion activity. 5. Public Funding- No tax dollars are used to fund abortions, with three exceptions (pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, or which threaten the life of the mother). 6. Sex-selective abortions- No abortion may be performed due to the sex of the child. Z 24-weeks Limit - No abortion may be performed after the 6th month of gestation, with an exception to save the mother from death or uirreversible impairment of a major bodily function."

Act 122 It was only after Kermit Gosnell's arrest and his Facility's closure (due to a police raid on suspicion of selling illegal drugs) that Pennsylvania laws were changed to make sure abortion Facilities are inspected regularly. After nearly a year of debate, in December 2011 the legislature passed Senate Bill 732, bringing any abortion Facility up to the same rules and safety regulations as every other ambulatory surgical Facility in the state. This law, Act 122, took effect in June 2012.

Other PA Laws:

Chloe's Law (Act 130- 2014) Mandates that specific information be presented to Families when their baby is diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

Act 13 (HB 818- 2013) Ensures existing state law banning taxpayer funding of abortions would continue by prohibiting the state Obamacare exchanges from selling insurance plans that cover abortions.

Race-based abortions (2010) Makes it illegal to perform an abortion for the reason of the child's race.



Where Induced Abortions Took Place in Pennsylvania (2013) PERCENTAGE OF 1. Hospitals (26) INDUCED ABORTIONS 2. Free-standing clinics (15) IN PENNSYLVANIA a. Planned Parenthood- 11 clinics (2013 TOTAL: 2~223)

Percentage of Induced Abortions in Pennsylvania (2013 Total: 27,223) 63%- Planned Parenthood (1"149) 31%- Non-Planned Parenthood Free-Standing Clinics (8,379) 6%- Hospitals (1,695)

Largest Abortion Facilities in Pennsylvania (by number performed - 2013) 1. Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania - Locust St. (5,658) 2. Philadelphia Women's Center (5,129) 3. Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania - Comly Rd. (3,311) 4. Allentown Women's Center (2,644) 5. Planned Parenthood Pittsburgh- Women's Health Services (2,366) 6. Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania- West Chester (1,079) Z Planned Parenthood Allentown (1,078) 8. Planned Parenthood Reading (952) 9. Planned Parenthood Keystone- Warminster (939) 10. Planned Parenthood Keystone - York (693)

Highest Abortion Count by a Hospital in Pennsylvania {2013) 1. Magee Women's Hospital of UPMC - Pittsburgh (680) 2. Hospital of the University of PA- Philadelphia (319) 3. Albert Einstein Medical Center- Philadelphia (280) 6% 4. Pennsylvania Hospital- Philadelphia (129) HOSPITALS 5. Abington Memorial Hospital- Abington {6n (1,695)



Planned Parenthood is by Far the largest abortion provider in Pennsylvania.

33 Planned Parenthood affiliates. There are 33 Planned Parenthood affiliates across Pennsylvania. These are broken down into three regions: Western, Keystone and Southeastern.

11 Abortion surgery facilities. While one-third of Planned Parenthood centers perform abortions, all the rest refer for abortion.

1,205 more annual induced abortions since 2008. From 2008-2013, the number of annual abortions performed by Planned Parenthood has increased over 1,200. In contrast, over that same time period, abortions statewide have gone down by over 6,600. Planned Parenthood's market share is expanding.

94% of prenatal services are abortions. Nationally, Planned Parenthood reports providing several services to pregnant women - abortion services, prenatal care and adoption referrals. Of those services, 94% are abortions. If 1,000 pregnant women walked into Planned Parenthood, 938 would have an abortion.1

Zero reported adoption referrals. There are no adoption referrals reported in any of the Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood regions' annual report. In contrast, abortion is referenced 17 times.

&i&i&i&i&i&i&i &i&i&i&i&i&i&i 1,205 &i&i&i&i&i&i&i more annual abortions &i&i&i&i&i&i&i since 2008. 94% &i&i&i&i&i of prenatal sennces. are 33 AFFILIATES ZERO abortions. 11 ABORTION reported adoption SURGERY FACILITIES referrals.



1. Planned Parenthood heavily invests in politics. They quadrupled their political efforts in 2014, pledging over $1 million to Governor Wolf and other Pennsylvania races.1

2. Planned Parenthood's endorsed candidates failed in Pennsylvania. The 2014 elections did not go well for Planned Parenthood-endorsed candidates. Their original pick for Governor was U.S. Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (who lost soundly in the Democratic Primary election) and they had only a 38% success rate in the general election for contested races.2

3. Planned Parenthood exploits patients as political tools - Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards said while visiting Pennsylvania that the organization is excited about "turning our patients into activists" and patching them into Congress to lobby while sitting in the waiting room.3

4. Taxpayer dollars are given to Planned Parenthood. To the tune of over $7 million (2013), Pennsylvania affiliates of the largest abortion provider in Pennsylvania annually receive buckets in taxpayer dollars:'

~ $7,000,000 $1,000,000 TAXPAYER DOLLARS pledged to gubernatorial candidate TOM WOlf given annually by government to the and Pennsylvania political eHorts in 2014 largest abortion provider in the state - A RECORD INVESTMENT.



Pennsylvania has many great safety measures, protections, and educational tools For women and their Families going tf1rough a pregnancy. Commonsense laws have played a role in reducing the number of abortions to an all--time low for Pennsylvania. It is imperative that none of these measures are rolled back.

Pennsylvania tax dollars can better serve our communities by not being provided to Planned Parenthood or any other abortion business. There are otf1er qualified health centers in Pennsylvania that provide proper care For women, and that are not motivated by tf1e business of abortion.

Planned Parentf1ood's single-minded focus on abortion is demonstrated by analyzing the public health data. In 2008, 39 Facilities across the state, including free-standing clinics and hospitals, carried out at least one abortion, but by 2013 that number had increased to 41.

Since 2008, even with the number of locations where abortions occur remaining about the same, tf1ere has been a significant drop of 17% in abortions statewide. One would expect the largest abortion provider in the state to follow suit. However, Planned Parenthood has actually increased its abortion figures by over 1,200 annually.

Planned Parenthood is a business, and their business is abortion. While other clinics are performing less abortions, Planned Parenthood, like any savvy business, is expanding its market share. This is clearly a business model focused on abortion.

It is utf,e public policy of lf1is Commonwealtf, encouraging childbirth over abortion.u So says the Abortion Control Act, a historic piece of legislation that should make Pennsylvanians proud. It's time to toke seriously those words-words with which people of good faith from across the ideological spectrum agree. Pennsylvania violates its own stated goal by subsidizing a business tf1at lf1rives tf1rough abortion. Stop subsidizing abortion. Stop paying Planned Parenlf1ood.


Abortion in Pennsylvania 1 District AHomey R. Seth Williams' Grand Jury Report, pg 9

Abortion is down in PA. What does that mean? 1 Heartbeat International - Worldwide Directory of Pregnancy Help

2 Advancements in Ultrasound, Imaging Technology News, hHp://

3 Research Brief, Pennsylvania Stote Dato Center: hHp:// Household_Relationship_RB.pdf

4 Americans' Abortion Views Steady Amid Gosnell Trial: hHp://­ steady-amid-gosnell-trial.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign:syndication

Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania 1 hHp://

Ten Realities of Planned Parenthood 1 hHp://

2 hHp:// 31 of 50 contested races with Planned Parenthood endorsement lost­ State Senate (7 losses), State House (18 losses) and US Congress (6 losses).

3 PA Progressive Summit, February 6, 2015.

4 Annual Report (2013)- Totol Govemment contributions= $7,057,559: Keystone= $4,347,210- Southeastern= $2,256,674 - PPWP = $453,675.

5 Annual Report (2013)- Totol Revenue= $35,889,743: Southeastem = $18,631,262- Keystone= $11,391,658- Western = $5,866,823.

At a minimum, patient fees from abortion represented at least $Z3 million of the $35.8 million Planned Parenthood reported as revenue in 2013.

Calculation based on the following data points:

1. Fees for Service (Planned Parenthood Western PA) Medical abortion (4-9 weeks) = $390

Fee 4+-11.6 weeks from LMP: • With Local Sedation: $390 • With Conscious Sedation: $430 Fee 12-13.6 weeks from LMP: • With Local Sedation: $515 • With Conscious Sedation: $555 Fee 14-14.6 weeks from LMP: • With Local Sedation: $875 • With Conscious Sedation: $915 Fee 15-16.6 weeks from LMP: • With Local Sedation: $925 • With Conscious Sedation: $965 THE STATE OF ABORTION IN PENNSYLVANIA- PAGE 15

Fee 17-18 weeks from LMP: • With Local Sedation: $1050 • With Conscious Sedation: $1090

2. PA Induced Abortions Report Deportment of Health (Jan.- Dec. 2013) Total abortions: 32,108 Weeks of Gestation: 12 weeks and under = 27,892 (86.87%) 13-14 weeks= 1,793 (5.58%) 15-17 weeks = 1,394 (4.34%) 18-20 weeks= 698 (2.17%)

3. Annual Report (2013)- Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania: 33% of abortions were medical


Planned Parenthood total abortions = 17,469 PPSP = 10,669 abortions PPKey = 4,434 abortions PPWP = 2,366 abortions

Medical abortions (33% of total) = 5,764 PPSP = 3,521 abortions PPKey = 1,463 abortions PPWP = 780 abortions

5,764 X $390 = $2,247,960

$2,247,960 =Total revenue from patient fees on medical abortions

Non-medical abortions = 11,705

11,705 X 86.87% = 10,168 X $390 = $3,965,520

11,705 X 5.58% = 653 X $515 = $336,295

11,705 X 4.3A% = 507 X $925 = $468,975

11,705 X 2.17% = 253 X $1050 = $265,650

Remainder (use lowest abortion cost): 11,705 x 1.04% = 121 x $390 = $47,190

$5,083,630 = Total revenue from non-medical abortions

Total$$$ from abortion surgery= at least $7,331,590

6 Annual Report (2013)- Total abortions= 17,469: Southeastern= 10,669- Keystone= 4,434- Western= 2,366.

7 hHp:// 18/news/38619220_ 1 _gosnell-trial-abortion-issue-kermit-gosnell

8 hHp://

9 hHp:// lO Office of Population Affairs - Ti~e X Family Planning. THE STATE OF ABORTION IN PENNSYLVANIA- PAGE 16


Effective April 24, 1988, every facility in which on induced abortion is performed within Pennsylvania during any quarter year shall file a report with the Deportment of Health.

Mandatory information:

1. Quarter reporting period. 2. Nome of the facility. 3. Mailing address of the facility. 4. County facility is located in. 5. Number of abortions performed in the facility in each trimester of pregnancy during the reporting period: a. First Trimester: 0-14 weeks completed from first day of last menstrual period. b. Second Trimester: 15-26 weeks completed from first day of last menstrual period. c. 27 weeks or more completed from first day of last menstrual period. d. Total abortions performed. 6. Question: Did your facility receive state appropriated funds within the 12 month period immediately preceding filing of the report?

Reports are due within 30 days of the end of the quarter. THE STATE OF ABORTION IN PENNSYLVANIA - PAGE 17


Name 0·14 15·26 Total 0·14 15·26 Total 0·14 15·26 Total 0·14 15·26 Total Magee Women's Hospital UPMC 9.4 79 173 93 91 184 80 n 152 99 n 171 680 UPMC Mclcee.port 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UPMC l'relbyterian Shadyside 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 St. Clair Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weotem PA Haspital 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 Sewiclcley Valley Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACMH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Medical Center of Bewn Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grandview Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. wlao's Quakertown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MI. NiHany Medical Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chester Caunty Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Paoli H ital 2 0 2 5 0 5 1 0 1 2 0 2 10 Phoeni:\'le Hospital 5 0 5 8 0 8 6 0 6 3 0 3 22 .Jennerwille Regional Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clearfield Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lock Haven Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Geisinger Bloonub~ Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Carlisle Regional ical Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pinnacle Heallh System 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pinnacle Heallh System Hburg 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Penn State Herohey Medical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Crmer Chester Medical Center 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 Delaware Caunty Memorial Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Riddle Hospital 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Taylor Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uniontown Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chambersburg Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MidValley Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lancaster General Health 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lehigh Valllt,Heallh Netwark 5 5 10 7 11 4 6 10 3 7 10 41 St. wlao's AI tawn 0 0 0 0 "'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lehigh Valley Muhlenberg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. wlao's Belhlehem 2 1 3 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Williamsport Regional Medical Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UPMC Greenville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UPMC Horimn Shenango 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lewistawn Hospital 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pacano Medical Center 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Abingtan Memorial Haspital 15 16 31 11 2 13 11 3 1.4 7 2 9 67 Bryn MtNir Hospital 10 3 13 3 2 5 5 3 8 3 1 30 Lankenan Hospital 9 0 9 9 0 9 5 1 6 6 0 6"' 30 PottVown Memorial Medical Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moos Rehabilitation Einstein 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Geisinger Health System 0 1 1 1 4 5 0 1 1 0 2 2 9 Eaotan Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sunbury Comm~ Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Albert Einstein ical Center 43 .49 92 32 23 55 33 37 70 32 31 63 280 Chesnut Hill Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aria Heallh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hahnemann Uniworoity H~ital 8 2 10 3 1 4 2 0 2 0 1 1 17 Hospital of the Univeroily PA 56 29 85 52 23 75 43 32 75 56 28 84 319 PennsyM.nia Haspital 17 17 34 19 20 39 12 19 31 9 16 25 129 Penn Presbyterian Medical Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Temple Univeroily Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Thomas Jelf.noi. Uniworoity Haspital 4 1 5 6 0 6 3 5 8 4 3 7 26 Chesnut Hill Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evangelical Community Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Washinglon Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Memorial Haspital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 York Haspital 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 6 Planned Parenlhood PiH. Allegheny 645 28 673 691 24 715 450 23 473 481 24 505 2366 Planned Parenlhood Reading 267 0 267 260 0 260 212 0 212 213 0 213 952 Planned Parenlhood Norlhead/ Bucks 280 0 280 244 0 244 210 0 210 205 0 205 939 Planned Parenlhood Wesl Chester/ SEPA 259 0 259 308 0 308 242 0 242 270 0 270 1079 Planned Parenlhood Hburg [NMPBC) 152 0 152 130 0 130 136 0 136 119 0 119 537 Allentawn Women's Center 673 84 757 648 5.4 702 523 87 610 527 48 575 2644 Planned Parenlhood Allentawn 296 0 296 288 0 288 258 0 258 236 0 236 1078 Planned Parenlhood Norristawn 161 0 161 139 0 139 118 0 118 118 0 118 536 Planned Parenlhood SEPA 1474 42 1516 1422 34 1.456 1361 43 1404 1257 25 1282 5658 Phila~hia Women's Center 1077 252 1329 1170 181 1351 986 202 1188 1098 163 1261 5129 Plan Parenlhood SEPA 904 60 964 732 125 857 668 86 75.4 653 83 736 3311 Planned Parenlhood of Cenlral PA 203 0 203 149 0 149 194 0 194 147 0 147 693 Dr. Berger & Benjamin 269 0 269 269 DrexeiOBGYN 2 0 2 7 0 7 8 0 8 5 0 5 22 Hillcresl Women's Medical Center 311 4 315 315

Total a 6941 671 7612 6443 593 7036 5576 623 6199 5865 511 6376 27223

Planned Parenthood Tota.. .4641 130 4771 4363 183 4546 3849 152 4001 3699 132 3131 17149 63%

Free-Standing Clinica 2021 336 2357 1825 235 2060 1517 289 1106 1941 215 2156 1379 31%

Hoapitala 279 205 414 255 175 430 210 182 392 225 164 319 1695 6%