Movement Exploration Early Childhood Preschool
® MOVEMENT EXPLORATION EARLY CHILDHOOD PRESCHOOL A PUBLIC SERVICE OF EC Development Council: Helena Baert, Diane Craft, Laurie Gombash, Aaron Hart, Andrea Hart, Nick Kline EC Content Authors: Helena Baert, Jim DeLine, Amy Gagnon, Laurie Gombash, Aaron Hart, Nick Kline, Elyse Loughlin Contributors: Lori S. Dunn, John Foley, Matthew Madden Production & Design: Deedi Boland, Aaron Hart, Nick Kline, Jennifer Truong In partnership with the SUNY Cortland AMP Lab. OPEN is a Public Service Organization supported by US Games and BSN Sports. ©2018 These documents and all of the content provided by OPEN are available to all teachers, coaches and activity leaders without cost or obligation. Please print, copy, and share the content responsibly. The sale of this work by a third party is prohibited in any print or electronic format. For information about OPEN’s Early Childhood Equipment Pack from US Games visit: To purchase ABC’s of Movement Activity Cards visit: We support the good work of The Organwise Guys®! About This Document In an effort to afford early childhood education providers equity of access to the highest-quality movement education programming, OPEN has launched a content development effort with the help of some of the nation’s most respected physical education and early childhood content specialists. This document is an introduction to the OPEN Early Childhood (EC) program. All of the resources in this document are intended to provide early childhood movement educators an opportunity to understand the organization and design of the program.
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