Heritage Tourism Creativity in the Forms of Urban Festival for Global Industry

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Heritage Tourism Creativity in the Forms of Urban Festival for Global Industry International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 1803-1810 Heritage Tourism Creativity in the Forms of Urban Festival for Global Industry Saiful Anwar Matondang1 & Febry Ichwan Butsi2 1.2..Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Email: [email protected] Abstract This research paper explored the creativity of artists, event organizers, and producers for the revival the local heritage for urban festivals. It sought the creativity factor in urban festivals that held in Medan Municipality of North Sumatra which supported the global tourism industry. A Qualitative Approach with ethnography desaign was applied in the field from April 2016 Sept 2016 and April to October 2019. The surveys and observations at festival locations together with interviews with informants about rituals, carnivals and cultural festivals in Medan were held during events in one year duration; it targeted the Ramadhan Fair of Moslem, Waisyak of Buddhist, and Tahipussam of Tamil group. Data obtained revealed that the growth of the global heritage tourism industry increased very significantly along with the awareness of ethnic groups to make the reconstruction of cultural heritage in the form of festivals. Three festivals: the Ramadhan Fair of Moslem, Waisyak of Buddhist, and Hindus festivals such as Tahipussam of Tamil group which have a strong factor to attract the tourists come to Medan of North Sumatra. It can be concluded that Medan City has wealth in the form of rituals, carnivals, and cultural festivals as social capital for the development of a world-class cultural tourism industry. Key words: Cretivity; festivals; Medan city; tourism industry; globalization Introduction This paper sougth creativity factor of heritage tourism in which ethnic and religious groups to reconstruct thecultural festivals. It is known that many festivals are a realization of religious and social values, there is still a lack of a valid database of soci-cultural studies. In other words, field data and scientific formulations by fundamental research are not yet available in the construction of 'grounded theory' or no 'reliable' references and research reports. There is a 'gap of cultural knowledge' between religious performances and traditions carried out by ethnic groups living in the city of Medan with the production of theories of Humanities. The cultural facts of Medan City show that there are many cultural performances that are rich in philosophy and social values, but have not been accompanied by qualified production of cultural ethnography (writing cultural ethnography). Due to the gap of scientific report of the rich cultural heritage of the city of Medan, which has not been accompanied by the creation of a database, it aimed at finding the effects of the creativity factor that leads the theoretical formulation from the 'intangible heritage database' is very few. On the other hand, the database and umbrella for applied science and knowledge for 'stakeholders' in the tourism sector are vital. So that Medan City can become the largest center for religious and cultural tourism on the island of Sumatra on a global scale, in essence, it must be supported by empirical data. This research is related to the festival events which held by religious institutions, traditional cultural institutions, government and entrepreneurs. The activities of rituals, carnivals and cultural festivals of Medan City are of course how many of them have the potential to be developed as religious and cultural tourism on a global scale. The potential activities of the Ritual, Carnival and Cultural Festival of the City ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 1803 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 1803-1810 of Medan, both from the content, spectrum and from the packaging techniques performed can be developed into a global scale religious and cultural tourism. Additioinally, Maestas (2011) in the Applied Anthropology, ethnographic observations will be able to reveal the characteristics of ethnic culture and illuminate the traditions of each ethnic group to be able to synergize with the global order. Getz (2010) lists various research models of ritual and cultural performances in the context of the global tourism industry. For fundamental research based on ethnology, Getz said that the theoretical foundation generally refers to the ritual and cultural procession which is the actualization of ideology, social values, identity and sustainability of ethnic groups that celebrate important momentum (Getz, 2010: 2). In line with the recommendation of UNESCO 1972 which was ratified at the 2003 Safeguard of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Convention, in Western Europe, Regina F Bendix, Aditya Eggert and Arnika Peselmann spearheaded the adaptation of the UNESCO ratification for the continuation of intangible cultural heritage and the Regina F Bendix formed a research team to observe local traditions that are still living (living heritage) and as well as those that will become extinct, and can still be conserved (2012: 13). In essence, the UNESCO convention is capacity building in the form of the ability of ethnic groups, researchers, educators and governments to create a 'sustainability of tradition' with renewal. Given the rich cultural diversity of Medan City that has not been inventoried and scientifically structured in global challenges, the inspiration of Regina F Bendix and her team (2012) provides preliminary knowledge for fundamental research needed to discover the scientific framework of the religious and cultural 'living' of Medan. The results of this fundamental research become scientific capital and new methods that can be utilized in the development of the religious and cultural tourism industry on a global scale. Methods A qualitative research procedure with survey, observation and interviews in the festival events was applied. It sought the creativity factor which made the event organizers, artists and entrepreneurs to revive the liturgical and carnival drama as urban festivals in Medan Municipality of North Sumatra. Following Turner (1974) and Singer (1980) ideas of rituals which have produced several drama theories and social functions in tribe groups, this study focused on the revival of heritage awareness as potential factor in urban festivals. Thus data collection of the functions and social meaning of drama (Schechner, 2006 and 2008) which provide a comprehensive elaboration on rituals and cultural activities were found in festivals.Data collection considers the creativity factor in reconstruction of the liturgy and ceremony are still living in society (Fernandez et al, 1982) as modern social criticism and entertainment (Hilton, 1993). Results and Discussions Ethno- history behind the Festivals It noted that the cultural traditions of the city of Medan is influenced by the historical setting of the city of Medan, which, according to the Serdang nobleman named Tengku Luckman Sinar (2005), originated from the Kingdom of Haru which changed into the Kingdom of Deli (16th century); then became the center of the Dutch East Indies for the East Coast region of Sumatra (in the late 1800s until Indonesian independence); after the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia the City of Medan became the Central Government of the Province of East Sumatra, and at present the Center of the Capital of the Province of North Sumatra. Haru Kingdom has been said to have a strategic port in the Straits of Malacca since the 1200s. The location of the port of the Kingdom of Haru which is now called the City of China is located between the mouth of the Deli River and Buluh Cina. From the central port of the Kingdom of Haru, there are local and foreign cultural contacts, which are continued with their dissemination and adaptation in the community. So the influence of the Portuguese, Indian, Chinese and Arabic through ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC 1804 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 1803-1810 intercontinental shipping brought the process of adaptation of foreign cultures to local creativity. When the Dutch opened a tobacco plantation in the Deli Kingdom area in the 1860s, the Netherlands recruited garden workers from Java, India and South China. After the city of Medan became large, various ethnic groups came to Deli to migrate, trade, study and transit. So "Polyetnic City" (Nagata, 1986) Medan City has a distinctive religious and cultural tradition. The development of Medan City as the center of government and trade in the Dutch Colonial era made the composition of Medan's population change drastically. Even historian Anthony Reid (1979) noted that Medan City was dominated by immigrants and ethnic Malays, Karo and Simalungun as the native population became a minority. Lengenberg (1982) predicts the occurrence of inter-ethnic conflict in East Sumatra because it is caused by the interaction of migrants and indigenous people is less communicative, and migrants have mastered the economy of the East Sumatra region. Conversely, indigenous people are powerless in facing wiyalah growth, economically, socially and culturally. Indonesia's independence brought blessings to ethnic groups living in the city of Medan. The term "Polyethnic City" (Nagata, 1979) can be used as a Branded City of Medan because it is rich in ethnic cultural heritage. At this time, Medan City has a distinctive cultural character and has the potential to become a religious and
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