a big THANK YOU to the SASE 2020 Program Committee

Nitsan Chorev Rina Agarwala SASE President Johns Hopkins University Brown University

Daniel Mügge Diego Sánchez-Ancochea University of Amsterdam University of Oxford

Table of Contents

At-A-Glance Calendar …………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Presidential Welcome ……………………………………………………….…………………… 6 How to Participate……………………………………………...……...……………………….….. 8 About This Program…………………………………………...……...……………………….….. 9 This Year’s Conference Theme……………………….………………………………………. 10 Next Year’s Conference Theme………………………………………………………….…… 11 Call for 2021 Mini-Conference Themes…………………………………………………... 13 Special Events……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 Alice Amsden Best Book Award……………………………………………………………… 16 SASE Early Career Workshop Awards…………………………………………………….. 18 SER Best Paper Prize……………………………………………………………………………... 20 SASE 2019 Elections……………………………………………………………………………… 22 List of Sessions by Network and Mini-Conference…………………………………….23 Main Schedule……………………………………………………………………………………….. 42 Participant Index……..…………………………………………………………………………… 148

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME SCHEDULE

32nd Annual Meeting

Virtual Conference - July 18-21, 2020

Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution At-a-Glance Calendar Saturday, July 18 (Times in EDT) Morning Afternoon

4:00-5:30am Sessions 12:00-1:30pm Sessions


Featured Speaker

Ruha Benjamin 9:00-10:30am Sessions Princeton University, USA

“Race after Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code”


Presidential Address

Nitsan Chorev Brown University 7:00-8:30pm Sessions

“The Virus and the Vessel or: How we Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Surveillance”

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 2 Sunday, July 19 (Times in EDT)

Morning Afternoon



4:00-5:30am Sessions Methods Workshop

“What can AI do for (and to) the Social Sciences?”

Étienne Ollion École Polytechnique, France


Featured Speaker 8:00-9:00am

Women and Gender Forum Stephanie Barrientos University of Manchester, UK - female-identifying and non-binary participants only - “Gender and Work in Global Value Chains: Forwards or Backwards in the Era of Covid-19?”

- Women and Gender Lecture -

9:00-10:30am Sessions


Meet SER: A Panel with SER 7:00-8:30pm Sessions Editors

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 3 Monday, July 20 (Times in EDT) Morning Afternoon

4:00-5:30am Sessions 12:00-1:30pm Sessions


Featured Speaker

Guy Standing SOAS University of , UK

“A Precariat Charter in a Time of Pandemics”

9:00-10:30am Sessions 2:00-3:00pm

Featured Speaker

Xiao Qiang University of California - Berkeley, USA

“Rising Digital Authoritarianism in China and Its Impact on the World”


Social Sciences for the Real World

“Repurposing the Corporation to Save Capitalism from Itself?”

Panelists: 7:00-8:30pm Sessions Erik Breen (Infinsus) Isabelle Ferreras (Université Catholique de Louvain) Jeroen Veldman (Nyenrode Business University) Rosl Veltmeijer-Smits (Triodos Bank)

Moderators: Imran Chowdhury (Wheaton College) Anna Skarpelis (Harvard University)

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 4 Tuesday, July 21 (Times in EDT) Morning Afternoon

4:00-5:30am Sessions 12:00-1:30pm Sessions


Black Lives Matter

Presidential Panel

9:00-10:30am Sessions Panelists:

Zophia Edwards (Providence College) Frederick Wherry (Princeton University) Adia Wingfield (Washington University in St. Louis)

Moderator: Jose Itzigsohn (Brown University)


Featured Speaker

Jayati Ghosh

Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 7:00-8:30pm Sessions “Contraction and Control: The Socio-Economic Implications of State Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic”

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 5

A Word from SASE President Nitsan Chorev

As I write this, ten million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and half a million have died. The sorrow and outrage of protesters in Minneapolis following the murder of George Floyd reverberates in #BlackLivesMatter protests around the world, while the pandemic itself has disproportionately impacted Black and Brown communities. A virus that confirmed how inter-connected we are reminds us of longstanding inequalities.

As citizens and scholars, many of us are facing unusual strain and difficulties. Given these political circumstances and individual challenges, it is all the more meaningful that so many of you elected to participate in our Organization’s 32nd annual conference. This conference was supposed to take place in Amsterdam. It was a difficult decision to move it online. But based on an encouraging survey of our members, we decided that a virtual conference was the way to go—and we have done our best to reproduce the intellectual rigor and the social energy our conferences are known for. Thank you all for your patience during the period of transition, and thank you for having this adventure with us!

One of my goals as this year’s SASE President was to integrate issues central to the global South into our conversations. The theme of the conference is, “Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution.” The issues covered by the Presidential speakers and featured panels, including inequality, populism, labor precarity, technology, and race, are even more relevant today than we imagined when we started the planning. As events unfolded, we thought it was essential to have two additional panels, on COVID-19 and on #BlackLivesMatter. I hope you will join us in these events.

Many of the programs that SASE is known for will take place on our virtual platform, including the Early Career Workshop, the Women and Gender Forum, and Social Sciences for the Real World. This year, for the first time, we are offering a 90-minute methods workshop on “What can AI do for (and to) the Social Sciences?” Regrettably, social events had to be cancelled or postponed. Most importantly, we were hoping to celebrate Martha Zuber’s retirement. No virtual party could do justice to Martha’s contribution to SASE. We decided to postpone it for next year, when, we are hopeful, we will all meet in person again.

Many people put a lot of effort into making SASE and the annual meeting a success. Special thanks for those responsible for planning the conference in Amsterdam, who had devoted much time and effort for a face-to-face meeting before COVID-19 made it impossible— Daniel Mügge, Zahra Runderkamp, Liesbeth Robinson-Hasewinkel, and Brian Burgoon. I am

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 6 grateful to my colleagues on the program committee—Rina Agarwala, Daniel Mügge, and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea—who have organized the featured panels and Presidential talks. There is much invisible labor in making SASE work—chairs and members of committees, ad-hoc groups, organizers of existing and new initiatives—I am grateful to all of those involved. Most of all I would like to thank Akos Rona-Tas, Sigrid Quack, and Nina Bandelj, who have served on the Executive Committee in a particularly demanding year. Much work, as usual, has been done by Martha Zuber, Pat Zraidi, and Jacob Bromberg—thank you!

This is an experiment. Our thirty-second conference but our first virtual one. I hope you have a positive, fulfilling experience—and I hope we will be able to compare notes, face-to-face, next summer!

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 7 How to Participate

The SASE virtual conference will be powered by Zoom and navigable through our long-standing online conference portal, Confex: https://sase.confex.com/sase/2020/meetingapp.cgi

For comprehensive instructions on how to use Zoom as a participant, presenter, or moderator, visit: http://sase.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ZOOM-Instructions.pdf

In order to use the portal, you will need the identification codes sent to you by Confex in July. If you are unable to find your access codes, please visit the portal link above and click the password reset button.

Each session/panel is attributed a Zoom link, which you will be able to join by accessing the session information in the portal and clicking on a green “Join Live” button (which will only appear 30-60 minutes before the session begins).

Once you have logged in, you will find a toolbar on the left side of the screen (see image below). We suggest that you make use of the following options to facilitate navigation of the online program:

• If you are having any technical difficulties, submit your issue by clicking the “Technical Support” link and a representative from Confex will get in touch with you shortly thereafter.

• You may find it easier to navigate the schedule by clicking “My Time” in the light grey box within the toolbar.

• We highly recommend creating a personalized schedule by clicking the plus icon next to the sessions you are interested in.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 8

About This Program

The SASE conference program may be found at • At sase.org (as a PDF, with accompanying addendum) • At https://sase.confex.com/sase/2020/meetingapp.cgi (as a searchable online program) • And as a mobile app on both the Apple App Store and Google Play (by searching SASE 2020).

Please note that the online program is updated regularly with last-minute changes.

The conference schedule has been loosely divided into two event types: plenaries and sessions. In an attempt to limit scheduling conflicts, sessions do not overlap with plenary talks.

Plenary featured speakers are all listed in the at-a-glance calendar at the beginning of this document.

There are sixteen time slots for sessions over the course of the conference, as indicated on the at- a-glance calendar. Since there are multiple sessions scheduled into each time slot, each session has been identified with a letter and a number. The letter corresponds to the network organizing the session and is paired with a number to create a unique identifier to help you locate the session in the program. Featured Panels are listed as FP, Mini-Conference Themes as TH, and Special Events as SP.

To find out where and when a given participant is presenting, you can use the search function in any version of the program. Alternatively, you can browse the online program’s “people index” or search the participant list at the end of this program. Next to the scholar’s name, you will find the panels in which they are presenting (e.g., Jane Doe, A-8). Once you have this information, you can look for the A-8 panel in the main schedule in order to find the session time and location.

The main schedule provides a detailed list of sessions (titles, locations, participants, etc.) in chronological order. To help you navigate it more quickly, a list of sessions organized by network appears just before it in this program.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 9

SASE’s 32nd Annual Conference Theme

Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution

Virtual Conference

18-21 July 2020

New political, technological, and economic forces are changing the ways development is designed, practiced, and experienced today, in poor and rich countries alike. Three interrelated elements, in particular, deserve our analytical attention: a geopolitically and economically unsettled global order, smart information and communication technologies, and extreme inter- and intra-country inequities. By transforming practices of accumulation, surveillance, and redistribution, these factors shape the experience of development in significant ways.

An unsettled global order—triggered in part by a threatened US hegemony and China’s rising power—defines the diplomatic initiatives and economic investments in poor countries. Some foreign investments are driven by private capital, others are state-led. Some initiatives are for profit, others are designated as development aid. New ambitious projects include the UN-led Sustainable Development Goals and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Other projects are driven and funded by local actors. On the ground, the effects on development are potentially dramatic—investments in basic health and education must have major redistributive effects; infrastructural projects are likely to transform social and economic practices in and across cities; the environment is necessarily affected—but we are yet to fully understand the origins and potential impact of such programs.

One competition informing global and local restlessness today is over technology. A smart global order is currently being created—an order in which information and communication technologies dominate public arenas and private lives. Much of the debates on new technologies have been concerned with the global North, yet in so many ways the impact on the global South may be even more significant. In the global South, new technologies are being effectively used to overcome extant infrastructural barriers to improve people’s lives. India famously uses biometric ID systems to distribute social benefits, for example, and other governments are currently collecting biometric data allegedly for similar purposes. New technologies are also used to monitor and control people. Governments exploit mass surveillance and smartphone technologies to compromise opposition figures; facial-recognition technology is used to scan for the presence of dissidents. The poor, refugees, and people trapped in the criminal justice system are particularly vulnerable. In the meantime, social media influence operations attempt to sway elections. In turn, technologies can be used by civil society actors to hold states more accountable. Local dynamics informing the development and use of technologies—and the impact of technologies on the future of work, the future of welfare, and the future of democracy—are essential to analyze.

Finally, the current global order is unapologetically unequal. Foreign interventions may strengthen current elites or empower rival fractions; mass automation is likely to bifurcate the global division of labor, but in unexpected ways; our submission to the gaze of corporations and governments make all of us vulnerable—but not equally so. And especially where social and political institutions are weak, the impact of current geopolitical dynamics and techno-political transformations is likely to both reproduce old dividing lines across classes, genders, and ethnic groups, and to add new divisions. Yet, we should also identify ways by which these geopolitical dynamics and techno-political transformations are used in the fight against injustices.

President: Nitsan Chorev ([email protected])

Program Committee: Nitsan Chorev (chair), Rina Agarwala, Daniel Mügge, Diego Sánchez-Ancochea

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 10 33rd Annual SASE Conference Theme

After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism

The Covid-19 pandemic challenges all kinds of taken-for-granted assumptions, within and between contemporary capitalist societies. Not only is the Covid-19 pandemic predicted by the IMF to lead to the most severe global economic downturn since the Great Depression, likely to overshadow the recession following the financial crisis of 2008. The pandemic has also disrupted and overturned deep-seated practices in our everyday life worlds; it has shaken long-established ways of organizing in companies, industries and global supply chains; and it has provoked a questioning of established growth models and sparked a return of the state, at least in some parts of the world. One might even argue that the “less is more” logic of social distancing and stay-at-home policy, together with the high uncertainty about future development, is threatening ideational core beliefs of neoliberal capitalism, ranging from global free movement, free play of markets, and unlimited exploitation of nature, together with the imaginaries and expectations built on them.

At the same time, the pandemic has exposed the fact that contemporary societies are always as vulnerable as their most vulnerable groups. While the socio-economic impact of the pandemic varies from country to country, it has struck the weakest groups disproportionately and is likely to increase poverty and inequality within countries and at a global scale. Not only have people of color and slum dwellers been exposed to higher rates of infection and death; in many societies, workers in essential services such as care, retail, transport and others, belong to the weakest, often discriminated groups with low incomes and feeble or no social protection. But the pandemic has also made visible the mutual interdependence, obligations and need for recognition between members of societies, generating broad societal resonance for the protests of the most vulnerable against long-enshrined inequalities, discrimination and racism.

On these grounds, the Covid-19 pandemic represents a critical conjuncture of historical dimensions, which demands scholarly investigation of its causes, dynamics and consequences. While we have some knowledge of how the pandemic came about and who is immediately affected by it, we still know little about the broader pathways that may lead out of the crisis. Are we witnessing a series of events at the confluence of structural forces that limit future possibilities and shape future action? Or are we in the midst of a historical opening of possibilities for far-reaching transformation and change in which collective expressions of everyday life experiences and social mobilization within and across groups will foster creative organizational and technological breakthroughs, generate significant policy change or even push (varieties of) capitalism onto a different, and perhaps more sustainable pathway of socio- economic development? Comparing the current conjuncture with previous ones, such as the Spanish flu, the great depression or the global financial crisis, also raises questions about the depths of its effects. Will the organization of work and family life, patterns of production and consumption, regimes of discrimination and recognition, environmental footprints, and global division of labor just snap back once Covid-19 has been overcome? Or will the pandemic have set in motion processes of gradual but transformative change at the level of the economy, group and inter-group relations, forms of organization, institutional configurations, and national and global policy?

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 11 Because the pandemic has cut so broadly and drastically into everyday practices, its analysis calls for scholarly inquiry into the intersection and reciprocal influence of different levels of experience and action that have often been considered in isolation: individual and collective life worlds; social mobilization and inter-group relations; organizational and network dynamics; and the evolution of national, sectoral, and global institutions. For example, how have the redrawing of boundaries between work and family life, or the experience of suddenly being recognized as an “essential” occupation, shaped the way in which people collectively think about possible change, and if so, how does this translate into organizational, institutional and policy transformations? How has the pandemic refracted and amplified the resonance of longstanding protest movements, such as Black Lives Matter, and through which channels and with what consequences is this enhanced resonance feeding back into institutional and policy change?

The SASE conference to be held on 3-5 July 2021, will feature as usual papers on all issues of concern for socio-economics. But we especially welcome contributions that explore the ways in which the pandemic challenges key features of contemporary capitalist societies; the variety of pathways of socio-economic development emerging from the crisis; and the multidimensional, cross-cutting patterns of transformation or restoration resulting from critical conjunctures, past and present. SASE’s current members are uniquely positioned to offer a broad range of disciplinary and methodological perspectives on these themes, but we hope to also attract new scholars to join our conversation.

Established in 1989, SASE owes its remarkable success to its determination to provide a platform for creative research addressing important social problems. Throughout its three decades, SASE has encouraged and hosted rigorous work of any methodological or theoretical bent from around the world, based on the principle that innovative research emerges from paying attention to wider context and connecting knowledge developed in different fields. SASE is committed to a diverse membership and lively intellectual debates and encourages panels that include or are likely to include a diverse group of participants.

President: Sigrid Quack ([email protected])

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 12 SASE 2021 Mini-Conference Themes Call for Proposals After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism

Mini-Conference Theme Proposal Deadline: 28 September 2020

As they have in the past years, thematic mini-conferences will form a key element of next year’s annual conference. Proposals are now welcome for mini-conference themes. Several mini-conference themes will be selected for inclusion in the Call for Papers by the program committee, which may also propose themes of its own. Preference will be given to proposals linked to the overarching conference theme, “After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism”.

Before submitting a proposal, please consult the list of extant SASE networks. One of our goals in welcoming mini-conferences is to bring to the fore issues that are not covered by existing networks. We therefore particularly encourage proposals related to race and ethnicity, and to migration, and submissions that offer a worldwide perspective.

Proposals for mini-conference themes must be submitted electronically to the SASE Executive Director by 28 September 2020. All mini-conference proposals should include the name(s) and email addresses of the organizer(s), together with a brief description. Proposals that would otherwise fit within a network will be expected to include an explanation as to why the topic should be discussed in a mini-conference format. As in previous years, each mini-conference will consist of 3 to 6 panels, which will be featured as a separate stream in the program. Each panel will have a discussant, meaning that selected participants must submit a completed paper in advance, by 18 May 2021. Submissions for panels will be open to all scholars on the basis of an extended abstract. If a paper proposal cannot be accommodated within a mini-conference, organizers will forward it to the most appropriate research network as a regular submission.

SASE is committed to diverse membership and lively intellectual debates, and encourages proposals that are offered by a diverse group of organizers and/or are likely to bring a diverse group of participants. Please consult www.sase.org to view mini-conference themes from previous years.

Proposals should be submitted to: [email protected]

SASE is committed to providing a safe and welcoming conference environment for all participants, free from discrimination and harassment based, for example, on age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, language, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, disability, or socioeconomic status. Our Annual Meeting is convened for the purposes of scholarly, educational, and professional exchange. Discrimination and harassment of colleagues, students, or other conference participants undermines shared principles of equity, free inquiry, and free expression-and is considered by SASE to be a serious form of professional misconduct.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 13 Special Events

Meet SER: A Panel with SER Editors Editors of Socio-Economic Review (Gregory Jackson [editor-in-chief] and others TBC) will speak on getting published in the journal from 11am-12pm EDT on Sunday, July 19th.

Women and Gender Forum

SASE's Women and Gender Forum (WAG) is pleased to announce its fourth Women and Gender Forum meeting. The event is aimed to improve senior representation of women in academia, to provide a networking space for female scholars within SASE, stimulate discussions about important issues, such as "challenges of publishing," "work-life balance," "leadership roles," or "career progression," as well as to facilitate networking. The event will provide an opportunity for female SASE colleagues to share their ideas, grow their professional network, and liaise with other women within their field or more generally in academia. This event will begin with a welcome and continue with four smaller breakout sessions along the same themes. The event takes place at 8am-9am EDT on Thursday, July 19th. Program: 8:00-8:10am EDT Section I. Intro and welcome

• Introduction and welcome to the WAG Forum - Dorottya Sallai (Chair) and Virginia L Doellgast • Presentation of the member survey - Caroline Ruiner and Dorottya Sallai

8:10-8:40am EDT Section II. 4 Breakout discussions and networking

Topics to be discussed in the breakout rooms in parallel: 1. What can be done to increase diversity and inclusiveness in our institutions? 2. How do you manage boundaries, work-life balance, pressures? 3. What are your strategies in publishing, teaching and field research under quarantine?

8:40-9:00am EDT Section III. Summary and outlook

• Brief impressions of the break-out groups - groups report back • Outlook of further development of WAG and recruitment of new volunteers • Questions and answers

WAG is open to all female SASE participants and those who identify as women in a way that is significant to them.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 14 Methods Workshop Articulated Intelligence: What can Artificial Intelligence do for (and to) the Social Sciences?

Étienne Ollion (Institut Polytechnique de ) will be presenting SASE’s first methods workshop. The goal of this course is to reflect on what AI can do for—but also to—the (social) sciences. Through a comparison with the now "classic methods" and empirical examples, Ollion will sketch out the contours of this approach. Largely non-technical, the presentation defends the idea that due to a radically different approach to quantification, AI is unlikely to root out the current so-called "classic" quantitative methods. But the use of AI may serve our disciplines in several ways. One is the (welcome) addition of complexity to our quantitative approaches. Another, more important way, is the production of new data from heterogeneous sources (images, sounds, digital traces). The session will be held from 12pm-1:30pm EDT on Sunday, 19 July 2020.

Social Sciences for the Real World

Now in its second year, Social Sciences for the Real World—organized by Imran Chowdhury, Isabelle Ferreras, Gerhard Schnyder, and Anna K. Skarpelis—brings together topical panels that seek to help nurture the vital conversation between social scientists and members of the public in order to foster mutual understanding. The 2020 edition of this event will bring together a panel of academics and interested members of the public to engage in a constructive debate about these crucial issues, and about how social scientists and people in the “real world” perceive them. The session will be held from 11am- 12:00pm EDT on Monday, 20 July 2020.

Repurposing the Corporation to Save Capitalism from Itself?” Speakers: Erik Breen (International Integrating Reporting Council), Isabelle Ferreras (Université Catholique de Louvain), Jeroen Veldman (Nyenrode Business University), Rosl Veltmeijer-Smits (Triodos Bank) Chairs: Imran Chowdhury (Wheaton College), Anna Skarpelis (Harvard University)

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 15 Alice Amsden Best Book Award

American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation by Sarah Quinn

The Alice Amsden Best Book Award committee (Alya Guseva [chair], Cheris Chan, Neil Fligstein, and Daniel Maman) considered submitted books with a 2018 or 2019 first edition publication date, and which are not edited volumes, with the aim of selecting an outstanding scholarly book that breaks new ground in the study of economic behavior and/or its policy implications with regard to societal, institutional, historical, philosophical, psychological, and ethical factors.

The committee is delighted to announce that the 2020 Alice Amsden Book Award of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics goes to sociologist Sarah Quinn for her book American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation (Princeton University Press).

The committee writes: Thoroughly researched and documented (with over 60 pages of endnotes), and written in an illuminating and engaging prose, this book examines the evolution of securitization and federal credit programs over the period of almost 200 years of American history, from the early post-Revolutionary years to the 1960s. The federal government relied on securitization and credit as tools of domestic statecraft in order to provide widespread economic opportunities but to avoid overt market intervention or redistribution of wealth. Under Sarah Quinn’s magnifying glass, the highly technical world of finance is seen as a complex social, political and moral landscape. In the end, the book arrives at a surprising conclusion that the US after all has an underappreciated developmental state, where government officials creatively turn to financial markets to manage America’s complex fractured political divides, and to determine what Americans owe one another. The book’s interdisciplinary engagement -- it draws on insights from economic sociology, political science, history, and economics -- would be of great interest to a broad spectrum of SASE scholars, and its focus on the developmental state is a wonderful tribute to Alice Amsden’s own work on state-led economic development of Asian economies.

Honorable Mention

In the Red: The Politics of Public Debt Accumulation in Developed Countries by Zsofia Barta

The committee has also decided to award an Honorable Mention to political scientist Zsofia Barta for her book In the Red: The Politics of Public Debt Accumulation in Developed Countries (University of Michigan Press).

The committee writes: The book asks a timely and relevant question: why do some countries accumulate so much debt in times of peace and prosperity that they expose themselves to the risk of default, while others manage to keep their debt under control? Drawing on data on five countries (Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, and Japan) and examining debt accumulation and fiscal adjustment policies over a period of forty years (from the 1970s to the early 2000s), this ambitious book presents a concise and convincing answer: Persistent borrowing is not a result of recklessness on the part of political elites who want to myopically trade cash flow for short-term goals. In fact, policymakers everywhere try to initiate measures to reduce public debt, but the

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 16 success of fiscal adjustments depends on state-society relations and the presence of social support for spending cuts and tax increases. Barta explains that gaining this support is extremely difficult in countries where the expected burden of fiscal adjustment will disproportionately affect some particular groups (she calls this criterion fiscal polarization), and where large parts of society are insulated from the negative economic effects of fiscal imbalance (a result of how open the country is to international markets). An erudite and highly readable account, this book offers broad theoretical contributions to comparative political economy, public finance, institutional change, state-society relations and fiscal policy, and it will greatly resonate with many scholars in the SASE community.

The Alice Amsden Book Award will be given annually for the best book that breaks new ground in the study of economic behavior and/or its policy implications with regard to societal, institutional, historical, philosophical, psychological, and ethical factors. The prize comes with an award of $2,000.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 17 SASE 2020 Early Career Workshop Award

SASE extends warm congratulations to the recipients of the 5th Early Career Workshop. Winners participated in a one-day workshop hosted by senior SASE professors. The workshop provided an opportunity for longer and deeper discussion of applicants’ conference papers.

Milan Babic, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Foreign State Investment and Geoeconomic Competition: Mapping the Consequences of the Rise of Transnational State Capital Mini-Conference: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China and Beyond – Session TH14-05

Benjamin Bradlow, Brown University, USA Embeddedness and Cohesion: Regimes of Urban Public Goods Distribution Network B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development – Session B-01

Cyrus Dioun, University of Colorado - Denver, USA When It's Good to Be Bad: Rewarding Deviance in Washington's Marijuana Market Network H: Markets, Firms and Institutions – Session H-16

Daniel Driscoll, University of California - San Diego, USA The Socio-Political Foundations of Carbon Price Enactment in Twenty Wealthy Democracies Mini-Conference: Green Economy Contradictions – Session TH10-03

Aaron Horvath, Stanford University, USA From Accounting to Accountability: Organizational Supererogation and the Transformation of Charitable Disclosure Network N: Finance and Society – Session N-08

Agata Kapturkiewicz, University of Oxford, UK Varieties of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Comparative Study of Enacted Measures in Tokyo and Bangalore Network F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation – Session F-06

Wan-Zi Lu, University of Chicago, USA Political Impetus for Institutional Complementarities: Comparing the Institutionalization of Kidney Donation in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Network Q: Asian Capitalisms – Session Q-01

Erez Maggor, New York University, USA Overcoming the ‘Spillover Problem’: The Politics of Innovation Policy Under Economic Globalization Mini-Conference: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China and Beyond – Session TH14-06

Sophie Moullin, Princeton University, USA Culture at Work: Self-Entrepreneurialism and Earnings Inequality in the United States, 1995-2014 Network G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources – Session G-02

Stefan Norgaard, Columbia University, USA Capitalization and Its Discontents: The Political Economy of Development in Ethiopia’s Gibe III Dam and NESTown Initiative Network B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development – Session B-05

Signe Predmore, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA Finance and Development Logics: Gender Mainstreaming from Global South to North Network D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World – Session D-03

Godofredo Ramizo Jr., University of Oxford, UK Platforms, Algorithms and User Agency: How User Strategies Reshape the Rules of Digital Platforms Network J: Digital Economy – Session J-08

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 18 Gabor Scheiring, , Italy Varieties of Dependency, Varieties of Illiberalism: A Comparative Political Economy of the Crisis of Democracy in East-Central Europe Network B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development – Session B-07

Padmavathi Shenoy, Indian Institute of Management Trichy, India Changing the Rules of the Game While Playing: Process of Logic Hybridization in Community Ophthalmology Field Network H: Markets, Firms, and Institutions – Session H-05

Matthew Soener, The New School for Social Research, USA Did the “Real” Economy Turn Financial? Mapping the Global Contours of Corporate Financialization in the Non-Financial Sector

Mao Suzuki, University of Southern California, USA Deciding Modalities of Global Health Governance: What Facilitates or Hinders Public-Private Partnerships? Mini-Conference: Regulation, Innovation, and Valuation in Markets for Health and Medicines – Session TH13-04

Arianna Tassinari, European University Institute, Italy Reassuring the Markets: The Politics of Social Concertation in Acute Crisis Times E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States – Session E-05

Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics, UK Wealth Inequality Regimes. Towards a Typology of Cross-National Differences in Wealth and Inequality Mini-Conference: Mind the Wealth Gap? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Accumulation, Justification, and (Re)Distribution of Wealth – Session TH11-01

Ayca Zayim, Mount Holyoke College, USA Inside the Black Box: Credibility and the Situational Power of Central Banks Network N: Finance and Society – Session N-12

Yang Zheng, City University of Hong Kong, China Discourse Interaction in Chinese Urban Communities: Expressed Disenchantment and Disenchanted Conformance Network A: Development, Identities, and Communitarian Ideals – Session A-02

Na Zou, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany Social Networks and Micro-Entrepreneurship: The Role of Resource Variety and Resource Balance Network Q: Asian Capitalisms – Session Q-08

Special thanks to Roberto Pedersini (chair), Nina Bandelj, Chiara Benassi, Timur Ergen, Virág Molnár, Akos Rona-Tas, and Marc Schneiberg for their tremendous work on the prize committee and for serving as workshop faculty.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 19 2020 Socio-Economic Review Best Paper Prize

Christof Brandtner, Anna Lunn, and Cristobal Young and Lukas Haffert

The SER Best Paper Prize committee (Michelle Hsieh [chair], Lucio Baccaro, Monica Prasad) considered all the reviewed papers for the four 2019 issues of SER, including symposia papers, but not state of the art, discussion or review forum papers. The committee looked for papers that: 1) addressed substantive questions and issues that have far reaching implications and are of interest to a broad range of SER readers; 2) clearly and effectively engaged prior theory and research; and 3) used state of the art research methods to analyze new or existing data sets in ways that either brought important new phenomena to light or substantially revised existing understanding of socio-economic facts, trends or relationships.

The committee is delighted to announce two co-winning papers for the 12th annual prize for the best submitted article published in the previous year:

“Spatial Mismatch and Youth Unemployment in US Cities: Public Transportation as a Labor Market Institution” (Socio-Economic Review 17(2): 357-379), by Christof Brandtner, Anna Lunn, and Cristobal Young and

“Permanent Budget Surpluses as a Fiscal Regime” (Socio-Economic Review 17(4): 1043- 1063), by Lukas Haffert

On “Spatial Mismatch and Youth Unemployment in US Cities: Public Transportation as a Labor Market Institution,” the committee chair writes: Brandtner, Lunn, and Young’s paper examines the spatial mismatch theory (referring to geographical distance between home and job opportunities that could generate unemployment) by testing whether public transit systems can reduce urban youth unemployment with a longitudinal dataset of 96 US cities over a 10-year period. Departing from the existing research of the special mismatch thesis that is based on few cases, the paper pushes the debate forward with a large-scale longitudinal study. The hypotheses are carefully tested. The findings are insightful; not only does the paper show that public transit can help to reduce urban youth unemployment, but it further specifies the condition of the effectiveness of the public transit, which depends on the existing levels of car dependence. This means that improvement in public transit accessibility will have a strong influence on reducing the youth unemployment rate in car independent cities, whereas in car-dependent cities, there are few benefits from investment in public transit to reduce youth unemployment without changing other aspects of the urban design. The argument of the role of public transit as a labor market institution bears important policy implications and can certainly be extended and examined in other countries. The committee members believe this is surely going to become a classic when discussing the spatial mismatch question.

On “Permanent Budget Surpluses as a Fiscal Regime,” the committee chair writes: The puzzle in Haffert’s paper is brilliantly set up and motivated by the “negative cases” that the author terms the “fiscal surpluses regime.” Conventionally, public choice tradition anticipates a deficit bias of democracy due to the short-term incentives of politicians to use deficit spending to

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 20 increase the probability of re-election. Yet, some countries are characterized by “surplus regimes” that passed through not merely a few years of budget surpluses but prolonged periods of fiscal surpluses. How is this phenomenon to be explained? By taking the most dissimilar case comparison design and showing the similar long-term fiscal consolidation in Canada and Sweden (institutionally heterogeneous cases of surplus regimes) and contrasting them with other OECD countries that only managed to maintain fiscal surpluses for two or three years in a row, Haffert argues that a path-dependent shift in the balance of power among the competing fiscal policy coalitions can explain the variation. The fiscal policy is shaped by opposing fiscal coalitions, with an expenditure coalition that benefits from public expenditures and a tax-cut coalition that benefits from tax cuts. A fiscal crisis provides opportunities for reshuffling the coalitions. If the crisis is sufficiently deep, public sector cuts shift a portion of the middle-class to the side of the tax-cut coalition, because the middle-class gets used to the idea that services (e.g. pensions) need to be purchased, and that over time it will become a net beneficiary of tax cuts. In turn, the crisis- induced expenditure cut consolidation strengthens the tax-cut coalitions and legitimizes continuing lower spending in exchange for future returns in the form of lower taxes, thus explaining the persisting surpluses regimes. The findings suggest that the crisis responses and the resulting reconfiguration of coalitions have long-term consequences for policy choices. This paper is strong in setting up a novel object of study by moving the terms of the debate from how to balance the budget (a question of policy change) to how to address the question of policy continuity. Through an articulated analytical frame with a small N approach, the author makes some insightful observations and arguments.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 21 SASE 2020 Elections

We are delighted to announce that Sigrid Quack (University of Duisburg-Essen) will serve as SASE President in 2020-2021, and that Jacqueline O’Reilly (University of Sussex) will serve as SASE President-Elect during this same period, in preparation for her term as President in 2021-2022.

We are also very pleased to announce that Nina Bandelj (University of California, Irvine) has been re-elected as SASE Treasurer. She will serve her second two-year term from 2020-2022.

The following people have been elected to a three-year term (2020-2023) on the Executive Council:

Emily Erikson, Yale University, USA Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia, USA Heather Haveman, University of California, Berkeley, USA Monika Krause, London School of Economics, UK Sébastien Lechevalier, EHESS, France Kim Pernell, University of Toronto, Canada Karen Shire, University of Duisberg-Essen, Germany Elizabeth Thurbon, University of New South Wales, UK

SASE congratulates newcomers and re-elected members alike.

A big thank you to all those who participated in the election and to the Nominations Committee: Olivier Godechot (chair), Eunmi Mun, David Marsden, Ekaterina Svetlova, and Eleni Tsingou.

We would like to thank all those who ran and express our deepest thanks to the outgoing members of the Executive Council for their hard work these past years: Lucio Baccaro, Emily Barman, Virginia Doellgast, Olivier Godechot, and Marc Schneiberg.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 22 List of Sessions by Network and Mini-Conference Featured Panels & Speakers

All times indicated are in Eastern Daylight Time

FP-01: Featured Panel - Capitalism and Development

Saturday, 9:00am EDT FP-02: Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "Imperialism and the Developing World: How Britain and the United States Shaped the Global Periphery" by Atul Kohli (OUP 2020)

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT FP-03: Featured Speaker Ruha Benjamin (Princeton University) - "Race after Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code"

Saturday, 2:00pm EDT FP-04: Featured Panel - Inequality in the Age of Pandemics: A Comparative Look

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT FP-05: Featured Speaker Stephanie Barrientos (University of Manchester - UK) - "Gender and Work in Global Value Chains: Forwards or Backwards in the Era of Covid-19?"

Sunday, 2:00pm EDT FP-06: Featured Panel - Populism Today in the Global North and South

Monday, 12:00pm EDT FP-07: Featured Speaker Guy Standing (SOAS University of London) - “A Precariat Charter in a Time of Pandemics”

Monday, 2:00pm EDT FP-08: Featured Speaker Xiao Qiang (Counter-Power Lab - UC Berkeley) - "Rising Digital Authoritarianism in China and Its Impact on the World"

Monday, 3:00pm EDT FP-09: Featured Panel - Socio-Economics of COVID-19

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT FP-10: Featured Speaker Jayati Ghosh (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) - “Contraction and Control: The Socio-Economic Implications of State Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Tuesday, 11:00am EDT FP-11: Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation" by Sarah L. Quinn (Princeton Univ. Press 2019)

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 23 Special Events

SP-01: Presidential Address - The Virus and the Vessel or: How we Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Surveillance

Saturday, 11:00am EDT SP-02: Women and Gender Forum

Sunday, 8:00am EDT SP-03: Articulated Intelligence: What can Artificial Intelligence do for (and to) the Social Sciences?

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT N: Finance and Society

: Author Meets Critics: "Automating Finance: Infrastructures, Engineers, and the Making of Electronic Markets" by Juan Pablo Pardo Guerra (Cambridge University Press, 2019)

Monday, 12:00pm EDT A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

A-01: Accumulation, Redistribution and Civil Society

Sunday, 4:00am EDT A-02: Development, Identities, and Communitarian Ideals

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

B-01: Panel 1

Saturday, 9:00am EDT B-02: Panel 2

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT B-03: Panel 3

Sunday, 9:00am EDT B-04: Panel 4

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT B-05: Panel 5

Monday, 12:00pm EDT B-06: Panel 6

Monday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 24 B-07: The Political Economy of Illiberal Politics in Central and Eastern Europe

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT B-08: Panel 7

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT B-09: Panel 8

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT B-10: Neoliberal Policy Feedback: Backlash and Resilience

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT C: Gender, Work and Family

C-01: Work-Life Issues

Saturday, 4:00am EDT C-02: Gender and Work

Saturday, 9:00am EDT C-03: International Comparison

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT C-04: Pay and Income Issues

Sunday, 9:00am EDT C-05: Gender Issues

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

D-01: Emerging Professions

Saturday, 4:00am EDT D-02: Digital Transformations and Professions

Saturday, 9:00am EDT D-03: Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Professions

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT D-04: Expertise and Politics

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT D-05: Professional Authority

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 25 E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

E-01: New Theoretical Developments in Industrial Relations

Saturday, 4:00am EDT E-02: Legitimate Social Order in Crisis – Is Japan the Happy Exception? (1)

Saturday, 9:00am EDT E-03: Inclusion and Exclusion in Political Economies

Saturday, 9:00am EDT E-04: Social Concertation in Europe: Corporatism in the crisis

Saturday, 9:00am EDT E-05: Analysis the Relationship between Immigration and Labor Markets

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT E-06: Trade Unions and Politics in Europe and US

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT E-07: Rising Challenges on the Future of Work

Sunday, 4:00am EDT E-08: Critical and Comparative Approaches to States and Markets in Europe's Periphery

Sunday, 9:00am EDT E-09: Legitimate Social Order in Crisis – Is Japan the Happy Exception? (2)

Sunday, 9:00am EDT E-10: Organized Interests and Policymaking

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-11: Labor Market Segmentation and Inequality in Advanced Political Economies

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-12: Determinants and Effects of Political Preferences

Monday, 4:00am EDT E-13: Developments in the Marketization of the Social: New Modes of Redistribution and Inequalities

Monday, 4:00am EDT E-14: The Radical Right and Economic Policy

Monday, 9:00am EDT E-15: Recent IR Developments in Coordinated Market Economies

Monday, 9:00am EDT E-16: Analyzing the Drivers of Inequality

Monday, 9:00am EDT E-17: The Politics of Macroeconomic Policies and Growth Models

Monday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 26 E-18: Beyond Categorial Differences: Rethinking Standards of Employment, the Role of Contracts and Precariousness

Monday, 12:00pm EDT E-19: Analyzing the Contents of Collective Agreements

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT E-20: Roundtable: The Future of Work

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT E-21: The Political Economy of Finance and Growth: Political and Institutional Levers of Financialisation

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT E-22: Taxation and Inequality

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT E-23: The Political Economy of Growth and Investment

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT E-24: The Politics of Austerity

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

F-01: Upgrading and Innovation: Cross-National Experiences

Saturday, 4:00am EDT F-02: Varieties of Innovation Systems and Clean Technology Development

Saturday, 9:00am EDT F-03: Knowledge Transfer and Innovation: Evidence from Micro-Level Firm and Patent Data

Sunday, 4:00am EDT F-04: Consuming Innovations: How, Why, and When do Firms, Actors, Institutions Adopt or Adapt them?

Sunday, 9:00am EDT F-05: Innovative Fields and University-Industry Linkages in Bio-medical Research

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT F-06: Digital Technology Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Comparisons of Theoretical Perspectives and Methods

Monday, 4:00am EDT F-07: Understanding the Chinese Innovation System

Monday, 9:00am EDT F-08: Imagining and Managing the Future in Innovative Fields

Monday, 12:00pm EDT F-09: Public Policies, Innovation and Entrepreneurialism

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 27 F-10: Institutions, Inequality, and Institutional Adaptation in the "New" Economy

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT F-12: Innovation and the Evolution of Organizations and Fields

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

G-01: Contingent Workers

Saturday, 4:00am EDT G-02: Fair Pay at Work

Saturday, 9:00am EDT G-03: Cross-national Diversity in Work

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT G-04: HR Practices

Saturday, 7:00pm EDT G-05: Education

Sunday, 4:00am EDT G-06: Hiring and Occupational Choice: Employers' and Employees' Perspectives on Skill Demand and Supply

Sunday, 4:00am EDT G-07: HR Practices and Workplace Skills

Sunday, 9:00am EDT G-08: Educational Reforms

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT G-09: Job Quality

Monday, 4:00am EDT G-10: Professional and Vocational Education and Training: Recent Challenges and Solutions at the Regional and National Level

Monday, 9:00am EDT G-11: Inequality and Discrimination

Monday, 9:00am EDT G-12: Labor Institutions

Monday, 12:00pm EDT G-13: Social Comparisons in Labor Markets

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT G-14: Socio-Economics of Work

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 28 G-15: Beyond Routine Biased Technological Change: Organization, Power and Institutions

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT G-16: Training

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

H-02: Corporate Governance and the Nature of the Firm

Saturday, 9:00am EDT H-03: New Actors in the Politics of (global) Finance I: Changing Capital Markets and Trading Practices

Saturday, 9:00am EDT H-04: New Actors in the Politics of (global) Finance II: Changing Coordination of Financial Actors and Activities

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT H-05: Fields Logics

Sunday, 4:00am EDT H-06: Growth Models Beyond the OECD: Making Sense of Emerging Capitalist Economies

Sunday, 9:00am EDT H-07: CSR

Sunday, 9:00am EDT H-09: Earnings Inequality

Monday, 4:00am EDT H-10: Emerging Industries

Monday, 9:00am EDT H-11: Social Evaluation

Monday, 12:00pm EDT H-12: Innovation

Monday, 7:00pm EDT H-13: Transnational Governance

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT H-14: Sociology of Markets

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT H-15: Growth Models

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT H-8: Professions

Monday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 29 I: Alternatives to Capitalism

I-01: Grappling with the Complexities of Transformative Social Innovation

Saturday, 4:00am EDT I-02: Debating Alternatives to Capitalism: Theoretical and Conceptual Advances

Saturday, 9:00am EDT I-03: Worker Cooperatives and other Alternatives to Shareholder Capitalism

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT I-04: The Trials and Tribulations of Engaging in Collective Action

Sunday, 4:00am EDT I-05: Building Alternatives through Organisations and Collaborative Relations

Sunday, 9:00am EDT I-06: Regional Perspectives: Alternatives in Latin America

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT I-07: Reflections on Economic History, Elites, and Ideas

Monday, 4:00am EDT I-08: Documentary Screening and Discussion: “Auroville, the Utopian City” (2019)

Monday, 9:00am EDT I-09: Author Meet Critics: "Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina - Contesting Neo- liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión" by Marcelo Vieta (Brill, 2020)

Monday, 12:00pm EDT I-10: Complementary Currencies for Economic and Social Change: 1. World Regional Perspectives on Ccs

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT I-12: Complementary Currencies for Economic and Social Change: 3. Organizing Social Change

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT J: Digital Economy

J-01: Indirect Control and the Construction of Consent in the On-Demand Economy

Saturday, 9:00am EDT J-02: Privacy and the Data Economy

Saturday, 9:00am EDT J-03: Seeing through Data

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT J-04: Approaches to Platform Economization

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 30 J-05: "Framing Work” on Platform: Precarity and Autonomy

Sunday, 9:00am EDT J-06: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Sunday, 9:00am EDT J-07: Author Meets Critics: "The Social Meaning of Extra Money" By S. Naulin & A. Jourdain (eds.) (Palgrave, 2019)

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT J-08: Algorithms and Markets

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT J-09: Social Embeddedness and the Platform economy

Monday, 4:00am EDT J-10: Financing the Digital Economy

Monday, 9:00am EDT J-11: Platform Economy. Regulation

Monday, 9:00am EDT J-12: Crowdfunding

Monday, 12:00pm EDT J-13: Organizing Platform Capitalism

Monday, 12:00pm EDT J-14: Author Meets Critics: "The Digital Economy" by Tim Jordan (Polity Press, 2020)

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT J-15: Work and Employment in the Digital Economy

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT J-16: Conceptualizing Digitization

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT J-17: Geography of the Digital Economy

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

K-01: Experimenting Across Borders: Making MNEs More Accountable

Monday, 4:00am EDT K-02: Is Digitalization (and everything that goes with it) Making Work Better or Worse?

Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03: Experimenting with Skill Ecosystems

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 31 K-04: Reducing 'insecurity' through Experimentation: a case of hit and miss?

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT L: Regulation and Governance

L-01: Regulating Banking and Finance

Saturday, 4:00am EDT L-02: The Social Foundations of Regulation and Compliance

Saturday, 9:00am EDT L-03: Author Meet Critics: "Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone" by Vivien Schmidt (Oxford University Press, 2020)

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT L-04: Coordination and Steering Mechanisms in Public and Private Governance

Sunday, 4:00am EDT L-05: Competition Policy in the 21st Century: National Institutions and Transnational Realities

Sunday, 9:00am EDT L-06: Boundaries and Evaluation in the Nonprofit Sector

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT L-07: Organizing Global Governance

Monday, 4:00am EDT L-08: Regulators, Intermediaries, and Compliance

Monday, 9:00am EDT L-09: The Regulatory Politics of Land

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT M: Spanish Language

M-01: Desempleo y salario en las relaciones laborales

Saturday, 9:00am EDT M-02: Comercio, cadenas globales de valor y sustentabilidad

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT M-03: Empresas, bancos de desarrollo y variedades de capitalismo

Sunday, 9:00am EDT M-04: Digitalización y relaciones laboral

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT M-05: Endeudamiento, austeridad y stock market

Monday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 32 M-06: Roundtable: Rethink Latin America at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Monday, 12:00pm EDT M-07: Gobierno y desarrollo

Monday, 12:00pm EDT M-08: Paradigmas tecnológicos, ICT y educación

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT M-09: Pobreza y desigualdad en América Latina

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT M-10: Indicadores Económicos En America Latina: Mas Allá Del PIB

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT N: Finance and Society

N-01: States

Saturday, 9:00am EDT N-02: Risk

Saturday, 9:00am EDT N-03: Welfare

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT N-04: Money, Credit and Social Aspirations

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT N-05: Banks

Saturday, 7:00pm EDT N-06: The Future of Rating: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution

Sunday, 10:00am EDT N-07: A World of Privatized Prosperity in Contemporary Capitalism: Economic Sociology Perspectives on Ownership Structures and the Current Revival of Expropriations

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT N-08: Corporations

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT N-09: Consumers and Households 1

Sunday, 7:00pm EDT N-10: Shaping Financial Markets

Monday, 9:00am EDT N-11: Consumers and Households 2

Monday, 9:00am EDT N-12: Financialization

Monday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 33 N-13: Where the Money Goes

Monday, 12:00pm EDT N-14: Financial Markets

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT N-15: Financial Subordination

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT N-16: Financial Institutions

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT O: Global Value Chains

O-01: Technology, Discuption and GVCs

Saturday, 4:00am EDT O-02: Innovation and Knowledge in GVCs

Saturday, 9:00am EDT O-03: Author Meets Critics: "Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains" by Stefano Ponte (UChicago Press, 2019)

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT O-04: Digitization, Industry 4.0 and GVCs

Sunday, 4:00am EDT O-05: Power and Value in GVCs

Sunday, 9:00am EDT O-06: Social Upgrading and GVCs

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT O-07: Entangled Chains of Value and Wealth in Contemporary Capitalism

Monday, 4:00am EDT O-08: Public-private Governance of GVCs

Monday, 9:00am EDT O-09: Labor and Environmental Standards in Global Value Chains: New Actors, Issues, Instruments and Dynamics in Social and Environmental Upgrading

Monday, 12:00pm EDT O-10: GVCs and Southern End Markets

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT O-11: Covid-19 and GVCs: Rountable

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT O-12: Covid-19 and GVCs: Breakout Discussions

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 34

P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

P-01: Accounting for Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibilities: Models, Standards and Implications

Saturday, 4:00am EDT P-02: Financial Integrity and Misconduct

Saturday, 9:00am EDT P-03: Financial Regulation: Models, Concepts and Instruments between US and EU

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT P-04: Corporate Governance (I): Corporate Control and Mission

Sunday, 4:00am EDT P-05: Disentangling Financialisation (I): Patterns, Trends and Implications

Sunday, 9:00am EDT P-06: Author Meets Critics: “The Oxford Handbook of the Corporation” Edited By Thomas Clarke, Justin O’Brien and Charles O’Kelley (OUP, 2019)

Sunday, 7:00pm EDT P-07: Disentangling Financialisation (II): Patterns, Trends and Implications

Monday, 4:00am EDT P-08: Corporate Governance (II): Theory and Practice

Monday, 4:00am EDT P-09: Labor, Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulation in Developing Countries

Monday, 9:00am EDT P-10: Money and Central Banking: The Future of Money or the Monies of the Future

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT P-11: Accounting for the Public Sector: What Means Reporting for Risks and Transfers?

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT P-12: The Case for Corporate Sustainability: Implications for Company Law and Financial Accounting

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Q: Asian Capitalisms

Q-01: Social Change, Surveillance and Inequality

Saturday, 9:00am EDT Q-02: China's Development Model

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 35 Q-03: Labour Relations and Vocational Training

Sunday, 4:00am EDT Q-05: Reforming China

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Q-06: Authors Meet Critics: “State-Permeated Capitalism in Large Emerging Economies” By Andreas Nölke, Tobias Ten Brink, Christian May, Simone Claar (Routledge, 2020)

Monday, 4:00am EDT Q-07: Varieties of Developmentalism

Monday, 9:00am EDT Q-08: Innovation and Industrial Upgrading in East Asia (1)

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Q-09: Innovation and Industrial Upgrading in East Asia (2)

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

R-01: Session 1.1

Saturday, 4:00am EDT R-02: Session 1.2

Saturday, 9:00am EDT R-03: Session 1.3

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT R-04: Session 2.1

Sunday, 4:00am EDT R-05: Session 2.2

Sunday, 9:00am EDT R-06: Session 2.3

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT R-07: Session 3.1

Monday, 4:00am EDT R-08: Session 3.2

Monday, 9:00am EDT R-09: Session 3.3

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH03: Crisis, Temporality, and Governance

TH03-01: Imaginaries in Fiscal Policy

Sunday, 9:00am EDT SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 36 TH03-02: Crisis, Its Constituencies and Its Publics

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH03-03: Governing Crisis, Crisis of Government

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH03-04: Time, Knowledge and Crisis

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT TH04: Critical Reflections on Socio-Economic Statistics for Development: Past, Present, and Future

TH04-01: Critical Reflections on Economic Statistics 1

Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH04-02: The Politics of Statistics in International Organizations

Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH04-03: Contemporary History of Development Statistics

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH04-04: Critical Reflections on Economic Statistics 2

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

TH05-01: Confronting Development & Postcolonial Agency

Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH05-02: Envisioning New Futures for Development Theory and Practice

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT TH05-03: Decolonizing International Organizations

Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH05-04: Knowledge & The Imperial Episteme

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH05-05: Critiquing Knowledge, Decolonizing Methods

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH05-06: The Colonial Unconscious of Developmentalism

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH05-07: Entangled Histories of Colonialism & Development

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 37 TH06: Diffusion of the Innovations on the New Algorithmic Contour

TH06-01: TH06: Diffusion of the Innovations on the New Algorithmic Contour Session 1

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH07: Education for Social Progress: Socio-Economic Perspectives on Policy Attempts and Impacts between the Different Worlds

TH07-01: Introduction to the Mini-conference, and Conceptualizing Education and Social Progress

Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH07-02: The Politics of Education and Social Progress

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT TH07-03: State, Economy and Skill Formation Systems

Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH07-04: Measuring Developments Concerning Inequality in Different Contexts

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH07-05: Adult and Work-based Education

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH08: Gender and Wealth Accumulation

TH08-01: Gender, Inheritances, and the Reproduction of Elites

Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH08-02: Intersectional and Intrahousehold Perspectives on Gender and Wealth

Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH09: Global Populism and Business Elites

TH09-01: Elites and Citizens

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH09-02: Movements and their Impact Policy Change

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH09-03: Economic Policy-making, Neoliberalism and Populism

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH09-04: Business Response to Populism

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 38 TH10: Green Economy Contradictions

TH10-01: Sustainable Land Use

Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH10-02: Accounting for Carbon and Climate Change

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH10-03: New Energies?

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH10-04: Green Finance

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT TH10-05: Transition Challenges

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH11: Mind the Wealth Gap? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Accumulation, Justification and (Re)Distribution of Wealth

TH11-01: Worlds of Wealth Inequality

Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH11-02: Taxation of Wealth and High Income

Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH11-03: Class and Wealth Inequality

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH11-04: Perceptions and Justifications of Wealth Accumulation

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH12: Possible Worlds: Practice, Ethics, Hope and Distress

TH12-01: Interventions Towards Possible Futures

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH12-02: Possible Trajectories and Challenges of Becoming

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH12-03: Narratives and Rhetorics of the Future

Monday, 7:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 39 TH13: Regulation, Innovation, and Valuation in Markets for Health and Medicines

TH13-01: Roundtable on Economy, Society, Polity: Global and National Health(care) Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Saturday, 12:00pm EDT TH13-02: Analysis of Innovation Trends in Health and Healthcare Product and Service Developments

Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH13-03: Commodification and Pricing of Health and Body

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH13-04: Global Health Governance: State-, Market-, and Firm- Level Interventions

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China and Beyond

TH14-01: Conceptualizing Chinese State Capitalism

Monday, 4:00am EDT TH14-02: The New State Capitalism in Comparative Perspective

Monday, 9:00am EDT TH14-03: State Capitalism Beyond China: The Politics and Instruments of State Involvement in a Comparative Perspective

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH14-04: Geographies of the New State Capitalism

Tuesday, 4:00am EDT TH14-05: Articulating State Power in a Globalized World

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH14-06: The Technology-State Capitalism Nexus

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT TH17: The Welfare State in Financial Times

TH17-01: The Political Economy of Finance Sector Practices, Regulation and Macroeconomic Functions – before and Beyond the Financial Crisis

Monday, 4:00am EDT TH17-02: Financialization and Household Debt

Monday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 40 TH17-03: Financialization and Pensions

Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH17-04: Financialization and State Transformation

Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH17-05: Financialization and the Changing Face of Welfare

Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 41 Main schedule All times indicated are in Eastern Daylight Time

C-01 Work-Life Issues

Saturday C: Gender, Work and Family

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TELUQ Caryn Medved, City University of New York Moderator Anne Gillet, CNAM, Lise-CNRS Participants SHE Spends, They Consume? the Construction of Inequalities in Parental Care and of Appropriating Domestic Goods and Spaces. Angele Jannot, CRESPPA - CSU (Cultures et Sociétés Urbaines ) What Do Employers Do after a Mandatory Leave Policy?: The Fmla and Women’s Representation in U.S. Organizations Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Japanese Early Childhood Care Regime in Transition ー Family or State? Choice over Care Providers – Kazuko Sano, Kyoto University Financial Inclusion, Security Assurance, and Gendered Entrepreneurial Intentions in China Junmin Wang, University of Memphis

D-01 Transnational Events and Professions

Saturday D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Sigrid Quack, ; University Duisburg-Essen Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Moderator Sigrid Quack, ; University Duisburg-Essen Participants Shifting Functions of Public Sector Consulting in 20th Century Germany: Historical Perspectives Alina Marktanner, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Moments of Global Craft: Transnational Organized Events and Beer Brewing Professional Communities Thomas Collas, Université de Strasbourg Food Festivals and the Globalization of Chefs’ Profession Sidonie Naulin, Grenoble / PACTE Festivals As Spaces of Definition and Organization of an Emerging Profession : The Case of TV Screenwriters in France Anne-Sophie Beliard, Grenoble Alpes University - Pacte

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 42 E-01 New Theoretical Developments in Industrial Relations

Saturday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Bringing Power Resources Back in Bjarke Refslund, Aalborg Univeristy Towards a More Inclusive Paradigm of /IR/ER Ida Regalia, Industrial Relations and Inequality Roberto Pedersini, Università degli Studi di Milano

F-01 Upgrading and Innovation: Cross-National Experiences

Saturday F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea M. Herrmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Variety of National Innovation Systems (NIS) and Alternative Pathways to Growth Beyond the Middle-Income Stage Keun Lee, Seoul National University How Chile and Malaysia Are Escaping the Middle Income Trap: Resource-Based Development through Industrial Policy Amir Lebdioui, London School of Economics and Political Science Social Upgrading Via Economic Upgrading in the Global South: Comparing the Role of Industrial Relations Institutions Christina Teipen, School of Economics and Law Appreciating the Influence of ‘Frugal’ Technology in Processes of Institutional Change in Fragile Settings: The Case of Somali Women Refugees in Kenya Holly Ritchie, International Institute of Social Studies

G-01 Contingent Workers

Saturday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Participants Job Mobility and Wage Inequality in the Netherlands – the Role of Temporary Employment Christoph Janietz, University of Amsterdam Does Taking up a Fixed-Term Job Reduce Poverty Risks? Evidence from German

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 43 Panel Data Stefanie Gundert, Institute for Employment Research IAB On-Call Work in Germany: Incidence, Determinants, and Consequences for Workers Daniel Fackler, IWH Organizational Career Management for External Workers: Where Are We Now? Jerome Sulbout, University of Liège Trading-Off Flexibility Needs: Contingent Workers or Human Resource Practices? a Neo- Configurational Approach. Andrea Signoretti, - Department of Sociology and Social Research

H-01 Elites

Saturday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Participants Beyond the State-Versus-Private Dichotomy: Career Pathways of Corporate Elite in Vietnam’s Transitional Economy Mai Fujita, Institute of Developing Economies The Power Elite in the Welfare State 2012-7 – Key Institutional Orders of the Power Networks in Denmark Christoph Houman Ellersgaard, Copenhagen Business School

I-01 Grappling with the Complexities of Transformative Social Innovation

Saturday I: Alternatives to Capitalism

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants The Question of Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms' Legitimacy As an Alternative to the Traditional Banking System Galit Klein, Ariel University Citizen Energy Projects: Fostering Alternative Economies in Favor of the Transitions Marion Maignan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of economics and management, University Picardie Jules Verne, France The Relevance of Polanyi for Transformative Social Innovation Research and Sustainability Transition Research and the Relevance of Those Literatures for Political Economy a La Polanyi Rene Kemp, Professor of Innovation and Sustainable Development (ICIS, Univ Maastricht)

L-01 Regulating Banking and Finance

Saturday L: Regulation and Governance

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 44 Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Participants Financial Risk Management and the ECB’s Treatment of Sovereign Debt Jens van t Klooster, KU Leuven Central Bank Independece in Light of the Great Recession Ingrid Hjertaker, Inland Norway University EU Financial Citizenship in the (re)Making: The European Commission’s Neoliberal Discourse on Consumer Finance before and after the Crisis. Greg Van Elsen, Ghent University

O-01 Technology, Discuption and GVCs

Saturday O: Global Value Chains

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Anna Giunta, Università Roma Tre Participants Interconnected Worlds of Electronics: Global Production Networks and East Asia Henry Yeung, National University of Singapore Global Production Networks and Local Development: Evidence from Japanese Subsidiaries in South Korea Elisabetta Magnani, Macquarie University Trade Restriction, Upgrading, and Restructuring in Electronics Global Value Chains Joonkoo Lee, Hanyang University Standing on the Shoulders of (tech) Giants: The Rise of Global Suppliers in the Media Delivery Chain Jean Chalaby, City, University of London

P-01 Accounting for Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibilities: Saturday Models, Standards and Implications

4:00am - 5:30am P: Accounting, Economics, and Law Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Martijn Boersma, University Participants Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Disclosure: Varieties of Institutional Systems Approach Romulo Soares, Federal University of Ceara Addressing Modern Slavery through Strategic Transparency - a Study of the Australian Cleaning Industry Martijn Boersma, University of Technology Sydney Is a Single Corporate Reporting Standard Possible? Guler Aras, Yildiz Technical University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 45 R-01 Session 1.1

Saturday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Participants Accummulationism Vs Ihsani Society for Sharing Economy: Islamic Political Economy Responses on Accumulation, Corporatism and Governance Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Business School; Durham University Value Created By the Islamic Dispute Resolution System in Malaysia Ai Kawamura, University of Tsukuba Faculty of Business Sciences Logics and Institutional Change— a Political Economy Account of New Financial Practices Amalina Anuar, Nanyang Technological University

FP-01 Featured Panel - Capitalism and Development

Saturday Featured Panels & Speakers

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Participants Discussants Keun Lee, Seoul National University Aldo Madariaga, Universidad Mayor Zophia Edwards, Providence College Yingyao Wang, University of Virginia

B-01 Panel 1

Saturday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Akshay Mangla, University of Oxford Participants The Administrative Burden of Democracy: How the Indian Police Implement Elections in a Low Capacity State Akshay Mangla, University of Oxford Embeddedness and Cohesion: Regimes of Urban Public Goods Distribution Benjamin Bradlow, Brown University Against All Odds: The Construction of Mumbai’s Land Market

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 46 Anitra Baliga, London School of Economics and Political Science Electoral Quotas, Redistribution, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from India Venkat Nadella, Indian Institute of Science

C-02 Gender and Work

Saturday C: Gender, Work and Family

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TELUQ Caryn Medved, City University of New York Moderator Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TELUQ Participants Gender-Specific Wage Structure in the U.S. Labor Market Assaf Rotman, Tel Aviv University Short and Long-Run Determinants of Gender Roles Elodie Douarin, UCL Mobility work(s), gender and family. The Flight attendants in Civil Aviation Anne Gillet, CNAM, Lise-CNRS The Importance of Satellite Account of Unpaid Work to Reduce Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: A Methodological Proposal to Brazil Lucilene Morandi, UFF Fluminense Federal University Board Gender Diversity and CSR. Empirical Evidence from Japan Thanh Nguyen, Waseda University

D-02 Digital Transformations and Professions

Saturday D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School Moderator Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Participants Artificial Intelligence and the Future Corporate Professions: Maintenance and Change through Boundary Work in Accounting and Law James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Creativity, Constraints, and Copyright – Hired Music Guns and the Case of Soundalikes Konstantin Hondros, University Duisburg-Essen Impact of AI-Enabled Business Models on Legal Professionals: From Traditional Lawyers to Hybrid Professionals? Mari Sako, University of Oxford The Data Scientist Role: Professional Identity Construction As Creative Action Philipp Brandt, Sciences Po/CSO

E-02 Legitimate Social Order in Crisis – Is Japan the Happy Exception? (1)

Saturday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 47 9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Stefan Heeb, University of Geneva Steffen Heinrich, Freie Universität Berlin Participants A Particular Relational Normativity at the Heart of Legitimate Social Order – Stratification and Segmentalism in Japan’s Socio-Economic Institutional System Stefan Heeb, University of Geneva Diversification As Stratification - Work-Style Reform and Its Consequences on Inequality in Japan Jun Imai, Sophia University From Collective Bargaining to Legal Mobilization: Japanese Transformation of the Contestation’s Form? Adrienne Sala, Institut of Political Sciences, Lyon, France Seniority-Based Hierarchical Relations (jouge kankei) in Japan: Legitimate Social Order in Crisis? Zi Wang, University of Duisburg-Essen Discussant Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS

E-03 Inclusion and Exclusion in Political Economies

Saturday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants The Boundaries of Solidarity: An Evolutionary Psychology MODEL for the Analysis of Welfare Deservingness Perceptions Flavia Fossati, University of Lausanne and NCCR LIVES Mia Gandenberger, University of Lausanne and NCCR on the move From Economic Assets to Political Scapegoats: Immigration and Capitalist Systems of the UK, Germany and Turkey Merve Sancak, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute 'social Subjecthood?’ the Inclusion of Imperial Citizens in the Dutch Post-War Welfare State Emily Wolff, Leiden University

E-04 Social Concertation in Europe: Corporatism in the crisis

Saturday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Crisis Corporatism or Corporatism in Crisis? Explaining Social Concertation in Crisis-Ridden Europe Timo Weishaupt, University of Goettingen Social Policy between Corporatism and Social Paternalism: The Emerging Competition between Social Concertation and Populism in Europe Guglielmo Meardi, Scuola Normale Superiore

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 48 Reassuring the Markets: The Politics of Social Concertation in Acute Crisis Times Arianna Tassinari, European University Institute Political Determinants of Social Dialogue in Europe Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam

F-02 Varieties of Innovation Systems and Clean Technology Development

Saturday F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea M. Herrmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Institutionally Derived Strategic Influence of Subsidiaries in Multinational Enterprises Ivar Padron Hernandez, Stockholm School of Economics Institutions and Non-Market Strategies Matthew Allen, Geoff Wood, Western University Institutional Determinants of Innovation in Germany: A New Test of the Hall and Soskice´s Hypotheses Daniel Herrero, Universidad Complutense de Julián López-Gallego, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

G-02 Fair Pay at Work

Saturday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Christopher Warhurst, University of Warwick Participants Intragenerational Mobility of the Top Earners in Israel before and after the Global Financial Crisis Stav Federman, University of Haifa The French and the Elites: How “Economy” Helps to Justify Very High Earnings Alexandre Diallo, University of La Sorbonne; EHESS Justice Attitudes Toward Earnings of Men and Women. Evidence on the Just Gender Pay Gap from a Factorial Survey Experiment and Linked Employer- Employee Data Jule Adriaans, German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin Culture at Work: Self-Entrepreneurialism and Earnings Inequality in the United States, 1995-2014 Sophie Moullin, Princeton University

H-02 Corporate Governance and the Nature of the Firm

Saturday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 49 Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Participants Ownership and Control Revisited - Who Extracts What Under Different Corporate Governance Regimes? Ulf Larsson-Olaison, Linnaeus University Jeroen Veldman, Nyenrode Business University The Codetermination and Financialization Nexus – Research on European Firms Emre Gomec, University of Kassel Alliance Capitalism Redux: The Reconfiguration of Inter-Firm Networks in Japan, 2001-2012 Jiwook Jung, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Great Fragmentation and the New Nature of the Firm: Rethinking Strategy and Structure in Multinational Corporate Groups Arjan Reurink, Max Planck Institute

H-03 New Actors in the Politics of (global) Finance I: Changing Capital Saturday Markets and Trading Practices

9:00am - 10:30am H: Markets, Firms and Institutions Session Organizers Johannes Petry, University of Warwick Jan Fichtner, University of Amsterdam Moderator Jan Fichtner, University of Amsterdam Participants The “New Kings of Wall Street”: Quant Funds and the Digital Turn in Financial Innovation Andrea Lagna, Loughborough University The Transformation of Securities Exchanges: Implications for the Politics of Financial Infrastructures Johannes Petry, University of Warwick Discussant Benjamin Braun, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

I-02 Debating Alternatives to Capitalism: Theoretical and Conceptual Saturday Advances

9:00am - 10:30am I: Alternatives to Capitalism Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants Scaling up Alternatives to Capitalism: A Social Movement Approach to Alternative Organizing Simone Schiller-Merkens, Witten/Herdecke University Different Framings of Alternatives to Capitalism and Their Consequences Jason Spicer, University of Toronto Rethinking, Reforming or Replacing Capitalism? The Case for a Cooperative System in G7 Nations: A Preliminary Study Gardiana Bandeira Melo, Cardiff Metropolitan University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 50 J-01 Indirect Control and the Construction of Consent in the On-Demand Saturday Economy

9:00am - 10:30am J: Digital Economy Session Organizer Alex Wood, University of Birmingham Moderator Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Participants Variations in the Lived Experience of Risk Among Ride-Hailing Drivers in Boston Hilary Robinson, Northeastern University Governing through Non-Governance. Indirect Control and the Mobilization of Consent in Platform-Based Online Labour Christine Gerber, Berlin Social Science Center Flexible Despotism: Labour Control in the Informational Age Alex Wood, University of Birmingham Working 5 to 9: Rhythm and the Construction of Consent in London’s Gig-Economy. Adam Badger, Royal Holloway University, University of London

J-02 Privacy and the Data Economy

Saturday J: Digital Economy

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Moderator Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Participants Digitally Identifying People: Lessons from India Samuel Durand, New Durand Consulting Privacy Concerns and Protective Behaviour for Smart Speaker Assistants Saba Rebecca Brause, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society; Technical University of Berlin Grant Blank, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford; Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford Definitions of Privacy and Uses of Behavioural Data in Insurance Contemporary Practices. Hugo Jeanningros, Gemass, Sorbonne University Is Consent a Relevant Model for Digital Markets Regulation? Kevin Mellet, Orange Labs

L-02 The Social Foundations of Regulation and Compliance

Saturday L: Regulation and Governance

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Andrew Schrank, Brown University Sarah Babb, Boston College Moderator Andrew Schrank, Brown University Participants Peddling Efficiency: Auditability and Industrialization in Three Compliance Systems Sarah Babb, Boston College State-Society Relationships and Agency Renewal: The Case of the National Labor

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 51 Relations Board Jessica Garrick, Southern Methodist University ‘Space Oddity’? Spatial Arrangements, Opportunistic Trading and the Maintenance of Conflicts of Interests on the Trading Floor Marc Lenglet, NEOMA Business School Unraveling Expert Ignorance: Cleft Authority and Disjointed Temporality in the Stanford Ponzi Scheme Camilo Leslie, Tulane University Masters of Compliance: Governing Money Laundering Risk through Professionalisation Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Discussant Andrew Schrank, Brown University

M-01 Desempleo y salario en las relaciones laborales

Saturday M: Spanish Language

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Cristian Dario Castillo Robayo, Universidad Católica de Colombia Participants Duración Del Desempleo Joven En Colombia cristian Dario castillo Robayo, Universidad Católica de Colombia La Realidad Salarial De Las Mujeres EN EL Mercado Laboral Español Lucia Vicent, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Realidad Salarial En El Mercado De Trabajo Español. Una Perspectiva De Género Lucia Vicent, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Consecuencias De La Devaluación Salarial Sobre El Desempleo: El Caso De España Paloma Villanueva, Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI)

N-01 States

Saturday N: Finance and Society

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Participants How Do Sovereign Rating Analysts Assess Politics and Policy in Developed Countries? Interview Evidence from Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch Zsofia Barta, University at Albany SUNY State Disintegration in Times of Financial Crisis: Yugoslavia’s Sovereign Debt Experience Ana Podvrsic, University Paris-13; University of Graz Automation and State-Finance Relations: Comparing European Markets for Sovereign Debt

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 52 Arjen van der Heide, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies The Political in the Financial Valuation Process: The Case of State-Funded Venture Capital in Russia Andrey Indukaev, University of Helsinki

N-02 Risk

Saturday N: Finance and Society

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Participants Technocracy and the Ethics of Central Bank Risk Management Jens van t Klooster, KU Leuven Earmarking Risk: Relational Investing and Portfolio Choice Adam Hayes, University of Wisconsin-Madison The Price of an Uncertain Promise: Fair Value Accounting and the Financialization of Banks’ Counterparty Risk Management Practices Taylor Spears, University of Edinburgh Business School Realising Natural Disaster: A Financial Ontology of Catastrophe Julius Kob, University of Edinburgh

O-02 Innovation and Knowledge in GVCs

Saturday O: Global Value Chains

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Mark Dallas, Union College Participants Managing Knowledge Integration in Global Value Chains Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal National and Sectoral Systems of Innovation and the Participation to Global Value Chains Roberta Rabellotti, Universitá di Pavia FDI, Productivity, and Gvc Positioning: Evince from Italian and Spanish Manufacturing Firms Anna Giunta, Università Roma Tre Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics Global Value Chains (GVCs) and Economic Growth: A Non-Linear Analysis Zhuqing Mao, University of Johannesburg

P-02 Financial Integrity and Misconduct

Saturday P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 53 9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Guler Aras, Yildiz Technical University Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management Moderator Guler Aras, Yildiz Technical University Participants Financial Integrity: Theoretical Perspective Paul Williams, North Carolina State University Financial Integrity and Misconduct Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management

Q-01 Social Change, Surveillance and Inequality

Saturday Q: Asian Capitalisms

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Participants Who Gets Access to Higher Education in India? Rethinking the Role of Household’s Capacity to Pay Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, Jawaharlal Nehru University China’s Social Credit System: Making Society Fit for the Platform Economy Lia Musitz, University of Duisburg-Essen Political Impetus for Institutional Complementarities: Comparing the Institutionalization of Kidney Donation in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Wan-Zi Lu, University of Chicago

R-02 Session 1.2

Saturday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Participants Moral Judgements in the Context of a Generalized Theory of Pareto Optimality and Competition. Hayat Khan, Alfaisal University A Contribution to the Knowledge Base of Islamic Economics/Finance: The Islamic Origins of Hypothesis Testing Methodology Zakaria Boulanouar, Higher College of Technology Locating Islamic Economics within Heterodox Economics Tradition: Convergence of Economic Thought Alija Avdukic, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education

TH04-01 Critical Reflections on Economic Statistics 1

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 54 Saturday TH04: Critical Reflections on Socio-Economic Statistics for Development: Past, Present, and Future 9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Roberto Aragao, University of Amsterdam Daniel DeRock, University of Amsterdam Joan Van Heijster, University of Amsterdam Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Moderator Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Participants Notes on the Social History of the Argentine Consumer Price Index Cecilia Lanata Briones, University of Warwick A European Fiscal Union of Macroeconomic Indicators: The Case of the Euro Area Fiscal Stance Tobias Tesche, University of Amsterdam Economic Statistics, Central Banking and Development: A Comparison of Germany and the United States in the 1920s Matthieu Hughes, Universität Erfurt

TH05-01 Confronting Development & Postcolonial Agency

Saturday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Julian Go, Boston University Moderator Kristin Plys, University of Toronto Participants Decolonizing Energy Development: ‘Smart’ Grids and the Production of Urban Life Beyond Oil in the Contemporary Middle East Kendra Kintzi, Cornell University The Development Demand: Mexico’s Interwar Fight for Representation and Redistribution Christy Thornton, Johns Hopkins University The Village Speaks Back: Village Studies, Peasant Politics, and the Spatial Imaginaries of Indian Developmentalism, 1915-1965 Karthik Rao Cavale, Ahmedabad University

TH07-01 Introduction to the Mini-conference, and Conceptualizing Education Saturday and Social Progress

9:00am - 10:30am TH07: Education for Social Progress: Socio-Economic Perspectives on Policy Attempts and Impacts between the Different Worlds

Session Organizer Lorenz Lassnigg, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna Moderator Lorenz Lassnigg, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna Participants „Social Progress“ and the Pitfalls of Education Policies – the IPSP Approach and Questions for Socio-Economics Lorenz Lassnigg, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna Education, Political Efficacy and Satisfaction with Democracy: How Experiences in School Influence Political Attitudes

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 55 Anne-Marie Parth, Heidelberg University Through Which Mechanisms Does Education Reduce or Exacerbate Economic Inequality? Aaron Benavot,

TH08-01 Gender, Inheritances, and the Reproduction of Elites

Saturday TH08: Gender and Wealth Accumulation

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Celine Bessiere, Paris Dauphine University-IRISSO Maude Pugliese, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Moderator Celine Bessiere, Paris Dauphine University-IRISSO Participants The Role of Gender in Intergenerational Transfers of Wealth. a Factorial Survey Experiment Daria Tisch, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Engineering Succession: Mediated Relational Work of Arranging Wealth Transfers Among Poland's First Generation Capitalists Mateusz Halawa, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences The Contribution of Housewives to the Accumulation of Economic Capital Among the Upper Classes Lorraine Bozouls, Sciences Po Bordeaux The Gender Division of Wealth Perpetuation Camille Herlin-Giret, Junior Researcher at CNRS-CERAPS, Lille University Discussant Maude Pugliese, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique

TH10-01 Sustainable Land Use

Saturday TH10: Green Economy Contradictions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Stephanie Barral, INRA Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Moderator Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Participants Searching Forests Finding Trees: A Critique of REDD+ Programme in Context of India's Climate Change Agenda Pranav Menon, Research Scholar Jawaharlal Nehru University Implicit and Explicit Responsibilization: Discourses of Sustainable Diets in the FAO Friederike Doebbe, Stockholm School of Economics Incoherence of Biodiversity Offsetting Ritwick Ghosh, The Maladaptation of Water Policies ? a Comparative Analysis of the Contradictions in Agriculture Adaptation to Climate Change in California (USA), Andalusia (Spain), Occitania (France) and the Western Cape (South Africa) Betina Boutroue, Artdev CIRAD MUSE Discussant Stephanie Barral, INRA

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 56 SP-01 Presidential Address - The Virus and the Vessel or: How we Learned to Saturday Stop Worrying and Love Surveillance

11:00am - 12:00pm Special Events Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Participants

FP-02 Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "Imperialism and the Developing Saturday World: How Britain and the United States Shaped the Global Periphery" by Atul Kohli (OUP 2020) 12:00pm - 1:30pm Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Patrick Heller, Brown University Book Authors Atul Kohli, Princeton University Sarah Babb, Boston College Critics Jason Jackson, MIT Katrina Quisumbing King, University of Southern California Participants

B-02 Panel 2

Saturday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Busra Soylemez, University of Delaware Participants Do Financial Crises Promote Financial Globalization? Busra Soylemez, University of Delaware Unbalanced: The Intersection of Growth and Balance of Payments Resolution Models Gregory Fuller, University of Groningen Public Debt and Inequality in a Context of Financial Openness Jorge Carrera, CONICET Federal Regulatory Mechanisms in Social Policies: Cooperation or Coercion? Daniel Vazquez, Federal University of São Paulo European Integration and Global Disorder Scott Lavery, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI),

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 57 University of Sheffield

C-03 International Comparison

Saturday C: Gender, Work and Family

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TELUQ Caryn Medved, City University of New York Moderator Caryn Medved, City University of New York Participants Widows' Public Pension Income in 6 Western European Countries Sally Bould, University of Delaware The Varieties of Work-Family Reconciliation Politics—Employers, Politicians and Demography: A Comparative Study of Germany, Italy and Japan Margarita Estevez-Abe, Maxwell School / Syracuse University Insider out: Cross-National Differences in Foreign-Born Female Labor Force Participation in the United States, Sweden, and Japan Tristan Ivory, Indiana University The Taxation of Families: Horizontal Redistribution between Family Types across Welfare Regimes Manuel Schechtl, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

D-03 Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Professions

Saturday D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School Moderator James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Participants Legitimacy Maintenance across Boundaries: Balancing Professional Inclusivity and Expertise in Complex Organizations Ian Gray, UCLA Dept of Sociology; Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Skill Development Practices and Racial-Ethnic Diversity in Elite Professional Firms Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Finance and Development Logics: Gender Mainstreaming from Global South to North Signe Predmore, UMass Amherst Becoming and Staying a Corporate Executive: The Gender Gap Valerie Boussard, Université Paris Nanterre Gender Disparities Among South Korean Professionals in Transition to the Knowledge-Based Service Economy Min Young Song, University of Warwick

E-05 Analysis the Relationship between Immigration and Labor Markets

Saturday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 58 12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Do Migrants Have Access to Decent Work? Petra Sauer, Vienna University of Economics and Business Stella Zillian, University of Business and Economics Vienna The Effectiveness of Labor Market Integration Policies for Immigrants: The Perspective of Employers Flavia Fossati, University of Lausanne and NCCR LIVES Immigration, Labor Market Concerns, and Demands for Social Protection: Longitudinal Evidence from the United Kingdom Gerda Hooijer, University of Oxford Immigration and the Conditionality of Unemployment Benefits in OECD Countries Samir Mustafa Negash, Leiden Unviersity Olaf van Vliet, Leiden University

E-06 Trade Unions and Politics in Europe and US

Saturday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants The Importance of Political Systems for Trade Union Membership, Coverage, and Influence: Theory and Comparative Evidence John Budd, University of Minnesota J. Ryan Lamare, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Understanding the Positions Taken By Unions and Political Parties during Labour Market Reforms in Portugal and Spain: A Critical Assessment of the Insider-Outsider Politics Approach Dora Fonseca, CES The Missing Link. Work, Class Identity and Politicisation in Post-Crisis Italy Arianna Tassinari, European University Institute Blowing Where the Wind Already Blows: Union Effects on Left-Wing Political Views and Attitudinal Heterogeneity Sinisa Hadziabdic, MPIfG, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

G-03 Cross-national Diversity in Work

Saturday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Anthony Rafferty, University of Manchester Participants Organizations in Global Setting: Natural Versus Rational Anastasia Maria Luca, California Sacramento State College of Business Ethnic Conflict and Workplace Inequality: Minority Job Dynamics during Conflict

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 59 Escalation in Israel, 1995-2015 Dustin Avent-Holt, Augusta University Pushed of Pulled? Immigrants' Involuntary and Voluntary Self-Employment in Western European Countries Floriane Bolazzi, University of Milano Ivana Fellini, University of Milano-Bicocca Class Background, Migration Experience, Human Capital Formation and the Labor Market Integration of Young Syrian Refugees in Germany Hans Dietrich, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

H-04 New Actors in the Politics of (global) Finance II: Changing Coordination Saturday of Financial Actors and Activities

12:00pm - 1:30pm H: Markets, Firms and Institutions Session Organizers Johannes Petry, University of Warwick Jan Fichtner, University of Amsterdam Moderator Johannes Petry, University of Warwick Participants Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment: comparing regulation in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany. Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University States and Passive Markets: Index Providers and the Production of Financial Claims in the Global Political Economy Jan Fichtner, University of Amsterdam

I-03 Worker Cooperatives and other Alternatives to Shareholder Capitalism

Saturday I: Alternatives to Capitalism

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants A Unique Case of Empresa Recuperada in Italy: Ri-Maflow and the Innovation of Workers’ Self-Managed Factory. Michele Bianchi, Yunus Centre - Glasgow Caledonian University Marcelo Vieta, University of Toronto Reigniting Subject-object Struggles: The role of cooperatives in the creation of unalienating work Kiri Langmead, Nottignham Trent University Impacts on Unemployment of Alternatives to Shareholder Value Capitalism in American Cities during the Great Recession Marc J. Schneiberg, Reed College

J-03 Seeing through Data

Saturday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs Moderator Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 60 The Birth of Identity Biopolitics: How Surveillance Capitalism Abets Antiliberal Populism Brian Judge, University of California, Berkeley Learning like a State: Statecraft in the Digital Age Marion Fourcade, UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley Personal Is Profitable: On the Business Origins of Automated Personalization in Mass Markets Zsuzsanna Vargha, ESCP Business School Looking in the Advertiser’s Mirror: A Monstrous Self-Portrait in Data Jean-Samuel Beuscart, Orange Labs

J-04 Approaches to Platform Economization

Saturday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Koray Caliskan, The New School Moderator Anne Jourdain, University Paris-Dauphine Participants Platform Works Koray Caliskan, The New School Cryptocurrency Platforms’ Bubble: Tulips, Dot-Coms, or Rails? Ludovico Rella, Durham University Platforms, then and Now: Property Relations in Historical Perspective Joel Garrod, Carleton University An Oasis of Practice: Platform-Ing Natural Catastrophe Julius Kob, University of Edinburgh

L-03 Author Meet Critics: "Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Saturday Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone" by Vivien Schmidt (Oxford University Press, 2020) 12:00pm - 1:30pm L: Regulation and Governance

Session Organizer Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Book Author Vivien Schmidt, Departments of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University Critics John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Amadine Crespy, Université Libre de Bruxelles Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Cornel Ban, Boston University Participants

M-02 Comercio, cadenas globales de valor y sustentabilidad

Saturday M: Spanish Language

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 61 Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Marta Castilho, UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Participants ’La Relación Comercial ENTRE México Y China. Análisis DEL Impacto EN La Estructura Comercial De México Y EL Acuerdo Comercial Usmca Desde EL Constant Market Share Y Tablas De Input Y Output’’ Hassel Guadalupe Ponce Pineda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Production in the International Beef Market from the Point of View of the Competitiveness and Sustainability of Countries Agustin Alvarez-Herranz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Eduardo Quiroga, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de La Plata Positioning and Insertion Patterns of Countries into Global Value Chains Marta Castilho, UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Eroding Economic Incentives to Environmental Protection in Brazil Sofia Fahel, Fundaçao Getúlio Vargas

N-03 Welfare

Saturday N: Finance and Society

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Participants Entitlements in the Crosshairs: How Sovereign Credit Ratings Judge the Welfare State in Advanced Market Economies Zsofia Barta, University at Albany SUNY Policy to Protect Financially Vulnerable Populations: A Look at the Military Lending Act Megan Bea, University of Wisconsin - Madison Discounting Politics in Public Employee Pension Reform: The Case of Detroit Mikell Hyman, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Fiscal Policy As Credit Policy: A New Perspective on the Welfare State VS. Market Trade-Off Etienne Lepers, City, University of London Entangling the Welfare State and Capital Markets through Land. a Theoretical Contribution from Urban Political Economy Antoine Guironnet, Sciences Po, CEE

N-04 Money, Credit and Social Aspirations

Saturday N: Finance and Society

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 62 Moderator Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Participants Simulating Social Class? Consumer Credit, Subjective Status and “Supurious Upward Mobility” in Chile Felipe Gonzalez, Universidad Central de Chile Matias Gomez, Universidad Central de Chile Financing Movement: The Role of Money Along Undocumented Migration Trajectories Hannah Pool, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies The Price of Parenting: Wealth Inequality and Financial Activities for Children in the United States, 1998-2016 Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine Becoming a Petit-Rentier: New Housing Imaginaries in Post-Socialist Marta Olcoń-Kubicka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

O-03 Author Meets Critics: "Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Saturday Global Value Chains" by Stefano Ponte (UChicago Press, 2019)

12:00pm - 1:30pm O: Global Value Chains Session Organizer Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School Book Author Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School Critics Gary Gereffi, Duke University Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Matthew Amengual, MIT Luc Fransen, University of Amsterdam Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Participants

P-03 Financial Regulation: Models, Concepts and Instruments between US Saturday and EU

12:00pm - 1:30pm P: Accounting, Economics, and Law Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Maria Lissowska, Warsaw School of Economics Participants A Critical Assessment of the Current Legal Framework Concerning Abusive Debt Collection Practices in the European Union. Catalin Stanescu, University of Copenhagen Crowdfunding for Loans to Households. Will There be a Shopping Forum after the Introduction of EU Regulation? Maria Lissowska, Warsaw School of Economics Measuring Wealth, Reframing the Rule of Law Smoki Musaraj, Ohio University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 63 Q-02 China's Development Model

Saturday Q: Asian Capitalisms

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Dennis McNamara, Georgetown University Moderator Dennis McNamara, SOAS Participants Mitigating Global Value Chain Risks in an Unstable World: Cases of Asian First-Tier Garment Suppliers Solee Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Anchoring Value Chains in China's Electronics Hub Dennis McNamara, Georgetown University Corporatist Legacies of Danwei Society in China’s “New Era” Dennis McNamara, Georgetown University

R-03 Session 1.3

Saturday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Nerma Saracevic, PhD student, University of J.J. Strossmayer,Faculty of Economics, Osijek, Croatia Participants The Relative Risk Performance of the Islamic Sukuks over the Conventional Bonds: New Evidence from VALUE at Risk Approach Mariam Aldhaheri, Higher College of Technology Is There a Difference between Risk-taking Behaviour in Islamic and Conventional Banking: Expected Utility Theory versus Prospect Theory Kemal Pekcoskun, Bursa Uludag University Assessing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Oman and Discovering the Innate Suitability of Risk Sharing Finance Mughees Shaukat, The College of Banking and Financial Studies, under Central Bank of Oman; Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions-AAOIFI; Fingel Global Inc

TH05-02 Envisioning New Futures for Development Theory and Practice

Saturday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Zophia Edwards, Providence College Moderator Julian Go, Boston University Participants For a Rodneyan World Systems Analysis: The Case for a Return to the Dar Es Salaam School of Historical Social Science Kristin Plys, University of Toronto Reimagining Development Theory: Insights from the Black Radical Tradition Zophia Edwards, Providence College

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 64 Thinking with W.E.B. Du Bois: Liberal Democracy and the Invention of the Racialized Subject in the Black Atlantic Ricarda Hammer, Brown University

TH07-02 The Politics of Education and Social Progress

Saturday TH07: Education for Social Progress: Socio-Economic Perspectives on Policy 12:00pm - 1:30pm Attempts and Impacts between the Different Worlds Session Organizer Lorenz Lassnigg, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna Moderator Stephanie Allais, University of the Witwatersrand Participants Varieties of Governance: The Frontline State and Primary Education in Rural India Akshay Mangla, University of Oxford Keeping Collective Skill Formation Systems Inclusive in Times of Migration: Comparing Policy Responses in Germany and Switzerland Annatina Aerne, University of St.Gallen Franziska Laudenbach, Universität Bremen Hope, Disappointment, and the Relationship between Economics and Sociology of Education in Explaining and Tackling Educational Inequalities Yael Shalem, University of the Witwatersrand

TH13-01 Roundtable on Economy, Society, Polity: Global and National Saturday Health(care) Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic

12:00pm - 1:30pm TH13: Regulation, Innovation, and Valuation in Markets for Health and Medicines

Session Organizers Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Moderators Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Participants Discussants Susanne Brucksch, German Institute of Japanese Studies Adriana Nilsson, University of Liverpool Mao Suzuki, University of Southern California

FP-03 Featured Speaker Ruha Benjamin (Princeton University) - "Race after Saturday Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code"

2:00pm - 3:00pm Featured Panels & Speakers Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 65 G-04 HR Practices

Saturday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

7:00pm - 8:30pm Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Sophie Moullin, Princeton University Participants Entrepreneurial Social Cognition: Arguing for Work Positive Illusions As Self-Serving Biases in Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Anastasia Maria Luca, California Sacramento State College of Business The Effect of the Family Planning Policy on Human Resource Sujin Lee, Seoul National University Ga-eun Lee, Seoul National University How Employees Shape Turnover Intention - Comparison between Japanese Firms and Foreign-Owned Firms in Japan Shinji Hasegawa, Waseda University Insourcing and Flexibility: Return to Vertical Integration and the Drive to Polyvalence Sabrina Dias, Universidade Federal Fluminense

N-05 Banks

Saturday N: Finance and Society

7:00pm - 8:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Participants Earnings Smoothing in Banking Industry through Advisory Fee Income – Do Depositors Matter? Heung Tung Yip, Cathay United Bank Demutualization of Cooperative Depository Institutions in the U.S: 1995-2020 Irem Inal, University of California Berkeley, Department of Sociology Shareholder Value and Bank Risk-Taking: The Role of Shareholder-Value-Oriented Bank CEOs Jiwook Jung, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Failed Zaibatsu: Transplantation, Innovation and Family Banks in Southwest China, 1900-1950 Wei Luo, Stanford University

A-01 Accumulation, Redistribution and Civil Society

Sunday A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer José Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid Moderators José Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid Kate Summers, London School of Economics

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 66 Participants Deserving and Undeserving Riches: Can Public Consensus Identify a ‘Riches Line’? Kate Summers, London School of Economics Role of Civil Society in Making of Public Policy in India Sujeet Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University Polyani-Lite?Social Innovation in the Context of Transitioning Capitalisms Raymond Loveridge, University of Oxford

E-07 Rising Challenges on the Future of Work

Sunday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants The Effects of the Platform Economy on Work Anke Hassel, of Governance Technological Change and Demand for EU-Wide Social Protection: A Conjoint Experiment Stefano Sacchi, Polytechnic University of Mobilising Ideas about the Future of Work: Technology, Employment Relations and Regulation Susan Ainsworth, University of Melbourne Angie Knox, University of Sydney

F-03 Knowledge Transfer and Innovation: Evidence from Micro-Level Firm Sunday and Patent Data

4:00am - 5:30am F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Session Organizers Egbert Amoncio, Goethe University Frankfurt Na Zou, Goethe University Frankfurt Participants Brain Drain and Inventive Activities: Evidence from 19th Century Discriminatory Policies David Heller, Max-Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich Academics As Intermediaries? Forced Resignations Among Academic Directors and Firm Innovation Egbert Amoncio, Goethe University Knowledge Flows within China: A Patent Citation Analysis JIA LIU, UNIVERSITY OF STRASBOURG , BETA

G-05 Education

Sunday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 67 Participants Educational Elites’ Complex Career Change : An Apparent Reconsideration of the Link between Education, Skills and Careers Ludivine Le Gros, CNAM - LISE The Case of Finance Students in France, or How the Schools’ Hierarchy Mirrors the Finance Labor Market Lisa Laurence, Paris-Dauphine University The Impact of Horizontal Job-Education Mismatches on the Earnings of Recent University Graduates in Russia Victor Rudakov, National Research University Higher School of Economics Getting an Appetite for a Career in Business: How Recruiting Events Shape Students’ Vocational Aspirations Daniel Meyer, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

G-06 Hiring and Occupational Choice: Employers' and Employees' Sunday Perspectives on Skill Demand and Supply

4:00am - 5:30am G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources Session Organizers Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich Christian Rupietta, University of Wuppertal Moderator Christian Rupietta, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Participants Social Norms and Occupational Choices in VET Patricia Palffy, University of Zurich Apprenticeship Non-Completion in the German Dual VET System - a Money Matter? Caroline Neuber-Pohl, Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training Firms’ Contribution to Scaring Effects of Young Unemployed Hans Dietrich, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

H-05 Fields Logics

Sunday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Maki Umemura, Cardiff University Participants Changing the Rules of the Game While Playing: Process of Logic Hybridization in Community Ophthalmology Field Padmavathi Shenoy, Indian Institute of Management Trichy Changes and Continuities in the Organizational Field for Corporate Tax Sara Jespersen, Copenhagen Business School

I-04 The Trials and Tribulations of Engaging in Collective Action

Sunday I: Alternatives to Capitalism

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 68 Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants Advocating within the Market: The Collaboration between French Vegan Activists and Food Market Players Noe Kabouche, University of Neuchâtel; Sciences Po (Paris) Relations and Resources Mikko Laamanen, Royal Holloway - University of London Can Big be Beautiful? Tensions within Normative Communities Genevieve Shanahan, Grenoble Ecole de Management

L-04 Coordination and Steering Mechanisms in Public and Private Sunday Governance

4:00am - 5:30am L: Regulation and Governance Session Organizers Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis Participants Supplier Management Quality and Compliance: The Role of Supplier Human Resource and Labor Practices Chunyun Li, London School of Economics A “California Effect” for Human Rights: South Africa and the Bilateral Investment Regime Maha Atal, Copenhagen Business School Neoliberal Conceptions of the Worker and Entrepreneur in Labour Law Julia Tomassetti, City University of Hong Kong School of Law Accounting for Labor-Conditions: Prospects and Limits of Blockchain-Technologies in Upholding ESG-Labor Standards Moritz Huetten, Darmstadt Business School and a fellow at the Center for Sustainable Economic and Corporate Policy

N-06 The Future of Rating: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution

Sunday N: Finance and Society

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Natalia Besedovsky, University of Hamburg Giulia Mennillo, National University of Singapore Moderator Natalia Besedovsky, University of Hamburg Participants Credit Rating in China: Torn between Aspirations of Hegemony and Corporate Debt Problems Giulia Mennillo, National University of Singapore Seeing like a Social Credit System: An Examination of a Chinese Municipal Surveillance Policy Infrastructure Chuncheng Liu, University of California San Diego Rating As Usual? Credit Rating Agencies from the Financial Crisis to the Anthropocene Natalia Besedovsky, University of Hamburg TBA

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 69 Marion Fourcade, UC Berkeley Rating As Information Production: Lessons from the Emergence of Securities Rating and Hospital Accreditation in the United States Joris Gjata, University of Virginia

O-04 Digitization, Industry 4.0 and GVCs

Sunday O: Global Value Chains

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Aarti Krishnan, Overseas Development Institute Participants Digital Technologies and 'value' Capture in Global Value Chains; Empirical Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms Karishma Banga, Overseas Development Institute A Bottom-up Approach to Manufacturing Reshoring Strategies: A Comparative Study Diletta Pegoraro, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham; University of Trento Digitalization and New Technological Interdependencies in the German Manufacturing Equipment Sector Grzegorz Lechowski, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Who Runs the Show in Iot-Based Value Chains? Industrial Internet Platforms and Their Implications for Gvc Governance Lea Schneidemesser, Berlin Social Science Center

P-04 Corporate Governance (I): Corporate Control and Mission

Sunday P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney Participants The Contest on Corporate Purpose: Why Lynn Stout WAS Right and Milton Friedman WAS Wrong. Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney Do Mission Statements Affect Firm Outcomes? Shinichi Hirota, Waseda University

Q-03 Labour Relations and Vocational Training

Sunday Q: Asian Capitalisms

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 70 Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Participants Labor Force Dualism in the Joint Ventures of Vw and Toyota in China Miao Tian, Frankfurt University Farewell to Competence-Based Vocational Qualifications? Armin Mueller, University of Göttingen Automation, Skill Development and Vocational Training in the Pearl-River Delta Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University

R-04 Session 2.1

Sunday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Participants Financialisation and Islamic Banking: Case Analysis of Causes and Effects of Tawarruq Adoptions in Islamic Banks in Malaysia Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Is Islamic Banking Sustainable? Catpca Evidence from Selected Global Islamic Banks M Luthfi Hamidi, Griffith University Does Financial Development Reduce Income Inequality? Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek, Universiti Teknologi Mara

SP-02 Women and Gender Forum

Sunday Special Events

8:00am - 9:00am Session Organizer Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Participants Discussants Caroline Ruiner, University of Hohenheim Virginia Doellgast, Cornell University ILR School Jacqueline O'Reilly, University of Sussex Business School

B-03 Panel 3

Sunday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Antonio Gelis-Filho, FGV-EAESP Participants The Legal Institutionalization of Global Elites As a Proto-Polity: From Nation States

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 71 to “Gated States”? Antonio Gelis-Filho, FGV-EAESP Globally Integrated Growth Models and Origins of International Conflicts Robert Pauls, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Thomas Kalinowski, Ewha Womans University From Italy to the European Union: The Long Path of Southern Italy Toward Integration. Policies and Institutional Actors in the Construction of an Underdeveloped Area Paola De Vivo, University of Naples Federico II Money for Nothing: The Role of Intangibles in the Financialization-Globalization Nexus Kevin Muir, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Political Science The Spread of Developmental Idealism Through Diplomatic Ties and Its Impact on Fertility Transitions Joan Ryan, University of Pennsylvania

C-04 Pay and Income Issues

Sunday C: Gender, Work and Family

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TELUQ Caryn Medved, City University of New York Moderator Caryn Medved, City University of New York Participants Men and Women of the MFI: Gendered Power in Indian Microfinance Smitha Radhakrishnan, Wellesley College Work Time Regimes and the Political Economy of the Gender Pay Gap James Conran, University of Oregon Family Support and Gender Roles According to Income Types: Evidence from an Urban Patrilocal Society Sara Tafuro, University of Paris Patrilineal Family Solidarity and Income Types: Evidence from Urban India Sara Tafuro, University of Paris Modern Times for Mothers? Disentangling the Role of Preference Formation and Institutional Influences on Motherhood Penalties Malte Reichelt, New York University Abu Dhabi

E-08 Critical and Comparative Approaches to States and Markets in Sunday Europe's Periphery

9:00am - 10:30am E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States Session Organizer Besnik Pula, Virginia Tech Participants European Peripheries in Comparative Perspective: Markets and States in the East and South of the European Union Bilyana Petrova, City University of New York Social Structures of Accumulation Theory and East European Capitalism: Never the Twain Shall Meet? Besnik Pula, Virginia Tech Discussant

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 72 Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol

E-09 Legitimate Social Order in Crisis – Is Japan the Happy Exception? (2)

Sunday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Stefan Heeb, University of Geneva Steffen Heinrich, Freie Universität Berlin Participants Continuity of Social Order Despite More Immigration: Why Is Ethno-Nationalist Japan Welcoming More Foreign Workers? David Chiavacci, University of Zurich Legitimacy Through Depoliticization: The Politics of Third Pillar Pension Reform and the Case of Japan Steffen Heinrich, Freie Universität Berlin Discussant Margarita Estevez-Abe, Maxwell School / Syracuse University

F-04 Consuming Innovations: How, Why, and When do Firms, Actors, Sunday Institutions Adopt or Adapt them?

9:00am - 10:30am F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea Herrmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Re-Configuring Routines in New Product Development Partnerships Paola Perez-Aleman, McGill University Robotising, but How? Organisational Innovation and Heterogeneity in the Use of Digital Production Technologies. Evidence from Japanese and German Companies in the Automotive Sector. Guendalina Anzolin, (Italy) “The Empire Strikes Back”: entrepreneurship, radical innovation and political coalitions in the bureaucratic firm Tommaso Pardi, CNRS IDHES

G-07 HR Practices and Workplace Skills

Sunday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Ulrich Walwei, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Participants Skill Underutilization and Under-Skilling in Europe: The Role of Workplace Discrimination Anthony Rafferty, University of Manchester Internal Flexibility, ICT and Collective Bargaining in the European Union: An

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 73 Analysis at Establishment Level Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid The Role of Works Councils in the Productivity Enhancing Effect of HR Practices Christian Rupietta, University of Wuppertal Recognition of Human Capital Investments: Towards Institutional Typology Arkadiy Tuchkov, St. Petersburg State Economic University

H-06 Growth Models Beyond the OECD: Making Sense of Emerging Sunday Capitalist Economies

9:00am - 10:30am H: Markets, Firms and Institutions Session Organizers Christian May, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University Daniel Mertens, University of Osnabrück Participants Growth Models in Emerging Capitalist Economies Christian May, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University The Impact of Security Threats on a Small Emerging Economy Growth Model: The Case of Israel Arie Krampf, Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo Growth Models and Comparative Political Economy in Latin America Nikolas Passos, Scuola Normale Superiore

H-07 CSR

Sunday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderators Rami Kaplan, The Open University of Israel Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Participants Core Family Values As Accelerators of Institutional Change - the Case of Sustainable Viticulture in the Bordeaux Wine Region Joerg Hofstetter, KEDGE Business School Sustainability Incentives: Underlying Drivers of Port Greening Decisions Jette Steen Knudsen, Tufts University Beth DeSombre, Wellesley College What Impact Do Responsible Business Associations Have on the CSR Performance of Their Member Companies? Evidence from Business for Social Responsibility from 1992 to 2018 Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Family Relations on Top Management and Ownership Concentration: How Do They Affect CSR Engagement of Brazilian Companies? Romulo Soares, Federal University of Ceara

I-05 Building Alternatives through Organisations and Collaborative Sunday Relations

9:00am - 10:30am I: Alternatives to Capitalism

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 74 Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants The Relational Construction of Alternativeness in Collaborative Housing in Vienna Nina Pohler, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Arts-Service Organizations, Access, and Intermediation Miranda Campbell, Ryerson University Burning Man, an Alternative to Capitalism? from the “City in the Desert” to “a Network of Dreamers and Doers”, Navigating from Full-on Corporation to Co- Working Initiatives. Flore Muguet, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE)

J-05 "Framing Work” on Platform: Precarity and Autonomy

Sunday J: Digital Economy

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Sidonie Naulin, Sciences Po Grenoble / PACTE Moderator Sidonie Naulin, Sciences Po Grenoble / PACTE Participants Business Models and Control within the Platform Economy: A Study of Food- Delivery Work in Belgium Milena Franke, KU Leuven University Alternative Workers and "Structuring of Instability": The Case of Multiple Jobs Cecilia Manzo, Catholic University Ivana Pais, Catholic University Digital Labor behind Marketplace Platforms: Analysis of the Invisible Work Provided By Etsy Sellers Anne Jourdain, University Paris-Dauphine Autonomy and New Modes of Control in Digital Work Settings – a Mixed‐Methods Study of Food Supply Chains in Germany Caroline Ruiner, University of Hohenheim

J-06 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Sunday J: Digital Economy

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Moderator Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Participants A Multidimensional Embeddedness Frame for Analyzing the Digital Economy: The Case of Cryptocurrency Ilan Talmud, University of Haifa Hacker-Engineers and Their Economies: The Political Economy of Cryptoeconomics and Decentralised Networks Jaya Klara Brekke, Durham University A Relational Analysis of Sarafu Network: The Emergence of a Monetary Ecosystem for the Prosperity of the Communities Sowelu Elios Avanzo, Seeing like a Blockchain: An Examination of a Blockchain System for Regulating News Production Roei Davidson, University of Haifa

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 75 L-05 Competition Policy in the 21st Century: National Institutions and Sunday Transnational Realities

9:00am - 10:30am L: Regulation and Governance Session Organizer Erik Peinert, Brown University Moderators Erik Peinert, Brown University Sebastian Billows, INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique) Participants Bureaucratic Discretion and the Atlantic Divide in Antitrust Chase Foster, Brown University French Antitrust: A Statist Variety of Competition Enforcement? Sebastian Billows, INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique) Reconciling the Political and Intellectual Causes of Policy Paradigm Shift: Antitrust Policy Reform in the Times of Inflation and Chicago School of Law and Economics Melike Arslan, Northwestern University In Search of Lost Price. Anti-Trust and the Paradox of Digital Markets Simon Bittmann, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Monopoly Politics: Price Competition and Learning in the Evolution of Policy Regimes Erik Peinert, Brown University

M-03 Empresas, bancos de desarrollo y variedades de capitalismo

Sunday M: Spanish Language

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Pedro Perfeito da Silva, UFRGS Participants Bank Ownership and Lending Patterns: Evidence from Brazil Pedro Perfeito da Silva, Central European University 'realidades Abundantes'. Más Allá De Otra Simple Crítica Al Homo Economicus Cesar Gonzalez-Canton, CUNEF Dynamics and Effectiveness of Business Models Interdisciplinary Analysis from the Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions. Martha Escobar Hurtado, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Privacy in the Era of Big Data - the Boundaries between Market and Moral Karina Assis, Universidade Federal de São Carlos/ Nesefi

N-07 A World of Privatized Prosperity in Contemporary Capitalism: Sunday Economic Sociology Perspectives on Ownership Structures and the Current Revival of Expropriations 9:00am - 10:30am N: Finance and Society

Session Organizers Alexander Spielau, University of Hamburg Natalia Besedovsky, University of Hamburg Joanna Kusiak, King's College Cambridge

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 76 Participants Alternatives to Expropriation? Municipal Housing Companies between Profit Orientation and Tenant Participation Natalia Besedovsky, University of Hamburg Athens As a Laboratory of (privatized) National Economy Marie Piganiol, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL Benjamin Lemoine, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL The Privatization of U.S. Money and the Absence of a Countermovement, 1945– 2008 Pierre-Christian Fink, Columbia University The Lasting Shadow of Sovereign Moneys: Are Attempts to Create Privatized Money a Fallacy? Alexander Spielau, University of Hamburg Climate Strike Protests and the Issue of Ownership Philipp Degens, University of Hamburg, Department of Socio-Economics

O-05 Power and Value in GVCs

Sunday O: Global Value Chains

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Stephanie Barrientos, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester Participants Environmental Upgrading in Global Value Chains: A Framework for Analysis Aarti Krishnan, Overseas Development Institute Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School Network Configuration and Power Relations in Global Production Networks Panagiotis Iliopoulos, Department of Management, Birkbeck College, University of London What Is Value Creation, Capture and Destruction in Gvcs? Mark Dallas, Union College Power, Governance and Supplier Agency in the Global Mobile App Value Chain: The Case of Software Firms in Pakistan Umair Choksy, , University of Kent

P-05 Disentangling Financialisation (I): Patterns, Trends and Implications

Sunday P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Laura Adler, Harvard University Participants Causes and Solutions for Misconduct in the Financial Services Industry Shann Turnbull, International Institute for Self-governance Financialized Companies: Going Concerns or Cause for Concern? Colin Haslam, Queen Mary University of London From the Job's Worth to the Person's Price: The Evolution of Pay-Setting Practices Since 1950

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 77 Laura Adler, Harvard University

Q-04 Policy, Resistance, and Institutional Change

Sunday Q: Asian Capitalisms

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Participants Does Economic Development Necessarily Lead to Democracy? the Case of China John Hsieh, University of South Carolina Land Conflict and Investment in Indonesia: A Transaction Cost Perspective Yohanna Gultom, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia

R-05 Session 2.2

Sunday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Kaouther Toumi, University of Toulouse 3 Participants Reducing Misallocation of Resources through Price Mechanism of Sharia Financial Product Using Cash Recovery Rate Any Setianingrum, YARSI University Does the Islamic Accounting Distribution System Creates Welfare? Trisiladi Supriyanto, Ibn Khaldun University Is There Really an Alternative to Capitalism: A Model Suggested Levent Sumer, Istinye University

TH03-01 Imaginaries in Fiscal Policy

Sunday TH03: Crisis, Temporality, and Governance

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Moderator Simone Polillo, University of Virginia Participants Imagining the Age of the Entrepreneur: U.S. Tax Reform in the 1980s Inga Rademacher, King's College London Fictional Expectations and Fiscal Sociology. Interrogating the Link between the Implementation of Payroll Taxation and Political Disappointment in Italy, 1971-1991 Lars Doepking, Hamburg Institute for Social Research Tax Planning, Tax Professionals and Tax Regulation in Germany between Expectations, Policy Making and Provisioning Silke Ötsch, Sociological Research Institute Göttingen (SOFI)

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 78 TH04-02 The Politics of Statistics in International Organizations

Sunday TH04: Critical Reflections on Socio-Economic Statistics for Development: 9:00am - 10:30am Past, Present, and Future Session Organizers Roberto Aragao, University of Amsterdam Daniel DeRock, University of Amsterdam Joan Van Heijster, University of Amsterdam Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Moderator Roberto Aragao, University of Amsterdam Participants Barriers to Engagement - China in Global Indicator Governance Joan Van Heijster, University of Amsterdam Monitoring Learning Outcomes in the Time of Sdgs. New Agendas and Shifting Relationships within the Global Assessment Landscape Clara Fontdevila, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona The Statistical Trilemma: built-in constraints on international economic statistics Daniel DeRock, University of Amsterdam Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam

TH05-03 Decolonizing International Organizations

Sunday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Julian Go, Boston University Moderator Jason Jackson, MIT Participants Decolonial Developmental Practices and Knowledges: Emergence of Indigenous Post-Development Perspectives through the World Bank Inspection Panel Process Alice Schoonejans, Paris-Dauphine University Pricing Pandemics: Necrofinance and the World Bank Alexandre White, Johns Hopkins University The Colonial Extractivist Standard Employment Relationship and Its Legacies Heiner Fechner, University of Bremen, CRC 1342, Project "Worlds of Labour"

TH07-03 State, Economy and Skill Formation Systems

Sunday TH07: Education for Social Progress: Socio-Economic Perspectives on Policy 9:00am - 10:30am Attempts and Impacts between the Different Worlds Session Organizer Justin J.W. Powell, Université du Luxembourg Moderator Justin J.W. Powell, Université du Luxembourg Participants Country Size and Socio-Economic Change: A Comparison of Skill Formation Policies in Germany and Switzerland Lukas Graf, Hertie School of Governance Declining Collectivism at the Higher and Lower End: Technological Change and the Increasing Role of the State in Austrian VET Daniel Unterweger, University of St. Gallen

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 79 Lina Seitzl, University of St. Gallen Skills for Inclusive Industrialization in African Countries: Why Is Systemic Reform of Provision Systems so Difficult? Stephanie Allais, University of the Witwatersrand Orchestrator of Coordination: The Role of the State in Collective Skill Formation Regimes Patrick Emmenegger, University of St. Gallen

TH08-02 Intersectional and Intrahousehold Perspectives on Gender and Wealth

Sunday TH08: Gender and Wealth Accumulation

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Celine Bessiere, Paris Dauphine University-IRISSO Maude Pugliese, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Moderator Maude Pugliese, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Participants Intra-Couple Wealth Inequality: What's Demographics Got to Do with It? Miriam Rehm, University Duisburg-Essen How Do Married Couples Divide Assets and Debts? the Role of Work and Family Involvement Theresa Nutz, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Gender Difference in British Young Adults’ Retirement Saving Decision-Making Process Ellie Suh, London School of Economics and Political Science Gendering Wealth. the Gendered Structure of Asset-Based Inequalities Eliza Benites Gambirazio, University of Lyon 2 Discussant Mateusz Halawa, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

TH11-01 Worlds of Wealth Inequality

Sunday TH11: Mind the Wealth Gap? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the 9:00am - 10:30am Accumulation, Justification and (Re)Distribution of Wealth Session Organizers Hanna Lierse, Jacobs University Bremen Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics Moderator Hanna Lierse, Jacobs University Bremen Participants Who Are the Double Rich in Europe? Survey Evidence on Economic Elites and Super-Elites in France, Germany, and Spain Philipp Korom, University of Graz, Department of Sociology Wealth Inequality Regimes. Towards a Typology of Cross-National Differences in Wealth and Inequality Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics Wealth Regimes and the Rate of Return on Capital: The Political Economy of Asset Manager Capitalism Benjamin Braun, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Conceptualising Wealth Inequality: Is There Too Much Focus on the Super Rich? Karen Rowlingson, University of Birmingham

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 80 TH13-02 Analysis of Innovation Trends in Health and Healthcare Product and Sunday Service Developments

9:00am - 10:30am TH13: Regulation, Innovation, and Valuation in Markets for Health and Medicines

Session Organizers Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Moderator Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Participants Innovation Activities through Medtech Partnerships in Japan? Susanne Brucksch, German Institute of Japanese Studies An Architecture of Inclusive Innovation for New Drug Discovery: Organizational Case Studies from India and Japan Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University From Nudge to Nudges: Establishing Kidney Donation Systems in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Wan-Zi Lu, University of Chicago Enticing the ‘Will to Perform’: Ranking and Competitions in the Market for Virtue Afshin Mehrpouya, HEC Paris

FP-04 Featured Panel - Inequality in the Age of Pandemics: A Comparative Sunday Look

12:00pm - 1:30pm Featured Panels & Speakers Session Organizer Diego Sanchez Ancochea, University of Oxford Moderator Diego Sanchez Ancochea, University of Oxford Participants Discussants Francisco Ferreira, The World Bank Sofia Perez, Boston University Margarita Estevez-Abe, Maxwell School / Syracuse University

SP-03 Articulated Intelligence: What can Artificial Intelligence do for (and to) Sunday the Social Sciences?

12:00pm - 1:30pm Special Events Session Organizer Etienne Ollion, Institut Polytechnique de Paris Moderator Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Participants

A-02 Development, Identities, and Communitarian Ideals

Sunday A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 81 12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer José Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid Moderators José Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid Jieren Hu, Tongji University Participants Discourse Interaction in Chinese Urban Communities: Expressed Disenchantment and Disenchanted Conformance Yang Zheng, City University of Hong Kong Jieren Hu, Tongji University Moral Minorities: Change and Persistence of Diverse Civic Identities within a College Context Krystal Laryea, Stanford University Democracy, Development and Cultural Heritage Postwar Greece as an American Project Despina Lalaki, American School of Classical Studies at Athens Moral Hazard and the 21st Century German Question Gregory Fuller, University of Groningen

B-04 Panel 4

Sunday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Annatina Aerne, University of St.Gallen Participants Inequality As Entitlements over Labour Paul Segal, King's College London Instituting Collective Skill Formation in Colombia: Why Do Employers Train? Annatina Aerne, University of St.Gallen Individualism, Autonomy and Globalisation: International Student Workers and the Processes of Transnational Individualisation Hongbo Guo, University of Technology Sydney Ecosystems of Contemporary Right-Wing Populism Benjamin Bradlow, Brown University Social Upgrading in the Global South: Comparing the Role of Industrial Relations Institutions Christina Teipen, Berlin School of Economics and Law

C-05 Gender Issues

Sunday C: Gender, Work and Family

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, TELUQ Caryn Medved, City University of New York Moderator Anne Gillet, CNAM, Lise-CNRS

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 82 Participants Different Responses to Equality for Girls in Uganda: Which Socio-Ecological Factors Matter? Seung Yeun Hong, Ewha Womans University ”behind the Curtain”: Jewish Orthodox Micro-Entrepreneur Women Bring Modernity to Family Liron Baharav, Ben Gurion University Governing the Epistemic Hegemony over Gender Policymaking: The Case of Justice and Development Party in Turkey Elifcan Celebi, The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy Re-Conceptualising the Relationship between De-Familialisation and Familialisation and the Implications for Gender Equality Thurid Eggers, University of Hamburg Christopher Grages, University of Hamburg Birgit Pfau-Effinger, University of Hamburg

E-10 Organized Interests and Policymaking

Sunday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Resistance Against Austerity: How Policy Composition and Party Colour Influence Elections and Protests Chendi Wang, European University Institute Legitimising and Mediating Neoliberalism in the Belgian Consociational and Neocorporatist Democracy: The Role Played By the Belgian Planning Bureau Zoe Evrard, Sciences Po Ideology, Authority, and Education – Policy-Making in Multi-Level Systems Julian Garritzmann, University of Zurich Political Crowding out: How Foreign Direct Investment Undermines Corporatist Policymaking Institutions James Conran, University of Oregon

E-11 Labor Market Segmentation and Inequality in Advanced Political Sunday Economies

12:00pm - 1:30pm E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Varieties of Labor Market Regulations: Examining Professional Licensing in the Context of Industrial Relations Yair Osheroff, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem An Empirical Examination of the Relationship between Job Polarisation and Labour Market Flexiblisation in 21 European Countries Lars van Doorn, Leiden University Olaf van Vliet, Leiden University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 83 Low-Wage Work in Canada: Globalization, Financialization, and Institutions John Peters, Laurentian University Flexibilization and the Growth of Job Insecurity and Job Mobility in Canada, 1976- 2014 Xavier St-Denis, University of Toronto

F-05 Innovative Fields and University-Industry Linkages in Bio-medical Sunday Research

12:00pm - 1:30pm F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea Herrmann, Innovation Studies Group, Utrecht University Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants "This Time It’s Different”: Uptake of Translational, Genomic, Personalized, Stratified, and Precision Medicine Compared Larry Au, Columbia University Academic Capitalism and the Normalization of Genome Editing in a Biotech-Cluster Santiago Molina, University of California, Berkeley

G-08 Educational Reforms

Sunday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Margarita Estevez-Abe, Maxwell School / Syracuse University Participants Neoliberalism, Surveillance Pedagogy, and the Corporatization of Higher Education Ramin Farahmandpur, Portland State University Less is Better: Higher Education, Employment, and Wages Stanislav Avdeev, Higher School of Economics Technology Firms’ Interventions in Public Education Roei Davidson, University of Haifa Inequality in Access to the Mexican Education System of the Deaf Population: Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions. Atziri Moreno, ITESM CAMPUS HIDALGO Itzel Moreno, UAEH

I-06 Regional Perspectives: Alternatives in Latin America

Sunday I: Alternatives to Capitalism

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants Pink Tide in Latin America: An Alternative to Capitalism? Maryse Helbert, Institute of Social Studies

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 84 The Diffusion of Permaculture in Brazil and Denmark and Its Local Translation Robson Rocha, Aarhus University Sumak Kawsay/Buen Vivir As an Alternative of Living: Ethnography of Livelihood Praxis in Cayambe Larissa da Silva Araujo, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Rethinking Critical Consumption: A Case Study of the Agroecological Fair Cantina Do Boi Vivo in Salvador De Bahia, Brazil. Ivette Tatiana Castilla Carrascal, UNILAB

J-07 Author Meets Critics: "The Social Meaning of Extra Money" By S. Sunday Naulin & A. Jourdain (eds.) (Palgrave, 2019)

12:00pm - 1:30pm J: Digital Economy Session Organizer Sidonie Naulin, Sciences Po Grenoble / PACTE Moderator Celine Bessiere, Paris Dauphine University-IRISSO Book Author Anne Jourdain, University Paris-Dauphine Critics Elke Schuessler, Free University of Berlin Asaf Darr, University of Haifa Philip Balsiger, University of Neuchatel Participants

J-08 Algorithms and Markets

Sunday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs Moderator Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs Participants Enacting a Rational Actor: Roboadvisors and the Algorithmic Performance of Ideal Types Adam Hayes, University of Wisconsin-Madison Platforms, Algorithms and User Agency: How User Strategies Reshape the Rules of Digital Platforms Godofredo Jr Ramizo, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford The Impact of AI and Automation on Work and Jobs at a Firm Level: Evidence from a Survey of UK Business Leaders Wil Hunt, University of Warwick Automated Pricing and Its Data Infrastructure: The Case of Online Food-Deliveries Luca Perrig, University of Geneva

L-06 Boundaries and Evaluation in the Nonprofit Sector

Sunday L: Regulation and Governance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 85 John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Participants How a Social Harm Perspective Can Help Rethink Governance: A Case Study of Philanthropy in Geneva Sophie Serrano, Université de Neuchâtel Two Chairs into One Room: How Governance Dynamics Melt in a Hybrid Organisation Merger Wafa Khlif, Univeristy of Toulouse Economic Capital of European Think Tanks: Between Financial Independence and Transparency Tatyana Bajenova, Westminster International University in Tashkent To Play or Not to Play: Organizational Responses to Rating-Based Evaluation in an Emergent Regulatory Regime Wei Luo, Stanford University

M-04 Digitalización y relaciones laboral

Sunday M: Spanish Language

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Ana Vinas, Universidad Europea de Madrid Participants Inequality, Innovation and Informalization of Labor in Latin America: The Case of Brazil Patricia Rivero, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Flexibilidad Interna, ICT y Negociación Colectiva En La UE-15 Ana Vinas, Universidad Europea Laura Perez Ortiz, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Trade Unions and Firms before Industry 4.0: A First Approach to the Spanish Case Yolanda Chica, THE BASQUE COUNTRY UNIVERSITY UPV/EHU Plataformas Digitales y Precariedad Del Empleo: El Caso De Uber y Glovo En Costa Rica María Leonela Jiménez, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

N-08 Corporations

Sunday N: Finance and Society

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 86 The Social Dynamics of Corporate Control: An Ethnographic Approach of the Mergers and Acquisitions Market Francois Schoenberger, ISS - University of Lausanne; CMH - ENS and EHESS From Accounting to Accountability: Organizational Supererogation and the Transformation of Charitable Disclosure Aaron Horvath, Stanford University Imaginaries of Time in Cross-Border Investment Horacio Ortiz, CNRS and ECNU; CNRS, IRISSO, Université Paris Dauphine, UMR 7170; East China Normal University Corporate Reorganization and Financial Accumulation in Non-Financial Corporations - Evidence from Spain Agustin Pedrazzoli, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

O-06 Social Upgrading and GVCs

Sunday O: Global Value Chains

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Matthew Amengual, MIT Participants Competing Conceptions of Worker Rights after Rana Plaza: How Does Private Authority and Public Policy Interact in Shaping New Labor Regulation? Jette Steen Knudsen, Tufts University Do Frugal Innovations in Global Value Chains Lead to Sustainability Outcomes? Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Gendering Social Upgrading in Industrial Clusters and Global Value Chains Peter Lund-Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School

Q-05 Reforming China

Sunday Q: Asian Capitalisms

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Participants Finding the Roots of China’s Economic Slowdown in Its Long-Term Growth Pattern Jue Wang, Leiden University Market Building before Market Reform: Divergent Local Economic Orders at the Subnational Level during Mao's China (1952-1978) Kristine Li, Brown University From Mao to Money: Central Banking, Nationalist Imaginary, and Chinese Production Regime Mianzhi Francis Cao, Goethe University How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate Isabella Maria Weber, University of Massachusetts Amherst

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 87 R-06 Session 2.3

Sunday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Hylmun Izhar, Islamic Development Bank Group Participants Islamic Finance in the Context of Covid-19 – Social Sukuk as a source of finance Edana Richardson, Maynooth University Shariah Goverance Quality and ESG Disclosure in Islamic Banks Kaouther Toumi, University of Toulouse 3 Yossra Boudawara, University of Sfax Credit Risk Assessment of SMEs II: The Case of an Islamic Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina Nerma Saracevic, PhD student, University of J.J. Strossmayer,Faculty of Economics, Osijek, Croatia

TH03-02 Crisis, Its Constituencies and Its Publics

Sunday TH03: Crisis, Temporality, and Governance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Simone Polillo, University of Virginia Andre Vereta-Nahoum, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning, University of Sao Paulo Moderator Andre Vereta-Nahoum, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning, University of Sao Paulo Participants Unravelling the Revolutionary Time: Shanghai January Storm, Austerity Socialism, and the End of Mass Politics in China Xiaohong Xu, University of Michigan Social Media, Economic News and the Formation of Expectations during Social Conflict Felipe Gonzalez, Universidad Central de Chile Smart Governance or Tax Havens? Media Coverage of Corporation Tax Policy in the UK and Ireland Ciara Graham, Technological University, Dublin Brendan O'Rourke, Technological University, Dublin

TH05-04 Knowledge & The Imperial Episteme

Sunday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Zophia Edwards, Providence College Moderator Alexandre White, Johns Hopkins University Participants Empirical Colony: Visions of American Social Science in Puerto Rico, 1913-1968 Vanesa Ribas, University of California, San Diego

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 88 Epistemic Justice and a New Political Economy for Eastern Europe Sonja Avlijas, Institute of Economic Sciences; LIEPP - Sciences Po Decolonizing the Public University: An Analysis of Colonization in Cuny Curricula and a Framework for Addressing It Anthony Capote, CUNY Graduate Center

TH10-02 Accounting for Carbon and Climate Change

Sunday TH10: Green Economy Contradictions

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Stephanie Barral, INRA Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Moderator Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Participants Insurance and the Temporality of Climate Ethics: Accounting for Climate Change in U.S. Flood Insurance Rebecca Elliott, London School of Economics and Political Science Seeing Climate Change like an Economist: Making Climate Change 'uneventful' Nils Kupzok, The Johns Hopkins University The Performativity of Corporate Carbon Pricing in the History of Carbon Markets Raphael Olivier, Université Paris-Dauphine (CGEMP, DRM-MOST), PSL & Climate Economics Chair The Socio-Political Foundations of Carbon Price Enactment in Twenty Wealthy Democracies Daniel Driscoll, University of California, San Diego Discussant Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University

TH11-02 Taxation of Wealth and High Income

Sunday TH11: Mind the Wealth Gap? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the 12:00pm - 1:30pm Accumulation, Justification and (Re)Distribution of Wealth Session Organizers Hanna Lierse, Jacobs University Bremen Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics Moderator Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy Participants Conservatives, Capital Owners and the Taxation of Wealth Hanna Lierse, Jacobs University Bremen The Death of the "Death Tax": Explaining the Worldwide Abolition of Inheritance Taxation, 1960-2015 Julian Limberg, King's College London The Political Puzzle of Declining Net Wealth Taxes in Europe Miriam Rehm, University Duisburg-Essen Sisters Parting Ways: War and Progressive Taxation in Switzerland and the USA Patrick Emmenegger, University of St. Gallen

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 89 FP-05 Featured Speaker Stephanie Barrientos (University of Manchester - UK) Sunday -

2:00pm - 3:00pm Featured Panels & Speakers Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Participants

N-09 Consumers and Households 1

Sunday N: Finance and Society

7:00pm - 8:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Participants Identity Theft and the Contestation of Personal Financial Data Jordan Brensinger, Columbia University Social Safety Nets and Spatial Predation: How State and Local Welfare Environments Shape High-Interest Lender Geography Megan Bea, University of Wisconsin - Madison Mariana Amorim, Washington State University Securitisation and the Changing Position of Households in the Macroeconomy: Households and Financial Markets Antonia Settle, University of Meloburne

P-06 Author Meets Critics: “The Oxford Handbook of the Corporation” Sunday Edited By Thomas Clarke, Justin O’Brien and Charles O’Kelley (OUP, 2019) 7:00pm - 8:30pm P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizer Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney Moderator Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney Participants Discussants Wafa Khlif, Univeristy of Toulouse Shann Turnbull, Principal: International Institute for Self-governance John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside

E-12 Determinants and Effects of Political Preferences

Monday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 90 4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Income Growth, Redistributive Preferences and Voting: The Offsetting Impact of Absolute and Relative Economic Changes David Weisstanner, University of Oxford Welfare States, Social Classes and the Support for Climate Change Mitigation in Europe Anne-Marie Parth, Heidelberg University Public Opinion and Long-Term Investment – Under What Conditions Do Citizens Support Future-Oriented (Welfare) Reforms? Julian Garritzmann, Goethe University Frankfurt

E-13 Developments in the Marketization of the Social: New Modes of Monday Redistribution and Inequalities

4:00am - 5:30am E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States Session Organizers Christopher Grages, University of Hamburg Dr. Julia Hoeppner, University of Kassel Birgit Pfau-Effinger, University of Hamburg Participants Self-Responsibility of the “Active Social Citizen”: Different Types of the Policy Concept of “Active Social Citizenship” in Different Types of Welfare States Thurid Eggers, University of Hamburg Christopher Grages, University of Hamburg Birgit Pfau-Effinger, University of Hamburg Does the Marketization of Pensions Lead to Individualization? an Examination of Family-Related Pension Entitlements Dr. Julia Hoeppner, University of Kassel

F-06 Digital Technology Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Monday Comparisons of Theoretical Perspectives and Methods

4:00am - 5:30am F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Session Organizer Mari Sako, University of Oxford; University of Oxford Participants Varieties of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Comparative Study of Enacted Measures in Tokyo and Bangalore Agata Kapturkiewicz, University of Oxford Why and How Professionals Engage in Start-Ups That Advance Self-Disrupting Technology for the Profession: A Case of Lawtech in Japan Masashi Goto, Keio University Masahiro Kotosaka, Keio University Scaling up Firms in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Fintech and Lawtech Ecosystems Compared Mari Sako, University of Oxford

G-09 Job Quality

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 91 Monday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator David Marsden, London School of Economics Participants Developing Consensus about Measures of Job Quality Christopher Warhurst, University of Warwick Does Robotization Affect Job Quality? Evidence from European Regional Labour Markets José-Ignacio Antón, University of Salamanca Job Growth: More Employment and Decent Jobs at the Same Time? Ulrich Walwei, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) The Value of Work in the New Economy Paul de Beer, University of Amsterdam

H-09 Earnings Inequality

Monday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Moises Balestro, Universidade de Brasilia Participants How the Reification of Merit Breeds Inequality: Theory and Experimental Evidence Fabien Accominotti, London School of Economics Computerization, Workplaces Practices, and the Rise in Earnings Inequality Tali Kristal, University of Haifa

H-8 Professions

Monday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Tao Wang, Grenoble Ecole de Management Participants Unequal Organizational Reactions to Errors By Individual Professionals: How Audit Firms Assign Their Clients to Accountants Involved in Financial Restatements Masaru Karube, Hitotsubashi University Changing Power Relations between Markets, Professions and Organizations in German Hospital System Ronny Ehlen, University of Hohenheim

I-07 Reflections on Economic History, Elites, and Ideas

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 92 Monday I: Alternatives to Capitalism

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Participants Change from Above?: Reevaluating How Profit Making Implicates Moral Agency Galit Ailon, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University "Council Communist" Movements in a Comparative Historical Perspective: Germany and Italy (1918-1920) Babak Amini, London School of Economics and Political Science Abundant Realities: Not Just Another Critique of Self-Interest Cesar Gonzalez-Canton, CUNEF

J-09 Social Embeddedness and the Platform economy

Monday J: Digital Economy

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer Anne Jourdain, University Paris-Dauphine Moderator Anne Jourdain, University Paris-Dauphine Participants Gift-Giving As a Translation Device across Moral Economies: On the Entwining of Gift and Commodity Exchange in Online Markets Asaf Darr, University of Haifa Social Network As Digital Affordances for Professional Communities? the Case of Two Professions with High and Low Social Capital. Christele Dondeyne, (UBO) Universite Bretagne Occidentale Class Reproduction and Social Mobility in the Online Platform Economy: Findings from a European Survey Nicholas Martindale, University of Oxford Trends in Collective Action, Organising and Mobilisations in the Platform Economy Vera Trappmann, Leeds University Business School

K-01 Experimenting Across Borders: Making MNEs More Accountable

Monday K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer Gregor Murray, University of Montreal Moderator Phil Almond, University of Leicester Participants Techniques of Corporate Denial of Human and Labour Rights in the Global Garment Supply Chain: Consequences for Worker Safety in Bangladesh Annie Delaney, RMIT University Experimenting with Articulation: Linking Transnational Information and Consultation and Board-Level Employee Representation in European Companies (SE) Sophie Rosenbohm, University of Duisburg-Essen Making MNEs More Accountable. a First Assessment of Human Rights Due Diligence Tools’ Efficiency Sofia Gualandi, Université catholique de Louvain Modern Slavery and Experimentations in the Garment Production Network in South India Annie Delaney, RMIT University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 93 L-07 Organizing Global Governance

Monday L: Regulation and Governance

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis Participants Board Games: How States Pursue Preferences in International Organizations Timon Forster, Free University Berlin Alexander Kentikelenis, Bocconi University Competition or Cooperation? International Institutions and China’s Evolving Role in the Global Economic Order Jue Wang, Leiden University Revisiting Imagined Pathways: Transnational Governance Organizations between Insulation and Responsiveness Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen

O-07 Entangled Chains of Value and Wealth in Contemporary Capitalism

Monday O: Global Value Chains

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School Moderator Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School Participants Entangled Chains of Value and Wealth Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School Duncan Wigan, Copenhagen Business School Populism and Global Value Chains- What Changes (if anything)? Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Heike Doering, Cardiff University Value and Wealth in Chains for Gold Jewellery: Some Perspectives on Governance Lotte Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School Firms without Value: Uber Global Wealth Chains Duncan Wigan, Copenhagen Business School Discussant Florence Palpacuer, University of Montpellier

P-07 Disentangling Financialisation (II): Patterns, Trends and Implications

Monday P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Theo Theo, University College Dublin Participants Building a Centre of Capital Accumulation: A Study of the Institutional Emergence of

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 94 the French Private Equity Sector (from the early 1980s to 2017) Theo Theo, University College Dublin The Case of Finance Students in France, or How Teaching Accounting, Finance Regulation, and Economics Legitimates Finance Lisa Laurence, Paris-Dauphine University Ethics and Law for Sustainable Algorithmic Finance Gian Luca Greco, University of Milan

P-08 Corporate Governance (II): Theory and Practice

Monday P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Tim Verdoes, University of Leiden, Leiden Law School Participants The Multifaceted Relationship between Value and the Firm: A Dialectic and Eclectic Approach to Corporate Governance Tim Verdoes, University of Leiden, Leiden Law School Jelle Nijland, University of Leiden, Leiden Law School J Boon, University of Leiden, Leiden Law School Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) in Structure of Family Business Groups in India: A Law and Economics Analysis Mohit Kumar Gupta, Jawaharlal Nehru University The Quality of Earnings Information in Dual-Class Firms: Persistence and Predictability Rimona Palas, College of Law and Business Discussant Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney

Q-06 Authors Meet Critics: “State-Permeated Capitalism in Large Emerging Monday Economies” By Andreas Nölke, Tobias Ten Brink, Christian May, Simone Claar (Routledge, 2020) 4:00am - 5:30am Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizer Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Moderator Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Book Authors Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University Christian May, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University Simone Claar, Goethe University Frankfurt Critics Dorothee Bohle, European University Institute Thomas Kalinowski, Ewha Womans University Gerhard Schnyder, Loughborough University Heike Doering, Cardiff University Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 95 R-07 Session 3.1

Monday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Ai Kawamura, University of Tsukuba Faculty of Business Sciences Participants Clean and Green Islamic Equity Screening: Maqasid Based Approach Najmul Haque Kawsar, International Islamic University Malaysia Different Standard of Poverty Line, Does It Matter? a Case Study of Depok City, West Java, Indonesia Qurroh Ayuniyyah, Ibn Khaldun University Hilman Hakiem, Ibn Khaldun University Zakah Institutions As Hybrid Organisations: Lesson Learnt Vita Arumsari, Politeknik Negeri Semarang

TH14-01 Conceptualizing Chinese State Capitalism

Monday TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China 4:00am - 5:30am and Beyond Session Organizer Milan Babic, University of Amsterdam Moderator Nana De Graaff, VU University Participants Redefining Chinese State Sovereignty: How Chinese State Capitalism Is Reconfiguring the Global Political Economy Imogen Liu, Maastricht University The Institutional Arrangement of Private and State Capital in Chinese State Capitalism Yi-Chen Lu, Trinity College Louis Brennan, Trinity Business School, Trinity College The Coming Age of State Capitalism in China? Yunpeng Zhang, KU LEUVEN National Champions, Reforms and Industrial Policy in China Chen Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Luxembourg’s Importance for China’s European State-Owned Banking Network Paolo Balmas, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research - LISER Discussant Clara Weinhardt, Maastricht University

TH17-01 The Political Economy of Finance Sector Practices, Regulation and Monday Macroeconomic Functions – before and Beyond the Financial Crisis

4:00am - 5:30am TH17: The Welfare State in Financial Times Session Organizer Craig Berry, Manchester Metropolitan University Moderator

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 96 Scott Lavery, University of Sheffield Participants House Prices, Private Debt and the Macroeconomics of Comparative Political Economy James Wood, University of Cambridge The Contradictory Repoliticization of Investment Governance in UK Pensions Provision Craig Berry, Manchester Metropolitan University Banking on Learning: UK Banks and the Lessons of the Great Financial Crisis Adam Barber, Manchester Metropolitan University The Price of Old Age: An Analysis of the Framing in the Private Pension System of Chile Francisca Gallegos, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

E-14 The Radical Right and Economic Policy

Monday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Participants Welfare Chauvinism in France and Great Britain in the Early Days of Welfare States Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Attack or Adapt? the Institutional Politics of the Radical Right Philip Rathgeb, University of Konstanz A Populist Growth Model? Examining Populist Economic Strategies in Europe and the United States Jonathan Hopkin, London School of Economics

E-15 Recent IR Developments in Coordinated Market Economies

Monday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants New Developments in German Industrial Relations. a Story about Crisis and Revitalisation. Thomas Haipeter, University of Duisburg-Essen ‘Beneficial Constraints’ in Lean Times: The German Diversified Quality Production 2.0 in International Comparison Chiara Benassi, LSE Under What Conditions Do “Job Preservation Plans” Actually Lead to Job Preservation? a Qca Study Based on 20 Cases in France Vincent Pasquier, HEC Montréal German Autonomous Collective Bargaining after More Than a Century and Thirty Years after Unification: Lessons from the Past for a Challenging Future Lothar Funk, University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf

E-16 Analyzing the Drivers of Inequality

Monday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 97 Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Has Regional Deindustrialization Reduced Citizens’ Satisfaction with Democracy? (1980-2016) Chiara Allegri, Bocconi 'ok Boomer': Millennial Relative Deprivation and Support for Anti-System Parties Max Kiefel, London School of Economics and Political Science Determinants of Income Composition Inequality Marco Ranaldi, Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality Bilyana Petrova, Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality Housing Costs: A Driver of Inequality Among the Elderly in Germany? Alberto Lozano Alcantara, DZA, German Centre of Gerontology

F-07 Understanding the Chinese Innovation System

Monday F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea Herrmann, Innovation Studies Group, Utrecht University Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants What Makes Chinese Local Multinational Acquirer Very Aggressive: Empirical Study into the Impact of Local State Ownership on Chinese Local Soes’ Strategic Asset Seeking Ofdi Hongshu Wang, Tsinghua University Technological Capability and Industry Catch-up in New Digital Sectors: The Case of China’s Digital Games Industry Ying-Yin Lin, King's College London Building China's Monsanto: Organizational Chimerism and China's Nationalist Modality of Entrepreneurial Science Abigail Coplin, Vassar College, Department of Sociology and Program on Science, Technology, and Society

G-10 Professional and Vocational Education and Training: Recent Monday Challenges and Solutions at the Regional and National Level

9:00am - 10:30am G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources Session Organizers Christian Rupietta, University of Wuppertal Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich Moderator Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich Participants Determinants of Apprentice Wages Under Global Labor Market Openness Bernhard Wittek, LMU Munich Tertiary Vocational Education and Regional Firm Development Tobias Schlegel, University of Zurich Soft Skills and Labor Market Outcomes Fabienne Kiener, University of Zurich

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 98 The Effect of Curricula Updates on Technology Diffusion Tobias Schultheiss, University of Zurich Technological Change and Further Training Ute Leber, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

G-11 Inequality and Discrimination

Monday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Nancy DiTomaso, Rutgers Business School - Newark and New Brunswick Participants Explaining Gender Gap in the Employment and Earnings of Graduates in India: Evidence from Plfs Data Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, Jawaharlal Nehru University Gender Gaps in Working Conditions José-Ignacio Antón, University of Salamanca Which Duration of Unemployment Benefits Is Perceived As Fair? Results from a Factorial Survey Experiment Christopher Osiander, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Narrating “Individual Equity”: How Organizations Explain the Fairness of Unequal Pay Laura Adler, Harvard University

H-10 Emerging Industries

Monday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Elena Bogdanova, University of Gothenburg Participants The Emergence of a New Industry through a Multi-Level Political Work: The French Labor Unions and the Medical Supplies Sector Samuel Klebaner, GREThA - UMR CNRS 5113 Location, Location, Location: How Space and Institutions Mediate Category Dynamics in the British and Japanese Regenerative Medicine Field Maki Umemura, Cardiff University Politics of Framing Security As a Market Object: Exploring the Institutional Ground for a Pragmatic Analysis of Private Security Market in Istanbul Gokhan Mulayim, Boston University

I-08 Documentary Screening and Discussion: “Auroville, the Utopian City” Monday (2019)

9:00am - 10:30am I: Alternatives to Capitalism Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 99 Participants Discussant Suryamayi Clarence-Smith, Auroville

J-10 Financing the Digital Economy

Monday J: Digital Economy

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Moderator Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Participants How Does the Financialization of Firms Affect the Course of Digitalization? Conceptual Considerations and Provisional Empirical Insights Michael Faust, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut (SOFI) Goettingen Digital Entrepreneurial Practices and the Metamorphosis of the Music Fan into an Investor Konstantin Hondros, University Duisburg-Essen Organizing the Smart City Transformational Process: A Narrative Analysis of the Wallonia's Digital Strategy 2015-2018 Giovanni Esposito, Universitè de Liege

J-11 Platform Economy. Regulation

Monday J: Digital Economy

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Elke Schuessler, Free University of Berlin Moderator Elke Schuessler, Free University of Berlin Participants Platform Regulations and Labour Precarity: A Survey of 650 Ride-Hailing Drivers in Two Cities of China Hao Qi, Renmin University of China Who Is Regulating Digital Marketplaces? Activities of Amateurs and Professional Sellers on Airbnb across Cities and Time Simon Pohl, Technische Universität Berlin Regulating Short-Term Rentals: A Comparative Analysis of Airbnb Regulations in the United States Mehmet Cansoy, Fairfield University ‘Taxis Versus Uber’: Planning Vs. Markets, or Markets As Planning? Jason Jackson, MIT

K-02 Is Digitalization (and everything that goes with it) Making Work Better Monday or Worse?

9:00am - 10:30am K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment Session Organizer Peter Fairbrother, RMIT University Moderator Cassandra Bowkett, HEC Montreal Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 100 Advancing Research and Theory of Precariousness at the Continuum of Paid and Unpaid Work Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven - Centre for Sociological Research Employment (Industrial) and Labour Market Studies Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Working in Start-up Companies. Impacts of Digitalization on Working Conditions. Marion Flecher, Paris-Dauphine University, Research University, IRISSO, UMR CNRS [7170], IRISSO, Member of CRIMT. Institutional Experimentation for Better Work: A Case Study of ‘Live’ Game Development Johanna Weststar, Western University How digitalization transforms work in the auto services sector: An exploration of technological perturbations and their impact on work organization and workers Mathieu Dupuis, TÉLUQ - University of Québec Gregor Murray, University of Montreal Meiyun Wu, Université de Montréal

L-08 Regulators, Intermediaries, and Compliance

Monday L: Regulation and Governance

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Bernardo Rangoni, University of Amsterdam Participants Regulatory Capacity, Knowledge Brokers and the Decarbonisation of Electricity Systems Jose Maria Valenzuela, Doctoral Student, University of Oxford How the Prospect of Fault Influences Managers’ Compliance Matthew Sooy, Ivey Business School Governance Settings at the Frontline. How Different Systems of Delivery Influence Street-Level Work Dario Raspanti, Just Another Tool: Explaining the Bank of England’s Timid Macroprudential Policy Walter James, Temple University

M-05 Endeudamiento, austeridad y stock market

Monday M: Spanish Language

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Jorge Carrera, CONICET Participants El Endeudamiento Externo Como Soporte Para Implementar Metas De Inflación: Argentina 2016-2019 Jorge Carrera, CONICET Insights into Alternatives Stock Markets: A Systematic Review of Academic Literature Leslie Rodriguez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 101 Austeridad y Políticas Sociales En Europa: Un Análisis De Las Divergencias Tras La Crisis De La Deuda Soberana Nuria Alonso, URJC; Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (UCM) David Trillo, URJC; Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (UCM)

N-10 Shaping Financial Markets

Monday N: Finance and Society

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Participants Global Financial Crisis and Capital Flows Management in Brazil: Towards a Polanyian Approach Pedro Perfeito da Silva, Central European University Inside the Black Box: Credibility and the Situational Power of Central Banks Ayca Zayim, Mount Holyoke College Domestic Debt Markets in Developing Economies: Who Shapes Them? What Drives Them? Who Benefits? Jonathan Perraton,

N-11 Consumers and Households 2

Monday N: Finance and Society

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Participants Gendered Evaluations, Gendered Effects: How Family Values Shape Creditworthiness in Microlending Kristen McNeill, Brown University Face Off: Digital Debt Collection Meets the Fdcpa: Challenges, Risks, Opportunities Catalin Stanescu, University of Copenhagen Instituting Taxation, Making up the Taxpaying Citizen: The Case of Personal Income Tax in Poland 1989-1994 Marta Olcon-Kubicka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mateusz Halawa, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences Scrutinizing Financial Inclusion: A Critical Review of Its Definitions Thereza Balliester Reis, University of Leeds The Invisible State of Finance: How "Empowered Women" Saved Financial Inclusion in India Smitha Radhakrishnan, Wellesley College

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 102 O-08 Public-private Governance of GVCs

Monday O: Global Value Chains

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Matthew Alford, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester Participants Perceptions of Responsibility in Global Value Chains: Does Voluntary Corporate Action Displace Support for State Regulation? Matthew Amengual, University of Oxford Shifting Terrain from Private to Public Standards - Domestic Value Chains and Smallholders in Kenyan Horticulture Stephanie Barrientos, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester Reconceptualizing the Role of Institutional Frameworks in State Governance of Global Production Networks: A Comparison of Malaysia and Thailand Alexandra Dales, York St John University Effect of Institutional Pressures on Interventions on Social Compliance Along Global Value Chains Joerg Hofstetter, KEDGE Business School

P-09 Labor, Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulation in Developing Monday Countries

9:00am - 10:30am P: Accounting, Economics, and Law Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, CNRS & University of Dauphine Paris Moderator Clara Weinhardt, Maastricht University Participants Work of Legitimacy in China: Promoting Labor Law As a Legitimate Order Among Employers Zheng Fu, Columbia University Brazil, India and China in the World Trade Organization: Transforming the Legal Norm of Differential Treatment for Developing Countries Clara Weinhardt, Maastricht University

Q-07 Varieties of Developmentalism

Monday Q: Asian Capitalisms

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 103 From Developmental State to “Innovative Inclusive State”? Hyun-Chin Lim, Seoul National University Jonghoe Yang, Sungkyunkwan University Suk-Man Hwang, Changwon National University Kyusook Um, Kyunghee Cyber University Divergent Paths of State-Led Development: The Origins of Post-War Industrialization in the Brazilian and South Korean Military Regimes Moises Balestro, Universidade de Brasilia Transplantation of Institutions and Perpetuation of Center-Periphery Partition Maria Kruglova, Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences China's Integration into the Global Offshore Financial System and the People's Bank Robert Pauls, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

R-08 Session 3.2

Monday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Edana Richardson, Maynooth University Participants Redefining Human Development and Subjective Wellbeing within Three Dimensions: An Empirical Evidence from a Turkish Sample Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Islamic Finance and Income Inequality Hylmun Izhar, Islamic Development Bank Group Limits of the Empire: Wealth Inequality, Distribution and Inheritance Law in the 18th century Ottoman Istanbul Muhammet Bedrettin Toprak, Marmara University

TH04-03 Contemporary History of Development Statistics

Monday TH04: Critical Reflections on Socio-Economic Statistics for Development: 9:00am - 10:30am Past, Present, and Future Session Organizers Roberto Aragao, University of Amsterdam Daniel DeRock, University of Amsterdam Joan Van Heijster, University of Amsterdam Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Moderator Joan Van Heijster, University of Amsterdam Participants Measuring Difference? the United Nations’ Shift from Progress to Poverty Maria Bach, The American University of Paris The Parallel Histories of Statistics: What the Official Story Left behind Roberto Aragao, University of Amsterdam The Census As a Development Instrument: From Elementary State Capacity to Neo- Liberal Environment Quentin Wallut, UQAM

TH07-04 Measuring Developments Concerning Inequality in Different Contexts

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 104 Monday TH07: Education for Social Progress: Socio-Economic Perspectives on Policy Attempts and Impacts between the Different Worlds 9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Aaron Benavot, Participants Inequalities in High School. Analysis of Educational Standardized Test, Average Outcomes and Dispersion in Argentina Cecilia Adrogue, CONICET - Universidad de San Andrés “What They Call Cheating, I Call Work”: The Moral Markets of International Studies and Admission Essays Coaches in Taiwan Kenneth Chen, University at Albany-SUNY School Responses to the Contradictory Logics in Indonesia School Admission: The Role of Stereotypical Isomorphic Influence Puguh Utomo, University of Agder; Universitas Gadjah Mada Expansion of Tertiary Education in Europe: Implications for Income Inequality Petra Sauer, LISER; Vienna University of Economics and Business

TH09-01 Elites and Citizens

Monday TH09: Global Populism and Business Elites

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Moderators Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Participants Business Elites and Populism: Country Studies Poland and Hungary Miklos Szanyi, Institute of World Economics Responsible Elitism: How Global Professionals Enact Cosmopolitan Ideals in Everyday Interactions Patrizia Hoyer, University of St. Gallen; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Brexit As a Populist Project: The Role of Elite Alliances Ron Kerr, University of Edinburgh The Political Economy of Exclusionary Populism: The Case of Israel Amit Avigur-Eshel, Sapir College Dani Filc, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

TH10-03 New Energies?

Monday TH10: Green Economy Contradictions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Stephanie Barral, INRA Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Moderator Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Participants Everything Must Change for Everything to Stay the Same? Prospects and

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 105 Contradictions of the Electrification of the European Automotive Industry Tommaso Pardi, CNRS IDHES Greening Polish Transportation: Tackling Scalar, Cultural and Market/State Contradictions Aleksandra Lis, Adam Mickiewicz University Price & Prediction in the Crude Oil Market David Pinzur, London School of Economics and Political Science Discussant Daniel Breslau, Virginia Tech

TH11-03 Class and Wealth Inequality

Monday TH11: Mind the Wealth Gap? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the 9:00am - 10:30am Accumulation, Justification and (Re)Distribution of Wealth Session Organizers Hanna Lierse, Jacobs University Bremen Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics Moderator Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy Participants Asset-Based Welfare, Wealth Accumulation and the (re)Structuration of Class. Evidence from France. Eliza Benites Gambirazio, University of Lyon 2 Labour Incomes and the Distribution of Wealth in the Netherlands 2005-2013, a Preliminary Assessment Wiemer Salverda, University of Amsterdam Linking Wealth and Power. the Role of the Super-Rich in the Transnational Capitalist Class and Its Lobby H. Lukas R. Arndt, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies To Pay Taxes to the State and/or to Contribute to Society? Redistribution and Reciprocity in the Tax Payment of the Economic Elite Jorge Atria, Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES); Universidad Diego Portales

TH12-01 Interventions Towards Possible Futures

Monday TH12: Possible Worlds: Practice, Ethics, Hope and Distress

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Felipe Gonzalez, Universidad Central de Chile Gary Herrigel, University of Chicago Adriana Mica, University of Warsaw Ann Mische, University of Notre Dame Participants Business Event As a Way to (con)Figure the World Victor Potier, Sciences Po Grenoble Creating Citizens: How Democratic School Practices Help Members Assert Claims Katherine Chen, The City College of New York and the Graduate Center, CUNY Future Imaginings and Political Action: The Example of the Local Assemblies in Istanbul in 2017 Birgan Gokmenoglu, London School of Economics

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 106 Transformative Interventions: Assessing Cultural Technologies for Personal and Systemic Change Ann Mische, University of Notre Dame

TH14-02 The New State Capitalism in Comparative Perspective

Monday TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China 9:00am - 10:30am and Beyond Session Organizer Imogen Liu, Maastricht University Moderator Adam Dixon, Maastricht University Participants Complementarities of Statist Capitalism and Neoliberal Growth in Hungary David Karas, OSCE Academy in Bishkek Understanding the Uniqueness of the Singaporean Approach to State Ownership Joao Paiva-Silva, Convergence or Divergence? Late Development and China's Reshaping of Global Credit Governance Muyang Chen, Peking University What Lies Beneath the "Tariff Man"? the Trump Administration’s Response to China’s "State Capitalism" Matthew Baltz, Bucknell University The Political Economy of Corporate Welfare: A Power-Based Approach Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Discussant Ilias Alami, Maastricht University

TH17-02 Financialization and Household Debt

Monday TH17: The Welfare State in Financial Times

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Daniel Mertens, University of Osnabrück Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po Moderator Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po Participants The Political Origins of Household Indebtedness: On the Role of Welfare States and Credit Regimes Andreas Wiedemann, Princeton University Social Debtfare Policies. Untangling the Finance-Welfare Nexus in Argentina´s Welfare Policy (1983-2019) Tomas Nougues, CIS-IDES/CONICET The Welfare-Debt Trade-Off in Long-Term and Micro-Perspective: The Debtfare- Hypothesis Dismantled Sebastian Kohl, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies What Strategies to Overcome the Limits to the Financialisation of Welfare? Some Insights from Local Welfare Measures of Financial Inclusion in Italy Maria Dodaro, University of Milano-Bicocca

FP-06 Featured Panel - Populism Today in the Global North and South

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 107 Monday Featured Panels & Speakers

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Rina Agarwala, Johns Hopkins University Moderator Rina Agarwala, Johns Hopkins University Participants Discussants Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam Patrick Heller, Brown University Ruy Braga, Universidade de Sao Paulo Dylan Riley, University of California, Berkeley

B-05 Panel 5

Monday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Stefan Norgaard, Columbia University Participants Capitalization and Its Discontents: The Political Economy of Development in Ethiopia’s Gibe III Dam and NESTown Initiative Stefan Norgaard, Columbia University Balancing NGO Accountability between Government Mandates and International Development Norms in Kenya Shaquilla Harrigan, University of Pennsylvania To Help or to Hurt: An Examination of “Development” Interventions in Africa Shaquilla Harrigan, University of Pennsylvania Does Caste Still Affect Opportunities for Social Mobility? a Case Study in Rural India 1958-2015 Floriane Bolazzi, Università degli Studi di MIlano Legitimating Solidarity: Corporate Partnerships and the Political Climate for Humanitarianism Maha Atal, Copenhagen Business School

B-06 Panel 6

Monday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Mark Dallas, Union College Participants Global Value Chains (GVCs): Repercussions on Emerging Economies Claudia a Galvao, University of Brasilia

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 108 Globalization and Socio-Economic Development: The Role of International Institutions and Global Governance Towards Development Processes Gabriel Rached, Università degli Studi di Padova & Fluminense Federal University Prebisch and Singer in a Global Value Chains World Mariangela Parra-Lancourt, United Nations Global Value Chains: The Differential Role of Regional Factors Arantza Zubiaurre, University of Deusto Strength through Vulnerability: China’s Quest for Semiconductor Autonomy Mark Dallas, Union College

E-17 The Politics of Macroeconomic Policies and Growth Models

Monday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Bjoern Bremer, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Participants Institutional Constraints to Germany’s Reflation in the EMU: The Structured Politics of a Deflationary Equilibrium Donato Di Carlo, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Global Capital and National Growth Models: The Case of Ireland and Latvia Dorothee Bohle, European University Institute Fiscal Trade-Offs: Deficits, Austerity and the Macroeconomic Beliefs of Voters Evelylne Hübscher, Central European University Public Opinion Towards Growth Models: Evidence from a New Survey Lucio Baccaro, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Discussant Chiara Benassi, King's College London

E-18 Beyond Categorial Differences: Rethinking Standards of Employment, Monday the Role of Contracts and Precariousness

12:00pm - 1:30pm E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States Session Organizers Caroline Bertron, UCLouvain Cécile Mathou, UCLouvain Xavier Dumay, UCLouvain Participants The Dualisation Hypothesis in France: Coming Back to a Segmentationnist Approach Heloise Petit, CLERSE, Lille University Precariousness, Flexibility and Uncertainty Regimes: The Use of Very Short Contracts in Three Sectors in France Aurelie Peyrin, Aix Marseille Université - Lest Camille Signoretto, Aix Marseille Université - Lest Work in Deregulated Labour Markets: A Research Agenda for Precariousness Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven - Centre for Sociological Research Employment (Industrial) and Labour Market Studies The Diversification of Teachers’ Employment Relations. Comparing Local Patterns Beyond Employment Regimes in England and France Cécile Mathou, UCLouvain Xavier Dumay, UCLouvain Discussant Ian Greer, Cornell University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 109 F-08 Imagining and Managing the Future in Innovative Fields

Monday F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea Herrmann, Innovation Studies Group, Utrecht University Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Corporate Imaginaries: How Companies Adopt New Innovations and Deal with Uncertainty Davide Carpano, University of California San Diego Sparring for the Future: Positions, Reference Points and Rules of How Entrepreneurial Groups Negotiate Fictional Expectations Isabell Stamm, Technische Universität Berlin Marie Gutzeit, Technische Universität Berlin The Management of Expectations in Innovation Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Solar Energy Support in Germany, Japan and the United States Maki Umemura, Cardiff University Beyond Objective Data: From the Prejudice Fit to the Diffusion of Technological Innovations Fernanda Tsujiguchi, University of Victoria

G-12 Labor Institutions

Monday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Participants Employment Practices, Institutional Antecedents, and Income Inequality: A Panel Fuzzy-Set Qca Markus Weissphal, Paderborn University Christian Manfred Wilke, Paderborn University Labor Dynamics in Mexico: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches Sara Ochoa Leon, Autonomous National University of Mexico, UNAM Limits of Social Investment Strategy: Institutional Prerequisites for High Productivity Equilibria Margarita Estevez-Abe, Maxwell School / Syracuse University The Impact of Models of Organisational Governance on Employee Well-being in Britain David Marsden, London School of Economics

H-11 Social Evaluation

Monday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 110 Moderator Ian Gray, UCLA Dept of Sociology Participants When It's Good to be Bad: Rewarding Deviance in Washington's Marijuana Market Cyrus Dioun, University of Colorado Denver We Are All Made of Glitter: Emotional Contagion, Empathy, and Legitimacy's Double-Edged Sword Andreea Gorbatai, UC Berkeley “Caring” As Evaluative Practice in the Market for Renovation of Unlisted Historical Buildings Elena Bogdanova, University of Gothenburg

I-09 Author Meet Critics: "Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina - Monday Contesting Neo-liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión" by Marcelo Vieta (Brill, 12:00pm - 1:30pm 2020)

I: Alternatives to Capitalism

Session Organizers Torsten Geelan, University of Cambridge Lara Monticelli, Copenhagen Business School Book Author Marcelo Vieta, University of Toronto Critic Marina Sitrin, Binghamton University Participants

J-12 Crowdfunding

Monday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Jean-Samuel Beuscart, University Paris Est - Marne-la-Vallee Moderator Jean-Samuel Beuscart, University Paris Est - Marne-la-Vallee Participants A New Battleground? How Do Organizations Compete in Crowdfunding Yan Long, University of California, Berkeley Shengnan Yang, Indiana University, Bloomington Network Reproduction of Inequality: The Case of Medical Crowdfunding Mark Igra, University of Washington New Digital Safety Net or Just More ‘Friendfunding’? Institutional Analysis of Medical Crowdfunding in the United States Sumin Lee, University of Oxford Technological Exit: The Promise and Perils of Crowdfunding Platforms Wenjuan Zheng, Stanford University

J-13 Organizing Platform Capitalism

Monday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Elke Schuessler, Free University of Berlin

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 111 Moderator Elke Schuessler, Free University of Berlin Participants The Platform Economy Matures: Pervasive Power, Private Regulation, and Dependent Entrepreneurs Martin Kenney, University of California, Davis Platform Capitalism, Democratic Corrosion and the Consolidation of Cybertariat in Brazil Carlos Henrique Santana, Federal University for Latin America Integration Marcela Ferrario, Federal University for Latin America Integration Digital Platforms and the Re-Organization of Markets in the Hotel Sector Philip Balsiger, University of Neuchatel Manufacturing Disruption: Worker and Union Response to the Gig-Economy in New York City’s Taxi Industry Andrew Wolf, University of Wisconsin-Madison

M-06 Roundtable: Rethink Latin America at the Beginning of the 21st Monday Century

12:00pm - 1:30pm M: Spanish Language Session Organizer Clemente Ruiz Duran, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Moderator Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Participants Discussants Moises Balestro, Universidade de Brasilia Aldo Madariaga, Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES)

M-07 Gobierno y desarrollo

Monday M: Spanish Language

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Daniel Vazquez, Federal University of São Paulo Participants Fondos De Recursos Naturales Orientados a La Innovación En Economías Emergentes: La Experiencia De Chile (Innovation-oriented natural resource funds in emerging countries: experience from Chile) José Luis Medina Bueno, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid La Eficiencia Del Gasto Descentralizado En España: Una Aplicación De La Metodología De Análisis Envolvente De Datos (DEA) Daniel Vazquez, Federal University of São Paulo Situación Del Gobierno Electrónico En La Era Digital De Los Países Latino- Americanos Adheridos a La Ocde Jose David Romero Puente, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Marco Analítico Para La Evaluación De La Colaboración Público-Privada En La Prestación De Servicios Públicos Maria Jose Garcia Solana, Complutense University of Madrid

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 112 N-12 Financialization

Monday N: Finance and Society

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Participants Financial Counterrevolutions: Modes of Reform and the Political Power of Finance Michael McCarthy, Marquette University A Knowledge-Based Integrative View of Markets: Providing a Theoretical Framework to Understand the Interdependence of Production, Sustainability, and Financialization. Tommaso Ferretti, McGill University Hegemony Pitfall or Statecraft Toolkit? Explaining the Rise of Financialization Yuemin Li, University at Albany Yimang Zhou, University at Albany, SUNY The Origins of Financialization in Comparative Perspective Thomas Oatley, Tulane University Financialization or Commercial Globalization? How Global Cities Contribute to Global Inequalities Olivier Godechot, Sciences Po, MaxPo and CNRS

N-13 Where the Money Goes

Monday N: Finance and Society

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Participants Money Is Theft? an Account on Proudhonian Socialism Simon Papaud, Université de Picardie; Université Lumière Lyon 2 Piercing the Veil of Monetarism: Towards a Critical History of Inflation and Financialization Brian Judge, University of California, Berkeley The Spread of Value Capture through New Financial Elites Lena Ajdacic, University of Lausanne, LINES Circuits of Financial Capital: Towards a Theory of Financial Accumulation Albina Gibadullina, University of British Columbia

O-09 Labor and Environmental Standards in Global Value Chains: New Monday Actors, Issues, Instruments and Dynamics in Social and Environmental Upgrading 12:00pm - 1:30pm O: Global Value Chains

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 113 Session Organizer Luc Fransen, University of Amsterdam Moderator Luc Fransen, University of Amsterdam Participants The Shaping of Southern-Led Sustainability Standards and Implications for Global Value Chain Governance: A Comparative Case Study of China and India Natalie Langford, Sheffield University Corinna Braun-Munzinger, GIZ Contradicting Demands of Lead Firms, Converted By Intermediaries: Importing Firms and Labor Standards in the Apparel Industry Merel Serdijn, University of Amsterdam Buying Firm Impact on Supplier Labor Standard Outcomes: Evidence from Ethiopia and Indonesia Kea Tijdens, Wage Indicator Foundation Maarten Van Klaveren, Wage Indicator Foundation Ans Kolk, Amsterdam Business School Luc Fransen, University of Amsterdam Twenty-First Century Globalization and the Transnational Regime Complex for Forest Risk Commodities Philip Schleifer, University of Amsterdam Weaponizing CSR? Corporate Commitments to Living Wages in the Garment Value Chain Tom Hunt, Sheffield University

R-09 Session 3.3

Monday R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Mehmet Asutay, Durham University Zurina Shafii, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Necati Aydin, Alfaisal University Moderator Alija Avdukic, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Participants Islamic Fintech: When Al Ijarah Al Muntahia Bi-Tamleek Meets Crowdfunding Camelia Garchi, EZ-ZITOUNA UNIVERSITY Islamic Finance and Charity in the Muslim World: The Role of IsDB in Financing Aid? Altea Pericoli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

TH03-03 Governing Crisis, Crisis of Government

Monday TH03: Crisis, Temporality, and Governance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Simone Polillo, University of Virginia Andre Vereta-Nahoum, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning, University of Sao Paulo Moderator Simone Polillo, University of Virginia Participants Backstage at the Crisis: The Federal Reserve, the Money Market, and the Shadow of the Public

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 114 Pierre-Christian Fink, Columbia University “We Are Servants of the Nation”: Ideas of Public Vocation in Times of Crisis Maria Lopez-Portillo, Brown University Central Bank Communication Under Unconventional Monetary Policy: The Bank of Japan during Times of Crisis Markus Heckel, Goethe University

TH05-05 Critiquing Knowledge, Decolonizing Methods

Monday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Julian Go, Boston University Moderator Nabila Islam, Brown University Participants “Needs” and “Satisfiers”: A Tool for Decolonial Policy Analysis Bettina Mahlert, Universität Innsbruck “How Will You Give Back?”: On Becoming a 'compañera' As Transnational Feminist and Decolonial Methodology Firuzeh Shokooh-Valle, Franklin & Marshall College The French Period of Postcolonial. for a Historical Sociologyof an Intellectual Debate Anne-Claire Collier, CNAM, Paris

TH09-02 Movements and their Impact Policy Change

Monday TH09: Global Populism and Business Elites

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Moderators Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Participants Populism and Carbon Taxation: The Yellow Vest Movement Daniel Driscoll, University of California, San Diego Populism and the Business Response to Climate Change: Towards a New Governance Framework Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School Steffen Boehm, University of Exeter A Resilient Hegemonic Project? the Ideological Cleavages and Convergence Against ‘Populism’ of Key Actors across the Power Bloc in Denmark Christoph Houman Ellersgaard, Copenhagen Business School Making Neoliberalism Desirable through Populism? the Markets’ Dream of Bolsonaro’s Brazil Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School

TH11-04 Perceptions and Justifications of Wealth Accumulation

Monday TH11: Mind the Wealth Gap? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the 12:00pm - 1:30pm Accumulation, Justification and (Re)Distribution of Wealth

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 115 Session Organizers Hanna Lierse, Jacobs University Bremen Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics Moderator Nora Waitkus, London School of Economics Participants Deliberating Inequality: How Does Information Impact the Social Formation of Beliefs about Economic Inequality? Kate Summers, London School of Economics Liz Mann, London School of Economics Tania Burchardt, LSE Fabien Accominotti, London School of Economics Reasons to Give: Moral Backgrounds of the Giving Pledge Letters Tytus Wilam, New York University Perceptions of Inequality and Social Mobility Alice Krozer, El Colegio de México Soak the Rich? a Survey Experiment on Popular Support for a Wealth Tax Patrick Sachweh, University of Bremen - SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy

TH12-02 Possible Trajectories and Challenges of Becoming

Monday TH12: Possible Worlds: Practice, Ethics, Hope and Distress

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Felipe Gonzalez, Universidad Central de Chile Gary Herrigel, University of Chicago Adriana Mica, University of Warsaw Ann Mische, University of Notre Dame Participants Collective Representation and Individual Autonomy: The Case of Solo Self- Employed Workers’ Associations Petr Mezihorak, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan Cynical Consumers in Moscow: Hoping for the Best, Expecting the Worst Regina Resheteeva, National Research University Higher School of Economics The Possible Worlds for Fertility: Evidence from a Controlled Laboratory Experiment Giacomo Bazzani, University of Florence Pathways Towards Possible Worlds: A Social Movement Approach to Social Transformation Simone Schiller-Merkens, Witten/Herdecke University

TH13-03 Commodification and Pricing of Health and Body

Monday TH13: Regulation, Innovation, and Valuation in Markets for Health and 12:00pm - 1:30pm Medicines Session Organizers Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Moderators Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 116 Participants The Proliferation and Regulation of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing in China Larry Au, Columbia University Building Opacity, Fighting Opacity. the Opacification of Drug Prices in the EU’s Pharmaceutical Market from the 1980s to 2019 Theo Bourgeron, University College Dublin Gestational Surrogacy: Slow Relational Practice Vs Scaled-up Streamlined Mass Production. Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University

TH14-03 State Capitalism Beyond China: The Politics and Instruments of State Monday Involvement in a Comparative Perspective

12:00pm - 1:30pm TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China and Beyond

Session Organizers Merve Sancak, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Ilias Alami, Maastricht University Participants How (not) to Organize Political Support for State Capitalism: The Case of Brazil Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University China’s State Capitalism -a Political Economy Analysis Ding Chen, University of Sheffield Instruments of the State in Capitalist Structures: State Involvement in Economic, Political and Social Realms in Mexico and Turkey Merve Sancak, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute The Moralizing States of the Periphery: How States Spread the Cultural Norms of Market Competition through Antitrust Agencies Melike Arslan, Northwestern University National Populism, State Capitalism, and Business Interest Representation: What Is the Link? Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Discussant Milan Babic, University of Amsterdam

TH17-03 Financialization and Pensions

Monday TH17: The Welfare State in Financial Times

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Daniel Mertens, University of Osnabrück Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po Moderator Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University Participants Financialization of Public Employee Pensions Mikell Hyman, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Financialization As a Catalyst for Further Decentralization of Pension Provision? the Hidden Political Dimensions of Local Public Pension Reforms in Belgium Damien Piron, UCLouvain Pension Fund Capitalism: The Risks of the Endgame

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 117 Bruno Bonizzi, University of Hertfordshire When Capital Markets Enter Welfare: The Polish Pension Reform of 1998/99 Jan Boguslawski, Sciences Po Paris

FP-07 Featured Speaker Guy Standing (SOAS University of London) - “A Monday Precariat Charter in a Time of Pandemics”

2:00pm - 3:00pm Featured Panels & Speakers Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Rina Agarwala, Johns Hopkins University Participants

FP-08 Featured Speaker Xiao Qiang (Counter-Power Lab - UC Berkeley) - Monday "Rising Digital Authoritarianism in China and Its Impact on the World"

3:00pm - 4:00pm Featured Panels & Speakers Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Marion Fourcade, UC Berkeley Participants

H-12 Innovation

Monday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

7:00pm - 8:30pm Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Antonio Botelho, Universidade Candido Mendes Participants Innovation between Old and New: Hybrid Institutions for Financialized Biopharmaceutical Industry in Korea Sun Kim, KAIST Innovation with Chinese Characteristics: The Evolving Effects of Political Ties Heather Haveman, University of Cailfornia, Berkeley

TH12-03 Narratives and Rhetorics of the Future

Monday TH12: Possible Worlds: Practice, Ethics, Hope and Distress

7:00pm - 8:30pm Session Organizers Felipe Gonzalez, Universidad Central de Chile Gary Herrigel, University of Chicago Adriana Mica, University of Warsaw Ann Mische, University of Notre Dame Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 118 Technology and the Promise of Decentralization Jan-Felix Schrape, University of Stuttgart Corporate Futures: Rhetorics of Managerial Expectations in Corporate Capitalism, 1900-2000 Barbara Kiviat, Stanford University Progressive Nostalgia. Brexit and the Past As a Possible Future Lisa Suckert, Max-Planck-Institute for the the Study of Societies Double Framing: Contingent Work, Critical and Anchoring Stories, and Possible Futures Kathleen Griesbach, Columbia University Department of Sociology

D-04 Expertise and Politics

Tuesday D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School Moderator Mari Sako, University of Oxford Participants Buying into New Ideas: The ECB’s Evolving Justification of Omt Casimir Hesse, London School of Economics and Political Science Talking about Competition Johanna Rath, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz - Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy Re-Mapping the Geography of Tax Avoidance: Tax Professionals As the Nexus between Onshore and Offshore Saila Stausholm, Copenhagen Business School Flirting with Politics: How Accountants Claimed a Market in Republican China 1912- 1937 Tao Wang, Grenoble Ecole de Management Inside the 'red Circle': The Production of China's Corporate Legal Elite Jingqi Zhu, Newcastle University

E-19 Analyzing the Contents of Collective Agreements

Tuesday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers JW Besamusca, University of Amsterdam Nathalie Greenan, CNAM CEET Kea Tijdens, Wage Indicator Foundation Participants Understanding the Relationship between Trade Union Membership and Collective Bargaining in 54 Countries Kea Tijdens, Wage Indicator Foundation Hunting for Fairness: A Text Mining Approach to Assess Gender Equality Efforts in Firm and Industry-Level Collective Bargaining Agreements Kadija Charni, CNAM CEET Nathalie Greenan, CNAM CEET From Wage Bargaining to the Negotiation on “Cognitive Surplus Value”: reflections on a laboratory for Industry 4.0 in Lamborghini. Armanda Cetrulo, Institute of Economics and EMBEDS, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 119 Transnational Company Agreements and Management–Union Relationships Maarten Van Klaveren, Wage Indicator Foundation Collectively Bargained Pay Inequality JW Besamusca, University of Amsterdam

F-09 Public Policies, Innovation and Entrepreneurialism

Tuesday F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea M. Herrmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Enhancing Exploration and Exploitation of Smaller Businesses in Emerging Economies: The Effect of University-Industry Linkages and Public Procurement on Innovation Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Entrepreneurial Investment of Incumbent Firms: An International Comparison Among Japan, China, the U.S. and Europe Yaichi Aoshima, Hitotsubachi University Byeongsik Kim, Hitotsubashi University Practices of University-Industry-Linkages – a Micro-Foundation of Intermediary Work and Co-Creational Knowledge Production in Germany Anika Noack, Brandenburg University Cottbus Heike Jacobsen, Brandenburg University Cottbus Cooperation in Ecosystems: individual capabilities or sectoral opportunities? Jan Peter van den Toren, Birch Research

G-13 Social Comparisons in Labor Markets

Tuesday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Ute Leber, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Participants Coworker and Neighbor Networks: How Do Both Promote Labor Market Integration after a Layoff? Theresa Koch, IAB Nuremberg Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own: Evidences on Intergenerational Mobility in Italy Giovanni Gallo, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; INAPP (National Institute Analysis Public Policies) Social Networks on Smartphones - Congruency of Online and Offline Networks and Their Effect on Labor Market Outcomes Sebastian Baehr, Institute for Employment Research Working Overtime to Keep up with the Joneses: Experimental Evidence on Status Externalities in Labor Supply Decisions Daniel Obst, University of Duisburg-Essen

I-10 Complementary Currencies for Economic and Social Change: 1. World

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 120 Tuesday Regional Perspectives on Ccs

4:00am - 5:30am I: Alternatives to Capitalism

Session Organizers Giacomo Bazzani, University of Florence Philipp Degens, University of Hamburg, Department of Socio-Economics Mikko Laamanen, Royal Holloway - University of London Giacomo Bazzani, University of Turin, Department Culture, Politics and Society Moderator Philipp Degens, University of Hamburg, Department of Socio-Economics Participants Territorial Dynamics of Local Currencies in France: Results from the First National Survey Jerome Blanc, Sciences Po Lyon A Route to Postcapitalist Money? Embedding the Production of Money in Community Structures Ester Barinaga, Lund University Digital Money for Sustainable Communities: The Sardex Case Giacomo Bazzani, University of Florence

L-09 The Regulatory Politics of Land

Tuesday L: Regulation and Governance

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis John Cioffi, University of California, Riverside Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Moderator Tim Bartley, Washington University of St. Louis Participants The Great Green Wall in Africa: Understanding Local and Transnational Levels of Governance Towards a Same Goal Juliette Alenda, Radboud Universiteit Rival Views of Landed Property: Polanyi's Forgotten Double-Movement,1900-2018 Alexander Dobeson, Department of Sociology at Uppsala University Sebastian Kohl, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

N-14 Financial Markets

Tuesday N: Finance and Society

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Participants In Models We Trust. an Investigation of Confidence in Algorithmic Trading Bo Hee Min, Copenhagen Business School Kristian Hansen, Copenhagen Business School

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 121 Stock Market, Financial Governance and Innovation in China Chen Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Revisiting Embeddedness and Its Economic Outcomes Andres Chiriboga, MaxPo - Sciences Po Pragmatism, Realism and Financial Value Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room Daniel Beunza, City University of London

O-10 GVCs and Southern End Markets

Tuesday O: Global Value Chains

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Joonkoo Lee, Hanyang University Participants The Rise and Architecture of Apparel Regional Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa Khalid Nadvi, Global Development Institute, The University of Manchester Governing Value Chains in an Era of Polycentric Trade: Implications for Kenyan Horticultural First-Tier Suppliers Aarti Krishnan, Overseas Development Institute Matt Alford, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester South-South Value Chains: India’s Pharmaceuticals in Africa Rory Horner, University of Manchester

P-10 Money and Central Banking: The Future of Money or the Monies of the Tuesday Future

4:00am - 5:30am P: Accounting, Economics, and Law Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Luca Fantacci, Bocconi U Participants Technology and Sovereignty. the Challenge of Stablecoins to the International Monetary System Luca Fantacci, Bocconi U Lucio Gobbi, Università di Trento Transformations of Money in China: The Digital Payment Systems Wechat Pay and Alipay Horacio Ortiz, CNRS and ECNU Does the Accounting Framework Affect the Operational Capacity of the Central Bank? Lessons from the Brazilian Experience Joao Pedro Macalos, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Q-08 Innovation and Industrial Upgrading in East Asia (1)

Tuesday Q: Asian Capitalisms

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 122 Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator Robert Pauls, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Participants How China’s Local Governments Manage Industrial Innovation: Open Platforms, Manufacturing Ecosystems, and Public Policy Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Social Networks and Micro-Entrepreneurship: The Role of Resource Variety and Resource Balance Na Zou, Goethe University Frankfurt Variation in Development of Organizational Fields – the Interplay of Institutional Work and Regional Collective Identity. A Comparative Study of ICT Entrepreneurial Ecosystems within Japan. Agata Kapturkiewicz, University of Oxford From Imitation and Catching up to Technological Leadership - a Review of the Chinese Innovation System Klaus Nielsen, Birkbeck, University of London

TH10-04 Green Finance

Tuesday TH10: Green Economy Contradictions

4:00am - 5:30am Session Organizers Stephanie Barral, INRA Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Moderator Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Participants Governing the Green Economy through Financial Markets and Devices Antoine Ducastel, CIRAD Beyond Contradictions: Making the World Believe in Impact Investing Philip Balsiger, University of Neuchatel Money and Green Economy: Financialised Solutions to the Environmental Problems Ismail Erturk, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester Contradictions of Neoliberal Climate Governance - Country Ownership, Civil Society Participation and Private Sector Engagement in the Green Climate Fund Thomas Kalinowski, Ewha Womans University Discussant Raphael Olivier, Université Paris-Dauphine (CGEMP, DRM-MOST), PSL & Climate Economics Chair

TH14-04 Geographies of the New State Capitalism

Tuesday TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China 4:00am - 5:30am and Beyond Session Organizer Ilias Alami, Maastricht University Moderator Milan Babic, University of Amsterdam Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 123 China, the Commodity Boom and Emergent Political-Economic Trajectories Among Southern Natural Resource Exporters. Nick Jepson, University of Manchester State Capitalism and the Question of Predistribution: China’s Belt and Road Initiative Versus the Post-Washington Consensus at the World Market Frontier. Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente, Leiden University Belt and Road Initiative in Eastern Europe: The Case of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Line Linda Szabo, Periféria Policy and Research Center; Central European University China’s Rise and the Global South: The Case of the World Trade Organization Clara Weinhardt, Maastricht University Building the Renminbi International System: Between Productive Incoherence and Financial Statecraft Marina Zucker-Marques, freie universität berlin Discussant Imogen Liu, Maastricht University

FP-09 Featured Panel - Socio-Economics of COVID-19

Tuesday Featured Panels & Speakers

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Participants Discussants Natasha Iskander, New York University Koray Caliskan, The New School Kenneth Shadlen, London School of Economics Alexandre White, Johns Hopkins University

B-07 The Political Economy of Illiberal Politics in Central and Eastern Tuesday Europe

9:00am - 10:30am B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development Session Organizer Gabor Scheiring, Bocconi University Moderator Adam Fabry, Universidad Nacional de Chilecito Participants The Return of Economic Nationalism? a Comparative Study of the Politico- Economic Policies Pursued By Hungary and Romania after the 2008 Global Economic Crisis Adam Fabry, Universidad Nacional de Chilecito Varieties of Dependency, Varieties of Illiberalism: A Comparative Political Economy of the Crisis of Democracy in East-Central Europe Gabor Scheiring, Bocconi University Political Dynamics of Dependent Capitalist Development in Post-Crisis Central and Eastern Europe Alan Toplišek, European and International Studies Department, King's College London Illiberalism, New Authoritarianism and the Welfare State: Hungary and Poland

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 124 Compared Noemi Lendvai-Bainton, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol

B-08 Panel 7

Tuesday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Julian Limberg, King's College London Participants Fiscal Pressure, Political Regimes, and Consumption Taxation Julian Limberg, King's College London Governing Cities: Exploring Dimensions of Social Justice and Sustainability Sujeet Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University Crossing the Growth Model Divide: The Combination of Export-Led and Consumer Debt-Led Growth in Israel 2009-2018 Amit Avigur-Eshel, Sapir College Dani Filc, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Airbnb Vs Sustainable City. Evaluation of the Three Pillars of Sustainability in Cities with a High Presence of Airbnb. Case Study of the City of Madrid. Edith Cecilia Macedo Ruiz, Autonomous University of Madrid Agustin Alvarez-Herranz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Financialization, Corporate Restructuring and Industrial Policy: The Quebec Case Christian Pepin, York University

D-05 Professional Authority

Tuesday D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School Moderator Valérie Boussard, Université Paris Nanterre – IDHES Participants Engaging with Risk and Uncertainty: Impacts on Knowledge Practices, Struggles for Authority and the Internationalisation of Professional Activities Venetsiya Dimitrova, HafenCity University A More Critical View of Occupational Licensing: A Comparative Analysis of Occupational Licensing in Israel Yair Osheroff, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Tent-Making Missionaries: Professionals As Double Agents Monika Krause, London School of Economics Professionals in a Globalizing World Faced with Systemic Country Specific Professional Ethical Violations David Matas, Canadian Council on International Law

E-20 Roundtable: The Future of Work

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 125 Tuesday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Chiara Benassi, LSE Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Participants Discussants Jaqueline O'Reilly, University of Sussex Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven - Centre for Sociological Research Employment (Industrial) and Labour Market Studies Rita Samiolo, King's College Susan Hayter, International Labour Office

E-21 The Political Economy of Finance and Growth: Political and Tuesday Institutional Levers of Financialisation

9:00am - 10:30am E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States Session Organizer Dustin Voss, London School of Economics and Political Science Moderator Lukas Spielberger, Leiden University Participants Credit-Scoring and the Rise of Market-Led Banking in the UK and Germany Toon Van Overbeke, London School of Economics and Political Science The Hungarian Banking Sector in Flux: Ownership Changes between Development, Economic Nationalism and Political Lending Nils Oellerich, European University Institute In Bed with the Banks? Deciphering the German Capital Gains Tax Puzzle Dustin Voss, London School of Economics and Political Science Growth Models through the Lens of Sectoral Accounting: A New Approach to Understanding the (In-)Stability of Economic Regimes Lukas Spielberger, Leiden University Discussants Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Dorothee Bohle, European University Institute

F-10 Institutions, Inequality, and Institutional Adaptation in the "New" Tuesday Economy

9:00am - 10:30am F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea Herrmann, Innovation Studies Group, Utrecht University Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Do Innovation Systems Induce Inequality? Thanos Fragkandreas, Goethe University Frankfurt; Birkbeck, University of London

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 126 Artificial Intelligence in Germany: Debates, Concepts and Empirical Evidence Oliver Giering, Technische Universität Berlin Title: Engaging with Social Media in a Context of Fragmentation and Change: The Case of a Company-Level Union in Chile and Their Use of Internet Technologies to Achieve Revitalization Daina Bellido de Luna, Universidad Austral de Chile Institutional Adaption in the Gig Economy Nikolaos Koutsimpogiorgos, PhD Candidate

G-14 Socio-Economics of Work

Tuesday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Participants Education and Professionalization of Elite Groups in Brazil: The Case of Production Engineers in Brazil Thais Joi Martins, UFRB Discrimination in Work and Organizations Nancy DiTomaso, Rutgers Business School - Newark and New Brunswick Highly Skilled Return Migrants As Agents of Transnational Learning Alice Lam, Royal Holloway University of London Outsourcing, Burnout, and Union Responses in U.S. Call Centers Virginia Doellgast, Cornell University ILR School Sean O'Brady, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University

H-13 Transnational Governance

Tuesday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Arie Krampf, Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo Participants Transnational Capitalist Class Agents and the Institutional Deflection of Global Environmental Reform into Market-Driven Governance Forms, 1992-Present Rami Kaplan, The Open University of Israel The Technical Infrastructure As Stumbling Block to Transatlantic Deep Integration: The Case of Ttip Benjamin Burbaumer, CEPN - Université Paris 13

I-11 Complementary Currencies for Economic and Social Change: 2. Social Tuesday and Economic Impact of Ccs

9:00am - 10:30am I: Alternatives to Capitalism Session Organizers Giacomo Bazzani, University of Turin, Department Culture, Politics and Society Philipp Degens, University of Hamburg, Department of Socio-Economics

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 127 Mikko Laamanen, Royal Holloway - University of London Moderator Philipp Degens, University of Hamburg, Department of Socio-Economics Participants How to Measure Local Complementary Currencies Links with Production? Computing a Network Multiplier on Several French Cases Oriane Lafuente-Sampietro, Univ. de Lyon, Univ. Lumière Lyon 2 Monetary Contestation As an Institutional Driving Force: The Eusko’s Case Nicolas Laurence, Université Lyon 2

J-14 Author Meets Critics: "The Digital Economy" by Tim Jordan (Polity Tuesday Press, 2020)

9:00am - 10:30am J: Digital Economy Session Organizer Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Moderator Elke Schuessler, Free University of Berlin Book Author Tim Jordan, University of Sussex Critics Dave Elder-Vass, Loughborough University Vili Lehdonvirta, University of Oxford Hilary Robinson, Northeastern University Caroline Ruiner, University of Hohenheim Participants

J-15 Work and Employment in the Digital Economy

Tuesday J: Digital Economy

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs Moderator Thomas Beauvisage, Orange Labs Participants Will Robots Take Your Job? the Workers’ Point of View Arianna Marcolin, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Skill Specificity in the Online Labour Markets Jaap van Slageren, Innovation Studies Group, Utrecht University Employment Strategies in the Online Labour Market: A Bourdieusian Perspective Ekaterina Nemkova, IESEG School of Management Digital Transformation of Work and Gender Inequalities Clemens Ohlert, Office of the German Minimum Wage Commission

K-03 Experimenting with Skill Ecosystems

Tuesday K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Nicolas Roby, Université de Montréal

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 128 Moderator Johanna Weststar, Western University Participants Future Skills and the Role of Regional Ecosystems Cassandra Bowkett, HEC Montreal Digital disruptions, business models and power relations at work: The case of the automotive services sector Gregor Murray, University of Montreal Mathieu Dupuis, TÉLUQ - University of Québec Meiyun Wu, Université de Montréal (How) Should the State Support Further Training in Firms? Results from a Factorial Survey Experiment Christopher Osiander, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Admission of Foreign-Trained Professionals between Politics of Mobility and Public Interest. Institutions Negotiating with Forces of Innovation and Inertia. Jean-Luc Bedard, TELUQ

M-08 Paradigmas tecnológicos, ICT y educación

Tuesday M: Spanish Language

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Laura Perez Ortiz, Dpto. Estructura Económica-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Participants Can ICT Help Us to Improve Education? Causal Effects of the Use of ICT on Academic Performance in Spain Nerea Gomez, Universitat Politècnica de València La Capacidad Tecnológica Como Factor Explicativo De Los Resultados De Las Compañías Petroleras Nacionales (NOCs). El Caso De Petróleos Mexicanos, Pemex. David Silva, IIEC UNAM Las Cualificaciones Del Futuro: ¿a Qué Trabajos Nos Lleva La Digitalización? Laura Perez Ortiz, Dpto. Estructura Económica-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Eva de la Torre, Dpto. Economía y Hacienda Pública-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Paradigmas Tecnológicos y Propiedades Del Conocimiento Base: Variedad, Coherencia, Distancia Cognitiva y Convergencia Ana Ruiz, Universidade Federal Fluminense

N-15 Financial Subordination

Tuesday N: Finance and Society

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Jonathan Perraton, University of Sheffield

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 129 Participants The Political Economy of Financial Subordination: The Role of International Financial Institutions and Global Governance Towards the Developing World Gabriel Rached, Università degli Studi di Padova & Fluminense Federal University Climate Change As Driver of Financial Subordination? Anne Loescher, University of Siegen; University of Leeds What Drives Decision-Making of Agents of Financial Inclusion? Paula Haufe, ICDD, University of Kassel A Mixed-Method Research on Financial Inclusion in Brazil Thereza Balliester Reis, University of Leeds Contested Moralities, Conflicts and Justifications in Ethical Banking Sarah Lenz, University of Hamburg

O-11 Covid-19 and GVCs: Rountable

Tuesday O: Global Value Chains

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Rory Horner, University of Manchester Participants

P-11 Accounting for the Public Sector: What Means Reporting for Risks and Tuesday Transfers?

9:00am - 10:30am P: Accounting, Economics, and Law Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Ekaterina Svetlova, University of Leicester Participants Trust and Quality of Risk Disclosure in the UK Governmental Reporting Ekaterina Svetlova, University of Leicester Accounting for Institutional Reforms: Figuring out Interregional Fiscal Flows in Belgium Damien Piron, UCLouvain

Q-09 Innovation and Industrial Upgrading in East Asia (2)

Tuesday Q: Asian Capitalisms

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Boy Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Moderator Wei Zhao, ESSCA School of Management Participants

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 130 Strategic Coupling and Technological Dependence: Case Study of the Relationships between Taiwanese FPD Industry and Japanese Counterparts Mayumi Tabata, Senshu University Consolidating SMEs Toward a Networked Factory? How Alibaba’s Manufacturing Strategy Reconfigures Governance and Upgrading in the Chinese Garment Industry Lea Schneidemesser, Berlin Social Science Center Institutional Complexity and Organizational Change of Hybrid Organizations: A Case Study of China's State-Owned Enterprises Reform Zhibo Qiu, University of Oxford Do All CEO Pay Regulations Backfire? Evidence from China Weijie Wang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

TH04-04 Critical Reflections on Economic Statistics 2

Tuesday TH04: Critical Reflections on Socio-Economic Statistics for Development: 9:00am - 10:30am Past, Present, and Future Session Organizers Roberto Aragao, University of Amsterdam Daniel DeRock, University of Amsterdam Joan Van Heijster, University of Amsterdam Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Moderator Daniel DeRock, University of Amsterdam Participants Representing the Hybrid Areas of Work in Europe: The Case of Self-Employment in the Official Statistics Rossella Bozzon, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan Pension Politics. the International Conflict over Accounting for Pension Liabilities. Jessica de Vlieger, University of Amsterdam The Rise of Multinationals As a Challenge for Comparative Political Economy Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Benjamin Braun, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

TH05-06 The Colonial Unconscious of Developmentalism

Tuesday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizer Zophia Edwards, Providence College Moderator Zophia Edwards, Providence College Participants Islamophobia and Development: The Imam Training Program in the Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh Nabila Islam, Brown University The “Sahelian Exceptionality”. Exploring the Postcolonial Biases of the Recognition Policies Regarding Migrant Development Activists, in France Claire Vincent-Mory, CEE/CNRS/SCiences-Po Rethinking Informality and Modernity in Development Theory and Practice Jason Jackson, MIT

TH06-01 TH06: Diffusion of the Innovations on the New Algorithmic Contour Tuesday Session 1

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 131 9:00am - 10:30am TH06: Diffusion of the Innovations on the New Algorithmic Contour

Session Organizers Gil-Sung Park, Korea University Hangyoung Lee, Macquarie University Janghyuk Lee, Eun Kyong Shin, Korea University Moderator Eun Kyong Shin, Korea University Participants The Adoption of IPv6 and Bluetooth Among Software Developers: Findings from the Gentoo Linux Distribution Matthijs den Besten, Montpellier Business School What Makes the Acceptance of New Things Difficult?: Theoretical Consideration on the Barriers to Innovation Adoption Sou Hwan Kang, Department of Sociology, Korea University The New Negationism in the Age of Hyperconnectivity Ana Carolina Barbosa Pereira, Universidade Federal da Bahia Sticky Data: Organizational Effects of the Electronic Health Record Mira Vale, University of Michigan

TH07-05 Adult and Work-based Education

Tuesday TH07: Education for Social Progress: Socio-Economic Perspectives on Policy 9:00am - 10:30am Attempts and Impacts between the Different Worlds Session Organizer Lorenz Lassnigg, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna Moderator Aaron Benavot, Participants Network Influences on the Diffusion of Adult Basic Education Policies Fabian Besche, CRC 1342 - University of Bremen Successful Educational Practices for Social Progress in Globalizing Worlds Reema Rameshchandra Nanavaty, Self Employed Womens Association (SEWA)

TH09-03 Economic Policy-making, Neoliberalism and Populism

Tuesday TH09: Global Populism and Business Elites

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Moderators Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Participants The Spatial Mediation of the Structural Crisis of the Finance-Dominated Accumulation Regime in Sweden: A Régulation Perspective on the Rise of the Sweden Democrats Markus Kallifatides, Stockholm School of Economics

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 132 The Trump Phenomenon and Right-Wing Extremism: Why Donald Trump Is Not a Populist Raul Galan, University of Michigan Threats and Opportunities: How Have Business Elites Navigated the Economic Nationalism of Trump and His Administration? Matthew Baltz, Bucknell University Italy: Debt, Migration and the Eurozone: Populism and Business in a Stagnant Economy Davide Vampa, Aston University

TH10-05 Transition Challenges

Tuesday TH10: Green Economy Contradictions

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Stephanie Barral, INRA Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Moderator Ritwick Ghosh, New York University Participants Contradictions on the Route to Post Fossil Capitalism - Social and Political Conflict Around Phasing out Lignite Mining in Post Socialist Eastern Germany Heike Jacobsen, Brandenburg University Cottbus Towards a Clean Energy Transition? Assessing Japan’s “Marketcraft” in the Renewable Energy Sector Diana Schnelle, Ruhr-University Bochum Unions Responses to Climate Change: Germany, UK, Australia and Canada in Comparison Jo Cutter, LUBS The Political Inertia of Markets in U.S. Renewables Policy Daniel Breslau, Virginia Tech Discussant Ismail Erturk, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester

TH14-05 Articulating State Power in a Globalized World

Tuesday TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China 9:00am - 10:30am and Beyond Session Organizer Milan Babic, University of Amsterdam Moderator Merve Sancak, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute Participants Transnational Corporate Power Is Still a Function of National Power: Comparing China and the US Sean Starrs, City University Hong Kong Foreign State Investment and Geoeconomic Competition: Mapping the Consequences of the Rise of Transnational State Capital Milan Babic, University of Amsterdam Chinese Investments in Europe – Networks of Ownership and Emerging Sino- European Corporate Elite Interlocks Nana De Graaff, VU University Corralling Globalisation: China’s Uneven and Combined Development and Geopolitical Economy.

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 133 Steven Rolf, University of Sussex Emerging Market Governments As Financial Intermediaries: The Case of Debt Denomination William Winecoff, University of Indiana Bloomington Discussant Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University

TH17-04 Financialization and State Transformation

Tuesday TH17: The Welfare State in Financial Times

9:00am - 10:30am Session Organizers Daniel Mertens, University of Osnabrück Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po Moderator Daniel Mertens, University of Osnabrück Participants Entrenching Retrenchment: Healthcare Reform in the UK Consolidation State Rosie Collington, University of Copenhagen State Financialization: A Multiscalar Perspective Reijer Hendrikse, Vrije Universiteit Brussel New Paths to State Financialization? the Case of "Social Impact Investment" in Comparative Perspective Asa Maron, University of Haifa, Israel

FP-10 Featured Speaker Jayati Ghosh (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Tuesday Delhi) - “Contraction and Control: The Socio-Economic Implications of State Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic” 11:00am - 12:00pm Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Participants

FP-11 Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "American Bonds: How Credit Tuesday Markets Shaped a Nation" by Sarah L. Quinn (Princeton Univ. Press 2019) 12:00pm - 1:30pm Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizer Nitsan Chorev, Brown University Moderator Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Book Author Sarah Quinn, University of Washington Critics Alex Preda, King's College London Benjamin Lemoine, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 134 Lena Lavinas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Participants

B-09 Panel 8

Tuesday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Amengual, MIT Caroline Arnold, CUNY Mark Dallas, Union College Douglas B Fuller, City University of Hong Kong Moderator Jose Maria Valenzuela, Doctoral Student, University of Oxford Participants Market Institutions and State Ownership: Overcoming Ambiguity and Uncertainty in the Governance of Electricity in Mexico Jose Maria Valenzuela, Doctoral Student, University of Oxford Economic Development and Stagnation in Brazil (1950-2011) Lucilene Morandi, UFF Fluminense Federal University State-Business Relations, Business Collective Action and the Policies to Tackle the Middle Income Trap in Brazil Alexandre Guimaraes, School of Government - João Pinheiro Foundation; Pontifícia Universidade Católica Changing Roles of the State in the Mexican Economy during the Process of Transition Towards a Hybrid Model of Coordination and Growth Bruno Gandlgruber, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

B-10 Neoliberal Policy Feedback: Backlash and Resilience

Tuesday B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Tim Dorlach, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Moderator Tim Dorlach, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Participants Neoliberal Resilience, Social Mobilization and Policy Space: The Case of Pension Policy in Chile (1981-2019) Antoine Maillet, Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, University of Chile Two Roads of Neoliberal Reform in Higher Education: Chile and Peru in Comparative Perspective Gabriela Camacho, Humbold University Eduardo Dargent, Pontificia University Catolica del Peru When Do Inegalitarian Policies Lead to Political Backlash and Reversal? Evidence from Chile and New Zealand Tim Dorlach, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Peter Starke, University of Southern Denmark Discussant Aldo Madariaga, Universidad Mayor

E-22 Taxation and Inequality

Tuesday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 135 12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Possibilities and Limits of Welfare Policy through the Fiscal Structure: The Case Study of South Korea SangBae KIM, EHESS Tax Regressivity and Welfare Provision in the Many U.S. Welfare States 1996-2015 Chalem Bolton, University of Michigan Taxed Fairly? Comparing Preferences for in- and out-Group Taxation Licia Bobzien, Hertie School

E-23 The Political Economy of Growth and Investment

Tuesday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Toward a Discursive Approach to Growth Models: Three Causal Mechanisms in the Politics of Social Blocs Sidney Rothstein, Williams College Short-Term Growth Regime Change: The Case of Institutional Complementarity in the Baltic States Marius Kalanta, TPO Enterprise Lithuania Cyclical Adjustments or a Regime Shift in the European Labour Markets? Modelling Employment and Income Distribution in an Open Economy with Some Empirical Tests Maciej Grodzicki, Jagiellonian University Which Demand-Led Growth Theory? a Methodological Refinement on the Growth Models Perspective Applied for Germany, Sweden, USA and Japan. Guilherme Morlin, PhD Candidate at

E-24 The Politics of Austerity

Tuesday E: Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Alexandre Afonso, University of Amsterdam Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex Chiara Benassi, LSE Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin Participants Failure to Mobilise: Internal Ideological Contestation and Class Mobilisation in Post- Crisis Mainstream Left Parties Max Kiefel, London School of Economics and Political Science The Politics of Exiting Austerity Stefano Sacchi, Polytechnic University of Turin How Austerity Policies Shape Indebtedness and Political Participation Andreas Wiedemann, Princeton University Beyond Dogma and Dominance: A State-Centered Explanation for Germany’s

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 136 Investment Gap Bjoern Bremer, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

F-12 Innovation and the Evolution of Organizations and Fields

Tuesday F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester Andrea M. Herrmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung Matthew Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt Janet Vertesi, Princeton University Participants Knowledge Evolution and the Postmodern Organization Jerald Hage, University of Maryland Orgtech: Is Organizing Finally Turning into a Technology? Valery Yakubovich, ESSEC Shuping Wu, ESSEC Business School Research Metrics, Labor Markets, and Epistemic Change: Evidence from Britain 1970-2018 Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego

G-15 Beyond Routine Biased Technological Change: Organization, Power Tuesday and Institutions

12:00pm - 1:30pm G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources Session Organizer Dario Guarascio, University of Rome La Sapienza Moderator Dario Guarascio, University of Rome La Sapienza Participants A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Tasks for Evaluating the Impact of New Technologies on the Content and Organisation of Work Enrique Fernández-Macías, Joint Research Centre, European Commission Anatomy of the Italian Occupational Structure: Concentrated Power and Distributed Knowledge Armanda Cetrulo, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies Experiential Knowledge and Occupational Tasks Viktor Ulbrich, Federal Institute for vocational education and training Revisiting and Explaining Occupational Change in Spain Since the 1990’s Jorge Rodriguez Menés, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

G-16 Training

Tuesday G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers David Marsden, London School of Economics Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen Moderator Theresa Koch, IAB Nuremberg Participants (Non-)Rational Training Behaviour of the Labour Force in Germany

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 137 Sabine Schindler, University of Koblenz-Landau Do Employees with Specific Skill Profiles Receive More Employer-Funded Training during Technological Change? Evidence from Employer-Employee Data Talea Hellweg, Paderborn University The Role of Actors within Training Mutuals in Regard to Their Contributions to Skills Development. Yves Blanchet, University of Montreal Is Political Empowerment Associated with Economic Empowerment? Evidence from Northern East Rural Tunisia Kaouther Toumi, University of Toulouse 3 Nabil Ghalleb, Tamkeen for Development T4D Najma Azmat,

H-14 Sociology of Markets

Tuesday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Cyrus Dioun, University of Colorado Denver Participants Market Incongruity and Market Coherence between Various Components of Social Embeddedness: Three Market Examples Ilan Talmud, University of Haifa Fashioning the Nation in the Age of Populism Virag Molnar, New School for Social Research Information Infrastructures and the Mediation of Market Power David Pinzur, London School of Economics and Political Science Theorizing Competition. an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Genesis and Performativity of a Contested Concept Georg Wolfmayr, University of Vienna

H-15 Growth Models

Tuesday H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples Johanna Mair, Stanford University Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London Moderator Arie Krampf, Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo Participants Rethinking Statism: The Politics of Competition and Investment in Post-War France Erik Peinert, Brown University Continuity and Change in Brazilian Capitalism: Business Preferences and the Pendular State Towards Economic Growth Moises Balestro, Universidade de Brasilia Antonio Botelho, Universidade Candido Mendes

I-12 Complementary Currencies for Economic and Social Change: 3. Tuesday Organizing Social Change

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 138 12:00pm - 1:30pm I: Alternatives to Capitalism

Session Organizers Giacomo Bazzani, University of Turin, Department Culture, Politics and Society Philipp Degens, University of Hamburg, Department of Socio-Economics Mikko Laamanen, Royal Holloway - University of London Moderator Giacomo Bazzani, University of Turin, Department Culture, Politics and Society Participants The Implementation of the ECO Coin at the Marineterrein, Amsterdam Nikolaus Houben, Wageningen University The Demise of Polish Wymiennik (Warsaw community currency system). Internal and External Conditions That Hampered the Success of the Initiative Marlena Rycombel, University of Warsaw Discussant Mikko Laamanen, Royal Holloway - University of London

J-16 Conceptualizing Digitization

Tuesday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Moderator Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute Participants Coordination of Markets and Curation of Publics. Commercial Platforms on the Internet and Their Predecessors Ulrich Dolata, Stuttgart University, Institute for Social Sciences Inverting Metcalfe’s Law: Network Size, Social Benefit, and Systemic Risk Dean Curran, University of Calgary Price Formation in Illicit Online Markets: The Role of Advance Payments and Competition Meropi Tzanetakis, University of Vienna Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Digital Economy Andreea Gorbatai, UC Berkeley

J-17 Geography of the Digital Economy

Tuesday J: Digital Economy

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Jean-Samuel Beuscart, University Paris Est - Marne-la-Vallee Moderator Jean-Samuel Beuscart, University Paris Est - Marne-la-Vallee Participants The Platform Economy: Restructuring the Space of Capitalist Accumulation Martin Kenney, University of California, Davis Digital Platforms in the Global Political Economy Yannick Perticone, University of Lausanne Understanding the Global Geography of Platform Work Fabian Braesemann, Oxford Internet Institute Revisiting Mobile Usage: Conceptualization, Measurement and Effects on Efficiency of Urban Informal Firms

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 139 Thomas Eekhout, GREThA

K-04 Reducing 'insecurity' through Experimentation: a case of hit and miss?

Tuesday K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Phil Almond, University of Leicester Moderator Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven - Centre for Sociological Research Employment (Industrial) and Labour Market Studies Participants National Living Wage Movements in a Regional World: The Fight for $15 in the United States Jason Spicer, University of Toronto Tamara Kay, University of Notre Dame Greater Manchester Care Sector Experiment: the reshaping of gendered precarious work Eva Herman, University of Manchester Earthquake Risk-Driven Urban Transformation in Istanbul: A Relational Work Analysis of Changing Economic and Community Relations Ladin Bayurgil, Boston University The Poverty of American ‘Industrial Democracy’: The Construction of Industrial Relations Institutions in the United States, c. 1933–1947 Etienne Cantin, Université Laval

M-09 Pobreza y desigualdad en América Latina

Tuesday M: Spanish Language

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Julimar Bichara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Santos Miguel Ruesga, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Moderator Jorge Delgado, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Participants Relación Entre La Economía Sumergida y La Desigualdad En América Latina Jorge Delgado, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Crisis Estructural: Pobreza y Migración Regional En Chiapas Emmanuel Arrazola Ovando, Universidad del Mar Pobreza y Envejecimiento En México Sebastian Antonio Jimenez Solis, UNAM Para Além Da Renda: Uma Análise Da Pobreza Multidimensional No Brasil De 2016 a 2019 Dario Silva, Universidade Federal do ABC

M-10 Indicadores Económicos En America Latina: Mas Allá Del PIB

Tuesday M: Spanish Language

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Maritza Sotomayor, Utah Valley University Moderator Maritza Sotomayor, Utah Valley University

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 140 Participants Alternativas Al PIB: ¿Hemos Llegado a Algún Consenso? Maritza Sotomayor, Utah Valley University Oportunidades De La Era Digital En La Construcción De Indicadores De Actividad Económica. Lya Sierra, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali Mercado Laboral Colombiano: Indice De Calidad Del Empleo Karina Manrique, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas Indicadores y Factores De Geográficos De Localización Industrial En Colombia En El Marco Del Análisis Institucional Hector Fuentes, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas El Índice De Desarrollo Transfronterizo (IDT) Para La Frontera De México-Estados Unidos Maria del Rosio Barajas, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte/Universidad Autonoma

N-16 Financial Institutions

Tuesday N: Finance and Society

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California, San Diego Moderator Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University Participants Regulating Innovation: UK, Fintech, and the Role of International Standard-Setting Bodies Post-Brexit Pedro Schilling de Carvalho, University of Cambridge How the Financialisation Occurred in the Insurance Industry: The Role of Economic Scenarios Generators Christian Walter, Kedge BS; FMSH, Collège d'études mondiales; Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Deflation – Lessons from the Japanese Experience Markus Heckel, Goethe University; German Institute For Japanese Studies Financial Institutions are Back in Town : housing in the Paris Ile-de-France region Patrick Le Galès, Sciences Po CNRS

O-12 Covid-19 and GVCs: Breakout Discussions

Tuesday O: Global Value Chains

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova Rory Horner, University of Manchester Timothy Sturgeon, MIT Gary Gereffi, Duke University Moderator Rory Horner, University of Manchester Participants

P-12 The Case for Corporate Sustainability: Implications for Company Law

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 141 Tuesday and Financial Accounting

12:00pm - 1:30pm P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizer Yuri Biondi, Cnrs Moderator Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management Participants Rebalancing Company Law and Regulation for Capital Maintenance. Colin Haslam, Queen Mary University of London Accounting for Sustainable Finance: Does Fair Value Accounting Fit for Long-Term Investment? VERA Palea, University of Torino The Role of Sub-Group Influence on Democratic Decision-Making: The Discursive Power of the ‘Fair Value Group’ at the Iasb Julia Morley, London School of Economics Does Accounting Measurement Influence Market Efficiency: A Laboratory Market Perspective Matthew Sooy, Ivey Business School

TH03-04 Time, Knowledge and Crisis

Tuesday TH03: Crisis, Temporality, and Governance

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Simone Polillo, University of Virginia Andre Vereta-Nahoum, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning, University of Sao Paulo Moderator Andre Vereta-Nahoum, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning, University of Sao Paulo Participants The Temporality of Climate Change: Acute Crisis or Permanent Catastrophe? Jonathon Catlin, Princeton University Temporary Organizations in Disaster Response: Crisis, Temporality, and Governance Malka Older, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (SciencesPo); centre de sociologie des organisations Anomic Futures? an Inquiry into the Relation of Crises and Perceptions of the Future Lisa Suckert, Max-Planck-Institute for the the Study of Societies Genome Editing in Crisis: Scientific Misconduct and Boundary Repair Santiago Molina, University of California, Berkeley

TH05-07 Entangled Histories of Colonialism & Development

Tuesday TH05: Decolonizing "Development": Theories, Methods and Research

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizer Julian Go, Boston University Moderator Ricarda Hammer, Brown University Participants A Legacy of the Nineteenth Century China's Incorporation Process into the Capitalist World-Economy: China’s Capitalist Transition Sung Hee Ru, State University of New York at Binghamton

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 142 Indigenous Dispossession, the Public Lands, and Early Government Promotion of Infrastructure in the United States Mary Shi, UC Berkeley Epistemi-Suicide As a Way for the Subaltern to Speak: Remembering the Atrocious Moment in Jeju, South Korea Veda Hyunjin Kim, University of Massachusetts Amherst

TH09-04 Business Response to Populism

Tuesday TH09: Global Populism and Business Elites

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Moderators Marcus Gomes, Cardiff Business School Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University Participants Business Elites and Populism Magnus Feldmann, University of Bristol Business Responses to the Rise of Authoritarian Populism and Economic Nationalism in the US David Levy, University of Massachusetts, Boston National Populism and Its Impact on the Ethical Dilemmas of Business Elites in the European Union Dorottya Sallai , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Business Associations and the Rise of Populism Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware

TH13-04 Global Health Governance: State-, Market-, and Firm- Level Tuesday Interventions

12:00pm - 1:30pm TH13: Regulation, Innovation, and Valuation in Markets for Health and Medicines

Session Organizers Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Moderator Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University Participants Deciding Modalities of Global Health Governance: What Facilitates or Hinders Public-Private Partnerships? Mao Suzuki, University of Southern California Changing Pharmaceutical Markets in the Global South Carine Baxerres, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Monitoring Drug Markets: From Biomedical to Social Valuation the Vicissitudes of the French Drug Agency (ANSM) Etienne Nouguez, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations Coordinating to Address Complex Problems: The World Health Organisation and the Case of Essential Medicines Adriana Nilsson, University of Liverpool

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 143 TH14-06 The Technology-State Capitalism Nexus

Tuesday TH14: State Capitalism and State-led Development in the 21st century: China 12:00pm - 1:30pm and Beyond Session Organizer Nana De Graaff, VU University Moderator Imogen Liu, Maastricht University Participants Symbiotic Imbroglios: State-Firm Alliances in China’s Biotechnology Industry Abigail Coplin, Vassar College, Department of Sociology and Program on Science, Technology, and Society The Epistemics of Surveillance Capitalism – the Infrastructural Inversion of the Chinese Social Credit System Afshin Mehrpouya, HEC Paris Julien Malaurent, ESSEC Business School From Technology Dependency to Technology Dominance: The Impact of the US- China Trade War on China’s Industrial Policy Zhibo Qiu, University of Oxford Overcoming the 'spillover Problem': The Politics of Innovation Policy Under Economic Globalization Erez Maggor, New York University Industrial Policies of Artificial Intelligence. Renaissance of the Interventionist State. Philipp Staab, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Dominik Pietron, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Discussant Arjan Reurink, Max Planck Institute

TH17-05 Financialization and the Changing Face of Welfare

Tuesday TH17: The Welfare State in Financial Times

12:00pm - 1:30pm Session Organizers Daniel Mertens, University of Osnabrück Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po Moderator Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po Participants From the Social Question to Social Impact Bonds. the Pricing Away of Social Risk Andrei Guter-Sandu, London School of Economics and Political Science ‘Cash Transfers and Changing Citizenship Boundaries in Pakistan’ Rehan Jamil, Brown University

Financialization Dynamics in the Brazilian Supplementary Health System: Are Medical Cooperatives Active Agents in the Financialization Process? Marcela Albuquerque, State University of Maringá; State University of Northern Paraná Mauricio Reinert, State University of Maringá How Private Health Insurance in France Became a Market? Gaël Coron, Arènes; EHESP Thomas Houssoy, Clersé; University of Lille

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 144

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 145 Participant Index

Accominotti, Fabien H-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Adler, Laura P-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT G-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Adriaans, Jule G-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Adrogue, Cecilia TH07-04 Monday, 9:00am EDT Aerne, Annatina B-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH07-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Afonso, Alexandre E-14 Monday, 9:00am EDT E-04 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Agarwala, Rina FP-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT FP-07 Monday, 2:00pm EDT

Ailon, Galit I-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Ainsworth, Susan E-07 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Ajdacic, Lena N-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Alami, Ilias TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Albuquerque, Marcela TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Aldhaheri, Mariam R-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Alenda, Juliette L-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Alford, Matt O-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT O-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Allais, Stephanie TH07-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH07-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Allegri, Chiara E-16 Monday, 9:00am EDT Allen, Matthew F-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Almond, Phil K-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Alonso, Nuria M-05 Monday, 9:00am EDT Alvarez-Herranz, Agustin B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT M-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Amengual, Matthew O-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT O-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

O-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Amini, Babak I-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Amoncio, Egbert F-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Amorim, Mariana N-09 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT Antón, José-Ignacio G-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT G-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Anuar, Amalina R-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Anzolin, Guendalina F-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Aoshima, Yaichi F-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Aragao, Roberto TH04-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH04-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Aras, Guler P-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 148 P-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Arndt, H. Lukas R. TH11-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT Arrazola Ovando, Emmanuel M-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Arslan, Melike L-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Arumsari, Vita R-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Assis, Karina M-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Asutay, Mehmet R-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Atal, Maha L-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT B-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Atria, Jorge TH11-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT Au, Larry F-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH13-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Avanzo, Sowelu Elios J-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Avdeev, Stanislav G-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Avdukic, Alija R-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT R-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Avent-Holt, Dustin G-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Avigur-Eshel, Amit TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Avlijas, Sonja TH05-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Aydin, Necati R-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT R-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Ayuniyyah, Qurroh R-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Azmat, Najma G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Babb, Sarah L-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT FP-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Babic, Milan TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Baccaro, Lucio E-17 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Bach, Maria TH04-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT Backes-Gellner, Uschi G-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Badger, Adam J-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Baehr, Sebastian G-13 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Baharav, Liron C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Bajenova, Tatyana L-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Balestro, Moises H-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT

M-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

H-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Baliga, Anitra B-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Balliester Reis, Thereza N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 149 N-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Balmas, Paolo TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Balsiger, Philip J-07 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT J-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

TH10-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Baltz, Matthew TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT TH09-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Ban, Cornel L-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Bandeira Melo, Gardiana I-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Bandelj, Nina N-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Banga, Karishma O-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Barajas, Maria del Rosio M-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Barber, Adam TH17-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Barbosa Pereira, Ana Carolina TH06-01 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Barinaga, Ester I-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Barral, Stephanie TH10-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Barrientos, Stephanie O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT O-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Barta, Zsofia N-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT N-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Bartley, Tim L-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT L-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT

L-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Baxerres, Carine TH13-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Bayurgil, Ladin K-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Bazzani, Giacomo TH12-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT I-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

I-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Bea, Megan N-09 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT N-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Beauvisage, Thomas J-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT J-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

J-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Bedard, Jean-Luc K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Beliard, Anne-Sophie D-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Bellido de Luna, Daina F-10 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Benassi, Chiara E-15 Monday, 9:00am EDT E-17 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Benavot, Aaron TH07-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH07-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Benites Gambirazio, Eliza TH08-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH11-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Berry, Craig TH17-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 150 Besamusca, JW E-19 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Besche, Fabian TH07-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Besedovsky, Natalia N-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT N-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

Bessiere, Celine J-07 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH08-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Beunza, Daniel N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Beuscart, Jean-Samuel J-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT J-17 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

J-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Bianchi, Michele I-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Bichara, Julimar G-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT M-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

M-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Bigger, Patrick TH10-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH10-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

TH10-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Billows, Sebastian L-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Bittmann, Simon L-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Blanc, Jerome I-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Blanchet, Yves G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Blank, Grant J-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Bobzien, Licia E-22 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Boehm, Steffen TH09-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Boersma, Martijn P-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Bogdanova, Elena H-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT H-11 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Boguslawski, Jan TH17-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Bohle, Dorothee Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT E-17 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

E-21 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Bolazzi, Floriane B-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT G-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Bolton, Chalem E-22 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Bonizzi, Bruno TH17-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Boon, J P-08 Monday, 4:00am EDT Botelho, Antonio H-12 Monday, 7:00pm EDT H-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Boudawara, Yossra R-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Boulanouar, Zakaria R-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Bould, Sally C-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Bourgeron, Theo TH13-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Boussard, Valérie D-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 151 D-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Boutroue, Betina TH10-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Bowkett, Cassandra K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Bozouls, Lorraine TH08-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Bozzon, Rossella TH04-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Bradlow, Benjamin B-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT B-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Braesemann, Fabian J-17 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Braga, Ruy FP-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Brandt, Philipp D-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Braun, Benjamin TH11-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH04-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

H-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Braun-Munzinger, Corinna O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Brause, Saba Rebecca J-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Brekke, Jaya Klara J-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Bremer, Bjoern E-24 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Brennan, Louis TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Brensinger, Jordan N-09 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT Breslau, Daniel TH10-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT TH10-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Brucksch, Susanne TH13-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH13-01 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Budd, John E-06 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Burbaumer, Benjamin H-13 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Burchardt, Tania TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Caliskan, Koray FP-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT J-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Camacho, Gabriela B-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Campbell, Miranda I-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Cansoy, Mehmet J-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT Cantin, Etienne K-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Cao, Mianzhi Francis Q-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Capote, Anthony TH05-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Carpano, Davide F-08 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Carrera, Jorge M-05 Monday, 9:00am EDT B-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Carruthers, Bruce N-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT N-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

N-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

N-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Castilho, Marta M-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 152 Castilla Carrascal, Ivette Tatiana I-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Castillo Robayo, Cristian Dario M-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT M-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Catlin, Jonathon TH03-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Celebi, Elifcan C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Cetrulo, Armanda E-19 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT G-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Chalaby, Jean O-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Charni, Kadija E-19 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Chen, Ding TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Chen, Katherine TH12-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Chen, Kenneth TH07-04 Monday, 9:00am EDT Chen, Muyang TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Chiavacci, David E-09 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Chica, Yolanda M-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Chiriboga, Andres N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Choksy, Umair O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Chorev, Nitsan FP-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT FP-10 Tuesday, 11:00am EDT

FP-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

FP-03 Saturday, 2:00pm EDT

Choudhury, Pradeep Kumar G-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT Q-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Cioffi, John P-06 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT L-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Claar, Simone Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT Clarence-Smith, Suryamayi I-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT Clarke, Thomas P-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT P-06 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT

P-08 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Collas, Thomas D-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Collier, Anne-Claire TH05-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Collington, Rosie TH17-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Conran, James C-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT E-10 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Coplin, Abigail F-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Coron, Gaël TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Crescenzi, Riccardo O-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Crespy, Amadine L-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Curran, Dean J-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Cutter, Jo TH10-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT da Silva Araujo, Larissa I-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Dales, Alexandra O-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 153 Dallas, Mark O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT B-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

O-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Dargent, Eduardo B-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Darr, Asaf J-07 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT J-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Davidson, Roei J-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT G-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT de Beer, Paul G-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT De Graaff, Nana TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT de la Torre, Eva M-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT de Lange, Sarah FP-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT De Marchi, Valentina O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT O-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

O-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

De Vivo, Paola B-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT de Vlieger, Jessica TH04-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Degens, Philipp N-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT I-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

I-11 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Delaney, Annie K-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Delgado, Jorge M-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT den Besten, Matthijs TH06-01 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT DeRock, Daniel TH04-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH04-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

DeSombre, Beth H-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Di Carlo, Donato E-17 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Diallo, Alexandre G-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Dias, Sabrina G-04 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT Dietrich, Hans G-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT G-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Dimitrova, Venetsiya D-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Dioun, Cyrus H-11 Monday, 12:00pm EDT H-14 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

DiTomaso, Nancy G-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT G-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Dixon, Adam TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Dobeson, Alexander L-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Dodaro, Maria TH17-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Doebbe, Friederike TH10-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Doellgast, Virginia SP-02 Sunday, 8:00am EDT G-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Doepking, Lars TH03-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 154 Doering, Heike Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT O-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Dolata, Ulrich J-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Dondeyne, Christele J-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT Dorlach, Tim B-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Douarin, Elodie C-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Driscoll, Daniel TH10-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH09-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Ducastel, Antoine TH10-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Dumay, Xavier E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Dupuis, Mathieu K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Durand, Samuel J-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Edwards, Zophia TH05-06 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT FP-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

TH05-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Eekhout, Thomas J-17 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Eggers, Thurid C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-13 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Ehlen, Ronny H-8 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Elder-Vass, Dave J-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT J-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT

N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

J-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

J-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Ellersgaard, Christoph Houman TH09-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT H-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Elliott, Rebecca TH10-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Emmenegger, Patrick TH07-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH11-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Ergen, Timur TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT TH04-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

J-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

J-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Erturk, Ismail TH10-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT TH10-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Escobar Hurtado, Martha M-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Esposito, Giovanni J-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Estevez-Abe, Margarita E-09 Sunday, 9:00am EDT G-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

FP-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

G-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 155 C-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Evrard, Zoe E-10 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Fabry, Adam B-07 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Fackler, Daniel G-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Fahel, Sofia M-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Fantacci, Luca P-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Farahmandpur, Ramin G-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Faulconbridge, James D-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT D-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Faust, Michael J-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Fechner, Heiner TH05-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Federman, Stav G-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Feldmann, Magnus E-08 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH09-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

TH09-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Fellini, Ivana G-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Fernández-Macías, Enrique G-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Ferrario, Marcela J-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Ferreira, Francisco FP-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Ferretti, Tommaso N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Fichtner, Jan H-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT H-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Filc, Dani TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Fink, Pierre-Christian N-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH03-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Flecher, Marion K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Fonseca, Dora E-06 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Fontdevila, Clara TH04-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Forster, Timon L-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Fossati, Flavia E-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT E-05 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Foster, Chase L-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

Fourcade, Marion N-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT FP-08 Monday, 3:00pm EDT

J-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Fragkandreas, Thanos F-10 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Franke, Milena J-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Fransen, Luc O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT O-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Fu, Zheng P-09 Monday, 9:00am EDT Fuentes, Hector M-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 156 Fujita, Mai H-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Fuller, Gregory A-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT B-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Funk, Lothar E-15 Monday, 9:00am EDT Galan, Raul TH09-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Gallegos, Francisca TH17-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Gallo, Giovanni G-13 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Galvao, Claudia a B-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Gandenberger, Mia E-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Gandlgruber, Bruno B-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Garchi, Camelia R-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Garcia Solana, Maria Jose M-07 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Garrick, Jessica L-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Garritzmann, Julian E-10 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-12 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Garrod, Joel J-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Gelis-Filho, Antonio B-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Gerber, Christine J-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Gereffi, Gary O-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Ghalleb, Nabil G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Ghosh, Ritwick TH10-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH10-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH10-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

TH10-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Gibadullina, Albina N-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Giering, Oliver F-10 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Gillet, Anne C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT C-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

C-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Giunta, Anna O-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT O-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Gjata, Joris N-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Go, Julian TH05-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Gobbi, Lucio P-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Godechot, Olivier N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Gokmenoglu, Birgan TH12-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Gomec, Emre H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Gomes, Marcus TH09-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH09-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Gomez, Matias N-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Gomez, Nerea M-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Gonzalez, Felipe TH03-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT N-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Gonzalez-Canton, Cesar M-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 157 I-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Gonzalez-Vicente, Ruben TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Gorbatai, Andreea H-11 Monday, 12:00pm EDT J-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Gorman, Elizabeth D-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT D-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Goto, Masashi F-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT Graf, Lukas TH07-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Grages, Christopher C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-13 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Graham, Ciara TH03-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Gray, Ian H-11 Monday, 12:00pm EDT D-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Greco, Gian Luca P-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Greenan, Nathalie E-19 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Greer, Ian E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Griesbach, Kathleen TH12-03 Monday, 7:00pm EDT Grodzicki, Maciej E-23 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Gualandi, Sofia K-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Guarascio, Dario G-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Guimaraes, Alexandre B-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Guironnet, Antoine N-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Gultom, Yohanna Q-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Gundert, Stefanie G-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Guo, Hongbo B-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Gupta, Mohit Kumar P-08 Monday, 4:00am EDT Guseva, Alya N-09 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH13-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

FP-11 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

N-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Guter-Sandu, Andrei TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Gutzeit, Marie F-08 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Hadziabdic, Sinisa E-06 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Hage, Jerald F-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Haipeter, Thomas E-15 Monday, 9:00am EDT Hakiem, Hilman R-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Halawa, Mateusz TH08-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH08-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Hamidi, M Luthfi R-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Hammer, Ricarda TH05-07 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT TH05-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Hansen, Kristian N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 158 Harrigan, Shaquilla B-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Hasegawa, Shinji G-04 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT Haslam, Colin P-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT P-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Hassel, Anke E-07 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Haufe, Paula N-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Haveman, Heather H-12 Monday, 7:00pm EDT Hayes, Adam J-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT N-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Hayter, Susan E-20 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Heckel, Markus TH03-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT N-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Heeb, Stefan E-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Heinrich, Steffen E-09 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Helbert, Maryse I-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Heller, David F-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Heller, Patrick FP-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT FP-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Hellweg, Talea G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Hendrikse, Reijer TH17-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Herlin-Giret, Camille TH08-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Herman, Eva K-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Herrero, Daniel F-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Hesse, Casimir D-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Hirota, Shinichi P-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Hjertaker, Ingrid L-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Hoeppner, Dr. Julia E-13 Monday, 4:00am EDT Hofstetter, Joerg H-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT O-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Hondros, Konstantin J-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT D-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Hong, Seung Yeun C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Hooijer, Gerda E-05 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Hopkin, Jonathan E-14 Monday, 9:00am EDT Horner, Rory O-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT O-11 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

O-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Horvath, Aaron N-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Houben, Nikolaus I-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Houssoy, Thomas TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Hoyer, Patrizia TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Hsieh, John Q-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Hu, Jieren A-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 159 Hübscher, Evelylne E-17 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Huetten, Moritz L-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Hughes, Matthieu TH04-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Hunt, Tom O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Hunt, Wil J-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Hwang, Suk-Man Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Hyman, Mikell TH17-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT N-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Ibata-Arens, Kathryn TH13-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH13-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

TH13-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

TH13-01 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Igra, Mark J-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Iliopoulos, Panagiotis O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Imai, Jun E-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Inal, Irem N-05 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT Indukaev, Andrey N-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Iskander, Natasha FP-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Islam, Nabila TH05-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH05-06 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Ivory, Tristan C-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Izhar, Hylmun R-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT R-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

J. Schneiberg, Marc I-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Jackson, Jason TH05-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT J-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH05-06 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

FP-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Jacobsen, Heike F-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT TH10-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

James, Walter L-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT Jamil, Rehan TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Janietz, Christoph G-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Jannot, Angele C-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Jeanningros, Hugo J-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Jepson, Nick TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Jespersen, Sara H-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Jimenez Solis, Sebastian Antonio M-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Jiménez, María Leonela M-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Joi Martins, Thais G-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Jordan, Tim J-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Jourdain, Anne J-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT J-07 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

J-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 160 J-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Judge, Brian N-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT J-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Jung, Jiwook H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT N-05 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT

Kabouche, Noe I-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Kalanta, Marius E-23 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Kalinowski, Thomas B-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT

TH10-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Kallifatides, Markus TH09-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Kang, Sou Hwan TH06-01 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Kaplan, Rami H-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT H-13 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Kapturkiewicz, Agata F-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT Q-08 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Karas, David TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Karube, Masaru H-8 Monday, 4:00am EDT Kawamura, Ai R-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT R-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Kawsar, Najmul Haque R-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Kay, Tamara K-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Kemp, Rene I-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Kenney, Martin J-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT J-17 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Kentikelenis, Alexander L-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Kerr, Ron TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Khan, Hayat R-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Khlif, Wafa L-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT P-06 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT

Kiefel, Max E-16 Monday, 9:00am EDT E-24 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Kiener, Fabienne G-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Kim, Byeongsik F-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Kim, SangBae E-22 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Kim, Sun H-12 Monday, 7:00pm EDT Kim, Veda Hyunjin TH05-07 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Kinderman, Daniel H-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH09-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

TH09-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Kintzi, Kendra TH05-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Kiviat, Barbara TH12-03 Monday, 7:00pm EDT Klebaner, Samuel H-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Klein, Galit I-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 161 Knox, Angie E-07 Sunday, 4:00am EDT

Kob, Julius N-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT J-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Koch, Theresa G-13 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Kohl, Sebastian TH17-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT L-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Kohli, Atul FP-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Kolk, Ans O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Korom, Philipp TH11-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Kotosaka, Masahiro F-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT Koutsimpogiorgos, Nikolaos F-10 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Krampf, Arie H-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT H-13 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

H-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Krause, Monika D-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Krishnan, Aarti O-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

O-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Kristal, Tali H-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT Krozer, Alice TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Kruglova, Maria Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Kumar, Sujeet A-01 Sunday, 4:00am EDT B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Kupzok, Nils TH10-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Laamanen, Mikko I-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT I-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Lafuente-Sampietro, Oriane I-11 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Lagna, Andrea H-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Lalaki, Despina A-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Lam, Alice G-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Lamare, J. Ryan E-06 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Lanata Briones, Cecilia TH04-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Langford, Natalie O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Langmead, Kiri I-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Larsson-Olaison, Ulf H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Laryea, Krystal A-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Lassnigg, Lorenz TH07-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Laudenbach, Franziska TH07-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Laurence, Lisa G-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT P-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Laurence, Nicolas I-11 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Lavery, Scott TH17-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 162 B-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Lavinas, Lena FP-11 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Lazarus, Jeanne TH17-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Le Galès, Patrick N-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Le Gros, Ludivine G-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Lebdioui, Amir F-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Leber, Ute G-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT G-13 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Lechevalier, Sebastien E-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Lechowski, Grzegorz O-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Lee, Ga-eun G-04 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT Lee, Joonkoo O-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT O-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Lee, Keun F-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT FP-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Lee, Sujin G-04 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT Lee, Sumin J-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Lehdonvirta, Vili J-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Lemoine, Benjamin N-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT FP-11 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Lendvai-Bainton, Noemi B-07 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Lenglet, Marc L-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Lenz, Sarah N-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Lepers, Etienne N-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Leslie, Camilo L-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Levy, David TH09-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Li, Chen TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Li, Chunyun L-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Li, Kristine Q-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Li, Yuemin N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Lierse, Hanna TH11-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH11-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Lim, Hyun-Chin Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Limberg, Julian TH11-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Lin, Ying-Yin F-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Lis, Aleksandra TH10-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT Lissowska, Maria P-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Liu, Chuncheng N-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Liu, Imogen TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 163 TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

LIU, JIA F-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Loescher, Anne N-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Long, Yan J-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT López-Gallego, Julián F-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Lopez-Portillo, Maria TH03-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Loveridge, Raymond A-01 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Lozano Alcantara, Alberto E-16 Monday, 9:00am EDT Lu, Wan-Zi TH13-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Q-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Lu, Yi-Chen TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Luca, Anastasia Maria G-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT G-04 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT

Luethje, Boy Q-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Q-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

Q-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Lund-Thomsen, Peter O-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Luo, Wei L-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT N-05 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT

Macalos, Joao Pedro P-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Macedo Ruiz, Edith Cecilia B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Madariaga, Aldo M-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT B-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

FP-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Maggor, Erez TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Magnani, Elisabetta O-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Mahlert, Bettina TH05-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Maignan, Marion I-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Maillet, Antoine B-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Malaurent, Julien TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Mangla, Akshay B-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH07-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Mann, Liz TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Manrique, Karina M-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Manzo, Cecilia J-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Mao, Zhuqing O-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Marcolin, Arianna J-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Marktanner, Alina D-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Maron, Asa TH17-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Marsden, David G-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT G-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Martindale, Nicholas J-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT Matas, David D-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Mathou, Cécile E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 164 May, Christian H-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT

McCarthy, Michael N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT McNamara, Dennis Q-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT McNeill, Kristen N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT Meardi, Guglielmo E-04 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Medina Bueno, José Luis M-07 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Medved, Caryn C-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT C-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Mehrpouya, Afshin TH13-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Mellet, Kevin J-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Mennillo, Giulia N-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Menon, Pranav TH10-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Mertens, Daniel TH17-04 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Meyer, Daniel G-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Mezihorak, Petr TH12-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Min, Bo Hee N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Mische, Ann TH12-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Molina, Santiago F-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH03-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Molnar, Virag H-14 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Morandi, Lucilene B-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT C-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Moreno, Atziri G-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Moreno, Itzel G-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Morgan, Glenn O-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH09-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

TH09-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Morley, Julia P-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Morlin, Guilherme E-23 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Moullin, Sophie G-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT G-04 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT

Mueller, Armin Q-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Mügge, Daniel TH04-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH04-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Muguet, Flore I-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Muir, Kevin B-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Mulayim, Gokhan H-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Mun, Eunmi C-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Murray, Gregor K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 165 Musaraj, Smoki P-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Musitz, Lia Q-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Nadella, Venkat B-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Nadvi, Khalid O-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Nanavaty, Reema Rameshchandra TH07-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Naulin, Sidonie J-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT D-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Negash, Samir Mustafa E-05 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Nemkova, Ekaterina J-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Neuber-Pohl, Caroline G-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Nguyen, Thanh C-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Nielsen, Klaus Q-08 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Nijland, Jelle P-08 Monday, 4:00am EDT Nilsson, Adriana TH13-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT TH13-01 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Noack, Anika F-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Noelke, Andreas Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Norgaard, Stefan B-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Nougues, Tomas TH17-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Nouguez, Etienne TH13-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH13-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

TH13-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

TH13-01 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Nutz, Theresa TH08-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT O'Brady, Sean G-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT O'Reilly, Jacqueline SP-02 Sunday, 8:00am EDT O'Reilly, Jaqueline E-20 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT O'Rourke, Brendan TH03-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Oatley, Thomas N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Obst, Daniel G-13 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Ochoa Leon, Sara G-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Oellerich, Nils E-21 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Ohlert, Clemens J-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Olcon-Kubicka, Marta N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT N-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Older, Malka TH03-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Olivier, Raphael TH10-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH10-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Ortiz, Horacio N-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT P-10 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Osheroff, Yair E-11 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT D-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 166 Osiander, Christopher G-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Ötsch, Silke TH03-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Padron Hernandez, Ivar F-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Pais, Ivana J-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Paiva-Silva, Joao TH14-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT Palas, Rimona P-08 Monday, 4:00am EDT Palea, Vera P-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Palffy, Patricia G-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Palpacuer, Florence O-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Papaud, Simon N-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Pardi, Tommaso F-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH10-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Pardo Guerra, Juan Pablo N-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

F-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

N-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Parra-Lancourt, Mariangela B-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Parth, Anne-Marie E-12 Monday, 4:00am EDT TH07-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Pasquier, Vincent E-15 Monday, 9:00am EDT Passos, Nikolas H-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

Pauls, Robert B-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Q-08 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Pedersini, Roberto E-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Pedrazzoli, Agustin N-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Pegoraro, Diletta O-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Peinert, Erik L-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT H-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Pekcoskun, Kemal R-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Pepin, Christian B-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Perez Ortiz, Laura M-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT M-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Perez, Sofia FP-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Perez-Aleman, Paola F-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Perfeito da Silva, Pedro M-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT N-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Pericoli, Altea R-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Perraton, Jonathan N-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT N-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Perrig, Luca J-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 167 Perticone, Yannick J-17 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Peters, John E-11 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Petit, Heloise E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Petrova, Bilyana E-08 Sunday, 9:00am EDT E-16 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Petry, Johannes H-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT H-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Peyrin, Aurelie E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Pfau-Effinger, Birgit C-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-13 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Pietron, Dominik TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Piganiol, Marie N-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Pinzur, David TH10-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT H-14 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Piron, Damien TH17-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT P-11 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Plys, Kristin TH05-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT TH05-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Podvrsic, Ana N-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Pohl, Simon J-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT Pohler, Nina I-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Polillo, Simone TH03-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH03-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Ponce Pineda, Hassel Guadalupe M-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Ponte, Stefano O-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT O-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT

O-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Pool, Hannah N-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Potier, Victor TH12-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Powell, Justin J.W. TH07-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Preda, Alex FP-11 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Predmore, Signe D-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Pugliese, Maude TH08-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH08-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Pula, Besnik E-08 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Pulignano, Valeria K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

E-20 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

K-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Qi, Hao J-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT Qiu, Zhibo Q-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Quack, Sigrid L-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT D-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 168 Quinn, Sarah ,

FP-11 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Quiroga, Eduardo M-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Quisumbing King, Katrina FP-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Rabellotti, Roberta O-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Rached, Gabriel B-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT N-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Rademacher, Inga TH03-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Radhakrishnan, Smitha C-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Rafferty, Anthony G-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT G-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Ramizo, Godofredo Jr J-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Ranaldi, Marco E-16 Monday, 9:00am EDT Rangoni, Bernardo L-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT Rao Cavale, Karthik TH05-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Raspanti, Dario L-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT Rath, Johanna D-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Rathgeb, Philip E-14 Monday, 9:00am EDT Refslund, Bjarke E-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Regalia, Ida E-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Regan, Aidan E-21 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Rehm, Miriam TH08-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH11-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Reichelt, Malte C-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Reinert, Mauricio TH17-05 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Rella, Ludovico J-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Resheteeva, Regina TH12-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Reurink, Arjan TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Ribas, Vanesa TH05-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Richardson, Edana R-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT R-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Riley, Dylan FP-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Ritchie, Holly F-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Rivero, Patricia M-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Robinson, Hilary J-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT J-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Rocha, Robson I-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Rodriguez Menés, Jorge G-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Rodriguez, Leslie M-05 Monday, 9:00am EDT Rolf, Steven TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Romero Puente, Jose David M-07 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Rona-Tas, Akos SP-03 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 169 N-14 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

N-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

SP-01 Saturday, 11:00am EDT

N-05 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT

Rosenbohm, Sophie K-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Rothstein, Sidney E-23 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Rotman, Assaf C-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Rowlingson, Karen TH11-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Ru, Sung Hee TH05-07 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Rudakov, Victor G-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Ruiner, Caroline SP-02 Sunday, 8:00am EDT J-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

J-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Ruiz San Roman, José A-01 Sunday, 4:00am EDT A-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Ruiz, Ana M-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Rupietta, Christian G-06 Sunday, 4:00am EDT G-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

Ryan, Joan B-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Rycombel, Marlena I-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Sacchi, Stefano E-07 Sunday, 4:00am EDT E-24 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Sachweh, Patrick TH11-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH11-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Sako, Mari F-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT D-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

D-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Sala, Adrienne E-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Sallai , Dorottya FP-05 Sunday, 2:00pm EDT TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH09-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

TH09-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

H-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Salverda, Wiemer TH11-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT Samiolo, Rita E-20 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Sancak, Merve TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

E-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Sanchez Ancochea, Diego FP-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Sano, Kazuko C-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Santana, Carlos Henrique J-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Saracevic, Nerma R-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 170 R-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Sauer, Petra TH07-04 Monday, 9:00am EDT E-05 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Schechtl, Manuel C-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Scheiring, Gabor B-07 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Schiller-Merkens, Simone TH12-02 Monday, 12:00pm EDT I-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Schilling de Carvalho, Pedro N-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Schindler, Sabine G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Schlegel, Tobias G-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Schleifer, Philip O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Schmidt, Vivien L-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Schneidemesser, Lea O-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Q-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Schnelle, Diana TH10-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Schnyder, Gerhard Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT TH14-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Schoenberger, Francois N-08 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Schoonejans, Alice TH05-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Schrank, Andrew L-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Schrape, Jan-Felix TH12-03 Monday, 7:00pm EDT Schuessler, Elke J-07 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT J-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT

J-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

J-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Schultheiss, Tobias G-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Segal, Paul B-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Seitzl, Lina TH07-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Serdijn, Merel O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Serrano, Sophie L-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Setianingrum, Any R-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Settle, Antonia N-09 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT Shadlen, Kenneth FP-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Shafii, Zurina R-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT R-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Shalem, Yael TH07-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Shanahan, Genevieve I-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Shaukat, Mughees R-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Shenoy, Padmavathi H-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Shi, Mary TH05-07 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Shin, Eun Kyong TH06-01 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Shin, Solee Q-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Shire, Karen G-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 171 G-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

G-14 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

G-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Shokooh-Valle, Firuzeh TH05-05 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Sidek, Noor Zahirah Mohd R-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Sierra, Lya M-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Signoretti, Andrea G-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Signoretto, Camille E-18 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Silva, Dario M-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Silva, David M-08 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Sitrin, Marina I-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Soares, Romulo H-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT P-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

Song, Min Young D-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Sooy, Matthew L-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT P-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Sotomayor, Maritza M-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Soylemez, Busra B-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT


Spears, Taylor N-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Spicer, Jason K-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT I-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Spielau, Alexander N-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Spielberger, Lukas E-21 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT St-Denis, Xavier E-11 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Staab, Philipp TH14-06 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Stamm, Isabell F-08 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Stanescu, Catalin N-11 Monday, 9:00am EDT P-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Starke, Peter B-10 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Starrs, Sean TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Stausholm, Saila D-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Steen Knudsen, Jette H-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT O-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

Storz, Cornelia F-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Sturgeon, Timothy O-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Suckert, Lisa TH12-03 Monday, 7:00pm EDT TH03-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Suh, Ellie TH08-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Sulbout, Jerome G-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Sumer, Levent R-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Summers, Kate A-01 Sunday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 172 TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Sunder, Shyam P-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT P-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Supriyanto, Trisiladi R-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Suzuki, Mao TH13-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT TH13-01 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Svetlova, Ekaterina P-11 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Szabo, Linda TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Szanyi, Miklos TH09-01 Monday, 9:00am EDT Tabata, Mayumi Q-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Tafuro, Sara C-04 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Talmud, Ilan J-06 Sunday, 9:00am EDT H-14 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Tassinari, Arianna E-04 Saturday, 9:00am EDT E-06 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Teipen, Christina B-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT F-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT

ten Brink, Tobias Q-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Q-06 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Tesche, Tobias TH04-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Theo, Theo P-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Thomsen, Lotte O-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Thornton, Christy TH05-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Tian, Miao Q-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Tijdens, Kea O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT E-19 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Tisch, Daria TH08-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Tomassetti, Julia L-04 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Toplišek, Alan B-07 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Toprak, Muhammet Bedrettin R-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT Toumi, Kaouther R-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT R-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

G-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Trappmann, Vera J-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle C-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Trillo, David M-05 Monday, 9:00am EDT Tsingou, Eleni L-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT L-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

L-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Tsujiguchi, Fernanda F-08 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Tuchkov, Arkadiy G-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 173 Turnbull, Shann P-05 Sunday, 9:00am EDT P-06 Sunday, 7:00pm EDT

Tzanetakis, Meropi J-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Ulbrich, Viktor G-15 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Um, Kyusook Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Umemura, Maki H-05 Sunday, 4:00am EDT H-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT

F-08 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Unterweger, Daniel TH07-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT Utomo, Puguh TH07-04 Monday, 9:00am EDT Vale, Mira TH06-01 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Valenzuela, Jose Maria L-08 Monday, 9:00am EDT B-09 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Vampa, Davide TH09-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Van Assche, Ari O-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT van den Toren, Jan Peter F-09 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT van der Heide, Arjen N-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT van der Zwan, Natascha TH17-03 Monday, 12:00pm EDT H-04 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT van Doorn, Lars E-11 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Van Elsen, Greg L-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Van Heijster, Joan TH04-02 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH04-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT

Van Klaveren, Maarten O-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT E-19 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Van Overbeke, Toon E-21 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT van Slageren, Jaap J-15 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT van t Klooster, Jens L-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT N-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT van Vliet, Olaf E-11 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT E-05 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Vargha, Zsuzsanna J-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Vazquez, Daniel M-07 Monday, 12:00pm EDT B-02 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Veldman, Jeroen H-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Verdoes, Tim P-08 Monday, 4:00am EDT Vereta-Nahoum, Andre TH03-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT TH03-04 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Vicent, Lucia M-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Vieta, Marcelo I-09 Monday, 12:00pm EDT I-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Villanueva, Paloma M-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Vinas, Ana M-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 174 Vincent-Mory, Claire TH05-06 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Voss, Dustin E-21 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Waitkus, Nora TH11-01 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT

Wallut, Quentin TH04-03 Monday, 9:00am EDT Walter, Christian N-16 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Walwei, Ulrich G-07 Sunday, 9:00am EDT G-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Wang, Chendi E-10 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Wang, Hongshu F-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Wang, Jue Q-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT L-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Wang, Junmin C-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Wang, Tao H-8 Monday, 4:00am EDT D-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Wang, Weijie Q-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Wang, Yingyao FP-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Wang, Zi E-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Warhurst, Christopher G-09 Monday, 4:00am EDT G-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

Weber, Isabella Maria Q-05 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Weinhardt, Clara TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT P-09 Monday, 9:00am EDT

TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Weishaupt, Timo E-04 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Weissphal, Markus G-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Weisstanner, David E-12 Monday, 4:00am EDT Weststar, Johanna K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

White, Alexandre TH05-03 Sunday, 9:00am EDT TH05-04 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT

FP-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Wiedemann, Andreas TH17-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT E-24 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT

Wigan, Duncan O-07 Monday, 4:00am EDT Wilam, Tytus TH11-04 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Wilke, Christian Manfred G-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Williams, Paul P-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Winecoff, William TH14-05 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT Wittek, Bernhard G-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Wolf, Andrew J-13 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Wolff, Emily E-03 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Wolfmayr, Georg H-14 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Wood, Alex J-01 Saturday, 9:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 175 Wood, Geoff F-02 Saturday, 9:00am EDT Wood, James TH17-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT Wu, Meiyun K-02 Monday, 9:00am EDT K-03 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Wu, Shuping F-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Xu, Xiaohong TH03-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Yakubovich, Valery F-12 Tuesday, 12:00pm EDT Yang, Jonghoe Q-07 Monday, 9:00am EDT Yang, Shengnan J-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Yeung, Henry O-01 Saturday, 4:00am EDT Yip, Heung Tung N-05 Saturday, 7:00pm EDT Zayim, Ayca N-10 Monday, 9:00am EDT Zeitlin, Jonathan L-06 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT L-03 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT

Zhang, Yunpeng TH14-01 Monday, 4:00am EDT

Zhao, Wei Q-03 Sunday, 4:00am EDT Q-08 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

Q-09 Tuesday, 9:00am EDT

Zheng, Wenjuan J-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Zheng, Yang A-02 Sunday, 12:00pm EDT Zhou, Yimang N-12 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Zhu, Jingqi D-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Zillian, Stella E-05 Saturday, 12:00pm EDT Zou, Na Q-08 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT Zubiaurre, Arantza B-06 Monday, 12:00pm EDT Zucker-Marques, Marina TH14-04 Tuesday, 4:00am EDT

SASE 2020 Virtual Conference – Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution 176 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119614 Tel: +65 68702447 Email: [email protected] Visit ISEAS Bookshop website: https://bookshop.iseas.edu.sg/

The Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) is Contemporary Southeast Asia (CSEA) is one of the SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia a peer-reviewed journal focusing on economic issues ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute’s flagship publications. is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of pertaining to countries in the region – defined as the Now in its fourth decade of publication, CSEA has social and cultural issues in Southeast Asia. It publishes ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian succeeded in building up an international reputation empirical and theoretical research articles with a view Nations (ASEAN) and East Timor. JSEAE welcomes as one of Southeast Asia’s premier academic journals. to promoting and disseminating scholarship in and on articles using orthodox economic approaches as well The aim of the peer reviewed journal is to provide the region. Areas of special concern include ethnicity, as those of a more heterodox nature. Oriented at subscribers with up to date and in-depth analysis of religion, tourism, urbanization, migration, popular both researchers and policy-makers, the journal seeks critical trends and developments in Southeast Asia culture, social and cultural change, and development. to reconcile the ideals of relevance, methodological and the wider Asia-Pacific region. The primary focus of Fields most often represented in the journal are rigour, and accessibility. the journal is on issues related to domestic politics in anthropology, sociology and history. The journal Southeast Asian countries, regional architecture and includes articles, research notes and comments, Published by the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute tri- community building, military, strategic and security annually, JSEAE includes: articles based on original notices on conferences, workshops and seminars, and affairs, conflict zones and relations among the Great book reviews, as well as occasional English translations research; research notes; review articles; and book Powers. CSEA publishes authoritative, insightful and reviews. Once a year, the Journal publishes a Special of pivotal research published in Southeast Asian original contributions from scholars, think-tank analysts, languages. Issue devoted entirely to a topic of import for the journalists and policy-makers from across the globe. region. Published annually in March, July and November. Published annually in April, August and December. Published annually in April, August and December. SOJOURN is indexed in SCOPUS. CSEA has attained an impact factor of 1.020 in Social JSEAE is indexed in SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sciences Citation Index 2018 and is ranked 18th by Annual Subscription: Sources Citation Index) Google Scholar Metrics 2018 in the Asian Studies and Individual US$90.00 Annual Subscription: History category. Institution US$167.00 ISSN: 0217-9520 Individual US$94.00 Annual Subscription: Institution US$175.00 Individual US$71.00 ISSN: 2339-5095 Institution US$113.00 ISSN: 0129-797X

Non-Traditional Security The e-commerce market According to some observers, This book is the first to explore “Southeast Asian Affairs, first Issues in ASEAN examines the has grown rapidly within Southeast Asian Islam is how heritage is used as aid and published in 1974, continues current state of governance the ASEAN region in recent undergoing a conservative diplomacy by various agencies today to be required reading of non-traditional security years. This trend is expected turn. This means voices to produce knowledge, power, for not only scholars but the challenges confronting the to continue in the future that champion humanist, values and geopolitics in the general public interested in ASEAN region. The book takes given the region’s large progressive or moderate global heritage regime. It in-depth analysis of critical an issue-specific approach to population base, rising middle- ideas are located on the represents an interdisciplinary cultural, economic and political investigating how ASEAN states class and improvements in fringes of society. Is this endeavour to feature a issues in Southeast Asia. In this and societies govern many of connectivity. This edited assessment accurate for a diversity of situations where annual review of the region, the pressing non-traditional volume examines the current region that used to be known cultural heritage is invoked or renowned academics provide security issues, such as state of e-commerce in ASEAN for promoting the “smiling promoted to serve interests comprehensive and stimulating climate change, food security, countries. It highlights some face of Islam”? Alternative or visions that supposedly commentary that furthers environmental protection, of the key domestic and Voices in Muslim Southeast transcend local or national understanding of not only the humanitarian assistance and cross-border challenges faced Asia examines the challenges paradigms. This collection of region’s dynamism but also of disaster response, health by ASEAN member states facing progressive voices articles thus not only considers its tensions and conflicts. It is a security, nuclear security, and in developing e-commerce. in Indonesia, Malaysia and processes of “UNESCO-ization” must read.” human trafficking and forced These challenges include of heritage (or their equivalents Singapore today. It examines – Suchit Bunbongkarn, displacement. This book the regulatory and legal their discourses, which delve when conducted by other moves beyond securitization environment in which international or national actors) Emeritus Professor, into how multiculturalism and Chulalongkorn University and focuses on capacity- e-commerce firms operate secularism are the way forward by exploring the diplomatic building, regional cooperation across ASEAN, and the for the diverse societies of and developmentalist politics Hard cover US$42.90 and institutions for dealing supporting infrastructure in these three countries. of heritage-making at play and 978-981-4881-30-2 with non-traditional security ASEAN member states. its transformational impact on challenges in the region. Soft coverUS$29.90 societies. Soft coverUS$38.90 978-981-4843-80-5 Soft coverUS$29.90 978-981-4818-78-0 Soft coverUS$29.90 978-981-4881-08-1 978-981-4881-15-9

Bringing Southeast Asia to the World SASE 2020 VIRTUAL STAND

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