Summer 2015 Integratededucation NICIE welcomes integrated institution, a number of practical status for Loughries PS steps will be taken by the staff and Governors including changes In This Issue... The Northern Ireland Council for to the Governing body, a review of Integrated Education (NICIE) is the curriculum programmes including RE and staff training and delighted at the Education Minister, NICIE Welcomes Integrated John O’Dowd’s decision to approve development.Loughries Integrated Status For Loughries PS the transformation to integrated Primary School will continue to Response to Ministerial status of Loughries PS in the greater serve children of all faiths and Decision on Mallusk Primary School Newtownards area. none in Loughries, and will NICIE Welcomes Continuing Post Demand for an integrated primary provide for the first time integrated Primary Integrated Education In Crumlin school in the wider Newtownards provision for those residing within NICIE News—Meetings area has grown and since the the Greater Ards area. IIEW 2016 successful ballot, Loughries PS has APTIS, VPIn Forum This Issue...and ISFA been working closely with NICIE to Both Sides Now develop and implement a School Trips comprehensive transformation Integrated School News action plan and will continue to do Roundup so now approval has been given. Diana Awards In order to ensure that the school Killyleagh PS Development becomes a fully integrated Proposal Dates for your diary Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education 25 College Gardens, Belfast, BT9 6BS Tel. 02890 972910 Fax. 02890 972919
[email protected] Response to Ministerial Decision on Mallusk Primary School The Principal and Governors of Mallusk Primary School and The Grange of Mallusk Steering Group welcome the Minister’s decision to allow Mallusk Primary School to transform to Controlled Integrated status.