The Rotary Club of District No. 5360 VOL. 24 No. 40 Next Week’’’ s Speaker  Ann McCaig - Philanthropy April 17, 2007 Mavericity Has Helped to Create Reporter Doug MacDonald a Dynamic City...

Potts became the legend behind the History, as Nancy Millar said thanking success of the Mounties. Ms. Van Herk, is not boring. Stories like Is it mavericsity, mavericity or D. W. Davis; our first Member of Par- maverisity? Fred Bagley’s story (and Old Buck) is liament is anything but boring. Who would have guessed the province that Aritha Van Herk coined this word at elected Bible Bill Aberhart would Rotary today. No one knows for sure send an American born whiskey how to spell it. Nevertheless, it’s a trader to Ottawa as its first MP. word that captured the essence of her presentation about The Mavericks: Ranchers like Sam Livingston and An Incorrigible History of , John Ware are part of the exhibit. So her book and the new permanent ex- is bronc rider Tom Threepersons. The hibition at the . legendary saddle bronc Cyclone put 148 cowboys in the dust before Based on her 2001 book, the exhibi- Threepersons came along. tion chronicles 48 Alberta Mavericks who are the essence of what made It’s not just men who make up the Mav- Alberta the place and people we are. ericks. Mary Dover made the list. Be- fore Mary came along, the Canadian Take David Thompson for example. Women’s Army Corp wasn’t well re- Americans lionize Lewis and Clark spected. She changed that. who explored the west yet most Ca- Our delightful speaker, Aritha Van Herk... nadians don’ know that Thompson Offile the photo three living Mavericks, Aretha travelled almost 60,000 km explor- highlighted Peter Lougheed. The a great story too. He managed to be- former Premier of Alberta proved he is ing and mapping our west. Lewis & come a Mountie at 16 because another Clark didn’t cover 20% of that distance. a Maverick last year when he ques- future NWMP Commissioner talked tioned the wisdom of the unbridled Then there is Jerry Potts. The NWMP Bagley’s father into letting him go as a growth in Alberta. were a sorry lot when they dragged into bugler. Fred saw the horse he wanted . Future Commissioner but it was assigned to another Mountie. Aritha was right, she only had room for 48 James Macleod realized the perilous He offered to hold the horse so the in- Mavericks in her book but there are count- situation so he travelled to Fort Benton, ebriated Mountie could go for another less hundreds more and some of today’s to hire Potts as his chief guide. drink and kept the horse until it retired. Alberta Mavericks are in our Rotary Club.

President: Bill Walsh • RI President: William B.Boyd Club Secretary-Larry Shelley • Treasurer-Keith Pedersen • Past President-Bill Redmond • President Elect-Michael Broadhurst Club Service Programs-Thalia Kingsford • Club Service Fellowship-Ron Robertson • Club Service Communications-Tom Loucks • Club Service Membership-Bill Keech Community Service International-David Irving • Community Service Youth-Lee Tunstall • Community Service Fund Raising-Joe Fras • Community Service Involvement-Murray Young

Calgary, Alberta • Chartered April 1914 • Club #113 • Sandra Elliott-Administrator Suite 310, The Kahanoff Centre, 1202 Centre Street S., Alberta T2G 5A5 • T el: (403) 398-9969 • Fax: (403) 264-2393 Website: • email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Monday - Friday • Sandra leaves the Rotary office on T uesday morning at 10:30a.m. New member, Carol Heitmann, with Aldo Brussoni and Pres. Bill... Rotarians John Russell, Curly Galbraith and Gerald Watkins relax before the meeting... THE MEETING

Listening to Aritha Van Herk today, proves to meet Ed and know what a unique per- Lindenbach and Hank Popoff who made sure how lucky we are to have Larry Shelley. son he was. Trust Larry to find the great our stay-in-school youth were in the picture Each week, Larry chronicles the accom- stories about Ed and in the Reach announcement about our dona- plishments of Calgarians who were Mav- and trust Larry to pay tribute to Ed with tion. President Bill’s description of the pa- ericks. Today, Larry focused on two Mav- Nomi Whalen in the room.Through the ef- per war involved doesn’t do it justice. ericks – one included in Van Herk’s book. forts of Ed Whalen, Stu Hart, and others Both Stu Hart and Ed Whalen exemplify like them, we have most certainly become, There are two important district events Van Herk’s definition of a Maverick – a perhaps, the greatest city in the world. coming up. The District Conference is in unique character, forward looking, crea- Red Deer, May 25-27. On June 4, RI Presi- tive, eager to change, someone who pro- Happy Birthday to Walter Haessel, Marie dent Elect Wilf Wilkinson will be at Her- pels in new directions or who can alter the Van Oudsten, Sherry Moir, Kelly Mitchell, itage Park to open the new Canadian Ro- social, cultural or political landscape. Stuart Libin and Gord Belot. tary Museum. Stu Hart was an athlete and a . Welcome back Bill Kaufmann. You’re Dariel Bateman, Executive Director of Who would have guessed that his modest looking healthier already. Calgary Reads, told us about the impact Stampede would launch so many Welcome new member Carol Heitmann of our $3,000 donation toward their new careers, including his own sons? I always introduced by Aldo Brusonni. Read-at-Home program. Imagine, every learn something from Larry’s presentation. Rotary $1 they spend saves all of us $17.05 I didn’t know that Muhammad Ali, Jack President Bill’s “Rotarians in the News” in social savings because these kids are Dempsey and Joe Lewis were guest ref- profiled our members Ken King, Bruce healthier and more likely to succeed as erees for . I did know Graham and Phil Libin. adults. That means our $3,000 saved every that Ed Whalen was the announcer and, one of us over $51,000. like many in the room, was lucky enough Congratulations to our unsung heroes John

Distant Rotarian, Tom Mengel from Fredericton Dariel Bateman from “Calgary Reads” says Exchange student, Martin Tesink, enjoying his North, N.B. thanks for our financial support... moment at the microphone... BOARD MINUTES – April 3rd. 2007 UPCOMING SPEAKERS • President Bill has received the Signature Legacy project guidelines for Major Donations. • At the last meeting of June which will be the club’s Annual Meeting, each Director Apr. 24 -Olivia Johns & Jane was asked to provide a report listing their Chairs of committees, activities and commit- Rockstan, Horticulturists - Meeting tee responsibilities and an assessment of how their year went. in Safari Lodge, Calgary Zoo • It was agreed that our stay in school luncheon meeting on June 19th be held at one of May 1 - Ann McCaig - Philanthropy our schools. May 8 -George Brookman... Mothers • President Bill was asked to send a letter of appreciation to the Management of The Day Lunch Hyatt Hotel with respect to the last New Year’s Eve Gala event. May 15 - Michael Broadhurst - Long • Bill Avery has asked the Board if the Young Canadian portion of the Seniors Christmas Range Plan Party could be showcased for the general public on the Monday following the SXP May 22 - Global Warming party? Joe Fras was asked to look into this matter. May 29 - Guy Mallabone VP Exter- • Larry Shelley provided a budget on the potential feasibility of having a hockey tourna- ment as a fund raiser in the summer of 2008. nal Affairs SAIT - Meeting at SAIT, • The Rotary Club of Calgary West has asked our Board to consider our club organizing McDonald Hall a casino night. Calgary West will be asked to submit a proposal for the Board’s consid- eration. If the Board approves this initiative, it will go to the membership for approval. TRAVELERS • A proposal is in progress regarding the continuance of Fireside Chats. • Thalia was asked to set up a meeting with The Fairmont Palliser Hotel general man- Chuck Newmarch - Victoria ager to discuss forming an alliance with the hotel. Hayden Smith - (4) Palm Springs • Public recognition re: display of our bronze. President Bill asked if the Rotary Partners Cec Palmer - (3) Mesa Baseline, Az. would like to take on this project. Roger Brett - Yuma, Az. • It was approved that the following members would now be part of the Long Range Alex Graham - Okotoks Planning Committee: Gary Bardell (as a member over 3 years), Catherine Brownlee, Jack Birt - Victoria, Oak Bay Laily Pirbhai and Perry Toms (as members under 3 years). Eldon Loucks - Whitefish, Mont. • The questionnaire results handed out at the Club Assembly meeting are now available Ken Hutchinson - Cochrane on the website. • All new members of the club will be contacted in the coming weeks to encourage them ATTENDANCE to attend the President’s Ball on April 28th. • A financial report for both the General and Community Service Funds was circulated. Attendance for the April 17 Keith was asked to distribute a balance sheet for both Funds at the next meeting. meeting was 147 • 2 Small Donation requests were approved: Average attendance for March was $500. for Learning Disabilities Assoc. (Calgary Branch) – to send children to camp 42% $2,500 to the Nephrology Clinic at the Alberta Children’s Hospital for their annual Rotary Partners Annual picnic. General Meeting and Dinner • It was agreed by those present that the Annual Family Day picnic at Rotary Challenger Wednesday May 9, 2007 Park should be open to all rotary clubs in Calgary. Calgary Golf and Country Club • $600.00 US was approved for the testing of water in Cambodia, part of our Signature 5:30 pm - Reception Legacy projects. 6:15 pm - Dinner • 5 new member proposals were distributed to the Board and these can now proceed through the system. Guest Speaker – Diane Williams • Promotion of our programs and speakers. It has been suggested that the club needs to “Empower Yourself with Brain “dress up” and expand speaker profiles more. This could be handled through the COG and our website. Gym” • A new e mail roster for the Rotary partners is a work in progress. Brain Gym is a series of simple movements that integrate our ROTARY CLUB OF CALGARY brains. Cost is $34.00. Mail Cheques PRESIDENT’S CELEBRATION BALL payable to “Rotary Partners” to: This Saturday, April 28, 2007 Laura Lee Shelley, Fairmont Palliser Crystal Ballroom 42 Church Ranches Close,T3R 1C1 By April 30, 2007 • Cocktails • Entertainment • Dinner • Dancing Get your tickets now... $90. pp Your cheque is your reservation. The Rotary Clubs of Calgary and The Flames Foundation provide $1,000,000. toward the development of Lab Space for Project Neuro Arm

The Rotary Clubs of Calgary and The A further innovation, by Dr. Sutherland, is show the surgeon where the surgical tools Flames Foundation are providing one mil- a way to mount an MRI machine on a ceil- are inside the patient’s body. lion dollars to help develop lab space for ing track so that it can be brought in and In a related, transCanada project, Project Neuro Arm. Three generations of out of the Operating Room as needed. To nanoparticles of between 5 - 7 nanometres robotic systems developed by MD Robot- date, this has been used successfully in in diameter are being developed for use ics for the US Space Shuttle and the Inter- over 800 surgeries, helping doctors to en- in surgery. Nanoparticles can be tagged national Space Station, combined with sure that they have met their surgical goals with markers and injected into the body leading- neurosurgical and MRI ca- by showing internal images of the surgi- of a patient with cancer. The particles pabilities of Calgary’ s own Seaman Fam- cal sites. would mark the cancer cells so that they ily Research Centre, is now paving the way show up as green instead of blue in an for a revolutionary new generation of ro- For example, in one case, the MRI showed MRI, making it easy for the robot to “see” botics designed for medical applications. that surgeons had unintentionally left be- and remove the cancerous cells. This is hind a small part of a tumour in a young surgery on the cellular level! Since 2002, Project Neuro Arm, led by Dr. boy’s brain. Because they were able to Garnett Sutherland, has focused on the de- bring the MRI into the OR, they identified The neuroArm program technology will velopment of a robot that can conduct sur- the problem before they had closed the not only revolutionize the way that brain gery while a patient is inside an MRI ma- surgical incision and were able to make surgery is performed around the world, it chine. This would allow surgeons to in- the correction immediately. To use this will serve as a base platform for improv- crease the precision and effectiveness of equipment in surgery, the surgeon sits at a ing other types of surgery as well - in par- invasive neurosurgery while decreasing the workstation with monitors and controls to ticular, operations that require image risks. Last Wednesday, the finished prod- manipulate the robot. MD robotics has de- guidance and precise motion such as eye uct was delivered to the U of C for testing. veloped some remarkable imaging that can and spinal surgeries.

During the month of May,

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360 Bankers Hall Cog Sponsor 315 8th Avenue SW Derik Simpson Tel. 403 234 8585

If you have any questions, please contact Derik Simpson at 234-8585 or [email protected]

Our Theme: “Make no small plans, they hold no magic to stir a person’s blood” The Vision: The Rotary Club of Calgary is an organization of business, professional and community leaders who come together through commitment and fellowship to create opportunities and a better future for generations to follow. Our Mission: To embrace the ideals of Rotary International, contributing to a better Calgary and a better world through significant service while providing extraordinary opportunities for networking, fellowship, friendship and personal growth.