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A little paper $2.50 a Year \ with all the and f news and a big . $2.75 to circulation THE HERALD ail other points. ( Published in the interests of Alice Arm and Anyox, B. C. • J

VOL. 9, NO. 14 ALICE ABM, B. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1929 5 cents each. Important Gold Strike Topographical Mapping Esperanza Mining Co. Alice Arm District Made On Elkhorn Group Completed Increases Capitalization

Free Gold Visible. Adjoins Silver Crest Mine Mr. R. Bartlett, who has been Increased To 1,000,000 Shares, Par Value $1.00 in charge of the Dominion topo­ The moBt sensational strike of Engineer mine at Atlin. At the At a meeting of the directors of Mr. N. Fraser, general manager graphical survey party at Alice gold ore ever made in the Alice time of writing returns had not the Esperanza Mining Co held in at the Esperanza, The ore is of a Arm left on Wednesday for Ottawa Arm district was made by J. been received from samples sent for Prince Rupert last week, a re­ milling grade. The Alice property, where he will spend the winter. Flynn, on the Elkhorn Group, assaying. organization was effected. The which was also taken over, has The unusual wet summer handi­ which is situated on Hastings Arm. The Elkhorn is owned by J. capitalization was raised from several good showings of silver ore. capped Mr. Bartlett's work this Samples of the ore brought to Flynn, W. McDonald and J. Col­ 500,000 shares to 1,000,000 shares, At the Esperanza, the No. 2 season, but the fine weather ex­ Alice Arm this week, shows the lins of Alice Arm. It adjoins the par value one dollar. tunnel has developed an ore vein perienced in September gave him oro to he impregnated with free Saddle property on the east, which Sixteen claims, which adjoin the 2 feet wide, which is now being time to complete the work this gold, and in several speoimens the is being developed by the Silver Esperanza, have been taken over, drifted on. The ore is considered year. gold is visible to the naked eye. Crest Mining Co. of Vancouver. and the company now control 19 to be the best ever found in the Mr. Bartlett will spend the win­ The gold is associated with the It is expected that the ore vein will claims in one block. mine. Indications of the early en­ ter transferring his notes to paper silver-lead ore, characteristic of the be traced into the Saddle ground. It is expected that ample funds countering of ore in the No. 9 tun­ in preparation for the map that district, and it is the belief that it The owners of the Elkhorn were will shortly be available for an ex­ nel are promising. Ore has been will be published next summer. will be persistent and that it will in Alice Arm during the week, pansion of operations. All the coming in bunches, and it is ex­ The geological work undertaken maintain its value at depth. getting together supplies, so that :laims taken over are in the Esper­ pected that the main body will by Dr, Geo. Hanson will be also Samples taken from different parts as much development work as pos­ anza formation. Assessment work shortly be reached. included in the map. The map It is expected that a compressor of the vein are identical, which sible could be done before the snow done on Ralph Ingraham's claims will be complete in every detail. plant and small concentrating mill, shows that the find is not pockety. flies. by the company this year,disclosed It will show distances, elevations that has been needed for a long Neil Forbes and J. Flynn staked an ore vein 16 feet wide, states The strike was made during of mountains, locations of creeks, time, will be installed. several claims adjoining the Elk­ close prospecting of the ground and the geological formations of horn immediately following the while development work was being each district. gold strike. Hospital Auxiliary To Old Santa Claus In Need carried on. Flynn came across an Mining companies and others The striking of gold ore on outcropping that looked interest­ seeking information of the Alice Hold Dance Of Help Hastings Arm, again extends the ing and investigation quickly con­ Arm section will have their wants The Anyox Hospital Women's vinced him that he had undoubted­ mineral bearing area of the Alice A Letter Explaining Why provided to the smallest detail. Auxiliary will hold their annual ly stumbled across an El Dorado. Arm district, of which Alice Arm Hallowe'en Dance at the Gymna­ For a number of years now is the distributing point, north The ore vein is shown to be a May Acquire Properties In sium, on Monday, October 28th. throughout Canada there has been, south east and west the area is "A chain of Boy Scout Toy Shops." foot wide, and has already been Tlie dance is held for the pur­ Alice Arm District The idea of this has been to collect being gradually enlarged, and in­ pose of raising funds to provide traced for a distance of 150 feet old toys, repair them and then send creased transportation facilities E. G. Davidson, who has been comforts for the patients of Anyox ! on the surface. A nearby vein, them to the many homes, that per­ that are planned will considerably Hospital. During past years the having a width of 8 feet, and examining mining properties in haps, Old Santa might not be able increase the area in the future. efforts of the Auxiliary have been the district, left on Wednesday for to call on. Last year the Anyox whioh parallels the other vein was greatly appreciated by those who, An outstanding point of the Vancouver. This is Mr. David­ Troop collected toys and sent them ' also investigated and it is stated unfortunately, have been inmates strike is that the country, even in son's third visit to Alice Arm and to Vancouver to be repaired and that this vein also carries gold in of the Hospital. they were the most northerly troop the vicinity of tidewater, will he expects to return in about two Books, magazines, phonograph considerable quantities. to do so. This year they not only stand a lot of further prospecting. weeks. records, cushions for chairs. Christ­ Mining engineers have already wish to get the toys collected but to Although the Elkhorn is close to mas tree and entertainments and He was greatly impressed with repair them also, so that on reach­ visited the scene of the strike, and numerous other comforts are pro­ tidewater and doubtless has been the ore showings of the Upper ing Vancouver they can be sent to have classed it as the best strike of vided. traversed by many prospectors, the Kitsault Country and expects to their destinations. By doing this | gold ore in the north outside the The dance is worthy of your rich ore lay hidden until this week, the Scouts will be helping others take over several properties this support. Buy a ticket and assist and also they will get more useful year. Owing to tho lateness of those who are doing their best in at handicrafts. £»,*H*^4*4*4^*f**-M~* Anyox Tennis Tournament the season, however, it is probable ministering to the sick and dis­ Please don't throw that old toy that development work would not abled. I ANYOX NOTES Played Wednesday away, but just let one of the boys i lie undertaken until next spring. know you have it, and they will A ladies' tennis tournament was Golf Tournament Played On I gladly bring it to head-quarters for held on Wednesday, September Mr. and Mrs. Jones were south J. G. Johnson, a former resident Sunday At Anyox treatment. All toys will be appre­ 25th. at 1 p.m. The winners at the |bound passengers on Wednesday. of Alice Arm, and who owns an ciated and called for, please help us end of the afternoon were: Mrs. Anyox golf enthusiasts played to help others. D. H. Anderson arrived from Roy and Mrs. J. Smith with a per­ interest in mining claims in the a Tennis Tournament on Sunday. Yours Scoutingly, |the south on Wednesday. fect score. Mrs. T. Evans and district, died at his home in Seattle The men commenced playing at Mrs. D. Deane took second place. ou September 1st. after a week's 10 a.m. and completed about noon. ROLAND GALE Morley Shier, representing Can- For second place Mrs. Kirby and Winners were Mr. W. F. Eve Scoutmaster. adian Giant Explosives Co. arriv­ illness. Mrs. Cody tied with Mrs. T Evans The ladies held a tournament ed from the south on Wednesday. I Mrs. D. Deane, and in the play-off, John Conway, formerly of Anyox during the afternoon, commencing Tiger Tunnel Advanced 375 Mrs. H. H. Douglas arrived games were five all and last game at 2 p-m. Winners were Mrs. but now of Cumberland, B. C, has Feet |from the south on Wednesday, went to vantage all. been appointed stipendiary magis Lawn and Mrs. McNicholas. The tournament was very much A considerable number took Mrs. Loudon arrived last week trate with jurisdiction over the Latest news from the Tiger enjoyed by both players and spec­ part in the tournament and the whole province. property, whioh was received yes­ rom the Old Country and will tators. day's sport was greatly enjoyed. terday, was to the effect that the pend the winter here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. Teabo, who No. 3 tunnel had been driven a er son Mr. P. Loudon. The Granby Consolidated Min­ BIRTH AT ANYOX I have been spending a vacation in distance of 375 feet from the por­ ing. Smelting & Power Co. has tal. It is being driven parallel to W. H. Trotter arrived on Wed­ the south, returned home on Moil Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. An removed its Vancouver offices from derson on Wednesday, September the main ore ledge, and when an nesday from the south. day to Anyox. the Birks Building to the top floor 25th, at the Anyox Hospital, additional 100 feet has been driv­ Miss Patrick of the Anyox Hos- of the new Hall Building at the a son. en the tunnel will turn and cross­ No efforts are spared to make tal Staff, left on Monday for the corner of Pender and Howe cut the ledge. Ed. Pickett is in the El Doro cigar the best obtain­ nth. Streets. Subscribe to yonr Locil Piper NOW. charge of operations. I able. Procurable in seven sizes. ALICE ARM AND ANYOX HERALD. Saturday. October, 5 1929

Canada now produces about one- —\ Premier Is Outstanding Four Co's Driving Same tenth as much copper as United Mine of Province End Near Premier States, about one-fourth as much PIONEER MESS lead and about one-eighth as much Al. Falconer Premier, in the Stewart News zinc. Ten years ago, the Dominion CAFE Alice Arm was responsible for about one- ANYOX B. C. district, remains one of the most Driving through quartz-porphyry Baggage, Freighting, Pack twenty-second part of the lead of spectacular mines not only in Brit­ such as contains practically all the and Saddle Horses the United States and for about Bread, Cakes, Pastry, ish Columbia, but of Canada, and ore bodies of the upper Salmon one-sixteenth of the copper. Catering COAL & FINISHED LUMBER there are few in America as a whole basin, the main tunnel of the Prem­ that can equal its record. On ier Border Mining Co., operating SPECIAL DINNERS Slab Wood Cut any Length October 3rd. it paid its regular div­ on the Northern Light group, has ARRANGED ON REQUEST idend of 6 cents per share, and this been advanced 850 feet and values FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Every Order Given disbursement will bring the grand are becoming more encouraging, a INSURANCE PHONE 273 Immediate Attention total of dividends to $14,050,000. zone having been entered at 820 Acadia Fire Insurance Co. Payment of dividends started on feet lhat averages $9.20 in gold Globe Indemnity Co. of Canada. December 31, 1921, and its eight and silver. The tunnel is being Ontario Equitable Life and Accident year total is a wonderful record. driven in a southerly direction to­ Insurance Co. In addition to dividends, several ward the Premier mine, the bound­ millions of dollars have been plac­ ary of which will be reached at RESIDENT AGENT: 1 ed to reserve and depletion 1800 feet from the mouth of the Wm. T. TAMKIN accounts, while in addition improve­ Premier Border tunnel. Mine ... - Anyox, B. C. ments to plant and equipment have Taking the present workings of been paid out of revenue since the the Premier, Premier Border, B. C. Waterproof Clothes early days of the mine. Silver and Sebakwe into consider­ Keep dry during the wet weather season Wear In 1922 Premier made a record ation, an interesting situation is B. P. O. ELKS our "Rain The" Khaki Waterproof Pants and in securing a return of $4,782,885 disclosed. All four properties are Dominion ol Canada and Newfoundland Jumpers. from 102,334 tons of ore. The drifting on ore, all in quartz por­ ANYOX LODGE No. 47 Meets every second and fourth Monday ol Pants $4.50 Jumpers $5.50 shipments averaged 1.25 oz. gold phyry, and all toward a common the month centre. The old lessons in mining THE BEST MADE and 44 oz. silver. In 1920 and Hall for rent for dances, social functions, etc. 1921 no ore was shipped that did about "strikes, clips and angles" on application io club manager not run over $100 per ton. Since have to be forgotten as far as min­ the mill has been installed there ing on this hill is concerned. If LEW LUN & Go. has been a steady increase in the these drifts are continued until they M. M. STEPHENS & Co. Ltd. General Merchants, Anyox West side of Smelter annual tonnage but a decrease in meet, what sort of a condition will the per ton value. Today mill they find? A centre like the hub of OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES a wheel with ore shoots radiating heads are running between $10 and WRITTEN ANYWHERE $11, while some 300 tons of ore is in all directions? Here is a puzzle L. -J The oldest Financial Office in Northern B. C. of high enough grade to ship direct for the mining engineer, metallur­ to smelter. gist and geologist to solve. Office: PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Cr" ^ Immigration of Britishers Lost Bullion Rocovered In Encouraged Slocan Lake Fall Clothing The number of farm laborers After reposing at the bottom of ALICE ARM which the railway companies will Slocan Lake for 27 years, bullion to We carry a Full Line of Men's Clothing be permitted to bring into Canada the value of $65,000 was recovered FREIGHTING for Fall Wear, including Mackinaw from non-preferred countries of recently by Fred Madison, a diver COMPANY Shirts and Pants, Waterproof Jumpers of Nelson, B. C, in the employ of Europe will for the next year be GENERAL CONTRACTORS and Overalls, Hats, Etc. further reduced by 25 per cent. C. F. MacDougall, contractor. The present provisions to encour­ The truck of bullion was lost in the Pack Trains, Saddle Horses age immigration from the British process of loading the bullion on and Heavy Teams T.W. FALCONER Alice Arm Isles will be continued, including board a scow en route from Trail to No Contract too Large or GENERAL MERCHANT two-pound assisted passages. Australia. It went over the end of too Small the wharf, and neither the truck .v>- Tlr WPS the gist of a statement \ nor the man it carried with it could MILES DONALD Manager issued .cr representatives of the be located. It was discovered, in C. P. R., the Canadian National, dragging the lake for the body of the Hudson Bay Co., and several a boy who had been drowned, at a ocean shipping companies spent in distance of 300 ft. from the wharf conference with the minister of im­ and in water that was about 120 ft. migration, Hon. Robert Forke, and Worthy of your Support deep. officials of his department in con­ THE nection with next year's movement. Anyox Community League Silver Cup Ore Runs High Reading Room and Library 437 Canadian Coal Mines Smelter returns from Trail show Department of Mines $3000 as the receipts from Car No. Of the 437 coal mines operating 6 from the Silver Cup Mine in the A wide range of Newspapers, in Canada, 292 are in Alberta; 55 Omineca, reports W. B. Domberg, Magazines and Periodicals on in Saskatchewan; 40 in Nova Scotia; president. There were 38 tons in file. New books regularly British Columbia, the Mineral Province of 35 in British Columbia; 14 in New the car shipment. The ore gave received. Brunswick and one in the Yukon 37 per cent, lead and 150 ounces of Western Canada, has produced up to the Territory. There is more than silver. Shipments are going for­ end of 1928, $1,114,210,411 worth of $146,000,000 capital invested in ward at the rate of one carload a Join Up! these mines, which give employ­ week. Both mill and mine are Make the League better Mineral Products ment to 28,350 persons. working on a three-shift basis. through your influence Subscribe to Your Local Paper Advertise in the Herald Bulletin No. 1,1929, being a Summary of Mining OE 3E3HE =30 BUILDING LOTS Operations for six months ended 30th. June, ALICE ARM 1929, may be obtained, together with the Annual MINING CAMP SUPPLIES Business Lots from $200 to Reports of the Minister of Mines and other pub­ A COMPLETE SERVICE $500 lications dealing with the mineral areas and Residential Lots from $200 mines, free of charge, on application to: Powder. Caps, Fuse, Steel and Tools. Rain test Clothing, to $300 Stanfield's Underwear. Hand-made Boots. A full line of Quality Groceries for Mining needs. THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES, Robertson & Dumas VICTORIA, B. C. Agents for Alice Arm Mining BRUGGY'S STORE Alice Arm and Development Co.

0E3E 3HE 3«l it ALICE ABM AND AX VOX HlfRALD. Saturday. October, 5 1H29

May Consolidate Woodbine All Metal Prices Up r~ n Further developments are fore­ Welcome Hotel shadowed in connection with the Except Silver Alice Arm Woodbine Gold Mining Co. Ltd. Comfortable Roomi for Rent Prices of rhiiieral products gen- following' the settlement out of Tobacco & Soft Drinki Cigari, Cigarettei •ally were about three per cent. court of the dispute with J. B. MEALS AT ALL HOURS higher during the first half of Watson, former president, regard­ 1929 than the average range pre- A. BEAUDIN, Proprietor ing disposal of proceeds from the •ailing throughout the lirst six L- sale of promotion stock. Efforts months of 1928. Copper showed are now being made, according to the most pronounced advance, information reaching The Financial rising to an average for the half News, to consolidate the Woodbine ear of 18.44 cents in New York with adjoining properties and to ar­ ANYOX as against an average of 14.57 range for finances in the Old Coun­ cents in the preceding calendar try to develop the several proper­ COMMUNITY 'ear. Lead prices were higher; ties as one. New York quotations averaged 7.023 cents for the period as against LEAGUE 3.305 cents in 1928. Zinc prices H •ose to an average of 6.521 cents ere an dTher e in St. Louis and 5.764 cents in Beach Recreation Hall: (394) London as compared with 6.027 Pictures: Tuesdays, In commemoration of the ill- cents and 5.493 cents respectively fated d'Anvlllo expedition which Thursdays, and Saturdays encamped ou the shores of Bedford n the same markets during the Basin In 1746 and In which d'An- preceding calendar year. Silver villo and many of his men died of Mine Recreation Hall: illness, His Honor Lieutenant-Gov­ prices were lower; New York quo ernor Tory of Nova Scotia unveiled Banff Athletic Centre of Canada tations averaged 55.297 cents or Pictures: Wednesdays and a monument erected by the Historic Sit*s and Monuments Board of tearly three cents under the aver­ Fridays Canada at Roc'dngham, N.S., re­ age of 58.176 cents obtaining in cently. Many distinguished guests POOL, BILLIARDS, SMOKES, Etc attended the ceremony. 1928.

Total quantity of strawberries exported from Nova Scotia to the WRIGHT & HINTON United Str.tcs during the present season was 7,804 crates with 32 Help the Organization boxes to die crate. TUic blueberry LAND SURVEYORS crop of the province has attained P. O. BOX 1604 that Serves You record proportions, 20,914 crates having been shipped to Boston so PRINCE RUPERT far this year, with another month For Results Advertise to go, as compared with 17,442 crates for the whole season of 1924. MINERAL CLAIMS in The Herald Major prize winners at the High­ land Gathering and Scottish Festi­ val recently held at Banff are an­ nounced as follows: — Pipe-Ser­ geant Donald McLeod, of the H =TI Queen's Own Camoron Highland­ ers of Winnipeg, is the winner of STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN the special inter-regimental compe­ tition for delegate pipers from SERVICE Canadian Highland units and holder of the E. W. Beatty Trophy; Pipe- S. S. Prince George sails from Anyox for Prince Sergeant J. K. Cairns, of Hamilton, Rupert and Vancouver via Stewart eu eh Wednea­ is the winner of the special trophy day at 12.00 midnight. competition, open to all regimental IS.S. Prince Charles or Prince John leaves pipers who are regular members of Typical Highland a pipe band officially connected dancera and piper Prince Rupert for North and South Queen Char­ grouped on plat­ with any regiment or unit of the form outside tha lotte Island ports fortnightly. Canadian militia; and Piper Hector Banff Sprints PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE FROM PRINCE RUPERT McDonald, Royal Highlanders, Hotel. Finish of 100 Trains leave Prince Rupert Daily except Sunday, 11.30 a.m., for Montreal, took the highest aggre­ yds. race showing gate number of points over all in track and grand­ Jasper, Edmonton, Winnipeg, > direct connections for all points the open piping events. stand where the Dominion cham­ East and South. pionships meet will be held Labor According to figures obtained by Day next For Atlantic Steamship Sailings or further information, apply to an) Canadian the Canadian Pacific Steamships National Agent, or to R. F. McNAUGHTON, District Passenger Agent Limited, the port of Vancouver now Prince Rupert, B. C. ranks first of Pacific Coast ports, A 11 eyes will be • outstripping San Francisco and Los ** turned to Banff Angeles in volume of outward and next Labor Day for on -J inward shipping traffic and ton­ that date the 40th annu­ nage of exports and imports. al Dominion track and field championships meet will be held championships and it is expected "I am paying my first official at the beautiful resort in the that many of the athletes will be visit to C>»'ada as Chief of the Sal­ Rockies. A fast 20-foot quarter present during the gathering in vation Army and while here I hope mile race track, built up and sur­ order to accustom themselves to to meet at the three annual gather­ faced like a tennis court will be the new surroundings in which ings to bo held in the Dominion ready for the meet, the infield is they will compete. Highland pipers The Bonanza Silver every officer of the Salvation Army being specially prepared and re- and dancers from all parts of in Canada and Newfoundland," sown and the grandstand enlarged. Alice Arm Camp of B. C. Canada will be present at this said General E. J. Higgins, newly The Banff Highland Gathering assembly giving a Scottish flavor elected head of the Salvation Army, We invite you to investigate the mining' shares now and Scottish Music Festival will to the national championships this who arrived at Quebec recently on preende^and coincide with tho being' offered in Alice Arm properties and recommend board S.S. Empress of Australia. year. Kitsault-Eagle Silver Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.) More than 3G5 miles of new rail | lines in western Canada will have British Colonial Securities Ltd. been completed and turned over to Suite 312, Standard Bank Building, Vancouver the operating department of the Alice Arm Representative: A. McGuire Canadian Pacific Railway in the period between June 15 and Sep­ tember 16 of this year, is the state­ NOW BEING DEVELOPED ment made recently by D. C. Cole­ man, vice-president of western lines of the system. This mileage does Utility Mines No. 1 Limited have not include, Mr. Coleman added, a taken over the Tiger and Climax Groups | further 370 miles of lines under i— construction as at September C. in the Upper Kitsault Valley, and an THE ALICE ARM MEAT MARKET Inauguration of 1,250 miles of air intensive program of development work mail services on the Prairies is has been inaugurated. W. A. WILSON, Proprietor expected about October 1, linking Winnipeg with Canmore, Alta., and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL thereby saving a day's time be­ tween the points. Dealers in Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, For Full Information appl\) to the Fiscal Agents: Fish, Poultry, Butter and Eggs The Peace River country was In­ vaded by the most Important group Equipped with Modern Cold Storage Plant 1 Utility Mining & Financing Co. Ltd. I of visitors ever t«i penetrate its L- territory on September 5. when 300 -J members of the 1929 convention 830-831 Rogers Building, Vancouver, B. C. : party of the Canadian Chamber of I Commerce left Edmonton in three f trains for a four days' sojourn in "that section. The party was Jo'red J later by 80 delegates to the Hth "annual excursion of the Vancouver Board of Trade. Advertise in the Herald ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD ALICE ARM AND ANYOX HERALD. Saturday. October. 5 11129

Neil Forbes and J. Flynn, who Consolidated Plan Smelter MINERAL ACT Operating Companies (Form E.) —I recently staked claims on .Hastings Near Powell River Have Successful Arm. adjoining the Elkhorn Group' CERTIFICATE OP IMPBOVEMENTS PIONEER where the find of gold ore was F. G. T. Lucas, council for the NOTICE Year Consolidated Mining & Smelting recently made, spent a few days "Moose No. 1," "Moose No. 2," HOTEL Co., announced before Major J. C. "Moose No. 5," "Moose No. 0," and Alice Arm Mining in the Alioe Arm dis­ in town during the week. MacDonald, water controller, that "Ming Fraction," Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas River Mining Div­ Comfortable Rooms for Rent trict this year has been the most Another house was moved from consolidated would build a coast ision of the Oassiar District. Where smelter at Lois River, near Powell located: about 22 miles up the Kit­ By Day, Week or Month at successful during the past eight its birthplace on the new town- sault River on the East side oil river Reasonable Rates River, if it secures the right to and joins the "Silver Horde No, 2," years. More ore has been proven site this week. Mrs. Helen Nucich harness the stream. Mineral Claim on the south. up this year than any previous TAKE NOTICE, that I, Miles N. Sutilovich Prop. moved her house off the street on The Powell River company is Donald, Free Miner's Certificate No, year and continuation of this good to her lot which is partly occupied asking for Lois River power for the 11(H)7-D, and John Strombeok, !_- -J Free Miner's Certificate No. 85818-D, work may be expected to continue. by tho Anglican Church. extension of its pulp and paper mill intend, sixty days from the date here­ Companies operating at present for the manufacture of paper. It of, to apply to the Mining Recorder G. IT. Kohl, locating engineer for a Certificate of Improvements, for are the Britannia Mining and says it must have this additional the purpose of obtaining a Crown for the Power Corporation of Can­ power by 1931 in order to retain its Grant of the above claims. Anyox Community Smelting Co. who are developing And further take notice that action, ada arrived in town on Monday export markets. under section 85, must be commenced the Toric and Wolf; the Utility before the issuance of such Certificate League on company business. The hearing was adjourned until of Improvements. Mines No. 1 Ltd. on the Tiger; the October 18. Dated this 2nd. day of October, Kitsault Eagle on the Sunrise and E. Loyd Bowler, mining engi­ A. D. 1920. MILES DONALD The Council of the League neer for the Consolidated Mining, the Esperanza Mining Co. who are JOHN STROM MUCK meets on the Second and continuing developement on the Smelting & Power Co. Ltd., left H. M. SELFE on Monday after examining min­ Fourth Wednesday of each Esperanza. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Advertise in The month, in Recreation Hall, All of the above companies have ing properties in the district. ANYOX at 7.30 p.m. made excellent progress with their Will Take Reindeer From Office: Opposite Liquor Store Herald development plans. Their activi­ ties and successes have been pub­ Alaska To Yukon lished at various times in these A. E. Porsild of the Northwest, ac ia—~ic anccidc 3D columns and does not need repeti­ Territories branch of the depart­ KITSAULT CAFE ment of the interior, left Vancouver tion. Alice Arm last week for. Nome, in order to The outstanding feature of this Candies, Stationery, Proprietary complete arrangements for the MEALS SERVED AT ALL year's development work is the herding of 3,000 head of reindeer HOURS success being attained at the Toric Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc. from the western coast of Alaska Bread and Pastry Always for mine by the Britannia Co. Latest to the eastern fringe of the Mac­ W. M. ClimmingS, Agent for all Vancouver Daily Papers Sale reports from the mine state that kenzie River Delta, a distance of Post Oflice Building, Alice Arm between a thousand and fifteen the shaft being sunk on the ore hundred miles, and occupying 18 DC 3C3CIC 30 body is disclosing a good grade of Gus Anderson months or two years to complete. Proprietor ore. At the completion of the The move is dictated by the ne­ ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD shaft, drifts will be driven so that cessity of preserving the food sup. the ore can be developed at a low­ ply of the Eskimos in the Macken­ er level than the existing one. zie delta region who suffered fam­ rr ^v No information regarding devel­ ine at times through failure of hunting. opement work on the Wolf is at present obtainable. All cores from the diamond drill are carefully Will Be More Canadians In MEN'S DEPARTMENT guarded. Next Census Men's Socks of all descriptions have arrived this week. They are unsurpassed in The Britannia Co. as before Questions to be asked the people quality, variety and price. These socks are to be had in silk and lisle, silk and stated, already controls a large of Canada at the next general cen­ wool, all pure wool cashmere and in patterns of various plaids, crossbar, jazz and area of ground in the Upper Kit­ sus in 1931 are now under consider­ diamond effects, in shades which predominate on present worn grounds of light sault country, a portion of which ation by the bureau of statistics. and dark greys, putty, fawn, or black. For durability, these socks are spliced in The question whether people should toes and heels. In all sizes, 75c. a pair, or 3 pairs for $2.00., $1.00 a pair or 3 pairs for $2.50 they are engaged in prospecting. be classed as Canadians or citizens They are making plans for fu­ of the nation from which their an­ ture operations, and among other cestors came is not likely to prove things are, by devious methods, en­ so troublesome in the case of the SHOE DEPARTMENT deavoring to control the water census as it frequently has with the For ladies who like to walk, there is nothing so pleasing as a good pair of powers of the Upper Kitsault Dominion and provincial Govern­ shoes suitable for this exercise. Try our "Truefit" English Brogues with a ments. district. good stout sole and leather heel. Made of Willow Calfskin Upper, and in a nice shade of brown. Price $9.00 Advertise in the Herald

ALICE ARM NOTES t ,, • i+....f...+...+*..«.• •».•••-•••-•• »-f •••• ••••••••• DRY GOODS DRUG DEPT. Al. Falconer returned on Mon­ New Shipment of Kiddies' Suits You will find a full stock of Wampoles Products in our Drug Department. Among day from Prince Rupert whore lie G ial W{ool-knit Suits in sand and powder blue ommeraa the assortment is: sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. Price $3.40 per had spent the past week as juror Printing: : Magnolax ... $1.00 at the Supreme Court Assizes. suit. Extract Cod Liver Oil 1.00 ~1 __ _ Grape Salts 50c. and 1.00 J. N. McPhee left on Monday Jersey Suits in air force blue, and camel, I High class printing of all Antiseptic Solution 25c. and 75c. for Prince Rupert, Vancouver and I descriptions promptly and sizes 3, 4 and 5 years. Price per suit Milk of Magnesia 50c. 9 : : neatly executed : : $2.65 and $3.00 Hygeol 35c. Victoria in connection with busi­ Paraformic Throat Lozenges . 25c. ness of the Red Bluff Mining Syn­ In stock also, is a new line of Boric Acid Ointment 25c. ! Pamphlets Programmes dicate. Sulphur Compound Ointment 25c. Posters Letterheads Infants' Wear. Capsicum Ointment 35c. J. T. Mandy, resident milling Envelopes Billheads ! engineer, arrived from the south j Admission Tickets HARDWARE DEPARTMENT on Thursday in order to examine j Etc. Etc. mining propeities in the district. Among our new selection of rugs you will find the Tecumseh, 13. M. K., Verdun, Peter- boro, Reterminster, Scotia and Homedall, in sizes 24x54, 25x48, 36x63. Priced at He expects to leave again on Mon­ ! Prompt delivery on every $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $9.00. Cocoa Mats, $1.00 day. \ order F, D. Rice, B. C. Land Surveyor arrived on Monday from Prince j Herald Printing Office Rupert, and is surveying mineral | Alice Arm GRANBY STORES claims in the district. Continued on next column s?