Muhammad Reza Syamsuri1, Sri Budi Eko Wardani2

1Departemen Ilmu Politik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas , 16424, Indonesia, [email protected] 2Departemen Ilmu Politik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 16424, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract After the era of decentralization and democratization, Golkar entered the era of direct regional elections. Golkar in its participation in regional elections in South Sulawesi in 2005-2013 was relatively successful in most regions in South Sulawesi. Entering the regional elections simultaneously in 2015 and 2018, Golkar valued a significant reduction of votes. In some regions, Golkar showed poor performance. Ironically, out of eleven regional elections, Golkar only nominated its candidates in six regions and only won in one region. At present Golkar is facing a serious challenge if it wants to maintain its position in South Sulawesi as the largest base in the region. This qualitative research found the weakening factor of Golkar's power in South Sulawesi in the 2015 simultaneous elections. This factor was the existence of elite factionalization that occurred inside Golkar party after the 2014 presidential election which had an impact on the creation of Golkar internal conflicts and factions in simultaneous elections in South Sulawesi.

Keywords: Factionalism; Golkar; regional elections; South Sulawesi

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INTRODUCTION Source: KPUD Kabupaten The failure of Golkar to win over Gowa its candidates in 10 regencies during the 2015 regional elections in South Golkar's vote in regional election Sulawesi has made Golkar's power be in Gowa was the lowest since the weaker in these regions. One of the most implementation of the direct regional prominent regions showing Golkar’s elections in 2005. At that time Ichsan poor performance was Gowa. Yasin Limpo who was a Golkar candidate won the most votes and TABLE I succeeded in winning Gowa regional Results Of Regional Election election. In Gowa In 2015 No Candidat Bearer Vote TABLE II . e Name Party Acquisit Comparison Of Golkar Candidate ion Vote Acquisition In Gowa 1. Andi Demokrat 97. 437 Regional Election In 2005-2015 Maddusil , Hanura, (26,81 Year of Golkar Bearer Vote a– PKPI, %) Regional Candidat Party Acquisition Wahyu PKB Election Name Permana 2005 Ichsan Golkar, 98.336 (32 2. Sjachrir Golkar 14.192 Yasin PPDK, %) Sjafrud (3,90 %) Limpo – Demokrat din– Abd. Anwar Razak Usman Badjidu 3. Djamalu Perseoran 5.741 2010 Ichsan Golkar, 184.628 ddin gan (1,58 %) Yasin Hanura, (56,39 %) Maknun Limpo – PDK, – Abd. PPP, Masjkur Razak PDIP, 4. Tenri PPP, 94.706 Badjidu PBR, Olle YL– Nasdem (26,06 Demokrat Khairil %) 2015 Sjachrir Golkar 14.192 Muin Sjafruddin (3,90 %) 5. Adnan Perseoran 151.373 Source: KPUD Kabupaten Purichta gan (41,65 Gowa YL– %) Three direct regional elections in Abd. Gowa showed that the 2015 regional Rauf election was the first defeat experienced Mallagan by Golkar candidates with a very sharp ni decline in votes. In fact, Gowa is one of the largest vote bases in South Sulawesi. Halaman 70

This strength comes from the legacy of be a Golkar’s strongest base in the institutional hegemony in the form of region. But in the 2015 regional infrastructure and a very strong elections, Golkar can only nominate its organizational network in which a candidates to six over eleven districts. number of Golkar cadres in Gowa Ironically, from the six districts, Golkar occupy many strategic positions in only won in Soppeng. regional legislative and executive The study of the strength of Golkar positions. in South Sulawesi is always interesting, Since the simultaneous elections in considering that in this region Golkar has 2015, Golkar has experienced sharp always been the winner of the election reduction of votes in several parts of and the biggest contributor to Golkar's Indonesia. This decline was related to the vote in the region. This is due to Golkar's national political conditions at that time ability to control patronage by utilizing where there was a dispute over Golkar elites in the region. According to Tomsa, Party's management in the DPP and the Golkar's political forces were formed formation of two-party management, through strong patronage relations with namely the management faction of local nobility and influential nobles. The Aburizal Bakri (the result of the Bali influential figures include Yasin Limpo's National Conference) and the Agung family, the Halid family, the Baramuli Laksono management faction (the result family and several other political of the Ancol National Conference). As a families that have influenced local result, Golkar cannot nominate politics and business for decades. For candidates in the 2015 regional example, Yasin Limpo's family, his elections. However, this problem can be power in South Sulawesi, was built from resolved after KPU accommodates his wealth, loyal sympathizers and thugs Golkar's interests by changing KPU's and almost all of his family members regulations related to the nomination filled strategic positions in Golkar (allowing political parties that are in management and Golkar wing dispute in the party's internal organization. (Tomsa, 2007) management to nominate candidates The study of the issue of Golkar who have got approval from two institutionalization in elections and disputing camps1 (Ramadhanil, 2016: regional elections was carried out 63-81)). previously. As was the case with Dirk However, Golkar's participation in Tomsa (2008) who measured Golkar the 2015 regional elections has not been institutions in the Indonesian party able to save Golkar from defeat in system after . Tomsa concluded several regions, including in South that the success of Golkar persisted after Sulawesi. In this region, it can be said to Soeharto because of the different

1 In this case, the KPU changed Regulation No. 9 become KPU Regulation No. 12 of 2015 of 2015 concerning the Nomination of the concerning Amendment to KPU Regulation No. Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and 9 of 2015. Deputy Regent and Mayor and Deputy Mayor Halaman 71

institutional factors that matched cooperative factionalism in which many Suharto compared to other parties. It is factions work together to build and unite different from the research conducted by the party. Second, competitive Leo Suryadinata (2007) which states that factionalization which arises due to Golkar has been successfully disagreement over the receipt of implemented because it has turned into a incentives obtained. This competitive pluralistic ethnic party. While Hanta factionalization will usually end badly at Yuda (2011) using the theory of party party fragmentation, but on the other institutionalization saw the factors that hand, different between factions can also led to the decline of Golkar's vote in the support because of various different 2009 Legislative Election. In his things for the party. Third, degenerative research findings, Yuda showed that factionalization, the condition consisting there were factors that led to Golkar's of divided parties into many factions defeat of factionalism in the party, aimed at perpetuating the patronage leadership problems and internal relations of each group. It also ended in communication, the formation of new the destruction of the party. (Boucek, parties that form the party and the 2009: 470). Referring to Boucek's electoral contestation is increasingly theory, only competitive and competitive and strong. The image of degenerative factionalization leads to President party conflict. Therefore, it is one of the and the Democratic Party. most common functions in Golkar Golkar and the level of internally at the center and in the reform institutionalization in the face of the era that made Golkar increasingly reduce early years of reform in 1999 until 2014. every momentum of electoral What provides a gap from this research contestation. is that Golkar after Soeharto who created This study will analyze the thesis this was the right choice at the time of the of Boucek Factionalism regarding the 2015 regional elections. Golkar votes types of factionalization that contribute were very very popular. in the Regions to the conflict and the division of parties Here are Golkar in each Election and in this reform era. Given that Golkar has Election, namely in South Sulawesi, a strong organizational infrastructure especially in Gowa. network in South Sulawesi that has been This study will use a theoretical built since the . However, due approach introduced by Boucek (2009). to the inability of Golkar to reduce The argument built by Boucek is internal conflicts, it has an impact on the factionalism can reflect a variety of weakening of the party's machinery and different parties. In addition, it depends the decline in votes in the 2015 on the causes and internal simultaneous regional election. internalization. In this case, it was proposed that the destructive cycle of METHODS factionalism could occur. The three main This research is a descriptive faces of factionalism include: First, qualitative research about Golkar South Halaman 72

Sulawesi. The type of research conducted is exploratory research. This research is also a case study research, namely Golkar defeat in the 2015 simultaneous local election in South Sulawesi, with a unit of analysis of candidates who are Golkar cadres fighting in the arena of Gowa regent elections in 2015. Data collection techniques used are documentation and in-depth interviews. Documentation studies were carried out regarding the process of nominating candidates in simultaneous elections, data on vote acquisition, KPU/KPUD, as well as the results of previous studies. Interviews were conducted using the parameters of the selection of respondents, namely understanding the problem, mastering the problem, having been directly involved in Golkar management in Golkar DPD of South Sulawesi, and being directly involved in the simultaneous election process in the location under study.

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RESULTS AND DISCUSION concerning Political Parties. However, 1.1. Factionalization And Internal the mechanism of the Party Court has Conflict Of The Golkar DPP After failed in resolving internal conflicts that The 2014 Election occurred. After the 2014 general election, The inability of the mechanism of Golkar experienced a threat of division Golkar Party Court in resolving the in the DPP. The background to the split internal conflict of Golkar made the two between Golkar leaders erupted when factions agree to hold talks to discuss the Aburizal Bakri, who was the validity of the management of Golkar coordinating minister for people's DPP. As a result of the talks, the two welfare during 2005-2009 and was factions agreed to form a negotiating elected as Golkar's general chairman in team, each of which was represented by 2009, will maneuver to get a second term five people who were subsequently as chairman of Golkar in 2014. some had referred to as Team 10. The Ancol served as party chairmen for two periods National Conference faction was since 1978. In addition, Bakri was represented by Andi Mattalatta, Yorris blamed for the election results where Raweyai, Priyo Budi Santoso, Agun Golkar did not get good results in the Gunandjar, and Ibnu Munzir. Whereas 2014 presidential and legislative the Bali National Conference faction was elections. While Bakri's main opponent, represented by MS Hidayat, Syarif Cicip was the party's deputy Soetardjo, Theo L. Sambuaga, Aziz chairman and coordinating minister for Syamsuddin, and Fredy Latumahina. the welfare of the people during 2009- (Manggalou, 2017: 6) 2014 emerged as competitors in an effort The formation of Team 10 is part to prevent the re-election of Bakri. of the commitment of the two conflicting December 2014, Golkar Congress factions to save Golkar from its non- was rushed in Bali and decided to win participation in the simultaneous back Bakri as party chairman. But the elections in 2015. Prohibition from Congress was boycotted by Laksono and participating in the elections in his faction. They held their own party connection with the KPU regulations congress on January 2015 in Ancol, governing candidate registration does where Laksono was elected as interim not accept the existence of multiple party chairman. (Oxford Analytica Daily management in the party. However, Brief Service, 2016) through 's initiative to hold The emergence of two stewardship consultations at the leadership of the made Golkar's board and cadres more House of Representatives of the divided. The political process to obtain Republic of Indonesia, the chairman of the validity of the management of both the House of Representatives faction, the the Bali National Conference and the Chair and Chief of the Commission II of Ancol National Conference was initially the House of Representatives with the carried out by Golkar Party Court as Minister of Home Affairs, the Chair of stipulated in Law No. 2 of 2011 the KPU, and the Chairman of the Halaman 74

Election Supervisory Body who agreed 1.2. Factions and Internal Conflict in that the KPU could accept the the Election of the Gowa Regent registration of candidates for election 2015 candidates from the management Political parties that disagree with the The triggering of factions and terms have been signed by both parties at internal conflicts in Golkar Gowa when odds over one candidate pair. (Hafid, Golkar Gowa Regional Representative 2018: 97) Council has screened the names of The consensus that occurred candidates who will be recommended to between the two factions in the Golkar DPP. The names that have been conflicting DPP did not save Golkar recommended by Golkar DPD of South from the results of the election which Sulawesi were taken to the DPP to be was quite disappointing. Golkar Party selected and a candidate pair Secretary General of the National representing Golkar in Gowa regional Conference of Ancol, Zainuddin Amali, election was selected. But it seems that deplored the existence of an internal the names that have been recommended Golkar conflict in the DPP. This is do not seem to have been approved by because Amali is aware that the Golkar DPP. Instead, the approved consequences of this conflict have left candidate pairs were Sjahrir Sjafruddin those who have left the party. Even and Anwar Usman. Golkar in the previous 2015 elections had to accept the defeat of their own What was surprising for Golkar cadres carried by other parties. DPD of South Sulawesi was that the "If from the internal side it is clear candidate pair did not originate from the from the exhaustion, the conflict screening process and the determination has taken too long and caused great of candidates who had carried out the damage to the party. Especially DPD level I and II. Hoist Bachtiar, who after the 2015 simultaneous is a team of Gowa Regional Coordinator election results, it was Golkar of Golkar Regional Representative number 10 in all elections. We lost Council I at that time mentioned that, to PPP even. Actually, Golkar people who won a lot like Rita "Indeed at that time I was the (Kutai Kartanegara Regent, East regional coordinator for the Gowa Kalimantan), but he advanced as region in selecting candidates. And an independent. Golkar's position as a result, we recommend two at number 10 made Golkar fall in names, Ms. Tenri Olle and Adnan electability. That's an internal Purichta. However, because I was factor." (Interview with Zainuddin the team leader, I knew that the Amali quoted from Hafid, 2018: sub-district support was to Ibu 98) Tenri and I tried to fight for the name Ibu Tenri, but apparently it was not possible and it was Halaman 75

decided to Daeng Jarung Jarung (Sjafruddin) who did not (Sjafruddin). ”(Interview with follow the process but instead he Hoist Bachtiar, 10 April 2018 ) got the stretcher (from the DPP). Mrs. Tenri followed all the Even when the author asked how processes, coincidentally at that the process of determining Sjafruddin to time I was a team 7 and went back the Deputy Chairperson of Golkar DPD to the DPD following the process I, Moh. Roem did not even know above and reaching . I am a Sjafruddin and claimed that Sjafruddin genuine cadre in Golkar and I have had never served as a Golkar official. to be loyal to the party. And feel as "We are here (the management in a cadre who is together - together Golkar DPD of South Sulawesi) do with Mrs. Tenri and there is no not know anything and suddenly reason for Golkar not to support we get the recommendation of the Tenri's mother. One mistake for name Daeng Jarung (Sjafruddin) Golkar at that time when not who will be nominated by the party giving support to Tenri's mother. as a candidate for the regional (Interview with Ridwan Gading, 9 election. Even though he never April 2018) communicated with Golkar's DPD I in South Sulawesi. We did not At that time Ridwan Gading, who even know Daeng Jarung took part in the process of determining (Sjafruddin) was a member of candidates for the DPP, said that the Golkar. All we know is that he has situation of the meeting determined that run for the legislative candidate in the prospective candidates would be the previous period. (Interview closed and only attended by the with Moh. Roem, 9 April 2018) Pemilukada team and represented by Golkar DPD I South Sulawesi. The process of determining (Muthalib, 2016: 69) This shows that the prospective candidates by the DPP process of determining candidates for without regard to the recommendations regional election takes place exclusively, of the DPD in the region made some elitistly, and not transparently. Golkar Gowa officials feel disappointed. When the author inquired about Like Ridwan Gading, who considers this determination process to Anwar Tenri Olle to be more suitable to be Usman who is a partner of Sjafruddin, carried by the DPP. Usman said that the process of "Indeed, what is unfortunate is that determining the time was indeed Tenri's mother has twice been a pragmatic and not in accordance with the member of the House of party mechanism in determining Representatives and she is the big candidate for regional election. (loyal) love of Golkar. Ibu tenri "The condition at that time was a was proposed in the DPD and she battle of prestige between Agung followed a temporary process Dg. Laksono and Aburizal Bakri. Halaman 76

Agung knows that Tenri Olle is the recommendation from the two Golkar chairman of Golkar Gowa DPD camps in Gowa regional election Sjahrir which is the brother of Syahrul Sjaruddin Daeng Jarrung-Anwar Usman Yasin Limpo, the Chairperson of (Djaman Ta) was no longer a priority for Golkar DPD in South Sulawesi the victory of the Aburizal Golkar DPP. under the management of Aburizal The pair has since been promoted by Bakri. So there is an effort from Golkar's Agung Laksono's management. Agung to not give Nurdin Halid further added that recommendations to cadres who according to the party's instructions, in are under the management of Gowa regional election it was obliged to Bakri. So when I was in Slipi with win the Adnan Purichta Ichsan Yasin Daeng Jarung (Sjafruddin), I said Limpo-Abdul Rauf Kr Kio pair that I was a minority in Golkar (AdnanKio). So that if there are cadres Gowa and would fight for Agung who are caught not winning this pair, Laksono's administration in my then the party will give strict sanctions. constituency. Hearing this, Agung The sanction can be dismissal. (Daily felt touched and gave us the News ANTARA Sulsel, 2015) recommendation for the Responding to the threats and investigation to be further fought attitudes of the DPP, the management of on in Team 10 of Golkar Party Aburizal, the Regional Coordinator of which consisted of each of the Golkar Winning District. Gowa, Hoist stewards of both Agung Laksono Bachtiar, regretted this attitude because and Aburizal Bakri. Because we it would only cause new problems in still will not be officially registered Gowa regional election and would at the Gowa Election Commission damage the party's authority. if the two sides do not approve our "I don't agree with threats like that. names. ”(Interview with Anwar Golkar is currently in a polemic Usman, April 19, 2018) and not complicated by the many threats because the threat of Entering the campaign period, dismissal will cause new problems Adnan Purichta, who was known to be below (Gowa regional elections) advancing through individual channels, and reap a lot of criticism and managed to get support from the damage the authority of the party. management of Aburizal Bakri. It is If all are fired, cadres will leave based on the instructions issued by the this party. Since the beginning, the management of Aburizal as stated in two camps have agreed to carry out number R316 / Golkar / VIII / 2015 dated Daeng Jarung and Anwar Usman, 8 August 2015 concerning the transfer of and even if the stronghold of support for candidate for regional Aburizal wants to support Adnan, election in Gowa. Nurdin Halid said, the stretcher should be withdrawn quoted from the local Gowa news, the first. ”(Berita Harian candidate pair who received a makassar.antaranews, 2015) Halaman 77

means fighting for Dg. Jarung The transfer of support carried out (Sjafruddin). So our party by Golkar DPP, made Golkar's internal organization does not support conflicts inevitable. This then led to Adnan, nor does Ibu Tenri. But we factionalization of the elite in Golkar also cannot move because our DPD of South Sulawesi and Golkar infrastructure does not allow that Gowa DPD. Furthermore, factionalism where we do not have sub-district that occurred affected the winning administrators, villages etc. So the process of the three candidates namely only reason we support Dg. Jarung Sjafruddin, Tenri Olle and Adnan (Sjafruddin) is due to the SK from Purichta. the center. (Interview with The most disadvantaged Kamaluddin Ahmad, April 9, candidates for the factionalization of the 2018) elite that occurred was Sjafruddin. The Deputy Secretary of the DPD Golkar Golkar elite's factionalism in Gowa said that at first Sjafruddin had no Gowa has shifted to Tenri Olle more support for Golkar infrastructure in the because of the form of disappointment region because Golkar Gowa towards the elite in the provincial DPD management decree was issued at the and Golkar DPP. They felt that the same time as Sjafruddin's gathering. recommendation from the two stewards "In the course of nomination Dg. of the Gokar DPP was the result of a Jarung (Sjafruddin) there is no political contract and an elite conspiracy Golkar structure that strongly from Icshan Yasin Limpo as an attempt supports Dg. Jarung (Sjafruddin) to win his son Adnan Purichta as Gowa because Golkar structure at that Regent. Because if at that time Adnan time was not yet ripe because Purichta was promoted, then the internal almost simultaneously we were conditions in the DPD II of Gowa would formed with the promotion. So we be turbulent because of strong opposition have not been able to form sub- from the DPD II officials who were loyal district leaders, have not been able to the leadership of Tenri Olle as chair of to form administrators and have DPD II for ten years. On the other hand, not consolidated to form village if Tenri Olle is carried by Golkar, it will leaders and sub-district leaders so increase Tenri Olle's chances of winning. that there is very little that can The vice chairman of the DPD Golkar support, Golkar people also feel Gowa also acknowledged that the irresponsible. Golkar people are in scenario behind Aburizal Bakri's a new structure with an old recommendation to Sjafruddin was structure. People who are in the old Ichsan Yasin Limpo to prevent Tenri structure also have no parent, the Olle from getting a stretch from Golkar. old structure people also fight for "The one who transferred Aburizal Ibu Tenri and not for Golkar. Bakri's support to Daeng Jarung Because if fighting for Golkar (Sjafruddin) was Mr. Ichsan Yasin Halaman 78

Limpo to prevent Ms. Tenri from Ridwan was signed by General getting support from Golkar. Chairman of Golkar DPP Aburizal Bakri Because Golkar members and and Secretary General . administrators in the region as Not only that, but Ishak was also much as 90% support Ibu Tenri. threatened to be replaced through an (Interview with Ridwan Gading, 9 interim period (PAW) in the Gowa April 2018) DPRD. The Gowa DPRD has also received a decree of dismissal and a The conflict that took place inside proposal for the replacement of Ishak, Golkar during the 2015 Gowa regional who served as Chairperson of the Gowa elections encouraged the formation of DPRD Golkar Faction. new factions in Golkar administration in The second dismissal of Golkar the region, including in Golkar Gowa Gowa officials based on threats will DPD. The emergence of the division of provide strict sanctions for Golkar's Golkar management and cadres in Gowa board and cadres. This was conveyed by has an impact on the performance of the Nurdin Halid when announcing Golkar's electoral disrupted and the trustees and stewardship of Aburizal Bakri to support cadres of the elites in Golkar DPD of Adnan Purichta in Gowa regional South Sulawesi and Golkar DPP do not election. adhere to the party's decision. For Golkar administrators and The disobedience of Golkar cadres cadres in Gowa, threats to cadres were and administrators in the regions to the common during the elections. Ridwan party's decision made them maneuver to Gading claimed that Golkar always support other candidates from other threatened members to follow the party's parties. This attitude was carried out by decision to support Golkar candidates in Andi Ishak (Deputy Chairperson of the elections. But at the time of Gowa Golkar Gowa), Ridwan Gading regional election, because there were (Secretary of the DPD II Golkar Gowa), two stewardships in Golkar so Ridwan and Akbar Danu Indarta (Golkar assumed that the threat was only blamed legislator Gowa DPRD). Golkar Gowa from the DPP. management and cadres feel "Every party election always disappointed with the attitude of Golkar assumes members but after the DPP in supporting Adnan Purichta and Pilkada is finished it usually just not Tenri Olle who is the chairman of blows. After all, at that time Golkar Gowa for 10 years. Golkar had no power to act on As a result of the disobedience of cadres because it was not clear Golkar Gowa management and cadres to who was official on the other hand party decisions. The DPP dismissed who had a decree of menkumham Andi Ishak and Ridwan Gading for being on the other hand there were proven to support Tenri Olle in Gowa official ones also recognized by regional election. According to Tenri the court. Golkar's condition at that Olle, the decision to dismiss Ishak and time was in an abnormal condition. Halaman 79

So there were a lot of threats, and I The exit of several Golkar Gowa was one of the people who was administrators and cadres and moving to fired with Mr. Andi Ishak because another party made Golkar infrastructure I was supporting Ibu Tenri and network in Gowa weakened. The issue of when I was in Jakarta it turned out elite factionalization that occurred since that the dismissal was fake. the 2015 Gowa regional elections had a (Interview with Ridwan Gading, 9 negative impact on Golkar. This is April 2018) relevant to what Boucek explained about the negative impact of factionalization. As a result of rumors of the Boucek explained that party divisions dismissal of two Golkar Gowa officials tend to occur more frequently. The face from the DPP, Tenri Olle felt of competitive factionalism tends to be disappointed with Golkar DPP and transformed into degenerative finally to decide to leave Golkar and join factionalization which results in the the . Tenri Olle's move to decline of the party, and even encourages the Nasdem Party made more and more divisions that create new parties. Golkar Gowa administrators and cadres Furthermore, this will have a direct disappointed with Golkar DPP and impact on the growing non- resulted in an increasingly insecure institutionalization of the party system in board in the elections. Indonesia. (Boucek, 2009: 477) The weakness of Golkar Gowa The existence of a prolonged winning machine in the elections can be internal conflict in Golkar makes the seen during the 2018 gubernatorial cadres and administrators in the regions election. At that time the Gowaar Gowa not well organized and reduces the campaign machine was not solid in solidity of the party in the General supporting Golkar candidates and Election and Pilkada. Budiatri (2017) became one of the factors of Golkar's clearly illustrates that other impacts of defeat in the gubernatorial election. internal party conflict are disruption of As a result of Golkar's defeat in the party recruitment and regeneration. 2018 South Sulawesi gubernatorial When internal conflicts occur, the election, South Sulawesi Golkar DPD division of party structures also occurs made a change of time (PAW) 8 not only at the national management members of the Gowa DPRD from 9 level and even to the regions. The party seats owned by Golkar faction in the will increasingly lose control in the Gowa DPRD. This replacement was recruitment and regeneration process, done because the eight DPRD members even the party will be encouraged to were proven not to support Golkar dismiss cadres and change time (PAW) gubernatorial candidates. In addition, for its politicians in the parliament when they have been confirmed to nominate they are deemed to disobey party themselves as members of the Gowa decisions. The division of the DPRD in the 2019 legislative elections management structure to the lower level from other parties. (Tribun Gowa, 2018) also provides difficulties for parties Halaman 80

when conducting political recruitment, (Secretary of the DPD II Golkar Gowa), especially when the regional election and Akbar Danu Indarta (Golkar will be held. (Budiatri, 2017: 272) legislator Gowa DPRD). Golkar Gowa The process of political management and cadres feel recruitment and regeneration in parties is disappointed with the attitude of Golkar an important element that determines the DPP in supporting Adnan Purichta and level of institutionalization of a party. not Tenri Olle who is the chairman of With the democratic system taking place Golkar Gowa for 10 years. in Indonesia, political parties are an Golkar is actually still the party important instrument for the with the best infrastructure when continuation of a substantial compared to other parties. But some democratization process. However, local politicians apparently no longer internal party conflicts indicate a decline regard Golkar as the best vehicle for in the party system and the democratic power aspirations for elites in South process in Indonesia. Sulawesi. As a result, before the election, many local officials turned away from CONCLUSION Golkar and defected to other parties. Golkar's inability to reduce This change then gives other parties the internal conflicts and prevent the opportunity to recruit candidates who breakdown of internal party solidity has have popularity in the community. made Golkar suffer losses even in the Although the joining of other Golkar region where Golkar has the strongest party elites is a natural thing as a vote base. The conflict that took place consequence of the multi-party system inside Golkar during the 2015 Gowa and proportional electoral system. regional elections encouraged the However, this shows the inability of formation of new factions in Golkar Golkar Party to deal with existing administration in the region, including in developments. The lack of Golkar Gowa DPD. The emergence of accommodation of elite interests and the the division of Golkar management and frequent occurrence of internal conflicts cadres in Gowa has an impact on the and factionalizing the elites within the performance of the electoral disrupted party are factors that cause the release of and the trustees and cadres of the elites several party members. This then shows in Golkar DPD of South Sulawesi and that the weakness of cadre ties with the Golkar DPP do not adhere to the party's vision, mission and ideology of the decision. party. In conclusion, it can be concluded The disobedience of Golkar cadres that the existence of local elites and and administrators in the regions to the traditional rulers in Golkar Party is only party's decision made them maneuver to reversed by efforts to gain formal power support other candidates from other using the party mechanism as a political parties. This attitude was carried out by vehicle in the momentum of electoral Andi Ishak (Deputy Chairperson of contestation in the region. Golkar Gowa), Ridwan Gading Halaman 81

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INTERVIEWS Interview with Ridwan Gading, 9 April 2018 Interview with Hoist Bachtiar, 10 April 2018 Interview with Moh. Roem, 9 April 2018 Interview with Anwar Usman, 19 April 2018 Interview with Kamaluddin Ahmad, 9 April 2018