St. Thomas' Seminary Given Accreditation
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1961 — Permission to Reproduce, Except On Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue 3fL Jhi}^ dhdM JU isjdjjayt, 0 ^ A a i a L, d l M i i u t , ^/^tsiL dim vutL a n d . £aM k /RstjoksL, d ild biicL .^ ^ y^ y^ ^ DENVERCATHOUC Holy Week Schedule A schedule of,the Holy Week REGISTER s e ^ c e s in p u sh es of the Easter Message ar^diocese starts on page 19. THURSDAY, MARCH DENVER, COLORADO of Archbishop Vehr 'T H E RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ is the resplen- St. Thomas' Seminary ■“■ dence of His Divinity, the proof unshaken of His ' devastating victory over sin and death. On the Cross the Sovior repaired, by action infinite, the morol evil bom. in Eden and nurtured in succeeding ages. Glorious Easter morn is the manifestation of that reparation, the Given Accreditation unfurlirig of the flag of Jesus' triumph over the un holy forces. College Courses Recognized | T IS THE PRAYER of Holy Mother Church in this St. Thomas’ Seminary, which educates students for socred season that all men might come to a deep the priesthood in the Archdiocese of.Denver, has re rwlization of the significance of Christ's arising from ce iv e notice that the seminary college has been accred the bed of deoth. It is the ardent desire of the Holy ited by the North Central AMOciation of Colleges and Father, Pope John XXIII, thot all men, the universe Secondary'Schools, the Very Reti.
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