Victorian Marathon Club Newsletter
VMC ROAD RUNNERS NEWSLETTER MARCH 1984 & 38th ANNUAL REPORT PRICE $1.00 THE 1983 ‘EMIL ZATOPEK1 10,000m LEADERS: GABRIEL KAMAU, Kenya, winner of the race- ROBde CASTELLA, VMC RR Club Champion and winner of the Club Trophy, runner-up- LAWRIE WHITTY, NSW, third place-getter in Australia’s premier 10,000m. (Photo courtesy VAA publicity) Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBH 0488 V,Mo CoHBWSLETTER VOL.15 No. 4 THE VMC HOAD RUNNERS NEWSLETTER is published for the infoxmation of members of the VMC ROAD RUNNERS CLUB and is covered by peyment of the Annual Membership Fee. It is issued four times a year: SPRING (September) SUMMER (December) AUTUMN (March) 'WINTER (June). All athletes, irrespective of age or sex, are invited to contribute letters, results, comments, criticisms, etc., to the Editor, 1 Golding St, CANTERBURY, Tic. 3126. PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication, should be on single-spaced, typed A4 sheets, irrespective of length, to facilitate layout. Articles should not eftceed one and a half pages of A4, preferably half that. Articles for publication MUST BE accompanied by the name and address of the contributor, together with his or her signature. The author of the article shall retain full responsibility for the content of such article. DEADLINE FOR COPT is the 10th day of the month preceding the month of publication, we ask controbutors to aim for the 1st day of that month to make editing less rushedo ********************************************* INTERSTATE LINES OF COMMUNICATION : AAU: Rick PANNELL, Olympic
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