Forced Marriage: Community Voices, Stories and Strategies Consultation with community FOR PUBLIC RELEASE - MAY 2019 INITIAL REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NATIONAL ROUNDTABLE ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND SLAVERY, AUGUST 2018 Acknowledgements Australian Red Cross would like to express our sincere appreciation to the men, women and young people whose willingness to share their experiences, stories and insights during the consultation have made this report possible. In addition, we are grateful to the Community Liaisons who provided advice, guided content development and played a vital part in the recruitment of participants. Finally, special thanks needs to be given to Monira, Shokria, Saba, Mohammad and Jaweed, all of whom co-led focus groups with their communities. Your commitment and willingness to take action is an inspiration. Disclaimer This report presents findings from the study commissioned by Australian Red Cross and conducted by Dr Alexandra Gartrell and Sara Shinkfield. The report intends to inform policy discussion on the Australian response to forced marriage. It draws on information, opinions and advice sourced from a variety of individuals self-identifying as being from community affected by the issue of forced marriage. While all care has been taken in preparation, the report is not intended to be exhaustive and Australian Red Cross does not accept responsibility for any omissions or errors of fact. NOTE: To protect people’s privacy, names and identifying details have been changed throughout this report. Contact Kyla Raby National Program Coordinator Support for Trafficked People Program Australian Red Cross T +61 3 8327 7734 E
[email protected] Australian Red Cross – May 2019 Page 2 of 56 Table of Contents Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................