Ocm08458220-1820.Pdf (13.93Mb)
fii:ii'T?:?''ii?r-i -^; 317.3M31 M41 63AIHOI#V vv..», Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston http://www.arcliive.org/details/pocl<etalmanacl<fo1820amer rt'ip^VyrttrVpT .yg^M^g^ THE MASSACHUSETTS AND United States Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 182 0. 4 and j Forty-fourth of American Independence. CONTAINING I 1 Civil, Judicial, Ecck/ia/iica/, and Military Lifts in X MASSACHUSETTS; ) Associations, and Corporate Institutions, \ for Literary^ agricultural^ and charitable Purpofes. A Lijl ^ Post-Towns in MaJ'ackufctts, with the Names of the Post-Masters. ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its feveral Departments and ERabliihments j i Times of the Sittings of the feveral Courtsj Governors in each State; And a Variety of other intcreftlng Articles. BOSTON : PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, AND WEST, RICHARDSON 8c LORD. Sold, wholefale and retail, at their Book -Stores, Covnliill. ^^^S5^3?S9©^fe6^^^5p5©(£^^©g^^^^6^»i^^f^^ " ECLIPSES FOR 1820. There wiU be four Eclipses this j'ear, two of the *Sun, and two of the Moon, as follows, viz. I. The first will be of the Sun, March Uth day, 8h. STm. in the morninv?;, invisii>ie to ns, but visible and central in the STUthcrn Ocean,, in Long. oQo 12' East of Boston, and Lat. 6 50 32' South. ' IT. The ^^econti will be of t!ie Moon, March 29tlv, 2h. 2ni.in the evening, consequently invisible at Boston. III. The third will be of the Hun, S'f^ptember 7th» invisible at Boston.
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