St. George’s School WINDSOR CASTLE ASSOCIATION CHRONICLE 2016 St. George’s School Windsor Castle Association CHRONICLE 2016 Welcome to another edition of the Chronicle. It comes at a time when the school’s communications are undergoing a transformation with a new look to the Magazine which will now be produced termly as a Newsletter. These are available on the school website at The Association also has a presence on the school site and copies of Chronicles can be found under the Association tab. If you would like to keep abreast of events happening in today’s school however, one can now follow its output on Twitter as well as by visiting the website . Compiling the Chronicle serves two important functions: first, it acts as a document of record that publicizes the rules of the Association and minutes of its AGM; secondly, it aims to keep members in touch one with another. It is in this second area that it is entirely dependent on its members: the more that is contributed the more valuable it will become to its members. Please do send your news either by the tradition method of postcards or on e-mail to
[email protected] . If you know of any news about another former pupil do please let us know; we positively encourage parents to help by informing on their children! Obituaries I have first to announce the obituaries and notifications that I have received. Eric Carr (1983–1994) Bursar Eric was the much loved and respected Bursar of the School in the important period leading to the first large building scheme of 1987 and provided invaluable support and guidance during the process.