Cloud Computing with Nimbus February 2009 Kate Keahey (
[email protected]) University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory Cloud Computing SaaS Software-as-a-Service elasticity computing on demand PaaS Platform-as-a-Service capital expense operational expense IaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service 8/25/2009 The Nimbus Toolkit: http// 2 The Quest Begins Code complexity Resource control 8/25/2009 The Nimbus Toolkit: http// 3 “Workspaces” Dynamically provisioned environments Environment control Resource control Implementations Via leasing hardware platforms: reimaging, configuration management, dynamic accounts… Via virtualization: VM deployment 8/25/2009 The Nimbus Toolkit: http// 4 A Brief History of Nimbus First STAR production run on EC2 Xen released EC2 goes online Nimbus Cloud comes online 2003 2006 2009 Research on First WSRF EC2 gateway Support for agreement-based Workspace Service available EC2 interfaces services release Context Broker release 8/25/2009 The Nimbus Toolkit: http// 5 Nimbus Overview Goal: cloud computing for science Open source, extensible IaaS implementation A platform for experimentation with features for scientific needs and interoperability Set up private clouds (privacy, expense considerations) Workspace Service Orchestration tools Focus on end-to-end picture Context Broker, gateway 8/25/2009 The Nimbus Toolkit: http// 6 The Workspace Service Pool Pool Pool node node node VWS Service Pool Pool Pool node node node Pool Pool Pool node node node Pool Pool Pool node node node 8/25/2009 The Nimbus Toolkit: http// 7 The Workspace Service The workspace service publishes information on each workspace Pool Pool Pool node node node VWS Service Pool Pool Pool node node node Users can query this information to find out things about their Pool Pool Pool workspace (e.g.