The Annual Statistcial Book 2014 - 2015 Manal Alshurean

Prepared by: Research, Studies and Planning Department Artist work In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful His Highness the Emir of Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah His Highness Minister of Information, Minister of State for Youth Affairs And the President of National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature Sheikh Salman Sabah Salim Al-Hamud Al-Sabah benefit ofthecitizensKuwait,Gulfand Arab world. that evenifwehaveachievedalot,still moreaheadofustoaccomplishforthe National CouncilforCulture, Arts, andLetterssendsanimportantmessage thatindicates the currentcultureandsupervisesourfuture plans. Through thisstatisticalbook, the enriching theculturalwork.Itwillalsobeadatabase thatactsasafoundationreinforces those whoareinterestedinknowingsuchaccomplishmentsandtheircontributions effort, thatdeservestherecognitionandgratitude,wouldinturnhelpfollowers add totheculturalprospectslocally, regionallyandtotheentire Arab nation. This ample cultural habitasarecordtoitsachievedworkandaccomplishmentswhichitwasable round. Council’s workplanturnsintoabroadrangeofculturalcelebrationthatlastsalmostyear- thought andliterature,theater, visualarts,musicandsinging,wherebytheNational possible effort toactivateandsupporttheculturalwork,withallitssectors,throughout Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah; hence,theNationalCouncildoesnothesitatetomakeevery Arab culture. This comesinlinewiththedirectivesofHisHighness Amir SheikhSabah plan toenhanceandpromotetheculturaldevelopment,notonlylocallybutalsoinentire aiming towardsthefuturetomakeanewtomorrowandbetterlife. nation. Cultureisindeedacumulativeworkthatbenefitsfromtheofpastyet Kuwait tookuponitselfthetaskofdeveloping Arab cultureandexportingittothe Arab Arab communityandasanenginetoacomprehensiveevolutioninallaspectsoflife, and uponitsbeliefintheimportanceofculturalworkasabasetoestablishlarge culture. Withthedeepfaithinits Arab andIslamicbelonging,bothinidentitylocation, for Culture, Arts andLettershashadakeeninterestintheimplementationofState’s established itself,sincethedawnofmodernrenaissance,asaminaret Arabic The NationalCouncilissuesthisStatisticalBookwiththeintentionofmakingitanannual Since itsinception,andastheculturalarmofStateKuwait,NationalCouncil In spiteofitssmallareasizeandhumblenumberpopulation,Kuwaithas of InformationfortheStatistical Book Speech ofHis Excellency theMinister

7 Speech 8 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Speech the Arab nation as a whole. a as nation the Arab blocks toourestablished ancientculture,whichisasafefortresstoour belovedKuwaitand Al-Sabah. Council forCulture, Arts andLetters,SheikhSalman Al-Hamoud Hammond Al-Salem to thepermanentdirectivesofMinister InformationandPresidentoftheNational response in and Prince, Crown the Highness His and Sabah Al-AhmadAl-JaberAl-Sabah prosperous andculturalfuture,underthewise leadership ofHisHighnessthe Amir Sheikh more andlightsinfrontofusthetorches hopetoprogressabrighterandmore done, butwehaveenoughdeterminationtoachieve it»,whichgivesustheabilitytowork should benotedthattheaimofStatistical Yearbook isto say«We stillhavealottoget motivate thembeinvolved,whetherinpartnering withusorthroughtheirowninitiatives.It order tocommunicatewithinterestedfollowersandtheculturalcommunityingeneral, the timeinsteadyandsincerework. Council’s activitiesandeventsovertheyear, wheredifferent departmentsareinvolvedall annual Statisticalbook,tobetheafulfillingrecordandreflectivemirrorofNational achieved intheculturallevel,NationalCouncilforCulture, Arts andLetterspresentsthis which simultaneouslyreflectsandestablishestheprestigiousstatusthatKuwaithas its Arab brethrentosupportlocalprojectsandculturalactivitiesinmost Arab countries. of readersthroughoutthe Arab world,butalsobyprovidingacooperativehelpinghandto sober inexpensivepublicationsmakingitaffordable tobeacquiredbythelargestsegment Kuwait’s roleinthe Arab culturedevelopment,notonlythroughtheprovisionofcultural the Atlantic oceantotheGulf,andperhapsmajorityof Arab citizensacknowledges the Arab culturesoitwideneditsefforts circletoincludeallpartsofthe Arab homelandfrom that ithasbeenfulfillingwithpride. This taskwastoeffectively contributeinthemakingof arm, bothatlocaland Arab widelevels,andtookuponitselftheperformanceofahugetask National CouncilforCulture, Arts and LiteraturehasalwayspersistedtobeKuwait’s cultural owner ofitsowndecisions. builds itsroleinthesurroundingregionstobecomemakerofownfutureand history. Italso grantsthecountryabilitytoparticipateincivilizationofitseraand cognitive andethicalsystemswhichconnectsthispathtothecountry’s originalityand development isaconsequenceofculturesupportingpoliciesandaninevitableresulttothe modernizing society, withthebeliefthatsustainableandcomprehensivepathof Kuwait hasbeeneagertoconsidercultureasthechieffoundationofrenovatingand And wepraytoGodhelp usalltoproceedwithaneagerspiritadd more constructive Upon thetwentiethcenturyandwithbeginningoncountry’s modernrenaissance, The reportpresentswithanalysesandfigures,whattheCouncilhasaccomplishedin While KuwaitcelebratesitsselectionasthecapitalofIslamiccultureforyear2016, In thiscontext,sincetheissuanceofEmiridecreeonitsestablishmentin1973, Speech oftheSecretariat oftheNational Council forCulture, Arts andLetters and thesurrounding Arab nationasawhole. development inallareas. in theforefrontofhisinterestwithbeliefitsimportancetooverallcomprehensive protect him,thepatronofrenaissanceKuwait,ashe,HisHighness,placesculture this effort asatokentoallpeopleofthecountryandHisHighness Amir, may Allah maker. Council, withtheintentiontodeploymostadvancedanalysismodelsfordecision serve thedecision-makersatlevelofartisticandculturalservicesprovidedby by theCouncilofscientificdevelopmentvariousstatisticalanalysismethods,to methods toassistdecisionmakersinthefieldofculturalandartistryactivitiespresented documentation ofactivitiesandfestivitiestheCouncil. humbly makesthisproductthefirststepinbuildingascientific-basednumerical after arealeffort bywhichthemanagementhaslaidtraditionsofstatisticalwork. This variables oftheCouncilduringfiscalyear2014/2015. This workhasbeenreleased comprehensive integratedstatisticalworkthatreflectsthemostimportant followers oftheNationalCouncilforCulture, Arts andLettersactivitieswiththefirst Culture, Arts andLetters,wehave thestatisticalfoundationthatwecanrelyon. language intonumericalformat. Today, wecansaythatintheNationalCouncilfor founding thescientificstatisticalbasestodevelopvariousanalyses We prayforallofusasustainablesuccess in ourculturalworkastoserveKuwait This ambitionisjustifiedbytheDepartment’s successintransformingnarrative The followingstepsinourstatisticaljourneywillpourintoonedirection,whichis It isthepleasureofResearch,StudiesandPlanningDepartmenttopresent At thecurrentstageofdevelopmentprocessinKuwait,Departmentpresents Studies andPlanningDepartment Speech oftheResearch,

9 Speech 10 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Definitions Used ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

papers couldbeprovided. title orsubjectandistotheinitiativeof moment. or anartistanycreativeperson(onemore)andthepublic.Itdoesnothaveaspecific aspects forclarifications. provision ofworkingpapersandtherecordsdiscussionswhichcoverdifferent It isdistinctfromthelectureorseminarworkshopinthatasymposiumincludes Symposium: artistic eventanditincludesseveralactivitiesontheoccasionofthisevent. Celebration: as anyotheractivities. in theevenastoavoidduplicationcountingforactivity. However, eventsareconsidered seminars), andisrecordedasoneactivityregardlessofculturalartisticdiversityincluded participants inartisticalortechnicalworkshopsandtrainingsessionscompetitions. Participants: evening. singing inthelyrical(songful)eveningandnumberofmusicpiecesplayedmusical book fairsandconcerts. ceremonies, lectures,seminars,theaterperformancesandpoetryreadings,artexhibitions, Activities: attend forthebenefitofknowledge. also containonlyexpertstoasshareexperiences amongeachother. Nonexpertscould would becharacterizedbyfollowingaprocessor experimentalmethods. A workshopcould training (inthissituationwouldbecalleda workshop).Inthiscase,theworkshop Training Course: Workshop: Art workshop: Seminar: Open Meeting: Lecture: Applied Seminar: Opening CeremonyorClosingCeremony: Events: by aspecialist toenhanceanddevelop theskillorscientificknowledge oftrainees. number ofspecialists. audience withattentionpaidtothediscussions. providers. This ismostlyheldwithintheaterfestivals’ activities. beginning andtheendofaculturaloranartisticevent(suchasfestivals,bookfairs,

Creative performancesprovidedthroughouttheactivitiessuchassoloorgroup

A meetingwithaspecifiedtitlebetweenonelecturer(ormore)andreceiving It maytakeadayormoreandisdedicatedtodiscuss aspecifictopicamong

The maincomponentsoftheculturalorartisticevent,suchasopeningandclosing

A meetingamongexpertstodiscuss specificissuesandinwhichbriefworking

An overallactivitydedicatedtocommemoratethehistoric,scientific,culturalor Everyone involvedintheactivity, whetherinamajororminorrole,aswell

It isconsideredasoneactivitywhethercarriedoninasingledayormore.

A meetingwithanopendialoguebetweenawriterorintellectualperson, A meetingbetweenspecialistsandnon-specialistsifthe purposeofitis

A trainingprogramwithaspecific topicandaspecifictimelinepresented

A seminardedicatedtothediscussionofaspecificworkartwithits Definitions Used

The festiveactivitythattakesplaceatthe ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Puppet Show: Folkloric Arts: Musical Concert: inventions, maps, toolsandlabs’ equipment usedinscientific research. and crafting. Exhibition: Visual Arts exhibiting andselling. Book Fair: sometimes suchactivitiesisdedicatedonlytofolkloricChoir. statistical tablesbasedonthenationalityofperformersortypeperformanceas includes singersfromdifferent nationalityitisthencalled“Lyrical Evenings”. singing orgroupsinging.Itwouldbeidentifiedbythenationalityofsingersandwhenit Lyrical Concerts“Lyrical Evening”: and closingdeclarationattheendofconference. number ofparticipantsspecialistsandthepublicbyarrivingatfinalrecommendations and themesthatareorganizedunderonetitle.Itischaracterizedbyhavingasizeable from abroad)andanaudienceofparticipants. The conferencewouldhavespecifiedsessions Choir Evening: Folkloric Lyrical Art: Poetry Evening: Scientific Exhibitions Art Exhibitions: for betterclarifications. arts. However, inthisbookweclassifiedit as aseparateartwithitsowndedicatedstatistics Photography Exhibition: storytelling andpoetryartsactivities. Literary Evening: Forum: General Conference: differentiated bythenationalityifperformerorgroup ofperformers. items. belongings, paintings,sculptures, photographs,andcollectablesofantiques orpersonal takes thesamenameofactivityitself. open discussionofasubject(orsubjects)withoutworkingpapers.Sometimestheforum classical. Asian, Foreign(whichincludesEuropean, American ,andLatin American music)or presented inthestatisticaltablesbytypeofmusicplayedsuchasKuwaiti, Arabic, identified bythenationalityofperformingteam. folkloric choir. Suchartscouldalsobelimitedtothefolkloricdancesonly. They are marionettes onstringsorwirestypepuppets shadowplays.

A meetingbetweenanexpert(orexperts)withtheaudienceofparticipantsin

The displayofbookswhetherforthepurposeexhibitingonlyorboth

An eveningthatismerelylimitedtogroupsinging.Itrepresentedinthe

These includefolkdancesandmaysolofolkloricsingingor

Includes allpuppetshows,whetherhandmanipulatedglove-type, An activitythatismerelydedicatedtopoetryregardlessofitstype. Are theexhibitionsthatincludemixedtypesof artsuchasindividuals’

An eveningthatismerelylimitedtoinstrumentalsperformances.It An activitytoreviewnovelsorshortstoriesitcouldcombineboth

A meetamongprofessionalexperts(eitherfromwithinthecountryor A folkloricsingingthatdescribesaspecificareaorcountry. Itis

: An exhibitionthatincludesalltypesofartsfrompaintings, sculpturing Exhibitionsthatonlydisplay modelsofscientificillustrationsand

Photography isconsideredbysomepeopleaspart ofthevisual

An activitythatcouldbelimitedtoasolosingingorthe 11 Definitions Used 12 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Definitions Used ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

museum toursandmusic. houses orplacementsbyauthorsandpublishers. known commonwaysofacquisitionwhichincludesbuying,receivingasgiftsfrompublishing Collectibles Books: seasons tofinallyachievethefinaldiscovery. place inthatsameyearassomeofthesearchaeologicaldiscoveriesrequiremanyexcavating archaeological sitesincooperationwithitscounterpartKuwaititeam. Foreign Delegation: tailored scenescreatedspecificallyforaparticularpurpose. Theatrical Scenes: about his/herroleandcontributions. audience withthatcharacter, alsoalecturestoidentifythecharacterinanopendiscussion perpetuation ofhis/hermemory. This activitywouldincludeaprintedbrochuretoacquaint Kuwaiti charactersthathasaninfluentialfootprintinhis/herfield,whetheraliveor Cultural Minaret: languages. manuscripts. Insteadtheyincluderarepublications,whetherin Arabic or otherforeign year doesnotnecessarilymeanthatalltheworkdoneforsuchdiscoveryhasactuallytaken cooperation withotherforeigndelegationsinthefieldofarchaeologicalexploration. protection andmaintenanceofmonuments. This isinadditiontotheteam’s bilateral Collection ofBooksandTomes: Rare Books: Arab HeritageLibrary: Private Libraries: Archaeological Discoveries: Kuwaiti Delegation: Family Day: Theatrical/Musical Performances/Shows: lyrical scenesorboth.

A daydedicatedforthefamilyanditincludesartworkshopschildren

Books thatarenotnecessarilylimitedtoheritageanddoalsoinclude

An activitythatisdedicatedtocommemorateorhonoranindividualofthe

Libraries thatindividualshaddonatedtotheNationalLibraryofKuwait.

These couldbescenesextractedoutofatheatricalperformanceorshort

A collectionof Arabic andforeignbooksthatthelibraryacquiredvia The foreignteamspecializedinsurveying,exploring,orrestoringatthe This includesaKuwaititeamspecializedinsurveying,excavatingand

A specializedlibraryofbooksancientandmodern Arab heritage.

Any archaeologicaldiscoverythatisrecordedinparticular

Includes theabovefourcategories

Dancing performancesthatincludeactingor Festivals and Book Fair 14 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Definitions Used Musical concert Band ofKmanja Artist workMadlenNilson Hiratage stamps 15 Festivals and Book Fair Definitions Used Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival January 5-25, 2015 Al-Qurain’s martyrs.IttakesplacefromthefirstweekofJanuaryuntilendthird The State’s Motivation Awards weregrantedasfollows: • • Dr. Ahmad Saoud Al-Hassan forhisresearchin“The planningintheBiography oftheProphet” History and Archaeology: Kuwait” Dr. SoadMusallam Ashabu forherbook“FamilyEducation RealityandParents’ Prospects in Education Prof. Muhamed Yaagoub Albakr forhisbook“ Alhebal Wa Toyour Samaa AlKuwait” Historical and Archaeological studiesandPopularFolkTraditions oftheStateKuwait Third: SocialSciencesandHumanities Dr. Nawaf Aljehmah forhisbook“AbilHassan Al Harwi –IsharatIlaMaarefat Al Ziyarat” Heritage Achievements The Arab Prof. Buthaina Al-Eissa forhernovel“KabertwaNaseit An Ansa” Novel Poet NashmiMhannaforthepoemcollection“AlmaafiSouratihi” Poetry Second: LiteratureField Tabqa“Wa operetta Kuwait” the Al for Artist /Anwar Abdulla Music Composition Director/ Waleed Sarabfortheradioprogram“Sawt Assahari” Radio Direction: “Alboushiya” play the for Director/ AbdullahAl-Aber Theatre Direction: Actor: Abdullah Al-Turkmani forhisroleintheseries“Saher Al-Lail –Part1” Television andFilmScreenPerformances: Actor/ Yousef Al Hashashforhisroleintheplay“Youwmiyat Adat Ela Aljonoun” Theatrical Performances/ Acts Artist/ May Al-Saad forherpainting“Entatherini1-2”(waitme1-2) and AppliedArts: Visual First: IntheFieldof Arts: • This year, thefollowingindividualsreceivedState’s Recognition Awards: Qurain CulturalFestivalannuallygrantstheState’s RecognitionandMotivation Awards. Humanitarian Leader:KuwaitUniversalCenter”. festivalwastitled“The Nations “UN”. Therefore, themainsymposiumforthisyear’s Amir a the “HumanitarianLeader”andKuwaitas“UniversalHumanitarianCenter”byUnited of HisHighnessthe Amir, SheikhSabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, mayGodprotecthim,as of themostsignificantissuesinregion. This year, theFestivalsynchronizedwithselection culminated annuallywithamainactivitycoveringanintellectualseminarrevolvingaroundone twenty-fourth ofJanuary. The festivalincludesallculturaland artisticeventswhichactivitiesare of thesamemonth. This year, 2015,theQurainCulturalFestivaltookplaceduringfifthto Mr. SuleimanMohammed Al Khulaifi Mr.Saleh AhmedAbdullah Mr. IbrahimMohammed Al-Shatti The QurainCulturalFestival,thelargestculturaleventinKuwait,isheldmemoryof (anactor)inthefieldofperformingarts. inthefieldofculturalservices (a writer)inthefieldofstoryandnovelwriting. 17 Festivals and Book Fair Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival 18 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival Poetry Evening Opening andClosingCeremonies Cultural Minaret Photography Exhibition Book Fair(TheCouncil’s Publications) Symposium Lecture (In Arabic) Lecture (InEnglish) Scientific Exhibition Celebration Total Cultural Activities of Qurain’s21 of Cultural Activities Cultural Activities ciiiso theQurain’s 21 Activities of First: Cultural Activities January 2015 st CulturalFestival-January2015 st CulturalFestival 21 2 3 1 1 1 3 5 3 1 1 Art Workshops Kuwaiti Lyrical Evening Arabic Lyrical Evening Arabic ClassicMusicEvening Modern MusicEvening Theatrical Show Cinematic Show Exhibition Visual Arts Kuwaiti Folkloric Art Indian Folkloric Art English Lyrical Evening Total Art Activities of Qurain’s21 of Art Activities ArtActivities Second: ArtActivities st CulturalFestival-January2015 29 6 3 3 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 3 19 Festivals and Book Fair Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival 20 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival Total Event Presenter Poet Lecturer Academic Journalist Researcher Participants andGuestsin Al-Qurain’s 21 st CulturalFestival 188 115 14 24 24 2 9 The GeographicalDistributionof Al-Qurain’s 21 Total Russia Yamen Tunisia Qatar Saudi Arabia Oman Emirates United Arab Lebanon Jordan United Statesof America Bahrain Iraq Morocco Egypt India Kuwait st CulturalFestivalGuests 188 143 14 1 1 2 4 3 2 3 5 2 1 3 1 2 1 21 Festivals and Book Fair Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival 22 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival Dancing Performances Music Group Singing Solo Singing Total Training Exhibition Visual Arts Theatrical Performance Al-Qurain’s 21 st CulturalFestival Art Events 25 48 93 9 4 3 3 1 Total Trainee Visual Artist Actor Interior Designer Composer Director Trainer Dancer Instrumentalist/ Musician Group Singing/Choir Singer Art Activities’ Participantsin Al-Qurain’s 21 st CulturalFestival 412 101 83 21 85 74 19 21 1 1 1 5 23 Festivals and Book Fair Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival 24 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Al-Qurain’s 21st Cultural Festival The Participantsin Al-Qurain’s 21 Total Albania Oman Palestine Syria Eretria Iraq Canada Spain France India United Statesof America Egypt Lebanon Kuwait st CulturalFestival According toNationalities 412 303 25 10 29 12 6 1 2 1 1 2 7 6 7 The Future Generations 26th Festival March 8-14, 2015 26 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The Future Generations 26th Festival ** Visual Arts ExhibitionforChildren * StoryClub Activity can acquirenewskillswithacheerfulandculturalhigh-endfun. for thechildrenwithintheiracademicyeartousefullyexploitanddirecttimesinwhichthey Letters. Therefore, itwasimportantfortheCounciltodedicateFutureGenerationsFestival Caring forchildrenisoneofthemaingoalsNationalCouncilCulture, Arts and Total Contests Lecture Exhibition** Visual Art Art Workshops Training Workshops* Theatrical performances Opening andClosingCeremonies Activities ofthe26 th FutureGenerationsFestival,March8-14,2015 21 11 2 1 2 1 2 2 Participants inthe26 Total Contest participants Art Workshop, StoryclubandlecturesParticipants Visual Art ExhibitionParticipants Lecturer Visual Art ExhibitionSupervisor Art Workshop Supervisor Puppeteer Actor Puppet Designer Set Designer Composer Director th FutureGenerationsFestivalEventsMarch,8-14 1423 1035 167 110 89 2 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 27 Festivals and Book Fair The Future Generations 26th Festival 28 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The Future Generations 26th Festival Total Syria Egypt India Bahrain Emirates United Arab Qatar Kuwait Children PaintingPreparedandExhibitedinthe26 Future GenerationsFestival 139 10 10 35 67 5 7 5 th Arab Festival for Children’s Theatre Second Round, June 11-20, 2014 30 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Arab Festival for Children’s Theatre launch ofthefirstround Arab FestivalforChildren’s Theatre, fromthe7 for Culture, Arts andLettersiskeenonsteeringallitsefforts tosupportthechild’s culture. The and continuationofthesame. 2014 wastheonsetofsuchefforts, thencamethesecondroundto assurethesustainability In pursuitoftheprovisioncompletecomprehensiveculturalservices,NationalCouncil Total Press Conference Puppet Show Theatrical Performance Art Workshop Ceremony Year Arab FestivalforChildren’s Theatre Activities Second Round,June11-20, 2015 2014/ 2015 26 12 1 9 3 1 th -19 th Marchin Total Performance Judges Workshop managers Dancers Group Singing Singers Puppeteer Musicians Actors Composers Directors Participants inthe Arab FestivalforChildren’s Theatre Activities June 11-20, 2015 204 116 32 13 10 10 5 4 2 5 7 31 Festivals and Book Fair Arab Festival for Children’s Theatre 32 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Arab Festival for Children’s Theatre Total Dancing Performances Musical Performances Group Songs Solo Songs Art Workshop Theatrical performances Arab FestivalforChildren’s TheatreEvents Second Round-June11-20, 2015 31 13 10 1 2 2 3 33 Festivals and Book Fair Arab Festival for Children’s Theatre The 17th International Music Festival June 2014 Rahman Albeijan (1939-2000)withtheparticipationoffiveartistswhoconducted10 performances. participation ofsevenartistsandtheInstitute’s choirtoperform11 musicalandlyrical closing ceremonywascarriedoutbyKuwait’s HigherInstitute ofMusical Arts, withthe “Tigris fåglar”thatrevivedtheIraqiheritage tolifewithKuwaititunes.Finally, the by thenational Tajik band,thePalestinianartistNai Albarghothi, thentheIraqiband musical andlyricalperformances. The ceremonyalsocontained Tagik Folkloricevening The openingceremonywitnessedthereverenceofdeceasedcomposerMr. Abdul The 17 th International MusicFestival, International June 2014 International MusicFestivalactivities Lyrical andMusicalEvening Iraqi ChoirEvening Lyrical Evening Tajik FokloricEvening Opening Ceremony 35 Festivals and Book Fair The 17th International Music Festival 36 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 17th International Music Festival Total Art Exhibition Songs Old Arabic Iraqi ChoirSongs Foreign Songs Tajik FolkloricDances Songs Modern Arabic Arabic Music Lyrical andmusicaleventsinthe17 June 17,2014 th InternationalMusicFestival 60 10 14 22 1 6 5 2 Total Kuwaiti Folkloric Artist Arabic Musician Kuwaiti Musician Tajik GroupSinging Arabic GroupSinging Kuwaiti GroupSinging Tajik Singer Arabic Singer Kuwaiti Singer Iraqi Maestro Kuwaiti Maestro The participantsinthe17 June 2014 th InternationalMusicFestival 236 35 39 26 28 44 35 14 10 2 1 2 37 Festivals and Book Fair The 17th International Music Festival The 16th Children and Youth Festival August 10-21, 2014 their time. a linkthatconnectschildrenwithotheractivitiesduringacademicholidaystousefullyexploit children’s skillsanddiversifytheirinterests. The Festival alsoaimsathavingsuchinterestsas to provideentertainingandculturaljoyaswellworkshopstrainingcoursesenhance Generations’ Festivalexceptthattheformerapproacheschildrenandyouthinsummerholidays The goalsoftheChildrenand Youth Festivalarenodifferent fromthatoftheFuture Activities oftheChildrenand Youth 16 Total Closing Ceremony Entertaining Contests Training Workshops Cuban PerformingShows Theatrical Performance Lectures Art Workshops Training Courses th Festival, August 10–21,2015 24 10 1 4 2 1 2 1 3 39 Festivals and Book Fair The 16th Children and Youth Festival 40 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 16th Children and Youth Festival Participants inthe16 Contests Supervisor Children Choir Musicians Maestro Dancers Actors Set Designer Writer Director Lecturer Art Workshop supervisor Training CourseSupervisor Total Participants inCourses,Workshops, Lecturesandcontests th Childrenand Youth Festival August 10–21,2015 543 697 14 13 45 30 25 13 2 2 2 4 1 3 41 Festivals and Book Fair The 16th Children and Youth Festival The 9th Summer Cultural Festival August – September 2014 * includes2bookreadingsessions poetic andheritage-basedartsrefinethesecapabilities. creativity inadiferentway, andunleachtheirenergiesinvariousmusical,theatrical,visual, assimilate andabsorbeyoungsters’ leisuretimeinthesummer, andtoconnectthemwith Cultural Festivalistoprovideanoutstandingculturalandartisticatmospherewiththeability category intendedfortheculturalandartisticacts.Inthiscontext,ideabehindSummer represent acornerstoneoftheNationalCouncilforCulture, Arts andLettersstrategy, asa The SummerCulturalFestivalsserieshavestartedsince2006,targetingyoungpeople,who Summer CulturalFestival- Auguest20 The 9 Photography Exhibition Total Yemeni Folkloric Art Kuwaiti Folkloric Art Training Workshop* Indian HeritageExhibition Art Workshop Lyrical Evening Poetic Evening Literary Evening Film ScreenShow Theatrical performance Summer BookFair Opening andClosingCeremonies th SummerCulturalFestival Activities - August 20 th - Septemper4 th -September4 27 1 3 5 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 th th , 2014 ,2014 43 Festivals and Book Fair The 9th Summer Cultural Festival 44 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 9th Summer Cultural Festival Total Lecturer Poet andLitterateur Photographer Film Director Actor Set Designer Play Wright/ Scriptwriter Theatre Director Musician andDancer Composer Choir Members Singer Participants inthe9 th SummerCulturalFestival,2014/2015 207 117 15 36 10 3 2 5 2 2 2 4 9 Total Theatrical Shows Film ScreenShows Indian Dances Hadramauti GroupSinging Kuwait GroupSinging Solo Singing The 9 th SummerCulturalFestivalEvents,2014/2015 54 25 2 7 3 8 9 45 Festivals and Book Fair The 9th Summer Cultural Festival The 15th Kuwait Theater Festival September 10-20, 2014 15 obstacles thatconstantlyobjectedthecontinuationofKuwait Theatre Festival,thisyearwasits which wasresponsibleforthemanagementof Theatre inKuwaitatthattime. And inspiteofthe launched inMarch,1989bythe Art andInstitutionsdepartmentattheMinistryofInformation in Kuwait. As acelebrationoftheWorld Theatre Day, Kuwait Theatre festivalfirstroundwas upscaled artisticefforts thathavebeenaccomplishedbythecultural andartisticmovement Culture, Arts andLettershadtheinteresttolaunchKuwait Theater Festival toculminateallthe and auditoryartitisticpleasurescanbeseenonstage. Therefore, theNationalCouncilfor th When theysaidthatthetheaterismaintypeofartsitwasmeanttostateallvisual round. The 15 Total Folkloric Dances Festival Symposium Press Conference Applied Seminars Theatrical Performances Opening andClosingCeremonies th KuwaitTheaterFestival Activities-December 10 th -20 24 1 1 5 7 8 2 th ,2014 47 Festivals and Book Fair The 15th Kuwait Theater Festival 48 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 15th Kuwait Theater Festival Total Theatrical /Musicalperformances Theatrical Scenes Film /MovieShows Press Conference Intellectual Seminars Applied Seminars Theatrical Performances The 15 th December 10 KuwaitTheaterFestivalEvents th -20 th ,2014 34 5 5 2 5 1 7 9 Total Folkloric Dancer Researcher Actor Writer Director Participants inthe15 December 10 th KuwaitTheaterFestival Activities th -20 th ,2014 151 103 26 7 6 9 49 Festivals and Book Fair The 15th Kuwait Theater Festival The 39th Kuwait Book Fair November 19-29, 2014 and artisticactivitiesassociatedwiththeFairallthroughoutit. beyond thattothecelebrationofdiverisivfationculturethoughoutcultural Kuwait bookfairwasreportedat206thousandvisitors. in the Arab regioninthefieldofpublishing. The numberofvisitorstothe39 that KuwaitBookFairisconsideredasoneofthemostimportantculturalevents publicatiosns oftheNationalCouncilforCulture, Arts andLetters.Itistherfore, both intermsofquantityandgeographicalspread. This iswellrepresentedinthe the publishingindustryinKuwaitismostwidelydistributed Arab region, 39 continued annuallyeversinceexceptin1990.Hence,2014wastheyearof cultural eventsinthefirledofpublicationforarabicspeakers.Inadditiontothat, considered themeneratofBookidnustryinth Arab regionandoenfothemain Center”. “Humanitarian Leader”andtheStateofKuwaitas“UniversalHumanitarian Highness theEmir, SheikhSabah Al-Ahmed, may Godprotecthimasthe “Kuwait UniversalHumanitarianCenter”incongruencewiththeselectionofHis th Kuwait BookFairisnotonlyconsideredasatrademarket,itgoes Kuwait Bookfairstaretdin1975attheFacultyofScienceHallKhalidiyaand Kuwait BookFair, alongsidewithCairoandWithBeirutBookExhibitions,is KuwaitBookFair. This BookFairwasrecordedunderthemain slogan th

51 Festivals and Book Fair The 39th Kuwait Book Fair 52 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 39th Kuwait Book Fair Book Distribution According toitsSubjectsinKuwait’s 39 Subjects Total Children’s Books History, GeographyandCivilization Literature Arts, Music,Sports Mathematics, NaturalSciencesand Technology Languages Humanities Religions Philosophy andPsychology Information andcommunicationgeneralknowledge Number ofTitles 10208 2313 1810 2058 th 258 862 421 828 289 901 468 BookFair Countries andPublishingHousesParticipatinginKuwait39 Arabic Publishing Houses Foreign Publishing Houses Publishing Houses Participating Countries Arabic andInternation- al Organizations Foreign Private Official Arab 458 454 53 13 15 65 th 8 BookFair 53 Festivals and Book Fair The 39th Kuwait Book Fair 54 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 39th Kuwait Book Fair Total Exhibition Visual Art Open Forum Theatrical Performance Film/ MovieShow Musical Evening Poetry Evening Seminars Lectures Cultural Activities associated with Kuwait 39 Kuwait with associated Cultural Activities th BookFair 18 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 7 55 Festivals and Book Fair The 39th Kuwait Book Fair Sectors’ Activities Band Women Musical Concert 57 Sectors’ Activities The 39th Kuwait Book Fair 58 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 The 39th Kuwait Book Fair Hiratage postage Art workshopcelebrationday Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 60 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Lectures Total Trips Art Exhibitions Family Day Forums and Art workshops Theatre Film /MovieShow Musical ConcertEvening Activities oftheIslamicMonumentSectorfor2014/2015 Arabic Foreign/ Western Oriental Arabic Kuwaiti English 110 15 17 20 20 1 1 6 2 7 5 7 9 Number of Attendees tothe Activities oftheIslamicmonumentsSector Musical ConcertEvening Total Trips Art Exhibitions Book Fair Family Day Forums Theatre Film/Movie Show Diplomatic CorpsEvening Lectures Foreign /Western Oriental Arabic Kuwaiti English Arabic 2014/2015 36402 4604 3532 3430 4185 7948 6663 1919 1129 237 862 969 867 37 20 61 Sectors’ Activities Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 62 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Number ofVisiters inOfficialVisits totheIslamicMonuments2014/2015 May April July June August September October November December January Total March Februery 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 241 895 143 85 35 43 79 52 64 68 33 45 7 Number ofVisitors inSchoolsVisits totheIslamicMonuments2014/2015 Total March February January December November October September May April 969 279 138 121 221 72 46 19 19 54 63 Sectors’ Activities Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 64 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Total March February January December November October Semptmber June May April Number ofVisitors inInstitutionsandUniversities’ Visits to theIslamicMonuments2014/2015 437 106 135 78 23 75 9 7 0 0 4 lamiya «Art in Islamic towards the Modern Silk Road: Ancient Paths Aalam Hadith «On the Droob Qadeema Nahwa Ala Tareeq Al Hareer: Alhendiya «Indian Dekn Fonoon Salateen Addekn towards the Modern Silk Road: Ancient Paths Aalam Hadith «On the Droob Qadeema Nahwa Ala Tareeq Al Hareer: Alhend: Jawaher Saharat els playing from India to Mulouk w Bayadiq oa iios210740 Total Visitors Civilization» BahrainMuseum-King- Al FanfilHadara Al Is- Kalila wDemna World 1750) (1500- Sultans’ Arts» World ies enchantedtheWorld» Alaalam «India:Jeweler- Spain «Kings andpawns:Pan- xiiinCountry Exhibition Islamic MonumentSector’ ExternalExhibitions2015/2014 Scuderie del Quirinale metropolitan museum of Natural History-Ohio Cleveland Museum of Islamic Art Museum - Museum -Rome,Italy dom ofBahrain art -New York -USA rado, USA ture andScience-Colo- Denver MuseumofNa- USA cow -Russia Kremlin Museum-Mos- Doha -Qatar 1My5Ot24950 5-Oct 31-May 9Nv3My22780 3-May 19-Nov 8Mr1-u 7320 12-Jun 18-Mar 3Ar3-o 25412 30-Nov 23-Apr 43214 26-Jul 14-Apr 0Ar2-u 51150 27-Jun 10-Apr 4Jl2-e 35914 20-Sep 24-Jul rmTo From Date Numbers of Visitors 65 Sectors’ Activities Islamic Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Assorting materials of Location SB11,12 at Archeology Restoring PotterythatwasdiscoveredbytheKuwaiti and MuseumDepartment’s Laboratories Delegationin Assabiya Archeological Location Work area Number ofMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Work SeasonNumber Participating Country/Countries Delegation Delegation Work timeline Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Museums andMonuments Department Joint missionsarchaeologicaldata 2014/2015 FiscalYear Data endangered monuments at Sheikh Jaber Hills ofcemeteryintheBronzeage-Early Tabeih Peninsula Assabiya 16 Letters National CouncilforCulture, Arts and Kuwait Bridge Road Kuwaiti Delegationforexcavating Stat: Islamic Erasettlements End: A discoveredhousein Assabiya Area- Excavationsof them at Archeology and Museum Department’s Assorting the archeological materials and recording Kuwaiti Delegation Laboratories 1/10/2014 1/5/2015 67 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 68 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector A discoveredhousein Al-Qusor village A restoredceramicpotfromthefirst/secondcenturyB.C Painting ofonehouseswithtar Participating Country/Countries Delegation Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Delegation Work timeline Archeological Location Work area Number ofKuwaitiDelegates Number ofFrenchDelegatesMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Work SeasonNumber Part oftheHeadlessStatue Kuwaiti French Delegation for excavating - Third CenturyB.C-Early Islamic Age monuments 18 France andKuwait (Al-Qusor) End: Stat: Hellenistic Castleand Al-Qusor Village Failaka 16 13 al CouncilforCulture, Arts andLetters Institute forOriental Archaeology, Nation- An imageoftheHellenisticCastleinFailakaIsland th 28/11/2015 13/10/2014 Pot fromtheIslamicage Collection ofscallopedceramicsdiscovered in Slaves Hunting StonearrowheadsdiscoveredinSlaves Settlements in Assabiya Settlements in Assabiya Participating Country/Countries Delegation Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Delegation Work timeline Archeological Location Work area Number ofKuwaitiDelegates Number ofFrenchDelegatesMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Work SeasonNumber Kuwaiti PolishDelegationforexcavating Warsaw University-NationalCouncilfor monuments atSlavesLocationSBH38 6 Poland andKuwait Later Stone Age (Modern)-SlaveCulture End: Stat: Slaves SettlementSBH38 Assabiya 16 15 Letters and Culture, Arts Decorated potteriesdiscoveredinSlavesSettlements The SlavesSettlementsin Assabiya Assabiya th 14/12/2015 18/10/2014 69 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 70 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Remains ofCeilingprintstar Part oftheexcavatedmonumentsby KuwaitiDanishat falling onthefloor dilmun city Participating Country/Countries Delegation Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Delegation Work timeline Archeological Location Work area Number ofKuwaitiDelegates Number ofFrenchDelegatesMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Work SeasonNumber Second largeststampfoundin location F6 temple castleandthetower Image oflocationF6showingtheruler’s Kuwaiti Danish Delegation for excavating Moesgaard museum-NationalCouncilfor monuments at Archeological location 7 Denmark andKuwait Bronze Age dilmun Civilization dilmun Bronze Age End: Stat: dilmun cityandlocationF6 Failaka 16 6 Letters and Culture, Arts th Bone handleofadaggerfromBronzeage 14/12/2015 20/10/2014 Remains ofajarcoveredwithtardiscovered ineast Failaka HuntersroomattheshorediscoveredineastFailaka Pottery containerdiscoveredineastFailaka Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Delegation Work timeline Archeological Location Work area Number ofKuwaitiDelegates Number ofFrenchDelegatesMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Participating Country/Countries Delegation Work SeasonNumber Georgia Institute for Archaeology-National lamic age Before IslamPeriod-EarlyandLateIs- End: Stat: East Failaka Failaka 16 7 Council forCulture, Arts andLetters 4 Georgia andKuwait ing monumentsatEastFailaka Kuwaiti GeorgianDelegationforexcavat- th A roomdiscoveredinlocation19east Failaka 24/4/2015 5/3/2015 71 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 72 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Microscopic imageofanarchologicalsampletaken from Addasht Ruins location in Failaka in location Ruins from Addasht A discoveredcoinin Addasht RuinsinFailaka Participating Country/Countries Delegation Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Delegation Work timeline Archeological Location Work area Number ofKuwaitiDelegates Number ofFrenchDelegatesMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Work SeasonNumber Kuwaiti PolishDelegationforexcavating Warsaw University-NationalCouncilfor monuments at Addasht Ruins 6 Poland andKuwait Late Islamicage End: Stat: Addasht Ruins Failaka 16 15 Letters and Culture, Arts th Remains ofaroomdiscoveredin Addasht Ruins Documenting thelocationof Addasht Ruins 19/4/2015 8/3/2015 Collection ofscallopedceramicsdiscoveredin Ostrich eggsdiscoveredinLocation SBH34 Location SBH34 Archeological LocationCivilizationPeriod Delegation Work timeline Archeological Location Work area Number ofKuwaitiDelegates Number ofFrenchDelegatesMembers Foreign Team University/Institution Participating Country/Countries Delegation Work SeasonNumber Georgia Institute for Archaeology-National Before Islamicera End: Stat: Bahra LocationSBH34 Assabiya 16 6 Council forCulture, Arts andLetters 6 Georgia andKuwait ing monumentsinKuwaitDesert Kuwaiti GeorgianDelegationforexcavat- th one ofitskindinKuwait Engraved stonesinarcheologicalburialthatisconsidered Archeological Burialdiscoveredin Assabiya 24/4/2015 5/3/2015 73 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 74 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Total Georgian (2) Polish (2) Georgian Danish Polish French Kuwaiti Number ofExcavatingDaysforEachTeam 2014/2015 518 212 51 43 51 56 58 47 iiiainSaeNme fPee Image NumberofPieces Civilization Stage Before Islam Bronze Age Islamic Age Islamic Age Islamic Age Stone Age Assabiya Assabiya Assabiya cultural andhistoricaldiscoveriesthroughout2014/2015 Restoration andmaintenanceworkofarcheological, 2769 3044 250 139 68

75 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 76 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Image Delegates Civilization Period Archeological Location Work Area Discovery Most Significant Archeological Discoveriesin2014/2015 sidered oneofitskindinKuwait Engraved stonesinarcheologicalburialthatiscon- Kuwaiti GeorgianDelegation Bronze Age SBH34 Assabiya 10 and Targeted Communication «Effective Training Program Ministry of collaboration with Harith school in Hakeem Bent Al Culture in Um Heritage and museum visit archeology and field of specialists in the workers and GCC countries’ the Eyes of the Monuments in Attifl - «Our Aatharouna Fi Heritage and Natural World Cultural committee in Arab expert meeting for the your Effective « HowtoMarket Training Program preserving restoring and capabilities in Incentivizing Connection» Education program Child»- Course Oyoun Job Ideas» archeology Participation th Preparatory Type of 70/0423/04/2014 27/01/2014 30/052/821 10 25/08/2015 23/08/2015 51/0527/10/2015 25/10/2015 16/1/2015 14/01/2015 rmTo From //058/2/2015 8/2/2015 //058/4/2015 8/4/2015 //056621 Preparation 6/6/2015 6/6/2015 List ofparticipationsFrominsideKuwait Period 21 Archeological Awareness in -Kuwait Civil -Kuwait Civil Commission Commission Committee Al-Qurain Summer Regular Cultural Occasion Culture Service Service Festival Festival Course for the Course World st Cultural Visit Field th Number of Attendees ------5---- 15 80 5---- 25 4---- 14 500KD otImage Cost

77 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 78 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Fo To From 13/ 4/ 30/ 8/ 4/ 4/ 2014 2014 2015 8465BlimAlocrom Belgium 6/5 28/4 452/ United 28/4 24/5 * fromtheNational Council 71 United 19 17 Participation 82 mnGulf Oman 29 28 0United 10 8 Date of List ofExternalparticipationsin Archeology andMuseumDepartment 15/ 4/ 17/ 4/ 2014 2014 2015 08/ 31/ Bahrain Emirates Emirates kingdom mnPreparatory Oman Arab Arab aa UNESCO’s Qatar Emirates Arab onr Occasion Country Meeting for the World Heritage archaeological Conference to image heritage course in first Organization the Gulf joint Exhibition of maintain the of Scientific Islamic Culture Archeology Committee Archeology 4 rlHsoy52Lcue------Lecture 2 5 Oral History Symposium sound and discoveries Cultural Days aid for the forum for Training Summit Ashareqa Ashareqa league Capital - youth Gulf th Number of Days 12Frm------Forum 2 11 umt- -- -- Summit 2 3 0Cus ------Course 10 5 etrs40- -- 450 Lectures 2 2 0Meig------Meeting 10 2 etr 5 80 150 Lecture 2 9 etr ------Lecture 1 3 Participants Number of * Participation activities of Events and attendees Number of KD otImage Cost

Kuwait Police (Mubarakiya Education Museum History of Mubarak Kiosk Jahra RedPalace Dickson House Kuwait Maritime Al Qurain Martyr’s Museum Kuwait National Museums Museum School) Museum Museum Museum Museum Museum Totals 03 1235 7567 1384 8812380 02 28 89897 12085 10726 8003 10253 6848 8546 3133 6073 2715 3552 7132 10831 3914 4 0410 4 3624 9323 6837 30036 3579 3638 2431 3943 2640 3336 845 1408 1024 947 1846 4399 6437 518225 0023 9631 4324 4932380 5489 2646 3403 3419 1986 2430 1060 2754 842 1591 3076 3684 pi a ueJl uutSpebrOtbrNvme eebrJnayFbur ac Total March February January December November October September August July June May April 8 2 5 9 9 3 6 3 5 8 1 3 4766 432 413 2608 373 485 252 553 275 339 98 469 110 330 182 296 195 175 251 520 483 623 199 67 124 130 9 5 2 72217878412 5 4 3 6462 836 548 640 553 1021 864 837 167 272 190 450 97 223 553 491 2 6 13 3 43518211540572815 537 470 10190 185 839 261 2759 671 128 958 335 781 94 957 130 30 462 61 363 590 221 328 412 460 973 Monthly StatisticsofMuseumVisitors Museum visitors list Museum visitors 79 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 80 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector MsusIdvdasPublic Individuals History of Education Museum (Mubarakiya Museums Kwi ainlMsu 09 7352 1769 5528 4793 20290 oa 41 53 0730 89897 3603 6047 15335 44 64912 199 442 2 0 4081 202 16 0 499 4416 0 220 1024 25602 304 2685 420 878 0 3575 Total Kuwait PoliceMuseum 1470 1134 School) 7696 Mubarak KioskMuseum Jahra RedPalaceMuseum Dickson HouseMuseum Kuwait MaritimeMuseum Museum Al QurainMartyr’s Museums Visitors accordingtoGroups,2014/2015 1441063 0 431 2114 Schools Private School Delegations Official 30036 10190 32380 Total 4766 6462 2815 2608 640 External View oKathmaCenter Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Architecture and Engineering Affairs Department andEngineeringAffairs Architecture Internal View ofKathmaCenter Historical BuildingInformation Cultural Center Old 1950 Al Jahra Kathma CulturalCenter 81 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 82 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Oriental School-Girls Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Back View oftheOrientalSchool-Girls Historical BuildingInformation Modern Art Museum(OrientalSchool- Girls) 1,500 Paint work Museum 30/6/2011 Old 1938-1939 Sharq Mubarakiya School Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Historical BuildingInformation Side View oftheMubarakiyaSchool Mubarakiya School 5,000 Paint work-presentationequipment Education Museum 30/6/2011 Old 1959 Mubarakiya 83 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 84 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector General viewoftheOrientalSchool-Boys Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Historical BuildingInformation Inside viewofthe OrientalSchool-Boys restoration and restrooms Doors and Windows maintenance, Under process Diplomatic Institution 5/12/2000 Old 1946 Sharq Oriental School-Boys Kuwait HouseforNationalWorks Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Historical BuildingInformation Side viewofKuwait HouseforNationalWorks Establishing ahall,maintenanceof rest rooms 15,000 Museum 5/12/2000 New Shuwaikh Kuwait HouseforNationalWorks 85 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 86 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Al QurainMartyrsMuseum Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Side viewof Al QurainMartyrsMuseum Historical BuildingInformation Electrical Maintenance, Painting Al Qurain works ofexternalform 10,000 Museum New Al QurainMartyrsMuseum Al QibliyaSchool Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Historical BuildingInformation Side view Al QibliyaSchool 5,000 Aluminum andDoorMaintenance ing affairs Managing architectureandengineer- 26/3/1995 Old 1942/1943 Qibla Al QibliyaSchool 87 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 88 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Amricani Hospital Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Amricani Hospital Internalcourtyard Historical BuildingInformation 5,000 Aluminum andDoorMaintenance Outer Fence Old 1912 Qibla Amricani Hospital Entrance gateof Aisha School Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Back viewof Aisha School Historical BuildingInformation under process Cleaning andarchitecturefixing Unused 23/6/2014 Old Qibla Aisha School 89 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 90 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector The DicksonHouse-Generalview Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding The DicksonHouse -Internalview Historical BuildingInformation The Dickson House 40,000 Plastering, WindowsandFlooring Museum 5/11/2012 Old 1899 Sharq Kishk Al-shaikh Mubarak Kishk Al-shaikh Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Side viewofKishk Al-shaikh Mubarak Historical BuildingInformation 10,000 Plastering, WindowsandFlooring Museum 7/3/2010 Old Mubarakiya Mubarak Kishk Al-shaikh 91 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 92 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector General viewSaduHouse Cost in2014/2015 Preparation forMuseumShow Restoration andPreservationWork Current Use Ownership Year Status ofBuilding Establishment Year Location Name ofBuilding Inside SaduHouse Historical BuildingInformation Building general maintenance and doors andwindowsmaintenance 20,000 Craftwork CenterforSaducrafts 5/12/2012 Old 1929 Qibla Sadu House Dr. AbdullahAttiya Dr. Khaled Annouri Dr. AhmedAlqanaei Nassar Dr. Hamad Alqahtani Dr. Hussein Almesry rf hldArsi uat ilcs6/10/2015 KuwaitiDialects Dr. EissaDashti Prof. Khaled Alrashid Dr. Khaled Albatni Dr. AmroAddusary rf aa luad uati h toa rhvs5/5/2015 2/6/2015 6/1/2015 2/12/2014 History throughout Journeys Hajj Kuwaiti Dr. Benyan Turky Ottoman the in Archives Kuwait 4/11/2014 Saleh Almesbah Trading MaterialsintheBronze Age Prof. Talal KuwaitintheBooksofCountries Alrumaidi Peninsula the Arabian in PrehistoryAges Prof. Mahana Al Mahana Dr. Fahd Alwahibi Saeid Prof. Ahmed Mr. Farhan Al-Farhan aeo etrrLcueTteDate LectureTitle Name ofLecturer Cultural Activities for the Archeological and Museum Sector Museum and the Archeological for Cultural Activities Political promotioninthe Texts ofthe Ancient Occupation of Kuwait Kuwaiti ResistanceMediaDuringtheIraqi Cairo intheEraofMamlukSultansits Since theDateofSaudi-KuwaitiRelations Economic and Political Conditions in the Queen ElizabethCoronationStampsusedin US-Kuwaiti Relations (Amricani hospital) national affiliation (Qurain Martyrs Museum The role of museums in strengthening the The Kuwaiti Fund for Economic Development Kazma - Akhawald era-theofKuwaitand Kuwait WiththedawnofIslam:era The Three erasthathavepassedonthelandof Near East Archeology and Arts - 1961 Eastern Gulf Kuwait in1953 through Documents Case) (Africa case) Al-Sabah 14/10/2014 1/12/2015 8/25/2015 3/11/2015 4/5/2016 1/3/2016 2/2/2016 5/1/2016 8/9/2015 1/7/2015 93 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 94 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector “Anzac”. some ofthefurnaces.Moreover, atemplewasbuiltforworshippingthegod stages oftheDelmoncivilization(1)throughwhichseveralhouses,wellsand tehse locationsareasfollow: in Februery27,2015underthenumberWHC/74/310/12/15. The significanceof Failaka IslandwasrecordedintheprelimierylistforWorld Culturelocations (1) The Dilmuncivilizationcenter, fivethousand years ago,wasmainlyinBahrainIslandsandtheIsleof Failaka Island. was surroundedwithaditchtoprotectthecatlefromattacksofpeople entrance gatesinadditiontotwotemplsforGreekgod. At alaterstage,thecastle squere shapedwithtowersandsquredcorners,someatthemain after thecontrolofSeleucidEmpireovermostworldregions. The castleis Second: SaedHill First: SaadHill the Emirateof Abu Dhubi.“Delmon”wasknownbyitsnamethroughout historybecauseitwas Island tothebordersof“Majan”civilizationinSultanate ofOmanand“Umm Al Nar”civilizationin Tarot inQatif.Itandextendedalongtheeastcoastof Arabian PeninsulafromKuwaitatFailaka and inEgypt, thecivilizationofPharaoh of “Mesopotamia”-nowIraq- andintheeastcivilizationof«Milokha» IndusValley (India) link betweentheMiddleEast andtheNearEastcountries,connectingat north, thecivilization surrounded byseawaterat everyside.Itrepresentedastrategiccenteroftheancient worldbeingthe At thislocation,acastlewasbuiltatthebeginningofthirdcenturyB.C This locationisknownastheDelmonCitywhichincludedsettelment The fileofSaadandSaedHills’ moneoumentsinthearchiologicalarea Documentation ofSaadandSaedHills’ Moneoumentsis the prelimierylistsforWorld Culture General view ofthearchaeologicalareainFailaka wherebothSaadandSaidmounds arelocated A three-dimensionalimageoftheHellenistictemple 95 Sectors’ Activities Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector 96 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Museums and Monuments (Archaeological) Sector Interface Hellenistic templeinFailakaIsland Hellenistic templecolumnsinFailakaIsland Artistic Sector 98 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Artistic Sector Visual Artist Shaimaa Department with Archeology and Museums Collectables in collaboration Khaled Saod Alzaid htgahrAiArm Mar-15 Ashkanani Photographer AliArromi Dec-14 Apr-14 Adel Almeshal Nov-14 Muhammed Rashid Almerri Shikha Sinan xiiinTteDt Hall Date Exhibition Title Local exhibition for thevisualarts Local exhibitionfor Data for thefiscalyearData for 2014/2015 First: ExhibitionsofKuwaitiIndividual oa 250 6 Total Visual Arts Department Visual Arts Feb-15 Apr-15 Al-Odwani Al-Odwani Al-Odwani Al-Odwani Al-Odwani Al-Odwani Arts and Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed of Artists Number 132126 132125141 194 Number ofpaintings/ photography * Residentartists inKuwaitboth Arabs and Foreigners - Alwan Hawaa 2(Eve’s International Women’s Day The Fifth Youth Visual Art Public Authority for Applied The artistsoftheFreeStudio gharb (Communities The Aljaliat -Alwanmenesharqwal The 7 (Adaset Sadeem) Colors 2) Feb-15 Modern Islamic Art Museum eyln Dec-14 Recycling lQri iulAtJan-15 Al-Qurain Visual Art Exhibition Education (Photography) colors oftheEastandWest)* htgah zo)Ag1 rsCne 880 28 ArtsCenter Aug-14 Photography (zoom) (Signs andlines) Ayat wKhutout May-14 (A Paint,Chairanda Table) Lawha, wKursy Tawela Photography Little Visal Artist Exhibitions ofvisualarts–GroupsKuwaitartistsin2014/2015 th Srn iulAtSep-14 SpringVisual Art xiiinTteDt Hall Date Exhibition Title oa 7 965 475 Total Second: GroupExhibitions May-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jan-15 u-4At etr1 24 12 ArtsCenter Jun-14 Apr-14 Oct-14 u-4At etr1 52 16 ArtsCenter Jul-14 International Arts Center Arts Center Arts Center Modern Art Modern Art Modern Art Modern Art Al-Odwany Al-Odwany Al-Odwany Addosary Addosary Addosary Muajab Muajab Muajab Muesum Muesum Muesum Muesum Kuwait and and and Fair of Artists Number 679 56 828 114 28 13 850 18 939 39 393 73 93 73 064 30 5120 105 25 35 944 Number ofpaintings/ photography 99 Sectors’ Activities Artistic Sector 100 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Artistic Sector AbnVsa ritJn1 rsCne 38 6 Arts Center Jan-15 Alban Visual Artist ArmanianVisual Artist Marous Egyptian Visual Artist Evilin Iraqi Coloring (Artistic Russion Stamps -Lebanise oe iulAts ojKn Feb-15 Koren Visual Artist JonjKanj Sarkistian Asham Allah creation) Visual Artist JohsefKhury uso iulAt Apr-14 Russion Visual Arts xiiinTteDt Hall Date Exhibition Title Hosting Visual Arts Exhibitionfortheyear2014/2015 oa 7348 57 Total e-4At etr116 17 1 ArtsCenter 1 Dec-14 ArtsCenter Dec-14 c-4At etr454 4 ArtsCenter Oct-14 Oct-14 Arts Center Modern Art Al-Odwany Al-Odwani Muesum Ahmed and of Artists Number 3110 43 155 158 Number ofpaintings/ photography 101 Sectors’ Activities Artistic Sector 102 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Artistic Sector otdEhbtos57 481 External Exhibitions Hosted Exhibitions Local Exhibitions Training Course Seminars Lectures andSymposium Art Workshops Number ofBrochuresassociatedwiththeExhibitions Total Activities ofVisual Arts in2014/2015 Number of Artists Number ofExhibitions Number ofPaintings Number of Artists Number ofExhibitions Number ofPaintings Number of Artists Number ofExhibitions 348 965 24 20 6 1 7 3 1 2 4 103 Sectors’ Activities Artistic Sector 104 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Artistic Sector *The eveningthatwerecarriedoutbythedepartmentotherthanparticipationsinfestivalsorBookFair Singing uat ign oenMscArbtcSosPoetry Evening AcrobaticShows ModernMusic Kuwaiti Singing Kuwaiti Evening Evenings ofIndependent Activities fortheDepartmentin(2014/2015)* 3121112 1511 Oriental Singing Evening Music AndFolkloric Department Heritage Events ofHadath Al-Ard (TheEarthEvent) Folkloric and Pop Arabic Songs nomto f2014/2015 of Information Evening Songs Gulf Evening Songs Indian Orchestra Music Modern Music Total 8 Total 11 *Bands thatwerehostedotherthanthoseinthefestivalsorBookFair The 3 Festival forSpiritualMusic& Chanting-Egypt, The 12 Jrs etvl odn ue2-5 04Nga uat ad14 NaghamKuwaiti Band The 7 Jarash Festival-Jordan, June22-25,2014 musicians in Classical Music Performers - The 2 il PriiaigBn/rit Number Participating Band/Artists Title ExhibitionLocation Name ofBand/Group and Traditional Arts -Cairo, April 18-25,2015 September 20-25,2014 Festival, April 5-12, 2014 5-12, Festival, April Azerbaijan- April 23-26 , 2014 , 23-26 Azerbaijan- April Fec ad-éocltr Air Show French Band -Aérosculpture British Artist/ Yasmeen Ahmed andher5Members Kuwait NationalMuseum Kuwait NationalMuseum Duban -PalestinianPopandFolkloricBand Shahnaz Turkish ClassicalBand External ParticipationsfortheMusic And FolkloricHeritageDepartment rnhBn aCmaned ea Open Area Show Kuwait NationalMuseum French Band-LaCompagniedekedam French BandLorchestereNationaldeBarbes band Nile Band for Pop Instruments Kuwait NationalMuseum Kuwait NationalMuseum Nile BandforPopInstruments Shamiya Theater Hungarian Orchestra Indian Band-SonamKalra&SufiGospelProject nd th rd Foreign Groups/BandshostedbytheDepartmentin2014/2015* Roundof The InternationalSamaa’ InternationalContestFestivalfor roundofInternationalFestivaldrums th roundof Ashareqa CulturalDays during 2104/2015 Maayouf Almajlifor Folkloric Al Qasr Al Ahmar Band for Hamad Ben Hussein band Pianist / Lulwa Ashamlan Arts Folkloric Art for Folkloric Arts and Violinist /SaraDashti Kuwait National Museum Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre 27 22 22 2 105 Sectors’ Activities Artistic Sector 106 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Artistic Sector For Children for Adults Total BookingDays Addasma Attahrir (Liberation)Kifan Shamiya Theatre Total Description Bookings oftheCouncil’s Shows’ Halls Accepted TheartricalScripts2014/2015 2014/2015 Infromation Theatre Department Theatre Number ofScripts Number ofDays 612 135 264 213 62 33 29 Arabic Theatre Festival7 The 13 Jordan Theatre Festival-Jordan The 1 Masrah belaIntaj(Theatrewithout Asshareqa Festival Supreme Meeting ofthePermanentCommittee Morocco 21 production )Festival(Egypt) (UAE) Theatre (UAE) Mediterranean Festival(Italy) Committee MeetingforGulf Theatre for theGulf Theatre Festival st Asshareqa FestivalforGulf th External ParticipationsfortheTheatreDepartment2014/2015 Gulf Theatre Festival cainTeSo TheBand TheShow Occasion th round- Howa? (Which Kissat Al Ams of themisHe?) Sada Assowt Man Menhom (yesterday’s (Voice Echo) ﺍﻣﺮﺃﺓ ﻻ ﺗﺮﻳﺪ ﺃﻥ (A letterto..) Resala Ila Story) ﺗﻤﻮﺕ - --16 1 ------4 1 -- -- 5 3 -- -- Al-Haddad Abdul Aziz ﺍﻟﺨﻠﻴﺞ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻲ Folkloric Folkloric ﻓﺮﻗﺔ ﻣﺴﺮﺡ Theatre Theatre Theatre Kuwait Theatre Band Band Band Participants Number of 07 20 69 26 07 20 710 17 37 Participation Number of Days of 107 Sectors’ Activities Artistic Sector Culture Sector Total Silsilat Ibdaat Alamiya (InternationalCreativitySeries)Total Silsila men Almsrah Alaalamy (Seriesof International Theatre) Magazine) (Arts Jaridat Alfonoun Culture) (International Athaqafa Alalmiya Aalam Alfikr Magazine(World ofIntellect) Aalam Almaarefa (World ofKnowledge) Periodic PublicansfortheNationalCouncilofCulture, Publication and Distribution information Financial Information 2014/2015 Financial Information Arts andLetters-2014/2015 46 12 12 6 6 6 4 109 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector 110 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Culture Sector Series) Total (International Creativity Silsilat Ibdaat Alamiya International Theatre) Alaalamy (Series of Silsila men Almsrah Jaridat Alfonoun (Arts Athaqafa Alalmiya Aalam Alfikr Magazine (World ofKnowledge) Mulhaq Aalam Almaarefa Aalam Almaarefa (World Magazine) (International Culture) (World ofIntellect) Attachment of Knowledge Issue Information About PublicationsPrintedCopies,DistributionandCosts Number of Issue 250 7090746 950 4750 5000 12 240048084 10725.5 8740 40850 43000 12 00 5020 2297 2600 2200 9500 2300 10000 9500 6 10000 6 0045 901127.5 1900 6336 4750 7450 23750 5000 25000 6 4 30 05 6215 40850 43000 6 Printed Copies for EachIssue Number of Average Distributed Average Copy of Issue Cost per Average Issue for free with Distributed Almaarefa Aalam revenue per average Issue JrdtAfnu 004750 4750 40850 5000 40850 5000 43000 43000 Jaridat Alfonoun Athaqafa Alalmiya Mulhaq Aalam Almaarefa Aalam Almaarefa isltId’a lmyh1009500 9500 23750 Distributed 10000 10000 Printed 25000 Silsilat Ibda’aat Alamiyah Silsila men Almsrah Alaalamy Magazine Aalam Alfikr Issues Publication’ PrintedandDistributedCopies 111 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector 112 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Culture Sector JrdtAfnu 5 746 1127.5 950 10725.5 1900 8740 6215 Jaridat Alfonoun Athaqafa Alalmiya Mulhaq Aalam Almaarefa Aalam Almaarefa isltId’a lmyh20 2297 2200 6336 2600 2300 7450 Silsilat Ibda’aat Alamiyah Silsila men Almsrah Alaalamy Magazine Aalam Alfikr susCs Revenue Cost Issues Average CostandRevenuepereachIssue Distributed forfreewith Aalam Almaarefa Algeria, LibyaandSyriaarenotincludeinthetabledueto theabsenceofdistributiontothesecountries. *Includes themonthlydistribution,subscriptions,giftingand longtermdistribution. Creativity (International Alamiya Silsilat Ibdaat Theatre) International (Series of Alaalamy Almsrah Silsila men Alfonoun (Arts Jaridat (International Alalmiya Athaqafa (World of Magazine Aalam Alfikr (World of Almaarefa Aalam Publication Series) Magazine) Culture) Intellect) Knowledge Issues National CouncilforCulture, Arts andLetters’ PeriodicPublication 50104 09 0607045 01010403050 300 450 150 120 50 4950 780 600 50 30 120 90 500 90 200 50 40 40 100 150 100 3850 1500 850 250 1500 50 40 50 70 25 50 200 150 1700 20 350 200 100 500 50 1750 30 100 75 25 1100 75 300 900 30 100 25 100 800 1750 25 500 300 25 300 25 250 11700 3000 100 4750 1650 30 120 1250 100 3000 100 300 1200 40 300 19900 4400 250 8000 1250 40 100 150 40 350 1600 Kuwait* Saudi Arabia List ofDistributionto Arab Countries Bahrain



Oman itiuinLs Total Distribution List Egypt








Palestine 23750 40850 4750 9500 9500 4750 113 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector 114 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Culture Sector Qri’ utrlFsia b hb okFi h oni’ ulctos TheCouncil’s Publications AbuDhabiBookFair Qurain’s CulturalFestival mnBo arTeCuclsPbiain TheCouncil’s Publications OmanBookFair Cairo Doha TheCouncil’s Publications Asshariqa Tehran BookFair Summer CultureFestival Book Book Book The The Fair Fair The Fair Council’s Council’s Council’s Publications Publications Publications Kuwait 39 Internal ParticipationforthePublicationandDistributionDepartment Qurain’s 21 Description Summer Culture9 Avenues Mall Souq Sharq Avenues Mall Internal andExternalParticipationsoftheBookFairDepartment nieKwi OutsideKuwait Inside Kuwait th Bo ar 59206,000 519 BookFair st CulturalFestival th Festival Book Fair Department Participating Publishing Houses Number 600 500 500 400

Number of Attendees 115 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector 116 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Culture Sector oa 97 1 1 5 13 3 8 17 46 3 IssuesNumber Total Art Sociology Politics History Economics Children Story Education Literature Science Field /Subject Financial Informationof2014/2015 Culture Department Culture Publications Incentives Total Workshop Seminars Culture Minaret Poetry Evening Literary Evening Symposium Lectures Culture Season Activities 26 5 1 3 5 1 2 7 117 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector 118 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Culture Sector Total Contests Music andSinging Puppet Show Theatrical Show Workshop’s Symposium Lectures Children Culture Activities 96 20 18 37 11 1 4 5 hn ejn rbcCieeClua ou nteSl od615K 6 ArabicChineseCultural Forum-OntheSilkRoad Beijing China tl iii nentoa inaeEhbto o rhtcue1 800K 12 International BiennaleExhibition for Architecture Vinicia Italy CutyEvents Country United Kingdom usaRsinClua asi uat3 700 400 1500 450 900 30 21 16 8 47 RussianCulturalDaysinKuwait AlbanianCulturalDaysinKuwait Russia IranianCulturalDaysinKuwait PalestinianCulturalDaysinKuwait Albania IndianCulturalDaysinKuwait Palestine Iran India Country Monitoring External CulturalRelations Monitoring External

City 1100 7 British CulturalDaysinKuwait First: CultureWeeks Information Music B. OutsideKuwait For 2014/2015 A. InsideKuwait

Theater Events Participants Exhibitions Number of

Symposium Number of Attendees Number of Participants

Number of Attendees 119 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector 120 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Culture Sector United Kingdom usaMngr30 21 Manager 47 Manager Russia 16 Agent Albania 8 Minister Palestine Manager Iran India UNISCO ooc utr n r //05EytClueadAt2014-2017 Cultureand Art 2014-2016 Cultureand Art 10/2/2015 Egypt Cultureand Art 3/2/2015 UAE Sudan Cultureand 2/2/2015 Art Morocco Cultureand Art Senegal Cultural Agreements between Kuwait and: Kuwait between Cultural Agreements Country Country Intangible Safeguarding the Representation Cultural Heritage To Collaboratein Second: Cultural Agreements, ExecutivePrograms Level of tes7 Others and MemorandumofUnderstanding Third: OfficialDelegationsVisits Participants Number of tetto onr To Collaboratein Country Attestation

Cultural and Artistic Exchangeprojectinside Cultural and Artistic Exchangeprojectinside Cultural and Artistic Exchangeprojectinside Cultural and Artistic Exchangeprojectinside Cultural and Artistic Exchangeprojectinside Cultural and Artistic Exchangeprojectinside and outsideKuwait and outsideKuwait and outsideKuwait and outsideKuwait and outsideKuwait and outsideKuwait Culture Tourism and Abu Dhabi Authority Executive ProgramsbetweenKuwaitand: Legal Foundation Libraries, Culture and Art 2014-2017 For the Years Relations in half a Deplomatic Kuwaiti-Spanish Development of Heritage in Arab Intangible Cultural Safeguarding the Training Coursefor Gulf Cooperation Activists of the for the Culture Training Courses Preparation and Centurey Countries Council Training Course etr il Lecturer Lecture Title Fifth: LecturespresentedundertheorganizationofCultureSector Forth: InternalandExternalTraining CoursesfortheCultureSector Place of Training uatArab Organization for Kuwait uatGeneral Secretariat of Kuwait Dr. Abdul Gabrial Alajmi Prof. Hadi Allo Culture, Arts and National Councilfor and culturethe for education science nations organization Culture, The united Education Science and Culture, Arts and National Councilfor Council and the the Gulf Cooperation Letters Letters Spain in Kuwait Organizer Participating Embassy of University Kuwait Entity of Kuwaiti- cainDt Place Date Occasion

Relations Number of 50 years spaish 6Manager / 46 3 0Manager / 20 4 Days

Number of Participants Job Position 10/11/ Head of Head of Head of Head of 2014 Level Employee Division Department Supervisor Employee Division Department Supervisor National Kuwat Library Cost /

individual Held Training Perviosuly Number of Number of Attendees

Courses 121 Sectors’ Activities Culture Sector Kuwait National Library DsettosDsettosi rbc676 Dissertations in Arabic Dissertations (copies and Tomes) Publications Governmental Manuscripts ot ok Aai 744 5,726 Arabic Arabic Youth Books Children Books Books Total Books 228,074 719 ArabicPeriodicals Periodicals (Titles) Total Books rn oa fAalbeBosi irr 269,305 Grand Total of Available BooksinLibrary Total Books,PeriodicalsandManuscriptsinKuwaitNationalLibrary Frin200 Foreign Frin1,680 Foreign ecito ubrTotal Number Description Dissertations in Foreign Languages 1,423 Arabic Dissertations inForeignLanguages irfih 15,382 4,187 2,229 Microfiche Microfilm Original Foreign Periodicals 265 Foreign Periodicals Rare Books (Arabic Books) 852 Rare Books(ArabicBooks) Arab HeritageLibrary 6,487 Private Libraries Collectible Books Kuwaituna Collection till March31 st , 2015 Arabic Books 32,000 Arabic Books 2,702 Foreign Books 35,187 Arabic Books 28,160 Foreign Books 129,173 Arabic Books 8,000 157,333 21,798 32,000 37,889 8,000 2,099 7,406 6,487 944 984 852 123 Sectors’ Activities Kuwait National Library 124 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Kuwait National Library Youth Books Children Books Children and Youth Bookstill31/05/2015 Foreign Youth Books 200 744 1,680 5,726 Foreign Youth Books Arabic Youth Books Foreign ChildrenBooks Arabic ChildrenBooks 7,406 944 125 Sectors’ Activities Kuwait National Library 126 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Kuwait National Library Governmental Publications,DissertationsandPeriodicalstillMarch31 Governmental Publications Dissertations inForeignLanguages Dissertations in Arabic Foreign Periodicals Arabic Periodicals 1,423 8,000 676 265 719 st , 2015 oeg ok 71 5183 09 48 174 85 84 95 80 31 7566 168 8787 45 843 1518 786 10 1769 7420 5993 87 1568 Foreign Books 1071 Arabic Books

Description 2014/2015 During Classified and Indexed Books Automatically

General Knowledge

Philosophy & Psychology


Social Sicences


Natural Science

Applied Science



History, Geography and Biography 37321 859 Total 127 Sectors’ Activities Kuwait National Library 128 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Kuwait National Library Frin9261471 1 334 3 13 217 19 7 30 164 16 6 23 222 82 2 298 252 9 7 14 35 Foreign Foreign Master Dissertations Doctorate andMasterDissertationsinKuwait’s NationalLibrary According rbc12 2111 3112 10 20 111 43 0 10 181 52 26 1 Arabic rbc61 4156183 44 14 34 8 1 6 105 34 10 6 Total Arabic Doctorate Dissertations Description

General Knowledge to the Approved Classification

Philosophy & Psychology


Social Sicences


Natural Science

Applied Science



History, Geography and Biography

Total 2099 454 444 979 222

Total PeriodicalsandNewspapers oeg eidcl 3 91 66 12 8 82 6 46 236 22 19 2 13 Foreign Periodicals Arabic Periodicals Kuwaiti Periodicals Foreign Newspapers Arabic Newspapers English KuwaitiNewspapers Arabic KuwaitiNewspapers Foreign Arabic Dissertations Dissertations Audio-Visual Materials Governmental Publications Foreign Periodicals Arabic Periodicals Foreign Books Heritage Books Arabic Books Description Dissertations Submittedfrom April 1

Provisions ofPeriodicalsandNewspapersduring2014/2015 Description ecito ebrhpGfsPurchasing Gifts Membership Description Library ProvisionsofKnowledgeResources 2014/2015

53 12 0 0 20 11 0 1 30 15 020092922 0 6 2 0 0 General Knowledge

Philosophy & Psychology

Religions 7 2 117603 157 41 128 277 Social Sciences

Languages st , 2014untilMarch31

Natural Science

Applied Science Number ofResources

Arts 14989 Periodicals 1163 120 448 236 346 889 Literature archive st , 2015 History, Geography and Biography 236 207 139 13 6 2 68 79

Total Total 129 Sectors’ Activities Kuwait National Library 130 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Kuwait National Library Books publishedinKuwaitclassifiedbytheInternationalISBNstandard rbcBos1 55 61 44 42558 265 14 46 14 12 96 57 35 12 Foreign Books Arabic Books


232249732119 General Knowledge

Philosophy & Psychology figure duringthe2014/2015


Social Sicences


Natural Science

Applied Science



History, Geography and Biography 609 75 Total * Includingactivitieshostedbythelibrary Total Forums Discussion Forums Film/Movie Evening Meetings Seminars Contests Poetry Evening Exhibitions Workshops Celebrations Press Conference Lectures General Conference Symposium Training National Library Activities in2014/2015* 150 12 27 12 14 47 1 7 3 6 1 1 1 8 8 1 131 Sectors’ Activities Kuwait National Library 132 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Kuwait National Library Total Presenters Musicians Directors Technicians TV Cameraman Editors Photojournalist Lecturers Participants inKuwaitNationalLibrary Activities in2014/2015 96 18 20 20 15 3 8 4 8 Financial and Administrtive Affairs Department 134 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Financial and Administrtive Affairs Department Total NumberofEmployeesworkingattheNationalCouncilforCulture, KwiiNnKwiiKwiiNon-Kuwaiti Kuwaiti Non-Kuwaiti Kuwaiti 3 74720 477 57 233 aeFemales Male Administrative Affairs Department Administrative Affairs Kuwaiti Workers Arts andLetters Totals 787 ecito MnmmAeaeHigh Average Minimum Description 273. 716.1 3.9 47.1 48 3 6.3 46.8 34.1 45 47.2 371 39 36 12.7 335 33.5 268 10.4 30 238 13 100 8 % 92 Total perLevel % Non-Kuwaiti % Kuwaiti Distribution ofEmployeesworkingattheNationalCouncil According to Education LevelandNationality2014/2015 Education Higher Total 100 787 100 100 710 77 135 Sectors’ Activities Financial and Administrtive Affairs Department 136 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Financial and Administrtive Affairs Department 3 er n bv 4832 8 39 18 24 21 30 years and above Above 25&lessthan30years oas2047787 497 290 54 102 262 179 119 21 Total 185 75 110 80 Females 33 77 Totals 27 69 Males 39 Above 20&lessthan25years Above 15&lessthan20years Above 10&lessthan15years Above 5&lessthan10years Less than5years Years ofService Number ofworkerswhoreceivedtraining sessions Total trainingdaysfortrainees during theyear Distribution ofEmployeesattheNationalCouncilaccording to Numberof Years ofService Training Information 900 TrainingDays 180 Trainee Overall Variables and Indicators 138 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 Overall Variables and Indicators **** All KuwaitiandForeignfolkloricpopdancesperformances ** IncludingVisual Art ExhibitionsandBookFair **Total numberof518excavationdays * IncludingPressconferences Grand total Contests, entertainmentsandtrips Ceremonies Internal andExternalCulturalWeeks Folkloric artsandperformances**** Lyrical andMusicalEvenings Film andMovieEvenings Theatrical andPuppetShows Artistic and Training Workshop Exhibitions*** Archeological Excavation Activities ** Conferences*, Symposiums,ForumsandSeminars Poetry andLiteraryEvenings Lectures Opening andClosingCeremonies Total Numberof Activities CarriedoutbytheNationalCouncil for Culture, Arts andLettersin2014/2015 683 162 126 111 28 14 73 17 58 45 17 9 8 7 8 halls of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Arts Culture, theNationalCouncilfor halls of Total theshow andexhibition occupancydaysfor Average all3halls: occupancyrateper dayfor General IndicatortotheCouncil’s activities Average occupancy ratepereachhall: for 2014/2015 for : 1.87Activity / day Letters in2014/2015is612days Letters 204 daysinayear 1.68 show night 139 Sectors’ Activities General Indicator to the Council’s activities 140 The Annual Statistcial Book 2014/2015 General Indicator to the Council’s activities

Number of participants tonumber totheCouncil’s Employees participants Number of (Total participants activates/ duringthe year) Number of Total Trainees Technicians Puppeteers andPuppetDesigners Folkloric Performers Dancers Visual ArtArtists Photographers Bands/ GroupSingers Singers Musicians Maestros Actors Stage /SetDesigners Authors Directors Journalists Poets andWriters Academic Researchers Workshop Managersandtrainers Researchers Archeology Experts Lecturers Total NumberofParticipantstheNationalCouncilforCulture, Average activity ratefor participation: Arts andLetters Activities in2014/2015 = 5.49 more thanemployees= 5.49more = 6.3participant 4324 1828 133 544 256 390 384 126 125 18 14 61 71 71 23 37 28 29 66 24 80 8 8 nccalkw kw_nccal @NCCAL_kw Official page for National Council National Council for Culture Arts and Literature – Email: [email protected]

Translation and submission


T : +965 66666493 / +965 97100101 F : +965 25390902 E : [email protected]