Varieties and Synonymes of Surnames and Christian Names in Ireland. for the Guidance of Registration Officers and the Public In
« f xim ..^mm: EX LIBRIS. Bertram CT. 3, JHintilr, ILIL.D., Q.Sc, S.S.©., JF.Ja.^. OFFICIAL . YAKIETIES AND SYNONYMES OF SUENAMES AND CHRISTIAN NAMES IN IRELAND. FOR THE GUIDANCE OF REGISTRATION OFFICERS AND THE PUBLIC IN SEARCHING THE INDEXES OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. BY ROBERT E MATHESON, BARR1STKR-AT-JLA\V, REGISTRAR-GENERAL. DUBLIN: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STAT10^'EKY OFEJCE, By Alex. Thom & Co. (Limited), 87, 88, & 89, Abbey-street. through any Bookseller, from And to be purchased, either directly or Grafton-stkeet, Dublin or HODGES, FIGGIS & Co. (Limited), 104, ; EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding-street, Fleet-street, E.C. -, or and JOHN MENZIES & Co., Rose-street, Edinburgh, 90, West Nile-street, Glasgow. 1901. Frice One Shilling. 4 19S7 9776 PREFACE The First Edition of this book was issued in the year 1890 with the object of assisting Registration Officers and the Public searching the Indexes of Births, Deaths, and Marriages by collating the varieties in the form and spelling of names usually met with, and also those names differing altogether in form, which had been ascertained to be used interchangeably. A careful note lias been made during the decade of cases where additional varieties or peculiarities in Sur- names and Christian names have come under notice in this Office, or have been reported by local Officers. In view of the revision of the Work, I addressed a special circular to the Superintendent Registrars and Registrars asking for information as to the nomenclature in their respective Districts, and I now beg to thank those Officers who have so kindly responded to my request, and in many cases furnished additional information of interest and value.
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