Allocution De M. Elie Cartan
Recent Titles in This Series 123 M . A * Akivis and B. A. Rosenfeld, Eli e Carton (1869-1951), 199 3 122 Zhan g Guan-Hou, Theor y of entire and meromorphic functions: Deficien t an d asymptotic values and singular directions, 199 3 121 LB . Fesenko and S. V. Vostokov, Loca l fields and their extensions: A constructive approach, 199 3 120 Takeyuk i Hida and Masnyuki Hitsnda, Gaussia n processes, 199 3 119 M . V. Karasev and V. P. Maslov, Nonlinea r Poisson brackets. Geometry and quantization, 199 3 118 Kenkich i Iwasawa, Algebrai c functions, 199 3 117 Bori s Zilber, Uncountabl y categorical theories, 199 3 116 G . M. Fel'dman, Arithmeti c of probability distributions, and characterization problem s on abelian groups, 199 3 115 Nikola i V. Ivanov, Subgroup s of Teichmuller modular groups, 199 2 114 Seiz o ltd, Diffusio n equations , 199 2 113 Michai l Zhitomirskii, Typica l singularities of differential 1-form s and Pfafna n equations, 199 2 112 S . A. Lomov, Introductio n to the general theory of singular perturbations, 199 2 111 Simo n Gindikin, Tub e domains and the Cauchy problem, 199 2 110 B . V. Shabat, Introductio n to complex analysis Part II. Functions of several variables, 1992 109 Isa o Miyadera, Nonlinea r semigroups, 199 2 108 Take o Yokonnma, Tenso r spaces and exterior algebra, 199 2 107 B . M. MakaroY, M. G. Golnzina, A. A. Lodkin, and A. N. Podkorytov, Selecte d problem s in real analysis, 199 2 106 G.-C . Wen, Conforma l mapping s and boundary value problems, 199 2 105 D .
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