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J. Symbolic Computation (1998) 26, 355–379 Article No. sy980218

Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups from Infinitesimal Defining Systems


†School of and Statistics, University of Canberra, Australia ‡Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC, Canada

An algorithm is described which uses a finite number of differentiations and linear op- erations to determine the Cartan structure of a transitive Lie pseudogroup from its infinitesimal defining equations. In addition, an algorithm is presented for determining from the infinitesimal defining system whether a Lie pseudogroup has essential invariants. If such invariants exist, the pseudogroup is intransitive. These methods make feasible the calculation of the Cartan structure of infinite Lie pseudogroups of symmetries of differential equations. The structure of the symmetry pseudogroup of the KP equation is presented. c 1998 Academic Press

1. Introduction This work is concerned with the algorithmic determination of geometrical and structural properties of Lie pseudogroups, that is, properties which are invariant under coordinate changes and Lie pseudogroup isomorphism respectively. The collection of volume pre- serving local diffeomorphisms on Rn is an example of a pseudogroup, and satisfies most but not all the axioms of a . In particular, composition is not defined for all pairs of local diffeomorphisms, since the range of one diffeomorphism may not overlap the do- main of a second. Since a member X = f(x) of the collection preserves a volume element dx1 dxn, it must satisfy the nonlinear analytic partial differential equation (PDE) ∧···∧ 1 1 Xx1 Xxn . ··· . . . =1 (1.1) n n X 1 X n x x ··· i ∂Xi where Xxj = ∂xj . A pseudogroup whose local diffeomorphisms are analytic and satisfy an analytic system of PDEs will be called a Lie pseudogroup, and the system of PDEs will be called the pseudogroup defining system. To obtain the infinitesimal defining system of this Lie pseudogroup, the pseudogroup defining system is linearized about its identity transformation. For example, by substi- tuting Xi = xi + εξi(x)+O(ε2) into (1.1), the infinitesimal defining system

1 2 n ξ 1 + ξ 2 + + ξ n =0 (1.2) x x ··· x 0747–7171/98/090355 + 25 $30.00/0 c 1998 Academic Press

356 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid is obtained. It is a linear homogeneous PDE for variables ξi, components of a vector field 1 2 n ξ ∂x1 + ξ ∂x2 + + ξ ∂xn , whose flow diffeomorphisms are in the pseudogroup. When n = 1, equations··· (1.1) and (1.2) can each be integrated, giving X = x + a and ξ = b respectively, where a and b are constants. Thus n = 1 corresponds to the finite- (one-) parameter Lie pseudogroup of local translations. However, any case with n>1isan infinite Lie pseudogroup, that is, a pseudogroup with no finite parametrization. In this case the pseudogroup defining system cannot be explicitly integrated. Thus a systematic analysis of Lie pseudogroups should be based on the defining systems rather than on knowledge of the solutions of the defining systems. We address the problem of systematically determining structural properties of Lie pseudogroups—that is, properties preserved under pseudogroup isomorphism (see Sec- tion 2). We present and justify a constructive algorithm for determining the Cartan structure of a transitive Lie pseudogroup from its linear infinitesimal defining system. By an algorithm being constructive we mean that it attains its goal in a finite number of steps, each of which only involves a differentiation or a linear operation. In particular a constructive algorithm does not involve integration, which is in general a heuristic pro- cess. As part of our method, we constructively determine certain geometric features of a Lie pseudogroup, including the dimension of its orbits and its linear isotropy group. The linear systems we deal with generally involve functions as their coefficients. Unless otherwise stated we assume that these functions belong to some computable domain (e.g. the rational functions over Q, or some computable extension of this field). In this way we will always be able to determine whether a given coefficient is zero or nonzero and thus effectively perform Gaussian elimination on such systems. In addition we make the following: Blanket hypothesis.The terms ‘diffeomorphism’, ‘differential equation’ and ‘vector field’ are henceforth understood to be real analytic without exception. We shall use the summation convention throughout, and also use the convention that bold face roman letters X, Y etc. denote vector fields. We were motivated to develop the approach of this paper by our success (Reid et al., 1992) in developing a constructive algorithm to determine the structure of finite parameter Lie pseudogroups from their infinitesimal defining systems. This algorithm is particularly well suited to computer algebra implementation since it bypasses the heuristic step of integrating infinitesimal defining equations used by other methods. Reid et al. (1992) generalized this method to finding commutation relations of infinite Lie pseudogroups, but it appears difficult to extract structural information from this gener- alization. For finite Lie pseudogroups, a great simplification is the linear ‘infinitesimal’ theory. i By seeking vector fields X = ξ (x)∂xi whose associated one-parameter groups of local diffeomorphisms are in the pseudogroup, one obtains a linear homogeneous defining sys- tem for the components ξi (the ‘infinitesimals’). The resulting vector fields X constitute a . In the finite-dimensional case the Lie algebra can be resolved with respect to a basis Xk, so that closure under commutator bracket takes the form k [Xi, Xj]=cijXk, (1.3) k where the constants cij are the structure constants of the Lie algebra. The great contribu- Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 357

k tion of Lie was to prove that cij encode all the local structure of a finite Lie pseudogroup. Calculation of structure is then a linear problem. For symmetry analysis of differential equations (Bluman and Kumei, 1989; Olver, 1993; Ovsiannikov, 1982) the infinitesimal approach is essential. For almost all PDE systems of interest the infinitesimal defining system of the Lie symmetry pseudogroup can be algorithmically derived (Clarkson and Mansfield, 1994). Many symbolic programs are now available for deriving and attempting to integrate these infinitesimal defining systems (Hereman, 1994). Recently methods have become available which extract information directly from the infinitesimal defining systems without integration. Reid (1990, 1991b) and Reid et al. (1992) and independently Schwarz (1992a, 1992b), showed how to obtain the dimension of the symmetry algebra from the infinitesimal defining system, while Reid k (1990, 1991b) and Reid et al. (1992) showed how to obtain the structure constants cij in the finite-parameter case. These authors also provided computer algebra implementations of these methods (Reid, 1991b; Schwarz, 1992a). The central idea of such integration-free methods is that the infinitesimal defining system can, by a process of Gauss reduction and appending integrability conditions, be constructively reduced to a (coordinate dependent) canonical form (Carr`a-Ferro, 1987; Mansfield, 1991; Reid, 1991b; Schwarz, 1992a) for which a local existence and uniqueness theorem is available (Janet, 1920; Riquier, 1910). The coordinate independent counterpart of these approaches involves the reduction of systems of PDEs to involutive form (Bryant et al., 1991; Pommaret, 1978). The canonical form and involutive form of a system of PDEs are related in that it has been shown that the canonical form of a system of linear PDEs can be constructively prolonged to yield an involutive system (Carr`a-Ferro and Duzhin, 1993; Mansfield, 1991; Mansfield, 1996). The reduction algorithms above will be of crucial use in enabling us to extract the Cartan structure of infinite Lie pseudogroups. Lie did not develop a structure theory for infinite Lie pseudogroups, although he be- lieved (Lie, 1891) that infinitesimal methods were still appropriate. Cartan (1905, 1908, 1937a) and Vessiot (1904) devised structure theories of Lie pseudogroups. Like Lie they defined their pseudogroups as the general solution of analytic defining equations. Car- tan’s structure theory (Kamran, 1989) is stated in terms of one-forms ωi invariant under the action of the pseudogroup: taking exterior derivatives, Cartan obtains

dωk = ak πρ ωi 1 ck ωi ωj (1.4) iρ ∧ − 2 ij ∧ ρ k k where π are certain additional one-forms. The structure coefficients are cij, aiρ.Ifthe k k pseudogroup is of finite type then the aiρ are absent, the cij are constant, and the Car- tan structure equations reduce to the Maurer–Cartan equations, which are dual to Lie’s commutation relations (1.3). The Cartan structure coefficients are, therefore, a direct gen- k k eralization of Lie’s cij. In the infinite case, aiρ terms appear. However, the unexpected difficulty that arises in the infinite case is the possible presence of essential scalar invari- ants. For instance in the pseudogroup X = x, Y = y+f(x), the invariant x is essential: it must appear in any realization of this pseudogroup. There is thus a fundamental division between transitive pseudogroups (no essential invariants) and intransitive pseudogroups (which possess essential invariants). The intransitive case is further complicated by the k k fact that the structure coefficients aiρ, cij can be functions of the essential invariants, so that the structure varies from point to point. In the transitive (including the finite parameter) case, they are structure constants. Cartan gave an algorithmic procedure for computing the one-forms ωi and calculating 358 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid the structure equations directly from the involutive form of the defining system of the pseudogroup. Although Cartan obtained many important structural results in this way, the method is difficult to apply to symmetry analysis of differential equations. The diffi- culty lies not with Cartan’s structure algorithm, nor with the creation of the pseudogroup defining system, but rather with the fact that there is currently no effective algorithm for reducing nonlinear pseudogroup defining systems to involutive form. This is in strong contrast to the availability of many algorithms for reducing the linear infinitesimal defin- ing systems to involutive form (also see Reid et al., 1993). Cartan’s method of equivalence (Cartan, 1908; Cartan, 1937b; Gardner, 1989; Kamran, 1989) can also be used for calculating the structure of Lie pseudogroups of symmetries of differential equations. This method is best suited to the symmetry analysis of classes of differential equations. For example, Araujo et al. (1992) and Karlhede and MacCallum (1982) applied such methods to calculation of structure of groups of Riemannian spaces, and Hsu and Kamran (1989) used it to classify the symmetries of second-order ordinary differential equations. To apply the method to a particular differential equation, the PDE must be embedded in a class of differential equations with a known equivalence group (Hsu and Kamran, 1989), and the size of the calculations can become a significant barrier. Reid et al. (1996) gave a method for calculating structure constants which is applicable to infinitesimal defining systems and characterizes the involutive form of the pseudogroup defining system. The structure calculations are completed using Cartan’s algorithm at the pseudogroup level. Instead of explicitly knowing ωi, the method works with a char- acterization of ωi. The success of these calculations encouraged us to develop the fully infinitesimal method given in the current paper. Since we are restricted to infinitesimal information, the invariant forms ωi must remain inaccessible, since invariance is local information. However, from a structural point of view this is no loss, since in equations i ρ k k (1.4), the forms ω , π are placeholders—the structure resides in cij, aiρ. These coeffi- cients must be calculated without knowing ωi. Despite Cartan’s (1937a, p. 1335) scepticism, Kuranishi (1959, 1961) and Singer and Sternberg (1965) eventually developed an infinitesimal interpretation of Cartan’s struc- ture theory of transitive infinite Lie pseudogroups (see also Goldschmidt, 1972, 1973, 1976; Goldschmidt and Spencer, 1976, 1978; Guillemin, 1966; Malgrange, 1972a, 1972b). It is this theory which we use to develop a constructive algorithm for calculating Cartan k k structure coefficients aiρ, cij from the infinitesimal defining system in the transitive case. Our results generalize those of Reid et al. (1992) for finite dimensional Lie algebras to the infinite case. In the case of symmetry analysis of PDEs, this will imply that we can pass from the infinitesimal defining equations for the symmetries of a PDE to the Cartan structure of its symmetry group by a process of differentiation and linear algebra only. Thus our procedure is suitable for computer algebra implementation. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present background material about Lie pseudogroups, involutive and canonical forms for systems of linear homogeneous PDEs. In particular in Section 2.1 we define Lie pseudogroups and isomorphism of Lie pseudogroups, and give illustrative examples of such pseudogroups. We discuss Lie algebra systems in Section 2.2 and dis- cuss involutive form algorithms for systems of linear homogeneous PDEs in Section 2.3. We also briefly describe a method developed by Lisle et al. (1995), which reduces an infinitesimal defining system of any order to one of first order. Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 359

In Section 3 methods are developed for extracting geometric properties of a Lie pseu- dogroup from its infinitesimal defining system. In particular we show how to find the pseudogroup distribution in Section 3.1. That is, we construct vector fields Yi such that every X in the Lie algebra of the Lie pseudogroup is a (nonconstant coefficient) linear combination of the Yi. This gives a constructive method for characterizing the orbits and scalar invariants of the pseudogroup. Section 3.2 is devoted to the isotropy subgroup of a point. We describe a sequence of isotropy (stabilizer) subgroups at a point, characterize them in terms of the infinitesimal defining system, and explicitly construct the linear isotropy algebra. In Section 4, we use the methods from Section 3 to show how to obtain the Cartan structure of a transitive infinite Lie pseudogroup from its infinitesimal defining equations. Because of the reduction method of Lisle et al. (1995), we can restrict ourselves to the case of first-order defining systems. In Section 4.1 we show how to calculate structure of transitive infinite Lie pseudogroups with no scalar invariants and a defining system of k k first order. The structure coefficients aiρ and cij in the Cartan structure relations (1.4) are found from the infinitesimal defining system, without knowledge of either ωi or πρ in (1.4). The method is based on the results of Singer and Sternberg (1965) . In Section 4.2 we give a test for determining whether essential invariants are present. The test is based on the infinitesimal defining system and does not require knowledge of the invariants. If all the invariants are determined to be inessential, then the pseudogroup can be restricted to an orbit without altering its structure. The restricted pseudogroup is transitive, and in Section 4.3 we show how to find its Cartan structure from the original infinitesimal defining system, without explicitly knowing either the vector fields or the orbits of the pseudogroup. In Section 5 we illustrate the application of our methods by giving the Cartan structure of the Lie point symmetry pseudogroup of the KP equation (Lisle et al., 1995).

2. Lie Pseudogroups and Involutive Form Algorithms for PDE Systems 2.1. Lie pseudogroups

The definition of a pseudogroup which we use (Kuranishi, 1959, 1961; Singer and Sternberg, 1965) is:

Definition 2.1. (Pseudogroup.) Let M be a (real) , and be a collection of local diffeomorphisms of open subsets of M into M. Then is a pseudogroupG if G

(i) is closed under restriction: if τ: U M is in , then so is τ V for any open GV U. → G | (ii) If U⊆ M is an with U = U , and τ: U M is a diffeomorphism with ⊆ s s → τ Us , then τ . (iii) | is closed∈G under∈G composition: if τ :SU M, and σ : V M are any two members ofG , then σ τ also, wherever this→ composition is defined.→ (iv) containsG the◦ identity∈G diffeomorphism of M. G 1 (v) is closed under inverse: if τ : U M is in , then τ − (the domain of which is Gτ(U)) is also in . → G G Properties (iii), (iv), (v) provide the group-like character of the pseudogroup, while (i), (ii) ensure that neighbourhoods can be shrunk and enlarged in the obvious ways. 360 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid

Definition 2.2. (Lie pseudogroup.) A Lie pseudogroup is a pseudogroup whose dif- feomorphisms are local analytic solutions of an analytic system of defining partial differ- ential equations.

Example 2.3. Take as the collection of local diffeomorphisms f of R G ax + b f(x)=X = ,adbc =1. (2.1) cx + d − The pseudogroup defining system, obtained by eliminating a, b, c, d,is 2 3 Xxx Xxxx =0 (2.2) − 2 Xx ∂X where Xx = ∂x etc. Each transformation (2.1) is defined only on an open subset of R, and composition is only locally defined. Since is specified by an analytic differen- tial equation, it is a Lie pseudogroup. The infinitesimalG defining equation corresponding to (2.2), obtained by setting X = x + εξ + O(ε2),is

ξxxx =0. (2.3)

A Lie pseudogroup is of finite type if the solution set of its group defining equations depends on a finite number of parameters, and infinite otherwise. Thus (2.1) is a three- parameter finite Lie pseudogroup. Infinite Lie pseudogroups involve arbitrary functions in their transformations, for instance the volume-preserving diffeomorphisms of (1.1).

Example 2.4.

(a) Let 1 be the pseudogroup of local analytic diffeomorphisms of R. The defining systemG in this case is null. The pseudogroup is of Lie type. 2 (b) With 1 as above, let 2 be the pseudogroup of local diffeomorphisms τ of R of G G the form X = f(x), Y = f(y), where f 1. It is not possible to specify this pseudogroup by differential equations, and hence∈G it is not of Lie type. (c) Take as the pseudogroup of local diffeomorphisms τ of a manifold M fixing a particularG point P M. The pseudogroup is not of Lie type, because the condition τ(P )=P is not expressible∈ as a differentialG equation.

Examples 2.4(b) and (c) were given by Lie and Cartan. They demonstrate that many infinite pseudogroups are not of Lie type, even those which arise as subgroups of Lie pseudogroups. The usual development of the theory of local transformation groups (Ovsiannikov, 1982; Bluman and Kumei, 1989; Olver, 1993) treats them as realizations of an underlying ‘abstract’ . Finding such an ‘abstract’ definition of a Lie pseudogroup, freed from the manifold on which the pseudogroup acts, is much more difficult in the infinite case, and we are then obliged to define isomorphism of Lie pseudogroups in terms of transformations on a manifold. We use the definition due to Cartan (1905) and Vessiot (1904).

Definition 2.5. Let , ˆ be Lie pseudogroups on M, Mˆ respectively, where Mˆ is fibred over M, withG G projection map π: Mˆ M.LetW Mˆ be an open set, and → ⊆ Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 361 let τˆ: W Mˆ be a local diffeomorphism in ˆ, with π(W )=U M. We say that ˆ is an isomorphic→ prolongation of if the followingG conditions hold:⊆ G G (a) ˆ is fibre-preserving. Each τˆ ˆ projects to a map τ: U M, where τ is defined G ∈ G → by π τˆ = τ π W . ◦ ◦ | (b) The projection τ of τˆ ˆ is in . ∈ G G (c) If τˆ ˆ projects to id then τˆ =id : ∈ G U W π τˆ = π W τˆ =idW ◦ | ⇒ In coordinates, ˆ is an isomorphic prolongation of if to every transformation X = τ(x) in , there is exactlyG one associated transformationG X = τ(x), Y = σ(x, y)in ˆ, where y areG fibre coordinates. G

Definition 2.6. Two pseudogroups 1, 2 on a manifold M are similar if there is a G G 1 diffeomorphism φ: M M such that 2 = φ− 1 φ. → G ◦ G ◦ In other words, , are related by a change of variables. G1 G2 Definition 2.7. (isomorphism.) Two Lie pseudogroups , are isomorphic if they admit isomorphic prolongations ˆ, ˆ which are similar. G H G H The relationship between the usual definition of isomorphism and this one is not ob- vious. However, Kuranishi (1961, p. 91) resolved this question when he introduced the Lie (F)-group associated with a pseudogroup, and showed that two transitive Lie pseu- dogroups are isomorphic according to Cartan’s definition above if their corresponding Lie (F)-groups are isomorphic. A structural property of a Lie pseudogroup is one which is preserved by isomorphism in the sense of Definition 2.7. Hence we can calculate the structure of a given Lie pseu- dogroup by equivalently calculating the structure of any of its isomorphic prolongations. This property is exploited in Section 2.3.

2.2. Lie algebra system

Let be a Lie pseudogroup on a manifold M with coordinates x. Its pseudogroup definingG system has independent variables x and dependent variables X. Now consider a one-parameter local group φε of local analytic diffeomorphisms of M, generated by a i i vector field X = ξ (x)∂xi .Ifφε is contained in , then the components ξ (x) satisfy an infinitesimal defining system of linear homogeneousG PDEs, obtained by inserting X = x + εξ + into the pseudogroup defining system and retaining terms of first order in ε. For instance,··· the volume preserving condition in the introduction is replaced by the i linear homogeneous PDE i ξxi =0. This defining system satisfies many but not all of i the properties for ξ ∂xi to be a Lie algebra of vector fields. For a finite parameterP Lie pseudogroup on a manifold M, linearization about the identity does indeed give rise to a Lie algebra of vector fields on M, or at worst on an open subset of M. This is not so in the infinite case: in general, an analytic solution will only be defined in an open set U M, and if their domains of definition do not ⊆ i i overlap, the commutator [X, Y] of two vector fields X = ξ ∂xi , Y = η ∂xi is not defined. 362 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid

However, if we fix a point x0, and consider the subset of solutions of the infinitesimal defining system defined and analytic at x0, then the commutator on this subset is defined.

These vector fields, therefore, form a Lie algebra Lx0 attached to the point x0.

There may not exist any neighbourhood U of x0 on which Lx0 is a Lie algebra of vector fields. For example, X =1/√1 n2x2∂ , n =0, 1, 2,..., are local vector fields n − x analytic at x0 = 0, but there is no neighbourhood of x = 0 on which all Xn are defined. This difficulty occurs whenever the pseudogroup is infinite, and is dealt with by using germs of analytic vector fields. A vector-field germ at x0 is an equivalence class of vector fields, two fields being equivalent if there is a neighbourhood of x0 on which they are i equal. In local coordinates about x0, a vector-field can be written X = ξ (x)∂xi . Since i we assume analyticity, the germ of X at x0 is identified with the power series for ξ (x) about x = x0. We denote a vector-field germ by X,x0 . The only distinction between an analytic vector field and its germ is that the vector{ field} has a domain of definition, whereas a germ has only a basepoint x0. Thus the difference between vector fields and their germs is a small one in the analytic case, and henceforth we do not continue to explicitly distinguish the two.

Definition 2.8. (Lie algebra system.) A Lie algebra system is a collection of i L analytic vector-field germs X,x on a manifold M with X = ξ (x)∂ i , such that { 0} x

(i) Each x0 M is a nonsingular point of a linear homogeneous system of analytic partial differential∈ equations R. i (ii) X,x is a germ of a vector-field ξ (x)∂ i whose components are a local solution { 0} x of R in some neighbourhood of x0. (iii) If X,x and Y,x are in , then their Lie bracket is also in . { 0} { 0} L L The system R of PDEs is called the infinitesimal defining system of . Note that a Lie algebra system is specified by the defining equations R along with a commutatorL bracket defined on its solutions. The Lie algebra system consists of analytic vector-field germs of local solutions of the infinitesimal defining system.L In the infinite case we are dealing not with one Lie algebra of vector fields, but with a collection of Lie algebras Lx0 , one at each basepoint x . In terms of Singer and Sternberg’s (1965) approach to Lie algebras, is the sheaf of 0 L germs of local solutions of R; the algebra Lx0 is the ‘stalk’ over x0 . Our constructions are mostly concerned with Lx0 . The computer-implemented algorithms (Reid, 1991a; Reid, 1991b; Reid et al., 1992) for finding dimension, structure and Taylor series for ‘Lie symmetry algebras’ actually work on the Lie algebra Lx0 . Reid first chooses an ‘initial data point’ x0, then gives an algorithm for constructing Taylor series solutions to any order about x0.Thusatapointx0, Reid is constructing (a finite-order approximation to) Lx0 . We shall always understand that any singular points have been removed from the domain of the defining PDE system R. For example, consider the Lie algebra system 2 consisting of vector fields X = ξ(x, y)∂x + η(x, y)∂y on R which are local analytic solutions of the infinitesimal defining system, with dependent variables (ξ,η) R2 and ∈ independent variables (x, y) R2, ∈ yξ η =0,ξ=0,yηη =0. (2.4) x − y y − Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 363

The manifold for this Lie algebra system is R2 minus the set (x, y) R2 : y =0 of singular points of the infinitesimal defining system. { ∈ } The set of values X taken by vector fields in L span a subspace Σ(L ) of tangent |x0 x0 x0 space Tx0 M to M at x0. A Lie algebra system is called transitive if this subspace is all of tangent space Σ(Lx0 )=Tx0 M for all x0 M. A transitive Lie algebra system generates a transitive pseudogroup in a natural way∈ (Singer and Sternberg, 1965). TransitivityL of G the pseudogroup implies that the point x0 can be mapped to every other point x in some neighbourhood U of x0. Hence the Lie algebra Lx0 can also be transported to any other point x U. All the algebras L are, therefore, isomorphic, and we need only consider ∈ x0 Lx0 at one arbitrary point. We shall use this fact to normalize the structure coefficients in our calculation of Cartan structure.

2.3. transformation of infinitesimal defining systems to first-order involutive form

The methods for Cartan structure calculations presented below rely on the infinitesimal defining system being first order and involutive. In this form the correspondence between structure equations (1.4) and commutator brackets described by Singer and Sternberg (1965) is more easily applied. The first step is reduction of the infinitesimal defining system to involutive form, a process which is well understood, and for which several algorithms are available. The involution form algorithm of Pommaret (1978) has been implemented in a computer algebra package (Sch¨u et al., 1993). Implementations of algorithms for achieving involu- tivity of an exterior differential system in the sense of Cartan are also available (Hartley and Tucker, 1991; Hartley, 1997). Alternatively one may use canonical-form algorithms with a derivative ranking graded by total order of differentiation (Reid, 1991a; Schwarz, 1992b; Mansfield, 1994) and then prolong (differentiate) the canonical form to involutiv- ity by using results (Mansfield, 1996; Carr`a-Ferro and Duzhin, 1993) which predict how far it should be prolonged before it becomes involutive. We make a few comments about the effectiveness of these algorithms. Each step of such algorithms involves either solving a PDE for its leading derivative or differentiating a PDE. Hence for nonlinear systems of PDEs, the method is not constructive. Also a PDE involving only the system’s independent variables may be found, i.e. the system may be inconsistent. However, for systems of linear homogeneous PDEs, only new linear homogeneous PDEs can result during the application of his method, so neither difficulty arises. As linear homogeneous PDEs are solved for their leading derivatives during the reduction process, division by the coefficient functions of the leading derivatives occurs. The output system has the same local analytic solutions as the original system away from a set of (singular) points on the manifold where these (pivot) functions vanish. We will call this set the pivot locus of the system. The only remaining barrier to such involutive form algorithms being fully effective for systems of linear homogeneous PDEs is determining whether the coefficient of a leading derivative is zero or nonzero. This difficulty is resolved if the coefficients come from a n computable domain (e.g. rational functions Q(x1,...,x ) or some finite extension of this field). We will assume that the coefficients come from such a computable domain. By mimicking at the infinitesimal level the prolongation process due to Cartan (1905, 1937a), Lisle et al. (1995) gave an algorithm for reduction of an involutive defining system of qth order to one of first order. We briefly outline the process here. Consider a 364 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid qth order involutive Lie algebra system for the n components ξi of a vector field X.For the remainder of this section, the indices i, j, l range from 1 to n. We use the notation i k i j1 jk i ξJ to represent the Jth derivative ∂ ξ /∂x ∂x of ξ , where J =(j1j2 jk)isa symmetric multi-index, whose order will be denoted··· by k =#(J). ··· Reduction of a qth order involutive PDE system to a first-order involutive form with equivalent symbol is achieved via an algorithm described by Pommaret (1978, pp. 109, i 161). The derivatives ξJ , 1 #(J) q 1 are relabelled as new dependent variables, and the given system expressed≤ as a≤ first-order− system in these variables. Certain first- i order differential relations between the ξJ are then appended; the composite system is first-order involutive. Now the system must be adjusted so that it is the defining system of a Lie algebra. Following Cartan, we lift the vector field X on M to one on M M,by giving it trivial action on the second copy of M. Prolonging the vector field q ×1 times gives − (q 1) i i i X − = ξ ∂ i + ψ ∂ i + ψ ∂ i (2.5) x X J XJ where xi are coordinates on the first copy of M, and Xi on the second. Here the deriva- i k i j1 j2 jk i i tives of the Xs are denoted by XJ = ∂ X /∂x ∂x ∂x We have set ψ = 0; the ψJ are given by the standard prolongation formula (Olver,··· 1993), and there is summation on the repeated index i and the repeated multi-index J,1 #(J) q 1. The main result is ≤ ≤ −

i Theorem 2.9. Let be a Lie algebra system of vector fields X = ξ ∂xi whose in- L (q 1) finitesimal defining system is qth order involutive. Then the prolongation X − of X to i i i i (x ,X ,XJ )-space is a Lie algebra system with an infinitesimal defining system for ξ , i i ψ , ψJ which is first-order involutive, and which is constructively determined.

Note that the independent variables in the infinitesimal defining system of the original Lie algebra are xi. For the prolonged Lie algebra the independent variables in the first- i i i i i order defining system are (x ,X ,XJ ), and the corresponding dependent variables ξ , ψ , ψi ,1 #(J) q 1. J ≤ ≤ − Proof. Let S denote the first-order involutive system with independent variables xi obtained by the transformation of Pommaret from the qth order involutive infinitesimal defining system. Let T denote S augmented with the equations i i ∂Xl ξ =0,∂Xl ξL =0, 1 #(L) q 1, 0 #(J) q 1. (2.6) J J ≤ ≤ − ≤ ≤ − i i i (Thus the system T has independent variables x , XJ , and dependent variables ξJ , with i 0 #(J) q 1.) Since the system S has no XJ , the compatibility conditions between the≤ new equations≤ − and S are trivial, and the system T is also first-order involutive. i i i Now, ψJ are determined in terms of the ξ and ξJ by the standard prolongation formula (Olver, 1993) ψi =0,ψi = D (ψi ξlXi)+ξlXi , 1 #(J) q 1, (2.7) J J − l Jl ≤ ≤ − i i where Di is the total derivative operator with respect to x . Dropping ψ = 0 and writing only the leading-order terms explicitly, ψi = ξl Xi + Ri , 1 #(J) q 1 (2.8) J − J l J ≤ ≤ − i l where each of the remainders RJ depends on ξL only for #(L) < #(J). Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 365

l l For a fixed value of x, relations (2.8) define a linear map from ξL to ψL. Now consider a point P with (xi,Xi,Xi,Xi )=(xi,xi,δi , 0) for 2 #(J) q 1. The highest-order j J j ≤ ≤ − terms (i.e. those with maximum #(J)) occur in the explicitly displayed terms in (2.8), so that the equations have a block triangular structure. At such a point P , relations (2.8) reduce to ψi = ξi ,ψi = ξi + Ri , j − j J − J J i which are clearly invertible. Since the coefficients of ξJ in (2.8) are analytic, invertibility holds in some neighbourhood of the given point. Thus the map (xi,Xi,Xi ,ξi,ξi ) (xi,Xi,Xi ,ξi,ψi ), 1 #(J) q 1 J J 7→ J J ≤ ≤ − induced by (2.8) is an analytic invertible change of coordinates on the space of indepen- dent and dependent variables of the system T . Since both involutivity and the order of a system are coordinate free, the system obtained by making the change of coordinates above and adjoining the conditions ψi = 0 is first order and involutive. The result then follows on observing that construction of the change of coordinates requires only solution of a linear system.

Thus we have established that an analytic infinitesimal defining system can be con- structively transformed to an equivalent first-order defining system which is involutive. Suppose the partial derivatives in a system of linear homogeneous PDEs are ordered by a ranking which ranks derivatives of higher total order greater than those of lower-total or- der. Gauss reduction of such systems with respect to such a ranking yields a solved-form expressing certain dependents (the principal derivatives) as functions of lower-ranked non-principal (parametric) derivatives. Of particular interest to us will be the set of parametric and principal derivatives of kth order, which we denote by k and k respec- tively. P P We shall need the following existence theorem (for a proof, see Pommaret, 1978).

Theorem 2.10. Consider an involutive first-order system of linear homogeneous PDEs on a manifold M.Letx0 be a nonsingular point of M and suppose that the derivative ranking is graded by total order of derivative. Let 0, 1 be the parametric derivatives of the system with respect to this ranking and assignP initialP values to the derivatives in , at x . Then there is an analytic solution of the system satisfying the initial data P0 P1 0 given at the point x0 which is valid in some neighbourhood of x0.

3. Geometry of Pseudogroups 3.1. pseudogroup distribution and invariants

The dimension of the subspace of Tx0 M spanned by the vector fields in Lx0 is a funda- mental geometric property, representing the dimension of the pseudogroup orbit through x0. The set Σ(Lx0 ) x0 M of subspaces of Tx0 M will be called the pseudogroup distribution,{ and denoted| by∈ Σ(} ). This distribution can be constructed explicitly from the infinitesimal defining system:L

Proposition 3.1. Suppose an analytic infinitesimal defining system on a manifold M is 366 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid in involutive form. Then the pseudogroup distribution Σ( ) can be constructively obtained from this involutive form. L

Proof. Fix a ranking of derivatives graded by total order of derivative. The zeroth-order equations in the involutive form have the form ξr = er (x)ξα, for r such that ξr , (3.1) α ∈ P0 α:ξα X∈P0 where 0, 0 denote the sets of zeroth order parametric and principal derivatives respec- P P i tively with respect to the given ranking. An operator X = ξ (x)∂xi solving the defining system can therefore be written

α r X = ξ ∂xα + ξ ∂xr α α:ξ 0 r:ξr X∈P X∈P0 α = ξ Yα, α:ξα X∈P0 where, from (3.1),

r r Y = ∂ α + e (x)∂ r , for α such that ξ . (3.2) α x α x ∈P0 r:ξr X∈P0 At each point x we have span X span Yα . Moreover, by the Existence Theo- rem 2.10, there exists a solution{ vector}⊆ field{ X,} for any assignment of values to the zeroth order parametric derivatives. Hence span X = span Y . { } { α}

As a consequence, the dimension of the group orbits is equal to the number #( 0)of parametric derivatives of order 0. Thus Proposition 3.1 explicitly gives the orbit dimen-P sion as a fixed constant. All the subspaces Σ(L ) are of the same dimension, and Σ( )is x0 L a distribution. Moreover, Σ( ) is completely integrable: if two vector fields Y1, Y2 have the property that Y LL for all x M, then so does their commutator [Y , Y ]. i|x0 ∈ x0 0 ∈ 1 2 This follows immediately from the fact that each Lx0 is a Lie algebra. The orbits of the pseudogroup are the leaves of the foliation induced by the completely integrable distribution Σ( ). L The number of functionally independent scalar invariants is n #( 0), and these invari- ants can be directly characterized. A scalar function I is an invariant− P of the pseudogroup iff XI 0 for all X , or equivalently by proposition 3.1, iff ≡ ∈L Y I =0, for α such that ξα . α ∈P0 As a special case, a Lie algebra system is transitive (i.e. has no scalar invariants) iff its defining system contains no zeroth-order equations. Note that explicit knowledge of the operators X is not needed to derive the above equations.

3.2. isotropy subgroup

Let be a Lie pseudogroup acting on a manifold M and let x M. The isotropy or stabilizerG subgroup at x is the set τ τ(x)=x of transformations∈ in leaving x fixed. Note that the isotropy pseudogroup{ ∈G| is not in} general of Lie type. AnyG vector Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 367

field X generating a one-parameter local subgroup of the isotropy subgroup must satisfy 0 X x = 0 and we define the isotropy algebra L at x0 by | 0 x0 0 L = X Lx X x =0 . x0 { ∈ 0 | | 0 } 0 Our blanket analyticity hypothesis implies that Lx0 consists of vector fields in Lx0 with vanishing zeroth-order terms in their Taylor expansions about x0. Following Singer and Sternberg (1965), we analogously define higher-order isotropy k algebras Lx0 , consisting of vector fields in Lx0 whose Taylor coefficients vanish to order k k 1 k.Fork 1, L is an ideal in L − , so that we have the chain of subalgebras ≥ x0 x0 0 1 k Lx L .L . .L . . 0 ⊃ x0 x0 ··· x0 ··· 0 1 We shall only require the algebras Lx0 , Lx0 , Lx0 of this sequence. In the finite dimensional k case, there is some maximal order q isotropy subalgebra such that Lx0 vanishes for k>q. k k In the infinite case, all Lx0 are infinite dimensional. Note that each algebra Lx0 is a coordinate free object. k We now characterize the algebras Lx0 in terms of initial data for the involutive form k of their infinitesimal defining equations. Since Lx0 has Taylor coefficients vanishing to order k, all parametric derivatives of order less than or equal to k vanish at x0. Since the ranking is graded by total order, all principal derivatives up to order k also vanish. Thus X Lk iff the initial data up to order k vanish. We give a simple example. ∈ x0 Example 3.2. Consider the finite dimensional Lie algebra with infinitesimal defining system

ξxxx =0. (3.3)

The parametric derivatives are ξ, ξx, ξxx and the Lie algebra Lx0 has the basis X = ∂ , X =(x x )∂ , X =(x x )2∂ . 1 x 2 − 0 x 3 − 0 x 0 1 The isotropy algebra Lx0 has the basis X2, X3 ; and Lx0 has the basis X3 . Note that 0 { } { } 1 Lx0 is the general solution of (3.3) with initial condition ξ(x0)=0. Similarly Lx0 is the general solution of (3.3) with initial conditions ξ(x0)=0, ξx(x0)=0.

3.2.1. linear isotropy algebra

Any transformation τ in the isotropy subgroup at x0 induces a linear map τx : Tx M 0∗ 0 → Tx M on the tangent space at x0. In coordinates τx is the Jacobian matrix of τ at x0. 0 0∗ The collection of all such maps is a matrix Lie group Gx0 GLn, the linear isotropy group G of at x . The matrix Lie algebra associated with⊆ G is the linear isotropy x0 G 0 x0 algebra, denoted by gx0 . An element of gx0 is a linear map Tx0 M Tx0 M. In the case where is transitive, neither G nor g can vary from point to point,→ and we can omit G x0 x0 the subscript x0.

An alternative construction of gx0 which better suits our purposes is as follows (Singer 1 0 and Sternberg, 1965). It was noted above that Lx0 /Lx0 .

Definition 3.3. The linear isotropy algebra g at a point x0 is the quotient algebra 0 1 Lx0 /Lx0 , regarded as a matrix Lie algebra operating on Tx0 M.

0 1 0 In this definition each member of Lx0 /Lx0 is an equivalence class of vector fields in Lx0 , 368 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid two vector fields Z, W being identified if W Z L1 . Let − ∈ x0 i j j 2 Z = a (x x )∂ i + O( x x ) (3.4) j − 0 x | − 0| i j j 2 W = b (x x )∂ i + O( x x ) j − 0 x | − 0| 0 2 i i 2 be two vector fields in Lx0 . In the remainder terms, x x0 = (x x0) , and the 2 | − | − 2 notation O( x x0 ) indicates that each component of the vector field is O( x x0 ). | − 1| P i i| − | Then Z W Lx0 iff the difference vanishes to order 1, that is, iff aj = bj for i, j = − ∈ 0 1 1,...,n. An element of g = Lx0 /Lx0 is, therefore, identified with the matrix of leading- order Taylor coefficients of any of its class representatives. Let A gx0 and let Z be a class representative of A. We regard A as a linear map T M T ∈M defined by x0 → x0 AX =[X, Z] (3.5) |x0 where X T M, and X is any solution vector field satisfying X = X. This definition ∈ x0 |x0 i does not depend on the choice of class representatives Z, X. Take ei = ∂x x0 as a basis of T M, and let X = βie T M be a tangent vector. Taking | x0 i ∈ x0 i X = β ∂ i + O( x x ) x | − 0| 0 as a vector field solving the defining system with X x0 = X, and Z L given by (3.4) as a class representative of A, gives | ∈ [X, Z] = βiake , |x0 i k k i so ai operates on components β in the obvious way. 0 0 1 The vector-field bracket in Lx0 induces a matrix commutator bracket on Lx0 /Lx0 . i j j 2 Computing [Z, W]=c (x x )∂ i + O( x x ), we find j − 0 x | − 0| ci = ai bk bi ak j k j − k j or equivalently C = AB BA. −

4. Cartan Structure The name ‘structure’ equations for (1.4) is justified by a number of results due to Cartan. Cartan (1905, part I) showed that two transitive Lie pseudogroups with the same structure equations are similar. Cartan (1905, part II) showed that it is possible to decide if one Lie pseudogroup is the prolongation of another on the basis of knowledge only of k k aiρ and cij. The long paper (Cartan, 1908) is devoted to extracting information about sub-pseudogroups of infinite Lie pseudogroups. Cartan uses his method of equivalence to show how to decide the question whether two transitive Lie pseudogroups are isomorphic, based on knowledge only of their structure equations (Cartan, 1937b; Gardner, 1989). k k Application of any of Cartan’s results requires knowledge only of cij and aiρ, and our attention will be directed towards finding these constants. k The connection between Cartan’s structure constants cij and the vector-field viewpoint in the transitive case was given by Kuranishi (1961) and Singer and Sternberg (1965, 2.1). Our goal is to show that their methods can be realized directly from knowledge of the§ infinitesimal defining system in the transitive pseudogroup case, and that the process is constructive, involving only linear algebra and differentiation. Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 369

4.1. structure: first-order systems with no invariants

Suppose that the Lie algebra system of a Lie pseudogroup is transitive, so that its defining system contains no zeroth-orderL equations. Then the vector-field germs X L ∈ x0 at each basepoint x0 span tangent space Tx0 M. The analysis of Singer and Sternberg i (1965) then applies. In a fixed coordinate system x, we take ei = ∂x x0 as a basis for T M. Because is transitive, there exists a vector field X L such| that X = e . x0 L i ∈ x0 i|x0 i In fact there is some freedom in our choice of Xi, since any vector field in the isotropy 0 algebra L can be added to Xi without changing the value Xi x . Select one such x0 | 0 representative for each i. Take the n vector fields Xi as a basis for a space K L. Note 0 0 ⊆ that K is a complement of Lx0 , i.e. L = K L as a vector space. Now compute the Lie ⊕ 0 bracket [ , ]: K K L. Resolve [Xi, Xj] with respect to the direct sum K L , and resolve the component∧ → in K with respect to the basis e to obtain ⊕ { i} k [Xi, Xj]=cijXk + Zij where Z L0. Evaluating at x yields ij ∈ 0 k [Xi, Xj] = c ek. x0 ij On taking linear combinations of the basis e we have determined a map i c : T M T M T M x0 ∧ x0 → x0 which is the map described in Singer and Sternberg (1965, 2.1). In their ‘Lexicon to k § Cartan’, Singer and Sternberg (1965, 2.14) show that cij so constructed can be identified with those of Cartan, when the algebra§ is transitive and of ‘first-order type’ (first-order defining system). k Before showing how to calculate cij from the infinitesimal defining system we first clarify the above process. The crucial point is that although we require existence of Xi, the explicit form of Xi is not required. Only the zeroth-order terms in the Taylor expansion of the commutator [Xi, Xj] are needed: these depend only on the Taylor coefficients of Xi, Xj of orders 0 and 1. Hence we do not require the Xi explicitly, but only their zeroth- and first-order Taylor terms. Consider the case where the involutive form of an infinitesimal system is of first order and there are no invariants. Consequently the involutive form contains no zeroth-order equations and every zeroth-order derivative ξ1,...,ξn is parametric. To make the connection with Cartan structure we introduce new variables φµ defined by ∂ξk = φµ,µ=1,...,#( ), (4.1) ∂xi P1 ∂ξk ∂ξk where ∂xi 1 (i.e. the ∂xi are first-order parametric derivatives). We then eliminate the first-order∈P parametrics from the involutive form of the infinitesimal defining system by using (4.1), and append the equations (4.1) to the simplified involutive form to obtain the infinitesimal defining system as

n #( 1) ∂ξk P = bk (x)ξj + Ak (x)φρ, for i, k =1,...,n. (4.2) ∂xi ij iρ j=1 ρ=1 X X k k k Note that cases ∂ξ , and ∂ξ , are covered. In particular when ∂ξ , then ∂xi ∈P1 ∂xi ∈ P1 ∂xi ∈P1 370 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid k k ρ bij = 0, for j =1,...,n and Aiµ = δµ so that (4.2) yields (4.1). The main result of this section is the following.

Proposition 4.1. Let x0 be a nonsingular point for the infinitesimal defining system k k (4.2) in involutive form. Let aiρ = Aiρ(x0), and ck = bk (x ) bk (x ). (4.3) ij ij 0 − ji 0 k k Then aiρ, cij can be identified with those in the Cartan structure equations (1.4).

0 Proof. Fix the basepoint x0. First we calculate the linear isotropy algebra Lx0 of the Lie algebra L of vector-field germs at x0 generating local solutions of (4.2). Let X = i 0 i ξ (x)∂ i L , with ξ (x0) vanishing. Then x ∈ x0 ξk(x)=αk(xj xj )+O( x x 2). (4.4) j − 0 | − 0| i Substitution of ξ (x) into the infinitesimal defining system (4.2) and evaluation at x0 gives k k ρ αi = Aiρ(x0)φ (x0). (4.5) ρ Moreover, for any choice of φ (x0), the Existence Theorem 2.10 guarantees that a solution k of the form (4.4) exists, with αi given by (4.5). In Section 3.2.1 we identified the linear 0 1 isotropy algebra gx0 = Lx0 /Lx0 with the matrices of leading coefficients of vector fields 0 k k in Lx0 .Thusαi of (4.5) is in gx0 iff it is in the span of the matrices Aiρ(x0), ρ = k 1,...,#( 1). Both Cartan (1937a) and Singer and Sternberg (1965) show that aiρ in the structureP equations form a basis for the linear isotropy algebra, and we have shown that k the aij can be identified with those in Cartan’s structure equations. k To determine the relationship between our cij and those of Cartan we note that the k construction above asserts that cij are the leading- (zeroth-) order Taylor terms for k [Xi, Xj], and perform the expansions explicitly. Let Xi = ξi ∂xk be a solution of the initial value problem (4.2) with initial data given by

k k ξi (x0)=δi , φρ(x )=0,ρ=1,...,#( ). 0 P1 Theorem 2.10 guarantees existence of such a solution. Following the Taylor expansion algorithm in Reid (1991a) , k k j j 2 X = ξ ∂ k = ∂ i + b (x )(x x )∂ k + O( x x ). i i x x ij 0 − 0 x | − 0| Computing commutators, k k 2 [X , X ]= b (x ) b (x ) ∂ k + O( x x ). i j ji 0 − ij 0 x | − 0| and evaluating at x0,  k [Xi, Xj] = c ek x0 ij k with cij given by (4.3). Note that, since the Lie algebra system is assumed transitive, the choice of basepoint L x0 is arbitrary and all the Lie algebras Lx0 are identical.

We remark that construction of the structure constants from the defining equations Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 371

j k k requires only expressions for the first-order derivatives ∂xi ξ . The cij and aiρ are con- structed from the coefficients of the zeroth- and first-order parametric derivatives respec- tively, evaluated at the basepoint x0. Finally, as remarked in the proof, transitivity of the pseudogroup ensures that the Lie algebras Lx0 attached to each point x0 are identical. Hence we may choose x0 to be k k any convenient point. The values of the structure constants cij and aiρ computed by the above method depend on the choice of x0. This is because the construction may use a k different basis as x0 varies. In practice, a wise choice of x0 can force many of the cij to vanish.

2 Example 4.2. Consider the Lie algebra system of vector fields X = ξ∂x+η∂y on M = R with coordinates (x, y), and the first-order infinitesimal defining system in involutive form 1 ξx = y η 1 (4.6) ξy =0 ηy = y η. We remove the singular locus y =0from the domain. The parametric derivatives of k order 0 are ξ, η; and ηx is the only parametric first-order derivative. We construct cij k and aiρ directly by the above method. The infinitesimal Jacobian matrix evaluated at an 2 initial data point (x0,y0) R is ∈ 1 ξx ξy y η 0 J = = 1 (4.7) ηx ηy ηx η   (x0,y0)  y  (x0,y0)

after simplification modulo the defining system (4.6). The linear isotropy algebra g at (x0,y0) is found by evaluating the infinitesimal Ja- cobean (4.7) subject to vanishing zeroth-order initial data ξ(x0,y0)=0, η(x0,y0)=0. Then assigning the value a to the first-order initial data ηx(x0,y0)=a gives J as 00 (4.8) a 0   k which is the linear isotropy algebra at (x0,y0). We calculate cij: c1 =(coeff. of η in J ) (coeff. of ξ in J )=1/y 12 11 − 12 0 c2 =(coeff. of η in J ) (coeff. of ξ in J )=0. 12 12 − 22 On formally replacing a by a one-form π1 our construction has yielded Cartan structure equations dω1 = 1 ω1 ω2 − y0 ∧ dω2 = π1 ω1. (4.9) ∧ Any value y0 =0is suitable as an initial data point, so we choose y0 =1. It is also instructive6 to directly calculate the Taylor series expansion of solutions of (4.6) to first order and evaluate the commutator at x0.

k 4.1.1. residual freedom in the cij and absorption of torsion

k In deriving the formula (4.3) for cij, we chose the first-order initial data to be 0 when we constructed the Taylor expansion of the vector fields Xi. This choice is coordinate 372 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid dependent, and any values of first-order initial data could be imposed, leading to differing k k k values of cij. We show that this freedom in cij is parametrized by aiρ, and is related to the “absorption of torsion” step in the Cartan method. In the Cartan structure equations (1.4), the one-forms πρ are determined modulo ωi, ρ ρ ρ i ρ that is, it is permissible to replace π byπ ¯ + vi ω , with vi arbitrary. Making this replacement transforms the structure equations (1.4) into dωi = ak π¯ρ ωi 1 c¯k ωi ωj iρ ∧ − 2 ij ∧ where c¯k = ck + ak vρ ak vρ. (4.10) ij ij iρ j − jρ i

k Proposition 4.3. Let cij be structure constants for vector fields Xi computed according ρ k to (4.3) with a first-order initial data φ (x0)=0.Letc¯ij be the structure constants for ¯ ρ ρ k k Xj with first-order initial data φ (x0)=vj . Then c¯ij and cij are related by (4.10).

k Proof. The representatives X = ∂ i + O( x x ) used in computing c are indeter- i x | − 0| ij minate up to a choice of vector fields in the isotropy algebra Xi X¯ i = Xi + Zi, with 0 k 7→ Zi L . Since c depend only on Xi up to first-order, we require only the leading ∈ x0 ij (first-order) terms of Zi. However, as remarked in Section 3.2.1, the first-order terms in an isotropy vector field specify a matrix in the linear isotropy algebra. So expanding Zi to first order gives ρ k j j 2 Z = v a (x x )∂ k + O( x x ) i i jρ − 0 x | − 0| ρ ρ where vi is the value of φ (x0) chosen when constructing Xi.Thus ρ k j j 2 X¯ = X + Z = X + v a (x x )∂ k + O( x x ). i i i i i jρ − 0 x | − 0| Computing commutators yields

ρ k ρ k [X¯ , X¯ ]=[X , X ]+ v a v a ∂ k + O( x x ) i j i j j iρ − i jρ x | − 0| =¯ck X¯ + O(x x ),  ij k | − 0| k withc ¯ij given by (4.10).

By starting with ei at the basepoint and building vector fields Xi with Xi x0 = ei,we have constructed a frame on a neighbourhood U M. In the case of a finite| parameter ⊆ Lie pseudogroup, the frame is determined by the choice of basis ei at the base point. In the infinite case, however, the frame X1,...,Xn has the freedom to vary by addition 0 of vector fields in Lx0 . This residual freedom in the frame is parametrized by the linear k isotropy algebra aiρ, and manifests itself in the structure through (4.10).

4.2. transitivity test: essential invariants

If a defining system is of first order, but contains some zeroth-order equations, the method described above does not apply, because the vector fields in Lx0 no longer span tangent space Tx0 M at x0. In other words the Lie algebra system is no longer transitive. Following Cartan, we distinguish two cases, where the pseudogroup generated by is (i) an isomorphic prolongation of a transitive pseudogroup (ii) not asG above. In caseL (i), Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 373 we may restrict the action of to an orbit by setting any invariants to constants, without losing any of the structural featuresG of . We extend the definition of the term ‘transitive’ to include this case. A trivial exampleG is the pseudogroup X = x, Y = f(y), which we regard as being transitive. In contrast, in case (ii) certain invariants, called by Cartan essential invariants, mean that structural features of are lost upon restriction. We now provide a test that gives a characterizationG of the essential invariants, and in particular count them. First, note that the construction of the linear isotropy algebra g described in Section 3.2.1 is general, and does not rely on transitivity of the pseudogroup, or even on the defining system being first order. A matrix in the Lie algebra gx0 attached to the point x0 is regarded as a linear map Tx0 M Tx0 M, so that it operates on tangent vectors. → k Cartan showed that the coefficients aiρ occurring in the structure equations could be used to characterize essential invariants. His construction is as follows. First define the k i Pfaff system aiρω , which Cartan calls the systatic system. This system is completely integrable. An integral element (‘systatic element’) of the systatic system is the sub- k i space of Tx0 M annihilated by aiρω . Cartan shows that an invariant I: M R of the pseudogroup is essential iff I is also an integral of the systatic system. →

We now interpret the above in terms of the tangent space Tx0 M. Let ei be the basis i i of Tx0 M dual to ω x0 . Then β ei is a one-dimensional integral element of the systatic system if | ak βi =0,k=1,...,ρ, ρ=1,...,#( ). iρ P1 k i Note that Cartan’s aiρ are resolved with respect to the basis of Tx∗0 M provided by ω . k i Our aiρ are resolved with respect to the basis ∂x of Tx0 M. Since the integral elements of the systatic system are geometrically defined quantities, independent of the basis in which they are expressed, we can make the following definition, which is equivalent to Cartan’s.

Definition 4.4. The systatic distribution Γ( ) of a Lie algebra system with linear isotropy algebra g is the collection of subspacesLΓ T M defined by L x0 ⊆ x0 Γ = Z T M AZ =0 A g . x0 ∈ x0 | ∀ ∈ x0  Thus a tangent vector lies in Γx0 iff it is in the common nullspace of the matrices Aρ, ρ =1,...,#( ), spanning the linear isotropy algebra. Explicitly, if P1 i Z = α (x)∂xi is a vector field whose values at each point x M lie in Γ , then ∈ x ak (x)αi(x)=0,i=1,...,n, ρ=1,...,#( ). iρ P1 Note that this characterization of Γ( ) not only does not require knowledge of invariant i kL one-forms ω , but also uses only the aiρ, which are available from the infinitesimal defining system R.

Definition 4.5. Let be a Lie algebra system with defining equations of first order. L A function I: M R is an essential invariant of if it is (i) an integral of the group distribution Σ( )→and (ii) an integral of the systaticL distribution Γ( ). L L Construction of essential invariants from the distributions Σ( ), Γ( ) is an integration L L 374 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid process. However, we can count the number of common integrals of Σ( ), Γ( ) by finding the dimension of the subspace spanned by the completion of Σ( ), Γ(L ). TheL condition that there be no essential invariants gives L L

Proposition 4.6. Let be a Lie algebra system with a first-order involutive defining system. If the completionL of the differential system Σ( ), Γ( ) spans tangent space T M at each point x M, then is transitive. { L L } x ∈ L Example 4.7. Consider the Lie algebra system of vector fields X = ξ∂ + η∂ + ζ∂ L x y z on M = R3 with coordinates (x, y, z) and first-order involutive defining system ξ =0,ζ= x ζ y − y x (4.11) η =0,ζz =0 As usual the singular points y =0are removed from the domain. The group distribution Σ( ) is one-dimensional, and is spanned by the vector field ∂z. There are, therefore, two scalarL invariants. The linear isotropy algebra at the point (x, y, z) is two-dimensional, consisting of matrices 000 000  a ax/y b  − Let Z = α1∂ + α2∂ + α3∂ . ThenZ lies in Γ( ) at each point if x y z L x α1 α2 =0,α3 =0. − y Hence the systatic distribution Γ( ) is one-dimensional, and is spanned by the vector L field x∂x + y∂y. Thus essential invariants I(x, y, z) are the solutions of

∂zI =0, (x∂x + y∂y)I =0 (4.12)

This system is already complete, and since a two-dimensional subspace of TxM is spanned at each point, we conclude that there is one essential invariant, and the pseudogroup is not transitive.

We note that the pseudogroup described by (4.11) is x X = x, Y = y, Z = z + f( y ), with two functionally independent invariants x, y (integrals of Σ( ):∂zI = 0). Clearly x L y is essential (note that it is an integral of (4.12)), confirming the infinitesimal charac- terization of Example 4.7. Note also that it is natural to choose a basis of invariants of which contains as a subset a basis of the essential invariants. Thus x/y, y is a more naturalL basis of the scalar invariants in the example. { }

4.3. suppression of inessential invariants

We restrict ourselves to the case where there are no essential invariants. Suppose the pseudogroup is transitive and has n r invariants Iν , ν =1,...,n r. Then the Iν are incidentalG from a structural viewpoint,− and we shall give a method− for suppressing them. In particular, choose a base point x0 and consider the orbit N Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 375 passing through x0. That is, N is the leaf through x0 of the foliation induced by the ν group distribution Σ( ). If the invariants I (x) are known in some neighbourhood of x0, L ν ν then N is specified locally by equations I (x)=I (x0), ν =1,...,n r and N is r dimensional. − The pseudogroup restricts naturally to a transitive pseudogroup on an orbit N, which we denote . SimilarlyG the Lie algebra system restricts to a transitive Lie algebra G|N L system on N which is denoted by N . Moreover, since is transitive, no structural change is made when Iν are discardedL| in this way. ThereL is no theoretical difficulty in performing such a restriction, but, as always, we are concerned with the question of construction from the infinitesimal defining system. In particular we shall show that k k structure constants aiρ and cij are available for N without explicitly knowing or N. Let act on an n-dimensional manifold ML|. Let the infinitesimal definingL system containLn r independent relations of order 0. Then according to Section 3.1, the integral submanifolds− of the group distribution Σ( ) are of dimension r. Suppose the zeroth-order equations are resolved into principal andL parametric derivatives as in (3.1), and that we have constructed vector fields Yi, i =1,...,r (3.2) spanning the distribution Σ( ). The construction in Section 3.1 gives Y in Gauss reduced form, and because Σ( )isL α L completely integrable this implies that Yα given by (3.2) mutually commute. Each local vector field X is tangent to the{ leaves} of the foliation induced by Σ( ), and so X restricts naturally∈L to the integral submanifolds of Σ( ). Let N be theL integral L submanifold passing through the point x0 M; and denote the vector field X restricted to N by X . The vector fields Y given by∈ (3.2) also restrict to N. Moreover, because |N α they commute, the Yα N define a coordinate system on N. We make this coordinate system more explicit. Let| us arrange that the parametric derivatives of order 0 are ξ1, r 1 n r ..., ξ . Also, let I (x), ..., I − (x) be functionally independent scalar invariants, so that Y Iν = 0 for ν =1,...,n r. With respect to the coordinate system X given by α − Xi = xi,i=1,...,r (4.13) Xr+ν = Iν (x),ν=1,...,n r, − ν the operators Yi are just ∂Xi , for i =1,...,r. Restricting to N by fixing I (x)= ν i I (x0) = const., we see that X N , i =1,...,r are coordinates on N. In other words, the xi corresponding to the parametric| derivatives of order 0 can be used to coordinatize N in a neighbourhood of x0. Because the restricted Lie algebra system N is transitive, its defining system must contain no zeroth-order equations, and the methodL| of Section 4.1 applies. If we write i i X = ξ (x)∂xi =Ξ(X)∂Xi then we have Ξi(X)=ξi(x),i=1,...,r and Ξi(X)=0fori = r +1,...,n. We shall apply the method of (4.1) in the new coor- dinates, then return to the original coordinates x where explicit calculation is possible. 1 There is no necessity to construct the defining system for Ξ N as a function of (X ,..., | i r ∂Ξ N X ) explicitly. The method of Section 4.1 requires only expressions for ∂X|j , for i, j = 1,...,n r. Hence we evaluate − 1 1 ∂X1 Ξ ∂Xn Ξ . ··· . . .  r r  ∂X1 Ξ ∂Xn Ξ  ···  376 I.G. Lisle and G.J. Reid which in our original coordinate system is Y ξ1 Y ξ1 1 ··· r . .  . . . Y ξr Y ξr  1 ··· r    The original infinitesimal defining system for ξi(x) furnishes relations

k k ρ k j Yiξ = Aiρ(x)φ (x)+bij(x)ξ (x)

k k where Aiρ(x) and bij(x) are explicitly known. Proposition 4.1 then shows that Cartan k k k structure constants of the restricted pseudogroup are given by aiρ = Aiρ(x0), and cij = bk (x ) bk (x ). ij 0 − ji 0

Example 4.8. Consider the Lie algebra system of vector fields

X = ξ∂x + η∂y + ζ∂z satisfying the defining system

1 ξx = y η 1 z ξy =0 ηy = y ηζ= x ξ (4.14) ξz =0 ηz =0 with zeroth-order parametric derivatives ξ, η.Wefind z X = ξ(∂ + ∂ )+η∂ x x z y z so that the group distribution is spanned by the commuting operators Y1 = ∂x + x ∂z, Y2 = ∂y. There is one scalar invariant. The systatic distribution is two dimensional, and spanned by Z1 = ∂y, Z2 = ∂z. Hence Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2 span the tangent space at each point, the pseudogroup is transitive, and restriction to an orbit is justified. We compute Y ξ Y ξ 1 η 0 J = 1 2 = y , Y η Y η η 1 η  1 2   x y  after evaluating modulo the infinitesimal defining system (4.14). The same calculation as in Example 4.2 then yields the structure equations (4.9).

The pseudogroup associated with this example has one scalar invariant I = z/x. The above calculation effectively restricts to the orbit I = z0/x0 passing through the basepoint (x0,y0,z0) without knowing I. Note that the above computations can be carried out for an intransitive pseudogroup to obtain the structure of N . However, in this case some of the pseudogroup structure is lost. For example, the pseudogroupG| X = x, Y = y + f(x) is intransitive: restricting to an orbit x = x0 leaves only a one-parameter translation group. Part of the difficulty in k k the intransitive case is that aiρ and cij can be functions of the essential invariants, which is local rather than infinitesimal information. Hence our goal of structure by infinitesimal methods would appear to be difficult to attain. Geometry and Structure of Lie Pseudogroups 377

5. Symmetries of Differential Equations When the results of this article are applied to the determination of Lie pseudogroups of symmetries of differential equations we have the following result:

Theorem 5.1. Given an analytic infinitesimal defining system of the Lie pseudogroup of symmetries of a system of PDEs then the algorithms of this paper can constructively determine

(a) whether the Lie symmetry pseudogroup is transitive, (b) the Cartan structure of the Lie symmetry pseudogroup, if it is transitive.

The practicality of this construction is demonstrated by carrying it out for partial dif- ferential equations with infinite symmetry pseudogroups. In Lisle et al. (1995) several examples are given. For instance, the Cartan structure of the infinite pseudogroup of point symmetries of the KP equation

uyy + ut + uxxx +2uux x =0 is calculated to be  dω1 = ω1 ω8 +2ω3 ω9 ∧ ∧ dω2 = ω1 ω9 + 1 ω2 ω8 +2ω3 ω4 − ∧ 2 ∧ ∧ dω3 = 3 ω3 ω8 2 ∧ dω4 = ω1 ω5 ω2 ω6 ω3 ω7 ω4 ω8 − ∧ − ∧ − ∧ − ∧ dω5 = π1 ω1 + π2 ω3 2ω5 ω8 + ω6 ω9 ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ dω6 = π1 ω3 3 ω6 ω8 − ∧ − 2 ∧ dω7 = π2 ω1 π1 ω2 + π3 ω3 2ω4 ω6 2ω5 ω9 5 ω7 ω8 ∧ − ∧ ∧ − ∧ − ∧ − 2 ∧ dω8 = 4ω3 ω6 − ∧ dω9 = 2ω1 ω6 +2ω3 ω5 + 1 ω8 ω9. − ∧ ∧ 2 ∧ This result should be compared with a loop algebra formulation given by David et al. (1986).

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Originally received 19 December 1996 Accepted 18 February 1998