Lec Awards 2020: Mvp Summer 2020 Voting Ballots

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Lec Awards 2020: Mvp Summer 2020 Voting Ballots LEC AWARDS 2020: MVP SUMMER 2020 2020 LEC Summer MVP - Preferences VOTING BALLOTS VOTER NICKNAME AFFILIATION ORGANISATION #1 MVP #2 MVP #3 MVP Aaron Chamberlain Medic On-Air Talent Gilius Caps Larssen Andrew Day Vedius On-Air Talent Caps Larssen Kaiser Christy Frierson ender On-Air Talent Gilius Caps Larssen Daniel Drakos Drakos On-Air Talent Larssen Gilius Caps Eefje Depoortere sjokz On-Air Talent Gilius Caps Crownshot Indiana Black Froskurinn On-Air Talent Larssen Caps Kaiser Laure Valee Bulii On-Air Talent Gilius Caps Kaiser Trevor Henry Quickshot On-Air Talent Caps Gilius Kaiser Simon Bayer Team Manager LEC Team Player Excel Esports Carzzy Larssen Inspired S04 S04 LEC Team Player FC Schalke 04 Kaiser Larssen Caps Alexander Hugo LocoEX LEC Team Player Fnatic Caps Inspired Gilius Jonathan Singh Taco Storm LEC Team Player G2 Esports Gilius Larssen Kaiser Till Werdermann LEC Team Player MAD Lions Caps Larssen Gilius Andy Walda Team Manager LEC Team Player Misfits Gaming Larssen Caps Gilius Origen Players LEC Team Player Origen Caps Larssen Gilius Tomislav Mihailov flyy LEC Team Player Rogue Caps Humanoid Gilius Thomas Huber Bertho LEC Team Player SK Gaming Caps Inspired Larssen Dennis Hennersdorf LEC Team Player Team Vitality Caps Larssen Gilius Fabian Broich Head of Performance LEC Team Coach Excel Esports Caps Gilius Larssen Dylan Falco Dylan Falco LEC Team Coach FC Schalke 04 Caps Larssen Kaiser Alfonso Aguirre Rodriguez Mithy LEC Team Coach Fnatic Gilius Caps Kaiser Fabian Lohmann G2 GrabbZ LEC Team Coach G2 Esports Larssen Patrik Gilius James MacCormack Mac LEC Team Coach MAD Lions Caps Patrik Hans sama Alejandro Fernández-Valdés Jandro LEC Team Coach Misfits Gaming Larssen Abbedagge Kaiser Andre Pereira Guilhoto LEC Team Coach Origen Caps Kaiser Humanoid Simon Payne fredy122 LEC Team Coach Rogue Caps Kaiser Gilius Jesse Le Jesiz LEC Team Coach SK Gaming Caps Patrik Gilius Hadrien Forestier Duke LEC Team Coach Team Vitality Gilius Caps Larssen Eike Heimpel @LoLTimbolt Riot Games Caps Larssen Gilius Even Borg Rodahl Ringreven Riot Games Larssen Caps Gilius Kevin Bell Riot Games Gilius Caps Kaiser Renato Perdigão Riot Games Caps Larssen Kaiser Camille Cathala Mistilena 3rd Party Media Breakflip Caps Gilius Hans sama Danes Loher 3rd Party Media Danes Loher Kaiser Caps Gilius Xing Li 3rd Party Media Dot Esports Larssen Shad0w Caps Jacob Wolf 3rd Party Media ESPN Caps Shad0w Gilius Pablo Suárez Fernández Bloop 3rd Party Media Esportmaniacos Kaiser Larssen Caps Adel Chouadria 3rd Party Media Freelance Larssen Gilius Caps Yinsu Collins 3rd Party Media Freelance Larssen Caps Shad0w Tom Matthiesen Matthieist 3rd Party Media Freelance/independent Larssen Gilius Kaiser Lara Lunardi @LaraLunardi 3rd Party Media Inven Global Larssen Caps Gilius Leaguepedia LEC Editors 3rd Party Media Leaguepedia Larssen Caps Gilius Valentin Dienes Broadcast Partner Esport1.hu Larssen Caps Kaiser João Cício Broadcast Partner Inygon Larssen Caps Gilius Eduardo Yuguero Albasán Broadcast Partner LVP España Caps Larssen Gilius Culié Fabien Chips Broadcast Partner O'Gaming Kaiser Caps Abbedagge pier luigi parnofiello Broadcast Partner PG Esports Shad0w Orome Gilius Bartosz Brykała Lead Producer Broadcast Partner Polsat Games Larssen Humanoid Kaiser Broadcast Partner Freaks4U Did not participate.
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