European Investment Bank
..... EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK ANNUAL REPORT 1967 EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK For its accounts and balance sheet the European Investment Bank uses the unit of account as defined in Article 4 § 1 of its Statute. The value of this unit of account is 0.88867088 gramme of fine gold. In this report, conversions into units of account are made at the following par values : 50 Belgian francs 4.00 Deutsche Mark 4.93706 French francs 625 Italian lire 50 Luxembourg francs 1 unit of account (u.a.) 3.62 Netherlands guilders 1 United States dollar 4.37282 Swiss francs 30.00 Greek drachmae 9.00 Turkish pounds. 2 EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK ANNUAL REPORT 1967 ; ,• I /. I '-'"':;. ... '{j£J ~ BOARD OF GOVERNORS Chairman: PIERRE WERNER (Luxembourg) Belgium: RoBERT HENRION, Minister of Finance, Brussels; Germany: FRANz-JosEF STRAUS, Minister of Finance, Bonn; France: MICHEL DEBRE, Minister of Economy and Finance, Paris; Italy : EMILIO COLOMBO, Minister of the Treasury, Rome; Chairman until 5th June, 1967; Luxembourg : PIERRE WERNER, Minister of State, President of the Government, Minister of the Treasury, Luxembourg; Netherlands : HENDRIKUS JOHANNES WITTEVEEN (1 ), Minister of Finance, The Hague. (1) JELLE ZIJLSTRA, until 5th April, 1967. 5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman : PARIDE FORMENTINI Vice Chairmen: YvES LE PORTZ ULRICH MEYER-CORDING Directors: Alternates : SJOERD BOOMSTRA, Director OTTO WILLEM VOS, Director, of External Finance, Ministry of Ministry of Finance, The Hague; Finance, The Hague; RoGER BOYER, Member of the DANIEL DEGUEN, Deputy Direc Board, Banque Frans:aise du Com tor of the Treasury, Ministry of merce Exterieur; Member of the Economy and Finance, Paris; (1) Conseil National du Credit, Paris; RAYMOND DENUCE, Honorary PIERRE GUILL, General Manager, Managing Director, Credit Com Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxem munal de Belgique, Brussels; bourg; GIUSEPPE DI NARDI, Chairman, LIONELLO FRONZONI, Repre S.p.A.
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