Archaeological Notes on Early Scotland : Relating
ARCHJEOLOG -ICAL NOTES ON EARLY SCOTLAND W.G.DON,MD UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH LIBRARY lift A OlOfiM T3 1 1 GUELPH ™ U N V ERSITYE OF The Library RESTRD DA 77®. D65 Don, William Gerard, 1836-19 2®. Archaeological notes on early Scot land Jrf INRAM ^^oksellers ARCHAEOLOGICAL NOTES ON EARLY SCOTLAND. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ; ARCHAEOLOGICAL NOTES ON EARLY SCOTLAND, RELATING MORE PARTICULARLY TO THE STRACATHRO DISTRICT OF STRATHMORE IN ANGUS ALSO SOME ACCOUNT OF LOCAL ANTIQUITIES AND PLACE NAMES, WITH /IDap, plan, ant) Bppenbir. BY WILLIAM GERARD DON, M.D. Deputy Surgeon-General Army Medical Staff, Brecbin: D. H. EDWARDS, ADVERTISER, OFFICE. 1896. ERRATA. Tago 12, line -20 from top—For " pronounciation," read " pronunciation. " " „ N, „ 32 ,, — „ burrows," read barrows," " " „ 23, ,,7 ,, — „ leven," read leaven." ,, 29, ,, 4 ,, — „ "sees," read ".Sees." „ 30, ,,1 ,, — ., "people," read "peoples." " " ,, 47, „ 24 ,, — ,, rank," read right." 14 — " read " ,, 72, ,, ,, „ Fotherdun." Fothimlun." " " „ 72, „ 24 ,, — „ fother," read futhen." " " M 70, ,, 7 ,, — „ Pitfo r," read Pitfour." " " ,, 81, ,,5 „ — ,, Neetan," read Nechtan." UNIVERS. i ELPH jgrzztTTiSto*-^ n3— CONTENTS. f FAGK Introductory, ..... 9 Early History and Ethnology of Scotland, . 16 Some Local Antiquities, . 34 The Catterthuns, .... 34 The Dunlappie Dyke, . 37 The Roman Road (Map), 39 The Battle of A.D. 1130, . 44 The Church and Round Tower of Brechin, 49 Royal Kincardine (Plan), . 53 Lady Finella's Crime, .... 56 Flints, ...... 59 Local and Other Place Names, . 61 Welsh Place Names, . 64 Pictish Place Names, .... 68 Gaelic Place Names, .... 73 Analogy in Celtic Names, 77 Anglic or Saxon Place Names, . 77 Intrusive Place Names, ...
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