Scouting News from across August 2018 Contents of Tamesider August 2018 Pages 2 - 3 News from 3rd Gee Cross Beaver Colony Page 4 Scouts join in Armed Forces Day Page 5 6th Ashton Rounders’ Competition Page 6 Shooting Page 6 3rd Ashton Race Night Advert Page 7 North Tameside Annual General Meeting Page 8 Last meeting before the summer holidays Page 8 – 9 More news from 3rd Gee Cross Beavers Pages 9 – 10 Jamboree Update from Unit 45 Page 11 3rd Ashton Scout Group’s Annual Fashion Show Page 11 Diary Dates Page 12 Bee Hive Information Pages 12 – 15 AFM Pages – GyG, SASSY, PRaTTS, Yellow Card Page 15 Swimming Information Page 16 Training Dates Page 17 Scout Naughty Lights Page 18 County Camp 2019


News from 3rd Gee Cross Beaver Colony.

It’s been a very busy few weeks at 3rd Gee Cross Beavers. On 28th June we celebrated EqualiTeas by making afternoon tea for our mums to show them how special they are to us. We also raised money which we have donated to WaterAid who we have been supporting this year. The Beavers are looking forward to receiving their blanket badges. On Saturday 7th July we took part in a great sports day organised by 3rd Newton Scouts. It was a lovely sunny day, the Beavers tried very hard and became this year’s winning Beaver Group plus first and second on individual performance. On the 12th July we had some special guests, David and Sam from the Hyde Police Cadets came to help us complete our safety badge. The beavers were treated to a photo-call wearing old

and new police kit, a crime scene search and assisting in the arrest of an ‘offender’! On Sunday 15th July we took part in our annual local Well Dressing. The displays are usually made out of petals but this year we made our display out of bottle tops, but there’s a reason for this. Times have changed over the past 100 years for us in


the . Lots of water and other drinks are bought in plastic bottles which are polluting our planet, some plastic items can take a 1000 years to decompose. We have been reminding our young people that it is important not to drop litter and recycle. We are very lucky to have clean running water but some countries are not so lucky. To help the Beavers understand what it is like not to have running water we did a water walk on earlier in the year. We collected water and carried it in a heavy canister. Many females in Africa have to do this several times a day. This year we decided to decorate our well display with a RAF theme to celebrate their 100th Birthday. Our group is very passionate about remembering servicemen past and present and this year we are taking part in decorating 710 stones to remember the local men that died in the Great War 100 years ago.

Regards, Alison, Beaver Scout Leader, 3rd Gee Cross

Have your Colony, Pack, Troop or Unit done any fantastic activities, if so, send us a write up with pictures for the next issue at [email protected]


Scouts join in Armed Forces Day. The Scouts showed their support by joining in with Armed Forces Day at Denton, as they are now partners with all the veterans and have signed up with their covenant. The Scouts attended with their PR trailer and climbing wall run by One Adventure and an archery stand at the activity centre based on the market. Outside Victoria Park were all the various displays where the bands performed. Many young people took part climbing the wall but sadly no older veterans had a go. Previously, 3rd Ashton Scouts started the Peace Bell 2018 project, with their Leader Sarah Pevers and Assistant Eric Dundavan, have created a Remembrance Plot in the grounds of St James Church in Ashton. The Scouts planted seeds from the Royal British Legion which have been sourced from the Fields of Flanders. The Remembrance Plot is to honour the fallen of the parish of St Michael’s but also all others who went forth to do their Duty To Their Country and didn't return home. The plot will be maintained through the year and the Peace Bell Project will finish on Scouts Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2018. Group Scout Leader Tina Howarth thanked the Scouts and Derek Casey for installing the poppy plot to remind everyone about all those who never came home.


6th Ashton Rounder’s competition

Gregory and Ford Cub packs from 6th Ashton Scout Group took part in a pack versus pack rounders’ match at King Georges Park in Ashton. The Cubs wanted to make the most of this glorious weather and having the park on their doorstep seemed to be the perfect venue. Gregory pack had sent Ford pack a menacing video, challenging them to a rounders’ match with the loser's having to buy everyone an ice cream....So really there were no losers ha-ha! Ford pack did however take the win with the score being Ford 27- Gregory 19. The cubs had a great night and we had a fantastic turn out, we look forward to more inter-pack competitions and challenges

especially if they involve sunny evenings and ice creams in the park! Danielle Hyde Cub Scout Leader from Gregory Pack said, ‘I know we lost but all the Cubs thought it was a great night.’ Danni, Cub Scout Leader, 6th Ashton.



British Shooting say they are delighted to announce that the third official Target Sprint Regional Centre in their shooting community is in Tameside. The driving force behind the tremendous development of the sport in the North West is in largely thanks to Doug Pepper, Target Sprint Educator and Assistant Explorer Leader at 6th Ashton Scouts. The success of a shooting event held recently at Richmond Street Community Centre and on the East Harriers running track, has shown there is an interest in the sport locally, and with the Scouts. Doug said, ‘I am really pleased that all the work to promote Target Sprint in the North West has resulted in Ashton becoming a Regional Centre. This sport has the skills of shooting and the fitness of running combined into one sport of skill and fitness, in the Target Sprint Squad.’


North Tameside District AGM

The North Tameside Scout District held their AGM in July. They welcomed the Civic Mayor of Tameside, Councillor Denise Ward, with her consort, Councillor David McNally. The Mayor accepted the Presidency of the District for the following year. She was invested into the District and has agreed to support Scouting across Tameside during her tenure as Mayor. Each Section from the District gave a brief report of their activities and achievements during the year. During the evening Wyn Fish, the chair of the Appointments Committee, was presented with the Silver Acorn for services to scouting and the service award for 40 years’ service in Scouting. Harry Frankish was awarded a 20 years long service certificate. District Commissioner, Andrew Morton, thanked all the Leaders and Helpers for all their hard work during the year, which enabled the District to record a record 9.3% increase in numbers.


Last meeting before the summer break for 6th Ashton

6th Ashton Gregory cub pack went skating for their last session before summer! 24 cubs grabbed their skates and started their skater badge! Even Akela, Raksha, Bagheera and Rama had a go without too much falling over!

Skate station in Ashton could not do enough for us, providing us with a hot buffet, lots of juice and the whole skate rink to ourselves! For some Cubs it was their first time skating and they were a bit nervous, for others they were pros and took on the limbo challenge! Which was won by Jack B closely followed by Kayden W in second place. All the cubs can't wait to go back although there had also been a suggestion of ice skating next time!

Akela Dan - 6th Ashton Gregory Pack

More news for you from 3rd Gee Cross Beavers.

Thursday 26th July was the final Beaver meeting for 3rd Gee Cross before the Summer break. We spent the evening in the Hyde Park, we had a lovely picnic and had lots of free time in the play area. Three new beavers were invested and five Chief Scouts Bronze Awards were given out plus a TON of other badges.


Special congratulations to Harry, Josh and Joseph B for winning their special 3GX awards. These were given out for excellent behaviour, helpfulness and confidence. Bramble (Steve Bool) said a huge thank you to all the parents and guardian helpers, we couldn't have done so much without their help.

Bramble, Clover, Acorn, Willow and Snowdrop

Jamboree Update from Unit 45

Hope you are all enjoying your summer breaks. Here is the next unit update where you will find dates for events, information on travel and things that we need to start looking at, now that we are only 12 months away from heading off to the jamboree.

Dates for you diary Sat 22nd Sept - Big City Training 1 - The unit will be meeting in the centre of Manchester for a day of training. More information will follow along with registration soon. Sat 6th Oct - Unit Social - Picnic in the Park Fri 26th - Sun 28th Oct - Training Camp 3 @ 1st Dinting Sun 25th Nov - Fundraising Bag Pack @ Tesco Stockport Dec - Christmas social - TBC Fri 1st - Sun 3rd Feb 2019 - Training Camp 4 Mar/April 2019 - Easter Social - TBC May 2019 - Big City Training 2 - TBC Fri 24th - Mon 27th May 2019 - Join In Jamboree @ Linnet Clough There will also be additional dates for meetings and activities as we will have kit to distribute, kit to pack, meetings with parents etc... Prior to leaving so the above list is not final.


Unit Badge

The leadership team are pleased to announce that the unit badge is now in production. Attached is an image of both the unit badge, yellow border, and our fundraising badge, red border, and will hopefully be available in Sept to start selling to help generate funds for our unit. You will each receive an initial 25 to sell between Sept and Dec for unit funds and then from Jan 2019 you will be able to buy more badges to then sell for your own fund raising. North America in a Bag & Personal Development Challenge As part of our Jamboree journey we want to bring our experiences to as many people as possible, particularly those who are too young to attend, so HQ have produced a resource called North America in a Bag. This bag is full of games, activities and items that can be taken out across the county to run across all sections. In September I will be running a trial programme for one of the cub pack within my district and will be looking for 6 unit members to be part of this evening. If you would like to get involved please email me your expression of interest. UK Contingent Fundraising Badge UK Contingent have produced a Fundraising Badge that individuals can buy. These will be available to purchase in packs of ten from Scout Store at a cost of £10 from Wednesday, 25th July. The badges are only available for purchase by members of the UK Contingent. HQ recommend selling them for the badges is £2. If you would like to buy and sell these please do. Hope this have given you more information and food for thought about what is to come over the next few months. If anyone has any questions or concerns about anything please get in touch. But for now have a great summer. Yours in Scouting, Katherine Kennedy, Unit Leader


3rd Ashton Scout Group Annual Fashion Show and Sale

3rd Ashton Are holding their annual fashion show at the Broadoak Hotel, Ashton. The show starts at 7.00pm on Friday 14th September 2018. Tickets are £5.00 each with under 16s costing £2.50.

Diary Dates 2018

August 11th – 18th August Jurassic International Camp September 14th September 3rd Ashton Fashion Show and Sale, Broadoak Hotel. 19th September NT District exec 125 Curzon Rd Ashton 7.15pm. October 5th - 7th October NT Cubs district camp, Ashworth Valley 6th October NT Scouts district cooking competition, venue and time TBC. 13th October 3rd Ashton Race Night, Ashton Rugby Club 7.00pm November 9th November NT Cubs district swimming gala, Ashton Baths, 7.30pm - 9.30pm. 11th November ALL Remembrance Day parade various venues. 14th November NT District exec 125 Curzon Rd Ashton 7.15pm. 25th November Bag Packing at Tesco Stockport December 22nd December Bag Packing at Sainsbury’s Ashton



Friends of King George the fifth Playing have started visits to their bee hives and their observation hive in the Georgie Porgies cafe, for further information go to

The AFM Pages GyG

Grow your Group was a project carried out in North Tameside to find the best way to recruit adults, we had 520 Christmas bags with a card, leaflets and car stickers to everyone in the Scouts, an advert on Manchester TV got 1 person but for Bolton, Tameside Radio, Reporter and Advertiser newspapers job adverts, 4 week challenge adverts in Reporter, loads of leaflets, Scout pens, a static display stand currently in Ashton market for those that didn't find it in last month’s quiz, updated Tameside Sid and Action Together volunteers see web sites below. This cost in grants around £2000 and what I found out is the best method to recruit adults is by YOU telling parents and your friends and in my case anyone who passes by, as many people don't know they can join. They don't have to be a Leader as there are many roles just helping out, counting subs, bit of admin, brewing up, playing a game, being a member of the executive team, chair treasurer, secretary, fund raiser, trustee and even someone has to clean the toilets.

So learnt from GyG project ASK parents, friends, relations even people you don't know as any adult is going to be a bit of help for you and they may become a leader like you did. SASSY.

Support Active Scouts Yonks (for a long time) is a new section formed in North Tameside to run social events. SASSY which is a mispronunciation of the English word 'saucy' which meant in the old days, 'rambunctious' girls and boys but today means Lively, Bold, Full of Spirit and Cheeky, and in my case a mental age below 18. Meeting the SASSY criteria is one of the rules of being a member of SASSY. The other rules are 2. Being happy. 3. Enjoying yourself. 4. Helping others when needed. 5. Your partners and friends can join. 6. You must be over 18 to so you can ignore rule 7 on the Yellow Card. 7. Judges decision is final that’s me. 8. If Judge’s decision is wrong rule 7 applies. August Events

2/8/18 10.00-12.00 Free tea and chats 339th St Martins Church Greenside Lane Droylsden M43 7QS every Thursday

4/8/18 Free event for your Beavers, Cubs and Scouts but must take a teddy bear a free train ride between stations and events on each platform.


5/8/18 11.00-15.00 Holy Trinity Community Centre Open Day find what goes on.

9/8/18 10.00-15.00 Stamford Park conservation day (Note need boots and lunch more info 342 3055) Astley Rd depot SK15 2JT

9/8/18 13.00-2.00 Come and see the Bees with Ian at King George V Playing Field, Ashton

16/8/18 11.00-13.00 Community Explorers meet other community groups free brew and biccies at

28/8/18 10.00-15.00 Lees Park conservation day (Notes) Lynwood Grove Audenshaw M34 5TE

30/8/18 10.00-15.00 Copperas Field conservation day (Notes) Juniper Crescent Droylsden M34 6QJ

30/8/18 10.00-15.00 Natural Sounds, join the woodland band Park bridge Heritage Centre OL6 8AQ

Do any of you fancy leading some walks over summer to keep us happy and healthy, which will need to end up at a cafe or pub? Or any other social activity you and others may like to do, let me know.

Check our SASSY theme tune


PRaTTS is the Public Relations and Trailer Team Scouts a group of people who go to public events like the ones below, they sit in the sunshine in deck chairs if no sun in the Scout PRaTTS trailer drinking tea and sometimes having cake, chatting and putting the world to rights, oh and sometimes being disturbed by someone wanting to be a Scout. If you would like to be a PRaTTS let me know.

PRaTTS Events

1/8/18 10.30-13.30 Fun sports day Alexandra Rd Ashton

5/8/18 11.00-16.00 Holy Trinity Community Centre open day Dean Street Ashton

13/8/18 12.00-14.00 Youth pop up day Alexandra Rd Ashton

25/8/18 Smoke free Sports Ashton Curzon Football Club Richmond Street Ashton OL7 9HG

9/9/18 10.30-15.00 Hospital healthy open day Fountain street Ashton OL6 9RW

1/10/18 A4A older peoples day


Yellow Card.

I hope you are putting into practise the previous rules we have done so far, as part of your AFM 2 hours a year ongoing training.

Remember if little Johnnie or Rebecca, says you did something naughty in the woods, even though it is not true, you are probably finished in Scouting.

In the AFM training we are up to rule 5 and 6 on the Yellow Card, Young People First (Note, should be Young or Old Leaders First) but due to changes coming out in the summer I guess this year but they may mean next summer if they haven't the money. So having a change just doing the differences this month. I am not sure why the order has changed on the draft but I am using my old numbers. The changes are:-

1. Added Do set a good example for others to follow e.g. no smoking or getting drunk in front of kids

2. Taken 'the' out. No idea why.

4. Added 'recommended' that means you don't have to?

16. took out 'romantic' what a shame.

12. Changed appropriate to 'separate' and arrangements to 'accommodation and took out 'changing facilities' so you can't sleep together but can get changed together accept they have added separate instead of appropriate so you can't.

10. Added 'where people can challenge inappropriate attitudes or behaviours'. E.g. allow them to speak.

21. New one 'Do make everyone (young people, parents and carers, young leaders, and other helpers) aware of our safeguarding arrangements and our Code of Behaviour. They have missed trustees off, so tell them as well.

9. Added 'Do avoid being drawn into inappropriate attention-seeking behaviour, e.g. tantrums and crushes'.

19. Had a swop round and added 'more than one other person being present'.

18. Added 'whether verbal written or online'.

13. Added 'directly' so can drink but best not to.

Will carry on with 7 and 8 next month.

Remember be careful out there, and put you Yellow Card in your pocket to protect you, well the Yellow Card won't protect you but the words on it will, hopefully.

As a final point we are very short of Training Advisors, it's not hard as you will have done most of it already, the extra bit is you have to do module 25 in which you are assessed carrying out validations with a new Leader, to eventually get them their wood beads. This is extra to your 2 hours a week contact NTLTM [email protected] 07931765121


Enjoy your 2 hours a week

Yours Alan Fish Disclaimer.


The views expressed in the Tamesider AFM page are not the views of the Editor Ken who will refuse to accept any responsibility , as he doesn't read it so he is not associated with the AFM page. They are m y views which may or may not fall exactly in line with POR , the PC world , safeguarding and GDPR but they are close . The idea is you are more likely to remember them as a bit odd and funny, e.g. you can't forget PRaTTS. My privacy policy is I have asked you for your info to use to keep you informed and you have accepted it, well the camera on your computer saw you smiling while reading this so registered it as an acceptance. You can ask what info I have to check it’s right. It is secure as even I don't know where it is, OMNIT (Old Man No Info Tech) and I won't tell anyone (depending how much they are willing to pay). You can ask to unsubscribe if you give me ten valid reasons why and one can't be it's a load of rubbish. You can request a SAR from the DC go to,888 . Good Luck.

Yours Alan.

DAFT (District Advisor for Tameside) Scouts.

Mobile 07931765120 Office 0161 339 5901

SWIMMING INFORMATION Hello everyone, My name is Paula Thomas and I help run The George Bradley Scout Swimming Club at Medlock Leisure Centre, Droylsden. The swimming sessions are every Wednesday evening 7.30pm to 8.30pm, at a cost of £2.00 each. The session is open to any member of scouting and guiding. We welcome any group to attend either each week or every now and then to complete swimming badges or just to have some fun. Groups can come together or parents are welcome to bring individual children along. You do not need to book, just turn up. Please think about popping along and supporting us either as a group or letting your members know they can come along. Thanking you in advance. Paula ([email protected])


TRAINING DATES Training Programme for 2018 for East County. Saturday 1st Sept 10.00 – 16.30 Module 10-First Aid – 2nd Stalybridge Tuesday 11th Sept 19.30-21.30 Getting Started – 21st Stockport Tuesday 18th Sept 19.30-21.30 Getting Started – 21st Stockport Saturday 22nd Sept 9.30-17.30-Management and Supporter Training (M+S T) – Skills of Management- 1st Dinting Saturday 22nd Sept 10.00-12.45 – Module 16 – Intro to Residential Experiences – 2nd Staly Saturday 22nd Sept 13.30-14.45 – Module 19 – International – 2nd Staly Sunday 23rd Sept 9.30-17.30 - M+S T – Skills of Management – 1st Dinting Friday 5th October – Sunday 7th Residential Training Mods 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15. Sunday 7th October 10.00 – 16.00 – Module 10 –First Aid 2/230th Man Sunday 16th December 10.00 – 12.00 – Module 18 – Practical Skills – 2/230th Sunday 16th December 13.00 – 15.00 – Module 17 – running safe activities – 2/230th Friday 29th – 31st March 2019 Module 38 – Practical Skills – Linnet Clough Training Venue Addresses

Residential Course. Cardinal Langley Roman Catholic High School, Rochdale Road, Middleton. M24 2GL 2/230th Manchester, Seymour Road South, Manchester. M11 4PS 1st Hazel Grove, Hazel Grove Methodist Church, Wesley Street, Hazel Grove SK7 4JQ 1st Heaton Moor, St Paul’s Road, Stockport SK4 4RY 1st Dinting, The Scout Centre, Adderley Place, Glossop SK13 6PA Cheadle Base Camp, Oak Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle SK8 5DR. 21st Stockport, Carnforth Road (bottom of Nelstrop Road), Heaton Chapel, Stockport, Cheshire. SK4 5LDExecutive training is available on Module 1E executive-committee-members


Scout Naughty Lights

Had a few problems with some Beavers and Scouts at a couple of groups so used the home made warning cards and they worked well. Following an old Venture Scout's wedding they had a load of finger torches at their great reception and I had a thought, I glued 3 together, I couldn't find a yellow one at the time and made some naughty lights, not to use for flashing. I explained to the Beavers and Cubs what they were for and what they meant. Green meant they were Good, Yellow meant they were being Warned and Red meant time out for a set time e.g. 3 mins, 10 mins or even a week. I had ago with 3 sections at different groups and was amazed how fast they worked without saying a word. So have set up the Naughty Light Company and you can purchase a set for £1.00 profits will go to NoTTS (North Tameside Training Section) to support the training of Leaders. Contact [email protected] to purchase one or as many as you want as pictured below.