CURRICULUM VITAE Fatma Müge Göçek Department of Sociology University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 phone: (734) 647-4228 fax: (734) 647-0636 e-mail: [email protected] research website:

DATE: January 2020

SOCIAL SECURITY NO.: available upon request

PRESENT RANK: Full Professor, Department of Sociology and the Program in Women’s Studies, University of Michigan, 2012-

PUBLIC CHARGE: Consultant and weekly commentator to , Sociology Portal at New York Times in Education. September 2016-

EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1988 Princeton University. M.A. 1984 Princeton University. M.A. 1981 Bosporus University, , . B.A. 1979 Bosporus University, valedictorian. Diploma 1975 Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey, high honors. Certificate 1983 Yale University Summer School, Elementary . Certificate 1981 Sorbonne University, Paris, , Elementary French.

HONORS AND AWARDS: 2019 Distinguished Graduate Mentorship Award, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan. 2018-19 Elected Chair, American Sociological Association (ASA) Comparative Historical Sociology (CHS) section. 2017 Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, University of Michigan. 2017-20 Executive Board Member, Social Science History Association (SSHA). 2017- Member, French Republic Ministry of Education Commission on Research and Education, Paris, France. 2017- Executive Board Member of the Turkish Academy in Exile, University of Essen, Germany. 2016 American Sociological Association (ASA) Comparative Historical Section Barrington Moore Jr. Best Book Award Honorable Mention. 2016 Woman of the Year Award. Daughters of Vartan, Armenian Organization of America. 2015 American Sociological Association (ASA) Culture Section Mary Douglas Best Book Award. 2005-06 Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Academic Freedom Award (with Ron Suny). 2003-07 Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows. 2001-03 Haim Herzog Research Award in Middle East Studies, Ben Gurion University. 2000-01 LS&A Dean's Faculty Award, University of Michigan. 1999-00 Faculty Career Development Award, University of Michigan. 1998-02 Editorial Board Member, Cornell University Press, Wilder House Series. 1998-99 LS&A Dean's Faculty Award, University of Michigan. 1997-00 Member of the Board of Directors, Middle East Studies Association (MESA). 1996-97 Gilbert Whitaker Award for the Improvement of Teaching. 1996-9 Excellence in Education Award, University of Michigan. 1996-7 Women in Leadership Award, University of Michigan. 199697 CRLT Faculty Associate Fellowship Award, University of Michigan. 199-99 Associate Member, Institute of Turkish Studies, Washington, D.C. 195-98 Editorial Board Member, University of Michigan Press. 1989-90 Spencer Fellowship, National Academy of Education (NAE). 1989-90 Faculty Fellowship, Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan. 1985-86 Dissertation Writing Fellowship, Institute for Turkish Studies (ITS). 1984-85 Donald and Mary Hyde Fellowship, Princeton University. 1983-84 International Fellowship, American Association of University Women (AAUW).

POSITIONS HELD: 2016 Winter Visiting Professor, EHESS (Ecoles des hautes études en science sociale), CETOBaC (Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques) 2012- Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan. 2012-2014 Associate Director, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies. 2013 Interim Director, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies. 1995-2012 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan. 1999- Research Associate, Center for European Studies. 1995- Research Associate, Center for Russia and East European Studies. 1988- Research Associate, Center for Research on Social Organization. 1988- Research Associate, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies. 1999-03 Director of Graduate Studies, Sociology Department. 1995-1998 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sociology Department. 1988-1995 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan. 1999-00 Interim Director of the Women’s Studies Program. 1982-1984 Teaching Assistant, Princeton University. 1979-1981 Research Assistant, Bosporus University.


I. Books

a. Sole-authored:

In English:

Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and Collective Violence against the , 1789-2009. New York: . 2015.

* Winner of the ASA Culture Section 2015 Mary Douglas Best Book Award. * Honorable Mention at the ASA Comparative Historical Section 2016 Barrington Moore Best Book Award.

The Transformation of Turkey: Redefining State and Society from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Era. London: IB Tauris Publishers. 2011.

Rise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change. New York: Oxford University Press. 1996.

East Encounters West: France and the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press. 1987.

In Turkish:

İmparatorluğun Batışı, Burjuvazinin Yükselişi: Osmanlı Batılılaşması ve Sosyal Değişme Ankara: Ayraç Kitabevi. 2000. (Turkish edition of Rise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change).

b. Edited:

Cultural Violence and Destruction of Communities: New Theoretical Perspectives, with Fiona Rose Greenland. London: Routledge. (Forthcoming, In Press).


Contested Spaces in Contemporary Turkey: Environmental, Urban and Secular Politics. London: I.B. Tauris. 2017.

Women of the Middle East (four edited volumes entitled Volume I. “Constructing Knowledge;” Volume II. “Listening for Meaning Making;” Volume III. “Issues”; Volume IV. Solutions”) London: Routledge. 2016.

A Question of Genocide: Armenians and Turks at the End of the Ottoman Empire, with Ronald Grigor Suny and Norman Naimark. New York: Oxford University Press. 2011.

Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East. Albany: SUNY Press. 2002.

Political Cartoons in the Middle East. Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers. 1998.

Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity, and Power, with Shiva Balaghi. New York: Columbia University Press. 1994.

II. Articles and Book Chapters

In English:

“Bourgeoisie.” In Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition, George Ritzer and Chris Rojik, eds. (2019).

"The 2007 Assassination of through the Lenses of History, Memory and Emotions" in Zeitschrift fur Religions und Geistesgeschichte/Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies 70/2 (2018): 149-163.

“Report on Sexual Harassment at MESA (Middle East Studies of America).” Distributed to 6500 members. November 2017.

"Neoliberalism and the Spatial Politics in Contemporary Turkey", in Contested Spaces in Contemporary Turkey: Environmental, Urban and Secular Politics. F. M. Göçek, ed. London: I.B. Tauris. December 2017.

"Commentary on the Trump Administrations' Muslim Ban", [ASA - Comparative Historical Policy Blog]

“Islam, Gender and Postcolonial Sociology.” International Sociological Association (ISA) Futures Forum Web Post, 26 April 2016.

"State and Government in Today's Turkey" Turkish Review 4/3 (2014): 254-8.

“Cultural Heritage and Violence in the Middle East” (with Fiona Rose-Greenland), 2014.

“Foreword.” Nazand Begikhani and Aisha K. Gill Honour-Based Violence: Experiences and Counter Strategies in Iraqi Kurdistan and the UK Kurdish Diaspora. London: Ashgate, 2014.

“Parameters of a Postcolonial Sociology of the Ottoman Empire.” Political Power and Social Theory 25 (2013): 73- 104. Also Pp. 73-104 in Decentering Social Theory Julian Go, ed. London: Emerald Books.

"Commentary on "Concealment and Revealment: the Muslim Veil in Context" by Anjum Alvi" Current Anthropology 54/3 (June 2013).

"Postcoloniality, the Ottoman Past, and the Middle East Present." International Journal of Middle East Studies 44/3 (2012): 549-63.

"Archaeology, Middle East, Pre-History to 1250." (with Fiona Greenland) Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa Orlando Patterson, J. Geoffrey Golson, eds. New York: Sage, Forthcoming.

"Gender Equality." (with Elizabeth Young) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women New York: Oxford 3

University Press, Forthcoming.

"The Ottoman Empire's Negotiation of Western Liberal Imperialism." (with Murat Özyüksel) Pp. 193-217 in Liberal Imperialism in Europe Matt Fitzpatrick, ed. London: Palgrave. 2012.

"In Search of the 'Righteous People:' The Case of the Armenian Massacres of 1915." Pp. 33-50 in Resisting Genocide: The Multiple Forms of Rescue Jacques Semelin, Claire Andrew, Sarah Gensburger, eds. London: Hurst, 2011.

"What is the Meaning of the Young Turk Revolution? A Critical Historical Assessment in 2008." Political Science Faculty Journal XXXVIII (March 2008): 179-214.

“Through a Glass Darkly: Consequences of a Politicized Past in Contemporary Turkey.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 617 (May 2008): 88-106.

“The ” (with Donald Bloxham). Pp. 344-72 in The Historiography of Genocide. Dan Stone, ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008.

“Nationalism as the Dangerous Underbelly of the Modern Turkish Republic.” Pp. 167-79 in Nationalism in Contemporary Europe. I. Pawel Karolewski and A. Marcin Suzycki, eds. London: Continuum Publishing House. 2007.

“Hrant Dink (1957-2007): In Memoriam.” Published on 22 January 2007.

“Turkish Historiography and the Unbearable Weight of 1915.” Pp. 337-68 in Cultural and Ethical Legacies of the Armenian Genocide. Richard Hovannisian, ed. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. 2007.

"A Unique Experiment on Understanding Turkish/Armenian Relations." (with Gerard Libaridian) The Journal of the International Institute 15/1 (2007): 1-6.

“Defining the Parameters of a Post-Nationalist Turkish Historiography the Case of the Anatolian Armenians.” Pp. 86-103 in Turkey beyond Nationalism: Towards Post-Nationalist Identities. Hans-Lukas Kieser, ed. London: I.B. Tauris. 2006.

“Reading Genocide: Turkish Historiography on the Armenian Deportations and Massacres of 1915.” Pp. 101-127 in Middle East Historiographies: Narrating the Twentieth Century. Gershoni, Amy Singer, Hakan Erdem, eds. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 2006.

“Contemporary Turkey: A Country of Tense Coexistence.” Macalester International Journal XV (Winter 2005): 3- 26.

“Islam and Gender.” Pp. 7913-15 in Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures. Brill. 2005.

“Reconstructing the Turkish Historiography on the Armenian Deaths and Massacres of 1915." Pp. 209-30 in Looking Backward, Moving Forward. R. Hovannisian, ed. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. 2004.

"The Decline of the Ottoman Empire and the Emergence of Greek, Armenian, Turkish and Arab Nationalisms." Pp. 15-83 in M. Göçek, ed. Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East. SUNY Press. 2002.

"Narrative, Gender and Cultural Representation in the Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East." Pp. 1-12 in M. Göçek, ed. Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East. SUNY Press. 2002.

"Discussing Genocide: Contextualizing the Armenian Experience in the Ottoman Empire." (with Ronald Suny) The Journal of the International Institute 9/3 (2002): 1-11.

“Islam and Gender.” The International Encyclopedia for the Social and Behavioral Sciences N. Smelser, ed. (2001): 7913-7916.


"Ottoman Imperial Control: the first Ottoman statistical survey of 1897" (with Şükrü Hanioğlu). Pp. 87-98 in Cultural Horizons in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish State Jayne Warner, ed. Isis Press: Istanbul. 2001.

"Globalization's Challenge: Four More Voices Join the Discussion." (with Lawrence Root, Paul Edwards and Deba Dutta) The Journal of the International Institute 8/3 (2001): 1-11.

"The Politics of History and Memory: A Multidimensional Analysis of the Lausanne Peace Conference (1922-23)." Pp. 207-228 in Histories of the Modern Middle East: New Directions. H. Erdem, I. Gershoni, U. Wokoeck, eds. Lynne Rienner Publishers: New York. 2000.

"To veil or not to veil: the contested location of gender in contemporary Turkey." Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies I/4 (Fall 1999): 521-535. "Political Cartoons as a Site of Representation and Resistance in the Middle East." In Political Cartoons in the Middle East, Fatma Müge Göçek, ed. Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers. 1998.

"From Empire to Nation: Images of War and Gender in Ottoman Political Cartoons, 1908-1923." In Billie Melman, ed. Borderlines: Genders and Identities in Peace and War (1880-1930) New York: Routledge. 1997.

"The Legal Recourse of Minorities in History: Eighteenth-century Appeals to the Islamic Court of Galata." (with Marc Baer) In Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies vol. VII, 1997.

"Women's Experience in Ottoman Society through the Eighteenth Century Galata Court Records." (with Marc Baer) In Women in the Ottoman Empire, M. Zilfi, ed. Leiden: Brill. 1996.

"Population Transfers in Mediterranean History: The Ottoman Empire in the Fourteenth - Seventeenth Centuries." The Mediterranean Historical Review 68: 1995.

"Whither Historical Sociology? A Review Essay." Historical Methods 28/2(Spring 1995): 107-116.

"Ottoman Provincial Transformation in the Distribution of Power." In Scripta Hierosolymitana XXXV: Studies in Ottoman History, A. Cohen and Amy Singer, eds., Jerusalem: The Magnes Press of Hebrew University. 1994.

"Locating Women in Middle Eastern History through Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Inheritance Registers." In Vie materielle et patrimonies dans l'Empire ottoman, Jean-Paul Pascual, ed., Paris: Presses du CNRS. 1994.

"Gender and Tradition, Identity, Power in the Middle East." (with Shiva Balaghi). Pp. 1-22 in Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity, and Power, F. Müge Göçek and S. Balaghi, eds. New York: Columbia University Press. 1994.

"Ethnic Segmentation, Western Education, and Political Outcomes: Nineteenth Century Ottoman Society." Poetics Today 14/3 (Fall 1993): 507-538.

"The Social Construction of an Empire: Ottoman State under Suleiman the Magnificent." Pp. 93-108 in Suleiman the Second and His Time, H. Inalcιk and C. Kafadar, eds. Istanbul: Isis Press. 1993.

"Shifting the Boundaries of Literacy: Introduction of Western-style Education to the Ottoman Empire." Pp. 267-88 in Literacy: Interdisciplinary Conversations, D. Keller-Cohen, ed. Princeton: Hampton Press. 1993.

"Ottoman Archival Information on the Jews: The Inheritance Register of the Chief Rabbi of Galata (1770)." Pp. 705-16 in The Jews of the Ottoman Empire, A. Levy, ed. Princeton: Darwin Press. 1993.

Women of the Middle East: A Handbook for Secondary Schools (with S. Balaghi and B. Barlow). Ann Arbor: Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan. 1992.

"Encountering the West: French Embassy of Yirmisekiz Çelebi Mehmed Efendi, 1720-1721." Pp. 79-84 in Social and Economic History of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, H. Lowry and R. Hattox, eds. Istanbul: Isis Press. 1990. 5

Articles "Makhredj," "Masraf Defteri," "Mensukhat," "Mewkufatç2," "Mewlewiyet," "Muhallefat," "Musadara," "Mülazemet," "Mültezim," "Müsellem," "Nafir," "Shenlik." In The Encyclopedia of Islam, New Edition. Leiden: Brill. 1986-1996.

In French:

“Génocide Arménien: Le Déni de L’état (Armenian Genocide: The Denial of the State).” Revue des Deux Mondes (April 2015) 81-92.

"A la Recherche des Justes: Le Cas Armenien (In Search of the Just Ones: the Armenian Case)" Pp. 53-70 in La Resistance aux : de la pluralite des actes de sauvetage (Resistance to Genocides: On the Plurality of Acts of Rescue). Jacques Semelin, Claire Andrieu and Sarah Gensburger, eds. Paris: Sciences Politiques Les Presses. 2008.

In Spanish:

“El Estado turco y la negacion de la violencia cometida contra los armenios (The Turkish State and the Denial of the Violence Committed against the Armenians).” Istor: Revista de Historia Internacional (2015) XVI/62: 189-202.

In Turkish:

"Kürtler ve 2015 (Kurds and 1915)" Kürt Tarihi (Eylül/September 2015).

"Dünyanın Bildiği, Türkiye'nin Bilmediği: Ermeni Sorununun Epistemolojik Boyutu (What the World Knows but Turkey Does Not: The Epistemological Dimension of the Armenian Issue). In İmparatorluğun Çöküş Döneminde Osmanlı Ermenileri: Bilimsel Sorumluluk ve Demokrasi Sorunları (Ottoman Armenians during the Era of Imperial Decline: Academic Responsibility and Issues of Democracy). İstanbul: Bilgi University, 2010.

“Türkiye’de Çoğunluk, Azınlık ve Kimlik Anlayışı (Turkish Conceptualizations of Identity Construction, Minorities and the Dominant Majority).” In Türkiye Cumhuriyetinde Azınlık ve Çoğunluk Tartışmaları (Debates on the Composition of the Majority and Minorities in the Turkish Republic). İstanbul: TESEV Publications. 2006.

“Türk Tarih Yazımı ve 1915’in Dayanılmaz Hafifliği (Turkish Historiography and the Unbearable Lightness of 1915).” Birikim (May-June 2005).

“Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Türk Milliyetçiliğinin Doğuşu (The Emergence of in the Ottoman Empire.” In The Encyclopedia of Turkish Nationalism. İstanbul: İletişim. Winter 2003.

“Uluslararası İlişkilere Eleştirisel Yaklaşım ve Türkiye Bağlamı (The Critical Approach in International Relations: the case of Turkey).” In International Relations of the Turkish Republic. Istanbul: University Publications. 2002.

“Osmanlı Ermenilerinin Gündelik Hayatlarına Bir Bakış: XVIII. Yüzyıl İstanbul’unda Ermeni Esnafları .” A Perspective on the Everyday Lives of Ottoman Armenians: Armenian Artisans in 18th century Istanbul” Osmanlı (2000): 555-62.

III. Newspaper Op-ed Pieces in English and Turkish

"Harassment of Turkish academics in the West should be stopped." Ahval News 11/10/2017

“Violence against the Kurds in Contemporary Turkey.” Bianet Online Forum 4/2/2016

“What is Happening in Turkey and Why?” 6

Today’s 4/4/2013

“Whither Turkey?” Today’s Zaman and UM Center for European Studies, “Eyes on Europe” Blog 6/11/2013

“Where is Turkey Headed - again?” Today’s Zaman and UM Center for European Studies “Eyes on Europe” Blog 6/14/2013

“17 December Corruption Charges: Conspiracy or Conjunction?” Today’s Zaman 12/29/2013

IV. Selected Social Media Interviews:

Newspapers: 7/9/2018 Newsweek 7/5/2018 Annahar newspaper, . 11/10/2017 Ahval online newspaper, GBR. 5/1/2016 Jadaliyya online newspaper, US. 10/10/2015 , Turkey 4/19/2015 Financial Times, Wall Street Journal 4/26/2015 Le Mondes des Religions, France 1/12/2015 New Statesmen, UK

Television and Documentaries: 5/31/2018 Chicago Hellenic Museum interview for a documentary 4/12/2017 CGTN Daily Talk Show, Washington D.C. 5/31/2016 "Intent to Destroy" documentary, RadicalMedia, New York. 11/26/2014 CNNTurk, Turkey 12/8/2014 The Jewish Channel, New York 4/15/2015 Huffington Post Live, US. 4/26/2015 IMC, Turkey

Radio and Blogs: 6/27/2018 Radio interview with the Korean Morningwave Program 1/5/2018 Radio interview with the BBC 8/9/2016 H-Nationalism blog 7/18/2016 1320 WILS in Lansing 5/19/2016 KPFK Scholars' Circle Radio Station 4/13/2015 NPR (National Public Radio) “Here and Now” 4/14/2015 NBN (New Books Network) podcast

V. Book Reviews

George Shirinian, ed. "Genocide in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, 1913-1923." Slavic Review. 77 /4 (2018): 1054-56.

Michelle Tusan. "The British Empire and the Armenian Genocide: Humanitarianism and Imperial Politics from Gladstone to Churchill." Canadian Journal of History. 53/3 (2018): 604-606.

Rafaela M. Dancygier. “Dilemmas of Inclusion: Muslims in European Politics.” Social Forces. 96/4 (2018): 1-3.

Joseph Yacoub. “Year of the Sword: The Assyrian Christian Genocide." Review of Middle East Studies. 51/2 (2017): 320-321.

Nicole Stokes-DuPass and Ramona Fruja. “Citizenship, Belonging and Nation-States in the Twenty-first Century." (with Tiffany Chuang). Contemporary Sociology. 46/5 (2017): 604-6.


Amelie Le Renard "A Society for Young Women: Opportunities of Place, Power and Reform in Saudi Arabia"" Social Forces 95/4 (2017): 1-2.

Ronald Grigor Suny “They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else: A History of the Armenian Genocide.” Turkish Review. Forthcoming.

Vicken Cheterian “Open Wounds: Armenians, Turks, and a Century of Genocide.” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association. 3/1 (2016): 210-12.

Para Dhossa “Afghanistan Remembers: Gendered Narrations of Violence and Culinary Practices.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 56/3-4 (2015): 307-8.

Dana Sajdi "The Barber of Damascus: Nouveau Literacy in 18th Century Levant"" 18th Century Studies 49/1 (2015): 99-102.

Doğan Gürpınar "Ottoman/Turkish Visions of the Nation, 1860-1950"" American Historical Review (AHR) 120/1 (2015): 363.

Raymond Kevorkian. “The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History.” (with Dzovinar Derderian). English Historical Review (EHR) 128/533 (August 2013): 998-1000.

Nader Sohrabi “Revolution and Constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire and Iran.” American Historical Review (AHR) 118 (June 2013): 971-2.

Carter Findley “Turkey, Islam, Nationalism and Modernity: A History, 1789-2007.” International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) 44(2012): 833-34.

Amy Mills "Streets of Memory: Landscape, Tolerance and National Identity in Istanbul." (with José H. Bortoluci). Nationalities Papers. 39/4 (2011): 639-41.

Ryan Gingeras "The Sorrowful Shores: Violence, Ethnicity and the End of the Ottoman Empire." Nationalities Papers: Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 38/5 (2010): 765-7.

Karen Barkey "Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective." American Journal of Sociology 116: 2 (September 2010): 705-7.

Greta Lynn Uehling “Beyond Memory: The Crimean Tatars’ Deportation and Return.” American Journal of Sociology 112: 2 (September 2006): 238-40.

Jenny B. White "Islamist Mobilization in Turkey: A Study in Vernacular Politics." IJMES 28 (2006): 149-151.

Charles Issawi “Cross-Cultural Encounters and Conflicts.” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin (Fall 2002).

Margaret Merriwether “The Kin Who Count: family and society in Ottoman Aleppo, 1770-1840.” Middle East Journal 54:4 (Fall 2000): 671-2.

Diane Singerman and Homa Hoodfar "Development, Change and Gender in Cairo: a view from the household." (with Michael Fahy). The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 36/2 (May 1999): 308-11.

Hilmar Kaiser "Imperialism, Racism, and Development Theories: The Construction of a Dominant Paradigm on Ottoman Armenians." Armenian Forum I/2 (Summer1998): 151-3.

Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi and Ali Mohammadi, "Small Media, Big Revolution: communication, culture and the Iranian revolution." Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 32/1 (Summer 1998): 107-8.

Deniz Kandiyoti, ed. "Gendering the Middle East: emerging perspectives." Center for Iranian Research and Analysis 14/2 (September1998): 63-5. 8

M.Şükrü Hanioğlu "The in Opposition." Studia Islamica 88 (1998): 218-21.

Traian Stoianovich, "Balkan Worlds: The First and Last Europe." Contemporary Sociology 25/2 (1996): 215-6.

Karen Barkey, "Bandits and Bureaucrats: the Ottoman Route to State Centralization." (with Esra Özyürek) Turkish Studies Association Bulletin (Fall 1996): 75-9.

Abraham Ashkenasi, "Palestinian Identities and Preferences: Israel's and Jerusalem's Arabs," and Ghada Hashem Talhami "Palestine and Egyptian National Identity." Contemporary Sociology 22/ 4 (1993): 509-11.

Daniel Goffman, "Izmir and the Levantine World, 1550-1650." International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 24/4 (November 1992): 684-5.

Serif Mardin, "Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey" and Richard Tapper, ed. "Islam in Modern Turkey: Religion, Politics and Literature in a Secular State." Middle East Journal 46/3 (Summer 1992): 505-7.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, "Chief Instructor Ishak Efendi: Pioneer of Modern Science in Turkey," and Sükrü Hanioglu, "The Era of Doctor Abdullah Cevdet, Founder of the Union and Progress Committee in Turkey." Asian and African Studies 25/3 (1991): 297-9.

Haim Gerber, "Economy and Society in an Ottoman City: Bursa, 1600-1700." International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 23/1 (1990): 125-6.


Standpoint Triangulation Theory: A New Sociological Approach for the Twenty-first Century. Book manuscript in preparation.

Vectors of Violence against the Kurds in Modern Turkey. Book manuscript in preparation.

Kurds in Turkey. (Edited volume with Ayça Alemdaroğlu). New York: Columbia University Press. (Under preparation).

Critical Approaches to the Armenian Genocide: History, Aesthetics and Politics. (Edited volume with Hülya Adak). London: I.B. Tauris. (Under preparation).

The Foundations of Modern : From the Armenian Genocide to . (Edited volume with Hülya Adak). New York: Columbia University Press. (Under preparation).


Keynote Lecture. "Neoliberalism within the Context of Turkey and the United States." The Israeli Sociological Society 2019 Annual Meeting Haifa, Israel. 1/20/2019.

Panelist. "Connecting Vectors of Violence in Late Ottoman History." Centennial Commemoration of the Genocide of the Greeks in Asia Minor, Illinois Holocaust Museum. 4/7/2019.

Commentator. Conference on “Contested Landscapes, Competing Narratives: Armenian and Global Perspectives.” UM Armenian Studies Program, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Campus. 2/22/2019.

Panelist. "Being a Public Scholar." GSB, UM Sociology Department, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Campus. 4/18/2019.

Commentator. Book Workshop for Ana Villareal, assistant professor at Boston University Sociology Department. 9

Boston, Massachusetts. 2/25/2019.

Convener. Critical Sociology/ Sociologists in Action (SIA) Reading Group. University of Michigan Sociology Department. 2017- ongoing.

Presenter. “Free Speech versus Hate Speech in US Academia.” 2018 Global Education Forum. American University, Washington, DC. 2/15/2018.

Invited Lecture. “Gender and Nationalism in Turkey and Kurdistan.” International Center, Brown University, Rhode Island. 4/4/2018.

Presentation. “Gendered Politics of New Nationalisms, Turkey and the United States.” Citizenship and Gender Conference, Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, Cambridge. 4/6/2018.

Keynote Lecture. “Denial of Violence against the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.” Annual Ohannesian Lecture, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 4/30/2018.

Invited Lecture. “New Global Authoritarianisms: The Case of Turkey.” Center for Contemporary Theory, University of Chicago, Chicago. 5/17/2018.

Keynote Lecture. “Reflections on Ottoman Continuities, Republican Inventions.” Conference on Ottoman and Turkish History, Leiden University, the Netherlands. 8/25/2018.

Invited Lecture. “Boundaries of Neoliberalism in Contemporary Turkey.” Faculty of Social Sciences, NYU, Abu Dhabi. 9/8/2018.

Chair and Discussant. Panel entitled "Kurds in the Middle East." MESA (Middle East Studies Association) Annual Meeting. 2017.

Presenter. "Scholars under Fire: The Turkish State, Nationalists and the Repression against the Study of the Armenian Genocide." International Institute, University of Michigan. 2017.

Presenter. "Trials and Tribulations of Human Rights in Contemporary Turkey." Conference on ": Criminalizing Historical Narrative." Columbia University. 2017.

Presenter. “Genocide Denial in Contemporary Turkey.” Annual Meeting of the French Republic Ministry of Education Commission on Genocide Research and Education, Paris, France. 2017.

Organizer, WATS Workshop entitled "Past in the Present: European Approaches to the Armenian Genocide," at the European Academy, Berlin, Germany. 2017.

Presenter. ASA Presidential Panel on “Immigration, Security and Islam in Europe.” 017.

Discussant. ASA Author Meets Critics Book Panel on my book Denial of Violence (Oxford University Press, 2016). 2017.

Invited Discussant. Jonathan Wrytzen book manuscript on Islam in North Africa and the Middle East. Sociology Department, Yale University, 2017.

Keynote Speaker. Conference on “A History of Difference: Piety and Space in Early Modern Western Asia," Columbia University. 2017.

Presenter. "Tangled History, Memory and Emotions: Violence and the 2011 Assassination of Hrant Dink." Conference on "Ambivalent Legacies of the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires," Max Planck Institute, Gottingen, Germany. 2017.

Keynote Speaker. Annual Campagna-Kerven Lecture on Turkey. "Minorities from the Ottoman Empire to the


Turkish Republic." Boston University. 2017.

Panelist. "Unsettled Identities: Gender in Contemporary Society." Annual Conversations in Sociology. University of Michigan Sociology Department. 2017.

Panelist. "Politics and Society in Contemporary Turkey." International Center at George Washington University. 2017.

Panelist. "Xenophobia in the Age of Trump." University of Michigan International Institute. 2017.

Panelist. "Teach In/Out: Democratic to Authoritarian Governments." University of Michigan International Institute. 2017.

Presenter. "Immigrant Experience in the United States." University of Michigan Call for Humanity Student Organization. 2017.

Presenter. "Past and Contemporary Violence against the Kurds in Turkey." Conference on "Turkey at Critical Crossroads," University of Madrid, Lisbon. 2017.

Presenter. "Armenian Genocide." Annual Meeting of the French Republic Ministry of Education Commission on Genocide Research and Education, Paris, France. 2017.

“Turkey in Crisis.” Panelist. Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Boston. 2016.

“Sexual Harassment in Academia.” Panelist. Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Boston. 2016.

Keynote Address. "Kurds in Turkey." Conference on the Kurds in Turkey, Northwestern University. 2016.

Invited Lecture. "Minorities in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey." Seminar on Turkey in the Modern World, Harvard University. October 2016.

"Negotiating Violence in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic." Paper Presenter. Conference on “Forced Migration.” Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. 2016.

"Turkey's Coup (of July 2016): Context and Aftermath." Panelist. University of Michigan Weiser Center of Emerging Democracies. 2016.

“Cultural Transformations.” Panel Discussant. American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Washington Seattle. 2016.

Keynote Address. American Sociological Association (ASA) Comparative Historical Sociology Section One-Day Symposium. 2016.

"Trajectories of Violence from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic." Paper Presenter. Conference on "Imagining and Regulating Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Turkey." Max Planck Institute, Gottingen, Germany. 2016.

Invited Lecture. "The Armenian Genocide." UM School of Education World History Seminar for High School Teachers. 2016.

“Persecution of Academics in Turkey.” Panelist. University of Michigan History Department Colloquium. 2016.

“Imagined Boundaries of the Post-Ottoman.” Paper Presenter. Conference on Interrogating the Post-Ottoman, London School of Economics (LSE). 2016.


Invited Lecture. “Denial of violence against Armenians: Constructing a narrative of denial of violence, 19th century to the present.” Sciences Po, Centre de Recherches Internationales, Paris. 2016.

Invited Lecture. “Violence against Academics in Turkey.” University of Geneva. 2016.

Invited Lecture. “Repertoires of Violence in Northern Kurdistan.” Institut Kurde de Paris. 2016.

Invited Lecture. “L'Histoire de la Violence en Turquie du 19e siècle à nos jours (The history of violence in Turkey from the 19th century to our day).” Peniche Anako, Paris. 2016.

Invited Lecture. "Genre, corps et sexualité dans l'espace (post)-Ottoman (Body at the Intersection of Power, Gender and Sexuality in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic).” École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) – Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques (CETOBaC). 2016.

Invited Lecture. “Ecrire l'histoire de la Turquie au 20ème siècle (History Writing in Turkey during the 20th century).” EHESS – CETOBaC. 2016.

Invited Lecture. “Denial of Violence Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009.” Sociology Department, Central European University (CEU), Budapest. 2016.

Invited Lecture. "From the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic: Reflexions (sic.) of a Historical Sociologist." EHESS – CETOBaC. 2016.

Invited Lecture. “The Armenian Genocide.” Middle East and Arab Network (MEdAN), University of Michigan. 2015.

Keynote Address. Conference on Denial and Memory 100 Years after the Armenian Genocide, Northwestern University. 2015.

“Art after Auschwitz: An Intercultural Panel and Performance.” Panelist. Michigan Opera Theater and Holocaust Memorial Center, West Bloomfield, Michigan. 2015.

"Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789- 2009" Webinar Presentation. Rutgers Sociology Department Culture Workshop. 2015.

“How Should the Armenian Genocide be approached in Contemporary Turkey?” Paper Presenter. Die Gegenwart der Vergavgenheit: 100 Jahre nach dem Genozid an den Armeniern 1915, Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung, Berlin. 2015.

“Comparing the Denial of Violence Committed against the Armenians with that of the Assyrians/Arameans.” Paper Presenter. 1915: An International Conference on the Genocide of Assyrians/Arameans during the First World War. Frie Universitat, Berlin. 2015. Invited Lecture. “Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009.” Lepsiushaus, Potsdam. 2015.

Keynote Address. “Turkish State and Societal Denial of Collective Violence against the Armenians.” Coming to Terms with the Armenian Genocide: 100 years on, at Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen. 2015.

Keynote Address. “Transgenerational Impact of the Armenian Genocide on the Victims and the Perpetrators.” Gender, Memory, Genocide: Marking 100 Years since the Armenian Genocide: An International Conference. Teknische Universitat; Zentrum fur Antisemitismusforschung, Berlin. 2015.

Invited Lecture. U.S. Census Bureau 2015 Forum on Ethnic Groups from the Middle East and North Africa. 2015.


Keynote Address. “Impact of the Refusal to Encounter the Past on Turkish State and Society.” Conference on Encountering the Past in Turkey, London School of Economics (LSE). 2015.

"Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians," Paper Presenter. Boğaziçi University Conference on "The Armenian Genocide: Concepts and Comparative Perspectives," Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.

“Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789- 2009" Paper Presenter. Berkeley Conference on "Origins of the Armenian Genocide and the Crucial Years, 1912- 1915," California, 2015.

Invited Lecturer. "Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009" Columbia University, 2015.

"The Layered Denial of Violence against the Armenians from the Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Turkey," Paper Presenter. Conference on "Armenians a Century after the Genocide: What Next?" NYU, 2015.

"Periodizing the Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009." Paper Presenter. UCLA Conference on 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, California, 2015.

"100 Years Later: The Armenian Genocide and the Politics of Recognition and Denial," Presenter, California State University, Long Beach, 2015.

Invited Lecture. "Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009." Cornell University, 2015.

Conference Organizer (with Ron Suny). "From the Armenian Genocide to the Holocaust: The Foundation of Modern Human Rights," University of Michigan, 2015.

"Ermeni, a play on the Armenian Genocide" Commentator. Yale Repertory Theater, New Haven, 2015.

"Genocide and the Law of Reparations," Panelist. University of Windsor Law School, Canada, 2015.

"Academic Conference on Genocide: From Prevention to Justice," Panelist. University of Toronto, Canada, 2015.

Invited Lecture. "Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009" University of Michigan Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, 2015.

Keynote Speaker. "Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009." Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Los Angeles, California, 2015.

UC Davis Annual Human Rights Lecture. "History and Memory of Violence and Genocide in the Middle East." California, 2015.

Invited Lecture. "Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009" University of Michigan Center for Russian and East European Studies, 2015.

Invited Lecture. "Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Contemporary Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009," History Department, UCLA, California, 2014.

Invited Lecture. UCLA Sociology Department Seminar in Theory and Research on Comparative Historical Analysis, California, 2014.

Invited Lecture. "What Happened and Why -- The Denial of Turkish State Violence," USC, California, 2014.

MIT McMillan-Steward Annual Lecture on Women in the Developing World. "Violence of Denial: Turkish Women's Memories of Armenians, 1789-2009." Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2014.


Keynote Speaker. "Where is Turkey Heading," Caluste Gulbenkian Foundation Symposium on "Armenians in 2115," Madrid, Portugal, 2014.

"Critical Approaches to Ottoman History" Panel Chair and Discussant, CIEPO Hungarian Academy of the Social Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2014.

"Globalization as governmentality: the Kurdish Case" Panel Chair and Discussant, University of Amsterdam, Holland, 2014.

Keynote Speaker. "Inverting Globalization" University of Amsterdam, Holland, 2014.

Keynote Speaker. “Denying Violence: Collective Violence against the Armenians from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic." Tarih Vakfı (History Foundation), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. (In Turkish)

Invited Lecture. "Contested Spaces in the Middle East and North Africa" University of Michigan Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, 2014.

Invited Lecture. "Public and Private Erasure of History and Memory: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians." University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 2014.

Invited Lecture. "Public and Private Erasure of History and Memory: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians." University of Essex, 2014.

Keynote Address. “Denial of Violence in Contemporary Turkey.” University of Western Ontario, 2014.

“Contested Spaces in Contemporary Turkey.” Paper Presenter. Illinois Turkish Studies Symposium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014.

“Memory of Collective Violence in Turkish State and Society.” Paper Presenter. Hrant Dink Memorial Conference, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.

“History of Violence in the Ottoman Empire and Contemporary Turkey.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on “Genesis of Extreme Violence and Genocide since the 1870s.” University of Washington, St. Louis, 2014.

Invited Lecture. "Denying Genocide and Its Implications." Conflict and Cooperation in the Global Arena Annual Lecture Series, University of Delaware. 2013.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Denial: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians." Concordia University, Montreal. 2013.

"International Implications of the Syrian Civil War." Panelist. University of Michigan International Institute Panel on Contemporary Issues, 2013.

Keynote Address. "Neo-Ottomanism in Contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy." Annual Bustani Seminar. MIT. 2012.

2012 Shirley and Sidney Rosenwasser Lecture to Promote Interfaith Understanding. "On Memory, History and the Armenian Genocide: A Conversation between Fatma Muge Gocek and Eric Bogosian." The CUNY Graduate Center. 2012.

"The Past in the Present and the Present in the Past: Memoirs as an Analytical Lens into Ottoman and Republican History." Paper Presenter. Columbia University in Paris Conference "Reshaping the Margins of Europe: Russian/Soviet and Ottoman/Turkish Transformations, 1900-1930." 2012.

"The Public and Private Erasure of History and Memory: Ottoman Empire, Turkish Republic and the Case of the 14

Collective Violence against the Armenians." Paper Presenter. Conference on History and Memory, Stanford University. 2012.

39th Sivert O. and Marjorie Skotheim Lecturer. "Deciphering Denial: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009." Whitman College, Washington, Seattle, 2012.

"Revisiting the Turkish Model: Democracy, Minorities and Human Rights." Chair and Discussant. Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, November 2012.

Year of Turkey Lecturer. "Struggle of Turkish State and Society to Acknowledge Past Collective Violence." Queens College, 2012.

"Ottoman Imperial Legacy in the Contemporary Middle East." Paper Presenter. Sapporo Symposium on Comparing Modern Empires, Hokkaido, Japan, 2012.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Denial in Ottoman and Turkish History. Seminar on Turkey in the Modern World, Harvard University, 2011.

"Ottoman and Turkish State Denial of Collective Violence against the Armenians." Paper Presenter. Social Science History Association (SSHA) Annual Meeting, 2011.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Denial of Past Collective Violence by Turkish State and Society." Program in Ottoman Studies, New York University, 2011.

"Ottoman Collective Violence in Comparative Historical Perspective." Paper Presenter. American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, 2011.

Invited Lecture. "Turkey's Past and Present." Oxford University, Oriental Institute, 2011.

Invited Lecture. "A Critical Analysis of Turkey's Political Transformation." University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 2011.

Invited Lecture. "Transformation of Turkey from Empire to Republic." Cambridge University International Studies Association, 2011.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Denial in Ottoman and Turkish History." Stanford University Abbasid Program in Islamic Studies, 2011.

Invited Annual Ohannesian Lecture. "Turkish-Armenian Relations through the Sociological Lens." University of Minnesota, 2011.

"Conversations in Sociology: Interdisciplinarity." Panelist. Annual Sociology Department Public Series, University of Michigan, 2011.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Denial: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present and Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009." Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago, 2010.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Denial: State, Modernity and the 1915 Armenian ." Center for the Study of Democracy, Tolerance and Religion at Columbia University, 2010.

"Historic Achievement or Historic Blunder? -Turkey Protocols." Panelist. Armenian Studies Program, University of Michigan, 2009.

Invited Lecture. "Deciphering Turkish Denial: Modernity, Violence and 1915 Contextualized." Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania. 2009.

"Remembering The Young Turk Revolution on Its Centennial, 1908-2008." Paper Presenter. Conference on 15

Turkey, 1908-1914: Biographical Approaches. University of Zurich, Switzerland. 2008.

Invited Lecture. "Recovering Colors from a White-washed Past: Evidence of the 1915 Armenian Ethnic Cleansing in Contemporary Turkey." Conference on the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Archives and the Ethics of Memory Construction, University of Michigan. 2008.

“Turkish State and the Negotiation of History.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on States and Revolutions in Contemporary Perspective: Turkey, Greece and Guatemala. Haverford College, Pennsylvania. 2008.

Keynote Address. “Minorities and the Discussions in Contemporary Turkey.” International Institute at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. 2008.

Invited Lecture. “Silencing the Past in Contemporary Turkey.” History Department, University of California, Berkeley. 2008.

“The Legacy of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution on Its Centenary.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on Turkish Armenian Scholarship (WATS), Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.

“Turkish Historiography on the Armenian Deportations and Massacres of 1915.” Paper Presenter. Institute for Advanced Studies, Palo Alto, 2007.

Keynote Address. “Islam, Secularism and Democracy in Contemporary Turkey.” International Center at Butler University, Indiana, 2007.

Keynote Address. “Human Rights in Turkey.” 'Scholars at Risk' Conference at the University of San Francisco, California, 2007.

Invited Lecture. “The Turkish State and the Armenian Ethnic Cleansing of 1915.” Religious Studies Department of the University of California, Davis. 2007.

“Provincializing Modernity: the Social Engineering Projects of the Young Turks in the Last Years of the Ottoman Empire.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on ‘Imperialist Order Transformed: Global Perspectives on the Legacies of ’ at Duke University in North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 2007.

Invited Lecture. “A Current Assessment of Women in Top-Level Administrative Positions in Turkey.” Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey. 2007.

“Provincializing Russia? A Comparative Historical Analysis of the Cultural Politics of Caspian Oil.” Paper Presenter. Wider Seminar at the University of Helsinki. 2007.

“In Search of the Righteous People: the Case of the Armenian Massacres of 1915.” Paper presenter. Workshop on the ‘Rescue Practices Facing Genocides: Comparative Perspectives’ at the Sciences Po in Paris, France. 2006.

“The Current State Turkish-Armenian Relations.” Paper Presenter. 5th Program on at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006.

Keynote Address. “Creation of a Common Future: Reconciling Turks and Armenians.” Royal Society of Medicine in London, England to launch the activities of the U.S. based non-profit foundation “Facing History and Ourselves” in Great Britain. 2006.

“Does Islam Create a Glass Ceiling for Women?” Paper Presenter (with Narinc Ataman of Iris Women Watch Group of Turkey). Conversations on Europe Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2006.

“Is There a Legitimacy Crisis in Europe?” Panelist. Center for European Studies, University of Michigan Panel on the EU, contributing the perspective of Turkey to the European Community, 2006.

Invited Lecture. “Deciphering Denial: Turkish State and the Armenian Massacres of 1915.” Sociology Department


Colloquium, 2006.

“Turkey’s Location in Relation to the European Union.” Paper Presenter. Europa Forum, University of Michigan, 2006.

“Should Religious Beliefs be a Qualification for Public Office?” Panelist. University of Michigan University Series on Community Education on Ethics in Public Life organized by the Office of the Legal Counsel, 2006.

Invited Lecture. “Turkey, the European Union and the : the Significance of the Recent Istanbul Conference.” University of Toronto, Canada, 2005.

Invited Lecture. “Turkey and the Armenian Question: Are Recognition and Reconciliation Possible?” Bustani Middle East Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2005.

“Three Turkish Voices on the Ottoman Armenians.” Panelist. UCLA, 2005.

Invited Lecture. “Turkey and the European Union: The Two Conditions of the Cyprus and Armenian Questions.” Center for European Union Studies, the University of Michigan, 2005

“What the World Knows but Turkey Does Not: A Sociological Approach to the Accumulation of Knowledge on the Armenian Question.” Paper Presenter. Bilgi University Conference in Istanbul, Turkey [the first conference ever conducted on the Armenian question in Turkey], 2005. (In Turkish)

Invited Lecture. “Turkish Historiography on the Armenian Massacres of 1915.” Armenian Theological Seminary, Yerevan, Armenia, 2005.

“Turkish Historiography and the Unbearable Weight of 1915.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on Armenian Turkish Scholarship (WATS) at the Salzburg Seminar, , 2005.

Invited Lecture. “The Location of Minorities in Contemporary Turkey.” Workshop on Contemporary Turkey, University of Arizona, 2005.

“Constructing a New Historiography of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic.” Paper Presenter. Conference entitled “After Nine Decades: The Enduring Legacy of the Armenian Genocide” at UCLA, 2005.

“Reflections on the Turkish Historiography on the Armenian Massacres of 1915.” Paper Presenter. Michigan Society of Fellows, 2005.

Invited Lecture. “Turkey at Crossroads: between the East and West, the European Union and the United States.” World Affairs Council, San Francisco, 2004.

“Defining the Parameters of a Post-Nationalist Historiography: the case of the Anatolian Armenians.” Paper Presenter. Conference “Turkey: Toward Post-Nationalism?” at Basel University, Switzerland, 2004.

“Economic Prospects of Turkey in the Twentieth Century.” Paper Presenter. Independent Businessmen Association, Konya, Turkey, 2004. (In Turkish)

“Economic and Political Prospects of Turkey in the Twenty-first Century.” Paper Presenter. Rotary Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. (In Turkish)

“New Europe, Old Europe and the United States.” Paper Presenter. Conference on “Europe and the U.S. in the Long Run” at University of California, San Diego, 2004.

“Prospects of Democratization in Contemporary Turkey.” Paper Presenter. Experts’ Seminar on Islam and Democracy, at the Institute for Human Rights and Democracy, Montreal, Canada, 2004.


“Locating Meaning in the Margins: Turkish Minority Literature and Turkish Literature in Translation.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on Contemporary Turkish Literature, Princeton University, 2004.

“Talking Against the Grain: New Turkish Armenian Voices on History and Memory.” Paper Presenter. Third Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship (WATS), the University of Minnesota, 2003.

Invited Lecture. “History of Memory, Memory of History: Armenian Deaths and Massacres of 1915.” Sociology Department Colloquium, University of Michigan, 2003.

“We Are Not What You Think: Islamist Boundaries in Contemporary Turkey.” Paper Presenter. Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, 2002.

“Memories of Empires: Ottoman Empire and Its 19th Century Silences.” Paper Presenter. Empires Workshop at the University of Madrid, Madrid, 2002.

Invited Lecture. “Social Problems of Turkey in the 21st Century.” Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, 2002. (In Turkish)

Invited Lecture. “Delving into the Silences of Turkish History: Theoretical and Methodological Issues.” University of California, Berkeley, 2002.

Invited Lecture. “Aftermath of 11 September 2001 in the United States.” Bilgi University, Istanbul, 2002.

Invited Lecture. “Women, Islam and the Contested Issue of Veiling.” Emory University, 2001.

“Negotiating a New Republic from an Old Empire: A Sociological Approach to the Lausanne Peace Treaty.” Paper Presenter. Empires Workshop at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 2000.

“Silences in the Turkish Republican Past: an analysis of contemporary Turkish-Armenian literature.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on Armenians and the End of the Empire (first WATS workshop) Wilder House, University of Chicago, 2000.

“Gender Transformations from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Nation-State, 1908-1935.” Paper Presenter. Workshop on Subjects to Citizens: a comparative analysis of the Ottoman, Habsburg and Russian Empires, 2000.

Invited Lecture. “Gender Issues in Comparative Perspective: United States, Europe, and the Middle East.” National University for the Minorities, Beijing and the Xinjiang State University, Urumqui, China, 1999.

FUNDED RESEARCH SUPPORT: 2018-19 DuBoisian Scholars Network Convening at the University of Michigan, May 2020. 2017-18 University of Michigan Research Award for Project “Collective Violence against Minorities across Time and Space: From the Armenian Genocide to the Kurdish Massacres in the Turkish Republic.” 2015-16 University of Michigan Award for WATS (Workshops on Turkish Armenian Scholarship). 2012-14 Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies Award to Design and Run Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 Lecture Series on “Contested Spaces in the Middle East and North Africa.” 2000-11 University of Michigan Award for WATS (Workshops on Turkish Armenian Scholarship). 2004-05 Center for European Union Research Award, University of Michigan. 2001-02 LS&A Dean's Faculty Research Award, University of Michigan. 2001-03 Haim Herzog Research Award in Middle East Studies, Ben Gurion University 2000-01 Office of the Vice President for Research Fellowship Award, University of Michigan. 2000-01 LS&A Dean's Faculty Research Award, University of Michigan. 1998-01 Institute for Research on Women and Gender Program Development Grant, University of Michigan. 1997-98 LS&A Dean's Faculty Research Award, University of Michigan. 1997-98 Rackham Faculty Interdisciplinary Institute Fellowship Grant, University of Michigan. 1996-97 Research Grant, American Research Institute in Turkey. 18

1996-97 LS&A Faculty Assistance Grant, University of Michigan. 1996-97 Vice-President for Multicultural Affairs Grant, University of Michigan. 1995-96 International Institute Faculty Grant, University of Michigan. 1995-96 Office of the Vice President for Research Faculty Grant, University of Michigan. 1994-95 International Institute Faculty Grant, University of Michigan. 1994-95 Rackham Graduate School Faculty Grant, University of Michigan. 1993-94 LS&A Faculty Assistance Fund Research Grant, University of Michigan. 1993-94 Dean's Research Grant, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan. 1993-94 Faculty Collaboration Grant, Summer Research Opportunity Program for Minority Students, University of Michigan. 1992-93 LS&A Faculty Assistance Fund Research Grant, University of Michigan. 1991-92 Materials Development Grant, U.S. Department of Education. 1990-91 Research Grant, Institute for Turkish Studies. 1990-91 Research Grant, American Research Institute in Turkey. 1990-91 Research Grant, Women's Studies Faculty/Graduate Student Collaboration, University of Michigan. 1989-90 International Partnership Grant, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan. 1989-90 Research Grant, Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Michigan. 1989-90 Research Partnership Grant, University of Michigan. 1984-85 Research Grant, American Research Institute in Turkey. 1984-85 Research Grant, Institute for Intercultural Studies.

FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Turkish, Ottoman Turkish, French, Arabic, Persian, Russian, Kurdish.

FIELDS: Major: Comparative Historical Sociology; Cultural Sociology; Social Theory; Social Change. Minor: Social Movements; Gender; Sociology of Religion; Education; Sociology of the Middle East and Central Asia; Turkey.

COURSES TAUGHT: Undergraduate: Introduction to Sociology through American and Iraqi Societies; Women and Islam; Terrorism, Torture and Violence; Sociology of Culture from the Kennedys to the Kardashians; Sociology of Education; Sociological Theory; Social Change through Science Fiction; UM Bi-Centennial Course on Silences in UM History: From Native American Lands to Campus Sexual Assault. Graduate: Power, History and Social Change; Contemporary Sociological Theory and Practice; Postcolonial Theory; Gender and Sexuality; Culture and Knowledge; Culture, History and Memory; Power, History and Social Change; God and Society.

SELECTED PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: 2018- International Advisory Board Member, Journal of Genocide Studies. 2018- Elected Board Member, DuBoisian Scholars Network. 2018-19 Elected Chair, American Sociological Association (ASA) Comparative Historical Sociology (CHS) section. 2017 Task Force Chair on Sexual Harassment at MESA (Middle East Studies Association). 2016- Advisory Board Member, Gender and Violence Studies Center at the University of Sulaimani, Iraqi Kurdistan Region. 2015- Member, Editorial Board of the Society for Contemporary Thought and the Islamicate World (SCTIW). 2015- Member, Editorial Board of Modus Operandi, Relational Social Science Journal. 2013-5 Member, National Board of 2015, Committee for planning the 2015 centennial of the Armenian Genocide. 2000- Member, Editorial Board of Duke University Press on Cultural Studies. 2000-2016 Member, Editorial Board of Institute for Turkish Studies (ITS). 1988- Reviewer, National Science Foundation, National Academy of Education, Spencer Foundation, Social Science Research Council, European Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, Cornell University Press, Yale University Press, Duke University Press, Stanford University Press, Macmillan Press, Westview Press, 19

University of Michigan Press, St. Martin's Press, Brill, IB. Tauris, Pluto Press, Routledge, American Journal of Sociology, Qualitative Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Sociological Theory, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Political Theory, Theory and Society, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Past and Present, International Labor and Working Class History, Journal of Women's History, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Kurdish Studies Journal on Women and War. 2016 Member, MESA Annual Meeting Paper Selection Committee. 2015-16 Academic Host, to political scientist Şengül Apari, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. 2015-16 Member, ASA Comparative Historical Section Nominations Committee. 2015-16 Organizer, Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey. 2011-12 Academic Host, to sociologist Kezban Çelik, 19 Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey. 2011-12 Member, Fulbright Specialist Program. 2011-12 Member, ASA Culture Section Nominations Committee. 2011-12 Member, ASA Comparative Historical Section Nominations Committee 2011-12 Organizer, Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship, International Institute for Social Research, Amsterdam, Holland. 2000-10 Coordinator, Workshop on Turkish Armenian Scholarship Listserv 2009-10 Organizer, Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley 2000-10 Member, Editorial Board of International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) 2007-08 Organizer, Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship, University of Zurich 2006-07 Organizer, Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship, New York University 2005-06 Chair, ASA Comparative Historical Section, Best Article Selection Committee 2004-05 Organizer, Workshop on Turkish-Armenian Scholarship, Salzburg 2003-04 Organizer, Contemporary Turkish Literature Workshop at Princeton University. 2002-03 Organizer, Turkish-Armenian Workshop at the University of Minnesota (with Ronald Suny). 2002-03 Organizer, Ford Foundation Cultural Politics Workshop at the University of Michigan. 2002-03 Organizer, “Kitchen Prayers” Play by UM playwright in Istanbul, Turkey (summer 2002). 2001-02 Organizer, Turkish-Armenian Workshop at the University of Michigan (with Ronald Suny). 2001-02 Organizer, Ford Foundation Cultural Politics Workshop in Turkey. 2000-01 Organizer, Workshop on the Comparative Study of Gender and Secularism. 2000-01 Organizer, Workshop on Silences of Prejudice in Comparative Perspective. 2000-01 Organizer, Workshop on Founding Women’s Studies Programs in China. 2000-01 Organizer, Turkish-Armenian Workshop at the University of Chicago (with Ronald Suny) 2000-01 Organizer, Ford Foundation Cultural Politics Workshop in Poland, Turkey and United States 2000-01 Organizer, American Sociological Association 2000 Program Committee, Historical Sociology Session. 2000-01 Organizer, Middle East Studies Association, 2000 Program Committee.

REFERENCES: Available upon request