The Beginning of Memory Oral Histories on the Lost Villages of the Aleutians by Nicholai S. Lekanoff Nicholai Galaktionoff Eva Tcheripanoff Irene Makarin Moses Gordieff A report to the National Park Service, The Aleutian Pribilof Islands Restitution Trust, and the Ounalashka Corporation Introduced and edited by Raymond Hudson December 2004 Raymond Hudson 15 South Gorham Lane Middlebury, VT 05753 (802) 388-6867
[email protected] Acknowledgements This project was made possible through a grant from the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Restitution Trust. Special thanks go to the Ounalashka Corporation for its assistance to me in a host of ways. Linda Cook with the National Park Service has been an enthusiastic supporter of my efforts ever since she conceived the idea for the recordings. The National Park Service graciously loaned me an excellent recorder. Gail Morrison at the Unalaska City School library supplied a cassette player that was indispensable. Harriet Hope, director of the senior center at Unalaska, helped with preparations for the interviews and encouraged the participation of Unalaska elders. John Galaktionoff, Okalena Patricia Lekanoff-Gregory, and Bobbi Lekanoff helped with interviews. Anna Jacobs Bateman kindly made copies of the recordings for the participants. Walter Dyakanoff and the late Moses Gordieff provided insights into conditions at Unalaska after World War Two. I especially want to thank again the four major participants: Nicholai S. Lekanoff, Nicholai Galaktionoff, Eva Tcheripanoff, and Irene Makarin. They showed great patience with my persistent and, at times, irrelevant questioning. Contents Part One — Historical Background 1. Introduction 1 2. Biorka, Makushin, Kashega, and Chernofski in the Late 19th Century 6 3.