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i,.' lr C E Rf l,i ICATES

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2 thol y.u w ll ro N j€ Mine sor6t

olbo5c nfE.fudue ,!ci li$ hdudho !o; This h to cdti6, that rhe MininA PLm in.luding P.osEssve Quariy Closure Plm ol G.miie Buildins stone quarry ol A. Mohmned Bashrtr, Mylack8r, 'rhempakata veedu, venjdmmdu P O, Nelldad, Thiruymdthapum exiends over an ar€a ol 2.1504 Ha, snuated in sy. No 91/3, 9l12 2. 9ll2.1, e1l2 3, & ell2pi BLock No. 22 or Puuupara viuase, Nedummsad 'r31xk ol Thiruvm{thapuru District 3 & 5a o{ KMMCR 2015 by Mr. v,I.Ra, ceologisr & RoP, the D.partmmr ot Mining dd ceolos/, to mal

s ua, ql La R. c, ha.d oa, ^., ..^d :!k ols@tQa&tLcom

We hereby udedake that a 11 modilications / xpdating as rode in rhe said scheme ol Miniry by the said Recqni$d Qualii,ine Pe.son be deemed to have been made with our knowled8e dd consmt and shall be accepable on us dd bindi,g in all ,.h- -". CERTIFICAfE

It is efrified that the Pmeressive Qu.rry Closure Hm of Cranite Building Stone Quury ol Mylacksl, 'Ihmpakala Veedu, Vmjdm@du .P o, Nellmad, thiruvmathapurm, area ol 2.150.1 Ha, siiusted in Re survey. No 9t13, 9tl2-2, etl2 t, e1/2 3, ?,

9ll2pl Block No.22 of Pulhmp a Village. Nedumaqad Taluk ol 'rhiruvsuthapu.@ Dislricl, Kerala StaG, complies a.ll staiuiory rules, reaulations, orders made by ihe cental or state Governnent, statutory orgmisaiionsr court eic.j which have been talen inio .onsid€.ation and wheder MJ speciic pemission is required the 1essft win app.oach the concmed authonties. 'Ihe Inlormaiion tumished in rhe Pro8tssiv€ Mine

Closure Plan is true ad mnect to the best our knowl€dge Md

r,l-**..- CERTII'ICAfE The p.ovisions ol Mines Acr, Rulcs dd Regularions nad€ the.e under have been obse(ed in the Minin8 Plan of Buildine Store Qu ry or A [4ohMmed Bashft., Mylackr. Thenpakala veedu, venj moodu P o, Ne dad, thiruvmmathapura!, diends over an ma of2.L5o4 Ha, snxated in Re Survcy No

9t/3, et/22, st/2 r. e1/23, & 9t/2pt Block No. 22 or

lrriruvananrhapum Distict, Kerale state, where specilic pemissions e reqxned, the appli.adt will approach Director

GeneEl of Mines Safely.


rlc.No Dn./ murA / RaP/./20 r 6


This is ro certiry ihat, me prcvisiom or XMMCR 2015, have been obsred in the prcpdation ol the Minins Plm ol Graiie Bxildine

Stone Quarry ol A Mylackal, Thenpal

Thiruvu thapurm Disti.t, KeEla Srate, wherever the specilic permissions are required, rhe applicmt will approach the con.emed autho.ities ol Deputment of Mining and ccolo$i.

DMC/KERALA/ROP/4/2016 CONTENTS c@lq]claodre@Ela6bgad$ PR6RESSvEOL^RRv cLos!(e PhN a o.'ed .- 0a 2013 issued by rhe Dnecto. oI Mininq md ceolos,

Old le*e qu ry order flon Proceedinss of the Dnecior or I Mining sd cfologr letter no, t5/2006- a7 / 3294 /M3 /2006 daiEd an t9 /4l2ao6 copy ofthe !d rcccipts i2 nunbersl a cow oI Pos*3.ion certili@tes No,2al3359a dat.d L No 2334/17 daicd t3 L0 20lT,ssued by thc Villaec Orfi.er, Puumpda copy or me erlificate No.2335/17 dattd A/46/2otT ol Puumpam viuaa," oflicer statins that the lad is dry Land dd is not *8ned lor dy othe. purlose.

7 Cop! ot Notar_y allidavit resarding envi.onment p.otection

coFlr ol Notary amdavit reg ding mvircnment prct€ction

Cow of Nota afida t .eqtrding lncome 'ra Retu.n copy ol Incone Td Relum Cop, oI notdizd afidavit on humm nghts Ease Line Data Reporr Ambient Air, Noise lrrel, Water &

copy or Aadhar Card ol lhc applicdt copy olPm c d olthe applicui Copy ol certilicate ol RQP 5sulfaceGedogicalPla. 6surracecedostdsedio.s


This nine phn is pEpmd for the Srmiie buildiry quarry projed ot n ihe Re Sufley No. 91/3, 91/2-2, 9t/21, 91/23, 9ll2 (Block No.22) of Pullmp a Vilase, Nedumdgad Taluk, Thnuvdmihapuu Disbici, qten& over m

Mr. A. Mohmmed Basheer h lield oI sraiie buildins sione q Metal crusner situaied ne io

n.t suitabrc lor curiina ro p.edetemined sues, polhhing or .8riry and tu n.r ancnabrc ror pmdu.is in dec.ralivc, nonumenal dd rs ii is wcathcrcd and rra.turd Pad or rhis quarry was cadier operared bJ the lessee for grmiie buildiq stone rron thc year 2006 dd the leas was Srantcd vide proceedin8s No.l5/2006.0713294/M3/2oob dated 19/0{/2006 olthe Dnector of Mining md ceolosy erd the initial quarryins was in re surey No e1l22, e1/3 fo. a pe.iod or ')-s".Th-v- i3rfasru3rryF,.dnn -a apr )006

The matenal nined f.om this quarry wn1 be uinized lor capiive consumption in the reqistered mebl crusher unit netr the l- l- l. haseh.rd *"ajhe lesse has mnded nore ninins aea adjacent .'. t. to the existins leasehold ra md subhntcd was apprcved iide rftier of lntent No 37r3/M3/r:ol3 datcd l2lo.1/2or7 issred by the Dire.ror oI MininA and Gcolog/ (l/c) minins plm is submitied as stipulaled in clause 1 ol the : rhis


- ..

venjarmoodu P o, Ndrmad,


MineGr(st which 3 e o.!uri,! in th! 4fc and which the applicant /

l Peiod ror vhi.h the quan] lease is srmted / ren*ed / proposed to be

F Nane orthe RQP preparing ihe minins p1d : lY' swdaj Lde, R.c.Junciion, Kumukuzhyi vechiyoor P.O,

DM'r/lrERALA/POP/4 /ro16

. Th. propos.d ea has bem prcsP€ct€d by th. Geoloaist & RQP,

Relerence No dd date ol consnt

No,37l3lM3/2014 dared 12l04/2017 issued MininA and Ceoloey U/c). copy enclosed

2 0 Lo. on ud A(nsbrhLy Debils ofuea (viih location nap) 'Ihe laation map or ihe lease aFa is enclo*d as Plate No.2. Distnct md siate Re sr. Na, 91 /3, 91 /2-2, 9t /2- t,

wheth6 N. l

E\istence of mad, nnmy line, if ey nearby approdmaG

area lalls in Thiruvamihapurm Disti.t, 'rhe Headqudters ol Nedummgad 'rsluk N at Nedumogad at a distme of about 20 rm f.om the leaehold ma via Nedumdgad Panaer Road the nemst .ailway sbtion is at Thiruvandthapum cntral at dislmce of 30 ro. Th€ plot cu be approached fom the Main cenbsl Road f|om Pullamp a thrcuAh the Pulmpda - vemhaym - vaitappua road. suney Map bed in FMB issued by me village oficr dd counb6iAned by ihe 'Iansild Nedmoged is enclos.d as

Details or ratiiude ed r.ngitude oi all come. boundary poinrs ) lhe location ol the quary letre uea 6 lrEked on the rry plan is enclo*d as Aate No. 1. lhe aaessihility to ihe qu*ry ma i3 shom on th€ loeiion plan md en losd * Plate No.2. Furthr the query *a is atso @ked or the Google ima8e lPlat No.3), Th. swey plm virh oPs co ordinatca mclos.d as Plale No.4. surey Mapissu€d by the ViIaAe Olhe. ddy certified hy the Tansild , Nedmmgad, showins the *a of the quary is enclosed as Plate No. 4 B. 'rhe DIgb Sulc) Vspo h- f a ,e fl crosed ae P aE No 4C The ara is n.n roes! rubber platation

'rhe toial lea* ea applied lor is 2.1504 Ha

1}le da has got a udrnatins ierain. The proposed ma is pui or a hillock wfth a north-east / soutn w€st rrcnd. The hEn6t clevation is todds e*t with 129 n abov.MSL dd the low$t ele@tion is towalds rhe wst with 96 m abov.MSL with m elevation dir€rune .r 33 m

The fta loms pd ol tne Precambrid metdorphic compld of thiruvumtnapu.u Diskict, comprisins mai.ry rc.ks or the chammkib a.t (hondalite. The Resioral crolog/ or tne trea is well studied by rhe Geolosical surey ol lndia md the auih€ntic data is available in G€ologic.l sufl.y of lndia Mi*elaeous publication No.30, Geolo$r ma Mine.ar re$urces of the states of Pdt Ix - [erala - May 2oos. the disti.i mineral suFey repot of thiruvmdthapu.a! Distict by ihe Department of Miniq d Geolos in Novenber 2016, prepffid as tE. me Envimnmeni ImDa.t Ass.ssneni lElA) arso discuss about ihe

The pmpNed plot is slopinR losails west direction. There de no slrcams inside the plot RaiNater inside the ploi win flow 'o^dd. 'L F C-r dur on mo s llo n ,l " on pdrEnn J nJJ which floffi iowuds nofrh dirmiion with a dendrilic partem md Iimlly joift the vmanapurm River abour lors frcm the lea*hold ea. 'Ihe m,ne dminaAe pattem during the operation

The disiri{ e.eives an mnual aiera€E rainlall or aboxt l33s fn. Thc Soulhwest monson ton .oniributes nedly 55% of the tobl season lrom october to De.ember conkibltes abou124% dd the bslace 21% is re.en?d during the month olJmusr.y to May as pre m.ns.on showcrs out of the iotal I 19 Einy days, about 70 Einv days occur duri.B thc

The ea is .overed iniermiiten! native trees, shrubs, herbs, sass, bnsh.s .r. Pa.r ol (he p.oposed 1md is havi md there h no v€g.talion in that ma. The entire project ma is devoid of uy ddar8er€d lloh. 1lEre is no wild Lif-- in core ane, builer ane dd quarry *a. the h ren md as.imltural ldds witn urbm a.tiyities aI mund the ffia do not prcvide favorable home lmd io vild rauna.

Entift lea* ma is nor€ or Less dpmed by l{non&riie Broup .r southwest dire.tion. General dips are casterly Dip vdies from veriier. 'rhe upper part of rhe rock is weathered givin3 .isc 1o a lhin ven@r ol soil, thi.kness oi which 2 o n within thc quarry 3iG. operated pit inside rhe ploi shi.h .ledly indicates ure pesence ol Aranite ro a thickness of 30 m xhondalite groxp or rock is round exposed in the pn. The qisting pit covers d area of 0 6953 Ha dd apprcximately 2,9s.715 MT is round !o be ex.avared lron rhis pir.

The rypical ninins lace oI the quarry is illustated below, lhich i!!


phoi.{aph tal

'Ihe lenerh oI the plot is uoxnd l7o m s.t lhe width is mund 120 m.',rhe ultinate pii levet is tound to be 6om above MSL. (Refer coneptul ninine plan PaG No.9).

TL. gorodqr Pho of the dea prepftd in enclmed as plate Nos. This is prepued on

th. g.ologtql .M. $cttor. ffi prepar€d dd enclosd

yeat utse tuture ofodfdtu of dolorutloa

T"e l"dq" rd .. or' of B $o.kic qxar4 d d expo"co .o k.]

ea ad hence no turth€r exprorarion is prcposed to be ctried out in the ndi five yed pe.iod. The workins fac€ ol the ensiing quarry cledly reveals the presence ol rcck.

Th. .stimatio, of reseNes is mde by conveniionar parall€l

'Tss e.don merhod us:4 SFoloAi.al C€olqical croN sedions re prep@d at r.suld inte als ac.oss the st.ike or rhe oreb.dy ,rhe ea or indjviduat lirho

units is .alculated sepuaiely. The volume betweer the doss

section h sdvcd on the btris of the average area oI pdallel

foss *ction xsing cAD soiiwde dd multiptying by se.tional in1erual. And tonnase is rired ai by mulriplying by bulk de,siiy, which is 2.5 M1/cum. lor $eite building stone bd 2.0 lor weaihe.ed rcck ud eil,The recovery is talen tr1o0% since the mck .an be urilized for mariiry qxarry dust dd

Gcolo{tc.l L6..re. snd Mln rbr. Recn t lre Seological reseres ol th€ plot tre estima&d to be re,$,3es MT The details or reserve estihation seolqi.al plan dd sections out ol the iobr geologrcal esetues only 1oio3i2o3 MT ol .e-N$ .m b€ exploired, while the balmce qudtig/ otaound e,42,reo M'I is s€ting blo.ked which cannol be nhed due to the boundary md salety bencn p meters Hcn.e all practical purposes ror production and futuE planns only mineablc reseses re considered ,rhe

+. ove^ o"r. - o e one .o b! m.npd N 'JsFolsrs 'ldr.3 loo% sine no Msta8e is theE in the deposit


T fu'-) G/"r\ /-' I

lc lcEolocr.r ESR'E ( a 3) ^ tr;r-'-r Oundtv of To. €otl to t. r.n@d.

9s4s Sq.M x2M avelage deplh = 19036 Cu.M TonnaAe 19036x 2lBulk Density) = 23172 MT omrtltv ef -.atl€r€d trL to b. nhffid. 7240 Sq.M X I M ave.aqedepth 1le stone excvated from the mine w be bdsp.fred to th€ netrby crushi4 urit, fudher trdsported to th. d.slinarion from crushiq-site thbuah tru.ks/kacto.tolley. No b€neficiaiion ot stone wilL b€ do

The prcposed hininA operations will be .diea out hy open c.qL m..hd.zpd mp,hod Th. pro cos now diaarm 8jv"n below depicts the nining process:

fR*.,=r.,.,.ps;tl I


t '-i"'s ] r.ff; ] I

Tho said area is prcpo*d to be worked wilh me.hmized sten. Based on the mode ad method so adopted md tal


-ta the h€i+t or ihe be.ch h

kept at 5.0 m maintaining

help or hydraulic cxcavator and will be slacked sepralely in the eas e mrked siniltrly the roosc boulders will also be cleffid to pEpae lree lace lor dilling.

Haulase road mll b€ developed r.on the prcposed qurry pir usiry .aiurd Sradieni or the h r for thc smooth movenenr ol

craiie is compact rock, at placs ii is lractuEd ale. 'Ihe b.oad blasting paraneters 5re deiernined ror lhe blastinB pauem and bLasl dest!. Blast holes w be drilled by jack hmer where the diameier is normally 32nn and the depih of ihe hole is 2 0

2 s m ad the blastinq pattern is gene.ar& squue or redmqle or staagered sirh burden ranain8 frcm 0.75 - 1.0m dd spacina ol I 1.2o m. Usulty single / doubLe rav ol holes 8re blasted alona fEe la.e to achieve oprinum posder fa.tor, best rragmeniation and minihizd adveEe impacts on account ol bIJJ q, Ma-.n

a rcund but aaerally limibd to ro -15 wiih millisftond delsy qL^L ddo a or. rvSDD|o .'n 14 adve'se imp""s ". a. blast, throrv ed soxnd vib.ation and noise

Nikatc mixture oI slury explosives ae used fo. blasting with f p.iner/boosier canriees dd

Sub*queni io the drillins md dislodsed/ frqnenbd / loosened will b€ crushed or brcken tr , F rhe '' hep or ro.k brddh4\ ThflaJF. n -'-riJl {l b-

Qunrum of d.v.lopm€nt .rd tom.g. .nd gradc of productlon €xp.ct.d durint Fiv. y€sB L det tl€.I b.Io-: tt I

t_l .- Ytur uise ptdn and edbtu

ThP vctu ;e o.o- uo. of {o'l

[email protected] rute of pto.rtcn uh.n ana. atuu ^ th. b d*top.d dna ee.teil UL of tle ml^e drd ah. @t from

-4i tnich.lf@rrd

P.opo*d Ete ol produclion on m ave.asE is at the Ete ol e expe.ted lile ol mne N 10 y*rs Berore ure expiry or ih rcasscss the qumtity ol deposil a(ailabl. for miniq m.l will app.oa.h the Distnd ceolosist for the .ene{al oI the qu ry

and proar€ssive qxarry .losure plu

chanecs in clinatic condition will havc a dirc.t bcarin8 o. thc .nlicipaied lire or the fi.e nn-,aJ-1..dri,, -r, n inSwir \, "f-r,bai :n3 1 rn\ ro 'd: e co@tudl nnnlad oldn@ to ah. tlf. ol nnr tu ed on tlE o@loelsl' an hd 4.d @n td.Ettd ^L,L6@tdt For oy Mine/ quarry, prepdatio. or conceptusr PIM monnb to, Iorese.ing in toauty dd plmnin8 for qudryirg dd claied activiti€s thowh out its lire spo, tlll such time ell the usabl.mineral/ ores arc.xhaust€d to the economicat lioits ud lease dea is reclaimed to the extent possible. The noms ldd dom hy tne coremment aaercies ftum time to time do play

Therefore, prepdation oI ideal cmc.ptual mine/ query pld for dy quafy or a mine is diilcult dd such plan prep*d, .emains acceptable only ude. siren circumstdces. It cdnot be overlooked that, my such pl underaoes den.tments sd r€vGions in rhe course of progressive staces of exploitqtion.

Considenns rhe ceoto8i al pameleii a.d s. o enyi.om€ntar conditions ad with respect to the existins rules md regulations, the mine lay out dd eo.kins win be ptanned .L"h i " rff1 .r ro nin'mi theadE^e impaci or ninins on the sur.ounding envircment. The con eptuel mininA p1tu ll,lab No.g) md quany.kainage i.

Ooc! cr.t i'l!.. The quarry is propGed b be wo.ked with merhod vith bench systd. Bred on ih€ adopted md telring into .onside.ation ih€ of the oE body the quary pit wit have a of the bencn io k pt about s.om ud the 5.0 m, minbinins 45. pft slope.

SalLfi fatat* of the tu L ol @rtriao

Th. mine wil b€ operated by nrhaized method and will be worked in benches. Maintenmc or rcadways ad dusi suppre$ion by water sprayins witl be @ried out by ]rrmual neans. The lollowins ma.hineries m prcposed lor minin8.

y.q.,.lgliBg Trerorcompres$r 2 - l L.yout of Bir€ rorLln* Bnd fa.6 rnd Btk. or itbpdal or

I-ayoui ol working is shown in the produciion ud production seclions Plate No.3.The site Ior

Cranire is .ompact rc.k, at places ii is ftactued also. Pr.duction ftom rhe fra.tured zone Gll be lbtained with the help ol ex.avator she.eas Ircm .onpact zone, the production will be obtained by d.illinA and blasting. Drillina will be done by Jack Hahner with the help oI air compressor

, whole location will be prope.ly drssed by ex€vator to

avoidins jmnins of drillins hmne. md biis r and 1 5 n in deplh will be

tl dd one bench of 5 m wiU b€ fom.d dd maintained. > The spacing md burdd will b€ kept at 1.0n. > About 30 to 50 holes wil be bleted in one blasi.

'rhe blasiine patern eniirely depads or the situation ol rhe jonb presni in the rocks 'rh. driltng is done as per rhe requiremmt ol the iock fraamenration with desied production o. mineral

Precaution duiry hlmtinq:

e provided by the ..mpany, the aaent o. mms€r sh8ll be used ,ral no b- alr". u s,dF f. oi id.ac approEd by the licensinq authoritv under the rndim E4losive s ror dryine explosives shal be of substuiiar comtruction md searely locked s requicd containers or steel or non shaU be Balvaniz.d d not more thd 5 K3 explosives shall be cdried in one case or contain€r. The managd shall f8 mdimum nmber of shots that a blaster may lire in one shilt ad should not excrtd ao in ca* of eled.ical fi.ins o. so in ctre ol firing witn isniter codes as rLEd under MMR(l6o). shot lirins tools conrornins to MMR 161 {in be used an.t prcvisjons und.r 162 on dnuiry, charBing, slemmin8 and iiring of shotholes shalllrso cohplied As static charg. ca, be gendaied ed persons rearinA synlh.tic nb€r clothes ud / socks od such potenual mJ ao up to 60000 volts duing dry months, esp€cGly on a cold day in a dry climate, btdters / shot lires sd their helpe.s should not wtr€ such .lothes vhne on duty. Th.y will b. provid.d orly no. @nductrng qTe ol .h@s or b@ts ep. Leather $l€ lootftd as presribed uder (cir. Tech l/19351. chapte. xv on ErTlosives dd Shot Iirine i.e. MMR 1s3 io 169 shall be enfo.ed ud follored in the qulry. b) Type ot ErTlosives to bc u*d Only clais 2 dd cla$ 6 dplosirc is prcpo$d ftr us. as giva

The NFO miature cd be r€adily pmduced ai a siie by mixins nitrate r94.s%l with diesel Oills.5o/ol Delay Ele.ti! DeLonsto,s tJ safe5, pmauhons b be adopbdl

Blasring in the open casl pit wilt br do.e nn\ du in8 day iime at desisnated hou.s Only competeni blasters {i1l be appointed to hddle

E\plosiv6 will be sbEd n approved ad licensed mae-ine as per Explosive Act / Rules. Explosives will be brcudt lrom maazine to blastins site in licensed E\plosive Vm under the cre ol blasler. Suficieni * nns sisnals will be siven before blastins

Gudds will be posted on all roads md paths aL lease 25on distace to ihe .l8nger ane

conboued blasiin8 sill be pra.

Oprioum char8c llbe uscd, whilc blastingnear omce .ompl.x / inlrastrucluE sne. t Mdimun charge per day wiU always bc less ihan l0 ke to linit rhe PPv levels wnhin rhe DCNS shddds oI

B.iel Descriphon on m€thod ol prccurenent md stomge ol

ftop.r dd sale storaae of explosives in approved and t Proper, saJe dd cdetul hddlin8 dd use oI explosives hy the conpetent blaster havins Blasters certilicate oI conpetency issued by DGMS Proper *.u.iq, sysiem to pEveni iheft / pilrerase, unaurhorized enrry inlo ma8zine fta and che.kine authorized persons ro preeent carrying of natch box, lishis ad nobnephones, cis ete o.beediet.. 'Ihe explosives of cltrs 2 will be used in thei. orlrin, cdbidge packing md such catridge shall not be cu! to

Detonatorc will be conveyed in sp€cial containers. These will not be car.icd wiih oihe. explosives. 'me holes shich have been char8cs with explosives will not be cured vitl other explosives The holcs whi.h have been ch sed with explosives rvill nolbe lelt unartendcd till bla sii.g is co npleted. Belore strtinE chdging, clear audible wlrnine sEnals by sirens will be siven so thar people nealby .an t3l

Blasring operations wil be cmied our in day rines only E] considering lov consumplion, a 35okg m33zine h pmposed lor siodns the explosive. The ma8-ine is io be mmtrucied within t}le complex. The conLrolled blasting is proposed by adopting all the saJety measures as per "MMR l'161" and with the p€rmission of DGMS. Blastin8 will be perfomed as per requiremeni on the face.

vibrarion causcd due 10 bl$tins sill be cont.oled by the

Blasi holes will Elways be initiated by short delay detonators, Ether thm adoptins insrantaneous detonaiins. Sho.i delay in bla8tins of succe$ive blast hol$ vill efiectively r€duce the vibratio. pmblfl. . p€. shot od blNi vin be kept to minimum, b guide the thrcw in the desired direction while keping vib.ation dd noise to minimh Mrntiple blasii,s md 'v' pattem of Ii q will be adopbd to minimize roruards throw od have a good r@k pil€, Mosdy, holes sill be nred lowards the free face. Use of ANFO *hi.h has lov veLociv ol detonation, wil also

, Blasting shall not he pemitted within loomof sxrtace r Peak pdicle velocity at a distue of roomlromtheshot nole, shalt not exceed lonn/sec. , fte flying tEsnents shal1 be conbolled by multled hlastins md wilL not prcject beyrnd the dishe ol 3oom. r Proper spacing md bxrden will be nainbined > optinun utiliatio, ofthe e$losives w be ensured. ), El€ctic delay detonator will be used

Noise Control will be achieved by following the measres: l. Shootins ol well desisned 5 nunbe.s ol blasi holes/

3h 2. Detonaling llse sill not beused. 3. Blasts wil be pldned ptuperly ro elininare noise. 4. No plaster shootins vill be taken up, * this is the main reason ol noise polluiion

1. StemminA lenglh sill be kepr not less tha. the burden 2. lt wil be ensured that the bu.den will nor be excessive s. Inter.ow delay will be selected in such a mmner so tlat than in an upward direction

Ea.h blastin8 oleration will be unique in nalurc, involving difierenr surface coadn3s, blast naterial quantny and working .ondirions. Before beginning ot drilling dd blastin8 operarions, rhe lessee will identily the huards lrom the knowle4eable person sho had worked in masonry slone miniq dd beida halned to recoenia the hudds as weu as !o infom the autho.ity for quickly .onective action to eliminate su.h hedds. The les*e will use e4ineerine md adninist.ative cont.ol measures, pe.sonal protectiv. equipmenfs IPPE) including respiratory prctedion md tsiniry b protect workeE involved in .li11ing ad blastins adiviti€s En8inerin8 control n isolation, containment md veniiladon shich are lhe pnmary mems of lrernring or reducing eaposures ro ajrbome hz ds duri,s drillins ad blasiins ope.ations have to be implenented br tne lessee. Adninist.ative control neasures

r. including the use ol sood work dd personal hygien. pracrices

r Lrse of prop.r bldtinC material

. U se ol sarer soluble (Sluriy) dplosive s to redxc€ du st. 2. Isolation md contaiment . use ol bdrieN md afrdn walls to i$lare the blastinS operarion ftom othe. workers . Use blast rooms or porbble bltrt shelter lor smaller

. Use rsticied Nas for non - enclosed blasti4 operations . Keep c workers away from the blaster.

Adatnt.tnttve control3

Perrorm routine clemup usins wet meihods

. Not to use compressed ai. to cled the workine site as this sill cr€ate dxsi in th€ ai.. r Clean a.d deconMimte the equipments on rhe

. Schedule blasrinC when the leasi nunber ol worke.s m

r Avoid blasting in windy conditions ro prevent ihe spEad or hudous nateials 3e view ro protect their healrh. The redical omcers will visit the _ha 1i- "i'e on e in " mo.'' dd \Ldl unrlc._a*- tolLo;ng

EneiEency medical cm . HFal'h Edu arun dd TiJin nB

Provide necessary medi.al md oc@pational heallh

For ensu.iia complid@ of the statutory requireh.nts dd to mainbin the desnable stddda lor the mine, aJ the plac.s wilL be under the onbol ofqualilled Mines MmaAer assislsce by nmber ol q!a1i6ea Assistdt Mines MdaAers, d€stnatcd as saJ" r om 1 md w-Llffi OT.e' &d fmn_Ure supdisors nk€ mine foremm, minins nate, hlaste./shot -fft., smeyors eic ro lmk alter the $leB,, heslth, smibiior md we1fffi ofthe wo.k pc6ors. They all win opeEte in tne mine {d emuE prcp.r supenisim md @ntrol i. all the actlviiies ol mining to avoid my mtowdd incidents causing injury or ham or health L lt\ d,n Prchibit eaiins, drifiDs o. usins tobacco produds dnriry drilline d blastins

wash their hands and race roulinely beroc

Renove contuinaten work cloihes belore

ror proteciive .loihinA dd equipment R..ptntory Prot cuon

The dnler md blaster will have Espi.ato. wiLh the w.der's head, neck and shoulders to prcte.r the weder lrom dust dd splinters. lf necessary, a ctnified dd approved b1a3ti4 airline respiraior with positive pEssure blasting hclmet will be


L. Eye dd Face protection Helmet lor head protection raLll p'o'e iU Io'F.fi md ap'ons u' so.-! 'o

SaIery shoes or boois to proteci legs ho\idp lanine ro driU.r" c.d blcar- tud "uom' pesonnel on drillinA dd blastins, healrh md salety had\,ho\',u! )B-n-o€ i.-a. sale m.k practices md the use of resDiraiors.

.. Lil

L The prcpo*d ploi is sloplng towar& west dirction, There @ no srems imide tne p1oi. Rainvatd insid€ the plot win nov tow€r& the Etrt dire.tion dd will join the non- peEndsl nala which flow b'Eds nonh dir€ction with a dendritic patern dd lnslyjoins ihe vmdapu,m Rivd about lors tom the leasehold ara. The mine dralnaae pattem duiq the operarion time is shom as Plat€ no.10. l r

,h I

c The dea falls within t e dEinase basin ol vmaapurm Riv€r Basin. l}l€ dendriii. drainage patrem

ol the River Basin is appended below. (Soure: publication

in advs.es in Applied science Re*dch joumal,2ol3 by aversse ihickness of o 5 - I .50 m. The qumtity oI topsoil and weaihered rcck Ej€ds likely to be senerated duri4 the ndt


tr;;rET "- Nil

'rhe minmr fj€ds rikery l al.nC riih th€ iopsoil tr

Land chos€n ror disposal of w:.te!i!b}!!!&!!&4

Tenporary stacking ol topeil and veathered rock vil be done ar pre-detemined pla.e on the south w€st side ol tle qrEry which Rs edlier mined out. The dea chGen is re surey No. s1l3 ouiside rhe prcposed teasehold ea just adjaent to the lea* boun&rI. nre ea is cnosen here ea is omed bv ihe lessee dd t Stacktng or.ut.ead. or..

'Ihe topson md weathered Mk overhurden wnlbMavated with hydmulic qcavator ed will be tltrspofted by tipp€r8 to the fta prcpo*d for stacking just adja@nt to the lease boudary omed by the applicdt Br ld@r or dcavator sil be used lor onsolidaiins ihe overbnrdm. sine the overburd€n wasie generated is Ned directly for btrk filLins t}le mincd out eeas, aiter lull dQth miniry, eptraie dumps vill not be there, once ihe be.ldrnine m.t is stded. 'Ihe top$il will be dump€d at the top to laciliiate Afrorestation. A'ecautions wiu be taren to limit tne heEhi of ihe top soil dump to l€ss thm 6m in ordd io presre its fefrilq md wiU b€ suitably prot cted frcm .oil ercsion md infenin!, by plMlng fodder grase Md rgun'oJs pLrB durs temporary storage,As sbom in for this dMp is on lhe south w.stcm side or ihe pEposed leasehold deaiust adia.mt to the l€as. boundarr.

The cr it€ bunding stone produced ftun the quary sill be mainly Ned lor cptive consumltion ol the ctusher oMed by the applicut. Pd ol the mineEl will be sold to contactoh dd consumers and will nnaUybe utilized loGny lor rcad lstate highway dd narional hiehwayl, ao,k d.meii.bu ldinS,ons'ru.noner..

..stt S.i'tc.. ud Erplovm€nt Pot€nttrl The mine site ol]ice, snall vorkhop, lirst aid rmm, .dteen &

provided in the nine ea as pe. Mines Act 2015. will be nade avanabb r.om t which is within a dbtu.e or sbour I kn rmn b. Employm.nt Pot€ntial

The mining opdation is being cni.d ou! by hydraulic *.avator aner conircned blastrng dd siz. rcduction by rock bEal

Mines M aaae r havins second -c1as s

I t r.dlreci Employnent Gon-a.t ba.k ) Ex.avalor Op€rator

Tlppe. d,tw


Thec is no minerar pr@e$ing unit inside the l€ashold ffia ex€pt th€ one crushd unit adjacnt io the qLEry omed by rhe Appli.dt md this is a Reeistered Metal crusher unit.



r)E vhich includes environment inpact assessnent. planins for

ninimizing the negaLive effects of developmental perlomance

and colleclion or base line inromati.n wlri.h setre as a Buide the luiu.e dnelopnent will allect the

enviro.ment comparcd tolhe pesenibaseline staius.

Most of the usefrn base line i.Iomation has heen .ollected in

the Iield. 'Ihis have been helpful in the prep ation of ihe

minine plan and ae eiven below.

Lmd use patrem as on date, p1d peiod md con.eptual pedodaleAiveni!thelablebeloi': Natural wate. cour*s do nor exist in thc aUotled aca.

'Ihere is no surlace water body in rhe allotted dea md hence h1- $rl b" no -'In.o- .,d",- -ara.dua.on..in3

'rhe gmund waier depths i€re obsered lrom the avanabk ne by soxrces. Trre obseration made during the ield studies indicat€ waier level vsrling between 4.om to2o.om below the dsting sround le\€1. However, theE zones shich is rech sed by Ein md is no wsy connected viih the orisinal s.ound m1e.

by Rubber md trees wnh in@mirtont nalive g.ass, climbers, bushes et...Part of ihe proposed land is haviry a qu ry pit md theE is no vesetation in thaL dea. The mtilc prcject trea is devoid of ay endmgered ilora. 1ltft is no wild lifc in ane and qu ry ma ' re baEn md ag.icullural lends with u.b aciivines all uound the ma do nor providc lavorable hore land to wild rauna. Trivddim, Ker.la wins on aveEse lsss nn (72.2 in) of rainlallpe.,€, or 1s2.9 m {6in) pernonth. on averase there ffi 132 days pd yetr with more rhd o.r mm 10.00.1 in) of rainf.J (precipitation) or 11 day: with a qustity ofraln, sleet, sno* etc. per month. The d.iest *eathd is in JauarJ when m average ol 19 nn to.7 in) or Ei.r8I (p.ecipitaiion) occuB. 'rhe wer$t *€atner is in June whe! e avffag. ol 331 mm (13 in) or Einrarl (precipitarion) occuB. l lr- wads noiih cast or quarry ar a distmce ol2so m. 'rhe neuesi dll3ge is Pllanpara and is e qxarry. As pcr rhc sratutes, mining activrnes sn have to be awsy rmn 50n trcn anJ' tuat ex.avation is atlowed only aner baving 7.sn siatui.ry boundary Ircn lhe lease bo'd"4 q r - r r.40 no.h" . dr d.. b-d.r '.3n." ' lvi) Pubri. Bu rdinS Pr3les rnd Monumpnrq

No such buildincs. plee. or importdce in od tround the allotted uea. The

area dd a moqqu. s u.ated 5oo

ia.n The qEliq of air at the allotted a@ is lresh &respi.able.

It-ue8..a r. -.sn or nB,sr_rdlw"'q qa"d\ h- .ain mt€r flows doq to these Mter sheds ad loms natu.al he aea is not within the doma

hpa.t A**8m€nt st&t€h€rt

lh- o.om5-d \F r n..' a.uv.rier will hd . 4' '.e e polulion dxring sxmmer sea$n due to driuine dd blastinq operaiion, rumins or t.sspon nachinery like dumpeF & excavaiors.'ro reduce these air poUution hitisation p.oposals like waier sprayine, wet dnuine etc. siu be dtused.

1}!€r€ will b. no impact of mhins on the surlac & groud waler qualiry. Th€ gmud mter depth @ ob.ercd Lom the available open ml1 wthin redby $ur.cs. The ohsraiion made du.ing thc fi.ld studies e vaiyina betreen a,om to 10.0m b.low the *istin8 ardnd level, md tne propo$d fiBt live ,€m hiniq vil not encounter sound ter pollution The water quahy or rh. leasehold ma *ill nor be aJle.ted due to pop.sed mining opemtions. So the quaftJ of water will remain tne sd- d u 'Lr" p'opord l.- n trc SF'-d.M 'a r-r" MineRillbepumpedolttoihe natural drainage. The watcr so discharged has a pN rmge oI 6.5 7.2. Hence the quality of srcund water in the suroundins ffitr Endns xnafecied.

Dunns the p.opo*d ninins ope.ations, noise polluiion will be due to followins aciivities (l)D.nnng of holes ed lunirs ol comp.essors. (2)opemtion or exBvators md dLnp€B.

Blalthg or drill hol€s has bem propos.d for th. mio€ral e@vation which wiu produ@d vibration for a fee moments. fte srcund wattr depih k e obsped lrcm the available open wll within n.dby souG9 Th. obseflalio, made during thc lield studias indicate va]4ng mLr ld.l belreen a.om to 10.0m belok ur gtuud l*1. Aetal and D.nogEphtc I'iofilc As per the so.ial responsibility, tle applicdt shalL spdd 5 % ofpbft for t e ddelopment ofthe ffia. He c donate noney or msg,'ra 1edl.3] No public building, pla.es or monuFents exist in or nedby the allotied d€a, so thcr€ will b€ no efiect by mining activities on ny publi. buildinc, pla@s dd monments. Enwtrerm.nt u.ug.m6t Pl.n r- Management Pld wilhin 500m radius (buffe. zone)dd (core zone) enclosed as Plate No. I 1. I I.Dp.rrry atomg. And Uttlk tto! Of T.p 60I The iop son ercavat€d fmm the quarry RiU be dumped sep ably ai predetemined plac. just adjacml to rhe lea-hold u€a on the emtem side od subsequmtly wiu be utnized lor spEading oEr reclaim€d seas lor plotation. orrtud6! [E.E h.nt The oveihurdd kste, i.e. the weathered mck, vill b€ iniiially utilized vithin the pit of layins ol harn roads. Ai the end, OB sil be reutiliud as soil base fo. pl,ntaiion. Yc.r Wn. P.opq.L ior R.cI@Uo! of Land rIt6cted By At.ldoacd Qurlc. .nd Oth.r xlntng acttyttl6. D$tng

Dxrins the tusi yed ol mininS opeEnonq ure topsoil mine.t wnl b€ sta.ked sp aiely on the eastem side oi the leasehold area as shom in PlaG No.7. As the minin8 prcgress, the ropsoil {jll be utilized Io. backillins ir rhe retr eamaked lor ine sde as shom in ihe prcsrcssive mine closue p1m fr\.r PssFl Ert6nt ofBrc*nfltry And R€{oltoutnt The ba.kIillins wil st t on the $uthern side ol the leasehold

up i. fifth year The proposal is

.hoH n 6- P'os -"5 .- Q E1 rli.rmt u!. of unfil.d/ P.nr.ny F r.d /E&.htl@/ Rmd.id./ abrd And Mh. ftp bi r" o .h- q tr I be onsdfl-d b, ,'o ms "d 'ar- d'n oonsoo.\ fo' .ippr oial. dums 'Jn{s". a 'o

U:c Ol Ahudon d Qrurt r/Plt. Prop@cd ro B. u..d at

Abddunpd p.'\ uLl be u' Lird fo. uJ'". s'o'dc" d r 'n.s 'd ' season. 1lis vate. will be utilized lor irisation md pldtation. lr will als help in rechdsins the sroud mter. Finally the abddoned quarry will be utilizd as a good vaier re*froi. with its adjacent *as beautilully aforesied with narivr '-c.. Tn- our-' bou. ddes;l b-p'op".r fT-d Progtamme ror Aror€.tation the yea wise p.ogrmne of eco resto.arion for the life ol mine, tres vil be dmied nore tla s tines the b€es felled. B'oo3-,a f mauo- orog,ar F3'o.3 or .re a-r " 'o. area by plstation ol the sF€cies as per !h€ time schedule. Selecdon oI species is based on hiBh dust capturin3, soil holdins capa.ity eic In rc.la eas rvheF soil Llver is less tfes With shaxotr roots wj t be p dted. _ - (M'l

TE.tm.rt!.rt andan.t dt3p.sl.tt3p.sl orprbr ftonftor !iin. 'rhere is no rreatneni plui in fieL\e protprot. Warer being punped ou! of the lad is onLy ninvaier The the Mines is potable slisht turbidity sca$n will be .onrorled by pre sitri.g. ThereloE pouurion f.om the ellluenis orthe ninc M.$uB fo. mintntztn! .dre

Rain kter hmestinq win be done hed in hdd with the ninins ope.aiion. Suitablc re.har8e sttucrurs wil b€ th€ Erohdmter bble. It is arso propos.d to disribute the pump€d out wate! to the local public as md *hd.equired by them, ProtectiE m.6ue ror roun4 wibntions/ air hlat I Controlled blasri,s is pmpo*d by adoptiry all the saJely ihis ea for lragmentition of bLastins vill be conducted. Multiple blast hole of 1.0 -t.s m depth vin be d.jlled silh the help oI32 mn .kin .od, rack hanmer md alr compre$or of roo ctu.apmitv. ,l.uu.. fo oret cttr! hlrtort .l monuaeltr gnd for et.blltt Uoa of hum, .cttl€h.rt. Ur.lv ro bc dlrturt€d duc to htlinr gcttwttv. There e no pxblic buildings, places oI woship or monumenb in the plot or near rhe plot.lheE e no hunm Plot. Adja.enr etr of the leasehold tl belonE io tlre conpaN are spmely populated Socto €conomic b€n€rrk .ri.tng out or Mtning The minina operation is mainly done by heavy equipnents and &dsported by tippers So or y a few skilled work.rs are needed for this the ensting now pattern provides only linited employment oppoitunities Granite buildins stone qu ry a.tiviw contibutes towds the d-.-Lopn-.' o roaod oJl.in8\ .nd o.h.r m"jo. e!c. whi.h is inevnaue fo. the humskind and lor the infrasructu.al developnent ol the

Monttorlnr .ch..tur.. tor dtfi.rcnt .nvlronm.nt t compor.nt. Aft.r th€ .omm6n..n€nt of mtrinr .trd NABL acoeditaiion on coDttrt btrh, lor monitoriq se*on wik mbieni air qusriry, dusi ra]l Et€, waier qua ry, soil smple marFis and nois level boih at the core zon. md bufier zone of the mining m&This wiU take place only aJter the functioninc oftle ninins oEration.


Mylach3l, Thenpakalave.du, venjarm@du P O, Neltuad, Thiruvddtnapurm 69s 607

Thiruvmrhapurm District

- Re-surey No. e1/3, e1l2 2, e1l2

tdl Presrnr Lsd use P3trEm'des.nbed in rhaprr I

Method orMinin* de3.ribed in chapter I

(11 Mineral ProcessinA Opention: Mine.al Pro.essing N not

r**10-.16*- -54<;i. Ya '- rra-ni The pros.essiv€ mine tlGue will be undenal

This is a new mining lea* u ,lo un plr pFoso o ph. e PJl" sa ,' - 'n ' KMMCR 2ols. Legal obltations or dy other conditions, which the lessee is bound to implehenr, does Doi ensi. Clo.!re PLn pr€D.ratiotr:

Nahe dd Add.ess Mvlachari Thempakalav+du ol the applicmr venjtrsnoodx P o, Ncuanad, 'rhiruvanihapursn 6'15 607

swraj Lme, R.c.Junction, Kunnukuzhy, vachiyoo. P.o, 'rhiruvmtnapurmPlN 69s 035 DMC/IlEPALA/PQP/4/]O16

e3s73os65s / ee6112sooo

,r.Ii I 2.t The ma h* sot m xndulaiing ierain, Th. prcposed ea is part of a hillock witn a north,east / sourh-resi trend Tne highest €reEtion is lowarns east with 129 m above MsL and the lo*est elflation is rowdds ihe resr with 96 m above MSL with m elsation diffr€rc. oI33

R.doaal C.olon

The rea lorns pd or the Precambrim mehorphic compld of 'rhiruv{anrhapurm Disrict, comprising maiDly rocks or the charnockile md xhondalite. The Regiomr c€olos/ of lhe area is well stxdied by ihe ceolosicar surey or rndia and the autnentic dab is avanable in Geolosier slney oI India Miscllmeoxs publicarion No.3o, Geolos/ and Mineml resoures of tne slates ol rndia P3fr rx (erala MaJ 2005 ,rhe distnci mineEl surey repo4 oI Thiruvamthapurm Dist.ict by th€ Dep hent or MininA md ceolos/ in Novembe. 2016, prepded as per the Environmeni Inpa.t As$ssment (ElA) a.lso discuss about ihe seolo$ and o( urrn e orsrr Le buld n3 stone !oc.l G.olofl Entire lea* *a is more or less expo*d by Khondali@ group of rock. The Ge,erar stike is in a aore o. less

\) ./t"jL Dip vdies rr.n 25. 35oLo almost orthe rock is weathered sivins se

theE is edlie. operated pir inside the plot which cledly indicates rhe presene of gmiie io a thi.kness ol 30 n. Xhondalite sroup of rcck is round exposed in the

of 0.69sa Ha md 2,95,715 MT is lound to be excavaied ftom

1lle esiimaiion of reefles is ma.te by onrentional psralel uoss sction fiethod usin3 gloloAical ooss srciions. G€ologicar cross $ctions d€ prepmd ai resrn int€palsuoss th. strike of the ore body. fte dea ol individual litho unils is calculated sepdarely 'Ihe volum€ betw€n the crcss *ction is urived on m€ bsb of th. average dea of pdallel ooss *ction Ning CAD soft@ ed multiplying by sectio.al int flal. And tomag€ is miEa at by multiplying by bulk d.nsiry, which is 2.5 IrT/cum. Ior grmite buildinE stone d 2.o lor v€athered ro& and soil

Mine Development ad Mining Method et. dqslribed in chapier 3 & a of the present nfing plsr rL R€d€p of tmpl.m..tafloa of Mtnttri plsn ,tinlng hcrudhg flE ya6 prear.stE u, to u!. nnal .16'u. of rrrn.: This is a new leasehold trea Hence prosressive mine closure up to the

ProP6.l for the nr.t 5 y€.i pt.n p.riod utrd€r this min. pl,n.nd uPto th€ fimr crdDre of rdtn.

'Iopsoil will b€ stocd *p*ately md will b€ spread on the back illed aras for

The overbu.den {d lopsoil from this plot io be used ror Eclmalion ol dined oui dea frcm rhe tust yed on\Eds. waste b be utilired for backfiIins the It is proposed to plmt vuious bees rik€ js& te€ neso rd casu;inasl afie. mining od eclualon or the mined out ft*. Ho*ever dunnA the fi6t Iire y€us the smthem ueas as shom in ihe proeressive querly.lduE plan lPlate No.12) wiu b€ afrorested. Miniq opemtion is ol smau scale. Hence ajr pollulion due to dust will be neEltibl€. wet d.iling ]s proposed. water spraying ol the mine rcads twice a day is proFsed duing slmne.. Quality dd nal

No beneliciation process in tne nin€s dd the quality of the nine water vi1] not be allecied due io minins operation Hence no treabent is proposed. 'Ihe water .ollected in the mine pii du ne .ainy season win be allowed b *rtle. This seftled cled wabr will be dischaqed 4 t

Area.omplelel) miird out qo fd

Area ptuposed to b. .ompletely mined out, brck fiucd & .eclaimed duing nen 5 ycs p€riod , 0.a9 Ha 'rhe proposab to b. iaplcmmtcd for reclmation tud rehabilitation of mined ou! ldd includins the mmn€r in *,hich th€ actuat sit of th. pi! wil t€ rstored de shom with r.lcvm! plds md s*tioN. Aeas reler Prcsres.iv€ Mine Closurc PIan, (Plate No. 12) wat€r Ousritv i,ranaq.n.nt: 'rhere re no sudace dd grcund wat r bodies avallable in the Lemehold ea. It is round that the water lerel occuE at depth or about 4.0 min lhe low'lyina dea dd 20 m in ihe upper contouB. In due cou6e of minins 8rcund water Rill be enountered. Rainwater win be .ollected in the nine pit one s insta.Ied io pump away rhe wabr b sumps.'Ihec is no enueni dis.hdee as there is no benencialion pldt at the leasehold ea md the quality of Sround water in thc suroudina ea remins unalfeded. Rainmter cou{t d in the pit rill be alLowed ro setde md vin b€ xtilizd lor ifigaiion ol nearby deas md will be u*d

Qudrty rr.trlt.m.rt: ^tr 'thc proposed nve yeds minins aclivities wilL have air pollution du ns sunner season due io drilliry d blastins operation.rumins or truspod na.hinery like dumpdo & .xcavators. To redu.e these air polution mitigation prcposals like Mt€r sphyn8, ftt d.inins

The wasle gen€rated will be utilized within the lit fo. thc lomarion of haul road. Ar the end this will he uliliz.d for soil hase ior pldtauon as !€r the statubry r€quiremais the topsoil is to b. mined erately ad it sh.ll b€ utiused d rcstoration md Ehabilitaiior ol ihe mined out ldd, The topsoil, which h stacked sepdat ly, will b€ spr.ad ov€r the reldled aEas. The topsoil under dy circumstdces will no1 b. mored out of the le*hold ma lor my other ralllng D.m M.n.g.m€at: 'rhere is no processins phni in The nininq machineries like hyd.aulic excavator, tippers, breakeFi conpressors .tc is prcposed to be utiliz.d. 'Ihe oqer of th. machineries will bl

Dt.po..t of xinins M..hin€ry: Th. Omd of the miniq macnineries back for otld mrki onc€ tne minins

RiU be proprly fen.ed dd b. erc@d il required Cate with

also be prcvided * pd ol the salety measxres to prevent access to surlace openinss! excavations etc duiq the mine ab doment beins opened for general publi..

Proper bencles wilL be prcvide Dur,nE rainy season, water collected in the mine pit siU be punped out to the nalural dlajnage rour*, iI rhe sarer level dses above assistmce 6om ihe lo.5l lim r. in ese ol @e.Cency, Mine mdag@€nt tFjnina wiu be impded Trasporlalion ftuiIV wil b. made

Duing ienporary discontinM@ or incompleb p.osrme du€ to @un order or due to statutory requi@ents or dy oiher elore*en circumsts.ces, mty io tle l.as.hol.l ea will he .esbicbd d staiutory .upenisory staf for the mdnhmce ol the

E .nomtc repela3.io$ of clorur. of mln. .nd nan lomr rc&.!.r!E&t : Th€ closure of the mine win havc only v.ry limited inpact on the popdation dound, as the ma is va:, snEll. Tne 1esse has eot furrher ples to expmd the mini,s operatio.s by procunng additional 1eds, wheein the exislinc md power wil be .e deplqed once rhe minins activity in the present leasehold

f!. Ttm. s.h€dulini ror .bandorm.nt: The mln"d ouL rea trd be procress yey rehabilitated. where ful1 exracron or rhe svail.bre mineral upto the uuimaie pn levelis conpl.ted Tine Schedule for closure is as r.nows:

4 Ba.knning, R€clmation dd a]Iorsbtion of tne mincd out pir vill b€ complebd during th€ nrsr 5

I&lIyetr bufier an€ d.a - 0.5194 Ha Ulyedtovy.d -pdt of the ma mined out

n) Ar€a p.oposed for mining during th. ndt five yem will not he mmpl€tely @laimed duriq the end ol rot ye* s the depth of minable gr ite does not exhausi duing rhe p€riod at rhe prcjected .aie ol prcduction of 1,67,000 MT per

As Ir as possibLe minins activiq, and reclanaiion adivity will go simuuaneously lill rhe linal closure of the nine The closure adiunies will be peiodi.any reviesed and will be discus*d in detail in ihe schene oI minins md p.oslessive mine closuE p1m which win hsve to be submitbd discussins the mninA adiviiies and Eclmation activit,es dudq the subsequent nve

compleie reclamarion of the ensured belore the elTiry ol (A" I penod. No additional mmpo*er or rcsources € requned lor compleiion proposed job. The nnal hiDe closu.e pl3n submirted lor apprcval one y€tr prior propo*d closure ol tne mine as sared i, I of KeEla Minor Mineral Concession Rules, k* _t

cosr is esiimated based on t imple@nriry th. prolective ad rhabilitation memuEs including their maintenmce md monito.ins

.-7 1 Befo!.1he execution ol tne qxury p€mii, ihe appli@t is willin8 to submit the fim.ial guardt* ot Rs 1,0o,0oo/ in the rorm or bank guddtee Itun a mtionalized BDk in favour of the Dnector, Minins ad ceolo6r, xerala or dy oilicer authorized in mis beh8lf I

bedsheets, cot, pillow, piltow covers, Repair oI


(Road maintenmce fund

c The above mentioned tentaiive pmsrmne ol the CSR fund is sxbject as per the lo.al requircmeni as diEcbd by thc Lo.al Crma AN !\I EXU RE$ Dn(6ftr.orMini4& Oeology K6aldsapumm, Pitum Pal,.e PO,

T.l Fax : 047 I 2147419 e'msil: [email protected] in

The Dn.ctor ol Mlnina & Geo osy

shi A.l\tu$med Basheer . co AbdulN.l.M. rls rhemparsl, \ dd!. \.i]mflmdl PU.lrLlsfud

Subr tlines md irlin ak MiiorMinenL Crmit. Bu ildins Ston. Apphalionforqusr4inclsiunderKNlMcRuLes20is Documencro be pmduled reft ol lnt*r.ro ading of €C

Ret- 1 L.ntr No. l045rDOTrMU20 L7 dd.:1012013 0[ ihe c.olog6t, Disrid Ofi !!, nriruvmanlhapur@ 2 I<.VMCRuLes20ls

Aenrion G invir.n b de abov. tleEnce' tu per rhe Ef*n.. 1" cned, vou hr e doo..! ro .o s, r'e, ql.m. ir ro' h.^u&',o1o'gFni'' \o. o, 1, ol z_!. ol:_l h. r;; {Me rom ai "rc, o 2.t504 Hlrrr in sun4 9lr-J.-& gllrSlsL \o?2,or Pulhmpr.' vr,hs. oi \ednrsDsrd TolI[ ir s7 t9,Z" ) d vriiin3 fi. documents rcce,ved 6om lhe Ceolosist. Distid Olfice Ihi unmrhirurm ii is;ei ll.t i qulrving hase c be gont dto (he &eaappLied lorunderlhe;roeisionsconhinedinrheKMlvlCRules20lisubledon\eprcduclionol und{neflion;d v,lid dolumen6 lr is tunher inlomed thd s quan}iG l$v rYouLd b€ gmEd unde..h. said ruLes !o lou ro ihe eid de! ilvou ptodu!. rhe iaid docme'6 !o ,hed+:indrrhso$i.ein cordli.e qnh rhe tl.\ anr *atules tl^ I o,*an,.*, t -o t*oou.,o br "u I :t".::::t":T1"," t r c*,*, tu;,h. P.rr., oi coirolBord , I'"T'[,- J.:,il:-;l"":',"..".,:":.il::.,,.., " ."".-* ) e KI4M' P'le _0'$" - t , ,..mEFed.d. n''n'D'"1 ''01"0'"'roin ;'li'. :;", : ; :::",',;i;"r,.,i,llmt "'.l';;:m:";1.\-'oeidIJ'd' 3 \" , ;T:; l:,T,..;;*;;.*n ' ore'o a lloE said dcumens

n D qdn)Lns edt rordre p"Po* olobBmins orhts durod t t vouo to:'nttty' t t''- a i,ornscron oit dMNc aceorocvlrc r t""'in.o,, t &'ha: d DrrAA' ltrru\s"nlh5oJ'm t r fi atobg,n.".,."... D'*i\ I omc Th'ru\dmrh'Pr t r th.ahrefconto {of Erplosrs LrduBm ; i *r,::****;;'l::H;:":r :J;'Lr;ffi;:rtr'

?*a .1 t a t tt' r- .-j't'.'{


-.r1 !,rr)("r dd. ,s*itr.:ll-1e"bbi- d "d.,c i d..."."-.l,-1,: ry* d-b-,;;;ih.l ""*;$;:i..i::,: ;:: [,,ff ;*!,;11;xr;?..9*r^.,;r1 2 I 7' I p s b ) , r5a

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i:i ! dE .ir.! I I ;f q 6''" rl: :-! i1 J L t, @ :: i. !3 ;-I:" r$'!i-, --*a. t; * 2 i$E'E' I d t!L!.' 'r" a { r . $9 ,ii Li !: I ; 1 E r!!e .i ,4 3 !r. !. ')'='l i ! 3 - !"a i.' : &ri i* : "/d ,t: *I' ER b , tal rpl iF s it, 1. vEreoo6 6m. rt4qcry

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! $ d""- @pioeJ !. 'i eo o^.r6ld.d eaqdetm tuaoriDq mriopd aqrad/ad imdU cafrorolairlsDr. @dor I's&r'd5 4 dorolaio'( mooldotlj drd turrmq dtrejoxlrldo#oolm

a,g-]".: s,. -1-8 ,€AalL,,,*/.-i )4<. -,''] ,i;,, ( \: q ?, Bsf.i8i,e,E 2 .!ig35Eiii I 3 f € ; ad ijg I' 5 3 i"t!3 i1 E 4 i ; a I" itSr; iiF:{ilsi:i -f:bi 3 O* $i !"i;l tr9, g e _n; i1i iii{; i!15 ai;Fi:;i*9 !li Ve

slsg$it$ * :\ h1 : ! !E P':P! 1 a & a ! t#,+s;3 a, ii a f :Y'c},tii ,L a 3 a r "X9,,;i:_)rdl\ i ; as 6Dr Ir; -F-:i,!! !l q 3 rt 5l 3 i"ii l? L- ie gi !C, {{ i :iit i!, "i1s*;"i) i' : -€ E' :-"" iif,i,"t a 'tE.i I 'j, E

t INDIA lNi N Al'rl

Gd,Ogo +rd I(ERAL{ oft,frd-do.moMM+@d Qr deporo.x]9 'c,or) tu@oed @.* . dBmmld.8redd mqmrdogldd 'mio@!r@8tdd odsd dsh m'ld otl}m' oad o@@rcoc de1leE . aM@@ dr6i6e5@m M&Jd@d

: Db)!h,+" dlJo d o.a@ . i + rlb- TI ;{rlt,a. ""e" ed'.. r rtuoa rdomo .tr.qao1oemo mdc&m.o drd@id onjrsddx6ln adod, .edgrsm@6d,emo all6m eladlqld mde 6q6d da@dmo ald rJd@, ! @o ee.ffi 6oM doq,s etuFr c1u.6Ee aos'sdrmd4 s.rg:@aorm@lojolil;lll@o rdM turet,ls@m. sHH$H,?iEXol^TttrB\h* -*ml; G4logo &rd xERAh

. Mohamed Bosrre.r s/o Abdu Rosokh, .qed 67 rerdi.s rhemp.koo Ihituvononthopu,om D5icl, soemny.ffim thor rwr r.k€ proper core ln lhe monogemenl or envnonmenl, ecorosy ond wone dkpoioror requned by the.oncerned oulrorrles wlrire

1o- he 2,'iii =.jo- oEo o Nas.9t/3, 9l/22 9ll2-r, 9rl2j. ?r/2 of Putomporo Vioge Nedum.ngdd loruk. Ihiruvononthopuom Di5rr cr.

Pdce : rhnuvononthdpuroh \_N=-,,*

N_, Jtt no1'_r;t il t( ---'-:), .01,J"-X-' I 1,.,.,1. -o*."* E q{I, TEN I UPEES I Eqn I I 5.10 Rs.10 I


r. Mohom& es@r ooed 67 ro. Esdne t ^bdurRdfkh.

i t, PggI;'; ,l'lLI \f.:".- F-ll

txcoME yAx *--rNDrar RETURX rCI(NOWIEOGEfiENT."* ,,". -.."..,.-,.*,*,"...":, -;,,;,.,.. :i. 2016-17

:; lL t' lih."r.e,dts|fu I

= a' I + ltlll

DO lrO! SE!O THl9 ACtrIOTVLEDGEMENT *I , TEN Fqn RUPEES a.10 lliiliN D r^.

I I Frl IE ! I

! ecl Sosheer oqed 6z s/o. abdutRosokh, r6sding ot rF, oure venjo.omo.du P.o., p!tohporo vitose, Iouk Thiruvo.qnthopurom dirldci do hereby I t-N*tct oC?, t+.r N(a- 4 - ?-6-6>a a6d 1.r i tP /- ..,1:' ard&/tsrcd compaid wdr *r prevded ircuidhc i6e oli,ryiic 16 d f9i.h3 h or who e d h dd.r 9ql h i!!r€vNc e1A {.?206 k, er}, 0 e& R:, ev}r0.r75Ha, err3 d5a5B4 er, o37qo!a fokr Bdare ,.sq'hed eld Pdhn@6 Mrh*, Pdbnp a hi.hrlNdunledralul'i(EI.

eirer, bsb6ibynr66rd€



slN$9]B,9],.,',1D.1,9,.r,91D lI I POLUCHEM LABORATORIES (P) LTD,

t,;pi" l p.! rhi


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q!r4L rhNFio i@r&4l L ]!!!rru ]ltlllarljiL! l i l l

l- F



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or y o{id !,-,L ardinmdB$tur

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llqrllllll:1lll Sll]ql rsar(P)rL {3 3r tr, I I POLUCHEM LABORATORIES (P) LTD.

!orall + l +

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,bi u jnlJn5 l; a-11\ :a3', N5ri.n5l A.cr.dltatlon Board f", r'A I l:::x"'t-".":i':t11: :i:":'ator'*



has been assessed and ampdilrd in ar(0dance i{ith lhe standard


CenualRquremmb lor the Conpteme olTtsting & Olibttion Lahtrodes

hr ib hdlities al

Pallath Buildinq, North , Dist.

ur the tield of TESTING ,/i

f Adldib'bi a lPaid h ttu !0quE sqd b an6!dsdsfulqcfiplhrublhgae)

* ".9t-

Nallonal Accr6dit.tiotr Boar.l lor Testing aod Calibrallon Laboraiori€s


usFoA sM abfliM r, l, lnaf iii;

aii.F6i.irEtr .M .EI ffi;;ii tiiiNr

5r /@ .i1i!i@ f6Fdffi=6Eio{ i{. ii

liratu^ BAM E6itm N lhg;hffiE



Nationat Accredttation Board for T.5tin9 and Caribratton L.boralories o S(]OPI OI' ACCRXDITATION

N.tional Accr.diiaiion Board ror Tosring and Calibration taboarories o S(]OPE OI. ACCREDTTATTON

Dhr*.,ai6bn -h;!dfrbqoi "0:'pd" !s

i;i-*" ". "' lc casc IreMelir3ltrua,;,pdjq.bpdr rcs;..r lnnGoG-d-jr-- 6;en;:0. i:;:m -d{ L L_- I herEhlbdidere -!sd -T 'tffiE-6,h}j rE -ii.sh*io tLuatr, I dhd tl t6;:-t-"1'Forc l

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Natlonal Accreditation Board ror T€.rins and calibrarion Labo6iories

SCOt'EOIIAC(]RIDITAfI(}N lflr n lt Ll]Ill o

,; ir$ _i:T111 o FoRx a

qu^lrlD F.coxrc PTEPTRE nntxc DuNs roR au^RRYriG f, shn, v,k, tuy, ./o shd. 6. v.mi4:., $i.r, r,., 2rl{r(2),


- {r- T7 E L"l !rL T Et' PLATE NO. I


KEY PLAN &** i.-- )lgi e $ "lliry

.1fr$ x$lIll* ,.,_" jr*r i ! #ci - r.lF \ ,o - lEH#xfr & 'l;igur ;:gl -



\--'-. ) qr{Fi i.Nlfkhudr






100 m 5 lg I FFTI rg 9 : I FPE.;; i! e53 ts--"--r!c313 I Ee I Eti 3i$=19 ?B =oR.::::sEEtsE I

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Er" E;: !r"Eta

.:!'! I I lFlffi* ,; 9!r? i{$ *D !i :r iI N SURFACE GEOLOGICAL PLAN r t:.'.E 2.1504 Ha 6, Na: 9113 91t2-2,9112-1 9112-3 9112 S


I rl 1.: II

I + 7/', n;' I .-..a.$ 85/1 s" I

/3 """ E-**,

I PLAT District : : Nedumangad SI]RFACE GEOLOGICAL SECTIONS Vilage : Pullampara AEa 2 1504 Ha Re- Survey No: 91/3,91/2_2 91/2_l 9112-391t2



SECTION B .B' lr lI ll F I


2.1504Ha No 9113 9112-2.9112-1 9112-3,91t2



@ E \ 7/ -' E- rl rl @ 85 /_l J

lil rl

iil PLATE NO r7A D str ct : Thiruvananthapuram Taluk Nedumangad YEAR. WISE DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUTION SECTION Villaqe'Puliampara FIRST TWO YEAR PRODUCTION Re- Survey No 9113.91t229t12 1 9112-391t2


ll SECTION B B' Itrl\..lcl

F ri rl SECTION C C'



6, No 9113,9112-2 91D-1 9112-3.91D

.rH"*" \

l irv191 ..- il

I ffi

E rl \ rl n rl "j -ao 85/3

l ."' t{ ('. lt E il xl ,l PLATENO:8A Dislrict : Thiruvananthapu€m ( Taluk : Nedumangad PRODUTION SECTION L YEAR. WISE DEVELOPMENT AND Village : Pullampara THIRD, FORTH & FIFTH YEAR PRODUCTION I Re- Survey No: 91/3,91/2-2,91/2.1 L 9112-3,91t2 t -- NAME &ADDRESS OF APPLICANT L z a A I']IUHAMI\,1AD BASHEER THEIV]BAKKALA VEEDU VENJARAMOODU P O


i I 3


MrNrNGaRa1YEN 3) 1@oo3w w SECTION B .B'


I T =



i i..-E 21544 Ha a No: 91 13.91 l2-2,91 12-1 I 9112-3 9112 NAME &AODRESS OF APPLICANT

.- "',

P2 r51a1Y"l il ir rl $ -.. t. I .uPl6?, o fi " '//' s rl I _3 rl i.,l 5= .{ I P s

I '* \\* -., rl 851,1 Dislricl : Thiruvananthapuram PLATE NO : 9,A Tallk:Nedumangad CON']EPTI]AI, MINING SECTION Vlllage : Pullampara A€a:2.1504 Ha Re- Survey No: 91/3,912-2,91/21 9112-3,91t2



4 3 i!-i1

i tl I SECTION B .B' e



ALL DENTIONS IN METRE RQP SCALE - 1:1000 DMG/KER,ALA/RQP/420I6 N DRAINA(JE PLAN Dishcl : Thituvananihapur3m \.1-,, Trruk N6dumandrd

li Re- Suryey No 91/3,9112-2S1/2-1 9112-3.91D I !4t4E-Slpp!ESS-p!lE!!CANr A MUHAMMADBASHEER


*.?; ","1

P2 ffi#i\&\ ?{t7-;{-'*: t)^!;,i f :j:'--)_-/-_;;14,:tr'\'",pi

riI Nli) r///' .* f f ^.{ P1 s 9t/3 't{'' L\'*" 44,\ \# 85.1 MINING PLAN

Name of Applicant : A. MUHAMMAD BASHEER

DISTRICT : THIRUVANANTHAPURAM TALUK: NEDUMANGAD qr- VILLAGE : PULLAMPARA RES\ NO. '.91 /3, 9 t /2-2/ 91/2-1 91/2-3,91/2 \ BLOCK NO:22 u:'. EXTENT: 2.1504Eo

Scale : 1:5000 ,a-rr,{Qr\

'7>di PLATE NO . 11 LEGEND ENVIRONI\,4ENT MANAGEI\,1ENT PLAN Q soou aoulronnv I Lf,ASEAREA f, rnrrs I autrrtres E a" sarorr eou"oo*y RoADS - N PROCRESSIVE QUARRY CLOSURE PLAN Dislr ct : Thnuvananlhapuam Tau[ Nedumansad



,-& - I F,,) ::::21G s :El 6 {i ffi l J E rl rl s" I rs 9t/3 t\ I rl :."r+ I 85r,1 PLATE NO: l2A Districi : Thiruvananlhapulam Taluk:Nedumangad PROCRESSIVI.] OI JARRY CI,OSI]RF] SECTION Village Pulampara

Re- Survey No: 91/3,91/2 2,9T/2 1 9112-3,9U2


PtN 695 607 SECTION A.A'

'j? n= s 3 ..,. E==


\,t-^,"n F-, r*I = ffi;;1-f, lr;oFH SECTION C.C' PREP RID BY V.K ROY ALL DENTIONS IN I\4ETRE ' ner SCALE 1:1000 DMG/KERALA/RQP/4/20] 6