Progressive Mine Closure Plan

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Progressive Mine Closure Plan UNDER RULE 53 & 5A OF I<MMC RULES, 2015 FOR KERALA STATE ;-"i..,):F,: -;' , ;'1'.,.:?.i : a-= .,. i,.' lr C E Rf l,i ICATES u*"a?h u'<u-a auftr'l lllllf(*'lcr q.2-2 r-2.1 ntr:! t jt,, t . aso,;ooo.-"o. m h" 2 thol y.u w ll ro N j€ Mine sor6t olbo5c nfE.fudue ,!ci li$ hdudho !o; This h to cdti6, that rhe MininA PLm in.luding P.osEssve Quariy Closure Plm ol G.miie Buildins stone quarry ol A. Mohmned Bashrtr, Mylack8r, 'rhempakata veedu, venjdmmdu P O, Nelldad, Thiruymdthapum exiends over an ar€a ol 2.1504 Ha, snuated in sy. No 91/3, 9l12 2. 9ll2.1, e1l2 3, & ell2pi BLock No. 22 or Puuupara viuase, Nedummsad 'r31xk ol Thiruvm{thapuru District Kerala 3 & 5a o{ KMMCR 2015 by Mr. v,I.Ra, ceologisr & RoP, the D.partmmr ot Mining dd ceolos/, to mal<e dy lurther .orespondence .esaiti.g dy @rreciion ol the MininE Pld with the said Recognised Qualified Pelson ar his addiess Eiven below: s ua, ql La R. c, ha.d oa, ^., ..^d :!k ols@tQa&tLcom We hereby udedake that a 11 modilications / xpdating as rode in rhe said scheme ol Miniry by the said Recqni$d Qualii,ine Pe.son be deemed to have been made with our knowled8e dd consmt and shall be accepable on us dd bindi,g in all ,.h- -". CERTIFICAfE It is efrified that the Pmeressive Qu.rry Closure Hm of Cranite Building Stone Quury ol Mylacksl, 'Ihmpakala Veedu, Vmjdm@du .P o, Nellmad, thiruvmathapurm, area ol 2.150.1 Ha, siiusted in Re survey. No 9t13, 9tl2-2, etl2 t, e1/2 3, ?, 9ll2pl Block No.22 of Pulhmp a Village. Nedumaqad Taluk ol 'rhiruvsuthapu.@ Dislricl, Kerala StaG, complies a.ll staiuiory rules, reaulations, orders made by ihe cental or state Governnent, statutory orgmisaiionsr court eic.j which have been talen inio .onsid€.ation and wheder MJ speciic pemission is required the 1essft win app.oach the concmed authonties. 'Ihe Inlormaiion tumished in rhe Pro8tssiv€ Mine Closure Plan is true ad mnect to the best our knowl€dge Md r,l-**..- CERTII'ICAfE The p.ovisions ol Mines Acr, Rulcs dd Regularions nad€ the.e under have been obse(ed in the Minin8 Plan of Buildine Store Qu ry or A [4ohMmed Bashft., Mylackr. Thenpakala veedu, venj moodu P o, Ne dad, thiruvmmathapura!, diends over an ma of2.L5o4 Ha, snxated in Re Survcy No 9t/3, et/22, st/2 r. e1/23, & 9t/2pt Block No. 22 or lrriruvananrhapum Distict, Kerale state, where specilic pemissions e reqxned, the appli.adt will approach Director GeneEl of Mines Safely. \' .L,,. - TC ?2137G] SARAL, SWARAI LANE RCJUNCf]ON rlc.No Dn./ murA / RaP/./20 r 6 CERTIFICATE This is ro certiry ihat, me prcvisiom or XMMCR 2015, have been obsred in the prcpdation ol the Minins Plm ol Graiie Bxildine Stone Quarry ol A Mylackal, Thenpal<ala veedu, venjtrmoodu P o, Nelanad, Kolld, extends over u trea or 2.rso.1 Ha, siruaLed in sr. No et /3, er | 2 2, et /2 t, e1 /2 3 ?, 91/2 (Block No.22) of Pxllmpua village, Nedunaqad Taluk oI Thiruvu thapurm Disti.t, KeEla Srate, wherever the specilic permissions are required, rhe applicmt will approach the con.emed autho.ities ol Deputment of Mining and ccolo$i. DMC/KERALA/ROP/4/2016 CONTENTS c@lq]claodre@Ela6bgad$ PR6RESSvEOL^RRv cLos!(e PhN a o.'ed .- 0a 2013 issued by rhe Dnecto. oI Mininq md ceolos, Old le*e qu ry order flon Proceedinss of the Dnecior or I Mining sd cfologr letter no, t5/2006- a7 / 3294 /M3 /2006 daiEd an t9 /4l2ao6 copy ofthe !d rcccipts i2 nunbersl a cow oI Pos*3.ion certili@tes No,2al3359a dat.d L No 2334/17 daicd t3 L0 20lT,ssued by thc Villaec, Puumpda copy or me erlificate No.2335/17 dattd A/46/2otT ol Puumpam viuaa," oflicer statins that the lad is dry Land dd is not *8ned lor dy othe. purlose. 7 Cop! ot Notar_y allidavit resarding envi.onment p.otection coFlr ol Notary amdavit reg ding mvircnment prct€ction Cow of Nota afida t .eqtrding lncome 'ra Retu.n copy ol Incone Td Relum Cop, oI notdizd afidavit on humm nghts Ease Line Data Reporr Ambient Air, Noise lrrel, Water & copy or Aadhar Card ol lhc applicdt copy olPm c d olthe applicui Copy ol certilicate ol RQP 5sulfaceGedogicalPla. 6surracecedostdsedio.s CRANIIEBUILDINC STONE QUARRY OF MOHAMMED BASHEER This nine phn is pEpmd for the Srmiie buildiry quarry projed ot n ihe Re Sufley No. 91/3, 91/2-2, 9t/21, 91/23, 9ll2 (Block No.22) of Pullmp a Vilase, Nedumdgad Taluk, Thnuvdmihapuu Disbici, qten& over m Mr. A. Mohmmed Basheer h lield oI sraiie buildins sione q Metal crusner situaied ne io n.t suitabrc lor curiina ro p.edetemined sues, polhhing or .8riry and tu n.r ancnabrc ror in dec.ralivc, nonumenal dd rs ii is wcathcrcd and rra.turd Pad or rhis quarry was cadier operared bJ the lessee for grmiie buildiq stone rron thc year 2006 dd the leas was Srantcd vide proceedin8s No.l5/2006.0713294/M3/2oob dated 19/0{/2006 olthe Dnector of Mining md ceolosy erd the initial quarryins was in re surey No e1l22, e1/3 fo. a pe.iod or ')-s".Th-v- i3rfasru3rryF,.dnn -a apr )006 The matenal nined this quarry wn1 be uinized lor capiive consumption in the reqistered mebl crusher unit netr the l- l- l. haseh.rd *"ajhe lesse has mnded nore ninins aea adjacent .'. t. to the existins leasehold ra md subhntcd was apprcved iide rftier of lntent No 37r3/M3/r:ol3 datcd l2lo.1/2or7 issred by the Dire.ror oI MininA and Gcolog/ (l/c) minins plm is submitied as stipulaled in clause 1 ol the : rhis ':. - .. venjarmoodu P o, Ndrmad, ()lt41m5aoo MineGr(st which 3 e o.!uri,! in th! 4fc and which the applicant / l Peiod ror vhi.h the quan] lease is srmted / ren*ed / proposed to be F Nane orthe RQP preparing ihe minins p1d : lY' swdaj Lde, R.c.Junciion, Kumukuzhyi vechiyoor P.O, DM'r/lrERALA/POP/4 /ro16 . Th. propos.d ea has bem prcsP€ct€d by th. Geoloaist & RQP, Relerence No dd date ol consnt No,37l3lM3/2014 dared 12l04/2017 issued MininA and Ceoloey U/c). copy enclosed 2 0 Lo. on ud A(nsbrhLy Debils ofuea (viih location nap) 'Ihe laation map or ihe lease aFa is enclo*d as Plate No.2. Distnct md siate Re sr. Na, 91 /3, 91 /2-2, 9t /2- t, wheth6 N. l E\istence of mad, nnmy line, if ey nearby approdmaG area lalls in Thiruvamihapurm Disti.t, 'rhe Headqudters ol Nedummgad 'rsluk N at Nedumogad at a distme of about 20 rm the leaehold ma via Nedumdgad Panaer Road the nemst .ailway sbtion is at Thiruvandthapum cntral at dislmce of 30 ro. Th€ plot cu be approached fom the Main cenbsl Road f|om Pullamp a thrcuAh the Pulmpda - vemhaym - vaitappua road. suney Map bed in FMB issued by me village oficr dd counb6iAned by ihe 'Iansild Nedmoged is enclos.d as Details or ratiiude ed r.ngitude oi all come. boundary poinrs ) lhe location ol the quary letre uea 6 lrEked on the rry plan is enclo*d as Aate No. 1. lhe aaessihility to ihe qu*ry ma i3 shom on th€ loeiion plan md en losd * Plate No.2. Furthr the query *a is atso @ked or the Google ima8e lPlat No.3), Th. swey plm virh oPs co ordinatca mclos.d as Plale No.4. surey Mapissu€d by the ViIaAe Olhe. ddy certified hy the Tansild , Nedmmgad, showins the *a of the quary is enclosed as Plate No. 4 B. 'rhe DIgb Sulc) Vspo h- f a ,e fl crosed ae P aE No 4C The ara is n.n roes! rubber platation 'rhe toial lea* ea applied lor is 2.1504 Ha 1}le da has got a udrnatins ierain. The proposed ma is pui or a hillock wfth a north-east / soutn w€st rrcnd. The hEn6t clevation is todds e*t with 129 n abov.MSL dd the low$t ele@tion is towalds rhe wst with 96 m abov.MSL with m elevation dir€rune .r 33 m The fta loms pd ol tne Precambrid metdorphic compld of thiruvumtnapu.u Diskict, comprisins mai.ry rc.ks or the chammkib a.t (hondalite. The Resioral crolog/ or tne trea is well studied by rhe Geolosical surey ol lndia md the auih€ntic data is available in G€ologic.l sufl.y of lndia Mi*elaeous publication No.30, Geolo$r ma re$urces of the states of India Pdt Ix - [erala - May 2oos. the disti.i mineral suFey repot of thiruvmdthapu.a! Distict by ihe Department of Miniq d Geolos in Novenber 2016, prepffid as tE. me Envimnmeni ImDa.t Ass.ssneni lElA) arso discuss about ihe The pmpNed plot is slopinR losails west direction. There de no slrcams inside the plot RaiNater inside the ploi win flow 'o^dd. 'L F C-r dur on mo s llo n ,l " on pdrEnn J nJJ which floffi iowuds nofrh dirmiion with a dendrilic partem md Iimlly joift the vmanapurm River abour lors frcm the lea*hold ea. 'Ihe m,ne dminaAe pattem during the operation The disiri{ e.eives an mnual aiera€E rainlall or aboxt l33s fn.
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    Details in subsequent pages are as on 01/04/12 For information only. In case of any discrepancy, the official records prevail. DETAILS OF THE DEALERSHIP OF HPCL TO BE UPLOADED IN THE PORTAL SOUTH ZONE STATE:KERALA SR. No. Regional Office State Name of dealership Dealership address (incl. location, Dist, State, PIN) Name(s) of Proprietor/Partner(s) Outlet Telephone No. HPCL DEALERS, 13/770, NEAR NOORANAD JN., KP ROAD, 1 Cochin Kerala A S FUELS, NOORNAD NOORNADU, ALAPPUZHA DISTRICT, PIN:690504, KERALA MURALIDHARAN NAIR 9388867230 STATE. HPCL DEALERS, MC ROAD, VENJARAMUD, TRIVANDRUM 2 Cochin Kerala A.K. Jameela Begum A.K. Jameela Begum, Sheeja Shafi 9495154958 DISTRICT, PIN:695607, KERALA STATE. HPCL DEALERS, Chakkaraparambu, Ernakulam NH By Pass, 3 Cochin Kerala A.M. Sadick, NH Byepass Kanayannur, Ernakulam DISTRICT, PIN:682032, KERALA A.M. Sadick 9895290824 STATE. HPCL DEALERS, WARD 4/614 B, OPP: TASTE BUDS HOTEL, 4 Cochin Kerala A.N. Raman Pillai & Sons,Koothattukulam KOOTHATUKULAM JUNCTION, MC ROAD, KOOTHATUKULAM , R. Suresh kumar ERNAKULAM DISTRICT, PIN:686662, KERALA STATE. HPCL DEALERS, 378 WARD 8, NEAR NAINAR MOSQUE, NH 5 Cochin Kerala Al Ameen Corporation, Kanjirapally 220, KANJIRAPALLY, KOTTAYAM DISTRICT, PIN:686507, M.M. Syed Mohammed 9447316820 KERALA STATE. HPCL DEALERS, 15/393, NH-208, KOTTARAKARA, KOLLAM 6 Cochin Kerala Aleyamma Mathew, Kadappakada Prasad Mathew 9605006835 DISTRICT, PIN:691506, KERALA STATE. HPCL DEALERS, NEAR SASTRI JN, QS RD, KOLLAM, KOLLAM 7 Cochin Kerala Aleyamma Mathew, Kottarakkara Mathew Idiculla 9895974254 DISTRICT, PIN:691001, KERALA STATE. HPCL DEALERS, "5/1, NEAR Paravur Kavala, Paravur Kavala on 8 Cochin Kerala Alwaye Business Corporation, Alwaye NH-47, Alwaye, Ernakulam DISTRICT, PIN:683101, KERALA Smt.
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