Winter 2017 | Vol
THE GEORGIA TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION RAMBLERWINTER 2017 | VOL. 43 NO. 4 2017 PLACES Also Inside FORWARD 44 IN PERIL MOVING THE GEORGIA TRUST 10 PLACES THAT NEED YOUR HELP FORWARD ANOTHER 44 YEARS WINTER 2017 RAMBLER | 1 A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT MOVING THE GEORGIA TRUST FORWARD ANOTHER 44 YEARS he Georgia Trust has made remarkable ac- FISCAL YEAR 2017 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tcomplishments in the past 44 years. The Hay Offi cers House has been substantially restored and interpret- Mr. William B. Peard, Chairman, Atlanta Mr. Ira D. Levy, Immediate Past Chairman, Rome ed, scores of historic buildings have been protected Mrs. Georgia Schley Ritchie, by our Revolving Fund, Places in Peril have been Vice Chairman, Atlanta Mr. John A. Mitchener, Treasurer, Atlanta moved from threatened to saved, and our preserva- Mr. W. Henry Parkman, Secretary, Atlanta tion advocacy has resulted in some of our country’s Executive Committee at Large best tax incentives for rehabilitation. Mr. Norris A. Broyles III, AIA, Atlanta Rather than concentrating on the past 44 years, Mrs. Elaine S. DeNiro, Roswell Mrs. Jane E. Royal, Madison the Trust is focusing its attention on how we can Mr. David A. Smith, Atlanta meet the challenges and exceed expectations for the Board of Trustees next 44. The Trust is embarking on a donor cam- Mr. Paul J. Blackney, Atlanta Mr. Kingsley Corbin, Atlanta paign to broaden its impact on historic preserva- Dr. David Crass, Atlanta tion, building upon its remarkable successes with the Revolving Fund and Places in Peril Mr. Max Crook, Macon Mr. Jeff Davis IV, Dublin program, dramatic improvements at Rhodes Hall and Hay House, and strong fi nancial Mr.
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