p36 p39 p34 p13 Mail Order Catalogue Spring 2020 p31 Plants and bulbs to flower in the summer and snowdrops p42 www.avonbulbs.co.uk Tel: 01460 242 177 • Email:
[email protected] • Website: www.avonbulbs.co.uk Avon Bulbs 1 Winners of… 30 Gold Medals at Chelsea in 31 years (1987 – 2017) Welcome to the Avon Bulbs spring Catalogue 2020 As usual the first section of the catalogue has, I hope, much to interest our snowdrop devotees. The pages that follow with plants for summer flowering Avon bulbs have some new offerings too. These include a different range of Dahlias based on visits to some Dahlia show gardens last summer, two new Anemones and contacts the first listing of seedling of Gladiolus Ruby called ‘Thunder’ that we have raised Email: and multiplied.
[email protected] Beyond that there is an emphasis on consolidation as we weather uncertain times. Business uncertainty around our ongoing ability to export plants, Web: especially snowdrops, to Europe which has become a valuable part of our www.avonbulbs.co.uk business is certainly daunting. Phytosanitary Certificates and CITES permits will be required post-Brexit. The implementation of Plant Passporting rules is Tel: imminent and although as I write we are only days away from them coming into 01460 242177 force it is still decidedly unclear how they will work. Added to the general political uncertainty affecting everyone these “known unknowns” certainly make the 01460 249060 future seem challenging. On a more positive note we are making efforts to reduce our carbon footprint Burnt House Farm as best we can.