




Use the clues and family trees on the following pages to work out in which seat each of the of the Round Table sat. Each is recorded in bold. Other people in their families are bracketed. Siblings are shown in order of age. If there is a group of you, why not draw the table on the floor or just lay out some chairs in a circle. Each take on the role of one of the knights, wear named labels and perhaps green or white seat stickers. Then find your seat as you go through the clues. Families of the Knights of the Round Table

[King Uther] [King Meirchion]

King Arthur [Anna] m. [] [Morgan] m. King [Elizabeth]

Gawain Agravaine Yvain King Tristram


[King ] [King Pelles] [] [King ] [Nestor]

Lamorak Percivale [] m. Ector Bors Lionel Bleoberis

Galahad No Family at the Table

Kay [Bedrod] [King Esclabor]

Bedivere Lucan Palomides Safir Brunor

Dagonet (the Jester)

Remember that brothers in the family trees run eldest to youngest, left to right. Names in bold are the knights who had a seat at the table. Clues: Challenging Version

Go through the clues below. As you work out where the knights sit, write their names in the correct segment and cross them off on the family trees.

Remember that, when thinking about right and left, you must imagine you are the person sitting at the table.

1. Sir Bleoberis sat on Sir Gaheris’ immediate left hand side. 2. King Uriens sat opposite a knight with the same number of letters in their name as him. 3. Sir Gareth sat next to a son of Bedrod and only one segment away from his brother, Sir Gaheris. 4. Sir Lucan sat on the immediate right of a son of King Esclabor and opposite Sir Agravaine. 5. sat opposite his cousin, , and next to a knight with only three letters in his name. 6. King Arthur’s jester sat in the SW quarter of the table, immediately on King Uriens’ right, and opposite another king. 7. Every knight whose name started with a P sat at a white segment. 8. King Arthur sat in the seat marked with a crown. 9. Two knights sat next to their own sons but Sir was six segments away from his. 10. Every knight whose name started with an L sat at a green segment. 11. Sir Mordred sat between his uncle and his brother. 12. Sir sat in the segment next but one from his mother’s cousin. 13. Every knight whose name started with a G sat at a green segment, except Sir Galahad. 14. King Arthur’s brother-in-law sat in the NW quarter of the table. 15. Sir Lancelot sat on King Arthur’s immediate left. He was also opposite one of his own cousins and in the same quarter as another one. 16. Every knight whose name started with a B sat at a white segment. 17. Sir sat opposite King Arthur. 18. The eldest son of King Lot sat in the NE quarter of the table. 19. Three knights, with no relations at the table, sat in its SW quarter . 20. Sir Guinglain sat to the left of Sir Brunor.

Clues: Simplified Version

Go through the clues below. As you work out where the knights sit, write their names in the correct segment and cross them off on the family trees.

Remember that, when thinking about right and left, you must imagine you are the person sitting at the table.

1. King Arthur sat in the seat marked with a crown, opposite Sir Lamorak. 2. Sir Lancelot sat on Arthur’s immediate left and Sir Mordred on Arthur’s immediate right. Mordred also sat next to one of his own brothers. 3. All knights whose names began with a G sat at a green segment, except for Sir Galahad. 4. Sir Lucan sat opposite Sir Agravaine and to the immediate right of the eldest son of King Esclabor. 5. King Uriens and the King’s jester sat next to each other, but Uriens was in the North-West quarter of the table, while the jester was in the south-west quarter. 6. Opposite the jester was another king. Opposite Uriens sat another knight with 6 letters in his name, this time ending in an H. 7. 2 of the fathers at the table sat next to their sons. Sir Gawain was not one of these, but he did sit next to Sir Lancelot’s son, as well as next to Sir Percivale. Opposite Sir Gawain sat another knight beginning with the latter P. 8. King Tristram sat next to Sir Lionel. Sir Lionel was opposite his cousin, Sir Ector. Sir Ector sat next to a knight with only 3 letters in his name. 9. Sir Gareth sat next to a son of Bedrod who had Gareth’s brother, Gaheris, on his other side. 10. Sir Yvain’s sat next to a knight with no relatives at the table. 11. Sir Guinglain sat next to Sir Brunor. 12. Sir Bleoberis sat next to Sir Gaheris. Like all other knights with names beginning with B, he sat at a white segment.